You'll believe any evidence-free/proof-free story told by the people EVERYONE KNOWS are the biggest liars: the mainstream media and the government...unbelievable! The official 9/11 story and Part II of it, this Bin Laden story, have no proof but YOU believe it. Yet you think the mainstream media and politicians are the biggest liars. So if you believe these stories, PLEASE STOP SAYING POLITICIANS AND THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA ARE LIARS!!!
More "Big Lie" fact-free/evidence-free stories by govt/mainstream media, just like 9/11. Actually, this is part of and a continuation of the 9/11 Big Lie. And there's a reunion on TV, sort of a "reunion of liars", now that the people on the front end of this Big Lie came out of the woodwork and are on TV: Condi Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Bush, etc... If you put it all together, the past and present Big Liars, they're actually showing them all on TV right now, including the mainstream media who's in on the Big Lie. The mainstream media "reunion of liars" is a little bit tougher, as a lot of them are dead/missing/gone: Peter Jennings, Aaron Brown, Dan Rather, etc...
Above: Osama Bin Usin' Grecian Formula.
Osama Bin Laden died a long, long time ago. NO PROOF of this latest Bin Laden story. When you closely examine this story, there's no proof and it makes no sense and there are contradictions all over the place. The "news" is an infomercial. Watch the "news" in real time, analyze the propaganda, and LEARN! Stories like this and The Ground Zero Mosque are to keep alive the "official" 9/11 MYTH that Muslims did 9/11. The "official" 9/11 story has NO EVIDENCE backing it. NO EXPERTS believe it. Once again, just like 9/11, only the media and politicians are telling us both the bullshit of 9/11 and the death of Osama Bin Laden.
Government and the "news" say Osama Bin Laden, who most likely has been dead for years...was just killed in yet another evidence-free story. You're going to witness MASSIVE BULLSHIT on the "news", now is a good opportunity to examine "news" and politicians' propaganda in real time. Our "news" is worse than the Soviet Union's. Our "news" and our political leaders are bad actors. Now that you're witnessing all of this "Osama is dead" baloney, go back and revisit all the evidence-free 9/11 baloney we were fed by the "news" and politicians. Sorry, but I just can't believe all of this bullshit. Obviously both parties are in on this, because we had 9/11 under Bush and "Osama is dead" under Obama. THE BIG LIE STRIKES AGAIN! The "Big Lie" refers to Hitler saying that when you tell a lie so huge, it's more likely to be believed because it's so colossal most people can't believe anyone would have the BALLS to say it! And when you have a controlled mainstream media droning the Big Lie 24x7, no one has the BALLS to question it! Even if the Big Lie doesn't make any sense. Furthermore, if you mention how this is a tactic mentioned by Hitler in Mein Kampf, that takes even MORE BALLS to say that. Then when you question these nonsensical stories, you have to put up with other tactics like "questioning these stories (that make no sense btw) means you're with the terrorists...hate the troops...etc...etc...blah blah blah..."...even though these stories are evidence-free and make no sense. We're supposed to believe them because the mainstream media and politicians say so. And this further makes no sense: EVERYONE thinks the mainstream media and politicians are LIARS...yet they believe the mainstream media and politicians about 9/11 and "Osama is dead" nonsensical stories. Why do so many people who think the mainstream media and politicians are LIARS, believe them all the time with the biggest blockbuster LIES that have no proof? But yet they won't believe 99% of all the other smaller stories? See: THE BIG LIE. It seems the bigger the LIE, the less evidence you need to convince more people. The bigger the WHOPPER, the less evidence and more people who will believe it. This is the same thing as 9/11!!! 24x7 evidence-free bullshit! Except a great percentage of us are wiser and learned from 9/11. Did YOU learn from 9/11? Everything in the "news" isn't bullshit, but 9/11 and "Osama is dead" are certainly the two biggest evidence-free bullshit "news" stories in my lifetime. And they're being used by our government to perpetuate the SHAM money-sucking "War on Terror". Once again: I urge you to watch all the "news" stories and examine/analyze evidence-free propaganda in real time and learn! It's like watching QVC or TV commercials & infomercials. It's all bullshit, folks! From those renowned truthtellers: the mainstream media & politicians! Notice, too, how the whole gang is coming out on TV: Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, Rudy Giuliani, Donald some kind of reunion of LIARS.
Apparently BHO (Barack Hussein Obama) showed his BS (birth certificate) on April 27, then two days later on April 29 he authorized the killing of OBL (Osama Bin Laden), then on May 1 he announced that he authorized the death of OBL on April 29. Apparently news characters like Chris Matthews, after BHS announced his BS but before he killed OBL, were busy "takin' care of business" (BTO) by linking "birthers" to "truthers" on TV from April 27 to May 1, telegraphing that they knew of the upcoming "death of OBL" on May 1. Apparently even the Rock knew ahead of time, so I'm sure Chris Matthews did.
When Obama pronounced Osama Bin Laden dead in a televised announcement heard round the world last night, he was at least the ninth major head of state or high-ranking government official to have done so.
The Nine Lives of Osama bin Laden: - Special Report by Adrian Salbuchi, 2nd May 2011
If they official White House story already changed TWICE right out of the chute, why should we believe anything they say:
White House Changes Story Of How bin Laden Was Taken Down
Official story already changed TWICE right out of the chute!
Osama Bin Laden, 1957 – 2001
In Orwell’s novel 1984, there is a figure called Emmanuel Goldstein who functions as an all-purpose enemy, even though we gather that he may actually have died some time ago. Osama Bin Laden has been used in a similar manner by the Powers that Be, by a process of identity theft during the last days of his life. In reality there have been no sightings or reports of him since 2001. I here argue that he died on or around December 16th, 2001, in consequence of the intensive bombing of his then-residence the Tora Bora caves of eastern Afghanistan; and that he had no involvement in the events of 9/11.
Osama Bin Laden, 1957 – 2001
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: Osama bin Laden's Second Death
Did Osama really die on Monday in Abbottabad?
Bin Had
If the "Bin Laden is dead" story is bullshit, so is "Team 6":
Team 6: the super-secret group working outside the govt, no one knows anything about them, they aren't allowed to talk or be interviewed...but the guy who wrote this article knows all about them and has pictures of them. In the comments, the govt must have dispatched "Team 7" with all the shills there:
Team 6: Meet the Navy SEALs who killed Osama bin Laden (BD: meet Team 6, who's in on the FAKE story)
'You know I'd love to help you man, but I can't say a word about Team 6,' one former Navy SEAL is said to have told Raw Story when asked for comment. 'There is no Team 6.'
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations Steve R. Pieczenik says he is prepared to tell a federal grand jury the name of a top general who told him directly 9/11 was a false flag attack
plunger's comments on the Alex Jones interview of Pieczenik: "limited hangout" - Pieczenik telling the truth, but ignoring the WHOLE truth, and Alex Jones isn't pressing him for the WHOLE truth
plunger: Totally bullshit. Show me the body and the dental records.
A. The CIA actor we called Osama had nothing to do with 9/11, according to the FBI.
B. Osama has been dead for years.
C. Identification of the alleged body was alleged to have been performed by jar heads.
D. Said body was disposed of, making the story impossible to prove or disprove.
E. Alleged disposal at sea of alleged body alleged to be Osama is evidence that the story is a lie.
F. Obama knows that none of his political enemies can use the truth against him to attempt to discredit this perceived accomplishment, as they've all been in on the Osama lie.
Obama jumped the gun re: Osama announcement...yet another smoking gun.
According to this timeline Obama addressed the world and got rid of the body before it had even finished being DNA tested:
(NPR) Timeline: The Raid On Osama Bin Laden's Hideout
May 2
1:10 a.m. — Burial ceremony for bin Laden begins on the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson in the north Arabian Sea. The body is washed according to traditional religious practice, wrapped in a white sheet and placed in a weighted bag. After the religious ceremony, which lasts 50 minutes, the body is eased into the sea.
Shortly before 11 a.m. — DNA evidence confirms that the dead body is that of bin Laden.
That is waaaaay beyond reckless - to make an announcement to the entire world before it has been fully proven. If all that had happened was true, then why not announce on Monday after the DNA results are back?
Brainwashing DAILY: Every single day, AOL users are greeted with a prominent image of Bin Laden on their welcome screen, accompanied by a corresponding fact-free headline. That agenda is not set by the editor, it's set by the CIA
Bin Laden's Bin Dead since December 2001. There is no "Al Qaeda Organization." It's one big psyop. if there is a forthcoming attack against us, alleged to be in retaliation, it will be of the False Flag variety - just like 9/11 - which the FBI confirms Bin Laden was NOT involved in.
Step away from the Kool-Aid. The media's in on the brainwashing.
John Niems: Just thinking out loud here: Can a man who was using KIDNEY DIALYSIS MACHINES and reported near death in 2001 have survived ten years? Answer - NO as he did indeed die in 2001! Amazing how I never hear that on the 24/7 LAME STREAM MEDIA HYPNOSIS! Definition of MIND FUCK: When a person knew that BUSH lied for 8 years continuously but STILL believed the OFFICIAL STORY of 9/11/01 and now those people out there that know that this PRESIDENT OBAMA lies continuously but NOW they believe that we just killed OSAMA BIN LADEN and tossed him out to sea! THAT MY FRIENDS IS A MIND FUCK! MEMO TO 9/11 TRUTHERS AND ALL TRUTHERS: On 9/11/01 I was about the only one I know who did not buy it as it happened as I already had my TRUTH RADAR ON! On 5/1/11 think about how many of you and so many other people out there already know that this so-called OSAMA BIN LADEN killing is just another in a long line of lies and deceits for the top 1 % of the FOOD CHAIN who runs the WORLD! Let's congratulate ourselves!
Osama Bin Photoshopped: Does anyone honestly believe this bullshit? Below is a "Osama is dead" photo, clone-stamp in photoshop puts two photos together, anyone can do it:
Now, COME ON!!!!!!!!!
More Fake Photos Emerge In Bin Laden Farce
3 Senators Fell For Fake Bin Laden Photo ... "The Photo that I Saw and that a Lot of Other People Saw is Not Authentic"
Bin Laden Home Videos Released ... Why Does the Terrorist Kingpin Look Better Than He Did in 2001?
Israeli Connected SITE Institute Hypes Dead Grecian Formula Terrorist
Israeli shill propaganda group SITE, who always obtains the Bin Laden video/audio over the years, "confirms" Bin Laden's "death".
Meyrav Wurmser
Osama Bin Laden denies involvment in 9/11 "terror attacks" - INTERVIEW CONFIRMED
The Total Information Awareness Project Lives On: Technology behind the Pentagon's controversial data-mining project has been acquired by NSA, and is probably in use.
The story of Western intelligence creating and supporting Muslim fundamentalism to oppose the secular pan Arab movement is an old one. A warning from bin Laden below in a 1998 John Miller interview.
Fascism: Are We There Yet?
A witness to Bin Laden's 'death' says it's bullshit:
Osama bin Bogeyman? 'CIA getting rid of old asset'
December 26, 2001: Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.
A little bit after 6:00 in this David Frost interview with Benazir Bhutto, Bhutto matter-of-factly says (several years ago btw) that Osama Bin Laden was murdered:
Announcement of Osama Bin Laden’s Death Is A Staged Psychological Warfare Operation
And here is the police state capitalizing on the contrived news of the assassination of Osama bin Laden. Perfect reason to now ram through the See Something Say Something Act (like the bank bailouts, The Patriot Act, etc...), which will help create a Stasi-like citizen spy network and present the CIA and Homeland Security as our saviors. The bill's sponsor, Peter King, stated, "Al Qaeda is gonna want to avenge this as quickly as they possibly can."
Al-Qaeda may seek vengeance for bin Laden: US (translation: U.S./Israeli govt's will do another false flag on us and "blame the Muslims" again, like 9/11 and other false flag terror)
Here's Peter King employing the "Shock Doctrine", which is ramming through un-Constitutional legislation during a "shocking story" so no one examines the legislation because they're in "shock" or "distracted" from the huge "story" in the "news". Notice, as always, the fascist who's "in on it" says, as always, "We have to move quickly":
And isn't Peter King the guy who admitted to a stolen election?
Osama Bin Laden Already Buried At Sea! (Less Than 12 Hours After Being Killed - keep in mind, all this is FALSE while you're watching this)
Watch the TV LIARS: think of how they did this exact same thing on 9/11 - think "INFOMERCIAL" while you're watching this, Ron Poppeil veg-o-matic infomercial:
Google "spontaneous bin"
"Spontaneous" crowds gather for the "news" with flags, red/white/blue, "spontaneous Bin Laden" + TV bullshit & propaganda:
BBC now admits al qaeda never existed
Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist (Documentary)
They showed Sadaam Hussein and his sons dead all over the news...but Osama Bin Laden was "buried at sea":
Osama bin Laden said to be buried at sea after brutal firefight in Pakistan
Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive? By Dr. David Ray Griffin
The Fake 2001 bin Laden Video Tape YOU ARE LOOKING AT A US GOVERNMENT LIE
FBI's official website: Osama Bin Laden still on it…but not for 9/11
FBI says, it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11”
Governments ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror
Osama Bin Laden Back From The Dead:
In the following post, I show all the evidence you need to know that the "official" 9/11 story (19 hijackers directed by a caveman outsmarted the U.S. govt, etc, blah blah blah, with "boxcutters"...) is baloney, there is NO EVIDENCE backing the "official" story, and the continually run stories like The Ground Zero Mosque and this one today that Osama Bin Laden, who has been dead for years, has just been killed:
Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!
Abramoff Scandal: The Ticking Time-Bomb
9/11, George H.W. Bush, Bin Laden & the Carlyle Group
Pat Tillman was killed because he was coming home to tell about how corrupt the "war(s)" are:
April deadliest month for US in Iraq since 2009
Barletta, Marino, military in our kids' schools recruiting.
Surprise, Surprise! Iraq War Was About Oil by former CIA official Ray McGovern
ZERO: an investigation into 9/11 -
U.S. mass media impossibly lays out the entire story too quickly.
The Truth Behind The "Celebrating Palestinians"
Weapons of Mass Deception: how the media was in bed with the military to falsely lead us into the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars
Americans' #1 enemy: the mainstream media
Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent and the Myth of the Liberal Media
Don't wanna be an American Idiot, one nation controlled by the media:
BREAKING ALERT: Mass Arrests, Tear Gas, Sound Weapons used Against WIU Students
Obama Befriends Rich Elderly Widow In Hopes She'll Put Nation In Her Will
(These are real PayPal donation buttons below.)
Big Dan's Big Blog requests donations from Millionaires & Billionaires of $5,000.00 increments - if you are a Billionaire or even a Millionaire, please click on the $5,000.00 below to donate $5,000.00. I promise I will use the money from this millionaire/billionaire button solely for health care coverage, paying off my kids college loans, and fixing things we already have like cars. The only exception to making the $5000 donation button exclusive to millionaires & billionaires is if you're not a millionaire or billionaire but you're blowing money on gambling, booze, drugs...then give it to ME instead:
Come on: ONE $5000 donation from a Billionaire or Millionaire:
For the rest of you, please click on the $1 bill below to donate $1:
Totally bullshit. Show me the body and the dental records. (plunger)
ReplyDeleteHa, going to have to take a sub to the bottom of the ocean for that!
They showed Sadaam Hussein and his sons' dead bodies all over the "news"...but Osama Bin Laden was "buried at sea".
ReplyDeleteHow about th "spontaneous gathering" at the White House at midnight, celebrating Osama Bin Laden's death?
ReplyDeleteGoogle "spontaneous Bin Laden" -
nice to see you near the top. have you visited you buddy's blog today?
ReplyDeleteNo, here's the post (but I've been in debate with him on facebook):
r u "anonymous"?
ReplyDeleteGood job!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHere's some other angles: Bin Laden dead right before any big 10 year truther aniversaries.
ReplyDeleteThey've already showed the original picture his dead body was photoshopped from:
Obviously, the lower part of his head was permanently in the same position.
COME ON!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHe has the 100% exact facial expression on his death photo and same angle as a previous famous photo of himself?
COME ON!!!!!!!!!
Set up for a nuclear false flag:
ReplyDelete“Al-Qaeda will Use Nuclear Weapons If Osama bin Laden Murdered”
Even though it isn't true, it's got to be KILLING rightwingers that Obama got Osama.
ReplyDeleteHere's the TWO photos put together using clone-stamp in photoshop:
You had to ask?
ReplyDeleteBush: "Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories..."
Mainstream media linking "truthers" with "birthers", Chris Matthews telegraphed this BEFORE the Osama/dead story, but after the birth certificate disclosure:
ReplyDelete“Truthers,” “Birthers,” Osama’s Death, and the Tin-Foil-Hat Brigade
ReplyDeleteUsing promise of bin Laden video to lure people to download virus
Earlier today, around noon, discus was refusing to let me post anything. I'd click on post, the name box would come up, but nothing would happen when I clicked on post in the name box.
ReplyDeleteGuess what? I already got taken by this on FaceBook. It comes up as a "chat" from a "friend", an existing "friend" you have. Then you click it. But nothing happened, I forget, I think it went to an ad or something. Then I contacted the "friend" and he said he didn't do that, it was spam.
ReplyDeleteSomething similar happened to my "friend" John Niems on FB: some kind of FB virus put up a post on the walls of every one of his "friends" on FB, and he has over 1,000 "friends". And he went around deleting them all and telling his "friends" he didn't do that. And it was some kind of spam pimping something, so some people got mad at him, saying he's a truther and putting spam up on everyone's wall selling something?
ReplyDeletespam or worse!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I'm soooo sick of these commenting things. I put up some comments on that Justin Vacula's blog and you can't click on any of the links I posted, so I see they didn't change anything in blogger comments.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure EVERY commenting system is being trolled for databases anyway. That's probably what causes them to work so shitty. Half the resources (or more) dedicated to making the comments work probably are being used for copying your comments for some database.
Anyone who thinks otherwise also believes Obama got Osama today
My wife's mother called her last night near midnight saying, "See? They got Osama. You are wrong about all your 9/11 stuff."
ReplyDeleteWhat a jerk. I said to call her back and ask for proof the story is true...besides them just "saying" it on the "news".
But some people are beyond help, and her mother is one of them.
Her mother hates me for 27 years and counting. I can't stand her, either. The difference is that I'm right and she's wrong.
ReplyDeleteIn blogger comments you still have to add the code to make active links - it's not like discus where you can just paste the URL.
ReplyDeleteOne big whopper of a mistake, an all time mistake, was when we first got married and my wife was pregnant (no "who's the father" jokes please), my wife talked me into having her mother (from NJ) stay over. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAt one point I kicked her out. I was overly nice to her...UNTIL, I was pouring orange juice for myself and she grabbed it off me (MY orange juice in MY house) and said, "Karin's pregnant, you can't drink that, you have to save that for her!" To make a long story short, I kicked her out of the house.
To make a short story long, I said to her, "That's MY orange juice, and I'll drink it if I want to! I can run out and get more orange juice! Do you think this is the only orange juice in existence on the planet???"
ReplyDeleteYup - keep the sheeple stupid and they'll believe anything you say!
ReplyDeleteWe got him - dumped his body in the ocean - trust us!
And so began 27 years of bitter relations with her. I'll tell you one more: recently, at the last Thanksgiving (2010), everyone was invited to her house in NJ. It was family style, get your own out of big dishes of, say, potatoes, salad, you were walking through a buffet line.
ReplyDeleteSo, everyone before me is taking more than me, and I get up to the sweet potatoes, and I take a little (small) scoop of them, less than everyone else, and she says, "STOP TAKING ALL THE SWEET POTATOES! SAVE SOME FOR EVERYONE ELSE!"
This was so obvious that she has it in for me, even her other kids (Karin's brother and sisters), jumped in and said, "Hey! Why are you bothering him? He took less than everyone! You obviously have it in for him!"
Now there's more to this whole thing with my mother-out-law...but I'd need to write a book about it.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I knew it was you, I was just playing dumb.
ReplyDeleteMy first wife's mother was an extreme bitch - had this "bad hip" which was always acting up whenever she wanted attention. She came to stay with my ex-wife and I once for two weeks. She wouldn't leave the apartment because her bad hip kept from going down the stairs - we were on the second floor. She also wouldn't bathe because of the hip - couldn't get in and out of the tub.
ReplyDeleteWe finally had a big blowout and you would be amazed at how fast she went down those stairs and out to her car - bad hip and all!
Unfortunately I didn't clue in on her until it was too late and I had married her daughter who became a carbon copy. Five years wasted on that one.
My current mother in law is absolutely wonderful! I always enjoy her company.
I'm sure it will be as riveting as this diatribe...
ReplyDeleteWhat really happened . com :
ReplyDeleteStarting just moments before President Obama announced the death of Osama bin Laden, our website was hit with what the hosting company described as a massive distributed denial of service attack that for the moment has abated.
9-11 Widow: Today Is Not a Day of Celebration for Me
A witness to Bin Laden's 'death' says it's bullshit
Announcement of Osama Bin Laden's Death Is A Staged Psychological Warfare Operation
ReplyDeleteMay 2, 2011
Wanna see LIES? Watch this: actors
Watch more TV LIARS: watch how the TV liar says that "conspiracy theorists" are going to have a field day with that OBL was "buried at sea":
What if just "spontaneous"?
ReplyDeleteI guess they want us to look up Osama Bin Laden...if you google "bin" and it all comes up "Osama Bin Laden".
ReplyDeleteWhat if you typed in ANY letter, and Osama Bin Laden came up? (just kidding, sorry)
ReplyDeleteThe one thing that's been bothering me all day about this...they claim to have confirmed that it was Bin Laden through DNA testing...which they announced within hours of his "death". First of all, it takes several days to perform a DNA test...and even if the government somehow had a method that was quicker, how were they able to get the DNA from "Bin Laden's" body to a testing lab that quickly? Did they have a lab set up right outside his compound?
ReplyDeletedan, your site is pretty cool... i just cant rap my head around one thing though. who really gives a shit? i dont. we're talking about something that happened 10 yrs ago. everyone knows the government is full of shit. so be it. i mean really, dont beat yourself up n drive yourself crazy over something you have no control over and honestly doesnt matter. anyways, knock yourself out buddy. keep up the good fight!! Lol!! good night all.
ReplyDeletewe should all be ashamed for being such gutless sacks of shit and allowing this fear mongering and manipulation to continue. If it's OK to kill make believe terrorists then it's more than OK to get rid of the real terrorists
ReplyDeleteBREAKING ALERT: Mass Arrests, Tear Gas, Sound Weapons used Against WIU Students
Wisconsin GOP allegedly forged signatures on recall petitions
Here's a good comment:
ReplyDeleteKaborka [Moderator] 18 hours ago
Uh, huh! And next, they'll be killing Santa Claus and burring him in the North Pole. Followed by the Easter Bunny who will no doubt be buried in East Jerusalem, along with the construction of an illegal settlement with at least a thousand or so units. Obama (yes, I said Obama not Osama) must be desperate and is making sure he pulls all the tricks to get that re-election in 2012. What next?
robertlockwoodmills [Moderator] 16 hours ago in reply to Pagasae
ReplyDelete"Overwhelming evidence from all over the world?" What evidence? We're told that in the space of 24 hours, Osama bin Laden was killed, that DNA tests were performed connecting him positively to other family members (where were they at the time?), and that he was buried at sea. That's frankly impossible.
Scott Horton on the War Economy
9/11 Peter Jennings - Where Is All The Rubble? (ABC 9/12/2001 Noon)
9/11 FDNY WTC Fireman - There's A Bomb In The Building .... Start Clearing Out
Exclusive: 'Bin Laden Dead' Hoax Exposed
Osama Bin Photoshopped
ReplyDeleteGood one!
Tracking Fukushima radiation
How about THIS farce: they keep saying they "treated the body according to Islamic law".
ReplyDeleteHow does murdering him fit into Islamic Law???
"We're going to murder him...and then treat his body according to Islamic Law.
ReplyDeleteDoes Islamic Law say you can murder him? (and it didn't happen anyway to begin with)
"Treating his body according to Islamic Law" is like "spontaneous gatherings".
ReplyDeleteNotice how RAW, FDL and Huffpo all moved to the center at the same time?
ReplyDeleteRAW is no longer liberal - just another psyop organ.
When you think about it - it could not have made a profit - ever - and has likely always been used as cat nip by the CIA to identify their enemies (of the truth)
Actually we're not talking about anything that happened ten years ago - as Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11 - as admitted by the FBI. What we are talking about is the daily barrage of lies and propaganda generated by the shadow government. If you don't reset your anchor in reality, daily, you will certainly be swept away into their parallel universe, with no sense of what's actually true.
ReplyDeleteDon't allow it to bother you. As your logical and thoughtful brain has told you, it's simply not possible, therefore a lie. If the fact that they lied bothers you - that's good. If you're trying to figure out how to accept their lie as true - in light of the impossibility, and that's what's bothering you - it's time to rethink your goals.
ReplyDeleteShow me the part about shooting an unarmed man followed by "instant burial at sea" in the Islamic Law Field Guide. I'm just having a hard time finding that chapter. DOH!
ReplyDelete"As soon as we finish murdering this guy, we're going to treat him with the utmost respect"
ReplyDelete"Just For Terrorists" - Men's beard-coloring for Islamic Extremists.
ReplyDeleteFor that Youthful-Jihadist look, regardless of when you died!
New & Improved...
ReplyDelete"Just For Bin"
Bhutto on Bin Laden - with clarity - at 6:00 into Frost interview:
LOL, that was a REAL LOL!
ReplyDeleteObama jumped the gun re: Osama announcement...yet another smoking gun.
ReplyDeleteAccording to this timeline Obama addressed the world and got rid of the body before it had even finished being DNA tested:
May 2
1:10 a.m. — Burial ceremony for bin Laden begins on the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson in the north Arabian Sea. The body is washed according to traditional religious practice, wrapped in a white sheet and placed in a weighted bag. After the religious ceremony, which lasts 50 minutes, the body is eased into the sea.
Shortly before 11 a.m. — DNA evidence confirms that the dead body is that of bin Laden.
That is waaaaay beyond reckless - to make an announcement to the entire world before it has been fully proven. If all that had happened was true, then why not announce on Monday after the DNA results are back?
Lol, why should we believe YOU? Because you have a blogspot account? If you're going to make the argument that we need proof to believe the other side of the story, than I have to make the argument that I need YOU to provide evidence other than "Even this guy outside the house they 'shot Osama at' says it's bullshit! So it pretty much is legit!"
ReplyDeleteCool story bro. But can we get some evidence plz? Kthx.
yeah, I've noticed more and more crap there lately, too
ReplyDeletethey syndicate the crap articles, they never did that before
ReplyDeleteAnd while you're in Pakistan, don't forget to check out the latest 0% financing on a car from CarBombAlot Motors!
ReplyDeleteYeah, and I noticed this shill from Representative Press on youtube, always saying she didn't mean that. Ever see that guy?
ReplyDeleteDid they treat his body according to Islamic Law?
ReplyDeleteIf I hear ONE MORE TIME in the "news" that we're treating his body according to Islamic Law, my heads going to explode!
ReplyDeleteI got into an argument with two LUNKHEADS on Facebook who took offense to me saying how nuts it was that the "news" keeps saying we're treating his body according to Islamic Law, and what a farce that is. And two guys immediately jumped down my throat, I should post their comments here.
Here, check this out, these were comments after my "according to Islamic Law" post on FB:
Jason Renfer Well Dan, this is the one. I have to unfriend you now. It really sucks too, b/c I enjoy seeing your posts and the thought provoking links that usually follow. But this is so ludicrous I am at a loss for words. Not angry, just terribly disappointed. Hopefully your not so far out of touch that this post is serious. Hopefully "you is trollin'"
11 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Jason Renfer Ps y'all need to put up some real pics. People who don't put real profile pics are thought to be creepers or hiding something. The king is hilarious though!
11 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Chris Harte
I agree with Jason on this one. There is such a thing as keeping an open mind abs questioning your government, but not everything in this 10 year story is a conspiracy. Let's not disparage family and loved ones of the military and all the p...eople who died on 9/11 with outlandish sentiments that radical Muslims, including Osama, were not at all responsible for this. I read all of your supporting evidence, and agree with some of it. It would take the worlds biggest cover- up and some of the best acting performances by all conspirators and media involved. I do however believe Cheney may have had alot of prior knowledge. But all of this is a slap in the face to the military and victims by making declarative statements that Osama is innocent. He has been responsible for more Muslim, Western, and other blood than most people in the world. There is a ton of real objective evidence to support Osama's involvement and also his presence when Navy Seals drained his fucking brain.
My response:
Dan Spak Jason: So the threat is this: I better watch what I post, you many not agree with it and may "unfriend" me. Right? Well, that' ain't gonna happen.
7 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Dan Spak You can have only FB "friends" who think exactly like you. You can then all get matching hats. :)
7 hours ago · LikeUnlike
Dan Spak
Chris Harte: radical Muslims (including Osama) did NOT do 9/11, go here, read all the evidence:
Therefore, your other statements such as "disparaging 9/11 famil...ies" are completely meaningless. In fact, those who believe the official story probably owe the 9/11 victims and their families a CLOSE EXAMINATION OF THE ACTUAL EVIDENCE.
Chris: show me the evidence that the "official" Osama/hijackers/Muslims story is true.
I've shown you in the link above why it's NOT true.
A great friend I've made on facebook says:
ReplyDeleteJohn Niems
Definition of MIND FUCK: When a person knew that BUSH lied for 8 years continuously but STILL believed the OFFICIAL STORY of 9/11/01 and now those people out there that know that this PRESIDENT OBAMA lies continuously but NOW they believe that we just killed OSAMA BIN LADEN and tossed him out to sea! THAT MY FRIENDS IS A MIND FUCK!
He also said, that on 9/11 he was the only one (he knew of) who immediately thought the 9/11 story was bullshit. And he is proud that now, 10 years later, MANY people MANY MANY people instantly do not believe the Osama/dead story. Things have changed a lot in 10 years, he says.
ReplyDeletebtw...I just thought of something: what's with all the "1"s in 9/11/01 & 5/1/11???
ReplyDeleteAnother thought: is this Osama thing the prelude to something happening in Chicago? Rahm Emanuel was INSTALLED there as mayor, Larry Silverstein is already there (he bought the Sears tower and it's full of asbestos), and that's Obama's home turf.
Do you think Rahm Emanuel left the top position in the White House to be mayor of Chicago because nothing was gonna happen there?
Do you think Rahm Emanuel was "elected" mayor of Chicago? Do you think he got 59% of the black vote?
ReplyDeleteHow did we get from the point of a court deciding Rahm Emanual's run for Mayor of Chicago was illegal, to him being mayor?
ReplyDeleteThe "judges" overruled Rahm Emanuel not being eligible to run for Mayor of Chicago. A ruling was overturned. So WHO called the judges and said, "Listen: Rahm Emanuel is gong there TO BE MAYOR!!!"?????????????
John Niems
ReplyDeleteJust thinking out loud here: Can a man who was using KIDNEY DIALYSIS MACHINES and reported near death in 2001 have survived ten years? Answer - NO as he did indeed die in 2001! Amazing how I never hear that on the 24/7 LAME STREAM MEDIA HYPNOSIS!
btw...I got several thousand hits on this post.
ReplyDeleteHey, I just call 'em how I see 'em, and this is all bullshit.
ReplyDeleteIs this true, I just thought of this:
ReplyDeleteIt said Obama knew about Osama's "death" for a week before the announcement.
Did Obama then know about Osama's death BEFORE he released his birth certificate?
Can anyone verify this chronology of events?
ReplyDeleteI ran across this weird story:
ReplyDeleteThe Rock Knew About Osama Bin Laden's Death Before Nearly Anyone Else?
Long Kiss Goodnight We'll Blame It On The Muslims, Naturally - 1996.flv
The Staged Death of Osama Bin Laden Destroyed The Bovine Excrement Meter
ReplyDeleteOsama has been dead while and there is so much BS coming out of this concocted news story. It will take much more equipment to clean up the manure from this staged event than it took to clean up the ground zero after the twin towers collapsed. This alleged death of Osama Bin Laden is desperation politics to divert our away from what is happening here.
There is Miss USA being groped causing another backlash against the TSA. We have the collapse of the dollar and rising gas prices. Hyperinflation rearing its ugly head purchasing food. His release of the long form birth certificate whether it is phony or not has raised more questions than answers. For me it is not so much were was he born. But about his whole life and what he has been involved with. The lack of a paper trail.
Osama Bin Laden being dead and 9-11-01 being an inside job is old news in Russia and common knowledge to the rest of the world. This is a Psi-op to divert attention away from what is going on here on the domestic front and to scare people to support the government say we have to surrender all our rights.If we do not. Obama's followers are going to get us.0
The Bovine Excrement Meter has been destroyed over this phony death of Osama Bin Laden and when this blows up in Obama's face. His credibility will be shot forever.
Final Fake Bin Laden Tape “In The Pipeline”
ReplyDeleteBoogeyman to frighten Americans into giving up rights one last time
Brought to you by Rita Katz SITE (?). What's Rita Katz gonna do now? I ask of thee?
How about, I always used to say, when SITE got a "tape" from Bin Laden or one of Bin Laden's "guys", why didn't someone from SITE just stick their arm out, grab the guy, and say, "GOTCHA!!!!!!!"?
ReplyDeleteBin Laden walks in the door of SITE and goes, "Hey, here's another tape I just finished".
ReplyDeleteNote that every story attributes the tracking down of Bin Hidin' to use of wiretaps. "See why we need to wiretap everyone? It's good for you!"
ReplyDeleteThese camps, now dubbed "terrorist universities" by Washington, were built in collaboration with the ISI and the CIA. The Afghan contra fighters, including the tens of thousands of mercenaries recruited and paid for by bin Laden, were armed by the CIA. Pakistan, the US and Britain provided military trainers.
ReplyDeleteTom Carew, a former British SAS soldier who secretly fought for the mujaheddin told the August 13, 2000, British Observer, "The Americans were keen to teach the Afghans the techniques of urban terrorism — car bombing and so on — so that they could strike at the Russians in major towns ... Many of them are now using their knowledge and expertise to wage war on everything they hate."
Al Qaeda (the Base), bin Laden's organisation, was established in 1987-88 to run the camps and other business enterprises. It is a tightly-run capitalist holding company — albeit one that integrates the operations of a mercenary force and related logistical services with "legitimate" business operations.
Don't forget the "royal" wedding... it was pure magic, don't ya think?
ReplyDeleteAs always, best analysis on the net. Kind Regards, i
Anything that begins with Osama's death, I disregard...that includes emails and articles. Unless they say what a complete sham this whole thing is.
ReplyDeleteA. She could not have spoken more clearly.
ReplyDeleteB. Frost, one of the world's top interviewers, failed to as a followup on this otherwise earth-shattering claim of hers.
C. She was murdered after spilling the beans.
Clearly, the oligarchs and their paid actors, (she and Frost among them) ALL knew/know Bin Laden's "Bin Dead" since 2001. I'm sure Frost was aghast that she spilled the beans on national television, and she was likely ordered killed as a direct result of breaking the Illuminatti's secrecy demands surrounding the 9/11 cover story - a requirement for implementation of the New World Order.
Latest Wikileaks Release Shows How US Completely Drove Canadian Copyright Reform Efforts
The "team" is so secret that the author of that article knows all about them and has pictures of them!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe "team" is so secret that the author of that article knows all about them and has pictures of them!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI just added this to the post:
ReplyDelete"Apparently BHO (Barack Hussein Obama) showed his BS (birth certificate) on April 27, then two days later on April 29 he authorized the killing of OBL (Osama Bin Laden), then on May 1 he announced that he authorized the death of OBL on April 29. Apparently news characters like Chris Matthews, after BHS announced his BS but before he killed OBL, were busy linking "takin' care of business" (BTO) by linking "birthers" to "truthers" on TV, telegraphing that they knew of the upcoming "death of OBL" on May 1. Did anyone notice this from April 27 to May 1?"
Pretty funny?
ReplyDeleteThe Rock Knew Osama Bin Laden Was Dead Before Obama?
Bin Laden's Neighbor "I Can't Believe Osama Bin Laden Was Here .... 110% Sure Its Sultry Drama"
Obama Befriends Rich Elderly Widow In Hopes She'll Put Nation In Her Will
No, very funny.
So you also think Chicago is the next false flag.
ReplyDeleteHuffPo's direct role in actual CIA Hoax:
ReplyDeleteRead the words in this headline:
12-Year-Old Pakistani Boy Given Two Rabbits By Osama Bin Laden (VIDEO)
When you actually watch the interview, note that the boy never mentions Osama Bin Laden.
you are one saaaaaaad little man
ReplyDeleteRemember I keep telling you this article called "The truth behind the celebrating palestinians" keeps disappearing and I have to keep updating the link I have on the side? They did it again! Here's the latest link I've found and they've again changed it:
Nope, I'm wrong. That link works from here, but not facebook. So the bottom line is that link above still exists. There's funny things going on on facebook.
ReplyDeleteAnd you may have noticed, I, for the first time ever, put up a donation link on the bottom. I don't expect any regulars to donate, please don't, in fact.
ReplyDeleteI put up a $5000 donation button for millionaires and billionaires, and a $1 donation for "the rest of us". Yeah, they're for real. No, I didn't sell out. It's part tongue in cheek with the $5000 donation button for millionaires & billionaires. lol But they are for real, the buttons really work.
It's actually really funny, I just looked at it now, and it's LOL hilarious. I didn't realize how funny it was until I looked at it a day later.
ReplyDeleteOK...I AM A COMIC GENIUS! As well as a just general all around genius, too, btw.....
ReplyDeleteThis is what would be EXTREMELY FUNNY: if I got a $5000 donation.
ReplyDeleteI have them rigged so you can ONLY give $5000 or $1. You can't give anything else.
ReplyDelete...well, that, and humble. Mostly humble.
ReplyDeleteLOL! That is funny! I love making myself laugh!
ReplyDeleteI also noticed that you clipped the right side of the $1 - as it was a little too perfect to reproduce from.
ReplyDeleteI think the CFR should just buy you out for $5 Million and turn you into another HuffPo.
ReplyDeleteIt would be an excellent investment on their part.
You could be Big Shill!
OK, I've been waiting for this:
ReplyDeleteMichael Rivera of what really happened says global warming is a hoax. I have the utmost respect for him, in fact WRH makes by "top 4 news sites" at the top of my blog.
I've been waiting for a heavy hitter to come out FOR global warming being true, and here it is:
Jesse Richard/TV News Lies:
TVNL Comment: Just ask every one of the GOP presidential hopefuls. They'll tell you global warming is a hoax. How sad is that? Just asking....
New report confirms Arctic melt accelerating
COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -- Scientists at a major conference on Arctic warming were told Wednesday to use plain language to explain the dramatic melt in the region to a world reluctant to take action against climate change.
So we now have 2 of my top 4 news sites in a direct dispute about global warming. Two heavy hitters: Michael Rivero and Jesse Richard. On complete opposite ends of the spectrum on global warming.
ReplyDeleteBut wait! there's More!
Toture now said to work in tracking down Bin Hidin'!,0,6638803.story
These guys just can't stop lying!
Wiretapping & Torture led to Bin Hidin'!
LOL!!!! That's fucking hilarious!!!
The super secret "Team 6" pops out of nowhere, THEY got Osama, the author though somehow knows all about "Team 6":
Team 6 did it.
ReplyDeleteRemember the "low speed crash" Turton died backing her BMW out of her own garage in a "low speed crash".
ReplyDeleteLook for "made up shit" in the "news": "low speed crash", "spontaneous gatherings", "Team 6", what else?
ReplyDeleteThere's probably some psychology with this made up shit, like if you repeat it, it makes you feel smart and like you're "in on it" and you know what's going on, if you repeat these phrases without questioning them.
ReplyDeleteI'm holding out for the "No Speed Crash"
Here's another one:
ReplyDeleteWe're treating his body..."ACCORDING TO ISLAMIC LAW".
So some RETARDS says at work, "Hey, didja hear? It's OK! Because we're treating his body according to Islamic Law! They shouldn't attack us again, then. Right?"
ReplyDeleteNEXT UP:
ReplyDelete"Documents Found in Bin Laden Lair Reveal Hiding Place Of Both WMD In Iraq & Stolen Loot Of D.B. Cooper"
I have taken so much heat on facebook for that exact statement above, btw... People threatening to "unfriend" me.
ReplyDeleteI'M GOIN' IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGot ONION?
ReplyDeleteplunger: your comment above about shills buying me out: I always thought this: why not take the money from them, but then keeping still keep doing what you were doing? I'd just go, "OK", take the money, then keep doing what I'm doing.
ReplyDeleteFuture victim of "no-speed crash."
ReplyDeleteI guess, though, ultimately they'd call me back:
ReplyDelete"Hey, Big Dan, we paid you off. Quit blogging! Or change the way you blog!"
"But we paid you!"
I guess at that point is when I'd die in a "low speed crash" and there would be "spontaneous gatherings" celebrating what a great blogger I was.
What if someone hits the $5000 donation button...but adds a cryptic message, "Now that we gave you $5000, here's what we want you to do........."? lol
ReplyDeleteGod gave you a brian for a reason - youze it!
ReplyDeleteWhat if some CIA guy hit the $1 donation button (but thought he hit the $5000), and said, "OK, now here's what we want you to do since we gave you $5000......."
ReplyDeleteAnd I say, "Hey, Bub, you gave me ONE DOLLAR and I ain't doin' NUTHIN' for ONE stinkin' dollar, are you nuts???"
There are those who think just the Republicans lie, and those who think just the Democrats lie, and those who think they're ALL LIARS!
ReplyDelete"Victim of 'No-Speed No-Crash' To Host Funeral For Self"
ReplyDeleteVictim states: "I'll most miss all the fun I had laughing at myself"
You'll want to look into this guy's stuff
Top US Government Insider: Bin Laden Died In 2001, 9/11 A False Flag
ReplyDeleteFormer Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations Steve R. Pieczenik says he is prepared to tell a federal grand jury the name of a top general who told him directly 9/11 was a false flag attack
The Meat You Should Never, Ever Eat...
Bin Laden: a monster of our own creation:
Senator Dick Durbin Questions Sending 'One More' Soldier to Die in Afghanistan
2 May 2011
ReplyDeleteOsama Bin Laden Pronounced Dead…For the Ninth Time
Dan Rather reports on Bin Laden getting treatment courtesy of the CIA:
He is the man we know as "Osama Bin Laden"
See why Dan Rather was set up to be removed from "The News" by one Karl Rove?
# 7stringking Says:
ReplyDeleteMay 4th, 2011 at 6:24 am
I do not KNOW if this is some kind of technical glitch over there, but i have tried to copy and paste this story 5 TIMES at facebook and it will NOT let me paste the text!!!!! this has NEVER happened before with anything i have tried to post…..???????????
this might be the REAL DEAL right here…the BIGGEST story Alex has ever broke
The reason they kept Bin Laden on ice for all these years:
ReplyDeleteHe was their "Get Out With Honor Card"
Meaning - we can now "Declare Victory" and exit - if in fact the jig is up (China dumping US Treasuries) and we cannot economically afford to prosecute war/occupation.
The Jones interview goes waaaay over the top in praise of GHW (the purpose). It comes across as a form of limited hangout protecting GHW (Rove is his architect) - whom I understand to have been THE driving force behind 9/11 in league with Israel.
Not mentioned in the interview is the collusion between GHW and Likud to plan and implement 9/11.
How can that be?
GHW seems to be using this to throw Obama under the bus to regain control for Rove and whomever they next plan to install. This is UNlimited Hangout.
No mention of Rahm?
I was able to successfully post it to facebook. But I'll double check.
ReplyDeleteLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm stealing that one!
Actually heard Rahm mentioned. My understanding is the GHW contingent is blackmailed by Rahm contingent. That was touched upon obscurely with a reference to bath house / ballet issue. I think the good doctor is reluctant to come out and say the Israeli interests are blackmailing the CFR interests - but that is absolutely the case. Assume that the PNAC was used intentionally by the Likudniks to commit the the useful Goyam to writing - in order to blackmail them after 9/11.
ReplyDeleteThere is no way GW did 9/11 without direction and authorization from GHW / Rockefeller / Crown and Rothschilds. No way.
Karl Rove was chosen by GHW with the blessing of ALL OF THEM to run the psyop cover story. Netanyahu, likely with the blessing of Rothschild, is blackmailing the entire CFR/GHW contingent. Mossad has all of them dead to rights via wiretaps. You want to hear GHW planning 9/11 with the likes of Ken Lay prior to the 2000 (s)election of Junior? Mossad likely has it on tape. The Doctor may not choose to perceive the kindly grandfather as the head of the beast, but he is.
Rahm, Lieberman, Libby, Feith, Wurmser, Ledeen, Rhode, Pearle, Abramoff, Chertoff, Wolfowitz, Zakheim, Zelikow, Bolton, Edelman, Lauder, Giuliani, etc., are on the FED / IMF / Israel / Rothschild team. They double-crossed the useful idiots, who are now left to do their bidding under circumstance of blackmail.
The useful and thoroughly blackmailed idiots include GHW, GW, Bremmer, Cheney, Krongard, Rumsfeld, Rice, Rove, Tenent, Hayden, Myers, Armitage, Matlin, Franks, Goss, Norquist, Poindexter, Rockefeller etc.
This is the game playing out now, with GHW fighting to regain some control, while leaving the subject of Israeli blackmail out of the equation - effectively fighting over the crumbs of a blackmailed empire. If Obama is Rahm's puppet, and GHW is wanting to return one of his cronies to power, this is the game he's chosen to play to take down Obama - a dangerous one for all the marbles.
This will get ugly.
Proof of Blackmail...
ReplyDeleteWhen Libby was caught dead to rights, and GW let him go free.
When Armitage took the fall for Libby, and was subsequently knighted by Great Britain.
That's one faction demanding favors from the other - "or else!"
Having all of the wiretaps in the world at your disposal makes you the most powerful criminal enterprise in the world...with the entire US Congress, Military, Treasury and nuclear arsenal serving your interests.
Where is Ariel Joseph Weinmann? He was caught red handed passing naval intelligence to Israel. Where is he?
ReplyDeleteAdd Ari Fleisher to the Israeli list. He absolutely had foreknowledge of 9/11.
Reading between the lines - this is how Israeli espionage and blackmail works:
Where is Kobi Alexander?
Mossad Agent and 9/11 co-conspirator, Kobi Alexander:
Where is Dov Zakheim?
I don't think that was drumbo.
ReplyDeleteWell, did you give me $1 or $5000 ???
ReplyDeleteLook how nice Kobi is:
ReplyDeleteAlexander has promised to boost academic interest in science and
technology in Namibia by establishing an annual scholarship for primary
and secondary level students.
Guess what? You know that local judge corruption Kids for Cash around here? The first thing one of the indicted realtor around here did when charged was set up a fund for children. Don't you love that?
They always "help the children" when they get in trouble. Ever notice?
ReplyDeleteActually, I followed your instructions...
ReplyDelete"I don't expect any regulars to donate, please don't, in fact."
Then people say: "Leave him alone! He's helping the children!"
ReplyDeleteUnder the Alex Jones video (remember I said about rightwingers & food supplies ads?):
ReplyDeleteStock up with Fresh Food that lasts with eFoodsDirect (AD)
To say nothing of the massive cash bribes provided to the judge, in concert with pressure from both the US and Israeli governments to DO NOTHING
ReplyDeleteYou did not hear Pieczenik say a disparaging word about GHW, Schultz, Baker or Kissinger. To the contrary. He seemed to praise them as elder-statesman. Did you hear him state that GW really did evertythnig against the advice and wishes of his father? Did you believe that? Personally, I am certain that GHW was the actual President, and installed Cheney and Rumsfeld to surround the idiot prince and run the ops. Did you hear him state that GHW actually despised Rummy & Cheney? Is there evidence supporting that claim in fact?
ReplyDeleteNor did you hear the name of Poindexter. That cabal comprise the leadership of THE Shadow Government. Does Pieczenik work for them? Have they read the tea leaves and recognize that the time is right to usurp Jones followers - calling for the revolution which they will stage-manage to their own ends?
It's illegal to openly call for a revolution, yet he did so without fear of legal recourse. Why so confident?
Did you hear him say it's time to put the adults in charge of running the government, installing individuals who know how to run companies and the military?
Did you see his credentials and the types of psyop operations he was trained to do? Did you hear him say he's not worried about his own safety?
Is this a psyop atop a psyop?
The GHW Bush Administration
Look at this list and their relationships
THEY were GHW's operatives during the alleged W Administration
It doesn't make sense unless GHW has chosen to throw all of them under the bus.
GHW is absolutely as guilty as the rest - if not THE ringleader of 9/11.
UNlimited Hangout? Hail Mary Pass? WTF?
Why didn't Alex call BS on the praise of GHW? Not a single disparaging word? Something stinks. The guys that are as inside as this know GHW runs the Shadow Government. Is this their play to lure out the would be revolutionaries and other insiders - to get them to self-identify as enemies of the Shadow Government - so they can be dealt with in concert with the implementation of Martial Law? Is this all just a setup in advance of the ten-year anniversary - to lure out any would-be defectors from within their ranks?
ReplyDeleteA true patriot with no agenda does not leave GHW and Kissinger out of the scorn-fest
. Recall that it was Kissinger was to head the 9/11 Commission.
From the Plunger Archives:
@font-face {
font-family: "Times New Roman";
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font-family: "Lucida Grande";
}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: Times; }table.MsoNormalTable { font-size: 10pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }
Kissinger was nearly the head of the CFR Whitewash 911 commission
before Zelikow was installed to guard the evidence, and protect the guilty.
Today, Kissinger still continues to serve as a trustee of the
powerful Rockefeller Brothers Fund, as a counselor to Rockefellers' Chase
Manhattan Bank, and as a member of Chase's International Advisory Committee.
Kissinger's media influence is evident from his having served on the board of
CBS, Inc., and having been a paid consultant to both NBC News and ABC News.
That takes care of all three networks.
the Rockefellers run our political system, as well as our banking
system (the Fed) our oil companies (Exxon Mobil) the Big Pharma companies, and
most of the Airline industry… The list goes on.
With Heinz Kissinger over-lording the white house, & James
Baker III (the Carlyle Group – and Bush family consigliere) sitting at the Oval
Office desk (He has an un-official office there full time, but the media goes
along with his story that he is just now climbing out of his bunker, and hasn’t
had a hand in politics since he sealed the stolen “selection” in 2000…)
Does anyone still doubt that Poppy Bush (or his controllers) are
still in power? A good case can be made that these people have been in power
since the coup forged by the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
LBJ was known in the Press as “The Brown & Root” (Skull &
Bones / Halliburton) candidate. The prime benefactor in Vietnam was KBR.
Carter was quickly absorbed by the Trilateral Commission (AKA the
new Council on Foreign relations – founded by David Rockefeller who is still
the honorary chairman) The TC was “founded by Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR member
and founding member of the Trilateral Commission, and National Security Advisor
to five presidents….) who called for a Pearl Harbor style event to secure the
Globalist agenda in his book “The Grand Chessboard” that reared its ugly head
again with the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) many years later.
Clinton was allegedly from the Rockefeller bloodline (Winthrop
Rockefeller his real daddy). As a Rhodes Scholar Clinton would’ve been
conditioned to the same Globalist agenda as the Bush(s) at Yale, where by the
way John Kerry and Hillary Clinton attended - for future reference… Bill
Clinton rose to power from the
state of Arkansas which was, and is completely controlled by the Rockefellers.
He was known to be a business partner of Poppy Bush, something that isn’t a
secret anymore. Most important of all Clinton completely covered up for the
Crimes of Poppy Bush.
more than a century ideological extremists [sic] at either end of the
political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro,
to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they
claim we wield over American political and over economic institutions.
Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best
interests of the
United States
characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of
conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated
global political and economic structure one world, if you will. If
that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of
it.’ David Rockefeller, 'Memoirs', Random House,
New York
, 2002, page 405
I got over 7,000 hits and counting on this post.
ReplyDeleteHere’s what Kissinger knows:
ReplyDeleteIran is developing nuclear energy for electrical power. Iran is a
member of the international group of nations opposing nuclear
proliferation and allows its facilities to be inspected. Israel has
unofficially had nuclear weapons since the 1960s and refuses to be
inspected. This was first revealed by the late George Ball,
undersecretary of state in the JFK administration and a Bilderberg
World Bank President Robert Zoellick, a leader of the Trilateralists
and Bilderberg group, jumped on a food kick, also yo-yoing about the
three meetings. He cited a 36-percent increase in food prices over the
past year and called inflation the “biggest threat to the poor around
the world.”
Start with high inflation, Zoellick said, “mix in price gyrations,
and then stir in higher fuel costs, and you get a toxic brew of real
pain contributing to social unrest.”
His remarks were intended to help pressure Congress into throwing
more tax dollars at poor countries. The United States has long been the
most generous nation on Earth, yet is routinely taken to the cleaners.
Also yo-yoing from the meetings in Washington and Bretton Woods were
Trilateral-Bilderberg luminaries Larry Summers and Paul Volcker. Summers
was a key White House economic adviser, and Volcker is a former Fed
chairman who recently advised Barack Obama on a special economic panel
until his replacement by General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt.
Both pushed hard for creating a “world treasury department” under the
UN. This long-pending goal of the elite would give the International
Monetary Fund power to dictate economic policy to every country on the
I have a link in the main post going to the first comment in your comments in this tree.
ReplyDeleteObviously much of the above is from my archives, and I did indeed get some of it wrong - but if you're not willing to think this way and question EVERYTHING, you get the country you deserve. The conspiracies are real. Misdirection is their primary tactic.
ReplyDeleteStudy this guy:
The American Awakening
ReplyDeleteHave you noticed this?
ReplyDeleteThe photos of the "Dead Osama" which BD has posted in this article are oriented the other direction in the Prison Planet article?
The order from left to right is the same, but each photo is a mirror image of BD's post. - Odd!
ReplyDelete4 hours ago
in reply to plunger
Talking to yourself again?
BD's rubbing off on me. He laughs at his own jokes all the time.
ReplyDeleteJack Abramoff never served time in prison:
ReplyDeleteOn November 15, 2006, Abramoff began serving his term in the minimum security prison camp of Federal Correctional Institution, Cumberland, Maryland, as inmate number 27593-112. The Justice Department[87]
He resided at a halfway house in Baltimore, Maryland where he was employed by kosher pizza firm Tov Pizza, earning between $7.50 and $10.00 per hour.[88][89]
He was released on December 3, 2010.[2] On December 13, 2010, it was reported that Abramoff finished working at Tov Pizza
All of this, and he was sentenced to making kosher pizzas for 4 years? What yacht is he on today?
Abramoff also allegedly convinced Congressman Robert
ReplyDeleteNey, House Administrative Committee chairman, to award a
contract worth $3 million to a start-up Israeli
telecommunications firm called Foxcom
Wireless. The contract was for the installation of
antennas in House of Representatives buildings to
improve cell-phone reception. Not surprisingly, such
equipment can be designed to have what is known as a
"back door" to enable a third party, in this case Mossad,
to listen in. That an Israeli firm should be given such
a contract through a selection process that was
described as "deeply flawed and unfair" is explicable,
particularly as there were American suppliers of the
same equipment, and it suggest that the private
conversations of some of our Congressmen might not be so
private after all.In a previous scandal in 2001, FBI investigators
strongly suspected that two Israeli companies, AMDOCS
and Comverse Infosys, which had been allowed to obtain
U.S. government telecommunications contracts, were able
to use back-door technology to compromise the security
of DEA, Pentagon, and White House phones.
Does this look like a Mossad Agent (Abramoff) putting someone inside Rove's office pre-9/11?Does it not mirror putting Monica "The Swallow" Lewinski close to Clinton?Abramoff was Israel's key asset to ensure the power of Blackmail over the useful Goy. as White House Puppeteer:
ReplyDeleteAbramoff as White House Puppeteer (Mossad Agent):
Abramoff as White House Puppeteer:
ReplyDeleteFYI - someone is messing with my ability to post the Abramoff info and related links.
ReplyDeleteI am unable to open the abramoff link.
ReplyDeleteBrainwashing DAILY
ReplyDeleteEvery single day, AOL users are greeted with a prominent image of Bin Laden on their welcome screen, accompanied by a corresponding fact-free headline. That agenda is not set by the editor, it's set by the CIA