Vermont: soon to be booming with millions of people and businesses moving there for health care and lower business costs - the demand to move to Vermont will probably be so great, you'll have to get on some kind of "waiting list" to move there, once they pass single payer health care...
As bullets and missiles fly overhead, Britain's Prince Harry, left, enjoys a laugh as he sits with one of his "mates" from a group of Gurkha soldiers.
This should be the #1 story in the "news", because if Vermont gets single payer health care coverage for all residents, other states will follow. It happened with Saskatchewan in Canada: they went with single payer and the rest of the country followed. Everyone started moving there, businesses started moving their to save on paying health care, people with no health care moved there. There will probably be an upcoming fight about whether Vermont can opt out of ObamaCare to do their state level single payer health care coverage for all.
The Vermont Senate Passes Bill Establishing A Single Payer Health Care System In The State
From wikipedia:
The beginning of coverage
It was not until 1946 that the first Canadian province introduced near universal health coverage. Saskatchewan had long suffered a shortage of doctors, leading to the creation of municipal doctor programs in the early twentieth century in which a town would subsidize a doctor to practice there. Soon after, groups of communities joined to open union hospitals under a similar model. There had thus been a long history of government involvement in Saskatchewan health care, and a significant section of it was already controlled and paid for by the government. In 1946, Tommy Douglas' Co-operative Commonwealth Federation government in Saskatchewan passed the Saskatchewan Hospitalization Act, which guaranteed free hospital care for much of the population. Douglas had hoped to provide universal health care, but the province did not have the money.
How did Canada develop its single payer health insurance system? SASKATCHEWAN WENT WITH SINGLE PAYER!
Your Pain, Their Gain: How High Gas Prices Impoverish The Many While Enriching The Few
Mark Blyth on Austerity
How does House of Representatives Lou Barletta, the guy who was just mayor of Hazleton from January 3, 2000 to December 14, 2010 and led a costly crusade against illegal immigrants, escape any mention whatsoever in this article below about Hazleton possibly going bankrupt? Did Hazleton's bankruptcy problems begin on December 15, 2010, the day Barletta left Hazleton? Was "some other guy" mayor of Hazleton from 2000 to 2010? Or was it Lou Barletta? Then what's with him not being mentioned at all in this article? It would seem that the last mayor of Hazleton, who was in there for a DECADE, would have a LOT to do with Hazleton's financial problems right now!
Hazleton council hopes to avoid bankruptcy by hiring consultant
Pete DeFazio Lights Into Republicans For Cutting Youth Programs
GOP Town Halls: Reps Forced To Screen Questions, Duck Out Of Meetings In Secret
Bad medicine: GOP Reps face furious voters over plan to kill Medicare
More constituents freaking out on Republicans in Town Hall meetings:
Arrested At Tea Party Rep's Townhall for shouting out a question:
"God Bless Paul Ryan For Exposing The Republican Agenda" Ron Reagan
Are Rising Oil and Food Prices a Scam?
How Wall Street Thieves, Led by Goldman Sachs, Took Down the Global Economy -- Their Outsized Influence Must be Stopped
Finally!! Goldman Sachs and Executive Charged With Fraud!
"Goldman Sachs Is A Giant Vampire Squid!" Matt Taibbi
CNN: Matt Taibbi: Tea Party giving money to big banks?
97th Anniversary of the Ludlow Colorado Massacre
The American Taliban:
Gun Belonging to Pastor Terry Jones Goes Off Outside FOX 2 Studios
ALL the evidence proves Muslims didn't do 9/11.
... plunger said on 4/24/2011 @ 5:21 am PT:
As pointed out upthread, the AOL Board is comprised of individuals who represent powerful interests - ALL OF WHOM profit by the billions of dollars spent each political cycle. The incestuous relationship between business and politics begins and ends with campaign finance. The greatest threat to the "Fascist Quo" is the elimination of money from the cesspool of politics.
We the people at one time owned the spectrum, that being the airwaves over which we are now brainwashed, at our own expense. Michael Powell was directly in charge of placing your airwaves into private hands, for their control. He is now reaping the payoff from his corporate masters.
Web sites such as this, which make it their mission to reveal the total hijacking of the political process, and the utter fantasy of one-man-one-vote - are to be destroyed.
The solution is the total elimination of money from politics. It is not a requirement that the process of voting come with a price tag attributed to marketing. Setting aside a few public stations to telecast debates among local and national candidates, free of charge, 24/7, solves the problem.
The media companies have the greatest interest in ensuring that the cost of running for political office skyrockets year-over-year. They also control the message - in a medium formerly known as "news."
FOLLOW THE MONEY. They are reigning in control over the Internet. They did so at Firedoge Lake, HuffPo and countless other sites where free speech on certain topics is no longer welcome.
If you are using AOL over AT&T lines, you might as well be emailing the CIA directly - because you ARE.
U.S. mass media impossibly lays out the entire story too quickly.
The Truth Behind The "Celebrating Palestinians"
Here's the FALSE "Celebrating Palestinians" "news" footage pushed on mainstream media on 9/11:
Weapons of Mass Deception: how the media was in bed with the military to falsely lead us into the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars
Isolation of important news: it's no accident -
Americans' #1 enemy: the mainstream media
Noam Chomsky: Manufacturing Consent and the Myth of the Liberal Media
The Republican Noise Machine
The Video the US Military doesn't want you to see
Friday, February 29, 2008: Lucky Press Happens To Be In Afghanistan, While Prince Harry Is Serving On The Front Lines
As bullets and missiles fly overhead, Britain's Prince Harry, left, enjoys a laugh as he sits with one of his "mates" from a group of Gurkha soldiers.
Open-source Blueprint for Civilization:
Planned obsolescence
I just got back from a vacation in Boston and Connecticut. I was really isolated from the internet. Naturally, our car broke down. A timing belt snapped and we had to rent a car to get home. Our car is being fixed in Connecticut next door to my cousin's house where we were staying.
ReplyDeleteOh you poor boo-pie,.. and here we assumed you were off for the prenuptial festivities before the royal wedding and drinking down Rothschild champagne - forgetting about us during all that merriment and cheer.
ReplyDeleteHope the car repairs come out nicely.
More Rethug town meeting mayhem,..
George's son looks exactly like him! Look at Prince at the end:
ReplyDeleteTom Petty, Harrison's son, and Prince - Guitar gently weeps
Hey Danno!
ReplyDeleteWe've been finally getting nice weather here in the Northeast:
ReplyDeleteEnjoy it while you can:
Obama birth certificate released to put end to 'carnival barkers'
Well, we DID have a weird lightning storm last night with a flash flood downpour...but in general, the weather's finally getting warmer.
ReplyDeleteToday was gorgeous. We filmed the weird lightning storm. First the entire sky lit up with lightning for about an hour with no noise and no rain, really weird, never saw anything like that before. Then rain came down so heavy it was in sheets. Last week we had almost hurricane winds. We're getting EXTREME weather. It's either gorgeous, or weird lightning storms and hurricane winds. Real extreme.
WOW! Look at this:
ReplyDeleteThe Vermont Senate Passes Bill Establishing A Single Payer Health Care System In The State
Never had that much radiation in the atmosphere over you house before?
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck are you talking about - - - in the NorthEast ?
ReplyDeleteYou ain't no where's near May-in - so you ain't in the NorEast.
I thought you were some hillbilly - Psychedelia - VW bus - Californiola - neo-pinko - neo-progressive - hippy.
He ain't north of Boston,..
He ain't north of Portsmouth, NH,..
He ain't in the NorthEast.
Yes,.. the weather has been wonderful here,.. I mean HeYah.
ReplyDeleteDon't tell him,.. BD will think it is just global warming - or cooling.
Besides,.. mAnn Coulter said plutonium radiation was no more dangerous than a gulp of Poland Springs water.
Oh Jeez,.. BD will be buying some real property in Winooski just north of Burlington, Vermont.
We had hurricane warnings last night, which I've never seen that before. And high winds again. These are the most extreme conditions I can ever remember up here.
ReplyDeleteI'll move to Vermont, now that it looks like they're getting single payer.
I think that should be the #1 story in the "news".
Look: remember that post where I said rightwingers should break out their "food supplies" fallout shelter food they've been buying from their rightwing media commercials on their favorite rightwing shows, due to all the energy companies destroying our food, water, environment? The birthers are in this category, and look at the "food supplies" advertisement on this page:
Here's the ad on that page:
Told ya!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI guarantee you, FEAR sells and if they did a survey of where these "food supplies" sell the most, it would be rightwing websites. Close to 100% I bet.
ReplyDeleteObama's birth certificate is a distraction for idiots. No president is ever going to be kicked out of office due to a birth certificate. Even if they weren't born in this country and the birth certificate is fake. At the very least, it implicates the vetting process for becoming president, not Obama.
ReplyDeleteBD has become a tornado chaser,.. look at the videos he took as this tornado went by.
This is how trickle-down works,..
Planned obsolescence
Has the Fed Decided to Fight Inflation Instead of Unemployment?
GVCS - Global Village Construction Set
Marcin Jakubowski: Open-sourced blueprints for civilization
Four Stories This Week Prove that the War On Terror Is a Farce
So, when are women going to fight back??????????????????
ReplyDeleteAbortion foes scored a third major win Wednesday when a bill to regulate abortion clinics cleared the Kansas Legislature.
The Senate voted 24-15 to approve a bill requiring the state’s three abortion clinics to be inspected twice a year, including one unannounced review.
The bill goes to Republican Gov. Sam Brownback, a staunch abortion opponent who’s expected to sign the measure. The governor has already signed two other abortion bills, including one that further restricts abortions after 21 weeks of pregnancy.
Read more:
Experts: PlayStation breach one of largest ever
Has there ever been a more absurdly surreal moment, even in US politics, that unchallengeable theatre of the absurd and the surreal? One moment, we were watching a property magnate, with one eye on the presidency, the other on his reality TV show ratings, and puffed up like a bullfrog, rejoicing on an airport tarmac in New Hampshire that America's President of two years had finally made public his birth certificate.
ReplyDeleteThe next, America's TV networks interrupted their schedules to cut to the White House, where that self-same President appeared to confirm the momentous fact: not that Barack Obama had indeed been born, but that the happy event indeed took place, as no sane person has ever doubted, on the unimpeachably American soil of Hawaii, one August evening in 1961.
Of late, however, America has seemed to be taking leave of its senses. A quarter of the population, polls showed, and close on half of Republicans, still refused to believe that unassailable fact.
I have to point this out: there is NO article I've run into more that I have to keep hunting down and fixing my 9/11 post than this one:
ReplyDeleteThe Truth about the "celebrating palestinians":
See? It's gone again!
Here's my latest good link to it:,1518,158625,00.html&
A translation from Der Spiegel in Germany.
Another birth certificate story:
Funny how they can have the birthers in the "news" all the time, but not 9/11 evidence.
ReplyDeleteDOJ Drops Probe of Whistleblower Who Exposed Bush-Era Domestic Spying, Thomas Tamm: "The Bottom Line Is I Don’t Think I Ever Broke the Law"
Video of tornadoes raging in US, hundreds killed
"God Bless Paul Ryan For Exposing The Republican Agenda" Ron Reagan
Ron Reagan says the GOP party is "illegitimate". Wow.
ReplyDeleteBirther Movement Is ALL About Money!
The Birther Industry.
ReplyDeleteThis guy's great, I met him:
ReplyDeleteStilp, fellow activists disrupt Shale meeting
Nice how the shutting up Olbermann worked, btw, huh?
ReplyDeleteThe class action lawsuit is now defunct, thanks to Bush's supreme corporate:
ReplyDeleteJustice Antonin Scalia said companies may require buyers to sign arbitration agreements, and those agreements may preclude class-action claims. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justices Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. formed the majority.,0,6781234.story
This is GREAT:
ReplyDeleteTop 20 Lies Revealed- To Help Your Friends Wake Up -Read Description
In the above video, one of the 20 is to look up 9/11 Hollywood clues before it actually happened, and I found this video and you get the Orwellian: This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including:
ReplyDelete* Paramount Pictures Corporation
Sorry about that.
AGAIN!!!!!!!! Another one:
See: news isolation -> Jesse Richard.
This first video comes from from a local New York TV station. There is NO PLANE in this video! Something can barely be seen approaching, then at 40 seconds, there is an explosion. Whatever it is, it’s much too small to be a Boeing 767. This local new anchor obviously didn’t get the script. He doesn’t even mention a plane, only an explosion. Then he “get’s word” that a plane had hit…
The "news" anchor goes on and on and on about the "explosion" in WTC2...then way into the video, he "gets word" that it was a Boeing.
ReplyDeleteHe didn't get the "Boeing script" in time.
ReplyDeleteHe "got word" that it was a Boeing.
ReplyDelete95% of this nation can hear only Right Wing Hate radio on their commercial dial. Progressive voices are purposely kept out of the national discussion on our publicly owned airwaves.
KKK distances itself from The Tea Party & Koran burners:
AOL censoring emails with links to electronic voting machine activist website Brad Blog:
see: News Isolation -> Jesse Richard
You know how I love fantasy baseball?
ReplyDeleteLegendary Geddy Lee of the band RUSH:
"Traveling can become tough both mentally and physically," Lee said. "Fantasy Baseball is the great escape for me. When I'm sitting around at gigs, when we have down time, I always have my laptop with me or the venues have internet access. After a sound check, I'll go crunch the numbers. When I check into a hotel the first thing I do is plug in and check my stats."
Finally, this last video has nothing to do with fake airplanes. But it is important, and not just because it’s appalling. The people who made the video you’re about to see are the enemy.
ReplyDeleteThe video starts out slow, with scenes of people being evacuated from the WTC complex, until 2:38. Then an explosion can be heard, and someone asks the videographers: “What are you, freelancing?” Turn up your volume so you can hear the dialogue of the two men recording this video. These two are quite cynical, and looking for hands or body parts.
At 5:33 the videographer spots a man high up in the tower, waving what looks to be a jacket. “Do It!” says his accomplice. “Someone’s waving up there they have no chance of getting the fuck out.”
The man is clinging to life, flailing in the superstructure of the tower for a few seconds… then he goes back in. “C’mon C’mon!” one of the videographers shouts. Then the man comes back out, and an explosion ejects debris from the building near him. “Whoa, …did you see that blow out? That’s a shot!”
Then, at 6:58 one of them says: “I think he’s hanging on something.” The man in the tower is trying to lower himself on the outside of the building, seeking safety in the lower floors! Next we hear; “He’s being lowered.”
The man loses his grip. And as he’s falling to his death this scumbag is shouting “See that thing falling? That’s a man!”… “Ya got him?”
What kind of accent do these videographers have?
ReplyDelete@ 1:37: "...oh, and we'll blame it on the Muslims, naturally" - CIA guy in the 1996 movie "Long Kiss Goodnight", after explaining a plot to kill 4,000 Americans and "blame the Muslims" -
Massachusetts Dems vote to strip public unions of bargaining rights
ReplyDeleteWeren't Democrats supposed to be in favor of collective bargaining rights? Well, maybe not.
Welcome to bizarro world.
The Democratic-controlled Statehouse in Massachusetts voted earlier this week to strip public employee unions of their collective bargaining rights, as part of the state's budget measure. It passed by a vote of 157 to 1.
That's precisely the same action taken by Republicans in Wisconsin, where it sparked a massive democratic outcry and weeks of rowdy protests.
Feingold compares new Obama fundraising group to Karl Rove
‘Fantastical’ 9/11 Lawsuit Could Lead to Sanctions for Lawyer, 2nd Circuit Says
ReplyDeleteA onetime Pentagon worker and her lawyer who alleged in a suit that the Sept. 11 attacks were arranged or allowed by U.S. leaders could face sanctions as a result of their appeal.
In an opinion (PDF) issued on Wednesday, the New York City-based 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued an order to show cause why sanctions should not be imposed. The case had been argued only three weeks before. The court said the complaint was frivolous and affirmed dismissal, calling the suit a “fantastical alternative history.”
The plaintiff, April Gallop, said she was working at the Pentagon with her infant son on the day of the attacks, and both sustained head and brain injuries from the collapse of the building’s ceiling and walls. She alleges the Pentagon was destroyed, not by a plane crash, but possibly by a missile or explosives on the orders of U.S. leaders. She claimed the conspiracy was motivated by a desire to create a political atmosphere where officials could pursue their policy objectives and to conceal trillions of dollars in defense misappropriations.
The suit named as defendants former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and other U.S. officials.
April 27, 2011 Close Range Mississippi Tornado!
The Very Rich Want Us to Die
Convicted RFK assassin says girl manipulated him
George W Bush Authorized 911 Attacks Says Government Insider
The Military's Pandora's Box
RT News: Peter Joseph - Moving Beyond Money
ReplyDeleteThe middle and lower classes bleed from the mouth, ears, and nose,..
The rich drink champagne and smoke fancy imported cigars while lounging on the teak decks of their yachts.
Here's my Prince Harry contribution from Feb 2008:
ReplyDeleteFriday, February 29, 2008
Lucky Press Happens To Be In Afghanistan, While Prince Harry Is Serving On The Front Lines
Donald Trump dodged Vietnam War through medical deferment, not high draft number as he claimed
Here we go again with Breitbart edited videos to attack his enemies, this shit's got to stop:
ReplyDeleteBreitbart Starts Big Push To "Go After Teachers" With His Trademark Deception
Anti-corporate activists claim Facebook is purging their accounts
see: Jesse Richard/news isolation.
ReplyDeleteProtesters drive Koran-burning pastor out of Michigan
2011-04-29 Canada's democratic revolution #cdnpoli #elxn41
"It's Only 4 Billion Dollars!" Sarah Palin On Taxpayer Subsidies For Oil Companies
Proof that TV is "in on it": why is Sarah Palin on TV?
ReplyDeleteGRITtv: Vandana Shiva: The Truth About Warren Buffett
The Industry Part 74 (Pt 2)
Because she's a paid shill. Note how the CFR (Rockefeller/Rothschild/Crown) have used up the credibility of she and Bachmann, and now they're deploying Trump to carry the crazy-flag. Trump's not actually rich. He's broke - and likely blackmailed. They own his ass. He's a paid actor who the actual billionaires send out to do their bidding. They have more shills waiting in the wings, and they control the "talent bookers" and the Script writers" in all the network "news" rooms.
ReplyDeleteThe entire Rockefeller agenda is about depopulating the planet. The defunding of Planned Parenthood and reversal of health care initiatives and elimination of Medicaid is all a conspiracy to ensure a less healthy population, period. Rockefeller wants 90% less people on planet earth. He despises humanity. He admits it. She works for him.
The "news" just broke into all channels: Osama Bin Laden has been killed.
ReplyDeleteObama shows his birth certificate and killed Bin Laden all in less than a week!
ReplyDeleteChime in here, this is a friend of mine, but he believes the "official" 9/11 story, set him straight:
He's a really smart, young college kid. He's on the same page as me with most everything.
He cites this is the reason he believes the "official" story:
ReplyDeleteTheodore Schick's "How to Think About Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age"
Iraqi Women with Downs Syndrome are suicide bombers...
ReplyDeleteWHOOPS! I mean:
Taliban use child bomber at start of offensive
Totally bullshit. Show me the body and the dental records.
ReplyDeleteA. The CIA actor we called Osama had nothing to do with 9/11, according to the FBI.
B. Osama has been dead for years.
C. Identification of the alleged body was alleged to have been performed by jar heads.
D. Said body was disposed of, making the story impossible to prove or disprove.
E. Alleged disposal at sea of alleged body alleged to be Osama is evidence that the story is a lie.
F. Obama knows that none of his political enemies can use the truth against him to attempt to discredit this perceived accomplishment, as they've all been in on the Osama lie.
Now - a few words from POTUS,..
revisit his site now.
ReplyDeleteOsama bin Bogeyman? 'CIA getting rid of old asset'