Friday, February 26, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Feb 26, 2010

Big Dan shoveling 14+ inches of snow (and still snowing!):

NEPA blizzard of 2010??? With my hoodie and Red Sox hat! Will it ever stop snowing??? Good thing there's spell check in blogger, I thought there was TWO "L"s in SHOVELING!!! Update: it's STILL snowing hard! It seems like it's never going to stop!

Keith Olbermann's Emotional Special Comment: 'My Father Asked Me To Kill Him'

"Last Friday night, my father asked me to kill him." Keith Olbermann opened his emotional Special Comment on health care Wednesday with the story of his father's six-month-long hospitalization suffering through a colon removal, pneumonia, kidney failure, liver failure, and many infections.

NYTimes won't retract the FALSE story that James O'Keefe dressed as an over-the-top outrageous pimp in his "sting" of ACORN offices.

Is it because rich white guys keep trying to take down a black organization that helps poor blacks register to vote? Racism? Because ACORN registered a MILLION voters that voted for Obama? That is what the Bush/DOJ scandal was all about, you know! Bush Department of Justice attorneys refused to bring false charges against ACORN, so he fired them.

NYT Public Editor Accuses The BRAD BLOG of 'Political Agenda' on Par With ACORN Smear Artists, Hoaxsters Breitbart and O'Keefe

PLUS: Blistering blogosphere reaction for Hoyt's refusal to recommend corrections from 'paper of record'

ALSO: Online petition launched, calling for retractions...

Instead of NYTimes retracting false story about ACORN, they attack Brad Blog for pointing it out!!!

Bill Maher interviews former (REPUBLICAN!) US Attorney David Iglesias from New Mexico spelling out the basics of the scandalous firing of the 8 US Attorneys. But what makes this clip unbelievable is when guest Lisa Schiffren, a conservative commentator, argues that its okay for US Attorneys to be political and thus, selectively enforce the law against Democrats and not Republicans. OUTRAGEOUS. Coming from the law and order party also makes it SHOCKING. That the underlying politicization involved efforts to steal elections and thus circumvent our democracy makes it EGREGIOUS.

Iglesias says the Bush administration wanted him to make up false voter fraud charges against Democrats (& ACORN) right before elections to make them look bad and that's why he was fired. GEE! Does that sound familiar? Making things up to make ACORN look bad? So, this O'Keefe/Breitbart is just part of an ongoing REPUBLICAN PLAN to take down ACORN because they register poor black voters who tend to vote against Republicans! The real reason behind the Bush/DOJ scandal is not widely known by the American public because the "liberal media" has been usurped by the same people who are trying to take down ACORN.

Who, ME? RACIST???

The New Yorker: Decoding Rush Limbaugh's Racism

A couple of studies released last year produced surprising results about the average consumers of right-wing media. “The dirty little secret of conservative talk radio is that the average age of listeners is 67 [so now 68] and rising … [The] Fox News audience, likewise, is in its mid-60s.” In addition, a Pew study in February 2009 found that 72 percent of Rush Limbaugh’s grizzled Dittoheads are men and so have a life expectancy of 75.6 years, which means this cohort will expire by 2017. Limbaugh will be 60 next January, which means he will be 67 when his average-aged listeners die off.......

Declining Conservatism Among Millennials Signals Bad News for Fox News, Limbaugh

Bipartisan Health Care Reform Summit 2010

Something strange happens at the health care summit when Republicans and Democrats actually start having a conversation.

Jon Stewart would disqualify the corporate TV coverage of the Health Care Summit for "SUCKING":

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bipartisan Health Care Reform Summit 2010
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorVancouverage 2010

Is this good or bad? Republican Has Sex W/ Mother In Law...KINKY!!!

When I was a kid, I used to stay up and watch Johnny Carson, even on school nights. I don't think it was typical of little kids to be addicted to Johnny Carson and go to bed past 1am on school nights, but Johnny is one of the reasons I love comedy so much 'til this day. The BEATLES of late night talk shows - Johnny Carson: "Would you like an army cot, Ed?" - @ 1:44, you can tell by Johnny's laugh that he realized Ed is sloshed -


  1. This is Drumbo...I am confessing that it were myself wearing the masks of Theodore Feeling (I think I have the spelling right) and Jickerson. I hope I didn't raise anyone's blood pressure too much. The Feeling character is my interpretation of a true republican asshole. It is all in fun, ladies and gentlemen!!!!! drumbo

  2. nicely done you were spot on.

  3. A-HA! Drumbo does it again! What made me think it wasn't you, was that you used "psychobabble" about 9/11. I never heard you use that word. Are you schizo by any chance?

  4. simply WILL NOT STOP F*CKING SNOWING HERE! MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I shoveled AGAIN this morning, and it covered 1.5 inches less than an hour after I shoveled! I'm going to go measure it again, brb...

  6. 14+ inches of snow, AND STILL SNOWING!!!!!! CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Check out the new picture at the top of the post: me shoveling!

  8. I just realized something: Drumbo is the "Ed McMahon" of this blog!

    A somewhat "disturbed" Ed McMahon, but the Ed McMahon nonetheless...

  9. It's coming down HARD now again, this time giant flakes. I am seriously wondering when it's going to stop.

  10. We have missed the last four storms way up here. The last batch BD complained about was all rain for us, three days of torrential downpour and seventy mile an hour winds last night. but our temperature has remained above 40 degrees day and night so no snow.

    What will this next batch bring ?



  11. We were explaining to our kids today (ages 14 & 17) as we were all shoveling that these were the kind of snowstorms we had in the 60s and 70s when we were kids. I remember so many winters where we had 12-18" of snow...with no school cancellations...we used to walk to school with the snow up to our waists when we were kids. These days they cancel school if the grass is wet! This type of snowstorm has become a strange curiosity instead of a common occurance in NEPA...we are enjoying it, and as a nostalgic sentimentalist I am LOVING this....shades of 1972!!!!!

  12. They will also, as they have always done, use the ancient imperial tactic of "divide and conquer," setting the opponents of empire against each other: "Ooh, you're a liberal, how can you cozy up to a reactionary like Ron Paul?" "Oh come on, you're a conservative; you want to jump in bed with a commie America-hater like Noam Chomsky?" And so on and so forth.

    But that is one thing in favor of a single-minded approach. No one has to "marry" anyone else politically; no one has to embrace every tenet or belief that an anti-imperialist ally might hold. You simply have to say: "All of us, regardless of our other views, believe this truth to be self-evident: dismantling the empire will bring immediate and enormous benefits to our nation and to the world."

  13. You forgot the M again!

    Just nice to see that my bullshit detector is still functioning perfectly.

  14. US military spied on Planned Parenthood, civilian phone calls

  15. I shoveled all day. First here at my house, then at another house in Plains that I have. OUCH! Had to take a hot bath! Hope I don't get a heart attack.

  16. Leahy Calls For Justice Department Investigation Into Missing John Yoo Emails

  17. Note to NYT public editor Clark Hoyt: Stop digging!

    February 25, 2010 11:10 am ET by Eric Boehlert

    One thing I've been wondering as the ACORN pimp hoax has played out over the last week, is whose reputation would take a hit in light of the embarrassing revelation? I knew Andrew Breitbart's already-hollow credibility would suffer another blow, as we highlighted how he and his ACORN cohorts, as well as Fox News, knowingly pushed the phony tale about how James O'Keefe walked into the community organizing offices dressed like a ridiculous looking pimp. (The meme was crucial for the mocking angle to the ACORN undercover sting.)

    I assumed that that story would ensnare some right-wing bloggers who would foolishly try to defend the ACORN hoax. And while it's true that Patterico stumbled in right on cue and did his usual blogosphere face-plant, by and large not even Breitbart's RW pals have tried to defend the ACORN pimp hoax. (A wise move, indeed.)

    So imagine my surprise when it was New York Times' public editor, Clark Hoyt, who strolled onto the scene and emerged as the other big loser from this story. Hoyt earns the embarrassing honors for the bungling way he's treated the attempt by blogger Brad Friedman to get the Times to acknowledge that it got duped by the ACORN pimp hoax, and to now set the record straight.

  18. A newspaper worth paying for?
    February 25, 2010 6:39 pm ET

    In a January 2009 essay about efforts to convince readers to pay for online news articles, The New York Times' David Carr noted one publication that has enjoyed rapid growth in its online paid subscriber base: Cook's Illustrated. According to Carr, "[T]he company has 260,000 digital subscribers at a cost of $35 a year, and that group grew by 30 percent in 2008." A few months later, The Boston Globe reported that the magazine's print subscriber renewal rates "are about 78 percent. ... Most magazines would kill to have renewal rates near 60 percent; the average across all consumer magazines is between 35 and 40 percent."

    Cook's Illustrated's success in charging for online content is remarkable when you consider just how easy it is to find free recipes on the Internet. From the Food Network's Web page to to countless amateur gourmets, you can quickly find a recipe for just about anything from meatloaf to chateaubriand with a port reduction sauce.

    But Cook's Illustrated has one big thing going for it: trust. Subscribers trust the magazine's recipes and equipment recommendations because of the dozens of tests that go into each one. And unlike most magazines, Cook's Illustrated doesn't run ads, so readers don't have to wonder if the magazine is recommending an OXO garlic press on Page 13 because there's an ad for an OXO salad spinner on Page 21.

    There are lessons here for news organizations like The New York Times that want to charge for online content. People may pay for things they don't necessarily need, or that don't give them everything they want -- but it's doubtful they'll pay for things they don't trust. Granted, it is almost certainly not plausible for the Times to forgo ad revenue, but that just means the paper has to be careful to maintaining its readers' trust in other ways.

    Unfortunately, the Times seems to be doing very little to give readers a reason to trust its journalism.

  19. The US Army Document That Proves the US is the World's Number One Sponsor of World Terrorism
    In a 'manual' which is officially to be released only to 'students from foreign countries on a case-by-case basis only', the US Army outlines a program of what it now calls 'irregular warfare', in fact US state sponsored terrorism, insurgency, and PSYOPS.

    1-21. Waging protracted IW depends on building global capability and capacity. IW will not be won by the United States alone but rather through combined efforts with multinational partners. Combined IW [Irregular Warfare, euphemism for TERRORISM] will require the joint force to establish a long-term sustained presence in numerous countries to build partner capability and capacity. This capability and capacity extends U.S. operational reach, multiplies forces available, and provides increased options for defeating adversaries. The constituent activities of IW are:

    * Insurgency.
    * COIN.
    * UW.
    * Terrorism
    * CT.
    * FID.
    * Stability, security, transition, and reconstruction (SSTR) operations.
    * Strategic communication (SC).
    * PSYOP.
    * Civil-military operations (CMO).
    * Information operations (IO).
    * Intelligence and counterintelligence (CI) activities.
    * Transnational criminal activities, including narco-trafficking, illicit arms dealing, and illegal financial transactions that support or sustain IW.
    * Law enforcement activities focused on countering irregular adversaries.

    1-22. The above list of operations and activities can be conducted within IW;


    --Headquarters, Department of the Army, Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional Warfare, September 2008[PDF]

  20. This would be NASTY sex:

    Republican Has Sex W/ Mother In Law

  21. I called it the first night!


  22. Get ready, nice wet storm just came through. Keep the shovel handy - it should visit you in a couple of days!

  23. Roman aqueduct found.

    Video, hit replay for vid,

  24. Roman Aqueduct found.

    Video, hit replay,
