Remember when the fracking/vote disenfrachisment/austerity/forced vaginal ultrasound Governor Tom Corbett gave one of his first speeches, he said that now that he's governor, there will be a "Day Of Reckoning"? Gov Corbett was in Philadelphia giving a conservative Town Hall and the Pennsylvanians he "RECKONED", FRACKED, & STOLE THEIR RIGHT TO VOTE greeted him with pitchforks and torches. The Town Hall ended with Corbett "FLEEING" under ESCORT. I don't ever remember news stories saying a governor had to "FLEE", have you? I guess that's what happens when you leave your FOX "news"/rightwing radio plastic bubble and actually INTERACT with REAL PEOPLE you "RECKONED" and they're not exclusively frackers, Dittoheads, and Republicans. They're know...the 47% you "RECKONED":
Note: in the post below I had a video from WNEP 16 with Corbett's "Day of Reckoning" speech. The video is gone and I cannot find it anymore ANYWHERE, so there's a space in this post where the video was:
(March 9, 2011) Gov Corbett's DAY OF WRECKING (day of "reckoning") - Republican Pa. Governor Tom "DAY OF RECKONING" Corbett and Jesus (s/b: "DAY OF WRECKING" Pennsylvania)
Here's the kind of crowd that Governor Corbett was looking for and didn't get, the CHICK FIL A DITTOHEAD crowd:
Don't you wonder what Gov Corbett thought? Was he *SURPRISED* at this reaction? Did he think, "GEE! I THOUGHT EVERYONE LOVES ME!"? Or did he KNOW this would happen. I mean, going into PHILADELPHIA, the place where probably MOST voters he disenfranchised reside? And here's the SCARIEST thing: they weren't just pitchforking/torching ONE SUBJECT, the were screaming about EVERYTHING - voting, defunding schools, fracking...YOU NAME IT!!! Keep in mind how his policies have not affected "RICH, WHITE FOLK" & BIG FRACKING.
Protesters disrupt Corbett’s town hall at Art Museum
Remember when Gov Corbett told women to "JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES" for the forced vaginal ultrasound bill? If he didn't like the pitchfork/torch crowd, he could've "JUST CLOSED HIS EYES":
American Taliban Come Out With Platform
I'm An Idiotic "MORAN" Dittohead Who Thinks That If I Need Photo ID To Buy A Beer, Then Everyone Needs Photo ID To Vote
The Only Thing Going Against Pennsylvania Republicans In The GOP Voter ID Law Case Is: 100% Of The Facts, Testimony, Proof, and Evidence
State Department Officially Removing MEK From US Terror List
ReplyDeleteThe bizarro patchwork of high-profile advocates includes John Bolton, Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.), at least two Romney campaign advisor, Rudy Giuliani, Howard Dean, Ed Rendell, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Elie Wiesel, and ex-FBI director Louis Freeh. Some of these top supporters received subpoenas from the Treasury department last March during an investigation of speaking fees for pro-MEK events—something that could potentially amount to providing material support to a designated terror organization.
I sent you something at your maple... yahoo mail - you will enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been to WRH in a while but this nugget was right on top. A how to start WW3 with Iran.
The content doesn't surprise me but that it was said in such a public arena were it could end up on youtube. Although everything is so blatant now it shouldn't surprise me I guess.
ReplyDeleteSaw it, GREAT MEMORIES!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's the arrogance and how blatant they're not even trying to hide it?
ReplyDeleteNOTICE, though, that Israeli lobbyist goes through all the FALSE FLAGS in history of the U.S.......BUT SKIPS THE USS LIBERTY BOMBING BY ISRAEL! Did anyone else notice that?
Look at this breaking story:
But doctors declared him brain dead under pressure from donor-network officials, including Director Michael Goldstein, who allegedly said during a conference call: “This kid is dead, you got that?” the suit charged.
The New York Organ Donor Network pressured hospital staffers to declare patients brain dead so their body parts could be harvested — and even hired “coaches” to train staffers how to be more persuasive, a bombshell lawsuit charged yesterday.
The federally funded nonprofit used a “quota” system, and leaned heavily on the next of kin to sign consent forms when patients were not registered as organ donors, the suit charged.
NOW NOTICE: the guy pressuring the hospital to declare people braindead (too early) for their organs is Jewish, his name is GOLDSTEIN.
ReplyDeleteThat reminded me of THIS story from about a year or so ago:
Rabbi Caught in New Jersey Corruption Sting Called Himself Kidney 'Matchmaker' | Fox News
Levy Izhak Rosenbaum of Brooklyn brokered the sale of black-market kidneys, buying organs from vulnerable people from Israel for $10,000 and selling them to desperate patients in the U.S. for as much as $160,000.,2933,534838,00.html
NOW...when I first noticed the PRESENT story, I *DID NOT NOTICE* the director's name was Jewish. And I wasn't thinking the OLDER story involved anything Jewish. I just saw the present story, noticed it was in NY/NJ, and *remembered* there was some kind of "organ ring" in NY/NJ and wondered if it was related, and then actually had some difficulty finding the older story. And it was a RABBI.
So what's going on here? Are these two stories somehow related? No one is asking that question.
So Michael Goldstein is the director of the organ company URGING NY hospitals to declare patients braindead TOO SOON so he can get their organs.
AND then the black market NY/NJ organ ring was run by a RABBI.
Whaddya tink o dat?
Yeah I did, and of course 911.
ReplyDeleteBahaha, I was going to also add "and for that matter 7-7" and accidentally down voted my own comment!
ReplyDeleteHow do a take back my own down vote dammit!