But SCHMEERIOUSLY folks, here's the LIVE webcam of the runaway oil spill ruining the United States of America, thanks to the Bush administration subversion of the federal agencies in charge of oversight and Obama then not immediately fixing it. No stories in the corporate owned (90% owned by conservatives) mainstream media, "The liberals were right", "The tree huggers were right", "The Republican subversion of government oversight cause this"...NOPE!!! Not even Obama said, "The liberals were right"!!! Because Obama isn't a liberal!!! He's not a socialist, he's not a communist, he's a corporatist just like George W. Bush. The Democrats aren't liberal, and the Republicans aren't conservative. Sarah Palin said, "We're all Arizonans now", about the unconstitutional racial profiling law in Arizona. Is anyone saying, more importantly, "WE'RE ALL TREE HUGGERS NOW"???
Watch live streaming video from wkrg_oil_spill at livestream.com
The Gulf is dying due to the use of dispersants!
Better stock up on tuna, shrimp and oysters. Deep freeze them so your grandchildren can learn what they were! - BB2
News networks say access to oil spill ’slowly being strangled off’
U.S. Plans ‘for Worst’ in Gulf, Seeing Risk in Leak Strategy
BP oil spill: the ecological impact...Chevron arrests activists..."TOP KILL" fails...NASA releases oil spill video...people FAIL in oil spill, sickness running through cleanup crew...BP's chemical dispersants making living things sick or killing them...spill "worst in U.S. history and still going...PROSECUTE BP heads???...BP's role in 1989 Exxon-Valdez oil spill...
Banks still the powerhouse in DC
Bilderberg 2010 - a bunch of the richest, most influential people with like interests getting together with media heads attending it but not reporting on it? Naaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!
Notice we never call out Israel on anything, like nukes, abusing children, harvesting organs, 9/11...or anything? Is it because there's so many pro-Israel shills in our U.S. government like Joe Lieberman?
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine! - The Stimulator - SubMediaTV
Clips from END:CIV -
ReplyDeleteYou guys are getting FUNNY, as well as SMART lately???
ReplyDeleteanony [Moderator] 13 hours ago in reply to BB2
Any video viewing requests ?
Gone With The Wind or a nice Three Stooges medley is available from the British Petrol video/film library.
Anything to divert your attentions from dead dolphins and ducks is our mission here at BP.
I just saw Rothschild go by in one of those underwater bubbles sabotaging the oil pipe!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is totally random, I came across this fight scene:
Thanks to BigDan I opened the pool on Thursday right after talking to him over the phone. I was initially going to wait until the cruise was over, but now we are up and running, and we've been swimming everyday since Thursday...again, thanks to the inspiration of BigDan. BigDan, the innovator of stealing records in the seventies!!! I VIVIDLY remember stealing the 45 of "Listen To What The Man Said" back in 1975 with my now deceased friend Paul....We used to steal records from Pomeroy's at the Midway Shopping Center back in the golden days of the mid-seventies...I would drive my bike with my friend (we were 14 or 15) on the handlebars for over 2 miles, smoking cigarettes like they were going out of style while peddling all that weight and NEVER even getting out of breath. Whenever I hear that song it takes me back to those days..... You can't beat youth!!!!! Drumbo
ReplyDeleteLook what's on the SpillCam now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWe don't have a pool,
besides 2 days ago was record cold here, high was 61 degrees. Today it is supposed to be 93!
How about some time to adjust...
The Gulf is dying due to the use of dispersants!
Better stock up on tuna, shrimp and oysters.
ReplyDeleteDeep freeze them so your grandchildren can learn what they were!
That's it!
ReplyDeleteShoot it full of chickens!
If we don't see it, it doesn't exist!
"We're all tree huggers now" - NOT said by any politicians including Obama...as in Sarah Palin saying, "We're all Arizonans now"
ReplyDeleteTEARS OF JOY FOR THE BUSH CRIME FAMILY,.. is there a convenient place nearby where I could vomit ?
Three generations of Bushes descended on a Brickell area church Saturday for a wedding and Memorial Day weekend family reunion of the Republican Party's most enduring dynasty.
The two former presidents -- George Herbert Walker Bush and George W. Bush -- were on hand, along with the former first ladies to watch as former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's youngest son, John Ellis Bush Jr., 26, known as ``Jebby,'' married Coral Gables resident Sandra Algudady.
The family's elder statesman, George H.W., known as 41, emerged from a tan SUV, his wife Barbara at his side, after being escorted to the church by two Miami-Dade Police squad cars.
Wearing a white summer suit, he appeared frail as he entered the white stone, red-roofed St. Jude Melkite Catholic Church with the help of a cane and his wife, Barbara, at his side.
The groom's father arrived about 30 minutes before the ceremony in a dark suit.
The second President Bush, George W., known as 43, was accompanied by former first lady Laura and daughters Jenna and Barbara.
He turned to a Miami Herald photographer and said jokingly, ``Make me look good,'' as he departed the church.
Little was known about the bride, whose marriage license registry indicates she turned 30 last month. A Google search on the couple found that they are registered at the high-end gourmet kitchen retailer Williams-Sonoma.
Remember this struggling young couple are registered at the high-end gourmet kitchen retailer Williams-Sonoma. An electric can opener or a
ReplyDeleteclothes steam iron would be very helpful - so that the new bride can iron his shirts while bare footed in the kitchen - as she slaves over the stove and starching his shirts before she sends him off to work. Then change the diapers of her 27 children. God Bless them,.. they are Catholic,.. so they would never consider birth control.
Make me look good
ReplyDeleteImpossible to anyone with 1/4 of a brain!
Please don't hold this against him,..
Jeb Bush son arrested for public intoxication, resisting arrest
"The youngest son of Florida Governor Jeb Bush was arrested early this morning and charged with public intoxication and resisting arrest.
Twenty-one-year-old John Ellis Bush is the nephew of President Bush.
Authorities say the younger Bush was arrested by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission at 2:30 a-m on a corner of Austin's Sixth Street bar district.
Bush was released on 25-hundred dollar bond for resisting arrest and personal recognizance bond for the public intoxication charge."
Oops,.. that's been scrubbed,.. nice to be connected,.. Huh ?
Well,.. the Bush Clan won't be holding their breath for a wedding gift from the BB-2 group, that's apparent.
ReplyDeleteSatellite image puts the oil gusher in perspective,
Currently the video is showing them deploying Rig Mats - portable equipment platforms - in preparation to cut the pipe off at the top of the Blowout Preventer. If they are then unable to secure the new collection device it will be full flow from the well until they can seal it with a new bore trough 5,000 feet of water and 18,000 feet of earth to hit the 7" target.
But what is going on at the leak? I thought these cameras were supposed to be monitoring the leak. Why are we instead, for the last 24 hours or so, watching underwater robot construction videos and shots of crew members walking around on deck servicing the camera robot???
ReplyDeleteBP Embraces Exxon’s Toxic Dispersant, Ignores Safer Alternative
ReplyDeleteIt has been confirmed that the dispersal agent being used by BP and the government is Corexit 9500 , a solvent originally developed by Exxon and now manufactured by Nalco Holding Company of Naperville, IL. Their stock took a sharp jump, up more than 18% at its highest point of the day today, after it was announced that their product is the one being used in the Gulf. Nalco’s CEO, Erik Frywald, expressed their commitment to “helping the people and environment of the Gulf Coast recover as rapidly as possible.” It may be that the best way to help would be to remove their product from the fray. Take a look at some of the facts about Corexit 9500:
A report written by Anita George-Ares and James R. Clark for Exxon Biomedical Sciences, Inc. entitled “Acute Aquatic Toxicity of Three Corexit Products: An Overview ” states that “Corexit 9500, Corexit 9527, and Corexit 9580 have moderate toxicity to early life stages of fish, crustaceans and mollusks (LC50 or EC50 – 1.6 to 100 ppm*). It goes on to say that decreasing water temperatures in lab tests showed decreased toxicity, a lowered uptake of the dispersant. Unfortunately, we’re going to be seeing an increase in temperatures, not a decrease. Amongst the other caveats is that the study is species-specific, that other animals may be more severely affected, silver-sided fish amongst them.
Mega info on dispersants used by Brit Petrol to conceal the true extent of the gusher oil in the gulf.
Avalon Project
ReplyDeleteFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Avalon Project is a digital library of documents relating to law, history and diplomacy. The project is part of the Yale Law School Lillian Goldman Law Library.
The project contains online electronic copies of documents dating back to the beginning of history, making it possible to study the original text of not only very famous documents such as the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, and the United States Bill of Rights, but also the text of less well known but significant documents which mark turning points in the history of law and rights.
The site has full search facilities and a facility to electronically compare the text of two documents.
At the same website is Project Diana: An Online Human Rights Archive.
No. Project Avalon is Bill Ryan's new split-off site from Project Camelot. Space lizard researchers I follow... not so much the twit at Camelot, but Ryan seems to be interviewing all the guys who work on the scalar physics stuff, some of the more scholarly and believable types in the field. Bill Ryan did the report on the Anglo Saxon Mission here.
ReplyDeleteHave I mentioned lately how much I HATE this commenting system?
What is the white stuff flickering at the top of the pipe in The BP video ?
Photo of the flickering white stuff.
Plan E - to contain the oil gusher.
ReplyDeleteDrawings of the procedure to cut off the riser pipe and install a second BOP on top of the defective BOP, then pump the leaking oil to a surface ship.
Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP) Cap
* Installing a Lower Marine Riser Package (LMRP) Cap is a containment option for collecting the flow of oil from the MC252 well. The LMRP is the top half of the blow out preventer (BOP) stack.
* The installation procedure first involves removing the damaged riser from the top of the BOP. [mf adds: we are here, cutting away ancillary fittings]
* A remote operated hydraulic shear will be used to make two initial cuts and then that section will be removed by crane. A diamond wire saw will then be placed to cut the pipe close to the LMRP and the final damaged piece of riser will be removed.
* The LMRP Cap is designed to seal on top of the riser stub. The seal will decrease the potential of inflow of seawater as well as improve the efficiency of oil recovery. Lines carrying methanol also are connected to the device to help stop hydrate formation.
* The device will be connected to a riser extending from the Discoverer Enterprise drillship.
* The LMRP Cap is on site, and it is anticipated that this option would be available for deployment by the end of May.