Last week I wrote this post:
(Saturday, January 21, 2012) Jewish American newspaper publisher suggests Israel assassinate Barack Obama we have NEWT GINGRICH's TOP DONOR, BILLIONAIRE SHELDON ADELSON, who has already donated more than $10 million to NEWT, saying in the following video:
"The uniform that I wore in the military, unfortunately, was not an Israeli uniform, it was an American uniform." @ 5:10
(about one of his sons) "His hobby is SHOOTING, hopefully he'll come back (to ISRAEL) and become a SNIPER for the IDF." @ 5:37 (Since non-Jews are considered to be non-humans, aspiring to have your son become a sniper makes perfect sense. - plunger)
"All we care about is being GOOD ZIONISTS." @ 7:22
Here is the web site and cause he is promoting - designed to ensure that the media tows the Israeli propaganda line:
Sheldon Adelson believes Palestinians are "invented people", too:
Gingrich’s Major Backer Arch-Zionist Sheldon Adelson
The propaganda art of the elite 1% wealthy & powerful Israeli-Firster Zionist warmongers who control our government & media, whose loyalty is to Israel even though they are American citizens, is to blur and confuse the difference between THEM vs the other 99% Jews and the religion of Judaism, especially American Jews whose loyalty is NOT to Israel, but to THEIR COUNTRY THE UNITED STATES. Then, when they blur these differences enough, they can call you an ANTI-SEMITE (you hate 100% of ALL JEWS). Besides calling you an "ANTI-SEMITE", they may also bring up Hitler and/or the Holocaust and imply that, because you've pointed out the EVIL things they are doing, you "love Hitler" and/or you were "for the Holocaust"...because you're an "ANTI-SEMITE" and hate ALL JEWS. When in reality, you just hate THOSE PARTICULAR PEOPLE because you realize what EVIL warmongers they are and they are using their wealth and power and media ownership to hijack the U.S. government and military for their warmongering purposes, like propagandizing us into endless wars against Israel's enemies. The "ANTI-SEMITE" trick, right from the horse's mouth - from a former Israeli minister:
Max Blumenthal: U.S. politics isn't about American Jewish votes, it's about Zionist Jewish MONEY; 45% of individual campaign contributions are from a tiny select group of super rich Jewish Zionist elites: Mel Sembler & Sheldon Adelson make sure the GOP does the Zionists bidding, & Haim Saban make sure the Democrats do the Zionists' bidding:
Israeli Zionists insult American Jews:
Popular Christian Zionist author, Kay Arthur of Precepts Ministries. "I love America," Arthur said, her voice quivering with emotion. "But if it came to a choice between Israel and America, I would stand with Israel."
Report: Adelson under criminal investigation for alleged bribery of foreign officials: American billionaire, close ally of Netanyahu, and main donor to Gingrich's campaign has been under federal investigation for his casino empire's alleged involvement in a corruption scandal in China, ABC reports.
Netanyahu hits on just about all the points here: HITLER, THE HOLOCAUST, 1938 GERMANY, NAZI'S...ETC...ETC...
2006: Holocaust II IMMINENT...according to Netanyahu...I guess he was off a little:
(2006) Netanyahu: It's 1938 and Iran is Germany; Ahmadinejad is preparing another Holocaust: Likud leader hints Israel has the military capability to curb the Iranian threat but time is running out.
Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?
CLEAR EVIDENCE that the US media is completely under the control of Netanyahu - via blackmail and coercion with Dual-Citizen TRAITORS INSIDE THE US:
Breaking: Patriot Missiles Seized, Sold To China by Israel (Updates)
Commentary by PLUNGER:
If you're Jewish - you can threaten the life of the President of the United States. It's legal now:
Apparently the Jewish community knows how they actually speak to one another in private - and this rhetoric is normal in their realm. Note that if Muslims spoke this way in private - they'd be arrested and charged as terrorists...
"Freedman also sees broader trends at work, including the fading line between private and public talk dissolving in the era of blogging and tweeting. The Atlanta Jewish Times incident, he says, is a reminder that words that sound bold in private will "resonate really differently when they are out in public."
So how has it come to pass that Eric holder's US Department of Justice has failed to arrest a dual citizen inside the United States who openly threatened the life of the US President?
If your Jewish, threatening the life of the American President "sounds bold in private?" Bold? What laws apply to Zionist Jews living inside the United States? Seriously? If Adler had threatened the life of the President in a private meeting of Zionists - the collective opinion of the group would have been that his words were "Bold?"
THAT is what this situation and these articles reveal. A secret society within the United States that actively works at cross-purposes to the US Constitution. They are CLEARLY ABOVE THE LAW.
Look at all the games and wordsmithing in this article - trying to explain away the "Israel-Fist" mindset:
You do, of course, have schmuckos like Andrew Adler, the now-ex-editor of the Atlanta Jewish paper, who fantasized in print about the Mossad rubbing-out President Obama. I don't think this makes him pro-Israel, by the way, or whatever the non-anti-Semitic equivalent of "Israel-Firster" is. I think this makes him an idiot and a sociopath.
Jefferey Goldberg of the Atlantic Magazine thinks that what Adler did ONLY makes him a "schmucko" and "an idiot and a sociopath?" What about a "criminal?" Why is it that no one in the Jewish community or the Justice Department can articulate the need to arrest this man?
CLEARLY - the Zionist-controlled media has taken up a new cause - the rewriting of the English language to declare yet one more term "anti-Semitic."
"Israel-Firster" = anti-semitic! Got it?
What American citizens refer to as TRAITORS - Zionists seek to protect from discussion or scrutiny.
Note that Zionists are not exclusively Jewish - not by a long shot.
Yet despite that - the effort is fully underway to paint the term 'Israel-Firster" as meaning "anti-Jewish."
Nothing could be further from the truth. But don't let the truth get in the way of a carefully crafted conspiracy to deploy propaganda to silence critical thinking and debate on the most important issue effecting our country and our future.
When Sheldon Adelson refers to himself as a proud "Israel-Firster," is he not also an anti-Semite for doing so, here in this newly-contrived world?
If they didn't have so many crimes to coverup for, they would be putting so much effort into making free speech illegal.
Barack Obama’s “unbreakable bond” with Israel
Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America demands more U.S. wars for Israel:
Obama Claims Iran is “Isolated” When the Opposite is True: Obama claims “a world once divided [on Iran]. . .now stands as one” and that Iran is “isolated”. Is it Iran or the US & Israel who are “isolated”?
John Gunther Dean American Ambassador reportedly a target of an Israeli assassination plot. Published in The Nation.
Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm accused of using Israeli ties, collecting illegal political contributions
Jewish American Alfred Lilienthal 1949: "Judaism, I have felt, was a religious faith which knew no national boundaries, to which a loyal citizen of any country could adhere.
By contrast, Zionism was and is a nationalist movement organized to reconstitute Jews as a nation with a separate homeland. Now that such a state exists, what am I? Am I still only an American who believes in Judaism? Or am I-as extreme Zionists and anti-Semites alike argue-a backsliding member of an Oriental tribe whose loyalty belongs to that group?"
Alfred Lilienthal (Jewish American, 1949): Israel’s Flag is Not Mine
Putting Israel First: The War Party's Achilles' heel
NEWT & Santorum are "JOKE CANDIDATES", only in it so the media can continue to ignore Ron Paul. If only Romney and Ron Paul were in it, the media would be FORCED to talk about the only other candidate besides Romney: Ron Paul. The establishment Republican Party has already decided on Mitt Romney. (UNLESS...see below about Jeb Bush)
How big of a "JOKE" are NEWT & Santorum? As big, if not BIGGER, "JOKE CANDIDATES" as Cain & Perry were! Santorum & NEWT are not even on the BALLOT of several major states:
Newt's failure to get on the Missouri, Ohio and Virginia ballots and Problems in NH : causing his supporters to leave in droves.
Santorum is not on the ballot in VA, TN, & DC
Remember when I wrote this?
(Saturday, November 5, 2011) The Three Stooges Simultaneous Meltdown: orchestrated by KARL ROVE so JEB BUSH can step in at the last second???? Is Karl Rove orchestrating the 3 Stooges (Romney/Cain/Perry) simultaneous meltdown so the SAVIOR from the family of royalty (the Bush's) can step in after the MEDIA CIRCUS?
(Simply replace CAIN & PERRY with NEWT & SANTORUM. See a pattern? Romney + two "JOKE CANDIDATES" - STILL the Three Stooges, STILL ignoring Ron Paul!)
BUT LOOKEY HERE....WHO DAT????? WHO DAT in the picture below? Is that JEB BUSH, POPPY GHW BUSH, & OBAMA???
Look at these reports that just came out:
Fearful GOPers, Failed Dem Prepare for Jeb Bush Draft
George H.W. and Jeb Bush Pay Obama an Unscheduled Visit
Big Dan TV Random Videos:
I'm getting hundreds of hits on this post from March 9, 2011 -
ReplyDeleteLike when I said the other day, Obama's "SHIT OF THE UNION" speech (instead of State of the Union).
RED? You've taken to giving me CREDIT? In RED?
ReplyDeleteDude, are you OK?
I'm NOT OK; but I'm trying to overcome it with my mind.
ReplyDeleteCheck this out:
ReplyDeleteThree Buildings Collapse In Brazil Eerily Similar to World Trade Center Towers
Breaking: Patriot Missiles Seized, Sold To China by Israel (Updates)
9/11 - Missing Links ( full movie )
Max Blumenthal
ReplyDelete"If it came to a choice between Israel and America, I would stand with Israel" --Xtian Zio #IsraelFirster Kay Warren
Catholic churches evangelize against Obama en masse
Obama Claims Iran is “Isolated” When the Opposite is True
ReplyDeleteObama claims “a world once divided [on Iran]. . .now stands as one” and that Iran is “isolated”. Is it Iran or the US & Israel who are “isolated”?
US Envoy Writes of Israeli Threats
ReplyDeleteMY CATBIRD SEAT JANUARY 31, 2012 0
John Gunther Dean donated his collection of personal papers to the Jimmy Carter Library in Atlanta, Georgia. The collection documents Dean’s career both during and after he left the U.S. State Department’s Foreign Service.
John Gunther Dean American Ambassador reportedly a target of an Israeli assassination plot. Published in The Nation.
Staten Island Rep. Michael Grimm accused of using Israeli ties, collecting illegal political contributions
Morton Klein of the Zionist Organization of America:
stuff Neocons say
recovering neocon now for Ron Paul
Easy ways to support Ron Paul
Romney volunteer defects to support Ron Paul
National WeatherMan Talks about Weather Modification, Haarp, Chemtrails
CONFIRMED! Someone is deleting this protest on twitter! There is an NATIONWIDE NDAA protest going on this Friday, Feb 3rd, 12-7, at ALL Congressional Offices across the nation, yet tweets disappear. I asked one of my friends who's also announcing the same protest & very active on twitter... the same problem! Obviously this protest is a big threat. :-) BE THERE! Don't let this protest go unannounced. PRESS SHARE!
Here's a way to locate your LOCAL Congressional Office:
Here's the fb event for it:
Remember the mysterious "bees dying out" reports of about a year or two ago? They're becoming not so mysterious lately:
ReplyDeleteMore Damning Evidence Points to Pesticide as Cause of Mass Bee Deaths
Bayer-produced imidacloprid harmful to bees even at very low levels
Who Is Sheldon Adelson, the Gingrich Super PAC's Billionaire Backer?
CLEAR EVIDENCE that the US media is completely under the control of Netanyahu - via blackmail and coercion with Dual-Citizen TRAITORS INSIDE THE US:
ReplyDeleteSources termed it, “An absolute disaster, even if they only received
the radar systems alone, much less the missiles.That this would go
unreported though the story was broken in Europe 48 hours ago is
Nobody in Washington has this although even the BBC report contains more than enough information to bring Washington to a halt.
Report: Adelson under criminal investigation for alleged bribery of foreign officials
ReplyDeleteAmerican billionaire, close ally of Netanyahu, and main donor to Gingrich's campaign has been under federal investigation for his casino empire's alleged involvement in a corruption scandal in China, ABC reports.
Everything that's on this blog is proof the US media is completely under control of Netanyahu. I wouldn't have a blog if it wasn't. The mainstream media would be reporting what I am reporting, and I wouldn't have to do this.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, "dead voters voting" story FALSE. How many times can Republicans push these stories and get away with it? They did it in New Hampshire, remember James O'Keefe's hoax story?
Truth Denier Bill Maher:
ReplyDeleteNew Rules: Who is Saul Alinsky?! 1-27-12
ReplyDeleteVERY good point - well stated.
ReplyDeleteRockefeller's Eugenics plan is still very much alive, and his United Nations project is pushing the justifications for eliminating much of the world's population. I was told directly by a government intelligence insider that the concept of Peak Oil was a total fabrication. The oil barons use it to keep prices high and the New World Order oligarchs use it to placate their populations into not caring too much about the theft of territory and resources via military intervention.
ReplyDeleteNote that the Business week article that just came out yesterday - admitting the myth of Peak Oil and therefor the lack of justification for stealing Iran's, is today offset by a Reuters article on behalf of Rockefeller's UN - predicting imminent shortages of oil and food - in a world with too many people.
Everything You Know About Peak Oil Is Wrong
We’re not running out of resources. Quite the contrary.
UN Says World Lacks Enough Food, Fuel As Population Soars
He just wants to kill half the world's population. Is that a problem?
Mitt Romney's Foreign Policy Team Created Bush's Torture & Warrantless Wiretapping Programs!
And that always reminds me: WHEN ARE THESE BASTARDS GOING TO DIE? How old is Rockefeller? Kissinger? GHW Bush? Cheney? Cheney had god knows how many heart operations.
ReplyDeleteThe Super Bowl is supposed to bring attention and even glory to its host city. But thanks to an anti-worker, anti-union assault by Indiana’s Governor Mitch Daniels and the Republican controlled legislature, the big game, to be held this year in Indianapolis, is bringing a different kind of attention altogether. The NFL Players Association joined the ranks of unions across the state last week in opposing efforts to make Indiana join the ranks of so-called “Right to Work” states. “Right to Work” laws have also been called “Right to Beg” or “Right to Starve” since they undercut wages, benefits and the most basic workplace protections. Coming off their own labor battle, the NFLPA released a statement where they promised that they would not be silent on these laws during the buildup to the Super Bowl. I interviewed NFLPA Executive Director DeMaurice Smith about why they felt it was important to take a stand against this legislation.
Mystery illness gaining national attention
ReplyDeleteBy: Marcie Fraser
The number is now more than two dozen girls, all with Tourettes like symptoms, including twitching, jerking and vocal tics. As our health reporter Marcie Fraser reports, the case spans New York State and is gaining national attention.
Any time the Feds immediately rule out environmental causes (on the energy industry/Rockefeller's behalf) - and start to plant stories about it being psychological, it's a psyop and a coverup. It's absolutely about the drinking water and likely fracking. In Rockefeller's world, it's nirvana...trashing the environment, killing off the population and profiting from the natural gas...the Rockefeller trifecta!
My buddy again:
ReplyDeleteWill The Jews Let Ron Paul Win?
GOP plotting to oust Ron Paul?
The Osama Deception
Monsanto Exec Heads FDA, and the Obama Administration’s Revolving Door Politics
The Real Truth of Wars - Dr. Dahlia Wasfi's
ReplyDelete"These sectors of the doctrinal system serve to divert the unwashed masses and reinforce basic social values: passivity, submissiveness to authority, the overriding virtue of greed and personal gain, lack of concern for others, fear of real or imagined enemies, etc. The goal is to keep the bewildered herd bewildered." --Dr. Noam Chomsky, from What Uncle Sam Really Wants , censored ex parte from WUTK radio's Alternative Nation, Summer 2001
Alfred Lilienthal, 1949: Israel’s Flag is Not Mine
Netanyahu: It's 1938 and Iran is Germany; Ahmadinejad is preparing another Holocaust
ReplyDeleteLikud leader hints Israel has the military capability to curb the Iranian threat but time is running out.
ReplyDeleteU.S. Intel: Iran Willing To Attack on American SoilNational Intelligence director points to an alleged assassination plot as proof.
Former President's son puts his Israeli Likud propaganda training to good use - describing those out of favor with Israel in this election cycle as sub-humans. Every time the political operatives for Israel refer to any humans as less than human - they need to be called out for it.
ReplyDeleteFormer President Ronald Reagan’s oldest son on Monday compared liberals
to termites who are “eating away at the foundations” of America.
Never heard of him.
ReplyDeleteBOILINGFROGS select news:
ReplyDeleteBFP Select Nightly News & Editorials: Obama's Police State: FDA Scientists & Doctors Sue Over Secret Surveillance, Dennis Ross Redux: Haaretz Reveals White House-WINEP Hotline, Pentagon Paying Boeing $330 Million for Bigger Bomb, Freddie Mac Profits if Homeowners Unable to Refinance, More Solyndra-Like Failure: Obama-Tied Amonix Inc Lays Off Most of Company, NY Times Gives Israelis its Magazine to Make an Attack on Iran 'Normal', What Happened to the War Powers Act?, China & the Blame Game, With its Deadly Drones the US is Fighting a Coward's War, Videos, Podcasts & more!
He's like the brother no one knew about, they kept him chained up in the basement...
ReplyDeletebtw...who names their FIRST son NOT Ronald? What if he didn't have another son? Don't you name your FIRST son Ronald? ???
I knew someone like that: he named his 3rd son his name: Jimmy. Unbelievable. Why even do it, then?
Not YOU, Jim. Ironically, the same name.
ReplyDeleteWASHINGTON — The head of Israel’s intelligence service paid a secret
visit to Washington last week to discuss Iran’s nuclear program, the CIA
director and a top US lawmaker said Tuesday.
Mossad chief Tamir Pardo flew to the US capital to consult with his
American counterparts amid speculation over a possible Israeli strike
against Iranian nuclear facilities, CIA director David Petraeus and
Senator Dianne Feinstein revealed at a congressional hearing.
Sensitive trips by intelligence chiefs are usually kept secret but
Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Select Committee on
Intelligence, mentioned Pardo’s visit at a televised hearing as she
discussed how Israel views Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
the vice chairman and I have just met this past week with the director
of Mossad, so that is a classified meeting,” Feinstein said at the
“existential threat.”
“existential threat.”
“existential threat.”
When you read this, and see that it was Vice President LBJ who orchestrated the Kennedy assassination - with GHW Bush and Curtis LeMay overseeing the deed - is it any real stretch to imagine that when GHW was VP under Reagan, he didn't fantasize about pulling an LBJ - and recruit Hinckley to do it? Bush had already seen how easy it was to get away with.
ReplyDeleteNew audio tape sheds light on JFK assassination
Now just imagine this hyper-powerful cocksucker being blackmailed to the wall by Netanyahu - who has GHW dead to rights, with all the evidence from JFK through 9/11. I suspect that's what GHW and Obama were discussing the other day - how they are both totally blackmailed by Netanyahu. Of course Bibi was listening in via the bugs in the Oval Office.
There's a SHITLOAD on facebook about Monsanto, everyone's going apeshit about Monsanto:
ReplyDeleteWhy is a Monsanto lobbyist serving as the FDA's Food Safety Czar? - USDA forces Whole Foods to accept Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011 | Natural Society Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto's GMO Corn Linked To Organ Failure, Study Reveals wants to kill the bees to make way for its super bee. Obama to Cease FDA Ties to Monsanto
In a related story:
ReplyDeleteFDA Declares Form of Vitamin B6 a Drug, Effectively Banning Pyridoxamine from Dietary SupplementsLearn more:
OK, I'm beginning to see what my next post should be.
ReplyDeleteJohn Stockwell Highest Ranking CIA agent to go public
Bombshell: Barack Obama outed as CIA creation
ReplyDeleteSpecial Report. The Story of Obama: All in The Company (In Three Parts)
Opinion Maker | August 19, 2010
Wayne Madsen
Iran determined to attack inside the U.S. sound familiar?
In 1954 CIA Director Allen Dulles rescued BP by launching Operation Ajax against Iran’s democratically-elected Mohamed Mossadegh. That same year Dulles came to the aid of United Fruit Company in Guatemala, where nationalist Jacobo Arbenz was elected President on a platform promising land reform.
ReplyDeleteWhen Arbenz targeted United Fruit’s 550,000 acre banana plantations for expropriation, Dulles turned to his old employer Sullivan & Cromwell to plot the overthrow of Arbenz.
Sullivan was BP’s lawyer and legal counsel to J. Henry Schroeder Bank, the Warburg-controlled Hamburg bank that financed Adolf Hitler. [1]
Proof that the cancer industry doesn't want a cure - even if it's a pharmaceutical
ReplyDeleteLearn more:
Death of the Walmart greeter: Shop scraps door staff after 30 years
ReplyDeleteRead more:
welcome to costco i love you
casolaro's octopus
The Last Circle: Danny Casolaro's Investigation into the Octopus and the PROMIS Software Scandal [Paperback]
Danny Casolaro may have accidentally stepped into the biggest worldwide narcotics trafficking ring and they killed him Aug 10, 1991.
ReplyDeleteJos Burrell on Facebook:
ReplyDeleteIn one of his rants (Michael Reagan), which has since been deleted just about everywhere, Mike Regan said something to the effect he's be willing to shove a grenade up a baby's rectum if the baby was destined to grow up a (Muslim) killer. There was a bit of a stir, a quick cleansing of the airways, wholesale deletion of the reference.
Jos Burrell on Facebook:
ReplyDeleteIn one of his rants (Michael Reagan), which has since been deleted just about everywhere, Mike Regan said something to the effect he's be willing to shove a grenade up a baby's rectum if the baby was destined to grow up a (Muslim) killer. There was a bit of a stir, a quick cleansing of the airways, wholesale deletion of the reference.
Middlebury dairy farmer, Sheriff stand up to FDA
ReplyDeleteForest Grove Dairy the focus of federal investigation
FDA Is Accused of Spying on Its Employees, Using Info to “Dismiss” Them
FDA Whistleblowers Claim Illegal SurveillanceBy David Morgan, Reuters31 January 12 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration secretly monitored the private emails of staff doctors and scientists who alleged the agency was approving medical devices that posed a danger to patients, according to federal court documents.
Big Pharma Routinely Suppresses Data from Clinical Trials—but FDA Approves These Dangerous Drugs Anyway!
Google has quietly announced changes to its Blogger free-blogging platform that will enable the blocking of content only in countries where censorship is required.
ReplyDeleteTwitter announced technology last week addressing the same topic. It said it had acquired the ability to censor tweets in the countries only where it was ordered removed, instead of on an internet-wide basis.
Twitter’s announcement via its blog sparked a huge online backlash. The microblogging service was accused of becoming a censoring agent.
Yet Google’s announcement three weeks ago — buried in a Blogger help page — went unnoticed until it was highlighted by TechDows on Tuesday.
While President Obama’s supporters hailed his withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq as the end of the war in the middle east, behind the scenes the Pentagon has been quietly massing troops and armaments on two islands located just south of the Strait of Hormuz, and within easy striking distance of Iran.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to some 50,000 U.S. troops currently in the region waiting for orders (apparently they won’t be home by this past Christmas as was originally promised), Nobel Peace Prize winner President Barack Obama is deployin
Right near me, ground zero of fracking, where the movie GASLAND was filmed:
ReplyDeleteJudy and Carl Stiles lived in the Sugar Run Area of Bradford County. Carl’s death came very swiftly. He and Judy moved to the area in November of 2010. In January of 2011 Chesapeake Energy knocked on their door and offered a lease and promised that they would not have a well, but would make a lot of money from a pipeline. They signed. Now Judy is very sick and Carl is dead from cancer.
Commentary: Three female regulators' warnings about financial crisis were ignored
ReplyDeleteRead more here:
A Crazy Republican Attack that Obama Himself Agrees With
ReplyDeletePosted on February 1, 2012 by WashingtonsBlog
By leading anti-war activist David Swanson, author of Day Break and War Is A Lie, who runs the websites and (formerly
Imagine if a bunch of the craziest war-hungry Republicans in the House filmed themselves in a nutty bat-guano video packed with lies addressed to the President of the United States. And then imagine President Barack Obama almost immediately agreeing with them. I can think of two ways in which such a series of events could go unnoticed, as it just has.
First, it could be about something insignificant. But this was about undoing the automatic cuts to the military mandated by the failure of the Supercommittee (remember, the top news story of a few months back?). The military, across various departments, swallows over half of federal discretionary spending, and there’s no greater obsession in the corporate media than the great Spending vs. Cuts issue. This is NOT insignificant.
Second, it could be about something that the elites of both major parties agree on, the media therefore ignores, most Republican voters love, and Democratic voters pretend not to notice because the President is a Democrat and an election is less than a year away.
If you’re guessing the second option, you are right. (Tell them what they’ve won, Leon!) You are now the proud owners of the most expensive military ever seen, plus coming increases that will be presented as “cuts.”
Train stuffing in Tokyo
Santorum "glitter bombed" by protesters:
ReplyDelete'Gasland' Journalists Arrested At Hearing By Order Of House Republicans
Tougher Than Wisconsin: Arizona Republicans Launch ‘All Out Assault’ On Public Unions
Islamists admit plot to blow up London Stock Exchange
Do you think this is staged, or for real?
ReplyDeleteDrunk Ron Paul fan arrested for DUI
That is bizarre. And, honestly, I only knew of Ron jr.
ReplyDeletePehaps the psych ward should limit wi-fi access to clowns like him.
ReplyDelete"Hi! Welcome to the land of plastic shit! Do you need a cart?"
ReplyDelete"Frackwater" Tom Corbett: on his knees and sucking the gas industry dry.
ReplyDeleteWhen will he just "come out", accept the key to the log cabin, and join his fellow homosexual republicans???
ReplyDeleteguy with camera asserts his rights to police
Dear District Attorney Vance JrNoted scientists have published a scientific peer reviewed paper indicating the discovery of "highly engineered" explosive residues [the DNA] embedded in the dust of 9/11.This DNA discovery proves with absolute scientific certainty that highly sophisticated demolition explosives had been placed in the Twin Towers and Building 7 before the two planes struck the Twin Towers on 9/11.Apparently, persons granted security access, by the landlord and building security, to the elevator shafts and adjoining steel core columns of all three towers (1,2, and 7), then destroyed these towers on 9/11 by controlled demolitions, and willfully causing the mass murders of 2,801 persons/victims who were not given any advance warning to "stand clear" before the towers were detonated and brought down.The landlord, Larry Silverstein, apparently, was referring to bringing Building 7 down by controlled demolition on 9/11 when he decided "the smartest thing to do is pull it and then we watched the building collapse" at 5:20 PM in only 6.5 seconds - truly District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr, a perfect example of controlled demolition, so precise, so sure, and so quick, and the total global destruction resulting certainly not caused by any office fire or plane crash. In view of this information, commence an Independent 9/11 Inquiry to verify the use of explosives and demolitions, and to determine WHO planned and executed the demolition of the World Trade Center on 9/11.Sincerely Yours,
Two left-leaning groups that came under fire in December for using the disparaging term "Israel firster" in their Middle East commentary have taken sharply different paths to address the complaints.
ReplyDeleteThe Center for American Progress has denounced the term and instituted "oversight" changes -- while the staffer who used "Israel firster" on his Twitter account apologized, deleted the tweets and has since left CAP for another group.
But Media Matters For America seemingly has not cracked down on its senior fellow, MJ Rosenberg, who continues to throw around and defend the controversial term on his Twitter page.
Read more:
Israel and the American Elections
ReplyDeleteMax Blumenthal: A few major Jewish donors push candidates to support Netanyahu on Iran
One of the greatest 9/11 videos I've ever seen, almost word for word what David Ray Griffin says in "9/11 Ten Years Later"
ReplyDeleteJustice for 9-11! Hang BUSH,CHENEY,RICE,OBAMA,CLINTON for TREASON!
Ever see "IDIOCRACY" the movie? GREAT movie!
ReplyDeleteThis is from IDIOCRACY: 500 years in the future, the dumbed down United States, here's president of the United States,
President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho (state of the union speech):
Now we just threaten false flags:
ReplyDeleteU.S. Intel Director Prepares Public for New False Flag! Infowars Nightly News
Danny Panzella
ReplyDeleteSo all you geniuses who said " if you don't want to be body scanned don't fly." Well I guess now you won't be taking a train, going to the Superbowl or the Mall either. DHS has announced it will be using body scanners at all those locations. Oh and in NYC you can't walk on the street because NYPD will be using them on everyone. Enjoy your radiation baths.
Thom Hartmann: Why Fox News has the Right to Lie to Us
NEWT uses "holocaust" against Romney:
Microsoft buys eugenics technology from Merck, becomes drug development partner with top global vaccine manufacturer
ReplyDeleteLearn more:
No More Bullshit: James Cameron Runs From Bio Attack!!
Farmers Issue Lawsuit Against Monsanto for Widespread Genetic Manipulation
You know what? Some might say Alex Jones is "crazy" in the rant above (the first youtube link above).
- does our government keep passing an ENORMOUS amount of laws 100% against what we want and need?
- did they just pass NDAA?
- are they outlawing natural foods and medicines?
- are nuclear plants leaking?
- is fracking killing people?
YES or NO ?????????
...just answer the question.............
Judge who Ruled against Raw Milk in Wisconsin quits to work for Monsanto law firm
Under the Patriot Act and the NDAA, Lanny Breuer is a "Terrorist." Why not just render him off to some CIA black site and waterboard him 80 times until he confesses who authorized the Fast & Furious terrorist operation? The laws these guys have us living under do not apply to them?
NEWT regret: not doing more "Jews stuff" in Florida:
ReplyDeleteKomen Foundation ousted their Democratic lobbyist just before hiring Karen Handel
Top Komen officials resign as Planned Parenthood criticism grows
Heart-wrenching testimony kills Virginia abortion regulation
Roseanne Barr is running for president: The actress and comedian has submitted paperwork in hopes of becoming the Green Party's candidate.
Roseanne Barr Wants Green Party Presidential Nomination
Limbaugh Angry That "Feminazis" At Planned Parenthood Put Pressure On Komen
AMEN! It's awesome that Komen was so tone deaf as to allow the radical right to try to hijack the most high profile women's health movement. The war-on-women is a GOP creation, and now it's on full display.
ReplyDeletefeds seize 300 websites
ReplyDelete(the 301 "views" bullshit again, it looks like it's some kind of coding system beyond a doubt)
Probably when a hand-selected truth-telling video hits 300 views (implies a team at google/youtube internally screening all content on the CIA's/Mossad's behalf) hits 300, the view-counter only advances 1 for every 10,000 subsequent views.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta see this, my friend told me about this:
ReplyDeleteThe Georgia Guidestones
Description: The story behind the guidestones is as mysterious as the monuments themselves. In June 1979 a well dressed, articulate man walked into theoffice of the more...Elberton Granite Company in Elberton, Georgia and said that he wanted to know the cost of building a large monument to the conservation of humanity. He identified himself as Mr. R. C. Christian and said that he represented a small group of Americans who wished to remain anonymous. Altough Elberton is considered the granite capital of the United States, the president of the granite company was skeptical of undertaking a project of this magnitude and very skeptical of the stranger in his office. He asked Mr. Christian to speak to the company's banker, Mr. Wyatt Martin, thinking that would be the last he saw of him. However, Mr. Christian went to the bank and explained to Mr. Martin that although his name was a pseudonym with symbolic meaning, he and the group he represented were very serious about erecting these guidestones for, "the conservation of the world and to herald the coming age of reason. Should there be a holocaust in the civilized world, the group wished the guidestones to be one of the most enduring things to help humanity start anew. Mr. Martin agreed to handle the funds and after an escrow account was set up, work began on the monument. Skilled workers quarried and cut the blocks, others sandblasted the message in 4" high letters, and still others hauled them to a hillside 7 miles north of Elberton where they were astronomically aligned with the North celestial pole, the noonday sun, and the rising and setting points of the sun and moon on the horizon. A year after completion of the project the final correspondence arrived in Elberton from R. C. Christian and the group responsible for the guidestones. So far no one knows who this mysterious group is or why they felt compelled to erect the Georgia Guidestones and its message for mankind. Controversy: A California man named John Conner has called for the Guidestones to be removed from public property saying they are an occult monument. He believes the name "R.C. Christian" is actually a reference to Christian Rosenkreuz, the supposed founder of the Rosicrucians, a secret society dating back to the 15th century.
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