Friday, May 28, 2010

Big Dan's Big News May 28, 2010, Mr. Peanut is disgusted..........

Mr. Peanut, who born in Northeast Pa., is barfing in his grave, seeing all of this corruption unravelling here:

A state panel charged with investigating the kids-for-cash case spared no one in a scathing report issued Thursday, laying blame for the scandal on criminal judges, passive prosecutors, inattentive pubic defenders and Luzerne County's long history of "conflict and corruption."

Pa. State Panel: "Total Collapse" of the system during "Kids for Cash" judges scandal.

Our present DA Jackie Musto Carroll (below left) and our present juvenile judge David Lupas (below right) were both DA's during the many years of the "Kids for Cash" scandal. They were named by the state panel as "passive prosecutors"....."prosecutors who stood by and abdicated their responsibility"....."whose silence, distraction or timid acquiescence allegedly abetted the scheme" while they were DA's during the many years of the "Kids for Cash" scandal.



Read the report

Read the recommendations

Read the news release

Kids' lives ruined by corrupt judges and other players who put them away for minor or non-existent "offenses" for their $$$ profit:

Krystal Pope spent three months at a wilderness camp for possessing drug paraphernalia after appearing before then-Judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr.

Juveniles, families struggle to make sense of scandal

Privatizing Justice: Judges Jail Kids for Profit

NEPA "Kids for Cash" judges scandal:

30th person charged in the ongoing federal probe into NEPA, it's not Mr. Peanut!!! Now we know why guys like Tom Greco and Mericle were so successful in this area!!! Aren't they "too big to fail"???

Tom Greco poses with Mr. Peanut can Greco slipping $5,000.00 in Mr. Peanut's pocket...

#30 - Greco plea tied to closed bar

The Beatles - I've Got a Feeling


  1. Twitter subpoena crosses the line

  2. Mailbag letter in our local Times Leader:

    There’s nothing pure or simple about politics

    Many of us owe Rand Paul, the Kentucky Republican and tea party-sponsored nominee for U.S. Senate, a debt of gratitude. He has clearly and courageously articulated the true meaning of being a libertarian.

    Libertarianism is primarily about individual rights, and it is interesting to note that Mr. Paul is a privileged, white, upper-middle-class man at little risk of personal or institutional discrimination. I imagine it is much easier to be ideologically pure when you are at little risk of the down side of your own political position.

    Mr. Paul emphatically insists that he is not a racist, and I believe him. His positions do not reflect racism per se. Mr. Paul simply states that we all have the right to be racist and that the government has no right to stop us. A minority in power can maintain its power through discrimination as long as it is not institutional- or government-sponsored discrimination.

    Well, that works for a few of us. And therein lies the problem; Mr. Paul’s ideology works only for a few of us.

    Paul, I imagine, would state that libertarianism essentially works for all of us, in as far as it does not prevent anyone from doing almost anything. It is a great passive-aggressive argument, wherein one can say: “I am expressing no greater freedom then you are allowed to express; we are equal.”

    We live in a diverse and complex community. Time and again individuals have demonstrated that left to their own devices, self-interest wins out over the common good.

    Wall Street is a fine example of a few, powerful individuals placing their ambitions for wealth over the best interests of the rest of us. This is why we need a government to regulate and check activities. Left unchecked, people in power tend to behave badly. It would be much easier and cost effective for a business owner to dump the toxic waste from her factory into the nearby river and let it simply flow downstream. Unfortunately, she can’t because some government regulator says it’s bad for her downstream neighbors.

    Mr. Paul’s libertarian response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is cavalier and also, to his credit, ideologically pure: “sometimes accidents happen.” Good luck with that fishing industry, tourism and turtles.

    While it might be emotionally satisfying to take a simple and pure political position, it simply doesn’t work.

    We owe Mr. Paul a debt of gratitude for so clearly pointing out the flaws in his ideology.

  3. Needs to be a couple inches to the right!

  4. An electric car that you fold up and put in your pocket,..

    The Hummer version,..

  5. New hole found in the riser tube. It seems the riser tube is becoming perforated like Swiss cheese. Is the inside wall wearing away to tissue paper thickness ? This is the first kink in the riser tube just above the BOP. How long will it be that the riser tube totally disintegrates and a full force/full pressure blowout of methane gas and heavy crude oil goes gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. If this happens - then we will see an ecological catastrophe beyond all comprehensions.

  6. Oops,.. wrong version of that - Coolio's Fantastic Voyage - song.

    CNN profusely apologizes.

  7. New Site Exposes Embarrassing Facebook Updates
    Openbook Auto-Searches for Posts on Cheating, Hangovers, Playing Hooky and More

  8. More evidence that oil prices are rigged (note how they are not going up on a major holiday - for the first time, ever):

    Got PR problem?

  9. I just flashed on what the late George Carlin would be saying about the oil spill. He would say it was the best thing that ever happened (in his own shocking way), and come up with a logical and hilarious explanation that would stop you in your tracks and make you think about your own use of oil.


  11. The prices here in Sacramento have dropped $0.24 in the last couple of days. The cheapest stations were at $2.99 for regular last weekend, now at $2.75. Some stations had been as high as $3.19 for regular.

  12. The hole farthest to the right, with the darkest material coming out, was barely noticeable when the first started showing this image. Now it matches the other holes in material coming out.

    And that begs the question - what is coming out? Why is every stream a different color? WTF?

    And why are they no longer showing video of the end of the tube where the inserted the new tube to collect the oil?

    New under water plume found to the west - miles wide, but no measurements yet - too big to survey. This is addition to the 3,000 foot thick, 6 mile wide and 22 mile long plume of oil and dispersants discovered yesterday to the east of the leak.

  13. WTF?

    Did someone slip Fox News some sodium pentathol?

  14. Right now, at the live feed, that new hole appears to be leaking the most. In fact all of the leaks appear larger than the ones in the photo at Anony's link!

    How much more can that pipe take before it blow completely?

    After staring at the video for awhile I count 7 holes in the pipe. 2 are in the background, one behind the plume on the right and one behind the plume second from the right.

    And I still want to know what is going on at the end of the pipe - that is all they showed us for the last week, now nothing.
    Why did they not show us then the leak they are showing now?

    Still hiding something???

  15. OK - Lunch break almost over - back to work.

  16. Well they stuffed junk, trash, and Tiger Wood's old golf balls down the BOP of the BP gushing oil well.

    It looks more active - by a factor of 10X - not less active - than before they started this process.

  17. Oops wrong link just above,.. it was meant to be the BP video link of the gusher.

  18. Rand Paul in his own startling words:

  19. The Right to Discriminate?

  20. 46 Congressional Candidates Oppose War Funding

    Forty-six congressional candidates and 17 activist organizations released a statement on Monday opposing any more funding for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and inviting more candidates, incumbents, and organizations to sign on. The 46 candidates include 16 Libertarians, 15 Democrats, 14 Greens, and 1 Independent. They do not all agree with each other on many topics, including their reasons for opposing war spending. But they all back this short statement:

    "The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost Americans over $1 trillion in direct costs, and over $3 trillion altogether. At a time when our national debt exceeds $13 trillion, we can no longer afford these wars. It's time for Congress to reject any funding except to bring all our troops safely home."

    This announcement comes just as Congress is set to vote on whether to spend another $33.5 billion in an off-the-books "emergency" supplemental spending bill to escalate a war in Afghanistan that polls show a majority of Americans opposes.

    Ask congress members, candidates, and organizations to sign onto the Coalition Against War Spending at

    When you call your congress member at (202) 224-3121 let them know that they can vote against another $33.5 billion to escalate the war in Afghanistan, and vote against it no matter how many good things are packaged into the same bill, or you will vote against them in November.

    Keep track of where your congress member stands at

  21. Proof that it doesn't matter that it's Rush Limbaugh, whoever's writing for Limbaugh is the problem:

    Limbaugh Fill-In Walter Williams Says [Insert Insane Statement Here]

  22. Coalition against WAR spending:

  23. Report: 'Top Kill' Effort Succeeds In Blocking Gulf Coast Oil Leak

    Hey........I have a big question: why didn't they do this right off the bat???????????????????????????????? Is that a good question?????????????

  24. It was like something blew up (approx. 9AM) or exploded this morning at the BOP at the BP gusher.

    See the video,.. at 2:59 on the video count up meter the action starts.

    Very little in the MSM about this event.

  25. Wanna lay odds on this guy being gay?????????????????????

  26. La. scientist locates another (3rd) vast oil plume in the gulf Updated at 4:50 PM

    Source: Washington Post

    La. scientist locates another vast oil plume in the gulf

    By David A. Fahrenthold and Juliet Eilperin
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Friday, May 28, 2010; 1:09 PM

    A day after scientists reported finding a huge "plume" of oil extending miles east of the leaking BP well, on Friday a Louisiana scientist said his crew had located another vast plume of oily globs, miles in the opposite direction.

    James H. Cowan Jr., a professor at Louisiana State University, said his crew on Wednesday found a plume of oil in a section of the gulf 75 miles west of the source of the leak.

    Cowan said that his crew sent a remotely controlled submarine into the water, and found it full of oily globules, from the size of a thumbnail to the size of a golf ball. Unlike the plume found east of the leak -- in which the oil was so dissolved that contaminated water appeared clear -- Cowan said the oil at this site was so thick that it covered the lights on the submarine.

    "It almost looks like big wet snowflakes, but they're brown and black and oily," Cowan said. The submarine returned to the surface entirely black, he said.

  27. BBC Correspondent says MOSSAD did 9/11 and Iran doesn't want Nukes SEE INFO LINKS

  28. Well ain't this rich. The Rothschild Clan not only makes money as the US Central Banksters when America has to borrow the funds to finance the trillions of dollars required to fight the Iraq and Afghan Wars. But 80% of every drop of fuel the US military uses around the world - British Petroleum and their silent owners the Rothschild Clan stuff that money into their pockets too.


    BP Supplies 80% Of Fuel To US Forces-Another Reason WHY They Will NEVER Be Prosecuted! Updated at 5:22 PM

    Jeanne Pascal was the debarment counsel at the EPA’s Seattle office who spent more than a decade working on issues related to environmental crimes BP had been convicted of.


    She said the power the company wields might be due, in large part, to the fact that BP supplies the military with 80 percent of its fuel needs. Because of that, she had to proceed with caution. BP pled guilty to a felony in connection with a March 2005 explosion at BP's Texas City refinery, which claimed the lives of 15 employees and injured 170 others; BP pled guilty to a criminal misdemeanor for two oil spills in Alaska in March and August 2006 due to a severely corroded pipelines on which BP failed to perform maintenance; and, BP entered a deferred prosecution agreement related to price fixing scheme involving propane trading.

    "If I had debarred BP while they were supplying 80 percent of the fuel to US forces it would have been almost certain that the Defense Department would have been forced to get an exception," Pascal said. "There's a provision in the debarment regulations that says in a time of war or extreme need exceptions can be granted to debarment so that federal agencies with critical needs can continue doing business with debarred contractors. I was in a quandary. If I moved forward with debarment we would have had a major federal contractor doing business with the federal government with no governmental oversight or audit provisions. I felt oversight terms and conditions were critical with BP, so I pursued settlement of the matter in the hopes of getting oversight and audit terms."

    More at link,..

  29. Holy Fuck Batman - what the hell is going on at the oil leak?

    New plume in the foreground keeps obliterating the view - when you can see the original ones the look to be much worse also!

    Going to look at Anony's video link from around noon time. (I wish this thing gave the post times, not the useless "About 2 hours ago".)

  30. Hard to tell what's going on in that link from Anony.

    Are the pipes insulated? It looks like Styrofoam insulation flying around.

  31. This is real time video of the BOP,..

    It does not look pretty,..

  32. Ya I've been watching it - some other plume in the foreground until they move the camera in closer which puts it behind the camera.

  33. The flow is definitely increased, what were a number of distinct jets seem to be combining into one much closer to the pipe.

  34. Interactive map of the oil gush area.

  35. Gary Coleman died. I'm shocked...because I thought he was already dead.

  36. I'm included in the plethora of Americans who log on or turn on their televisions, the first thing in the morning, to find out what's going on with the oil spill, but Big Dan's post here about incarcerated children for profit has some of the best information on this, (travesty isn't the word, hell, THERE ISN'T A WORD YET), to describe something like this!

    I consider Big Dan to be amongst the top and most peaceful ranters in this nation, (I had to look up ranters to make sure it wasn't a damn football team, but the definition prompted me to add peaceful to the word rant because I'm sure Dan is, (unlike Glen Beck))

    Our "leaders" have painted us as violent and greedy and provided us with things which we don't need. Computers with "net neutrality" are NOT one of those things we don't need. The "main stream media" has only responded because ordinary citizens on the internet who didn't make a dime DID!

    This I believe.

  37. There is a thought that the Blow Out Preventer - that was bolted to the ocean floor has broken free and now the oil and methane gas are bubbling out of a hole in the ocean floor where the Blow Out Preventer used to be. Now the only way to bring this gusher to a halt is to wait until July when the new hole they are drilling intercepts the old well shaft, redirects the oil/gas/pressure from the old shaft to the new shaft. Then the old shaft can be sealed and cemented shut. Oil and gas will be gushing full blast until sometime in July when they anticipate the new drilled well shaft will intercept the old well shaft. The second drilled well will have a Blow Out Preventer that is fully operational so in July they can control/shut off the flow of oil/gas/and pressure at the new well hole.

    Attempting to confirm this scenario with a link - if someone finds a link that substantiates this - please post ASAP.

  38. This is a comment speaking hypothetically what might happen by fiddling around the well head, riser, and BOP with all that pressure blowing oil and gas through this now fragile equipment.

    DIYer on May 28, 2010 - 7:33pm Permalink | Subthread | Parent | Parent subthread | Comments top

    Thanks for the thoughts, Alan. I'm thinking, like many others here, that there is a desire to show that they're "doing something" while everyone waits for the RW's.

    Clearly, it's exactly as the old hands have repeatedly explained: random tinkering with this wild flow is risky, up to blowing the entire casing out of the well. And the only 100% certain way to shut it in will be the relief well(s), which will take months to drill. (and please let's ignore the ones who just want to blow stuff up)

    Until the flow is completely shut in, anything else that's done is risky.


  39. Well BP's camera is back up after having been down for almost two hours. The holes in the riser pipe look worse and worse as time goes on.

  40. Looking worse indeed...

    I don't know if it's the camera moving, but the whole assembly seems to be bouncing around in the current view.
    In this view there is a coupling - pair of U-bolts - in the upper left of the video. There is some flat bar item which seems to be a part of the assembly. It is getting hammered by the flow and is bouncing up and down - how long will it hold?

  41. The velocity of the material coming out seems to have greatly accelerated!

  42. This link of the gushing oil well works.
