This headline says it ALL about our country:
Congress Cuts Winter Heating Aid For The Poor While Boosting The Defense Budget
The Iraq undeclared "war" is over. Do you think we're going to have another one? Yes. Why do we all know this?
War Without End, Amen: The Reality of America's Aggression Against Iraq
George Carlin: “Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out.”
Here are some things you should be aware of, like the CONTINUAL LIES by our government and their mainstream media PRESSTITUTES. There is NO DIFFERENCE between the government and the mainstream media. I hope you aren't falling for these continual LIES by the government and then pushed by the media. Ask yourself, with unemployment at record levels and a financial crisis, WHY DOES CONGRESS KEEP MAKING MORE AND MORE AND MORE UN-CONSTITUTIONAL BILLS TAKING AWAY OUR FREEDOMS??? One after another after another after another...
Does this make sense to you: if the U.S. government and their mainstream media presstitutes keep lying to us, but we can easily find out they're lying, the next step is to pass legislation censoring the internet - the only place left where we can easily get the real news and see that they are continually lying? Well, that's what the Anti-Internet Bill SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) is for. And let's start calling these bills what they really are: The Lock Up Americans Without Trial Act and the Anti-Internet Act. That's another way they trick us: calling bills by inaccurate names so we think, "Oh! That sounds good!" Like "The No Child Left Behind Act" and "The Clear Skies Act".
Before we get into this, look at what's happening that's REALLY IMPORTANT that the government is NOT putting time into and is instead putting time into bills taking away our freedoms:
Child Poverty In America Is Absolutely EXPLODING - 16 Shocking Statistics That Will Break Your Heart
Census shows 1 in 2 people are poor or low-income
Northeast states cut heating aid to poor
Study: Wealth Inequality In America May Be Worse Than It Was In Ancient Rome
Michigan's homeless students: Foreclosure crisis takes toll on 31,000 kids
Now look at this, ALWAYS ENDLESS FUNDS - from YOU btw... - for bombing other countries:
US Congress clears $662 billion defense bill
The traitors in congress passed the un-Constitutional Lock Up Americans Indefinitely Without Trial Act (the National Defense Authorization Act). Obama first said he would veto this. Now he says he will sign it.
Obama Approves Draconian Police State Law
Lock Up Americans Indefinitely Without Trial Act (NDAA):
Now congress is pushing through The Anti-Internet Act (the Stop Online Piracy Act). They told us they postponed it, but they lied. Just like they use the FAKE "War on Terror" to strip our rights away, they are using COPYRIGHT LAWS to censor government criticism on the internet (and calling it The Stop Online Piracy Act):
(Precisely the same tactic used when they swore Obama was going to veto the Defense Authorization Bill - IN ORDER TO CAUSE AMERICANS TO IGNORE ITS SIGNIFICANCE. It's called CONSPIRACY. - plunger)
America’s Future: Russia and China Use Copyright Laws to Crush Government Criticism
The Anti-Internet Bill has NOT Been Postponed To 2012 … The Committee Members Who Support SOPA Sneakily Changed the Hearing Date to December 21st, Trying to Trick the American People Into Thinking It Was Over Until After the Holidays So We Won’t Fight Back!
ALL of these things are to identify those who are aware of the criminals in our government as "terrorists". A "terrorist" is someone against criminal politicians making these un-Constitutional "laws" against US, not someone who is "against our freedoms and way of life". THEY, the government and mainstream media presstitutes, are the "terrorists". THEY are the ones against our freedoms and way of life and the Constitution of the United States. So YOU are an "enemy of the state". THEY are the "state", WE are not. An enemy of the state is a terrorist, and a terrorist is someone who is AGAINST THE CRIMINALS IN THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.
Message to POLICE & MILITARY: YOU are working for CRIMINALS, YOU are the enforcement arm of CRIMINALS, YOU swore an OATH to DEFEND the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC:
Vet Says Soldiers Are Starting to Wake Up to Gov't Lies:
And don't forget the BIG part the controlled mainstream media which these criminals OWN plays in all of this: their PRESSTITUTES. THAT is exactly why these CRIMINALS want to push through the ANTI-INTERNET ACT (the Stop Online Piracy Act), so you HAVE TO listen ONLY to THEIR presstitutes for FAKE news, and not get the REAL news on the internet: the last bastion of REAL news by citizen journalists and independent, alternative NON-CORPORATE OWNED media.
They're doing all of this right in front of your eyes! Wake up! They're doing it RIGHT NOW! And YOU will be a "terrorist" for pointing this out! They did it in Nazi Germany! And everyone said, "How could that have happened? And no one did anything?" BECAUSE THEY WEREN'T AWARE IT WAS GOING ON! Due to PROPAGANDA by the CRIMINALS. And THEN, when people started waking up and pointing this out, there had already been "laws" put into place CRIMINALIZING POINTING OUT THE CRIMINALS IN THE GOVERNMENT MAKING THESE "LAWS". VAGUE "laws", like the president can "say" you're a "terrorist" and lock you away indefinitely with no charges. You know, EXACTLY LIKE WHAT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW! What does THIS tell you: the SAME THING that was going on under BUSH is CONTINUED under OBAMA!
Is it "OK" that they keep making un-Constitutional "laws"? Is that "OK"? Or am I wrong? Is it "OK" that the mainstream media continually LIES to us? Is that "OK"? Or am I wrong? Is it "OK" that police brutally beat protesters exercising their Constitutional rights, agree or disagree with them? Is that "OK", or am I wrong? Is it "OK" that half of Americans are poor and they're cutting their heat but spending just recently passed $626 BILLION dollar BOMBING BUDGET? Is that "OK", or am I wrong? Is it "OK" that a mountain of evidence by real experts exists for over 10 years now and growing everyday, but the SAME CRIMINALS - the government & their presstitutes - say otherwise with NO EVIDENCE and COMPLETELY IGNORE the biggest movement in history? Is that "OK"? Or am I wrong?
Even if you STILL don't believe all of what I said above, don't some "little things" even cross your mind, like: why is Congress and the President spending all this time on bills to limit our freedoms and censor us, rather than on the biggest unemployment and financial crisis of all time? Or: why does some woman get put in jail for supposedly taking food stamps (but paying it all back) go to jail, but BANKSTERS who steal TRILLIONS of dollars don't go to jail? Or: why is the government quickly passing another TRILLION DOLLAR BOMBING BUDGET, but cutting HEAT for poor people?
And all of this is made possible because of the LIES of 9/11, which the "state" did backed by their mainstream media presstitutes, and blamed the "muslims".
9/11 was a lie, and here is FURTHER proof: now they're saying the next country we want to attack next - IRAN - did it. If they LIED from the beginning about 9/11, wouldn't they continually keep using 9/11 to take more of our liberties away and continually use it to attack the next country and the next country and the next country? Remember when they said Iraq did it? Then Afghanistan?
Now IRAN did 9/11:
People have been saying all along, that "The War on Terror" is a SHAM, criminals run our government, and they used 9/11 as an EXCUSE to take away our liberties and trash the Constitution. They said that the U.S. government would push through un-Constitutional laws, using "The War on Terror" as an excuse, and then TURN THESE LAWS AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!
Well, here it is:
'Occupy movement' Listed As Terrorists by Police:
Here's videos I've collected of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7 falling. If you think a PLANE hitting them caused them to fall like this, you are an IDIOT. Watch ALL the videos in this playlist, there's almost 30 in the playlist, the first ones are very short, I put the longer ones towards the end:
Watch all these videos: the FAKE "WAR ON TERROR":
Top Holocaust scholar blasts 'Holocaust-abuse' by U.S., Israeli politicians: Deborah Lipstadt lambasts 'unhealthy and embarrassing' pandering of Republican presidential candidates; says U.S. envoy Gutman’s comments on Muslim anti-Semitism were 'stupid.'
Former Israeli minister ADMITS they use the term "anti-semetic" as a trick on Americans to stop anyone from criticizing Israel, and they use THE HOLOCAUST in the same way to stop Europeans from criticizing Israel:
Zionism's Invisible Wall in America is Cracking
Rightwing Israeli government now turning against THEIR citizens, just like OUR government.
Proof that Zionist elites are pushing the "Ron Paul is a racist" story: 'NAACP President: Ron Paul Is Not A Racist'
"Evangelicals For NEWT" are upset that that the New England Muslim Terrorists CRUSHED the Denver Judao-Christian Zionists - 41-23.
Mr Tebow: meet Mr. Brady
Jesus to Tim Tebow: YOU GOT THE PATRIOTS UP NEXT? Ooooooooo......that's a tough one:
Graham Nash hits it out of the park with this song about Bradley Manning:
I have things disappearing like crazy on facebook.
ReplyDeleteThe thought crossed my mind:
btw...all you do in youtube is put in "THE POLICE", and that song comes up.
Near the end of the book The K Street Gang, the author is quoting Joe Scarborough about Republican earmarks and he mentioned $725,000 to this museum.
Did Jerry Sandusky possibly give the grand opening speech there?
ReplyDeleteHere we go again:
ReplyDeleteHILLARY pointing out civil rights abuses in other countries, but not ours:
Clinton says women sidelined in Egypt transition
Get off Facebook!
It may be too late!
They are following everything you do anyways, besides the benefits of mass mobilization are worth it. Part of our strength is our openness.
ReplyDeleteI figured out why my posts weren't going up: on my fb wall, there was a video posted by a friend "got a pornography problem?" by catholics. And I kept seeing that was the latest post on my wall. I thought, wtf?, I'm doing to delete that video and see what happens, and when I did, all my posts came back. boom boom boom they all came back in order. I have a message to my friend asking if he really posted that video to my wall. It was just a guess, deleting that video, but I thought that's the last thing that is up on my wall, and nothing after it posted. So what if I delete it? And it was a suspicious video anyway.
ReplyDeleteYou have no idea how much I hate that guy. And really all of them: Laura Ingraham, Hannity, O'Reilly, the whole gang. Ann Coulter. Michelle Malkin.
ReplyDeleteLouisiana warns of brain-eating parasite in tap water
Vet Says Soldiers Are Starting to Wake Up to Gov't Lies
GOP ‘family values’ mayor admits he’s gay
“The only apology I would make to my supporters if they are upset is the fact that I was not honest enough with myself to be honest with them. But I have lived my life in public service for 20-plus years, and in order for me to remain sane and move on, I have got to start being honest about who I am,” he explained.
MN GOPer resigns over alleged ‘inappropriate relationship’
In yet another case of the GOP failing to uphold its “Family Values” mantle, Minnesota Republican Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch resigned from her leadership post after facing allegations of an “inappropriate relationship” with a staffer.
MN GOPer resigns over alleged ‘inappropriate relationship’
ReplyDelete(notice it doesn't say, in this 2nd one, exactly what that behavior was, nice cover up job here)
In yet another case of the GOP failing to uphold its “Family Values” mantle, Minnesota Republican Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch resigned from her leadership post after facing allegations of an “inappropriate relationship” with a staffer.
Olbermann: don't guy anything at LOWE's
Congress Cuts Winter Heating Aid For The Poor While Boosting The Defense Budget
Criminal leaders in Israel begin to turn against their own citizens, just like here!!!
It is satanic in nature. Lots of this garbage in the entertainment industry.
ReplyDeleteCindy Sheehan
ReplyDeleteit occurs to me after another "end" to the "war" in Iraq; my son and hundreds of thousands of other people are dead for absolutely nothing good. Dead for lies for profit.
New song by Graham Nash! In support of Bradley Manning!
Nice I had to type in pursuance andnfo to post that btw..
ReplyDeleteWar Without End, Amen: The Reality of America's Aggression Against Iraq
btw...there seems to be a new "paste" option: "paste as plain text". This might stop all the weird spacing in comments.
ReplyDeleteI always cut/paste by right clicking my mouse. Now "paste as plain text" comes up in that little window.
ReplyDeleteRick Perry wants social security retirement age pushed to 70
Rick Perry’s ‘Early Retirement’ Allows Him To Boost His Income By 60 Percent
Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos got CRUSHED by the New England Patiots today: I guess there's no such thing as GOD!
ReplyDeleteI said for several years now, I am FOR downloading. The same downloading they supposedly arrest people for. I said it should be legal for me to download anything from in my own house that isn't protected. They're saving money by not protecting things from being downloaded, instead they arrest people. But are they really arresting people for this? At least on a massive scale? Do you know ONE person ever arrested for "downloading"? I don't! Isn't that weird? Just like I don't know one "evangelical", "Reagan Democrat", etc...etc...etc...or even a "terrorist". Nope! Don't know ONE of them!
ReplyDeleteAnd part II of why I said downloading should be legal, is that they would use it as an excuse to control the internet. Can you say "Stop Online Piracy Act"?
Has anyone figured out that they CAN stop "online piracy" themselves? Each company supposedly getting "ripped off" by downloading or piracy? So a company doesn't want to spend the $$$ to prevent it, so they have the GOVERNMENT do it for them???
Do I have this right?
And did "downloading" stop? What happened to all those "stories" about grandma's getting put in jail for downloading "DANCING QUEEN" by ABBA?
DID THAT SUDDENLY STOP? Well I don't see ONE story about it anymore, so it must've stopped! Right? And if it stopped, and is not some massive problem (well it must NOT be, I don't see one story about it for years), then why the Stop Online Piracy Act???
Does this make any sense to anyone?
Apparently it has come to this...
ReplyDeleteThe People need to demand of the Government, legal definitions for the following terms:
Actually - it's the "DEPARTMENT OF OFFENSE"
ReplyDeleteApparently the Pats are part of the vast left wing liberal conspiracy to destroy Christmas and Tebow.
ReplyDeleteI suppose writing bible verses on those little black things football players stick under their eyes didn't help much against the New England BEELZEBUBS:
Here's the head of the vast left wing conspiracy against Tim Tebow, the quarterback of the New England Lucifers Tom Brady:
Check out this article:
What if Tim Tebow was a Muslim:
And look at that site in general.
Al Franken blasts the Lock Up Americans Indefinitely Act:
Louis CK honors George Carlin
George Carlin Stupid People
Kim Jong Un test fires short-range missile in North Korea
Team America: World Police (6/10) Movie CLIP - I'm So Ronery (2004) HD
Team America World Police Intro
Max Kaiser claims Jami Dimon threatened to kill Corzine:
Mr. Corzine testified, however, that he received assurances that the transfer of millions of dollars to a J.P. Morgan Chase
& Co. account in London on Oct. 28, the last business day before MF
Global filed for bankruptcy, was approved by at least one official in
MF's back office.
How City of London (British Crown) Runs the World
Ron Paul is now the frontrunner in Iowa:
Since Ron Paul is ahead now, let's still talk about Newt Gingrich:
Tim Tebow SNL Skit Saturday Night Live
Towards the end, Jesus says to Tebow, "who you guys playin' next?". Tebow goes, "the patriots". Jesus says, "OH! WOW! OK! DID NOT KNOW THAT! THAT'S GONNA BE A TOUGH ONE!"
ReplyDeleteOklahoma City Bombing - another lie - false flag!
btw - the holder/OKC article you linked above appears to have been scrubbed.
ReplyDeleteYou're right! Try this:
Nate Silver exposes the pollster fraud perpetrated by the mainstream media. GINGRICH MY ASS! Nate Silver is viewed by the Rovians as a dangerous threat to their attempts to STEAL THE ELECTION VIA FALSELY IMPLANTED PERCEPTIONS AND VOTE MACHINE MANIPULATION.
According to the latest Iowa survey of the Republican presidential field, Rep. Ron Paul of Texas is now on top, with 23 percent of likely caucusgoers supporting him. The Public Policy Polling survey puts former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney second (20 percent) and a rapidly falling Newt Gingrich third (14 percent).
A second poll released Monday also has Congressman Paul leading Mr.
Romney, 24 to 18 percent. In that poll, by Insider Advantage, Texas
Gov. Rick Perry actually comes out 1.5 points ahead of Mr. Gingrich.
And New York Times polling analyst Nate Silver, who has developed his own forecasting model,
is predicting a Paul victory in Iowa. That model – which takes various
polls into consideration, and weighs them according to accuracy and
other factors – now gives Paul a 52 percent chance of an Iowa victory.
It assigns Romney a 28 percent chance of winning, and Gingrich an 8
percent chance.
GOP fails to recall anything called the "Geneva Conventions"
There's a website MOVIE2K, that supposedly you can watch any movie you want for free, I think this is it:
Someone just told me this verbally, I'll verify if that's the site, but I think that's it.
No, plunger, "evangelicals for newt" put newt over the top. Didn't you know that?
ReplyDeleteI told you: the FAKE story for a stolen election. Maybe it didn't work this time, but these things like "evangelicals for newt", "soccer moms" "nascar dads", "Reagan Democrats", "hispanics for bush" (that was a good one), "young people aren't going to vote"...all those stories of blocks of ficticious voters are "made up" for stolen election.
Want proof? No one thinks of this, but who are "soccer moms" voting for this year? What? "Soccer moms" only existed for the 2008 election? (see?)
Be careful... I suspect many of those movies are pirated. The website has a disclaimer that they are only linking you to other sites. I've seen where people have got busted for using these linking sites to obtain pirated items.
ReplyDelete"Is Movie2k a legal service?
We do not host any files on our server nor we upload any movies on other hosting websites.
Our website workes like a search engine, gathering and sorting
movies from other websites and showing the embeded code or the direct
link. So we are absolutely legal.
Please write us an e-mail for reporting bugs and wishes."
I'd be concerned about viruses too.
What will the NEXT fake story be for someone besides Ron Paul to take the lead?
ReplyDeleteTheir supposed claim to be "legal" is that they only provide links to where the actual movies are. They themselves don't have the movies.
ReplyDeleteI think they're only hope is the "anti-semite" card:
For how much I love Washington's Blog, they never print my comments.
ReplyDeleteListen to this weird thing that happened yesterday: I have 3 giant garbage cans of leaves I raked up in front of my house for the garbage. I live on a huge hill, sometimes the wind blows the garbage cans down the road down the hill. One of my garbage cans with leaves in them is missing, but I can't see it down the hill anywhere blown by the wind and I don't see leaves anywhere, like if the can tipped and the leaves went all over. About a block away, I find the garbage can (and it's HUGE) in my neighbors yard WITH THE LEAVES STILL IN IT. I go to my neighbor, "Any idea how this happened?" He said he was wondering himself whose garbage can full of leaves that was.
ReplyDeleteHere's the next "evangelicals for newt": "white working class voters"
ReplyDeleteRush Limbaugh:
The President Cannot Win Reelection with White, Working Class Voters
What happened to "SOCCER MOMS"??????????????
ReplyDeleteThe Hollies (when Graham Nash was with them):
ReplyDeleteBus Stop:
Just One Look:
Is Spinal Tap making fun of The Hollies in that last video?
ReplyDeleteSpinal Tap: Gimme Some Money
And btw...Spinal Tap, on these "Spinal Tap On ________" videos, are MOST DEFINITELY making fun of the "Keith Richards On ____________" videos:
Keith Richards: favorite books
Keith Richards: how he remembers songs:
Keith Richards: how to play guitar
Keith Richards: which guitar strings do you use?
Keith Richards: what's your biggest mistake?
ReplyDeleteFour say Philly Daily News writer Bill Conlin sexually abused them as children
ReplyDeleteThere were sites that did the same for sporting events which was seized by the feds for pirating even though they were only providing links, not the actual material.
"The websites seized yesterday were popular "linking" sites - a type
of website that provides access, or "links," to other websites where
pirated sporting and pay-per-view events are hosted. Users simply click
on a link to begin the process of downloading or streaming to their own
computer an illegal broadcast of a sporting event from the third party
website that is hosting the stream.
Linking websites are popular because they allow users to quickly
browse content and locate illegal streams that would otherwise be more
difficult to find. Visitors to these websites are being redirected to a
banner that advises them that the domain name has been seized by the New
York office of ICE HSI because of criminal copyright violations."
hi big Dan,
ReplyDeletethis link is broken. i too was very interested in the OKC bombing coverup before 9/11. i think there are some perpetrators in common.
Above, I said their only chance with Ron Paul is to play the "anti-semite" race card. I just got a call from my friend there are Ron Paul racist videos going viral on Facebook. I'll see if I can find one of them. I'll post it under this.
ReplyDelete9/11 EXPOSED, Researched facts and analysis- Full Documentary.
There's a lot of OKC bombing videos & articles going around. BUT...I wonder why all of a sudden?
ReplyDeleteFormer Grand Juror Hoppy Heidelberg Reveals Gov Inside Job in OKC Bombing Case! 1/4
Here's the BIG ONE going around on FB:
ReplyDeleteBusted! Ron Paul racist rant caught on tape! OMG! OMG!
Corbett & McKinney
ReplyDeleteAgainst AFRICOM - Cynthia McKinney on GRTV
Nurses Warn: Wall Street Targeting Hospitals for Profits
Is this the SAME company CERBERUS:
ReplyDeleteCompany buying up big names in guns
Private-equity Cerberus forms Freedom Group
Gerald Celente on the Corzine case going on: the ROTHSCHILDS would be JEALOUS of what Goldman Sachs has done:
ReplyDeletepart I
part II
part III
Here's the Tim Tebow SNL skit (the youtube one is deleted)
The US government has asked the scientific journals Nature and Science to censor data on a laboratory-made version of bird flu that could spread more easily to humans, fearing it could be used as a potential weapon.
Occupy Wall Street: A Holiday Survival Guide
holy shit, look at this narrow escape:
Graham Nash!!!
ReplyDeleteSomeone has got to do a remix of this (BD) overlaying "4 Dead In Ohio"
Listen - it's a perfect match.
"Tin soldiers and Nixon...."
Got skidmark?
ReplyDeleteI'm going to put a post up in a few minutes. I love that new Graham Nash song so much, I'm putting it up again.