Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big Dan's Big News May 16, 2010

Why isn't the "news" saying that Bush/Cheney's gutting of government oversight and putting unqualified cronies in charge of agencies led to this oil catastrophe??? And where is Dick Cheney??? The "news" was shoving Dick and Liz Cheney down our throats daily!!! Now where are they, since this oil rig disaster??? Their disappearance from TV is an admission of guilt. Where is Dick Cheney on TV? Where is Liz Cheney? Where is George Bush?

Look at this article in today's paper:

Huge oil plumes found under Gulf as BP struggles

In it, it says that the "government and BP" said 5,000 barrels of oil a day are spilling into the gulf, but SCIENTISTS said it's 80,000 barrels a day and there's huge layers of oil plumes several miles long under the water that you can't see.

Who do you believe: "government and BP" or SCIENTISTS???

80,000 barrels a day is a lot of oil, right? And there's lots of oil rigs out in the ocean, right? Then what was with the gas crisis under Bush/Cheney when gas went to $5/gallon??? Has anyone thought about that?

Big Dan in Dec. 2008 FLASHBACK before this oil rig disaster on how Bush put inept cronies in charge of the EPA, FDA, and Interior Department: "Drill, baby, drill! Bush-administration era Interior Department officials engaged in, with oil company executives they were regulating: sex, drugs, bribery, and accepting lavish gifts! And YOU think we should let oil companies "DRILL, BABY, DRILL"! How stupid can you be? You aren't this stupid, are you?"

BDBB FLASHBACK: Saturday, December 13, 2008 - Bush's Subversion of the EPA & FDA (& Interior Dept) Bush/Cheney's subversion of the EPA

NYTimes: Bush/Cheney Department of Interior - Sex, drug use and graft alleged in U.S. Interior Department agency

NYTimes: Bush/Cheney FDA - F.D.A. Scientists Accuse Agency Officials of Misconduct

Bush's last minute efforts before leaving office, to gut government agencies and the environment.

THIS is why we are having disasters like the oil rig spill: BECAUSE OF BUSH/CHENEY INEPT CRONIES IN CHARGE OF GOVT AGENCIES:

Now with 9/11: replace "government and BP" with "government and media". Who do you believe: "government and media" or SCIENTISTS???

EXPERTS explode MYTHS of "government and media"'s 9/11 "fairy tale":

Always notice: when rightwing media attacks a Democrat, they never bring up things they really should bring up, like the following Kagan article. You know why? Because on all the REALLY BIG issues, the Democrats, Republicans, rightwing media, and corporate owned media are all together for the same thing:

Elena Kagan, President Barack Obama's latest nominee to the Supreme Court, helped protect the Saudi royal family from lawsuits that sought to hold al Qaeda financiers responsible in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks:

Kagan helped shield Saudis from 9/11 lawsuits

Messing With Miranda Rights To Fight Terrorism: Did Attorney General Holder Need A Warning, Too?


High Treason: 'Pentagon Lied to the 911 Commission' ; Bush's Theory Falls Apart

NTSB data: Flight deck door remained closed on AA77: hijacking "impossible"

More on the Maine Republicans.........

Maine: Republicans search schoolroom, remove pro-labor teaching materials

More on the fascist Republicans up in Maine, from a friend who frequents this blog and lives up there near Portland Maine:

The local media writes about the Fascist Rethug school ransacking.

Maine state Rethug Party platform high jacked.

Future historians tracing the crackup of the Republican Party may well look to May 8, 2010, as an inflection point.

That was the day, as is now well known, that Sen. Robert Bennett, who took the conservative position 84 percent of the time over his career, was deemed not conservative enough by fellow Utah Republicans and booted out of the primary.

GOP's Utah and Maine conventions show a party coming unglued


  1. Current news updates, World current news: Working overtime increases heart risk, a study finds

  2. Messing With Miranda Rights To Fight Terrorism: Did Attorney General Holder Need A Warning, Too?

  3. BDBB FLASHBACK: Saturday, December 13, 2008 - Bush's Subversion of the EPA & FDA (& Interior Dept)

  4. Always notice: when rightwing media attacks a Democrat,

    There are two rebugs here running for a shot as the repug candidate for governor. So far their entire campaigns have consisted mostly of calling each other "Liberal" as if being liberal was some kind of pariah!

  5. Yeah, and they are "teabaggers" in their primaries. If they win and go against a Democrat, watch how they tone down the "teabagger" crap!!!

  6. This is how I see it. There are two ways to live... Either I go to work every single day and pay for someone else to get taken care of by the government, or other people go to work and I get taken care of by the government...As for me, I made my choice over 20 years ago, and my choice is that other people go to work and I get taken care of by the government. The government gives you that choice, so don't complain if you are working and hate your job...just fucking get out there and do it....I am depending on YOU...and thanx! Remember, there are thousands of social workers whom are depending on you working folks for their paycheck....and in turn they need people to give your tax dollars once again...set your alarm clocks early so that you don't miss any time...and don't be afraid to work some OT!!!!!

  7. Is this Drummer Boy,.. go to work,.. dig ditches,.. so we can smell the roses too.

    Jeez,.. give us a break !

    Just Kidding,.. don't freak out.

  8. There are two rebugs ,....

    What is this - a Tom Delay ailment or disease ?

  9. "Why don't you do what Oklahoma wants to do with people who want abortions?" she asked rhetorically. "You can be strapped to a gurney and required to listen to the heartbeat of your fetus, as if this had never occurred to you before, that there was a heartbeat there. What if we strapped some derivatives traders into those stirrups, made them put on that gown, and listen to the high-pitched squeals of people who can't pay their mortgages? What if we strapped the folks who are responsible at British Petroleum and Halliburton and the Interior Secretary and forced them to listen to the pleas of people who have lost their entire livelihoods on the Gulf Coast?"

  10. Noam Chomsky denied entry into Israel

  11. The super-classified network that served as command and control for the 9/11 false flag attack on America
    By Wayne Madsen
    Online Journal Contributing Writer

    Apr 29, 2010, 00:22

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    (WMR) -- Multiple U.S. intelligence sources have reported to WMR that a super-classified network with only some 70 terminals in select U.S. government locations handled the parallel command-and-control activities that permitted the 9/11 terrorist attacks to be successful.

    The “above top secret” network bears the acronym “PDAS.” WMR has not yet discovered what the acronym stands for, however, the system is limited to only a few hundred people with Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Special Access Program (SAP) need-to-know access, in addition to the president and vice president.

    On September 11, 2001, PDAS was used to convey the information from the Air Force Chief of Staff to the White House, CIA, and other select agencies that the Air Force had successfully intercepted and downed a target over Pennsylvania. It is believed that the “target” in question was United flight 93, although there is no confirmation that the aircraft was in fact the one downed by Air Force interceptors.

    The Air Force Chief of Staff on 9/11 was General John Jumper, who had become the top Air Force commander on September 6, 2001, just five days before the 9/11 attacks.

    There is also reason to believe that the PDAS terminal at the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC) at the White House was used to coordinate the activities related to the aerial attack on the Pentagon. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta claimed Vice President Dick Cheney was present at the PEOC at 9:25 am on the morning of 9/11, before the alleged impact of American Airlines flight 77 on the building.

    Mineta testified before the 9/11 Commission that Cheney was aware of special orders concerning a plane heading toward Washington. Mineta said: “During the time that the airplane was coming into the Pentagon, there was a young man who would come in and say to the vice president . . . the plane is 50 miles out . . . the plane is 30 miles out. . . . and when it got down to the plane is 10 miles out, the young man also said to the vice president ‘do the orders still stand?’ And the vice president turned and whipped his neck around and said, ‘Of course the orders still stand, have you heard anything to the contrary?’”

    PDAS terminals are reportedly located at the White House, on board Air Force One, the Pentagon, CIA headquarters, the National Security Agency, the Boeing E-4 Advanced Airborne Command Post that was seen flying over Washington, DC, on 9/11 after the attacks, the Defense Intelligence Agency at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, DC, and the Raven Rock Mountain Complex in Pennsylvania where Cheney hid out after the 9/11 attacks.

    Mineta later followed up with reporters and stated, “When I overheard something about ‘the orders still stand’ and so, what I thought of was that they had already made the decision to shoot something down.”

    It now appears that PDAS was used by Cheney to implement on the morning of 9/11 a new policy issued on June 1, 2001 that provided for a ”stand down” protocol that replaced a long-standing shoot-down order for hijacked and suspected hijacked planes. The new order transferred the authority to shoot down aircraft from the Pentagon and NORAD military commanders to the president, vice president, or secretary of defense.

  12. Further details on command and control system used to coordinate 9/11 incident
    By Wayne Madsen
    Online Journal Contributing Writer

    Apr 30, 2010, 00:27

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    (WMR) -- On April 26, 2010, WMR reported: “Multiple U.S. intelligence sources have reported to WMR that a super-classified network with only some 70 terminals in select U.S. government locations handled the parallel command-and-control activities that permitted the 9/11 terrorist attacks to be successful.

    “The ‘above top secret’ network bears the acronym ‘PDAS.’ WMR has not yet discovered what the acronym stands for, however, the system is limited to only a few hundred people with Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Special Access Program (SAP) need-to-know access, in addition to the President and Vice President.”

    WMR has confirmed from multiple sources that PDAS is the Planning and Decision Aid System (PDAS) that is used to support the operational capabilities to the Joint Staff at the Pentagon and Combatant Commanders (COCOMs). The PDAS system is used to network Special Technical Operations (STO) elements located within the Joint Staff, COCOMs (with a significant presence within the US Central Command), military service information operations organizations, and the intelligence agencies (including the CIA, National Security Agency, and Defense Intelligence Agency).

    The Department of Defense officially defines PDAS as “the Planning and Decision Aid System (PDAS) is an automated information system protected program under Secretary of Defense (SecDef). PDAS supports the planning and execution of Integrated Joint Special Technical Operations (IJSTO).”

    WMR has been informed that IJSTO operations have also been used to target foreign leaders for assassination, including Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic (unsuccessful) and Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana and Burundian President Cyprien Ntaryamira (successful aerial assassination in 1994). One of the chief promoters of PDAS and Special Technical Operations during the Clinton administration was Supreme Allied Commander General Wesley Clark.

    Access to the PDAS network is usually accompanied with access to other intelligence systems, including the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRnet) and the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS), as well as the Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRnet).

    PDAS has, since 9/11, been extended to Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

    PDAS special technical and information operations training for users is conducted at the 704th Military Intelligence Brigade at Fort Meade, Maryland. The unit, according to its website, conducts “Signals Intelligence and Network Warfare” on behalf of Army, Joint Command, and National requirements.

    PDAS was developed from a prototype system developed by Hughes for NSA’s Joint Special Studies Group (JSSG) in 1983 that eventually linked military commands and intelligence agencies to STOs responsible for, among other signals intelligence (SIGINT) activities, hacking into Soviet government and military communications networks and key nodes. One such program that tapped into Soviet submarine communication cables, but was compromised by a Soviet spy inside the NSA, was code-named IVY BELLS.

    PDAS supposedly saw its funding yanked after the fall of the Soviet Union. However, based on information recently received by WMR, PDAS continued to function with a new mission: coordinating covert U.S. special technical operations against governments and individuals in the Balkans, Rwanda, and then, on September 11, 2001, the United States itself.

  13. Oil spill wandering around the Gulf of Mexico. Interactive video of location.

  14. Class Warfare: Hundreds Protest Outside Bankers' Houses In DC

    Source: Huffington Post

    Huge angry mobs converged outside bank employees' houses on Sunday afternoon to demand banks stop lobbying against Wall Street reform.

    "Bank of America: bad for America!" shouted community leaders outside the house of Bank of America general counsel Gregory Baer.

    The Chicago-based grassroots organization National People's Action, in coordination with the SEIU, bused more than 700 workers from 20 states to Baer's neighborhood, one of the wealthiest corners of Washington. The action kicks off several days of protests targeting K Street for lobbyists' role in financial reform.

    Baer himself apparently tried to blend in with the crowd until a neighbor outed him. The mob booed loudly as he walked into his house. "I don't have time for you," he said, according to Trenda Kennedy of Springfield, Ill. who used a bullhorn to tell the crowd about her trouble getting a mortgage modification from Baer's bank.

  15. 60 Minutes: Critical equipment damaged weeks before blowout
    by Keith Pickering
    Sun May 16, 2010 at 05:39:58 PM PDT

    60 Minutes may be the last bastion of real journalism on television. Tonight they did it again, interviewing Mike Williams, a surviving crewmember of the Deepwater Horizon. Key points revealed, below the jump.

    1. This was the second attempt to drill a well in about the same spot. The first well had to be abandoned because the well had been drilled too fast (under pressure from BP to bring the well in quickly). Result: the rock fractured, causing loss of control of pressure in the well. Twenty-five million bucks down the drain, said BP to the crew. So they had to try again, in a rock formation known to be problematic.

    2. Early on while drilling the second well (the one that eventually blew up) an accident damaged part of the blowout preventer (BOP). According to Williams, they were conducting a routine test of the annular, a ring of rubber that closes around the well at the top of the BOP stack. While the annular was closed, thus closing off the well, a driller accidentally pushed a joystick, which pulled the pipe casing up through the rubber seal at very high pressure. A short time later, after drilling had resumed, pieces of rubber began coming up from the bottom of the well. A drilling supervisor told Williams that the rubber debris was "no big deal".

    3. The BOP has two redundant electronics boxes, called pods, which communicate with the surface. These are critical devices which trigger the BOP to close the well in emergency. One of the two pods was problematic and occasionally inoperable. The batteries on the BOP were also weak.

    4. The well was in the process of being closed with cement plugs when the blowout occurred. The day of the blowout, there was a disagreement between the Transocean supervisor and the BP supervisor over how that should be accomplished. The Transocean guy wanted to keep mud in the well (i.e., keep pressure in the well) during the cementing. The BP guy wanted the mud pulled from the well for cementing, because it was faster and they were already behind schedule. The BP guy won the argument. If pressure had been maintained in the well during the cementing operation, the blowout would not have occurred.

    The bottom line: the blowout was caused by gross negligence on the part of BP. There is no other way to spin it.
