Sunday, June 26, 2011

Big Dan's Big News June 26, 2011: Why is the media and why are politicians overblowing the threat of "terrorists"???

Attention: there is a very interesting MASSIVE 9/11 debate going on in the comments thread here with Justin Vacula, Big Dan, plunger, and John Niems!


signed: media & politicians

Why is the media and why are politicians constantly saying there's a "terrorist" under every rock, behind every corner, on every plane, in your backyard, etc...and instead telling us these FACTS:

-- You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack

-- You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack

-- You are 11,000 times more likely to die in an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane

-- You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack

--You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack

-- You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack

-- You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack

--You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack

--You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack

...and how about this next one: you should be more afraid of the POLICE than "terrorists":

--You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist

--You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack

The media and politicians want us to be SCARED of "terrorists" all the time because they make more MONEY and increase their POWER, because people who are SCARED all the time are STUPID and rely on AUTHORITY to protect them.

So WHY is the media and the government SCARING US constantly with a non-existent "terrorist" threat? FOR $$$ & POWER, YOU IDIOTS!!!

Ben Franklin said: "Those who would trade some liberty for some safety, deserve neither".

Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid

Investor Psychology: Fear Turns People Into Sheep

Now think about this: the SAME PEOPLE (media and politicians) PURPOSELY overblowing the "terrorist" threat either WERE or WERE NOT in on 9/11. Think about those two entities: the MEDIA and POLITICIANS. Are they people who LIE or TELL THE TRUTH? You know the answer to that! BUT...they are the ones you rely on, believe, and trust ONLY WHEN THERE'S A CRISIS. Their trust goes up. It's a psychological FACT. So WHO BENEFITS from overblowing the "terrorist" threat that DOES NOT EXIST ACCORDING TO THE FACTS? And Israel ALWAYS BENEFITS from overblowing the "terrorist" threat.

Constitutional Expert: Government Was "Trying to Create an Atmosphere of Fear in Which the American People Would Give Them More Power”

Governments From Around the World ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror

Now here's the kicker: the "terrorist" threat is purposely overblown by our media and government EVEN IF OUR GOVERNMENT (and Israel) DIDN'T DO 9/11 and "blame the Muslims". But THEY DID! And doesn't that make complete sense? Those who benefit the most really did it? Read this:

Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!

This guy actually got the 9/11 passenger autopsies with a Freedom Of Information Act, and guess what: NO ARABS!!! And why didn't the NYTimes or Washington Post do this? Read:

Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77

Check this out: remember 47 story World Trade Center Building 7 (the Solomon Brothers Building) fell POOF in 6 seconds on 9/11 and was NOT hit by a plane? Now this is NOT one of the Twin Towers, but a 47 story skyscraper about a block away from the Twin Towers, it fell like this on 9/11 and was NOT hit by a plane:

Oh, yeah! I forgot! You didn't know this! That's because...ahem...the MEDIA and POLITICIANS didn't tell you! Gee, by coincidence, I led off this post saying the MEDIA and POLITICIANS are also OVERBLOWING the "terrorist" threat on purpose! What are the odds that they also didn't tell you about WTC7 falling POOF in 6 seconds and it was NOT hit by a plane!

Well, anyway, here's some newly release footage that, of course it goes without saying, you didn't see on TV. It shows a guy walking into WTC7 filming what's going on inside. You will see at around 3:00 in the video, he walks in still filming and the inside is in ruins. He's walking around filming, walking up steps. What's odd is there are no fires and the building inside looks totally solid. And btw the Twin Towers had not fallen yet, according to witness Barry Jennings. So why is the inside of WTC7 in ruins with no fires and looks totally solid inside and the Twin Towers had not fallen yet? Oh, btw, witness Barry Jennings mysteriously died, I forgot to tell you that. He said he was IN WTC7 trying to get out and he was walking over DEAD BODIES. And yet they said no one died in WTC7, remember? What's funny is, according to Barry Jennings (deceased), is that there were DEAD BODIES BEFORE THE WTC7 OR THE TWIN TOWERS CAME DOWN!

Look at this video, and pay attention @ 3:00 the cameraman goes inside WTC7. Does it look like it's about to go POOF and fall in 6 seconds flat? Also @ 4:15 the cameraman runs into a guy in the building. Isn't that funny? Guess who this last man inside the building works for? Well, his jacket says on it in the video "SECRET SERVICE". So, all you need to know about WTC7 is this: it was a 47 story building that was ruined inside before the Twin Towers fell and there were DEAD BODIES in it and it didn't look like it should fall and the last guy inside was a SECRET SERVICE guy and then it fell complete with a countdown according to witnesses and the owner Larry Silverstein is on video saying he told them to "PULL IT" (controlled demolition). Watch this video of the inside of WTC7 before it fell:

The media and politicians said that we couldn't find Bin Laden for 10 years, then we found him watching TV, we shot him in the head, threw him in the sea, then the media and politicians told us this AFTER the body was gone...but they said they have video and pictures of it...but we're not allowed to see them, just take their word for it:



Remember above, in the "killed Bin Laden" fairy tale, the media and politicians said they have video and pictures of it, but won't show us? They actually DID show us, but in cartoon rendering format. Now you KNOW what they said was true, because they showed us a CARTOON of it...even though they say they have the REAL video and pictures:


Here's another story the "news" (lol) is ignoring while telling you there's a "terrorist" in your toilet:

Activist Sunny Sheu Killed After Reporting Death Threat From NY Foreclosure Judge Joseph Golia

Oh, yeah! I forgot! Here's even another story the "news" (lol) is ignoring: 5 Russian NOO-KEY-LORE (Bush) scientists died in a plane crash, but it wasn't on TV:

Scientists Who Helped Iran With Nuke Plant Died in Russian Plane Crash

They said there was "no foul play" in the article. As George Carlin said: "LEMON FLAVORED means NO FUCKING LEMONS!!!" Well then "NO FOUL PLAY" means "FOUL PLAY"!!!

So do you think that when the mainstream media KNOWINGLY IGNORES important stories and OVERBLOWS non-existent ones, that's LYING??? Don't you think IGNORING something on purpose is a form of LYING? Do you think that possibly the mainstream media LIED to you about 9/11? Why would you NOT think that? That's the real question!!! Why would you constantly believe the biggest known LIARS in history - the "news" and politicians - when they tell you MASSIVE stories with NO EVIDENCE backing what they're saying, like the 9/11 story? Or they couldn't find Bin Laden for 10 years, shot him in the head while he was watching TV, and threw him in the sea? Because you believe authority on the biggest LIES, it's HUMAN NATURE as I've said above. When people are in CONSTANT FEAR (from the ones causing the fear and blaming "terrorists" - the media and politicians) YOU WILL TEND TO, BY HUMAN NATURE, BELIEVE AUTHORITY EVEN IF THEY'RE TELLING THE HUGEST LIES IN HISTORY! Deep down, you think that if they are LYING to you, it's just SO MASSIVE AND UNBELIEVABLE you wouldn't even WANT TO KNOW that they're LYING! Because then what would you do? And they are counting on this! Hitler called it "THE BIG LIE" strategy:

Hitler On The Big Lie:

"In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds (bd: that's YOU!) they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. " - Source: Mein Kampf, p. 134 as cited in Wikipedia."

Here's a quote from Hitler's head of the Ministry of Propaganda:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” - Joseph Goebbels, Ministry of Propaganda

12 Things That The Mainstream Media Is Being Strangely Quiet About Right Now

You won't find this in the "news": An unclassified version of the software used by the FBI has allowed Veterans Today to track the IP addresses of a group of, what appeared to be, hate mongers and racists whose rhetoric borders on terrorist extremism. What we found was astounding. In one case, an individual using the email address “” was traced to the computer of the head the largest Jewish “defense” organization -

Veterans Today editor, Jim W. Dean said;

"We spend hours each week, time we could spend helping veterans, cleaning this garbage off our website. All of it is blatant and amateurish. A good friend who works for the Anti-Defamation League, an organization headed by Abe Foxman, told me that hundreds have been recruited, here in the US and more in Israel, whose job it is to seed Antisemitic material into websites that are critical of Israel’s apartheid policies. They openly joke around there how the Nazi and White Supremacist websites have been “theirs” for years."

(from Veteran's Today) False Flag Racism: The Internet Proxy War

So who's lying? The U.S. veterans or the ADL???

Are YOU Israeli? Or an American citizen? If you are an American citizen, does this following video digust you? It shows our entire Congress, both parties, falling over the leader of a foreign country, Israel, as if they represent Israel and not US! I ask you this: is this bordering on TREASON? I know one thing: the U.S. government should not be acting like this towards ANY foreign country! Who is our congress voted in to represent? It looks like Israel to me! EVERYONE should watch this important video below and be VERY CONCERNED and ask a lot of questions! The United States congress (both parties) ALWAYS votes for things in the best interests of Israel and AGAINST the best interests of its own citizens. I am on the same wavelength as Tony Lawson, I wrote The United States of Israel a few weeks ago, which among other things pointed out how blatantly Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann seem to be running for president of the United States of Israel. And remember: we are TRAINED by TV and our own government not to question any of these things.

In Anthony Lawson video below he says it is now beyond a doubt that the United States is controlled by "enemies inside the gates", which is the foreign country of Israel: The collapses of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, on September 11, 2001, were the most frightening images that I have ever seen, up until May 24th, 2011, when Binyamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of the United States Congress and received 29 standing ovations, along with many other outbursts of sycophantic applause. It was the final nail in a coffin, the construction of which began long ago, and in it all remaining vestiges of democracy were joyfully laid to rest—by those sworn to protect it—as it became clear that the United States was now controlled by Enemies Inside its Gates:

Let’s take a minute to re-acquaint ourselves with the official explanation, which is not regarded as a conspiracy theory despite the fact that it comprises an amazing conspiracy. The official truth is that a handful of young Muslim Arabs who could not fly airplanes, mainly Saudi Arabians who came neither from Iraq nor from Afghanistan, outwitted not only the CIA and the FBI, but also all 16 US intelligence agencies and all intelligence agencies of US allies including Israel’s Mossad, which is believed to have penetrated every terrorist organization and which carries out assassinations of those whom Mossad marks as terrorists.

In addition to outwitting every intelligence agency of the United States and its allies, the handful of young Saudi Arabians outwitted the National Security Council, the State Department, NORAD, airport security four times in the same hour on the same morning, air traffic control, caused the US Air Force to be unable to launch interceptor aircraft, and caused three well-built steel-structured buildings, including one not hit by an airplane, to fail suddenly in a few seconds as a result of limited structural damage and small, short-lived, low-temperature fires that burned on a few floors.

The Saudi terrorists were even able to confound the laws of physics and cause WTC building seven to collapse at free fall speed for several seconds, a physical impossibility in the absence of explosives used in controlled demolition:

A country whose population has been trained to accept the government’s word and to shun those who question it is a country without liberty in its future.

Video of witnesses saying there were secondary explosions in the buildings on 9/11:

Here's a cut by "OSAMA & THE BIN LADENS":

If you're a billionaire or even a millionaire, please click on the $5000 PayPal donation bill below and donate $5000 to Big Dan's Big Blog:


  1. False Flag Racism: The Internet Proxy War


    “Proxy Buster” Software Exposes False Flag Antisemite


    Spammers Tied to Spy/Terror Groups


    By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor


    An unclassified version of the software used by the FBI has
    allowed Veterans Today to track the IP addresses of a group of, what
    appeared to be, hate mongers and racists whose rhetoric borders on
    terrorist extremism.  What we found was astounding.  In one case, an
    individual using the email address “” was
    traced to the computer of the head the largest Jewish “defense”

  2.  debunking911 is a CIA operation, as is everything to do with Popular Mechanics' alleged "science." 

  3. 'Do you really think there is >no evidence< backing the 'story'
    that planes flew into buildings piloted by Islamic militants who wanted
    to be martyrs by attacking the US?"

     There is evidence that planes flew into buildings.  There is no evidence that they were piloted by any human, or that any humans were on board.  There is visual evidence that the entire plane was converted into a flying fuel bomb.  THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THAT ANY MUSLIMS WERE ABOARD ANY PLANES.  THEIR NAMES APPEARED ON NO FLIGHT MANIFEST.  NONE.

  4. Here is a montage of scientists, architects, and other experts who in detail debunk the official 9/11 story.

    They give their names and credentials before they speak, I urge you to watch these videos:

  5. @font-face {
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    Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77

    By Thomas R. Olmsted, M.D

    I am an ex Naval line officer and a psychiatrist in private
    practice in New Orleans, a Christian and homeschool dad. It troubled me a great
    deal that we rushed off to war on the flimsiest of evidence. I considered
    various ways to provide a smoking gun of who and why Sept 11th happened. Astute
    observers noticed right away that there were no Arabic sounding names on any of
    the flight manifests of the planes that "crashed" on that day.


    A list of names on a piece of paper is not evidence, but an
    autopsy by a pathologist, is. I undertook by FOIA request, to obtain that
    autopsy list and you are invited to view it below. Guess what? Still no Arabs
    on the list. It is my opinion that the monsters who planned this crime made a
    mistake by not including Arabic names on the original list to make the ruse
    seem more believable.


    When airline disasters occur, airlines will routinely provide a
    manifest list for anxious families. You may have noticed that even before Sep
    11th, that airlines are pretty meticulous about getting an accurate headcount
    before takeoff. It seems very unlikely to me, that five Arabs sneaked onto a
    flight with weapons.

    This is the list provided by American of the 56 passengers:

  6. WHO runs the "debunking911" website? It doesn't say anywhere on it who runs it. Isn't that suspicious to begin with? If it does say who runs it, I can't find it and never have.

  7. I think you're missing the link at the end.

  8. I will say this about Justin: I GUARANTEE if he reads what I post, there is 100% chance he will no longer believe the official story.

    Just go through this, for that is the purpose I created this, to quickly provide one spot with all the research I've done over the years:

    Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!

  9. Point to one single mainstream media news report that confirms that five of the alleged hijackers were later found to be alive.  Next, find the mainstream media article announcing the need to revise the original list of 18 hijackers by five, to account for this discovery.  Next, find the mainstream media article featuring the subsequent revision of the list of hijackers from 18 down to 13.  You can't.  They didn't.  WHY?

    By now you have probably heard that many of the “hijackers”
    named by the FBI are alive and well. The Information Times, an on-line
    publication, reported that Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister Prince Saud
    Al-Faisal told the Arabic Press after meeting with President George W.
    Bush on Sept. 20: “It was proved that five of the names included in the
    FBI list had nothing to do with what happened.”

    According to The Orlando Sentinel, the Saudi Arabian embassy
    confirmed that four of the five mentioned by Al-Faisal - Saeed Alghamdi,
    Mohand Alshehri, Abdulaziz Alomari and Salem Alhazmi- are not dead and
    had nothing to do with the heinous terror attacks in New York and
    Washington. (source: Christopher J. Petherick - American Free Press)

    From photos of all of those that perished on that flight, it is
    clear that none are even “Arab looking.” This seems to rule out Arabs
    sneaking aboard under assumed names.

  10.  I'm not interested in a "link fest"

    Not interested in "FACTS"

  11. Damn Physics!

    It is physically impossible for a Boeing 757 to be controlled at ground level at 500+ mph.  Physically impossible.  What else way physically impossible?

    The Olson Calls on 9/11: Three Official Denials

    by David Ray Griffin

    Late in the day on 9/11, CNN put out a story that began: “Barbara
    Olson, a conservative commentator and attorney, alerted her husband,
    Solicitor General Ted Olson, that the plane she was on was being
    hijacked Tuesday morning, Ted Olson told CNN.” According to this story,
    Olson reported that his wife had “called him twice on a cell phone from
    American Airlines Flight 77,” saying that “all passengers and flight
    personnel, including the pilots, were herded to the back of the plane by
    armed hijackers. The only weapons she mentioned were knives and
    cardboard cutters.”2

    Ted Olson’s report was very important. It provided the only evidence
    that American 77, which was said to have struck the Pentagon, had still
    been aloft after it had disappeared from FAA radar around 9:00 AM
    (there had been reports, after this disappearance, that an airliner had
    crashed on the Ohio-Kentucky border). Also, Barbara Olson had been a
    very well-known commentator on CNN. The report that she died in a plane
    that had been hijacked by Arab Muslims was an important factor in
    getting the nation’s support for the Bush administration’s “war on
    terror.” Ted Olson’s report was important in still another way, being
    the sole source of the widely accepted idea that the hijackers had box

    However, although Ted Olson’s report of phone calls from his wife has
    been a central pillar of the official account of 9/11, this report has
    been completely undermined.

  12.  If you just go to the link at the beginning of that post, I think it's all there

  13. David Ray Griffin also debunks the Popular Mechanics article:

  14. I think people over complicate things too much.

    "PULL IT" does NOT mean "PULL THE FIREMEN OUT OF THE BUILDING". If you then go on a "tour" trying to explain that "PULL IT" means "PULL THE FIREMEN OUT OF THE BUILDING", what does that tell us?

    I repeat: any normal person would not think, if you said "PULL IT" to them, that you meant "PULL THE FIREMEN OUT OF THE BUILDING". It's that simple. If you have to provide a subsequent detailed explanation that it meant something other than what everyone thought you meant, then you're LYING!

    Here's an experiment: walk up to someone and say "PULL IT".

    What if you walked up to someone next to a burning building and said, "PULL IT". Would they say, "Yeah, we better pull the firemen out of there"? I don't think so.

  15. A CIA Operation? Where do you get that information from? Even if it were, how would their information suddenly be less credible? You can find this information from multiple sources. Do you think that everything and everyone who examines 9-11 with a skeptical eye debunking conspiracy claims is 'in on it?'

  16. "There is visual evidence that the entire plane was converted into a flying fuel bomb."
    What does that even mean?
    Converted into a flying fuel bomb?
    So, what's more plausible: is every person who has a relative, spouse, or friend who died in the airplanes lying about the incident and Al-Qaeda is also lying along with all sorts of governments around the world or that everyone is 'in on it' or otherwise EVERYONE is fooled? When more people are involved in a conspiracy, you know, it's less and less likely because, eventually, we should reasonably expect someone to admit it, we'd find really blatant evidence showing a conspiracy (and not just circumstantial items that you think reveal a conspiracy). If a conspiracy happened, imagine all of these people who are 'in on it' ...who somehow are able to keep quiet and, at the same time, lie to millions of people. The bush administration (that was not exactly the smartest bunch), the NYC firefighters, NYC police, NYC port authority, people who lost loved ones, Popular Mechanics, PBS Nova, American media and foreign media, CIA, FBI... Come on now...

  17. ...and we got a link fest.

    I spent about five lines merely mentioning 9/11 in my first post. I was not focusing on that here. Like I said, I could go through each claim if I wanted to and find why it is problematic. I see logical fallacies everywhere including, but not limited to inappropriate appeals to authority, hasty generalizations, false dichotomies, arguments from ignorance...

  18. I can't explain it and am using faulty premises, therefore conspiracy?

    Again, I can go through all of these claims, one by one, and show why they are flawed. I'm simply not interested.

    I posted this a while back (and some people might not think the buildings were controlled demolitions or whatever, so amend as you will):

    "The 9/11 conspiracy theory has little explanatory power because it is less simple, is less conservative, has less scope, and is less fruitful than the official view.It's less simple and conservative because it assumes that many people including top-government officials, rogue explosive-setters, FBI agents, etc were all involved. This also assumes that people were able to do this all with the officials who would be able to detect foul play either being informed or totally ignorant. We also assume that government officials and many others are so cruel that they would throw the entire nation into a peril, sacrifice so many people, cost tons of money, etc. Don't you think that if there was a big conspiracy that the information would be leaked, the someone would "tattle," that someone would mess up and reveal information, etc? None of this is seen. What about e-mailed, private conversations, notes, memos, etc that should have shown up? There's nothing.Do we also assume that for some reason the explosives wouldn't be picked up by seismographs even though we know that seismographs would pick them up?It has less scope because the conspiracy raises so many questions:- How were the explosives planted (without anyone knowing)- How did these planters sneak into the towers without people noticing?- If the buildings were going to explode, why did planes fly into them? Terrorists tried to destroy the buildings before, so why wouldn't the planters just blame it on the terrorists?- Why kill so many? WTC 7 was evacuated because it was destroyed, so why not evacuate the others?- Where do the attack on the Pentagon and the PA crash figure in to this conspiracy? Why bother if there were explosives?- Many believe that the pentagon wasn't hit by a plane because the hole was small and contained few big parts (this addresses something you asked above). Why not use a plane? Wasn't a plane good enough for the towers?- If the pentagon wasn't hit by a plane, where are the passengers and crew?Videos and documents from Al Qaeda provide evidence that 9/11 was not an inside job and has been broad-casted. Suicide videos from the hijackers were also found. So, did the government also plant all of this in some massive cover-up campaign? How did they do all of this: where were the videos filmed? Where were the documents made? How did they get into the hands of the Arabic broadcasting network?

  19. Here is the Popular Mechanics movie with a team of appropriate experts speaking within their fields who are qualified to make their claims. (

  20. Justin - I beg your pardon DUDE! Once you see the TRUTH you don't need to read anything by the other side. I don't need to post anything or go to any site as the MOST OBVIOUS FALSE FLAG IN RECENT HISTORY IS 9/11/01! THE OTHER SIDE AS YOU WANT DAN TO LOOK AT IS ALWAYS LYING! FACTS ARE FACTS and TALKING POINTS ARE LYING POINTS! NO DEBATE EITHER AS I WON"T RESPOND TO POPULAR MECHANICS EITHER AS THEY LIE 24/7! Take off your your blinders as you are seemingly a smart guy! NO SUCH THING AS A COINCIDENCE EITHER! Have a nice day and get it together with common sense knowledge as I am a 9/11 TRUTHER since JFK was SHOT! 11/22/63 = 9/11/01! CAPISH?

  21.  Justin,

    With each question you pose, you inject about a dozen non sequitours, misstatements of fact and red herrings.  We appreciate you calling attention to yourself as a shill, and providing us with the opportunity to make you look ridiculous - while linking to all of the actual evidence available to those truly interested in learning the truth.

  22.  Here is a shill posting CIA propaganda - again.

  23. You can't explain why five of the alleged hijackers are still alive?

    You can't explain why the US Government refuses to change the original narrative about the number of hijackers - despite EVIDENCE to the contrary?

    If you can't explain these simple facts, why do you seek to explain so many more complicated elements?

    What could be more elementary than this?

    You can't explain this?

    Then stop trying to explain any of it.

    Can you explain why Osama Bin Laden was never charged by the FBI for having ANY role whatsoever in 9/11?

    Can you explain why every US leader alleges that Bin Laden did it - in direct contradiction to our own FBI?

    Can you explain why you're here?

  24.  Yes - much to your displeasure, we got facts.  Thank you for providing us with the opportunity to provide actual evidence.  Stop by anytime to ensure the same outcome.

    And thank you for articulating precisely the tactics you have used in your postings here.

  25. Michael Chertoff and the Sabotage of the Ptech Investigation

    Alexander, one of the high-level Israeli criminals involved in
    Comverse, Odigo, and 9/11.  After stealing hundreds of millions of
    dollars, Alexander fled to Israel and Namibia seeking refuge from U.S. justice.

  26. All of the answers you wish not to question...

  27. When you see I edited a comment, then I took out the spaces and/or fixed a link in the person's comments, btw...

  28. Justin: you know that's not fair saying "we got a link fest" if simply "saying" that we have a "link fest" discredits what I post. You're smart, you know that.

  29. Justin: did you "unfriend" me on FaceBook? I noticed today we are no longer "friends" on FaceBook, and I'm pretty sure we were. I went to write you an email in FB and noticed this.

  30. Justin Vacula was in the book "NEPATIZED" for this:

    Complainant: Law is issue with Nativity

    It wasn’t Justin Vacula’s distaste for religion that
    brought him to question the manger scene and menorah on the Luzerne
    County Courthouse lawn, but his respect for the law.

    I was in the book "NEPATIZED" for my writings on how our local talk radio station WILK fields a rightwing Republican lineup and ideology and how they continually deny it.

    I met Justin and the author of the book Kenny Luck at a "NEPATIZED" book signing.

    Justin's blog is:

    Now I believe that Justin agrees with NEPATIZED claims that the media around here is rightwing/Republican, and there are no voices on the left on WILK, which was the only talk radio show around here for all intents and purposes. And WILK's "schtick" was/is that they are "fair and balanced" and they claim they are not biased towards the right, yet they field Mike Savage, Rush Limbaugh, they used to have Sean Hannity, and on the local level they have right/Republicans Sue Henry, "webster", LA Taronne, and FAKE "liberal" Steve Corbett. And I'm sure Justin agrees with all of that.

    Now why is it a stretch that at the NATIONAL level the same thing exists? That is what THIS post is all about.

    We KNOW the local courts have been corrupted with the Kids for Cash scandal, and furthermore I think it is HARDER to corrupt the local courts than the national courts because there's a move local watchful neighborhood eye on them. So then why is it a stretch that the National courts - federal and supreme - are rigged to cover up 9/11 court cases and shield the real perpetrators from the law?

    This is absolutely 100% possible, and it IS happening.

    Remember recently, April Gallop's 9/11 court case? George Bush's relative was one of the judges!!!

    Judge John Walker, George Walker Bush's cousin, judges April Gallop's suit

    Now I suppose that's "nutty conspiracy" because it wasn't on ABC "news"??? And btw was April Gallop's trial even ON the "news"? Answer: NO!!!!!

    Is the Nebraska nuclear plant flooding in the "news"? Answer: NO!!!

    And see the rest of this post for everything else that is important and right now is not in the "news".

    Now let's think: WHO told us the evidence free official 9/11 story? this same "news" and the government/politicians.

    I can't BELIEVE Justin, who claims to be a smart, free thinker, believes so much of what the "news" and govt/politicians say!!!

    All you have to do is look at the structure of the "news": who owns it.

    All you have to do with government is look at who is giving them the most $$$$$.

    And I'm repeating myself, because I say ALL of this in this post.

  31. Justin needs to dig deeper into the "news" and govt/politicians and realize how much they're LYING to us. I think that Justin trusts them too much without digging deep into the "news" and govt/politicians.

  32. I'll bet Justin thinks we couldn't find Bin Laden for 10 years, then we shot him in the head while he was watching TV, then we threw him in the sea, then the media/govt told us about this AFTER his body was sunk in the sea, and then they said they have video and pictures of it but we aren't allowed to see it.

    Justin, do you believe that? Because there is absolutely ZERO evidence of it. You'd just be taking their word for it: the word, once again, of the media and politicians/govt without any evidence again.

    Now they DID "say" they ran a DNA test on Bin Laden's "body".

    1. Have we seen the DNA test? As far as I know, they just "said" they did, take their word for it.
    2. Obama announced that he "got Bin Laden" BEFORE he got back the DNA test, according to the timeline. Now doesn't that throw the DNA test right out the window anyway? What if the DNA test said it wasn't him? The fact that he made the announcement BEFORE he got back the DNA test results tells ME that the story was going ahead full steam evidence free at that point.

    And if they have video and pictures of the whole thing, as they claim that they do, why won't they show us them? We're not "grown up" enough?

    What we need is the people of this country to DIRECTLY vote on things. We don't have a "representative democracy"! What are they doing that we WANT them to do??? We need to get rid of the middle man.

  33. Justin cites Popular Mechanics above as one of his "sources" to prove the official 9/11 story. Michael Chertoff's cousin was the editor of Popular Mechanics, look it up. No conflict of interest there! (sarcastic) Just like there was no conflict of interest with Bush's cousin being a judge in a 9/11 lawsuit against...BUSH:

    Then people say: "If 9/11 was an inside job, why was no one arrested" or "Why wasn't it on TV, if it was an inside job?", etc...

  34. Dominique Strauss Kahn Says Fort Knox Gold Has Gone Missing ???

  35. If you have to ask that Justin then it is obvious that you are so out of your league here and that it is time to do real research and quit embarrassing yourself! Only REAL TRUTH SEEKERS who do REAL RESEARCH NEED APPLY AT DAN'S BLOG! Go to a TEA PARTY BLOG and pretend to know something true there but quit posting your nonsense here! CAPISH? ..... now ask again - WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? BUH BYE

  36. Jordan Maxwell - You are property of the Rothschild family!

  37. First sign of death osama.2001

  38. I got a rare security check posting that one on FaceBook!

  39. The Death of American Democracy(Anthony Lawson LOOOOVE this guy!)

  40. The collapses of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre, on September
    11, 2001, were the most frightening images that I have ever seen, up
    until May 24th, 2011, when Binyamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session
    of the United States Congress and received 29 standing ovations, along
    with many other outbursts of sycophantic applause. It was the final
    nail in a coffin, the construction of which began long ago, and in it
    all remaining vestiges of democracy were joyfully laid to rest—by those
    sworn to protect it—as it became clear that the United States was now
    controlled by Enemies Inside its Gates.

    Anthony Lawson

  41. "We KNOW the local courts have been corrupted with the Kids for Cash scandal, and furthermore I think it is HARDER to corrupt the local courts than the national courts because there's a move local watchful neighborhood eye on them. So then why is it a stretch that the National courts - federal and supreme - are rigged to cover up 9/11 court cases and shield the real perpetrators from the law?

    This is absolutely 100% possible, and it IS happening."

    That's a very huge stretch and a really bad argument from analogy. In the case of 9/11, there are so, so, so, so, so many more 'players' that would have to be 'in on it' and since there are, we would expect for the conspiracy to be utterly revealed by now to the same level as the Kids for Cash scandal. 

    Sure, the courts may be corrupted (let's just assume this for the sake of argument), but everyone else must also be corrupt and lying. So much more information would have to be hidden. In the Kids for Cash debacle, we found a tremendous amount if information outside of the courts attesting to the corruption. The same, of course, would be the case for 9/11 conspiracies. 

    My conclusion isn't based on some trust of an "official story" or "what the news tells me," but rather a reasonable appraisal of how the world works. It's extremely unlikely that there is a massive coverup campaign and by now, if there were a conspiracy, one would expect it to be utterly revealed and accepted because it would be so obvious. You might claim that your evidence is good or that the claims of the "official story" are bad ones, but this isn't the extent of evidence we need here. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and exemplary explanations. The explanatory power of the conspiracy theories are lacking because they raise more questions than they answer.
    You keep saying every politician and the media can't be trusted. Let's assume, for sake of argument that everyone can't be trusted. This still would not entail that there was a 9-11 conspiracy. 

  42.  Doesn't sound like they think it's "just a conspiracy theory"

  43.  Surely you have read that Bin Laden was in fact dying of kidney failure in the weeks prior to 9/11...and that he was seen in a hospital receiving kidney treatment under the supervision of the CIA at that time.  If you don't know this, google it.

    People who are dying of kidney failure, in need of dialysis, are in the process of leaving planet earth without a kidney transplant.  As there was no kidney transplant, the logical prognosis for this man would be what?  He's just a man, with a failed kidney.  What does your logical mind tell you about the likelihood of his continued survival for even one year?  Without dialysis treatment?

    Because they knew for a fact that he was

    A: Their Own CIA Asset &
    B:  Dying

    He became the perfect patsy who could never be brought to trial or made to testify to anything.  You have not heard from a living Osama since the end of 2001.  Literally every single alleged voice tape and alleged video of Bin Laden has been a provable fabrication.  I was told directly by someone who absolutely knows - that the fatty Bin Laden in the alleged confession video (seated in a tent) was an Algerian actor.

    If Bin Laden has been dead for ten years - and the government has been promoting his legend as though he were alive until a few weeks ago - what does that tell you?

  44.  Think about how reluctant the CIA would have been to take their asset into a hospital for kidney treatment, with the prospect that the word would leak out in the press - as it did.  How desperate would they have to be to take that risk - to keep their asset alive - for just a few more days?  To what end?  Why would they do that?

    Here's the CIA, with their legendary high profile asset dying, likely prior to 9/11 - unless they step in to keep him alive.  This is what actually occurred.  It was all over the news before and after 9/11.  The CIA arranged for and monitored Bin Laden's kidney dialysis treatment in the weeks preceding 9/11.  That is a fact.

    Why would the CIA risk that?  Answer that question.

    Look at the individual that the CIA's building is named after - and look where that individual was on 9/11 - and who accompanied him.

    Are you a coincidence theorist?

  45.  Point me to the story about

    A.  Bin Laden's kidney transplant or

    B.  The dialysis machine found in his alleged compound or

    C.  The medical miracle of a kidney failure patient surviving for TEN YEARS without a functioning kidney.

    What is your explanation for the media not asking these most basic questions of government officials?

  46. The BIG LIE depends entirely on WILLFUL IGNORANCE for its success.

    All of the answers to the most basic questions posed to you above are available in thousands of articles, just one short and simple google search away - available to all - with just a few keystrokes and some reading.  That part about reading is a requirement.  They count on the fact that you won't even invest a minute, let alone an hour - or like some of us, a day, a week, a month, or a year - to read anything on this subject.


    They depend on that.

    If you want to know - just read...and don't stop until you know what's true.

    That's who we are.

    Who are you?

  47.  Prior to the recent raid on the alleged compound of the long-dead Bin Laden - the following search term pointed to the video of Benazir Bhutto being interviewed on the BBC by David Frost:

    "man who murdered osama bin laden"

    In the aftermath of the totally stage-managed and fake assassination of the DEAD Bin Laden - that google search now leads researchers away from the Bhutto video - toward the fairy tale of Team 6.

    This is how the CIA works.  When too many people are learning too much information via google, they create a new reality to supersede your search results.

    When the term "Dancing Israelis" was plugged into a youtube search, it led to news stories about the Mossad agents caught red-handed on 9/11 - at least it used to.

    Since then - Israel staged a ridiculous video featuring their soldiers "spontaneously" breaking into a dance routine while on street patrol in Gaza. There just happened to be a sound system and cameraman in the street where they chose to pull this stunt.   Now truth seekers looking for all of the actual information re: the actual "Dancing Israelis" - witnessed celebrating their successful Mossad operation on 9/11 - are directed toward results including this:

    Despite news accounts that the Mossad Agents arrested on 9/11 had actual video of themselves speaking and celebrating on video tape as the planes struck the towers and subsequently collapsed (thanks to their own planting of the devices in the building under the cover of "Urban Moving") - that video has never been discussed - or made public.  No one in the media has ever asked about it or requested to see it.


  48. Conspiracy Theory

    By Paul Craig Roberts

  49. Outcry in America as pregnant women who lose babies face murder charges

    Women's rights campaigners see the creeping criminalisation of pregnant women as a new front in the culture wars over abortion




  51.  Perhaps this needs to be positioned as ridiculously as "Jew Vs. Gun Owners."

    It's certainly no more absurd a representation than dressing up the nephew of the ADL in Arab attire and proclaiming him to speak on behalf of Radical Muslims.

     Maybe then someone will reveal that this entire campaign is a charade designed by the Zionist lobby to frighten the stupid into giving up their rights and submitting to martial law.


  53.  JUSTIN:

  54.  correction - grandson.

  55. I guess now it's news...despite having been an imminent threat for a full week prior to now.  This is why the MSM is a danger you your well being when the suppress actual news...

    Flooded Nebraska nuclear plant raises broader disaster fears

    By Steve Hargreaves @CNNMoney June 28, 2011: 8:10 AM ET


  57. I noticed it was in my papers for the first time today, I was shocked.

  58. Does Justin want to, or will he, open is eyes? He claims to be a free thinker on his website, open to everything.

  59. Or will he say the things posted here are "nutty conspiracy theory"? See Paul Craig Roberts' essay:

    It should've been titled: "When the media and the government of a country convince its citizens the truth is conspiracy, and lies are the truth":

  60. It's actually funny, but sad. It's funny to us, but sad that so many people believe this. Probably someone like Justin believes it. And that the cia/fbi/mossad couldn't find Osama for 10 years, then we shot him in the head while he was watching TV (I always LOL at this point as I write it), then we threw him in the sea, then AFTER he was in the sea we told everyone, then we said we have video and pictures but aren't allowed to see them.

    Now think of Adam Gadahn and Sam Stein.

    Are people really falling for this bullshit?

  61. Team 6!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  62. I love that Team 6 bullshit!!!!!!!!!!!

  63. Justin: you say it's a stretch to say that if local courts are corrupt, that federal courts are corrupt? That's not a stretch, that's PROOF OF AN EXAMPLE!

    Using your logic, let's do the reverse:

    According to ME, if local courts are NOT corrupt, federal courts probably aren't corrupt.

    According to YOUR logic: if local courts are NOT corrupt, then probably federal courts ARE corrupt.


  64. No, just the facts and evidence say the official story isn't true. I think plunger's point is that the CIA creates anonymous sites (does that raise a flag?) like debunking911 to lead people down a certain path and confuse them.

  65. Justin: you took the time to watch the Popular Mechanics (Benjamin Chertoff's Popular Mechanis) movie, now will you please watch the movies I've directed your way?

  66. Here's a HUGE question no one has asked Justin yet:

    JUSTIN: DO YOU THINK "MUSLIMS DID 9/11"???????????

  67. Lots of people are linking unrelated events and somehow are drawing claims of conspiracies. We can look at events that happened prior to 9/11 and think "Oh, this looks funny" and draw a conspiracy, but this is fallacious thinking. What you're doing here is post-hoc (after the fact) rationalization infused with confirmation bias. Since you already believe in 9/11 conspiracy claims, you're going to look for 'suspicious items' and say, "aha, this is proof there is a conspiracy." Perhaps you're also going to commit another fallacy here - the argument from ignorance - in which you think "There's no other way to explain this, therefore conspiracy."

    The idea that "The media lied here, here, here, and here, so they must lie about 9/11" is a slippery slope fallacy. 
    Many here look through testimony, reports, and snippets of information form reporting. Reporters are going to get things wrong. 9/11 was quite a chaotic day and new information is coming in. Even after the fact, media members aren't going to get things right 100% of the time. Eyewitness testimony is often very problematic. For example, I know a firefighter who claims he was in NYC on 9/11 and swears that he heard bombs go off inside the building...but he's totally wrong. It's quite easy to be mistaken.

    Let me draw an analogy here. Some Jews who were rounded up in the holocaust claim to have seen bones of Jews and other body parts made into soap and lampshades. Because of this testimony, it was taken for granted...but over time, historians realized there was no evidence to back this up. It's not the case that people are intentionally lying when they make mistakes like this. When events unfold, we're going to be confused, get facts wrong, etc.

    Back to 9/11. You can look for a while and find some people who turned out to be wrong. This does not, though, mean that "it's all a lie" and that we should accept conspiracy claims. 

  68. I posted about Bin Laden.

  69.  No, they did not - and there is literally zero evidence that they did.  it's a conspiracy theory.

  70.  Wow Justin - you are a train wreck.

    I see no reason to converse with you.

  71. Hit the local TV news here for the first time this morning - along with Los Alamos.

  72.  "For example, I know a firefighter who claims he was in NYC on 9/11 and
    swears that he heard bombs go off inside the building...but he's totally
    wrong. It's quite easy to be mistaken."

    A.  You know a firefighter who was a witness to 9/11.
    B.  You were not present on 9/11.
    C.  He SWEARS he heard bombs going off inside the building.
    D.  You say "he's totally wrong."
    E.  You offer no evidence for your completely uninformed opinion.
    F.   Dozens of other eyewitnesses SWEAR they heard bombs going off inside the building.

    Should we believe the eye witness, whom you've spoken with directly, whose observations are confirmed all over you tube by countless others, or you?

    How stupid would we have to be to believe you and the Government?

    Keep writing Justin.  You're creating quite a record for yourself to read later.

    Remember - according to you:  "It's quite easy to be mistaken."

  73. Sorry, I can't clarify everything in these posts and would assume that you don't believe bombs went off in the buildings. Anyway, there were seismographs on site and elsewhere that would have picked up bombs going off, but we see no seismographic evidence at all. 

    All seismograph readings of the towers indicate a single level of gradual ascending and descending vibration for wtc 1, 2, and 7. Since no sudden or independent spikes on the readings were recorded, we have very good reason to suggest that there was no explosion. A demolition that was powerful enough to defeat steel columns would have been detected on the seismographs.

  74. Please, millions of people all around the world attest to seeing visions from all sorts of different gods, attest to the validity of faith healers, etc. Do you believe people just because they say so? We need to have a convergence of evidence that is not merely based on personal testimony. Testimony can be good, but if we find serious problems and a lack of evidence to support the claims, we ought to reconsider.

  75. If I weren't open to everything, I wouldn't be having discussions with people who radically disagree with me. Open-mindedness -- the willingness to consider different perspectives, arguments, and beliefs -- is a very important characteristic that every person should have in all areas of life. Open-mindedness does not entail accepting every claim you hear, but rather is evaluating claims, giving merit where merit is due, researching, and evaluating.

  76.  I think a dozen videos online presently where you can actually hear bombs going off in buildings, hear firefighters say that they are going to blow building 7, combined with witnesses (including your friend) who were there - and heard bombs going off in buildings - is significant evidence that bombs where going off in buildings.  This fact, combined with the fact that three buildings fell into their own footprint through the path of greatest (steel reinforced) resistance, combined with evidence of nano-thermite chips in the WTC dust and molten steel in the basement - is massive evidence of bombs going off in the buildings.

    I also think you don't believe a word of what you are writing, and are here specifically to write gibberish.

  77. I addressed how saying "the media is lying" is not adequate to think there is a conspiracy above. Do you really think that all other people who are involved with these investigations such as scientists like Michael Shermer are also lying? 

  78. So we are left with the legacy of two types of thinking errors: Type 1 Error: believing a falsehood and Type 2 Error: rejecting a truth.
    ... Believers in UFOs, alien abductions, ESP, and psychic phenomena
    have committed a Type 1 Error in thinking: they are believing a
    falsehood. ... It's not that these folks are ignorant or uninformed;
    they are intelligent but misinformed. Their thinking has gone wrong.
    — Michael Shermer, Why People Believe Weird Things, 1997, 2002, Introduction

    As it pertains to 9/11 the "Official Report" is the falsehood, something else yet to be fully discovered is the truth.Here is what happens to a steel frame building in a real fire: building the next day: another here: building the next day:

  79. The smoke generated from a plane crash:

    The smoke purported to be from the 9/11 crash in Shanksville:

    A real plane crash:

    Flight 93 "crash site":

  80. Video of witnesses on 9/11 telling about secondary explosions:

  81. You ask how such a conspiracy could be kept secret - and why no CIA agent has stepped forward to reveal it.  They have:

    Here's CIA Asset Susan Lindauer blowing the whistle on 9/11 and Iraq, and Israel.

    It's a properly amazing audio interview from Kevin Barrett @ Truth Jihad, here's the blurb and a tasty sample:

    Susan Lindauer, author of Extreme Prejudice,
    is the first CIA asset to have spoken out, under her own name and for
    the record, on Israeli complicity in 9/11, the controlled demolition of
    the World Trade Center, and the specific, detailed foreknowledge of the
    time, target, and means of the 9/11 attacks held throughout the months
    prior to 9/11 by the CIA in general and Lindauer's CIA handler, Richard
    Fuisz, in particular. She has also exposed her first-hand knowledge of
    pre-war intelligence and negotiations showing that Iraq was willing to
    give the US "anything it asked" and that the war was therefore--from the
    perspective of US interests--not only utterly unnecessary, but wildly
    counter-productive. Lindauer's evidence points strongly to 9/11 being a
    coup d'etat by hard-line Zionists determined to steer the US into a
    self-destructive war on Israel's enemies.

  82. Israel Law Center behind harassment of flotilla funded by homophobi...

  83. Check out this site:

    PAUSE the song player on the left or it will play songs.

  84. Is the US a democracy, or a National Security State with a corporate media propaganda machine?


  86. Libya: The Great Debate

  87.  Note that the media has made it impossible to frame a humanitarian mission as purely humanitarian - and that under orders from Netanyahu, it is required that all discussion be framed as "Supporters Of Hamas" - rather than "supporters of humanity and human rights.

    That's how social engineering works.  Those who frame the debate dictate the rhetoric - the apparent reality - and the outcome.

  88. Social Engineering is soooooo easy...

    From BD's Libya link:

    By now we can see that to describe this as a fight between a “brutal
    dictator” and “innocent civilians who wanted freedom” is sickeningly and
    dangerously naïve, however easy it is to sell to generations brought up
    on western movies with fights between the good cowboy in the white hat
    and the bad cowboy in the black hat.

    The problem with this simplistic attempt to brainwash the public, manipulate public opinion...

  89. Iceland Declares Independence from International Banks

  90. Gaza flotilla ship 'sabotaged by divers'

    Activists say Swedish ship due to join attempt to break Israel's blockade of Gaza has been damaged in Greek port.

  91. KKR to Buy Top Web Hosting / Domain Reg. “Go Daddy”- But who is KKR?

  92. Probably in the mainstream media, if it's in there at all, it would say simply: "KKR BUYS GO-DADDY", instead of doing investigative journalism as to who KKR is.

    The MSM are now STENOGRAPHERS who simply put in the newspapers, radio, & TV what they are told.

  93. An attack on the right to vote is underway across the country through
    laws designed to make it more difficult to cast a ballot. If this were
    happening in an emerging democracy, we’d condemn it as election-rigging.
    But it’s happening here, so there’s barely a whimper.

  94. Did you totally disregard my points about eyewitness testimony and lack of seismograph evidence?

  95.  Isn't it amazing to live in a country at a time when a comment such as this even needs to be made?

    "But the media should not fear telling the truth or standing up for the rights of the poor or the young."


  96. That's nonsense. At many times in the documentary, individuals say about how it's not about an "official story," but rather what makes sense and accords with the evidence. This documentary is more than fair. Individual "truthers" are actually in the movie, treated fairly, and get to give their arguments. It's more absurd to claim that Shermer is biased or paid by the "military industrial complex" (whatever that means). No matter what I say here or no matter what objections I make, you all offer ad hoc explanations such as "this was done to divert attention," "this person is in on it," or "the CIA is with person x, so of course they'd lie." So what if they change the information? How does this discredit their ideas? 

    People think that the ideas presented here are absurd and ridiculous for good reason. Many of you suggest that there is this vast conspiracy in which millions of people would be "in on," but for some reason, groups of people didn't come out, 'drop the docs,' and show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there was a conspiracy.

    No matter what I type here, people either
    - totally disregard my arguments
    - posit ad hoc explanations to explain away my arguments
    - talk about how the media lies, so therefore there must be a conspiracy

    Let's see:
    Plunger thinks debunking911 is a "CIA operation"
    Plunger thinks there were no people flying planes at all even though Al-Queda took responsibility for the attacks, the pilots left notes of their intentions behind, and their family members admitted that they indeed died.
    Big Dan thinks that the recent hacking attacks are false flag operations.
    John Niems thinks that "there is no such thing as a coincidence" and types in all caps
    Big Dan relies on the "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth" which is the biggest inappropriate appeal to authority on the face of this earth. I wonder...would he trust scientists who said Galileo was wrong just because they were scientists?
    Many of you keep mentioning the "official story" which is a complete red herring.
    Plunger also thinks that the popular mechanics/History Channel video is "CIA propaganda"
    Plunger commits various post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacies when he mentions things like people traded stocks before 9/ therefore conspiracy.
    Dan: who cares about Chertoff? Why does he even matter? If he is related to someone who made the PM movie, how does this discredit the claims made by the individual scientists in the movie? Can the editing, even if it is problematic (which it is not), somehow throw the movie away and totally discredit it?

    I also noted several problems in other replies...

  97. "Al-Queda took responsibility for the attacks,"

    Where, when?

    Osama Denied it:

    When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on the FBI's web page, Rex Tomb,
    the FBI's Chief of Investigative Publicity, is reported to have said,
    "The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden's Most Wanted
    page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11." Most Wanted Poster - no mention of 9/11 the video in which he took credit for 9/11 was a CIA fake:

  98. Disqus sure does like to trash the sentence and paragraph formatting doesn't it?

  99. I posted above, why we should ALL be concerned that KKR has bought out Go Daddy:

    Of course when the inevitable “E Pearl Harbor” hits the web, KKR and friends will be the first to sign on to the already prepared “E Patriot Act“. In the mean time data-mining, surveillance, and sabotage can all be in a days work for KKR overlords.

    There's a whole cast of all time creepy characters who run and have run in the past "KKR". Check out that article, there has been a lot of research done in that article.

  100. I noticed that. It used to strip out all the tabs from the article you were posting, now it keeps them and not only that, it screws up other tabbing.

    The bottom line is that discus changed how they carry over the tabbing from cut/pastes from other sites. And they didn't do it right!

    If you want to strip out all the crap before posting a cut/paste, I used to put the cut/paste in an interim spot like "notepad". That strips everything out before "paste"ing it back in somewhere.

    YES, it's becoming a pain in the ass. The "genius"s at discus are always thinking of new, worse things all the time! (sarcastic)

  101. Justin: you are just getting into researching 9/11. I've been researching it for years and probably have looked at 100% more information than you have. I don't mean to sound condescending or patronizing, but the average person who just slightly touches on 9/11 says things like you are, it's par for the course. They mention the OLD DEBUNKED Popular Mechanics piece and say things like "I saw the planes hit the towers on TV" and leave it at that and defend that.

    READ everything I, plunger, John Niems, and BB2 post about it. It's going to take you a long time. There is a 100% chance, I always say a "GUARANTEE" that I say you will come to only one conclusion: there are literally hundreds of holes in the "official" 9/11 story. In fact, there is no evidence of it and all the evidence points to an inside job. All the real experts do NOT believe the official story, save for Popular Mechanics and that piece is extremely old. There is NOTHING NEW coming out backing the "official" story.

    You have to spend a lot of time and research, more than it looks like you have done.

    But it looks like you are going to, and you're going to come to the same conclusion everyone else does who puts in a lot of time and research and looks beyond what the mainstream media and government says.

    Now I hope the reason that you defend the indefensible is NOT that you are afraid of what people will say about you if you change your mind. And you seem like the type of person who does not care what other people think of you based on the manger and atheism things you've done.

    So I can come to only one conclusion: you haven't researched 9/11 much beyond the Popular Mechanics piece, which is where beginners usually start and where the people who did 9/11 LOVE you to start and stick with that and only that.

  102. You haven't looked at the enormous amount of things we've posted AND SUBSEQUENTLY DISPUTED THEM. You keep referring to the Popular Mechanics piece.

    Research that, too. Put some time in and "look at the other side", as you say, and google all the intelligent people who have 10 times over debunked the Popular Mechanics piece YEARS ago. I posted something above, a video of Dr David Ray Griffin debunking the Popular Mechanics piece.

  103. Justin should look at that "fact free" article, BB2!!!!! Another fact-free Al Qaeda article.

  104. Keith Richards talks about his childhood:

  105. I think Keith Richards interviews are hilarious!

    I was thinking of putting them together as: "KEITH SPEAKS...or at least tries to"

    "Keith Richards speaks out against drugs" --->>> lol

  106. Even if it is the case that there are holes in the story, it does not entail that there is a conspiracy. You sound like a creationist who attacks evolution... x,y, and z doesn't make sense or claims made by a, b, and c are questionable, so it must be false.

    "All the real experts do NOT believe the official story, save for Popular Mechanics and that piece is extremely old. There is NOTHING NEW coming out backing the "official" story. "

    No, this isn't the case. 9/11 conspiracy theories are considered to be very fringe and are dismissed amongst scientists and other experts. You like the ae911 site, but be careful. Just because someone has letters before or after their name does not entail that they are automatically right. Have these people released peer-reviewed papers and have meta-analyses been done? Here, for example, is a sample list of peer-reviewed papers by scientists who don't believe in conspiracy claims:

    Architects and engineers aren't even the proper experts to look to concerning 9/11. Demolition experts are, like this guy:

    Bin Laden's confession broadcasted on Al-Jezerra

  107.  You know he's not.  It's been clearly demonstrated. 

  108.  He doesn't care about the truth.  Stop trying to change his mind. 

  109. While Bin Laden initially denied responsibility, he later admitted it:

  110.  When the nephew of Michael Chertoff magically appears as the editor of the quintessential debunking piece put out by the ubber-right Hearst Corp., that's the only evidence that a thinking man should need to comprehend that it is bullshit.  One need think no further.  Benjamin Chertoff was used as a conduit for the shadow government to craft the narrative of their choosing.  The by-line for the Popular Mechanics piece might just as well be: by Michael Chertoff

  111. The OTHER set of laws: UCC

  112. Explain Benjamin Chertoff...

    When the young and inexperienced COUSIN of Michael Chertoff magically appears as the editor of
    the quintessential debunking piece put out by the ubber-right Hearst
    Corp., that's the only evidence that a thinking man should need to
    comprehend that it is bullshit.  One need think no further.  Benjamin
    Chertoff was used as a conduit for the shadow government to craft the
    narrative of their choosing.  The by-line for the Popular Mechanics
    piece might just as well be: by Michael Chertoff

    So Benjamin went from being so significant as to have his name associated with the piece you continue to site as definitive - to being a freelance photographer?

    Benjamin Chertoff is a journalist, photographer and video producer. He is most known for his work on the Popular Mechanics article 9/11: Debunking The Myths. He also produced the AOL News tech show The Switched Show.[citation needed] He has also edited[citation needed], and created the Popular Mechanics Show, the weekly podcast of Popular Mechanics magazine.[1] He is currently a freelance photojournalist, writer and documentary producer.

    When phoned at her home in Pelham, NY, and asked whether or not her son
    Benjamin was related to Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff,
    Judy Chertoff replied, "Yes, of course, he is a cousin."

  113. If Ron Paul would let the market "run wild", why don't big businesses support him?

  114. CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA

  115. After Bin Laden denied any involvement in 9/11, he was subsequently murdered:

    Thereafter, an Algerian actor posing on camera for the CIA production team as Bin Laden - took credit for the attacks.  The story that this video tape was found in some house in Afghanistan by US Troops is so absurd as to be laugh-out-loud hilarious - yet you believe it?  I don't believe that you actually believe it.  Can you calculate those odds?  "Oh look - here's a VHS tape entitled: "My 9/11 Confession - by Osama Bin Laden"

    After Bhutto stated on the BBC that Bin Laden had been murdered - she was murdered:

    What a coincidence!  Let's all just hold hands and read Popular Mechanics!  It has to be the truth.

  116.  Fake Bin Laden video - the Nose Knows:

    The nose of the actor in the confession video is not that of Bin Laden - not even close.  Look at the actual images of the shape of his nose.  It's simply not Bin Laden.

  117.  The U.S. invaded Afghanistan on October 7, 2001. The administration's stated aim
    for the invasion was to find Osama bin Laden and other high-ranking
    Al-Qaeda members and put them on trial, to destroy the whole
    organization of Al-Qaeda, and to remove the Taliban regime which
    supported and gave safe harbor to Al-Qaeda.

    An unfortunate complication to the "official"
    story, was the highly inconvenient reported death of bin Laden himself,
    in mid-December of 2001.

    With bin Laden's death, there was no longer a villian that could be used to rally the American people.
    A solution was found.

    of bin Laden's death would simply be swept under the carpet. A stand-in
    would be used to dispell earlier reports of his death.

    The Bush-Cheney Administration announced that they had found proof of bin Laden's guilt, citing a grainy, badly-edited "confession" videotape that conveniently "surfaced" in December, 2001.

    videotape, which purportedly showed a jolly Osama Bin Laden confessing
    to the 9/11 attacks, was made public on December 13, 2001, while the real
    Osama bin Laden, physically gaunt and graying, (who, a month or so
    earlier had already been described as looking pale and haggard, his left
    hand never moving), was prepared for burial. The
    immobile left arm, Dr. Sanjay Gupta had observed on CNN, suggested that
    bin Laden had suffered a stroke, adding that this, plus a "frosting of
    the appearance" suggested that bin Laden was in the final stages of
    kidney failure.

    In the "confession"
    video tape, a man, who, by virtue of the beard and headpiece, only
    vaguely resembled bin Laden, chortles about the success of the 9/11
    attacks. The individual portraying bin Laden in the video is a stocky
    man with a black beard, not a grey one. "bin Laden's" pale skin had
    suddenly become darker, and he had a different shaped nose. His artistic
    hands with slender fingers had transformed into those of a pugilist. He
    looked in exceedingly good health. Furthermore, the "bin Laden" in the
    video can be seen writing a note with his right hand, although the real
    bin Laden was left-handed.

  118. What Justin calls a confession video by Bin Laden, the FBI does not.

    Shall we believe Justin or the FBI?

  119. The Iceland article above actually goes with this UCC video above:

    The voters’ rejection came despite threats
    to isolate Iceland from funding in international financial
    institutions.  Iceland’s national debt has already been downgraded by
    credit rating agencies, and now those same agencies have promised to do
    so once again as punishment for defying the will of international

  120. When they say "threats to isolate Iceland from funding in international financial institutions", see that UCC video above.

    I think Iceland should be GLAD and PROUD to be isolated from the international financial institutes!!!!!

  121. Anthony Lawson: Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid?


    Suppressing free and open discussion
    on any subject is as bad as telling lies, and knowingly suppressing the
    truth is the biggest lie of all, because it is based, not on a mistake
    or a genuine error, but on a deliberate intention to deceive.


  122.  The FBI's actual wanted poster for Bin Laden serves as proof that they determined that the video was in fact FAKE.  If this had been an actual and verifiable confession by Bin Laden, they absolutely would have included 9/11 as one of the events for which he was Wanted by the FBI.  What better evidence could you ask for?

    The FBI's failure to list 9/11 as one of Bin Laden's operations is the equivalent of a press release by the FBI dismissing the alleged confession video as a hoax.  The FBI's analysis of the alleged confession video clearly determined it WAS NOT BIN LADEN.

    No other conclusion can be drawn.


    Where's that headline in the press?  It is a true statement - clearly.


    Members of the controversial Kansas church known for picketing military
    funerals have participated in training sessions with FBI recruits,
    officials say.

    actually similar to this that I recently posted: anti-Semite commenters
    on the internet traced back to be from the Jewish Anti-Defamation
    League:False Flag Racism: The Internet Proxy War“Proxy Buster” Software Exposes False Flag AntisemiteSpammers Tied to Spy/Terror GroupsBy Gordon Duff, Senior EditorAn unclassified version of the software used by the FBI hasallowed Veterans Today to track the IP addresses of a group of, whatappeared to be, hate mongers and racists whose rhetoric borders onterrorist extremism. What we found was astounding. In one case, anindividual using the email address “” wastraced to the computer of the head the largest Jewish “defense”organization.
    the case of the Westboro church, the goal is to drum up pro-war
    sentiment of people being disgusted that Westboro is picketing soldiers
    "fighting for our freedom".In the anti-Semetic commenters traced
    back the the Jewish ADL themselves, it's to drum up sentiment of people
    saying, "Why those racists, we need to pass laws restricting
    anti-Semetic language". Both are false flags by "agent provocateurs".Traditionally,
    an agent provocateur (plural: agents provocateurs, French for "inciting
    agent(s)") is a person employed by the police or other entity to act
    undercover to entice or provoke another person to commit an illegal act.
    More generally, the term may refer to a person or group that seeks to
    discredit or harm another by provoking them to commit a wrong or rash
    action.As a known tool to prevent infiltration by agents
    provocateurs,[1] the organizers of large or controversial assemblies may
    deploy and coordinate demonstration marshals, also called stewards

  125. I'll lay odds that the whole Koran burning pastor
    thing was also tied to the FBI and/or ADL, and also The Ground Zero

  126.  You won't get me to bet against you.
