A country whose population has been trained to accept the government’s word and to shun those who question it is a country without liberty in its future.
Now for the main post.........
Remember those CRAZY protesters who go to soldiers' funerals and antagonize the families with signs that they deserved to die and things like that? Well, guess what?
They work with the FBI:
Do you ever read anything the FBI/CIA (and for that matter, the Republicans & Democrats) do FOR us? I don't! Here's the latest. You know that "kooky" Westboro Baptist church you see in the "news" going to all the military funerals and protesting that they deserve what they got, which is killed in combat? Surprise! It turns out that members of the Westboro Baptist church were trained by the FBI:
UPI: Westboro church worked with FBI
PBS: FBI Invited Controversial Church To Talk To Agents
It's becoming clearer and clearer every day to me, that the FBI/CIA/Republicans/Democrats do NOT work for US - the citizens of the United States. They work for a small cabal of rich crooks, probably only a couple of hundred people. And they control the mainstream media and the MSM is a propaganda tool for those few hundred rich crooks. The most important entities in this country - the government and the mainstream media - are under their control. The MSM is not going to report to us that they are corrupt and the politicians certainly won't admit they are corrupt. Both parties. See how the pretend to fight with each other except on all the biggest things: they both continue to spend TRILLIONS on the wars while saying we are in a financial crisis and we need to cut DOMESTIC SPENDING, and both parties rise 29 times to give a standing ovation to the leader of a foreign country - Israel - when he speaks in front of a joint session of congress (see that video below in this post).
So is Sean Hannity going to tell you that Westboro Baptist church is working with the FBI? Or is he just content fanning the flames of make-believe? Go back and watch this and try and remember how this fanned your pro-war flames. And then look at it now in light of the fact that they work with the FBI. How do you feel watching this? Doesn't it look like acting on all sides? And watch how FOX brings up "Jews", "Nazis", etc...and then remember this other article in this post about "Jew Haters" being traced back to be in the ADL. Take a look:
Speaking of Sean Hannity, did you know his show went into national syndication THE DAY BEFORE 9/11??? I kid you not, here it is right from his website:
The Sean Hannity Show launched into national syndication on September 10, 2001
Now the Mossad and the ADL are agents for a foreign country - Israel - so that's a little different, but not much different:
False Flag Racism: The Internet Proxy War
“Proxy Buster” Software Exposes False Flag Antisemite
Spammers Tied to Spy/Terror Groups
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
An unclassified version of the software used by the FBI has allowed Veterans Today to track the IP addresses of a group of, what appeared to be, hate mongers and racists whose rhetoric borders on terrorist extremism. What we found was astounding. In one case, an individual using the email address “youdirtyfXXXingjew@XXXmail.com” was traced to the computer of the head the largest Jewish “defense”
False Flag Racism: The Internet Proxy War
List of 125 Israeli agents on 9/11:
How many "agents of Israel" are in the U.S. government?
Zionist U.S. congressman says that Jewish legislators from around the world must represent Israel
Now why would the Westboro Baptist church work with the FBI, and why would the Jewish Anti-Defamation League pose as anti-Semetic commenters on the internet?
Because the Westboro Baptist church stirs up pro-war sentiment in the backlash against them, causing people to say, "Our soldiers are fighting for our freedom! How dare you picket them!"
And the ADL stirs up anti-Jewish sentiment so people say, "These anti-Jewish comments cannot go on! We need laws in the U.S. to curb speech!"
Do you get it yet???
Remember famous rightwing radio show host Hal Turner? Well, he worked for the FBI. What was he doing? By coincidence he was FANNING RACIST FLAMES:
All of the above are called "agent provocateur"s:
Wikipedia: Traditionally, an agent provocateur (plural: agents provocateurs, French for "inciting agent(s)") is a person employed by the police or other entity to act undercover to entice or provoke another person to commit an illegal act. More generally, the term may refer to a person or group that seeks to discredit or harm another by provoking them to commit a wrong or rash action.
As a known tool to prevent infiltration by agents provocateurs,[1] the organizers of large or controversial assemblies may deploy and coordinate demonstration marshals, also called stewards.
So should we now revisit Koran burner pastor Terry Jones? Did HE work with the FBI:
Was The Ground Zero Mosque controversy staged by the FBI/CIA to keep the 9/11 MYTH alive?
Again I ask: is there ANYTHING the FBI/CIA/Republicans/Democrats do FOR us??? All they do is DIVIDE all of us, and it's on purpose to have us all fighting while they're taking us all over the coals! I submit that the FBI and CIA should be disbanded, as they are organizations much like crime syndicates that work for the "secret government" or "shadow government", the people really running this country that both the Republicans and Democrats represent, and the Republicans and Democrats CERTAINLY do not represent US!!!
Fake Terror And The War For Your Mind
The Truth About Terrorism - James Corbett
(did they offer to SUCK HIS DICK, too, when he was finished speaking??? There would've been a very long line for that! The president of the United States never even gets this treatment that the head of a foreign country received! wtf?)
Does this digust you? Take a look AGAIN at the following video on how BOTH parties work for another entity that's not US (U.S. citizens): Israel (WHO is our government working for???) -
Texas Gov. Rick Perry urged the U.S. attorney general to take action Wednesday against Americans who plan to take part in a pro-Palestinian protest by sailing to the Gaza Strip to challenge an Israeli naval blockade.
(note: the OFFICIAL Bin Laden story told to us by the "news" and government is this, and don't laugh when I say it: the CIA/FBI/Mossad couldn't catch Bin Laden for 10 years even though they have the planet surveilled with satellites and drones and have our phones and computers tapped, then we found him after 10 years and he was watching TV with his several wives they never told us about that he has, and we shot him in the head even though he was unarmed instead of capturing him and interrogating him, and then we THREW HIM IN THE SEA, and THEN when this was all after the fact and his body was IN THE SEA, they told us about it and said they had video and pictures but we're not allowed to see them! Let me be frank: you are a FUCKING IDIOT if you believe that, and from politicians and the media to boot!)
Now did you see BOTH parties give a FOREIGN LEADER 29 STANDING OVATIONS??? Now look at how they treat US: a 95 year old U.S. citizen in a wheelchair with cancer was forced to take off her diaper -
This country will keep going down the tubes because of: the FBI, the CIA, the Republicans, and the Democrats. NONE of them work for us! ALL of them work AGAINST us! And the MAINSTREAM MEDIA works for THEM and not US!
Recently in my Westboro church worked with FBI I wrote in it that Sam Stein wrote a piece on how Adam Gadahn from Al Quada was really Adam Pearlman who is JEWISH and has relatives in the ADL, and how Sam Stein of the Huffington Post ran a piece that we need GUN CONTROL because FAKE Al Qaeda guy Adam Gadahn says he will exploit U.S. lax gun control laws to get guns for Al Qaeda. Here's what I wrote, I'll cut/paste the entire thing right here:
Below: "terrorist" (wink wink) Adam "Pearlman" Gadahn:
Does anyone believe this BULLSHIT anymore? Are they that arrogant with this FAKE TERRORISM that they think we can't and haven't ever looked this stuff up ourselves?
This guy again??? Huffington Post writer Sam Stein writes an article saying "Al Qaeda terrorist" (wink wink) Adam Gadahn is going to exploit a loophole in America's gun laws to get his "terrorists" (wink wink) guns. Maybe HuffPo writer Sam Stein doesn't realize there's such thing as the INTERNET and people like me KNOW and have been posting for YEARS about how "terrorist" (wink wink) Adam Gadahn is JEWISH and has relatives in the ADL (Jewish anti-defamation league) and that WE ALL KNOW FOR YEARS THIS IS FAKE TERRORISM.
Here's just one of many videos people like me have been posting for YEARS (Hey, Sam Stein of HuffPo, didn't you get the memo about this??? Or are you "in on it": all this FAKE TERRORISM on behalf of Israel?):
Now here's HuffPo's Sam Stein, doesn't this look SILLY after seeing that video above?
HuffPo's Sam Stein: White House Taking 'Seriously' Al Qaeda's Eying Of America's Gun Show Loophole
Now take a look at WHO IS BEHIND GUN CONTROL, do you see a pattern here?
Who is Behind Gun Control? Most U.S. Federal gun control legislation has been written, introduced, and sponsored by Jewish Congressmen and Jewish Senators.
So let's recap, I suppose this is a coincidence: "terrorist" (wink wink) Adam "Pearlman" Gadahn is really Jewish and has relatives in the ADL, Sam Stein the writer for HuffPo pimping this fake terrorism is Jewish (?), and all the gun control laws proposed in the U.S. congress are by Jewish senators & congressmen. ONE BIG COINCIDENCE, RIGHT???????????
Sam Stein/Huffington Post: Al Qaeda Threat Highlighted In National Gun Control Ad Campaign
WTF??? Don't they know that we know that Adam Gadahn is FAKE Al Qaeda? So what's up with Sam Stein and the Huffington Post, then?
The Westboro story was actually covered by UPI and PBS, but how widely was it distributed? Is it the top story in your newspapers, on radio, and on TV?
Watch this video about ISOLATING NEWS: it's the practice of the "news disseminators" stopping important news dead in it's tracks and ignoring it and not syndicating it, like they syndicated the recent "terrorism charge dropped against Bin Laden" story, in which they told us in every newspaper across the country that "terrorism charges" were dropped against Bin Laden, failing to tell us, though, that Bin Laden was NEVER CHARGED WITH 9/11 and the "terrorism charges" that were dropped were the 1998 embassy bombings he was only charged with on the FBI's most wanted list. They wanted you to IMPLY that the "terrorism charges" were for 9/11. Nowhere in any of those articles will you find "1998 embassy bombings". You're being played and you better get up to speed on detecting it. It's not always what they SAY, it's what they DON'T say:
Americans' #1 enemy: the mainstream media
Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent and the Myth of the Liberal Media
Here's my other recent posts exposing all of this BULLSHIT:
The Upcoming e-9/11 the FBI/CIA/Mossad/Democrats/Republicans will blame on the Muslims.
Did you see that 95 year old woman in a wheelchair with cancer forced to take of her Depends diaper because she might be a "terrorist"? Guess who makes $$$$$$ on airport body scanners?
"THE MUSLIMS DID IT", trust me - Israeli terrorist and member of U.S. shadow government Michael Chertoff
I always like to throw in some educational historical REAL news that you probably don't know about:
Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush dealt with and armed the Nazi's:
UK Guardian: links between Nazi's and Prescott Bush (Bush's grandfather) PROVEN
Declassified US government documents, unearthed last October [2003] by investigative journalist John Buchanan at the New Hampshire Gazette, reveal that Prescott Bush's involvement in financing and arming the Nazis
BBC: Bush's Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America
The Brian Jones Era: Rolling Stones - Jumping Jack Flash
If you're a billionaire or even a millionaire, please click on the $5000 PayPal donation bill below and donate $5000 to Big Dan's Big Blog:
ATTENTION ATTENTION - ORDER A GREAT JOHN NIEMS CD at www.johnniems.com and you get FREE 9/11 DVD and other TRUTH DVD'S! ORDER TODAY as the rapture may come again soon! YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THE BIG CHEESE IS COMING!
Roger Ailes’ Secret Nixon-Era Blueprint for Fox News
ReplyDeleteJohn Cook
media strategist Roger Ailes launched Fox News Channel in 1996,
ostensibly as a "fair and balanced" counterpoint to what he regarded as
the liberal establishment media. But according to a remarkable document
buried deep within the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, the
intellectual forerunner for Fox News was a nakedly partisan 1970 plot by
Ailes and other Nixon aides to circumvent the "prejudices of network
news" and deliver "pro-administration" stories to heartland television
The memo—called, simply enough, "A Plan For Putting the GOP on TV
News"— is included in a 318-page cache of documents detailing Ailes'
work for both the Nixon and George H.W. Bush administrations that we
obtained from the Nixon and Bush presidential libraries. Through his
firms REA Productions and Ailes Communications, Inc., Ailes served as
paid consultant to both presidents in the 1970s and 1990s, offering
detailed and shrewd advice ranging from what ties to wear to how to keep
the pressure up on Saddam Hussein in the run-up to the first Gulf War.
Here is the actual document that Roger Ailes, president of FOX "news", wrote titled: "A PLAN FOR PUTTING THE GOP ON TV NEWS", during the Nixon administration:
My browser isn't working well with the commenting/formatting...
ReplyDeleteTexas Gov. Rick Perry urged the U.S.
ReplyDeleteattorney general to take action Wednesday against Americans who plan to
take part in a pro-Palestinian protest by sailing to the Gaza Strip to
challenge an Israeli naval blockade.http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_PERRY_ISRAEL?SITE=FLTAM&SECTION=POLITICS&TEMPLATE=
It isn't your browser, it's my comments system "DISCUS". It stinks, like all the other ones do, too.
ReplyDeleteThe title of the news article is this:
ReplyDelete"UPI: Westboro church worked with FBI"That is the UPI's title.
Justin: what are your views on our government the way they act towards Israel? I'm curious. I'm not sure what your views are, but please post them. If you want to.
ReplyDeleteJustin: here's what I'm concerned about with you - you are very intelligent and showed you are not afraid of peer pressure based on the, we'll call it, "the manger thing" and your writings on atheism.
ReplyDeleteThe evidence is so overwhelming that 9/11 was an inside job, that I am concerned that with this subject you may:
1. Be afraid of peer pressure on the 9/11 subject, should you look at all the evidence and change your mind.
2. You're not looking at the "other side", as you say, which would really disappoint me.
3. Justin DID look at all the evidence and STILL honestly believes the official 9/11 story.
4. Justin is LYING and has looked at all the 9/11 evidence and doesn't believe the official story...but is LYING and just "saying" he believes it.
I think if you're smart and on the up-and-up, it will be #5:
5. Justin did MORE research and now sees all the hundreds of holes in the official 9/11 story, and in fact now realizes there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER supporting the official story, and MOSTLY ALL the real experts do NOT believe the official story, and all the physical proof and evidence presented is close to 100% one way: debunking the official story.
I think our government is too pro-Israel. Netenyahu (sp) should not have received an applause the the adulation of congress in the manner than he did.
ReplyDeleteAt some point, I might watch a 9/11 movie that you've linked and show all of the problems with it that I find. I already watched Loose Change and Zeitgeist. I was extremely disappointed with their arguments.
ReplyDeleteGood observation. You agree that this reaction by Congress is inexplicable. Do you seek to explain it to yourself, or just except the inexplicable - and move on with life? What are you willing to do with this observation? Where are you willing to let your mind and research efforts go to explain the inexplicable? You have observed that it is not explained in the media - and that they don't question what it is you are questioning. What does that tell you about the media?
ReplyDeleteTo what extent are you willing to seek the truth to explain what your eyes and your logical mind tell you is so wrong? Do you want to know the truth that explains repeated standing ovations for Netanyahu in Congress, and further, how it comes to pass that he is invited to OUR CONGRESS to berate OUR PRESIDENT'S POLICY TOWARD A FOREIGN COUNTRY in the first place? Do you want to know?
Why do you automatically accept that it was OK for Netanyahu to address our Congress in the first place? Who told you to accept that? Are you brainwashed into accepting that at the outset, left only to question the appropriateness of standing ovations?
ReplyDeleteIt began under Nixon, and continued under Reagan/BUSH. as evidenced by his handwriting, they needed to figure out where to get the money from to fund it. GHW is surely the one who got to Murdoch to explain that the CIA's Shadow Government wanted it to appear that this was purely a business decision by a foreign investor - and needed to fashion and approach that could pass laws against foreign ownership of US Media. Ailes speaks to his boss - GHW Bush - every day. So does Rove. Just look at Rove and Ailes. They are GHW's butt boys.
ReplyDeleteI just wanted to repost what Imelda posted 2 threads ago, it is a very good and interesting film:
ReplyDeleteImelda: I just found this series on another site and this guy puts a pretty comprehensive historical chronology together that goes back to the very inception of USA Inc... long before 1947... haven't watched it all, but what I have seen is quite good. kind regards, i
1. YouTube - Change is on the Horizon Part 1 of 3 Dawn of the Golden Age
2. YouTube - Change is on the Horizon Part 2 of 3 The American Federal Empire
3. YouTube - Change is on the Horizon Part 3 of 3 The Farmer Claims Program
Loose Change: I'm starting to think (and I may be wrong) that Loose Change and that Dylan Avery are shills. I'd like maybe plunger to chime in on those thoughts. It's just a gut feeling.
ReplyDeleteBut again, Justin, if you'll notice I don't quote Loose Change much. There's just something "funny" about Loose Change and Dylan Avery.
In fact, John Niems, my friend from Vegas who frequents this blog, was defriended on FaceBook from Dylan Avery and has gotten into some arguments with him.
There is just something funny or fishy about Loose Change/Dylan Avery to me.
First of all, Dylan Avery claims to have spent a couple thousand dollars on that whole loose change thing, and it's intricate. I don't believe Dylan Avery, as a young teenager, put out Loose Change. I think he had a LOT of help.
WHO helped Dylan Avery??? Who put out that slick production that obviously was WAAAAAAAAY more than a "couple thousand dollars"? WHY does Dylan Avery always get on TV and hundreds of other scientists, architects, engineers, firemen, etc... do not?
Why is that? Like I said, I can't pinpoint it, but I just am not fully "on board" with Loose Change/Dylan Avery.
Anyone have any other thoughts on Loose Change/Dylan Avery?
Also, I notice Dylan Avery comes off bad on TV and in debate about 9/11. So is he a set up to make 9/11 truthers look bad? Like Dr. Judy Wood and her theories. Dr Judy Wood's book HAD to be mostly written by someone else, because when she gets on TV or in a debate, she falls flat on her face. Unlike Richard Gage for example.
These people may be put into the 9/11 truth movement to make it look bad. (MAY, I said, just my feelings)
And actually, that goes back to this post about "plants" in movements.
You'd have to be very naive to think in ALL movements, as it's been proven over and over, the FBI/CIA/Mossad "plant" people in these movements.
Can you imagine how many "plants" are in the 9/11 truth movement? HOLY SHIT!
The best way to control a movement is to get in the movement, that's a FBI/CIA/Mossad tactic, and it's a good one!
I had a friend activist from around here a few years back who said he'd never get in a "movement" again. His name was Tim Grier. I posted about him a lot, he was a great guy. He said he got in some movement and half the people were FBI. LOL!!!!!! And he quit it, and they got arrested soon after, due to the "plants" in it.
Justin: I think this blog and the commenters on it are "up a level", and I think that's what a true truthseeker is looking for, and I think that's why you are starting to come here.
ReplyDeleteGET ON BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWOOOOOOOO WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, yeah, I never posted that, but I've been thinking for a while suspiciously about Loose Change and Dylan Avery. With not really much proof backing the way I feel (gut feeling on that one).
ReplyDeleteJustin: stay away from mainstream things on both sides like Loose Change and Popular Mechanics. Start digging deeper. Those are the main of mainstreet, where lots of people start.
I'm suspicious of anyone who gets on TV a lot, like Dylan Avery/Loose Change.
ReplyDeleteNow with my friend John Niems, he got into the Dr. Judy Wood black hole for a while, and has since denounced the whole Dr. Judy Wood theories. He is the reason I started mentioning Dr. Judy Wood a lot recently, because I needed help disputing her theories. And plunger came along and gave me great ammo to go back to John Niems with, and John has since stated that he doesn't even believe Dr Judy Wood wrote her own book, which is a good point and I think that, too.
ReplyDeleteDr Judy Wood, look for plunger's comments disputing Dr Judy Wood here:
Actually, the Dr Judy Wood post is in the Cartoon News post, I didn't realize that. I should break those apart.
btw...the Cartoon News news post, look for: "Dr. Judy Wood's 9/11 work: an analysis by plunger - she's a shill who's sent out there to purposely divide the 9/11 truth movement..."
ReplyDeleteIt's one of the few times I actually gave plunger credit for something, rather than STEALING it from him. (lol) I prefer just simply stealing.
I have a running rule here: I can STEAL your stuff, but if you call me on it within 24 hours, I will ADMIT IT!!! (lol) If the 24 hours passes, too bad!
ReplyDeleteConversely - think about the people who used to be on TV a lot - who are now literally banned. Rosy O'Donnell comes immediately to mind.
ReplyDeleteBTW...I saw Jane's Addiction a few years ago at Lollapalooza, along with Queens of the Stone Age, Incubus, Audioslave (Rage Against the Machine with Soundgarden's lead singer), Cave In, the Donnas, and more.
ReplyDeleteDavid Icke on all the nuclear power plants, radiation, the Rothschilds, etc...
Anyone who covers 9/11 with a huge production budget (Avery and Moore), yet fails to even mention that Mossad Agents were caught red-handed on 9/11 in Manhattan - Google: "Dancing Israelis" - is serving the interests of whom?
ReplyDeleteGoogle: "limited hangout"
Israel is blackmailing the most powerful cabal in the United States (Rockefeller / GHW)
ReplyDeleteThis is a fact.
List of 125 Israeli agents on 9/11:
CIA News plant, Richard Engel, appeared on the Daily Show in the last few days and the first words out of his mouth were known lies.
ReplyDelete"When Osama Bin Laden directed 19 Arab Hijackers..."
He is fully aware that the FBI has stated that five of the alleged hijackers are alive. There is no "19 Hijackers" that remains a truthful narrative. it is a fiction - and a knowing lie to repeat it.
Osama Bin Laden didn't have anything to do with the events of 9/11, and the FBI said so, as did Dick Cheney - and Richard Engel knows this fact.
There is virtually zero evidence that there were ANY hijackers on any planes on 9/11 - let alone "Arab Hijackers."
Richard Engel knows this too.
One must conclude that Richard Engel, like any number of the talking heads who repeat the BIG LIE on the "news" as often as possible, are simply CIA Agents. The fascist wing (shadow government) has captured infotainment, cleansed it of problematic talent (like Dan Rather, Phil Donahue, Keith Olbermann, etc.), and usurped the television screen, as GHW and Ailes have made clear with FOX.
Those who remain have sworn an oath of allegiance to the agenda - and will never speak ill of Israel, GHW Bush, David Rockefeller, the Rothschilds or the Crown. These entities simply do not exist in the media.
Wolf Blitzer came from AIPAC. He is an agent who gets more face-time on CNN than anyone.
If you're on TV frequently - it is only because your presence there serves the Agenda. Otherwise you wouldn't be on.
It's time to view these shills for who they are.
I feel your pain. Not.
ReplyDeleteIcke's explanation of the explosions at Fukushima is wrong-headed. The earthquake accused the suspended pools of water containing hundreds of spent fuel rods to crack - enabling the water to leak out, exposing the fuel rods to the air. this creates extreme heat, and hydrogen gas - which the buildings were not designed to vent. The witnessed explosions were hydrogen explosions. Picture blowing up a balloon until so much pressure builds - it pops. that's what happened to each building. It was the spent fuel rods, not the live or shut-down reactors that caused the structural failures. The design is flawed - and failed catastrophically.
ReplyDeleteThe word "accused" above is supposed to say "caused"
ReplyDeletenot from pressure like a balloon - fuel/air mixture exploded like a bomb!
ReplyDeleteHere's Gary Ackerman, congressman from Long Island, in the Jerusalem Post, professing his Zionism.
ReplyDeleteA lot of excerpts because this is so crazy. The Jews are a "separate"
people, Jewish legislators from around the world must represent Israel,
Palestinian statehood initiative is devastating...
"The Jews are a "separate"
Actually - they brainwash their children in Israel, who grow up to become their troops, that they are the ONLY "people."
They have taught for decades that Palestinians and all Arabs are sub-human - animals - cockroaches.
It makes killing them easier.
From the article:
ReplyDelete"Only Israel is the permanent whipping boy of the United Nations."
Permanent victim-hood is their marketing plan. And a lie.
"Whipping boy" implies that someone actually ever gets whipped. When was the last time any action of the United Nations had any actual ramifications on Israel? They have literally acquired all of the land of the former Palestine, and used our military to acquire the territory of "ERETZ ISRAEL" on their behalf - from the Nile to the Euphrates. All of the land and resources will be under their control, and the Arabs will be killed or sent to other countries to live. It is their stated goal - Eretz Israel.
Their entire program of Hasbara/Deception is based upon promoting itself as a victim - while in fact being a perpetual aggressor. False Flag attacks on the land of Israel and its citizens are part and parcel of their tactics. If they cannot provoke someone into attacking them, they will simply do it themselves. Thier actual goal is to foment so much actual fear in the hearts and minds of Jews around the world that they all flee to Israel for protection. The greatest promoter of anti-Semitism is Abe Foxman. The ADL and AIPAC are built upon it.
In their end-game to win the demographics race - encouraging Jews to populate the former Palestine - they will go to any lengths to make Jews feel unwelcome elsewhere. Will this include revealing their US agent's role in 9/11 - so as to turn the citizens of the US against Jews living here? Would they stoop that low? Have you seen any evidence to the contrary? There literally seems to be nothing that they won't do. Natanyahu was ecstatic on 9/11. I watched his appearance on CNN that day. I saw the gleam in his eye and heard the joy in his words. What more do you need to know about 9/11?
Netanyahu could scarcely contain himself on 9/11. When asked how he felt about the events of that day - the first three words out of his mouth word: "It's Very Good!"
Any words that followed over the past decade cannot erase the truth from his own lips.
Justin: check out my other friend's blog:
ReplyDeleteThe Existentialist Cowboy (Len Hart):
This is good, I gotsta find out who this guy or this news is:
ReplyDeleteOsama Bin Laden was Killed years ago
Here's that guy again, I always post this:
Fake Terror And The War For Your Mind
Who the hell IS that guy??? He's good!!!!
That's why an e-9/11 is up next!!!
ReplyDeleteThey're the SOTT Report.
ReplyDeleteCorrect. Could Icke really not comprehend this?
ReplyDeleteMore from Joseph Quinn: http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/column-JQ-06-07-03.htm
ReplyDeleteAnd another link with all kinds of stuff: http://www.sott.net/signs/signs-archive.htm
Oops - ya got the same link twice!
ReplyDeleteJoeseph Quinn on the Popular Mechanics 9/11 article: http://www.sott.net/signs/mechanical_lies.htm
ReplyDeleteLots of the older links within the posts there are now dead ;-(
ReplyDelete"Many years ago I read a fascinating discussion of the "tactics of
ReplyDeletemistake." This essentially entailed using a target's prejudices and
preconceptions to mislead them as to the origin and intent of the
attack, entrapping them in a tactical situation that later worked to the
attacker's strategic advantage." Alan Sabrosky
Fri, 01 Jul 2011 05:29 CD
Click the second link (sott.net) for the article - disquss stuck in the veteranstoday link when I pasted the text.
ReplyDeleteLook at this: truther Len Hart (existentialist cowboy) posts something about 9/11 on facebook, and someone named Euleta posts "thank you, Len, lots of people don't believe the official story".
ReplyDeleteThen THIS guy comes along under Euleta's comment:
Ron Foster: "That's
because so many blame the Jews for the attack, Euleta, which is
ludicrous. There is nothing 'amusing' about any of this. Please join us
in informing that the US government DOES NOT attack itself!!"
So BB2: that guy is Joseph Quinn? Good research! I love that guy!
ReplyDeleteQuinn says about the popular mechanics piece:
The sad fact is that,
while Popular Mechanics claims to be interested in understanding what
really happened that day, their rebuttal of 16 of the most common claims
by conspiracy theorists about 9/11 isn't worth the $3.57 of server space
that it has so far cost them to publish it.
If there is one glaring
and common hole in the arguments put forward by 9/11 conspiracy "debunkers",
it is the fact that such people have NEVER come up with a reasonable argument
to explain WHY, in the wake of 9/11, so many obviously intelligent citizens
became gripped by the uncontrollable urge to continually waste their time
recklessly and fecklessly "injecting suspicion and animosity into
public debate" for no apparent reason. It really is a mystery. Maybe
they're trying to take over the world or something.
On the other hand,
it doesn't take a degree in psychology to understand the primary motivations
of the conspiracy debunkers.
You see, the very
last thing that many Americans (and others) WANT to believe is that their
government would attack its own people. For 9/11 "debunkers",
logic and intellect have NO part to play in investigating the question
of what really happened on 9/11. It's pure emotion all the way."
Great article.
ReplyDeleteAlan Sabrosky also has the famous "the military knows israel did 9/11" video I've posted many times:
There's MANY versions of that out there, btw...
I bitch-slapped him big time, no need to wonder.
ReplyDeleteZombie Americans have forgotten why 4th of July is a holiday!!!
One guy says, when asked what we're celebrating, "Our independence from America???"
ReplyDeleteLike father, like son: Bush I was head of the CIA, and Bush II uses CIA to put the hit on political dissidents, says whistleblower:
Defining the Shadow Government as different than "The government" is key to understanding everything. The GHW branch is not the same as "The Government." It was a coup - with Israel as Co-conspirators of the Shadow Government.
ReplyDeleteSpent my day fishing!
Radiation Coverups Confirmed: Los Alamos, Fort Calhoun, Fukushima, TSA
War by Deception Director's Cut (911 and Israel)
Political control Freaks take over Farmers Market
Flotilla organizers reject Greek offer, say: Abbas stabbed us in the back
Arrests of top bankers finally begin
ReplyDeleteBy Glenn Greenwaldhttp://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/06/30/bankers/index.html
Israel's Sacred Terrorism
Now illegal to dig or build "Sand Castles" on Florida beaches, Louisiana,Mississippi next?
'All My Children' actor doesn't know what happened to money raised for 9/11 victims
Exposed! The Left vs. Right Political Charade
Watch the "left/right paradigm":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kw7j4lbDB4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bF6Dt7SS_yw
ReplyDelete14 Propaganda Techniques Fox "News" Uses to Brainwash Americanshttp://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article28465.htm
ReplyDeleteSecurity checks galore on facebook on these 2 articles:
ReplyDeleteIndependent ICELAND on the Fourth of July: "Land of
the Free and Home of the Brave." (America Was Once the Undisputed
Champion of the World) - Tom Dennen
Gaddafi to Clinton, NATO: Apologize, leave Libya in peace, or we attack EU (Vid)
Continue reading on Examiner.com Gaddafi to Clinton, NATO: Apologize, leave Libya in peace, or we attack EU (Vid) - National Human Rights | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/gaddafi-to-clinton-nato-apologize-leave-libya-peace-or-we-attack-eu-vid?CID=examiner_alerts_article#ixzz1RAIwzyZc
Pfizer is the largest pharmaceutical company in the world. The company spent nearly $2.1 billion on advertising in 2009, according to AdAge. (Reference 2) Pfizer produces major drugs like Lipitor, Viagra, Chantix and Pristiq. Of these, Lipitor has the largest advertising budget with $247 million.
ReplyDeleteLISTEN TO THE DISCLAIMERS for one full minute of national advertising time:
The FDA is allowing Pfizer to kill people - so that the media companies that receive advertising dollars from Pfizer's promotion of Chantix can profit. Got fascism?
A meta-analysis that looks at 14 clinical
trials involving 8,216 patients of Pfizer's smoking-cessation drug
Chantix finds that its use can be linked to a 72% increase in risk of
cardiovascular problems -- including stroke and congestive heart failure
-- according to findings published this morning in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
"I stopped prescribing Chantix several months ago, as soon as we found
out about this data," says Sonal Singh, a lead author of the study and a
doctor and professor at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Pfizer and the Food and Drug Administration
also respond that they have been planning to conduct a joint analysis of
clinical trials on whether Chantix posed heart risks, Duff Wilson
reports in the New York Times.
"This would have raised a red flag for us if the flag hadn't already
been flying," Dr. Celia Winchell, a team leader with the FDA's Center
for Drug Evaluation and Research, tells Wilson. The report is due next
The one I love is the one for an anti-depressant - couple walking along the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean - "May cause dizziness and thoughts of suicide..."
ReplyDeleteEdge of a cliff - just where you want to be if your getting dizzy or thinking of suicide!
Or the nasonex one where after they list all of the adverse side affects the bee says "A wise Choice" - after Dave Letterman highlighted it that one dissapeared from the tube.
Exactly. I think the bottom line is that these payments for advertising are in reality, hush money. They pay off the various media outlets to ensure they don't report any negative news about their products. That has to be the bottom line, because these ads are clearly not designed to entice you to try the product when more than half of the air time is devoted to disclaimers. They are advertising directly to doctors to let them see that they have removed any liability from them prescribing these products, by purchasing air time to run legal disclaimers. These are not consumer targeted ads. They are doctor-targeted ads that also reinforce patient brand awareness when the doctor prescribes it. The FDA and the FCC are complicit.
ReplyDeleteFlorida Libertarian Party Calls On Sheriffs To Arrest TSA Agents:
I've heard of gut bombs before, even eaten a few, but...
ReplyDeleteTSA warns of possible airline threat involving implanted bombs
WTF? - Here is the link that was supposed to go with that:
Oh yeah, it's plausible alright - because the spooks picked up their own internet chatter on the subject, and then had Michael Chertoff himself write this article so as to sell more scanners abroad.