Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rush Limbaugh's audience is now down to single/divorced white male LOSERS who hate women and have no children

Breaking... social media in action: Over 50 advertisers have dropped Rush Limbaugh Show! (I counted 57 on this list, the heavy hitters are: Quicken Loans, Carbonite, AOL, Sears, Allstate, Geico, Netflix, Capital One, AutoZone, JCPenney, TurboTax)

From HOT AIR to DEAD AIR.......

Dead Air During Two Limbaugh Commercial Breaks (VIDEOS)

I think I'll side with WOMEN on this one, instead if DISGUSTING PIG Rush Limbaugh.

.......any Rush Limbaugh "fans" left beyond the description in the title of this post, would be afraid to publicly admit they are "dittoheads" for fear of losing/alienating their wife/girlfriend/daughter/mother.......and their fear is well-warranted!!!!!!!

UPDATE: Let me interpret Rush Limbaugh's APOLOGY for you, I put it through the "Rush Limbaugh Propaganda Decoder 3000":

After preaching hatred towards all women for decades by calling them feminazis, sluts, & prostitutes to my LOSER all white male unmarried and without children woman hating "DITTOHEADS"...I'm sorry if I offended anyone. And by "anyone", I mean people who don't listen to my show but are causing advertisers to leave. I KNOW I didn't offend "DITTOHEADS". They feel the same way I do. Actually, they feel the way I "PRETEND" to. I'm "PRETENDING" to feel a certain way so I get half-BILLION dollar contracts and DUPES believe what I say. Why do you think they call themselves "DITTOHEADS"? DUH! But if I offended any non-DITTOHEADS who are causing advertisers to leave my show, I hope they all fall for my FAKE APOLOGY and come back on board the Rush Limbaugh Hate Train which will not be changing any time soon. After all, this formula scored me a half-BILLION dollar contract, I'm one of the 1% and these "DITTOHEADS" don't even realise they're in the 99%. They think they're like ME! I'm laughing all the way to the bank, where my 1% bankster friends are! Dividing people by inflaming stupid "DITTOHEADS" & religious fanatics really pays off. I'm filthy rich and married, so do you think I care if I cause "DITTOHEADS" to alienate their wives/girlfriends/daughters/mothers for political purposes? btw, DITTOHEADS, if I'm married and don't have any kids, duh ya tink my wife's taking birth control, or I just have a low sperm count or using the RYTHYM METHOD?


UPDATE II - the MISLEADING DEFENSE of Rush Limbaugh people on the right are rolling out this week: comparing this to Breitbart's death

(and why is no one on the right OR the left bringing up the FACT that Breitbart is famous for making/participating in/promoting PROVEN HIGHLY EDITED FAKE HOAX VIDEOS, proven IN COURT? which are "stings" that particularly attacked BLACK people and women...Breitbart never met a filthy rich Republican white guy he didn't like! which qualifies him as a revered "HERO" in rightwing circles)

Here's how rightwing media is trying to put out the Rush fire: comparing Rush calling that woman a slut and having a multi-day JIHAD against her using his MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR MEDIA MACHINE AND NATIONWIDE COVERAGE, to comments about the death of fellow hatemonger Andrew Breitbart's death. btw, Breitbart TWITTERED this on the day of Ted Kennedy's death, which rightwing radio shows will NOT tell you this week as they defend Rush: Breitbart TWITTERED on the day of Ted Kennedy's death that Kennedy was a "villiain," a "prick," "a big ass mothe*******," and a "duplicitous bastard." Breitbart even called Kennedy a "special pile of human excrement." Are rightwing radio stations like WILK telling you this as they roll out THE BREITBART DEFENSE this week? Of course not. And as a sidenote, Breitbart was only famous in the inner bubble world of rightwing media. When he died, I mentioned it to several people, and all of them said, "Who the hell is Breitbart?" Now in their little FAKE world they've created, he's really famous but SSSSSSSssshhhhhhh...don't tell them... Another thing Breitbart is know for, is making highly edited (like the ACORN videos) hoax "sting" videos (with his buddy James O'Keefe, a convicted criminal) to take down people or organizations he dislikes. Maybe he would've made one of these videos about the woman testifying, if he didn't die. But of course, rightwing radio won't tell you that, either, this week in their Breitbart defense of Rush Limbaugh. Breitbart's "sting" videos focused a lot on taking down black people (Shirley Sherrod) and black organizations (ACORN), and white women (Mary Landrieu, which caused James O'Keefe's arrest). Never a "sting" video on the military industrial complex, rich white guys, etc... Before Breitbart died, he said he was coming out with damning video of Obama (black), which btw is causing speculation that his death was not natural. Now where was Breitbart when we needed a "sting" video about Bush/Cheney lying us int 10 years of endless wars? SORRY IF I'M BLOWING YOU AWAY WITH FACTS HERE, DITTOHEADS!!!

Here's why that's comparing apples to oranges: insulting hatemonger talk show hosts is different than the most powerful talk show host engaging in a SLUT JIHAD against a non-talk show host and non-politician testifying in front of congress. FALSE COMPARISON. NICE TRY. Using your multi-million dollar media machine for a SLUT JIHAD against someone without the means to fight back is POWERFUL INTIMIDATION also meant to intimidate future testimony by people like this woman. A good apples to apples comparison would be if left radio talk show hosts engaged in a SLUT JIHAD against a non-talk show host/non-politician conservative women testifying in front of congress for something she believes in. That doesn't and will never happen. Rightwing hosts are FAMOUS for this intimidation tactic, left hosts do not do a JIHAD on average people. You can't compare Ed Schultz attacking Laura Ingraham, because she is a rightwing neo-con hatemonger talk show host. Talk show host vs talk show host is fair game. Ed Schultz ≠ Rush Limbaugh (3 decades of attacking women), and Sandra Fluke ≠ Laura Ingraham (establishment GOP neo-con talking head show host). Attacking hatemonger talk show hosts is fair game. Politicians are fair game, too. Rush Limbaugh commonly attacks other talk show hosts and politicians, as do hosts on the left. And there is no firestorm about it on either side. When you use your media bully pulpit for a SLUT JIHAD against someone who's not a talk show host or a politician, that's when you get the firestorm. SO DON'T FALSELY COMPARE APPLES TO ORANGES, nice try. But bigtime FAIL!

UPDATE: Here's the BIG BREITBART video he was supposed to release at the time of his death to "take down" Obama -

END UPDATE II Remaining DITTOHEADS: start exercising your RIGHT HAND if you're a righty (your LEFT HAND, if you're a left), because if you publicly state that you back Rush Limbaugh on birth control and women, you're going to be VERY LONELY. But don't worry, you'll still have billionaire 1% disgusting PIG warped, demented Rush Limbaugh to keep listening to talking about sex and contraception and women's vagina's, calling them SLUTS. You'll still have some company with fellow single/divorced white male women haters interspersed with FAKE callers. On Monday, I'm sure Rush will have a caller who says, "Hi, Rush, I'm a LIBERAL WOMAN but I agree with everything you say about birth control and these SLUTS!!!" How Can The Republican Party And Rightwing Media Be Staging A "War On Women" And Be Getting Away With It? During March 8 International Women's Day, No Less? (Rush Limbaugh & rightwing radio body count up to 141 advertisers) This was broadcast on WILK, (turn off WILK): WORSE than a real-life Archie Bunker
How to spot a psychopath: And you can't separate Rush Limbaugh from the Republican Party. Rush Limbaugh IS the Republican Party leader, make no mistake about it! And so is Mike Savage. And Sean Hannity. And NONE of these guys are real conservatives. They hate Ron Paul. They're FAKE conservatives. The establishment GOP are FAKE conservatives. They all hate Ron Paul and other REAL conservatives. The GOP is in the mess they're in, because they threw REAL conservatives under the bus and embraced FAKE conservatives like Rush Limbaugh, who thinks Ron Paul is a "NUT". The GOP and FAKE conservative talk radio (Rush, Savage, Hannity) is NO PLACE FOR REAL CONSERVATIVES. REAL conservatives are NOT WELCOME! I am a REAL liberal who has many REAL conservative friends. We have a lot in common, like Ralph Nader and Ron Paul are friends and have a lot in common. Ralph Nader doesn't like the Democrats, and Ron Paul doesn't like the Republicans. Establishment Democrats are not real liberals, and establishment Republicans are not real conservatives. Real liberals and real conservatives are BOTH anti-war. BOTH are against NDAA and The Patriot Act. BOTH are against the growing police state in America. That is why congress, made up of establishment Republicans and Democrats, has historical low approval ratings by the American people. WASHINGTON TIMES: Who knows, even now we may be watching the death throes of the Republican Party. Every single woman, every single minority member, every single civilized human being, should fall on Rush like so many bricks, forcing a collapse on his house of sludge. Rush Limbaugh aside, the assault on the rights of women is alive and well all over this country. Every single GOP controlled legislature in the United States has passed laws to limit the rights of women to control their own bodies. This latest outrage, - the attempt to limit women’s access to contraception is only one skirmish in a war that promises to put American women back in the kitchen where they belong, barefoot and pregnant. If you're EVER going to read an essay on abortion, this is it: (If a woman doesn't have the right to decide over things concerning her own body, she really has no other rights, and a bunch of corrupt men politicians shouldn't be deciding anything over a woman's body.) Of Abortion, and Women as the Ultimate Source of Evil Everyone forgets that this whole thing started with House Republicans framing women's contraception as a "religious freedom" issue and holding a congressional hearing with an ALL-MALE CLERGY PANEL - NO WOMEN ALLOWED TO TESTIFY! Democrats then had to hold a non-official forum to let Sandra Fluke speak. IE: REPUBLICANS = RUSH LIMBAUGH = NO WOMEN ALLOWED!!! The all-male/all clergy contraception hearing called by House Republicans (picture below). This is really where all of this started. Rush Limbaugh's attacks on women were only Part II of the GOP attack on women:
  • The Most Reverend William E. Lori, Roman Catholic Bishop of Bridgeport, CT, Chairman Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, TnT Form
  • The Reverend Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, President, The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
  • C. Ben Mitchell, Ph.D., Graves Professor of Moral Philosophy, Union University
  • Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, Director of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought, Yeshiva University, Associate Rabbi, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun
  • Craig Mitchell, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Ethics, Chair of the Ethics Department, Associate Director of the Richard Land Center for Cultural Engagement, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
The bigger issue overlooked in the Rush Limbaugh firestorm: House Republicans disregarded the CONSTITUTION by framing women's health care issues as "religious freedom" issue. Did you actually LISTEN to Sandra Fluke's testimony? Here it is: Colbert: I WANT TO TAKE A MOMENT TO TALK ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE TO VOTERS THIS YEAR: CONTRACEPTION........... Joseph Kony and Rush Limbaugh: "Hi Rush! I'm a first time caller from Uganda, a black guy, and a Christian. Joseph Kony attends my church. He's actually a great guy and I want to thank you for defending him well in advance of this hateful video against him that's now received over 52 MILLION views on YouTube." Rush's greatest crime is that he taught his followers to be devoid of EMPATHY. They cannot watch this viral video (below: KONY 2012) that has over 26 32 56 MILLION VIEWS WORLD WIDE IN LESS THAN FIVE DAYS. They cannot relate to the shared human experience as portrayed by the most well-conceived, social-media-driven movement in the history of this planet. Rush told them not to have empathy - so they cannot watch this - and engage with the rest of humanity around the globe to end the genocide of children. Ditto-heads are brainwashed - indoctrinated to a place with no empathy...they cannot watch this...THEY ARE DEVOID OF EMPATHY - BECAUSE RUSH SAID SO. Share this with your followers. Get them to imagine a similarly well-conceived and viral production promoted globally to get to the truth of 9/11. RUSH IS TRAPPED ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HUMANITY - HE ALREADY CAME OUT AGAINST WHAT HAS BECOME THE LARGEST SOCIAL MOVEMENT IN HISTORY...HIS FATE AS A HATER IS SEALED... Obama Invades Uganda, Targets Christians Campaign to arrest Uganda rebel chief Joseph Kony goes viral Campaign to arrest Uganda rebel chief Joseph Kony goes viral The greatest danger to Rush is an educated population. Rush defends this alleged "Christian" - who apparently has 60 wives and 42 children - Wikipedia: Joseph Kony LEARNING THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF THE TRUTH - EVERY DAY... CALLER: Let me just say thank you so much for your dedication and teaching the principles and the truths of current events today, and I'm a longtime listener, first-time caller. - plunger What are advertisers backing? History of LOWLIGHT's from Rush Limbaugh's attacks on women, minorities & others: Limbaugh Launched 46 Personal Attacks On Fluke; He Apologized For Two Words The 20 Worst Racial Attacks Limbaugh's Advertisers Have Sponsored 15 Of The Worst Comments Limbaugh's Advertisers Have Sponsored Since 2004 10 Of Limbaugh's Worst Advertiser-Sponsored Attacks On The Poor (update) Still at it, proving his "apology" was bullshit: Limbaugh blasts ‘overeducated’ young single white women Sixth Advertiser — Carbonite — Drops Limbaugh Despite His ‘Apology’ Because He’s Beyond The ‘Bounds Of Decency’ Social Media Firestorm: 3 Advertisers Drop Rush, Others May Follow. Rush’s Attacks On Sandra: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3. Fox Ignores Controversy Rush Limbaugh’s Advertisers Facing Social Media Firestorm UPDATED: Limbaugh's Misogynistic Attack On Georgetown Law Student Continues With Increased Vitriol Limbaugh's Misogynistic Attacks Defended By Right-Wing Media Rush: Contraceptive Coverage Is Like Woman "Knocking On My Door" And Asking For Money Because She Has To Have Sex Tonight Rush Limbaugh: I'll Buy Georgetown Women 'As Much Aspirin To Put Between Their Knees As They Want' Rush Limbaugh: Sandra Fluke, Woman Denied Right To Speak At Contraception Hearing, A 'Slut' Rush Limbaugh Advertisers Pull Commercials In Wake Of Sandra Fluke 'Slut' Firestorm The link between Romney & Rush............ Keith Olbermann says this on his FaceBook fanpage and links to this Alex Jones article:
WE NEED TO PETITION MITT-MAN ... HE COULD CALL CLEAR CHANNEL & GET THEM TO END THE RUSH-MANS AIR TIME. MITT HAS PULL WITH BAIN CAPITAL, RIGHT? (BD: see below, where I say that WILK's "liberal feminist" Steve Corbett needs to publicly denounce the man he calls his "cousin" Rush Limbaugh by name for his relentless attacks on women or he's a FEMINIST FRAUDSTER. Rush Limbaugh comes on Steve Corbett's own channel right before him! Steve Corbett loves to use his show to get a lynchmob against someone by giving them an ultamatim such as: if they don't immediately call his show to refute him on something, then they're guilty. Well, there is now an ultimatum for him: if he doesn't denounce Rush Limbaugh by name, his "cousin" Rush, then he is a FEMINIST FRAUDSTER.) Bain Capital Owns Clear Channel (Romney Supported by Talk Show sphere). Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, etc. under umbrella company that candidate Mitt Romney headed. Did you ever notice that if someone calls the Rush Limbaugh show and they aren't a WHITE MALE, they announce a description of themselves to Rush's white male audience? "Hi, Rush, I'm a BLACK GUY, and I agree with everything you say!" "Hi, Rush, I'm a LIBERAL WOMAN, but I agree with everything you say!" HUH??? If a caller to Rush Limbaugh does NOT identify themselves, Rush ASSUMES it's a single/divorced white male LOSER who hates women and has no children. All others must identify themselves. Exclusive: Limbaugh’s parent company still using actors to fake radio call-ins, exec tells Raw If the callers to Rush Limbaugh are UNKNOWN and furthermore it's a friggin' RADIO SHOW, who's the black guy in the picture on this video? "HI, RUSH, I'M A BLACK GUY": Turn off WILK for carrying hatemonger woman-hating RUSH LIMBAUGH (& Mike Savage): OPERATION TURNOFF (UPDATE NOTE: RIGHTWING GOP CENTRAL WILK must've gotten ORDERS from on high (entercom? clear channel?) today to talk about the ECONOMY instead of Rush Limbaugh & women's naughty parts. You don't go from OVERDRIVE to REVERSE in one day, unless someone's ordering it.)
WOMEN should be calling WILK and saying they are switching from WILK to WFTE & WILKES COLLEGE RADIO STATION, and notify WILK's SPONSORS you are SWITCHING! Who are WILK's sponsors? If you can listen to WILK without VOMITING, then just listen to their commercials, god knows there's enough of them. I'll bet if you got a stop watch and timed it, there's more commercials, "radio news briefs", and mindless banter with the weather/traffic guy than actual show time. THEY are condoning women-hating talk radio! WHAT COMPANY'S COMMERCIALS DO YOU HEAR ON WILK? BOYCOTT THOSE COMPANIES! BOYCOTT ANY COMPANY YOU HEAR HAVING A COMMERCIAL ON WILK! WILK's "liberal" & "feminist" Steve Corbett, in particular, needs to PUBLICLY DENOUNCE RUSH LIMBAUGH BY NAME, not just say he's on the birth control side of the issue. Or is he afraid he'll get fired? Or is he NOT a liberal? Steve Corbett loves to get a lynchmob going against someone by saying that if they don't call his show immediately and denounce something, then they are GUILTY. Well, if Steve Corbett doesn't publicly denounce his "cousin", as he calls him, Rush Limbaugh, he is guilty of being a FEMINIST FRAUDSTER:
There is a NEW channel in the area you can switch to, who doesn't carry hatemonger women haters and scream about contraception all day:
They're a new channel who doesn't sport a cast of divisive hatemongers all day long. They're new and they need to up their power a little in the Wilkes-Barre area, although I've been getting them in clearer lately. Also, at 8 AM, the local Wilkes University channel broadcasts Democracy NOW! every morning at 8 am very clear on 90.7 FM. Here is an example of what you'll hear on WFTE: The Thom Hartmann Show - Here is an example of what you'll hear on Wilkes University at 8 AM every morning on 90.7 FM instead of divisive hatemonger talk (it's also on WFTE). Now isn't this WONDERFUL compared to Rush Limbaugh & Mike Savage: Leaked PAPARAZZI footage Rush Limbaugh & wife: More MISGUIDED GOP strategy (like "LET'S MAKE BIRTH CONTROL THE BIG ISSUE"): here's the GOP's new campaign theme song and possible lead-in song to WILK hosts' shows - DITTOHEAD at restaurant: "WHAT'S IT LIKE???" Big Dan's Big Blog BLAST FROM THE PAST: JUL 1, 2008: Rush Limbaugh FAKE CALLERS: punk rocker "danger".
DEC 7, 2007: 21-Year-Old Woman "Conservative Atheist" Happens To Call Rush Limbaugh While He's Defending Mitt Romney's "Faith" Speech
Embarrassed to be heard listening to the RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW? Check this out: OCT 22, 2007: El Rushbo fans: now available for purchase: The "RushMutronic 3000".
NOV 17, 2007: Rush Limbaugh Cares About Torturing Dogs...But Not Humans! (has CRY-FEST with fellow FAKE "conservative" Mark Levin over torturing animals; upset about "PUNKIN LIMBAUGH" dying...and "SPRITE")
Hi, I'm a DITTOHEAD and I agree with everything Rush Limbaugh says. Like when he says that everyone's against the Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow because he outwardly shows his Christianity. The liberal drive by media hates when Tebow does that.


  1. How can I find out WILK's sponsors?

  2. go to the westmoreland club.

  3. or, if you can listen to that drivel more than 15 minutes without vomiting, listen to who advertises.

  4. golf courses, cigar shops, diet/weighloss centers, big and tall men's clothing, toupee shops. did I miss any?

  5. While we're on the subject of human waste (limbaugh), what's the deal with 9/11 vicitms being put in the dump?  

  6. Sleep Train bedding was founded here back in the '80s when Limbaugh was a local personality. Limbaugh helped put Sleep Train on the road to success.
    They have now pulled their advertising from him...

    (When Limbaugh was here I did the heating and air conditioning in the studio where he worked and chatted with him on several occasions. Had I known then what I know now... But I must admit, back then, he was not so full of himself.)

  7.  LOL - I did a search using dogpile search engine on "WILK News Radio Sponsors" and coming in at #24 is...

    Big Dan's Big Blog: Rush Limbaugh's audience is now down to ...…nce-is-now-down-to.html •

    Found exclusively on: Google

    9 hours ago ... Rush Limbaugh's Advertisers Facing Social Media Firestorm ... to WFTE & WILKES COLLEGE RADIO STATION, and notify WILK's SPONSORS you are SWITCHING! ... They're new and they…

  8. Well, that shows the perpetrators of 9/11's regard for human life. They also OWN the courts and law enforcement, that's why they're not in jail. Negating the NAIVE statement I hear all the time, "If 9/11 was an inside job, then why aren't they in jail?" Is THAT a naive statement? As if that's proof of something.

  9. In the last post, THIS guy, believe it or not, is "THE LIBERAL GUY" on the channel, Steve Corbett:

  10. Some people are saying that Obama (or someone on behalf of Obama) is "taking out" rightwingers like Breitbart, Rush, etc... (Rush had a "bomb scare" the same day Breitbart died).'s my take on that: IF ONLY THAT WERE TRUE!!!!!!! PLEASE, GOD, LET IT BE TRUE!!! lol

  11. How come bretibart's heart gave out at age 43, and dick cheney is still going?

  12. I thought that's a good idea: listen to the commercials and list them in this post. But you're right, I'd vomit listening to WILK. VOMIT!!!!!!!!

  13. FEAR advertizers like LIFELOCK: "the terrorists" are gonna steal your identity! Get lifelock!

    Wednesday, October 24, 2007Get LifeLock...or the Terrorists Are Gonna Git Cha!!!

  14. Dr. Boner's Erection Elixir; covered by health insurance......but don't cover contraception.

  15. Jim, you really should've been a comedian. Truly funny shit you post. Like in the baseball league.

  16. This is how much I hate Rush Limbaugh, this is my very first post on this blog:

    Thursday, October 4, 2007

    Rush Limbaugh Admits "Phony Soldier" Served 44 More Days In Military Than His Zero Days

  17. Check this out, I should put this in this post: a machine you buy so you're not embarrassed listening to Rush Limbaugh in your car:

    Monday, October 22, 2007

    Hello Fellow Dickheads! OOPS! I Mean "Dittoheads"!

  18. Saturday, November 17, 2007

    Rush Limbaugh Cares About Torturing Dogs...But Not Humans!

  19. Friday, December 7, 2007

    21-Year-Old Woman "Conservative Atheist" Happens To Call Rush Limbaugh While He's Defending Mitt Romney's "Faith" Speech

  20. back to the future. love it!  remember when "rush rooms" were supposedly cropping up all over the place so the feeble-minded could just walk off the street, go inside and listen to rush. my god...  

  21. Tuesday, January 10, 2012

    Divine Intervention: Jesus helped Tim Tebow and the Christian Denver Broncos beat the Pittsburgh Steelers because they're Muslims

    Jesus stepped in to help Tim Tebow beat his most hated enemy: the Muslims

  22. Not Rush, but same thing:

    Thursday, November 1, 2007

    Recall On Hannity/O'Reilly Books

  23. The funny thing is there WAS a recall on Ayn Rand books not too long ago, because of something along the lines of they portrayed Ayn Rand as "compassionate", instead of what she really was.

    100,000 "Atlas Shrugged" DVDs have been recalled for an important danger they posed to unwary consumers: the title sheet suggested that viewers help someone out besides themselves.

  24. LOL!!!  Nobody knew what a kook he was.  Then the internet came, and google came, and he was done.  "Paul Harvey with...the rest...of the story.  Cedar Rapids Iowa, the Johnson family, home broken into by al-queda. credit cards stolen. luckliy, they had lifelock!!!" 

  25. Alex Jones has a piece on Andrew Breitbart being "taken out" by Obama or people connected to Obama. Wouldn't it be funny if Alex said, "Look, just take out Rush and I won't say anything." LOL!

  26. Because Dick Cheney is SATAN!!!!!!!!!!

  27. They had to be on MUSHrooms to believe that! Sorry.........bad joke...

  28. Breitbart is famous for making edited hoax videos and pimping them as valid investigations. There's a rumor going around that Breitbart was going to release damning videos of Obama and he was "offed". 

    HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!! HE MAKES FAKE VIDEOS! Even if they were REAL, no one would believe it. Why is no one thinking of this.

    Let me recap: Breitbart & cohorts made or pushed fake edited videos about ACORN, Shirley Sherrod, and many other things, all debunked as FAKE even in court. And he is going to release damning VIDEOS. Hello!!!!!!! It's a fake video like his other ones!

  29. Best comment I've seen on Breitbart's death:

    COMMENT #43 [Permalink]... Jody said on 3/2/2012 @ 2:47 pm PT... People like Breitbart, such as Limbaugh this week, have absolutely no excuse for their actions. They deliberately set out to hurt and destroy others, and make millions of dollars doing so.Deliberately lying and twisting the facts is not an ideology, nor the person engaged in such behavior worthy of any praise. That so many of the Republican candidates are praising him speaks loudly of their only moral decadence.My only empathy is towards the innocent children of this man. They had no choice, his wife did.People who are actively engaged in deliberately harming others are not worthy of any respect, nor do I mourn their death. There are too many innocent people who have died and suffered because of the actions of people like Breitbart. Those are the ones worthy of our empathy.The question that should be asked when someone dies; Is the world a better place because they lived?



  31. The "anti semetic" crowd, Alan Dershowitz, is now trying to demonize the phrase "Israeli Firster".

  32. "I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke"

     Easily the greatest and most obvious lie ever told...

    Just imaging what he would have said if he actually intended a personal attack!


  33. How about Keith Olbermann listed this on his FB fanpage, which means he reads Alex Jones:

    Bain Capital Owns Clear Channel (Romney Supported by Talk Show sphere)  Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, etc. under umbrella company that candidate Mitt Romney headed.

  34. What's with Haaretz? Have they had it with Israelis rightwing leaders?

    Israeli officials have recently ramped up their arguments for striking Iranian nuclear facilities. So far, there has been silence among Jewish religious thinkers about whether attacking Iran would be consonant with Jewish values.

    So what would Judaism say about such a military action? Would God want us to attack Iran?

    It's just a matter of time before U.S. tires of IsraelIsrael doesn't know when to stop, and it could pay dearly as a result.

  35. "No one with daughters the age of Sandra Fluke, and I have two, could possibly abide the insult and abuse heaped upon this courageous and well-intentioned young lady," CEO David Friend wrote. (Carbonite cutting ties with Limbaugh)

    Did Carbonite's CEO read my blog title: "Rush Limbaugh's audience is now down to single/divorced white male LOSERS who hate women and have no children"?

    Carbonite was a BIG sponsor on Limbaugh's show, too!

  36. I remember there was a big flap about the Dixie Chicks while "terror alert" Bush was president, and other country bands said the Dixie Chicks were unamerican, hated america, were with the terrorists, etc... Did Toby Keith come out big time against the Dixie Chicks?

    He probably made a song: "i'm proud to be an america, the terrorists are after us, i'm after them in my pickup truck, with my flag flyin' high on my antenna". Did I just write a country song? btw...anyone think the CIA has at least a LITTLE to do with country music? Any thoughts on that?

  37. After preaching hatred towards all women for decades by calling them feminazis & sluts to my LOSER all white male woman hating audience...I'm sorry if I offended this one young courageous woman for speaking in front of congress.......but not really. And I'd like my advertisers to come back because I fake apologized.

  38. Turning the tables on Big Brother: Now internet users can watch who is spying on them in blow against Google's new snooping policy

    Free Collusion add-on shows which companies watch as you browse
    'Real time' illustration of marketing companies snooping
    Unveiled as Google shifts privacy policy to enable more advertising
    Mozilla aims to share data with privacy campaigners

    Read more:

  39. Focus on Iran as Obama addresses AIPAC

    President Obama informally opens his conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a high-profile venue Sunday morning, discussing U.S. policy on the Iranian nuclear program before the American pro-Israel lobby as he prepares for a critical meeting with Netanyahu on Monday.,0,5380919.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fnews%2Fpolitics+%28L.A.+Times+-+Politics%29

  40. .......any Rush Limbaugh "fans" left beyond the description in the title of this post, would be afraid to publicly admit they are "dittoheads" for fear of losing/alienating their wife/girlfriend/daughter/mother.......and their fear is well-warranted!!!!!!!

  41. "anonymous" message to AIPAC (?)

  42. AIPAC Prepares for 'Extraordinary' Annual Policy Conference
    The AIPAC Policy Conference begins on Sunday, and preparations are already underway. Obama, Peres and Netanyahu will speak, among others.

  43. AIPAC 101 — What Every American Should Know

  44. 10 Reasons to Keep an Eye on AIPAC

  45. (my new avatar is in the post below)

    One Out Of Every Ten Wall Street Employees Is A Psychopath, Say Researchers

  46.  I was watching the news this morning and they cut to Obummer speaking - I switch channels to watch M*A*S*H!

  47. check this out, one of the best most surreal psycho scenes of all time, from "American Psycho"

    American Psycho - 8. "Hip to Be Square"

  48. Firefox add-on - track who's tracking you!

    About collusion

  49. Are Rich People Evil? No, But...

  50. one of the best 9/11 videos ever made, by physicist David Chandler, only 3 mins long

    North Tower Exploding by David Chandler

  51. Another GREAT short video by David Chandler

    North Tower Acceleration by David Chandler

  52. Ron Paul To Israel "It Doesn't Make Any Sense To Attack A Country That's No Threat To ANYONE!"

  53. Stop making sense, Ron Paul.

  54. you'll laugh your ass off with this: REAL commercial by Herman "999/womanizer" Cain

    WTF? Herman Cain Super PAC Fish Ad

  55. Look closely at what Alan Dershowitz says: first of all he's on FOX "news", second, what's the first words out of his mouth? THE OPPOSITE: "AS YOU KNOW, I'M A LIBERAL DEMOCRAT". That is a tell tale he ISN'T a liberal democrat. Does anyone get this 100% fullproof method of detecting LIARS? If they ANNOUNCE who they are, it's not true. "HI, RUSH, I'M A BLACK GUY, AND I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAY......" = fake caller

    WATCH: first words out of Alan Dershowitz' mouth -

  56. this is good:

    Every single woman, every single minority member, every single civilized human being, should fall on Rush like so many bricks, forcing a collapse on his house of sludge.

  57. Is Rush an act, partial act, etc...? Does Rush write his show? Partially write his show? Or does someone or several people shove papers in front of him every day and he's an ACTOR?

  58. Jim: he's "NUTS"...according to the media and the establishment parties.

  59. LOL! Any president anymore, Bush OR Obama, I feel the same way.

  60. Jim: here's a clip from the Country Music Video above, of Jesus riding with the country singer in his pickup truck:


    BREITBART'S edited video against (black) Shirley Sherrod:

  62. Just now, my blogger screen went blank and a little pop up box said, "There's a problem and our best people are working on it". I hit refresh, and my regular screen came back. BOY! ARE THEY GOOD! In ONE SECOND, I had a problem and google/blogger's BEST PEOPLE fixed it in ONE SECOND!!!

  63. How to spot a psychopath:

  64. (these are the types of HOAX videos Breitbart was famous for associating with, making, and take down things to do with WOMEN & BLACKS "sting" videos against rich white republicans, the military industrial complex, etc...)

    HOAX VIDEO EXPOSED: Planned Parenthood Already Reported "Sex Trafficking" To FBI


  66. What does this tell you about wikileaks?

    WikileaksBin Laden's Body Taken To US: Statfor

  67. Here's the official Osama/Team 6 story: the FBI/CIA/Mossad couldn't find Osama for 10 years, he was on dialysis, we found him watching TV of himself, he had porn, we shot him in the head, we threw him in the sea, "according to Islamic Law", they have video of this but won't show us, Osama had his 4 wives and 13 kids they never told us about with him, who also for 10 years must've been eluding the FBI/CIA/Mossad. Then helicopter with TEAM 6 members crashed soonafter. They said in the "news" they were going to interview Osama's wives and never did. They said they would release the video of Team 6 killing Osama and never did. All this is amid reports from around the world for YEARS that he was already dead a long time ago.

  68. Bin Laden Death Deemed Murder of CIA Case Officer as 9/11 Coverup  by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor President George W. Bush knew Osama bin Laden was a CIA agent and in no way ever involved in 9/11.He knew bin Laden personally from family visits and knew bin Laden had been to the White House while living in the US under the cover name of “Tim Osmon.”

  69. Danny Jowenko is Dead, 3 Days After Sabrosky Interview Implicates CIA/Mossad in 911

  70. Remember this show? 

    GET A LIFE (LOVED it! have all the dvd's, it's ridiculously stupid, that's why it's funny)

  71. GET A LIFE (intro)

  72. Get A Life Food Inspector

  73. Chris Elliot: "skink" the bounty hunter

  74. Voters Slowly Realizing Santorum Believes Every Deranged Word That Comes Out Of His Mouth,27518/

  75. Road-Kill Squirrel Remembered As Frantic, Indecisive (VIDEO),27514/

  76. Exclusive "insider video" of team 6 inside Bin Laden's compound. It appears Bin Laden was killed when he tried to exit his vehicle.

  77. Kranky Pants decalres war on Syria. Then, he drops a crabcake in his shorts, and falls back to sleep in the day room at the nursing home.

  78. So, what was the Rush Limbaugh firestorm a distraction from? The AIPAC/Obama & others get together? Or something else?

  79. ‎"Energy Independence?" ... yeah for NORWAY

  80. I just saw that, too. Almost like the Rush & McCain things are distractions from something. 

  81. 11th advertiser drops Limbaugh:
    These amps go to 11..........

  82. OK, I went down the dark onion path today...ever do that? You start going somewhere and you better turn back? Like you accidentally click on a youtube of an animal...and suddenly your down in the nether regions of youtube watching a headless snake snapping at some kid. Holy shit! I went in too deep!

    Facebook To Permit Users To Change Privacy Settings Only If They Guess Word Contained In Locket Worn By Mark Zuckerberg,27472/

  83. The word in the locket is "Aspberger's Syndrome". It's what that asshole suffers from. AKA  social retardation syndrome.

  84. LOL! Remember what I said about LIFELOCK above & Paul Harvey?

    LIFELOCK still advertising on Limbaugh:


  86. I can't post anything on Facebook. I'll check in later and see if that's still the case.

  87. Hey Big Dan...I bet the words A$$ and Hole are used a lot when you are around

  88. Limbaugh blasts ‘overeducated’ young single white women

  89. You obviously didn't closely read what I said, here's a cut/paste from THIS POST:

    "Here's why that's comparing apples to oranges: insulting hatemonger talk
    show hosts is different than the most powerful talk show host engaging
    in a SLUT JIHAD against a non-talk show host and non-politician
    testifying in front of congress. FALSE COMPARISON. NICE TRY. Using your
    multi-million dollar media machine for a SLUT JIHAD against someone
    without the means to fight back is POWERFUL INTIMIDATION also meant to
    intimidate future testimony by people like this woman. A good apples to
    apples comparison would be if left radio talk show hosts engaged in a
    SLUT JIHAD against a non-talk show host/non-politician conservative
    women testifying in front of congress for something she believes in.
    That doesn't and will never happen. Rightwing hosts are FAMOUS for this
    tactic intimidation tactic, left hosts do not do a JIHAD on average
    people. You can't compare Ed Schultz attacking Laura Ingraham, because
    she is a rightwing hatemonger talk show host. Talk show host vs talk
    show host is fair game. Attacking hatemonger talk show hosts is fair
    game. Politicians are fair game, too. Rush Limbaugh commonly attacks
    other talk show hosts and politicians, as do hosts on the left. And
    there is no firestorm about it on either side. When you use your media
    bully pulpit for a SLUT JIHAD against someone who's not a talk show host
    or a politician, that's when you get the firestorm. SO DON'T FALSELY
    COMPARE APPLES TO ORANGES, nice try. But bigtime FAIL!"

  90. I think I'm getting enormous hits on this post because of this:

    Look down in that for, "bigdan".

  91.  I just realized, my hits are through the roof on this post because...wait for it...I ATTRACTED A LOT OF WHITE SINGLE/DIVORCED MALE LOSER DITTOHEADS WITH NO CHILDREN who are PISSED at this post!!!!!!!!!

    Yes? No? Maybe so?

  92.  Someone sent me this, running against Casey in the Dem primary in Pa. -!

  93. Maybe he got mad about the locket comment, and baned you. LOL!

  94. Must be another escapee from Tony's lunchonette.

  95. Somebody needs their internet access restricted at the group home.

  96.  Love your #1 ranking in Yahoo Blog Search results.  Rush will be delighted to learn that his antics were directly responsible for his brain dead listeners learning the truth about 9/11 and other FACTS posted here.

  97. These Fascist pricks despise education.  "No Child Left Behind" translates to "Leave Every Child Behind"

    They are strictly evil.

    As people do better, they start voting like Republicans -
    unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can
    be too much of a good thing."


    Karl Rove



  98.  Doesn't get more authentic than that.

  99. Limbaugh exodus now up to 22 advertisers...

  100. #1 in Yahoo search blog results for "RUSH LIMBAUGH" - Big Dan's Big Blog

  101.  I put a screenshot on the bottom of the post.

    I'M #1! I'M #1! I'M #1!

    And I couldn't have done it..............WITHOUT JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  102.  Kurt Richard Haskell (I'm friend with him on facebook)
    to the corruption I witnessed during the underwear bomber attack and
    trial, I have decided that something needs to be done to change the
    course of the U.S. I believe that I was put in this position for a
    reason and I will now fulfill my obligation to this country. I am now
    officially running for Congress out of Michigan's 7th District. With the
    help of everyone, I will be sent to Washington to begin cleaning up the
    corruption and bringing in a more open and honest government.

  103. (not sure what this is, didn't watch it, requested to share it here)

    2012 The Truth. Quantom Physics. The Quickening of Manifestion.

  104.  JFK 2-The George H. W. Bush Connection-Full Length Documentary

  105.  Colbert: Rush Limbaugh is a Prostitute Who Will Do Anything With His Mouth for Cash

  106. 15 minutes of fame for you. Thank Rush, you wannabe

  107. This is Josh Blakeney's teacher in Canada. He has a great point: if the anti-war movement ignores the root problem which is the 9/11 INSIDE JOB, the anti-war movement will FAIL!

    Prof. Anthony Hall on 9/11/11, "When War Is Promoted as a Remedy for Terror"

  108. See the Anthony Hall video lower than this, he gives a speech on how evil these guys are.

  109.  I found out lots of people were having trouble on FB yesterday.

    How about this one: I couldn't post this link on FB:

    I called my friend, asked him to post it on FB, and it posted. So there you have it: I couldn't post the same exact link as someone else at the same time. What?

  110.  That's it! I'm baning you for misspelling "banning"!

  111. That's one of the best 9/11 speeches I've ever heard, hits on everything.

  112. I was thinking of that. If they're coming here in droves, they're going to see the very next post on the same page, with the same logical title as "
    Rush Limbaugh's audience is now down to single/divorced white male LOSERS who hate women and have no children":

    Magical Passport: the day I began to listen to REAL INDEPENDENT EXPERTS
    about 9/11, and not to politicized government agencies paid by the
    government (NIST), Magazine hucksters (Popular Mechanics, Michael
    Shermer/Skeptics Magazine), TV & radio characters, and slick
    anonymous websites (debunking 9/11)"

  113. The Obama Admins 'Death Committee'

  114.  We’re now heading for a Dictatorship & merging of the Three Branches of power

  115. The Five Basic Forms Of Government Explained

  116. Super rock group RUSH threatens lawsuit against Rush Limbaugh for using their music on his show without their consent:

    (evern notice the PRETENDERS "back to ohio" is Rush's theme? that's why I don't like the pretenders)

  117. UPDATE: the "vomit bird" was watching the Rush Limbaugh show, he's really not a true vomit bird - scientists

  118.  Cenk bets $10,000 that Rush cannot prove massive audience size

  119.  Talkers Magazine: a subsidiary of Popular Mechanics and Mitofsky "exit polls". (lol)

  120. Look at the South Tower controlled demolition: NOTICE, the top from the hit upwards begins to TIP OVER. It should've CONTINUED TIPPING OVER and simply fell off the top...BUT SUDDENLY ALL THE FLOORS BELOW THE TIPPING TOP MAGICALLY start to explode in synch below the tipping top, therefore, the tipping top changes direction from continuing to tip to simply falling straight down because there's ZERO RESISTANCE under it:

    So here's your choices to explain it:

    1. controlled demolition

    2. SUPERNATURAL NON-SCIENTIFIC MAGICAL MIRACLE beyond the laws of science and physics

  121.  And don't forget ANOTHER supernatural magical non-scientific miracle: random fires that were practically out in the first few minutes after the jet fuel almost immediately burned off, cause SYNCHRONIZED TOTAL EXPLOSIONS on all floors throughout up and down simulating controlled demolition.

  122. How many people read this Rush Limbaugh post and said, "Hey, this guy has another post below it about 9/11 that also makes total sense."???

  123. type in "illuminati" backwards and it goes to the nsa site:

  124. You left wing nut jobs you have no idea of who listens to Rush I am married most of my friends are married with kids. If you are dumb enough to lump all Rush listeners into one group I feel very sorry for you and the people around. The left can say anything it wants with no apologies the left has said many hateful things against woman too I did not see you or any of your mouth pieces saying the were sorry. I am sure I will be banned and I thank you when this is over and Rush is bigger than ever he will have you the  thank. Happy Day All

  125.  LOL...
    I suspect someone set that up as a joke or whatever - it simply redirects to the NSA site.

  126. "If you are dumb enough to lump all Rush listeners into one group I feel
    very sorry for you and the people around."

    Followed by lumping all "left wingnut jobs into one group - just as Rush brainwashes you to do for three hours every day:

    "The left can say anything it
    wants with no apologies the left has said many hateful things against
    woman too I did not see you or any of your mouth pieces saying the were

    Who is "THE LEFT?"  Anyone not on "THE RIGHT"

    You have been brainwashed by the grand divide and conquer strategy to lump all those not like you into one group - and call them every name in the book.  Some are your neighbors, your relatives and your friends.

    Accusing others of that which you are guilty is a Rovian strategy that you have been brainwashed to carry out.

  127. this website is a joke

  128. Get all over Bob working to the upper levels of his G.E.D.  Bravo Bob!

  129. Bad Joke. but it's true.


  131.  Win What?  You think this is all a game?

  132. The truth about Karl Rove and the Neocon conspiracy to acquire all of the territory and resources of the middle east - for Israel, the real boss.

  133.  "the left has said many hateful things against woman too" 

    Name one please.

  134. How about Bill Mahar for starters

  135.  FOX strategist Karl Rove wrote the entire script for this segment.  This is the best example I've ever seen of "flipping the script" and blaming President Obama for the INVENTED Contraception controversy which Rove personally invented.  Every aspect of the accusations made precisely mirrors the opposite of reality...

  136.  Rove even advised mispronouncing her name to rhyme with "fuck"

    The mark of Rove is all over this thing.

  137.  Is he "the left?"

    Who is "the Left?"

    Where is personal responsibility?

    Why do you buy into the Left vs. Right contrived Divide & Conquer Strategy of the Globalists?

    There is no Left and there is no Right.

    It's an invention that you've been fed every day.

    Think for yourself.

    We're all just people.


     Speaking of "flipping the script" - note how the "Change" / Anti-War Candidate became the War-Mongering President - doubling down on the previous administration's pro-war script

    "War Time" is forever

    There is no "Peace Time"

    Peace is not a profitable concept.

    Left vs. Right is all an illusion.

    Everything is controlled by very few families at the top of the global pyramid.


  139.  Your conscious understanding of the alleged "Liberal Media" is all contrived to cause you to take a side against "the Other."

    There is no "Liberal Media" - just as there is no "Conservative Media"

    There is only propaganda - divide & conquer manufactured propaganda

    There is no "Other"

    We are one.

    You are a tool of the masters at the top, and you are brainwashed for three hours every day.  Study brainwashing and its effects.  Learn how it works.  The truth is unknown to you - unless you seek it on your own, and learn it in fact.

  140.  There is no "Al Qaeda."  The CIA created the "Mujaheddin," alleged "freedom fighters" against the Soviet Union within Afghanistan during that prior OCCUPATION.  The Mujaheddin was a CIA invention, a force of hired MERCENARIES, apparently led by Osama Bin Laden - whose CIA name was Tim Osmon (don't accept my word for it - Google Tim Osman and learn for yourself).

    At that time, there was nothing in existence with the brand name "Al Qaeda"

    Not until the Soviet Union was vanquished from Afghanistan using our hired mercenaries and our rocket launchers was the next assignment for this band of mercenaries conceived.  subsequent to then, there is nothing called Mujaheddin - yet the exact same apparatus has the name "Al Qaeda" - and is still run and funded by the same source - George HW Bush's CIA.

    "Al Qaeda In Iraq" was a brand name invented for American consumption by Karl Rove.  It never existed - aside from the Mossad agents and hired mercenaries that the globalists sent in their to blow up pipe lines and kill civilians and even American Soldiers.

    Mossad is Al Qaeda.  CIA is Al Qaeda.  MI 6 is Al Qaeda

    All are terrorists.

    As are the media talking heads who repeat the lies to you daily.

    Bin Laden has not been alive since the end of 2001 or beginning of 2002.

    Wrap your head all the way around that actual fact - and contemplate how many lies you must have swallowed since that time - and what the ramifications of that truly are.

    Everyone in Congress knows the foregoing to be true.  They are bribed and blackmailed to act their parts, to perpetuate the terror myth.

  141. "Holder's new definition of 'due process' was perfectly Orwellian," Read more:

  142. So, this is what a wacky far left blog looks like. Don't forget your aluminum foil hats.

  143. Rush's greatest crime is that he taught his followers to be devoid of EMPATHY.

    They cannot watch this viral video that has over 26 MILLION VIEWS WORLD WIDE IN LESS THAN FIVE DAYS.  They cannot relate to the shared human experience as portrayed by the most well-conceived, social-media-driven movement in the history of this planet.  Rush told them not to have empathy - so they cannot watch this - and engage with the rest of humanity around the globe to end the genocide of children.

    Ditto-heads are brainwashed - indoctrinated to a place with no empathy...they cannot watch this...THEY ARE DEVOID OF EMPATHY - BECAUSE RUSH SAID SO.

  144.  Going through this thing called FACTS, which rightwing media is devoid of, FOX snagged saying the FLAT OUT OPPOSITE about gas prices (video):

    Under president Bush, rising gas prices are out of the president's control.

    Under president Obama, rising gas prices are in the president's control:

  145. Then why are you hear? And why did I get a record thousands and thousands of hits on this article?


    "As people do better, they start voting like Republicans -
    unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can
    be too much of a good thing."


    Karl Rove.




    "As people do better, they start voting like Republicans -
    unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can
    be too much of a good thing."


    Karl Rove.





    "As people do better, they start voting like Republicans -
    unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can
    be too much of a good thing."


    Karl Rove.



  149. Don't forget YOUR aluminum foil hat. I don't have one.

  150.  Share this with your followers.  Get them to imagine a similarly well-conceived and viral production promoted globally to get to the truth of 9/11.


    Obama Invades Uganda, Targets Christians

  152. Campaign to arrest Uganda rebel chief Joseph Kony goes viral

  153.  The greatest danger to Rush is an educated population.


    CALLER:  Let me just say thank you so much for your dedication and
    teaching the principles and the truths of current events today, and I'm a
    longtime listener, first-time caller.

  155. Rush defends this alleged "Christian" - who apparently has 60 wives and 42 children -

  156. These "callers" don't even exist. The Rush Limbaugh show is an INFOMERCIAL:


    I heard, "HI RUSH, I'M A BLACK GUY".




    WHITE GUYS don't have to identify themselves on the Rush Limbaugh show. See: the title of this post.

  158.  It's not that they suffer from a lack of education per se.  They clearly seek some form of guidance.

    It's that they rely on this total entertainment medium to become dis-educated or mis-educated.

    Learning the opposite of the truth is not education.  Swallowing it hook, line and sinker - to their own detriment - that's the result of brainwashing.

    CALLER:  "Hi Rush, I'm with Women Against Women, and I love the way you abuse women...because I know you speak for me!"

  159.  admillerus says, " I am married most of my friends are married with kids."

    Is that the guy who calls Rush Limbaugh and says, "HI RUSH, I'M A BLACK GUY"???

  160.  WAIT A SECOND! I just found this:

    Bill Maher DEFENDS Rush Limbaugh! (there goes admillerus' argument out the window!)

  161.  Here's another FALSE COMPARISON by "right media" with Rush:

    "left media" attacks women, too. And they'll cite ONE case by Ed Schultz & Keith Olbermann, as if that's "balanced". So, 3 DECADES of Rush Limbaugh attacking women (and PRIVATE CITIZEN women, not politicians or talk show hosts) is the same as ONE instance they can find about Ed Schultz saying something about RIGHTWING TALK SHOW HOST Laura Ingraham or ONE instance of Keith Olbermann saying something about RIGHTWING MEDIA CHARACTER Michelle Malkin.

    Yeah, that's the same thing.

  162.  I asked for one thing hateful against women the left has said and the reponse I get is "Bill Mahar".

    First of all who the hell is Bill Mahar? I searched but can't find a thing about him. Or did you mean Bill Maher?

    Either way If I were to say to some woman "Bill Mahar" or even "Bill Maher" that would be offensive to her?

  163.  Sounds like one of Rush's phoney callers...

  164. The want authority figures to tell them what to do. They don't think for themselves.

    Think about what they call themselves: "DITTOHEADS". They say, "MEGA-DITTO'S, RUSH!!!"

  165.  …I though back to the threat Anonymous made to TAKE DOWN THE ENTIRE INTERNET!!! Which of course made more sense understood as a ploy to help fear monger than an actual threat from actual terrorists.

    Was it the FBI making such threats?

    Which makes this conversation Sabu had just two weeks before he was indicted all the more interesting.

    You just said there was a claim that I may be a terrorist. You “researched” it and wrote the article
    There re claims I am with the CIA pushing to get tighter / stricter cyber-laws passed
    its literally the same shit, two different extremes.
    The people are aware that our governments in the UK and
    the US have involved themselves in black operations in the past. it
    makes a lot of sense if lets say a rogue group of hackers suddenly began
    attaking national interests — spawning a massive overhaul of internet
    security, theoretically.
    you’re telling me thats not
    worse than some random jihadist who barely knows how to use a computer
    in the first place, “hacking”/
    Also heres where your entire point is flawed into oblivion
    why would a terrorist release and dump 90,000
    can just intercept military intelligence communications for the next
    year using this data ?
    Why would osama bin laden go through all the work of
    hacking booz allan [a US government and defence consultancy], just to
    post a pastebin with an ascii art mocking the security of federal
    Be realistic.

    One other neat detail about the suggestion, of course, is that the
    CIA went around claiming to be FBI agents while they tortured people.
    Was this Sabu preparing to go around hacking for the FBI while hinting
    he was CIA?

  166.  ANOTHER funny thing, is that I have LOTS of Republican & Libertarian friends. I don't know if they like me, or like arguing with me, or whatever, but that's the truth.


  168. I have no idea why I posted that above, sorry. I never watched ANY reality show. I guess people are concerned about reality TV shows (?) on FB.

  169. America is in a state of perpetual war, with an undefinable enemy with no borders, and no definable end to this war (the "war on terror", war against an idea):

  170. Girl Power should be privatized.

  171.  Conveniently contrived and branded by Karl Rove

  172. Truth Excavator on contrived war against Israel's alleged enemies

  173. Israel's revolutionary Zionists are the most dangerous because they have
    nuclear weapons, a record of aggression and terrorism against peaceful
    states, and a clear plan to set up a Greater Israel on the blood of
    Arabs, Americans, and Persians.

    The policy of mass brainwashing by the totalitarian governments and
    media in all three nations has produced two groups of people: one group
    that is slavish to the government and hopelessly asleep, and another
    group that is awakened, active, and angry. The second group of citizens
    is threatening the power and political legitimacy of all three ruling

    In America, the Occupy Wall Street, End the Fed, and 9/11 truth
    movements are converting new acolytes every day. The political awakening
    of the American people is no longer a matter of rhetoric, but a
    political reality. National Security Dogma no longer dominates the
    thinking of the American people. The days of piecemeal economic and
    political reform measures have come and gone. The days of revolution are

  174. Panetta abolishes US Congress at insistence of ISRAEL

  175.  GOT TREASON?

  176.  Bombing Iran because Israel is BLACKMAILING the US Leadership

    Thursday, March 8, 2012
    Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said in an interview Thursday that the
    Pentagon “absolutely” is preparing possible military options for a
    strike on Iran, in a rare public acknowledgment shortly after President
    Obama met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Panetta, in the interview with the National Journal, said the U.S. has been examining those options “for a long time.”

    The comments come as Iran’s nuclear program and the possibility of a
    strike by Israel dominate the discussion in Washington and Jerusalem.
    Obama earlier in the week used a press conference to urge the
    international community to allow more time for sanctions to work — he
    repeatedly has cautioned against the “loose talk of war” in Washington.

    Still, Panetta acknowledged that military planning is underway and
    noted that a U.S. strike would be more effective than an Israeli one.

  177.  Want a good laugh? On ABC "news" tonight:

    Bin Laden's Last Days: Caught Between Feuding Wives

    And I mean laugh, as in the FAKE news is so bad, it's funny. I don't mean "laugh", as in it's funny Osama was caught between feuding wives.

  178.  You have to have in-house Pentagon-assigned storytellers to dream this shit up at ABC News.  The thing is, it's so fake, you have to know that everyone at ABC News KNOWS IT'S FAKE!

  179. Hank Zale...he' ford tough. LOL!!!

  180. Hi Admiral U.S.,  I'm old old, white, scared, abominable, bore just like you.  I agree with you!!! LOL!!!

  181. Who the f#k is Bill Mahar?  Your neighbor?

  182. I yelled Bill Mahar at several women on public square today. I got no reaction whatsoever.

  183. Admiral's cookout = freakout.

  184. Happy purim, sauly.

  185. Return to your knees and commence blowing your radio. Cheers!

  186. Dan, looks like after rocketing to #1 on the charts, you drew in approximately 5 trolls; none of whom had the brain power to make a factual counter argument for Rusty Limpbag's behavior or figure out a 20% tip on 10 dollars.

  187. "It's that they rely on this total entertainment medium to become dis-educated or mis-educated."

    Well stated!!!

  188. you all are a bunch of progressive  ideologues with no ounce of real thinking, rush was wrong with what he said.  no doubt.  just one of you show me where in our laws the government  has the right to DICTATE how any company should compromise there RIGHTS because our dictator and chief makes a dictate like any self righteous ideolouge might do just to promote his progressive beliefs.   its wrong on both sides to use position DICTATE ANYTHING

  189.  yeah i don't agree with those guys, but i am open minded and want too listen to everyone ideas, but yeah lets hope someone kills those guys!! i'm liberal.. i mean progressive i mean i hate people and wish they would die if i don't like what they say.

  190. so much hate speech from you progressives, can't you tone down the rhetoric?/ 

  191.  yes i am like you i think bin laden got a bad rap, he was a nice guy, lot of good ideas,
