Monday, May 31, 2010

Big Dan's Big News May 31, 2010

FOLLOW THIS ISRAELI STORY CLOSELY, AND YOU WILL THEN BELIEVE ME ABOUT HOW ISRAEL LIES...WATCH THE LIES AS THIS PLAYS OUT...WATCH HOW THE PRO-ISRAELI U.S. "NEWS" COVERS THIS...will the United States of Israel do anything about this??? Obama gave Israel a good issuing a statement of "mild concern".

Israel Defense Forces video of Flotilla attack, ship boarding, wounded activists

Israel Attacks Palestinian Aid Flotilla

Stop U.S. Support of Israeli Terrorism

Look at THIS bullshit: "Israel claimed it was defending itself, with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) saying the soldiers' lives were in danger after they were attacked with "severe physical violence, including live fire, weapons, knives and clubs." Soooooooo...........Israeli commandos forcefully board a ship of peaceful activists, and these activists attacked them??? Bullshit!!! Now do you see all the LIES in the news about Israel??? Keep this in mind going forward when you read anything about Israel in the "news".


Israeli SPOKESLIAR says the activists had sharp metal objects!!!!! Now, are you going to believe Israel's "human shields" bullshit next time they kill civilians, now that you know they are LYING here??? Here's how you know this is a LIE: they couldn't have know the activists had "sharp metal objects" BEFORE they attacked them!!! So they attacked them...and THEN checked that they had "sharp metal objects"? And so what if they did? "Sharp metal objects" against the Israeli army? Maybe they were their kitchen knives or nothing even existed. I'm SURE (sarcastic) that a boat full of activists who told the world ahead of time what they were doing, had "evil plans" to attack the Israeli army with "sharp metal objects". I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH BULLSHIT IN MY LIFE!!!!! TO HAVE THE BALLS TO EVEN SAY THIS IS BREATHTAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want to see Academy Award winning BULLSHIT?????????


* NEW: UN Security Council will hold talks at 1 p.m. ET Monday on the incident
* NEW: Israeli PM Netanyahu cancels scheduled meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama
* Israel: "During the incident the soldier's lives were in danger"
* Aid convoy was taking supplies to Gaza in defiance of Israel's three-year blockade

(CNN) -- The international community on Monday condemned an Israeli naval commando raid on a flotilla carrying aid for Palestinians in Gaza, leaving 9 people dead.

9 dead as Israeli forces storm Gaza aid convoy

Civilians Under Attack by Israel


Long Live Palestine!

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?


  1. This Country Needs a Few Good Communists by Chris Hedges

  2. Ed Markey: BP 'Lying Or Incompetent' About Scope Of Gulf Oil Spill,b=facebook

  3. BP Gulf catastrophe typifies corporate behavior in America

  4. God Damn It,.. we spent a fortune on dispersants to conceal that oil and force it below the surface of the water where nobody could see it. We are injecting dispersants, (which are costing us a fortune) at the source of the leakage at the well head so that crude oil never reaches the surface waters of the Gulf of Mexico were it can be seen.

    If you can not see the oil pollutants and oil sheen at the top of the ocean waters then it is not British Petroleum's problem. Need I remind you British Petroleum does not own the Gulf of Mexico, these are waterways held in common for the citizens of the United States of America. Let them clean up the fucking mess.


    VENICE, La. — Disputing scientists' claims of large oil plumes suspended underwater in the Gulf of Mexico, BP PLC's chief executive on Sunday said the company has largely narrowed the focus of its cleanup to surface slicks rolling into Louisiana's coastal marshes.

    During a tour of a BP PLC staging area for cleanup workers, CEO Tony Hayward said the company's sampling showed "no evidence" that oil was suspended in large masses beneath the surface. He didn't elaborate on how the testing was done.

  5. Why was British Petroleum's live video tape labeled "Plume Monitoring" then ? While the BP - CEO Hayward says there is no oil plume.

  6. Plan E to control the gushing oil leak.


  7. Protest letter for the Gaza Aid attack:

  8. Last night while I was watching the feed an eel could be seen swimming in and out of the frame - It cracked me up thinking about this:

  9. I don't know why it doesn't link to the disqus comment - the url is distinct, but the links always take you to the top of the comment page, not the particular comment.

    That was supposed to link to Dan's comment about a loop showing the same fish swim by.

  10. Now here is a guy you don't want for a drinking buddy.

    American cage fighter 'rips out still-beating heart of training partner after fearing he was possessed by the devil'

    By Paul Thompson
    Last updated at 4:21 PM on 30th May 2010

    Read more:

  11. No cause for alarm folks, this is what BP unleashed.

  12. Here,.. here is the fish you are looking for.

  13. That was before BP used them to try and plug the leak!

  14. Steroids have been berry berry good to me!

  15. No,.. no,.. wait,.. this must be the fish BB-2 was talking about.


  17. Go to the leak video - they're cutting the pipe!

  18. Israeli commandos boarded the ship in international waters. The commandos were issued orders to kill specific people who were known humanitarian sympathizers for the Palestinian cause. Photos were handed out of the people Israel wanted to be killed on the ship - prior to the attack by the Israeli commandos.


    Turkish sources and media revealed a document which shows that a death list had been prepared in advance by the Israelis, showing names and pictures of people on board of the ships to be murdered, who, according to Israel, were “involved in the International humanitarian aid for Gaza”. According to the Turkish sources, hundreds of Israeli soldiers stormed the blue Turkish ship “Marmara” flotilla and they had copies of the death list. The list included the names of civilians on the fleet who should be killed”. The document was apparently recovered after one of the Israeli soldiers lost it during the piracy act.

    Regarding the complicity of other foreign states in this crime, it has transcended that the Germans Parliamentarians who were on-board, Annette Groth, Inge Höger and Norman Paech, had repeatedly asked the German Foreign Ministry for support and protection, but were rebuffed and instead they were warned to get off the flotilla because of unspecified “dangers”. The strange attitude of Cyprus, which neither allowed the ships to enter port, nor allowed a delegation of Parliamentarians to board the ships, can in retrospect only be explained with the prior knowledge and complicity in the crime if the Cypriot regime.

    In the end, Israel has carried out a horrific bloody massacre, and the victims were all civilians.The questions remain: Did Israel achieve its goals with the massacre on the Freedom Flotilla ship? Did Turkey and the other countries on Israel secret hate list (who are listed in secret as “hostile enemies”) receive the Israeli message? Which was the Israeli message? The answer to the first question is a clear now, and the coming days will reveal the answer to the second question and whether Israel really considers Turkey an enemy in secret. Whatever the answers to these questions, Israel should admit that the political equation has changed in the region and Israel and its allies can no longer change the politics.

  19. The horizon is not so far as we can see, but as far as we can imagine

    Holy Sweet Lord, Turkey has announced they will send another flotilla to Gaza—escorted by the Turkish Navy!
    2010 May 31
    by Ian Welsh

    If they actually do this, it is the very definition of throwing down.


    Does Israel want a war with Turkey? They can’t win it, short of using nukes, and Turkey is a NATO member, if Israel attacks NATO ships, Turkey can invoke Article V (in fact, they can invoke it already, since the ships were attacked by a non NATO power on the high seas.) If Turkey does so, of course NATO nations will refuse, but doing so will break NATO.

    This is high stakes.

    Update: I might add that in the case of a war between Turkey and Israel, if Turkey is serious, unless Israel uses nukes, my money is on the Turks. They have a huge armored corp, and the nations between Israel and Turkey aren’t going to say no if Turkey asks for access (because if they do, Turkey will just roll right through them.) Also if Turkey and Israel goes to war, it’s at least 50/50 the Egypt jumps in as well.

  20. Oops,.. the link would be nice,..

  21. You got a good video link ?

    Go to this site, put the cursor over the picture and click "FULL" to get a nice view.
    (Click escape to get out.)

  22. UN wants details of Israeli attack on humanitarian ship in international waters.


    UN demands Israel explain bloodshed

    ANKARA: Israel's allies froze military ties and summoned ambassadors over the storming of an aid flotilla bound for Gaza, as Muslim leaders slammed the deadly raid as ''criminal'' and ''inhuman''.

    The United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, said he was ''shocked'' by the deadly Israeli assault on a convoy carrying hundreds of pro-Palestinian activists, MPs and journalists through international waters towards besieged Gaza.

    ''It is vital that there is a full investigation to determine exactly how this bloodshed took place,'' Mr Ban said, calling on Israel to explain itself over the raid, which left up to 19 dead, many of them reportedly Turks.

  23. It appears they have removed a section of one of the auxiliary pipes and have made cuts in the second one. They have a strap around the cut section and appear to be trying to yank it off.

  24. Watching these robots maneuver, I think I am going to lose bodily functions from the frustration, and wet or shit myself.

  25. Yanking didn't work - back to sawing now!

  26. I think what they are doing is trying to relieve the strain on the the small pipes so they can cut them off close to or flush with the flange in preparation for cutting the large pipe. The pipe they are currently working on has a cut about halfway through just above its connection at the flange. The weight of the pipe is probably binding the saw thus giving them difficulty removing a section.

  27. Oh - how nice of them. They took the cut out section of pipe and put it in a trash bin...

    BP, keeping the environment clean!

  28. Sheesh, their saw blade isn't big enough to reach all the way through the small pipes. The gear hub bottoms out before they can make a clean cut - back to yanking!

  29. A good explanation about what they are up to now - LMRP.


    Third, ROVs have to position and couple a tapered end hose/pipe with a modified dome to the sheared off riser pipe. This makes me nervous because the ROVs have to position the LMRP cap precisely while the cut riser is spewing out oil and gas. The goal is to capture and contain some of the oil and gas. Imagine doing the same procedure on a gushing 21-inch fire hydrant to capture some of the water (except it's spewing gas and oil) gushing out? It's that hard times infinity.

    It is curious to hear BP saying they are not worried about unleashing more oil and gas if the LMRP fails. What does that say? It implies the amount of oil and gas spewing out now is the same as the amount of oil and gas expected to spew out of an uncontrolled sheared off and fully exposed riser pipe. It sounds like BP cannot screw it up any more than it is now.

    The point of failure seems to be the ROVs being unable to control and properly position the LMRP cap to couple it and seal the grommet.

    Read more:

  30. Nice photos and drawing at link too. Just above.

  31. Increasingly outrageous events.
    Prepare for them in rapid succession.

    The Rothschilds are going into full end-game mode. The end game includes ever more outrageous acts, to change the subject from the most recent outrageous act. The spotlight was shining too brightly on the Rothschild's BP outrage, so they cranked up their outrageous terrorist state to create an even greater outrage.

    What's next on the script?
    What's after that?
    And then after that?

    The Rothschild's know.
    They write the script.

  32. Head spinning ain't it ?


  34. Now they are messing around with cables and slings on the fallen riser pipe assembly. One small pipe left to cut off, then the main one.

  35. That comment was hung up for about 3 minutes while you guys were commenting - LOL

  36. The just cut some electrical cables that run along the riser pipe with a hydrolic cable cutter.

  37. Shit - can't tell what's going on now - the camera is in the middle of the plume.

    Did they cut the pipe while they were showing us them cutting the cables and messing with the slings?

    The last thing visible was some device being lowered, although it didn't look like something that could collect oil.


  38. It looks like the thing they just lowered is a big pipe cutter. Apparently they will use this instead of the saw.

  39. From Anony's link at A good explanation about what they are up to now - LMRP. I would guess this is the shears to cut the pipe near the sea floor, not the Diamond Wire Cutter for the top of the blowout preventer.

  40. They are likely seventeen year olds who were king shits of their local video games palace. You know # 1 & # 2 on the highest score list that you see at the end of the vid game.

  41. To get the link for a comment, you copy the link where it says "8 hours ago" or whatever time it was:

  42. Well, I "thought" that was the way you do it! I guess you're right!!! wtf???


  44. Tried "in reply to big dan"...nope, guess you can'

  45. Now they are trying to plug in a device into what I guess is a hydrolic power supply or pump of some kind - having trouble getting it to go in - why didn't they do this procedure on dry land and lower it down as a unit?

  46. We locked you out dude,.. no more comments from you. Go get your rubber duckie and play in your Olympic pool

  47. Still trying to get it in!

    Put some hair around it for cryin' out loud!

  48. Are you talking about Dano,.. I can lend him a LCD flashlight. (And a fist full of Viagra -- the old coot.)

  49. It was making me seasick.

  50. I guess they took my advice - I stepped away for a few and now they are back to messing with the slings.

  51. Just had a real clear view of the extent of the kink in the pipe. BP says 20% more flow when they cut the pipe. I say 400 to 500% more flow. That pipe is almost completely crimped off!

  52. Look at this sheeeee-it.

    Big Dan's backyard after he belly flopped it the pool.

  53. Oh it will create a geyser of oil in the Gulf of Mexico that can be seen from Paris.

  54. Whoa! Looks like a mini black hole landed there!

  55. Now they have a chat room at the video page!

    BP oil leak now gone social networking!

  56. LOL!!!!!!!!! I'm supposed to be the funny one! I swear, you guys are on "funny pills" or something.

  57. The very top portion of the BOP has a definite lean to it compared with the portion below.

    Goodnight folks, have to get up for work in 7 hours...

    Looks like they might be done for the night.

  58. We hiked in Nay Aug park in Scranton today:

    It was sooooo hot, it was like 95 degrees. My son's in from Boston, me/wife/son went hiking. Yeowch, it was so hot you could hardly breathe.

  59. In Nay Aug, there's this stream with big cliffs next to it, and the kids jump off the cliffs into a huge pool that collected in one spot. Kids get killed there every year diving off those cliffs. They have it fenced off now, but where there's a will, there's a way. While we were there, one kid jumped off. It took so long while he was in the air, it was insane!!!

  60. Here's where they jump from:

    I wish there was a picture of the drop, though.

  61. They built this really neat tree house high up in the trees:

  62. When I was a kid, they had an amusement park there:

    no longer there......

  63. Ever go to defuntamusementparks????????????

  64. Here's the most famous defunct amusement park near me: Rocky Glen -

    Boy, I was there all the time when I was a kid! We had so many amusement parks around here when I was a kid, they are all gone now for a long time!!!!!!!!!

    We used to LIVE at these local amusement parks when we were kids!!! All day, we'd be there!

  65. We were so tired from hiking in the 95 heat, I got home at around 6pm and just dropped for about 4-5 hours in a dead sleep.

  66. Hey, ironically, my son just showed me that sink hole. It's in Guatemala, right?

  67. Yeah, and they probably have BP shills going, "Hey, nature will take care of it. We need the oil!"

  68. Hey! I represent that remark!!!!!!!

  69. Good thing they have that drumming in the background..........
