"There's a buzz on the internet" and "Some people are saying"...
Rachel Maddow points out how The Republican Noise Machine works: a rightwing site like Breitbart starts a ridiculous rumor and it ends up in the mainstream media on CNN. Notice when it gets to CNN "reporting" this "news", CNN says there's "a buzz on the internet" and "some people are saying". That's the key to the whole thing. Rightwing smear machine sites start rumors and SOMEHOW get them on mainstream channels like CNN. I want to know HOW they get these rumors on CNN! I want to know EXACTLY WHO on CNN ran this story! And when they cow tow to the rightwing smear machine, I want to know why they don't say it and instead say things like "there's a buzz on the internet" and "some people are saying", instead of saying "rightwing smear machines have started another rumor". First of all, saying "there's a buzz on the internet" and "some people are saying" is not professional reporting. What has become of CNN? That is exactly why I don't watch CNN anymore. They are constantly played like a fiddle by The Republican Noise Machine. "Some people are saying" MY ASS! It's The Republican Noise Machine! "Buzz on the internet" MY ASS!!! Buzz on crazy rightwing smear machine sites! F.U. CNN!!! And the story is NOT this logo conspiracy theory, it's the mechanics and the machine that rightwingers have in place to usurp the mainstream media to run with this "news", THEIR "news". Long ago when the mainstream media was actually liberal, they ignored (and rightly so) stories like this and sites like Breitbart and people like Breitbart because of what they actually are: the lunatic fringe right. Just remember what the mainstream media has become, like CNN, when you see a logo story like this as "news" on CNN attributing it to "buzz on the internet" and "People are saying". The liberal media has been usurped and isn't liberal anymore. And the people calling it liberal are the ones who usurped it. Think about it: WHO is saying the mainstream media is liberal? Only people like Rush Limbaugh and Breitbart...THE ONES PLAYING THEM LIKE A FIDDLE!!! When you usurp something, you want to keep people thinking it hasn't been usurped so you will go out of your way to keep calling it liberal. Learn what they don't want you to learn: that the liberal media has been usurped! Learn that when you see someone calling it "the liberal media", they have just identified themselves as one of the ones who usurped it. Did you ever notice how many times a day Rush Limbaugh says "liberal media"?
Start a rumor and then have FAKE outrage about it for dummies:
Frank Gaffney Posits That Missile Defense Logo Is Evidence of Obama’s ‘Submission To Shariah’
Missile agency’s ‘crescent moon’ logo scares right-wingers
Another one of the endless smear stories the rightwing media has gotten into the so-called mainstream "liberal" (LOL!) media:
More Devastating Response to NYT's Outrageous Hypocrisy in Refusing to Correct Inaccurate ACORN 'Pimp' Hoax Coverage
Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), in the video below, describes on the floor of the U.S. House this week what anyone paying attention already knows: how the "Rightwing Echo Chamber" works. He describes a completely false charge by Wall Street Journal's professional liar and GOP operative, John Fund, last November alleging --- with no basis whatsoever --- that Rep. Barney Frank (D-VT) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) would soon be introducing legislation for "universal voter registration." This is just like Frank Gaffney on Breitbart's site started the rumor of the Missile Defense logo. A rightwinger starts a rumor and it goes into the machine they have in place, the echo chamber, until it gets into the "mainstream" who repeat it. That doesn't say much for the so-called mainstream liberal media does it? It isn't liberal anymore. These people who start these rumors were at one time ignored as fringe radicals, which is what they are. Now they are in the mainstream, the liberal media that isn't liberal anymore. Orly Taitz, anyone?
The Republican Noise Machine
As a young journalist in the 1990s, David Brock was a key cog the Republican noise machine. Writing for the American Spectator, a conservative magazine funded by billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, Brock gained fame for his attack pieces on Anita Hill and President Bill Clinton. Then, in 2002, Brock came clean. In his memoir, Blinded by the Right, Brock admitted that his work was based on lies and distortion, and part of a coordinated smear campaign funded by wealthy right wing groups to discredit Clinton and confuse the public.
Since then, Brock has continued to expose the conservative media onslaught. In his newest book, The Republican Noise Machine, Brock documents how right-wing groups pressure the media and spread misinformation to the public. It's easy to see how this is done.
Fringe conspiracies and stories will be kept alive by outlets like Rush Limbaugh, the Washington Times, and the Drudge Report, until they finally break into the mainstream media.
Media groups like Brent Bozell's Media Research Center have spent 30 years convincing the public that the media is, in fact, liberal. As Brock says, it's all a sham: "I have seen, and I know firsthand, indeed from my own pen, how the organized Right has sabotaged not only journalism but also democracy and truth."
The Republican Noise Machine
Just remember: the Killer Whale didn't go "nuts" when he attacked the trainer, he was "nuts" when he was doing tricks...
Trainer makes fatal mistake with Killer Whale. Yeah, here's the fatal mistake: fucking with a Killer Whale! Let me say that I wouldn't "fuck around" with a several ton animal that had the world "KILLER" in it's name. I know! Call me crazy! The Killer Whale went Killer Whale, IE it acted like it's supposed to! When it was doing "tricks", THAT is when it wasn't acting like it was supposed to! wtf? I think we should have a military trial for this Killer Whale for acting like a Killer Whale. If found guilty, I suggest waterboarding in Gitmo! He was already out on parole for killing two other people. The Killer Whale's name was Tilikum, which means "friend". Tilikum is your "friend". The medical examiner said the trainer "likely" died from multiple traumatic injuries and drowning. No kidding! I thought she died from H1-N1 Swine Flu!!! Then it gets better: CNN has a guy with a cowboy hat on who says Killer Whales should be in aquariums performing tricks for us, but Captain Ahab sets things straight and gives us the REAL lowdown: Killer Whales should be in the ocean! Sonjay Gupta referees Tex and Captain Ahab (The Three Stooges):
Hi all, I've been watching this website for about a year since I've graduated from college. While I don't agree with everything covered here, I must admit you do have some very colorful writers commenting on current events and issues. Namely, that craaaazy guy who calls himself Dumbo or Drumbo or something like that. He gets you all fired up and then comes in when you least expect it and reveals himself. That guy is what makes a website or blog worth reading. He never takes any of it too seriously, all the while having fun, but I can tell by the way he writes that he is a genuinely good man. Hats off to you Mr. Dumbo (or Drumbo). You never fail to get a chuckle out of me, especially during these desperate times in which we live. Take it easy guys. A dedicated follower of interesting blogs and writers everywhere. Jeremy (Journalism Major from Temple U in the great city of Philadelphia... also home of the cheesesteak!)
ReplyDeletePiss off, Jeremy. I don't need your praises. I know I am the best.
ReplyDeleteWhere do you get these names from?
ReplyDeleteThe military must have their spying equipment in place:
ReplyDeleteDoD opens access to social media sites
There was another inch of snow when I got up this morning, I already shoveled.
ReplyDeleteTrainer makes fatal mistake with Killer Whale. Yeah, here's the fatal mistake: fucking with a Killer Whale! Let me say that I wouldn't "fuck around" with a several ton animal that had the world "KILLER" in it's name. I know! Call me crazy!
Hey, did you see my Killer Whale thingy at the bottom of the post?
ReplyDeleteHi drumbo...
ReplyDeleteI can send you our storms, but I guess I'm stuck along with 99 and unable to share this with you...
The news reports this morning told us the tsunami would hit the San Fransisco area around 1:30 this afternoon. "At this time experts are not sure of the magnitude of the wave but expect an increase in the size of the currents."
ReplyDeletean increase in the size of the currents - say what?
Hey BD...
ReplyDeleteand everyone
If you use Firefox, get the bbc Code add on.
After it installs, restart Firefox and go to the tools menu and click on Add-ons, click on bbcCode and choose options, then turn off everything but Enable HTML menu. I forget if you have to restart Firefox again, but it will tell you if it does.
Now to add code you highlight the text and right click on it, hover your mouse on the bbc item and a menu will open with code you can apply. Left click the code you want and you are done. You can also open the Clipboard menu (top item of the first menu that opens) where you can make block quotes and links. Not all codes work at all sites, but you'll soon learn which you can use.
More on the quake/tsunami
Hopefully there is no limit here on the number of characters a link can contain!
Oh good, the link works.
ReplyDeleteYahoo sure seems to like long URLs. That one filled three lines of text here. I bet if you took all the letters in it and turned them into their numerical equivalent - 1 thru 26 - then multiplied all the numbers in the URL - 1st number x 2nd x 3rd x 4th x etc. - the result would be higher than the number of stars in the universe!
But not quite as high as the number of snowflakes in Dan's yard. Closer to the number in his driveway.
ReplyDeleteOK, I'll give it a try.
ReplyDeleteOverall, we got about 16 inches. I am SORE from shoveling! I'm sure Drumbo is, too.
ReplyDeleteMore rain up here - in da North Pole.
ReplyDeleteIs BigDan complaining about a little snow again ?
Not a drop of snow on the ground up here.
Surge now reaching the Monterrey area now. Only about 2 foot high so far. In Hawaii the oceans been rising and lowering for several hours now.
ReplyDeleteLive Stream - http://rawstory.com/2010/02/huge-earthquake-hits-chile-47-dead/
This guy Jeremy is a lobbyist for that guy, ............. what's his name,............... Crumbo,........... I thought paid lobbyists were not permissible on this blog ?
ReplyDeleteJust because he lives in Pennsylvania - how/why does that entitle him to special treatments and privileges ?
Spooky Tooth - Self Seeking Man , Things Change
ReplyDeleteI was looking for just "Things Change", but it comes packaged with "Self Seeking Man".
"Things Change" starts @ 3:48"
Watch this wave wash across California, Chicago, Pennsylvania, and then take a sharp left and then wash through Maine.
ReplyDeleteWe'll blame BB-2 & A-99 if this fucking tsunami is that big.
What is with this damn tsunami, how big is it really ? Japan to California to Chicago, to Pennsylvania, all the fucking way to Maine ?
Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:03pm EST
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan issued a warning on Sunday for a tsunami of 3 meters (10 ft) or higher along its northern Pacific Coast and warned coastal residents to evacuate to higher ground, after a massive earthquake struck Chile.
The tsunami could hit the Pacific coast of Japan's northernmost island of Hokkaido around 1:00 p.m. (11 p.m. EST), the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) said.
I downloaded it - but where the hell did it go ? I can't find it now.
ReplyDeleteThese tsunamis caused by South American earth quakes are really no joke.
ReplyDeletePast South American earthquakes have had deadly effects across the Pacific.
A tsunami after a magnitude-9.5 quake that struck Chile in 1960, the largest earthquake ever recorded, killed about 140 people in Japan, 61 in Hawaii and 32 in the Philippines. It was about 3.3 to 13 feet (1 to 4 meters) in height, Japan's Meteorological Agency said.
Chile/Peru boarder as seen from the International Space Staion, taken by a Japaneses photographer aboard.
Tsunami warning/watch in Hawaii - wave expected to hit at approx 11 am.
Oh, I found it.
ReplyDelete:evil: They even have a BigDan smiley face too.
[color=#FF0000]Will this print out red ?[/color]
The glorious war that turned out to be otherwise.
I want you to look very closely at this picture and try and keep it in your minds eye. This was a perfectly healthy twenty two-year-old young man who in the service of his country got half of his head blown off. I think that’s important, I think that’s newsworthy. Let me tell you how newsworthy I think it is. I think that it’s more important than chocolate cake recipes and far more important than comic book reviews. It is more important than who fell and whose swell at the winter Olympic games.