Saturday, May 21, 2011

Big Dan's Big News May 21, 2011 - 9/11 Anthrax Story Falls Apart

(note: this blog had over 13,000+ hits on the Massive Bin Laden Bullshit May 2 post, and over 39,000+ hits for the month of April)

Another part of The Big 10 Year Lie falls apart: Bruce Ivins couldn't have been the anthrax mailer:

btw...did it ever occur to you that a WHITE GUY working for the U.S. government wrote "ALLAH IS GREAT" & "DEATH TO ISRAEL" on the anthrax letters and that the anthrax letters were mailed to two anti-war Democrats Leahy & Daschle and to no Republicans? The Mulsims love Republicans? They also sent anthrax to media anchors like Tom Brokaw to "shut up the media". Who they sent anthrax to is the "tell" that 9/11 was an inside job. At least they should've made the patsy a Muslim, then it would've made sense to write "ALLAH IS GREAT" & "DEATH TO ISRAEL". But they depended on YOU being STUPID and not thinking of this! Every part of The Big 10 Year Lie falls apart when closely examined. NO PART OF THE 9/11 STORY HAS ANY EVIDENCE TO BACK IT: 9/11 ITSELF, THE ANTHRAX, OR BIN LADEN. And the LIES keep rolling by politicians, the mainstream media, the FBI, and the CIA. NO EXPERTS believe the "official" stories of ANY of these things.

Here is the "official" 9/11 story you're supposed to believe, I copied it from a friend on FaceBook, and for how farcical the "official" story is, this is it:

The official version of 9/11 goes something like this…

Directed by a beardy-guy from a cave in Afghanistan, nineteen hard-drinking, coke-snorting, devout Muslims enjoy lap dances before their mission to meet Allah…. Using nothing more than craft knifes, they overpower cabin crew, passengers and pilots on four planes…, and hangover or not, they manage to give the world’s most sophisticated air defense system the slip…. Unphased by leaving their “How to Fly a Passenger Jet” guide in the car at the airport, they master the controls in no time and score direct hits on two towers, somehow causing THREE to collapse completely…. Our masterminds even manage to overpower the odd law of physics or two…, and the world watches in awe as steel-framed buildings fall symmetrically - through their own mass - at free-fall speed, for the first time in history. Despite all their dastardly cunning, they stupidly give their identity away by using explosion-proof passports, which survive the fireball undamaged and fall to the ground, only to be discovered by the incredible crime-fighting sleuths at the FBI. Meanwhile, down in Washington, Hani Hanjour, having previously flunked 2-man Cessna flying school, gets carried away with all the success of the day and suddenly finds incredible abilities behind the controls of a Boeing…. Instead of flying straight down into the large roof area of the Pentagon, he decides to show off a little…. Executing an incredible 270 degree downward spiral, he levels off to hit the low facade of the world’s most heavily defended building, all without a single shot being fired, or ruining the nicely mowed lawn, and all at a speed just too fast for modern equipment to capture on video. Later, in the skies above Pennsylvania, so desperate to talk to loved ones before their imminent deaths, some passengers use sheer willpower to connect mobile calls that otherwise would not be possible until several years later. And following a heroic attempt by some to retake control of Flight 93, it crashes into a Shankesville field leaving no trace of engines, fuselage or occupants, except of course for the standard issue Muslim terrorists’ bandana. Further south in Florida, President Bush, our brave Commander-in-Chief, continues to read “My Pet Goat” to a class full of primary school children, shrugging off the obvious possibility that his life could be in imminent danger. In New York, World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein blesses his own foresight in insuring the buildings against terrorist attack only six weeks previously, while back in Washington, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz shake their heads in disbelief at their own luck in getting the ‘New Pearl Harbor’ catalyzing event they so desired to pursue their agenda of world domination…. And finally, not to be disturbed too much by reports of their own deaths, at least seven of our nineteen suicide hijackers turn up alive and kicking in lamestream media reports.

Does that sound like a silly evidence-free fairy tale? It IS! It's NOT TRUE! And EVERY PIECE of The Big 10 Year Lie can be destroyed. Here is the latest from McClatchy destroying the ANTHRAX part of The Big 10 Year Lie:

McClatchey: FBI lab reports on anthrax attacks suggest another miscue

Anthrax "Conviction" Falls Apart

Now I knew the anthrax part of The Big 10 Year Lie had no evidence supporting it, that's why I wrote this famous research post on the anthrax part of The Big 10 Year Lie:

Everything you always wanted to know about ANTHRAX on 9/11.

People Could Have Planted Bombs In the World Trade Center Without Anyone Noticing

Report: Intelligence Unit Told Before 9/11 to Stop Tracking Bin Laden

Now McClatchy is the most respected mainstream media newspaper source. Was this all over the "news" yesterday, that the anthrax part of The Big 10 Year Lie was destroyed? Do you know why it wasn't on the "news"? It's called "news isolation", watch this video and learn that the mainstream media IS IN ON THE 9/11 COVER UP:

And here's my famous 9/11 post, The Big 10 Year Lie begins and ends with "Muslims did 9/11" to cover up the U.S. and Israeli governments did 9/11 and "blamed the Muslims". The Muslims are the patsies:

Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!

9/11 was a LIE, the anthrax story was a LIE, and this latest "we got Bin Laden" was a LIE! And The Big 10 Year Lie continues...

Can I describe YOU, if YOU believe all of this evidence-free fairy tale?

YOU are: STUPID, A RETARD, AN ASSHOLE, you believe evidence-free LIES told to you by politicians and the mainstream media, you believe in SANTA CLAUS, the TOOTH FAIRY, the EASTER BUNNY...(fill in your own description of yourself).

The United States is in DEEP SHIT because of the % of IDIOTS who believe evidence-free fairy tales told by the government and the mainstream media! We are in BIG TROUBLE because of THE IDIOTS!

Ed Asner: new 9/11 movie coming out this year "Confessions of a 9/11 Conspirator":

I got the movie from howard377 on YouTube, but but you need the direct link to it to watch howard377's upload of it, because howard377 uploaded it as "unlisted", which means it doesn't come up in a search anywhere, you need someone to supply you the direct link. Why would someone do that, unless they wanted to track who's viewing this video? Mine is the one in this post, and it's "public" so anyone can search and find it in YouTube. here is howard377's upload of it. His says the Orwellian message, "This video is unlisted. Only those with the link can see it." Also on howard377's YouTube site is the Orwellian message, "howard377 has no videos available, but yet I am linking you to his Ed Asner video...which obviously is a video that is available.

REAL EXPERTS + others on 9/11:

The "we got Bin Laden" evidence-free fairy tale IDIOTS believe:

Massive Bin Laden Bullshit

The "news" you believe:

Cartoon "news"

If you're an IDIOT, you believe a 47 story building, World Trade Center 7, which was a block away from the Twin Towers, fell on 9/11 in 6 seconds EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NOT HIT BY A PLANE:

NYSE chief Dick Grasso "TOWERS were IMPLODED"

I'm sorry, but I'm not a RETARD, I don't believe skyscrapers go POOF! into DUST for absolutely no reason! Call me CRAZY if you want!

Here's Zionist Larry Silverstein being confronted by activists. Larry Silverstein bought the World Trade Center complex a week before they "fell" and made BILLIONS on insurance from it. Silverstein ordered WTC7 to be "pulled" on 9/11, even though it was NOT hit by a plane. Silverstein has since bought the Sears Tower in Chicago (now the tallest building in the U.S.) AFTER 9/11. So the SAME GUY who bought the WTC's a week before they "fell", then bought the next tallest building. Scary? This is also scary: Rahm Emanuel, another Zionist, IS NOW THE MAYOR OF CHICAGO!

GUILTY: Larry Silverstein was in on the 9/11 inside job:

Now here's the Twin Towers that WERE hit by planes. But do you believe they fell like this just because they were hit like a plane? Look at how they fall perfectly like controlled demolition, notice them EXPLODING INTO DUST on the way down:



Britain’s Largest Terror Attack Likely “Mossad/MI-5″ Operation - Anthony John Hill, “Maud dib” Found Not Guilty for Exposing 7/7 “Inside Job”

John Niems: Another tid bit about 7/7/2005 is that a few blocks away from where the bombings occurred in LONDON was the poster boy for 9/11/01 Mayor Rudy Giuliani as I remember vividly he was one of the first and maybe the first interviews that day! When asked what he thought of when he heard the bombs go off he responded: I thought of 9/11/01 of course and here we go again was a paraphrase of his statement! - He was correct- BOTH FALSE FLAG attacks and BOTH set up for making people afraid! What are the chances of MAYOR RUDY being a few blocks away from the next big terrorist attack and being one of the first interviews if not the first interviews that day? It was also the week of the GREAT 8 Meeting in Brussels as this was obviously set up to time it with that meeting as well. Complicit Rudy who followed orders on 9/11/01 was there to be the POSTER BOY of 9/11/01 and to remind everyone that HERE WE GO AGAIN WITH THESE TERRORISTS!

Rudy Giuliani reminds everyone he happened to be in London for the 7/7 "terrorist" attacks, as well as in NYC for the 9/11 attacks. What does that tell you about Rudy, that he happened to be in London for the 7/7 London attacks as well, and was right on the spot for possibly the first interview of the attacks:

plunger: "Note the Kobi Alexander connection to 7/7 as the enabler - just as in 9/11 with the manipulation of the FAA's software (Comverse, renamed Verint) in the following, posted by Brian in the message thread:"

Read plunger's comments about the 7/7 London attacks here.

The Reckless Frackers, in conjunction with the bought out government, are turning Pennsylvania into wasteland for their profits

An agreement between the Department of Environmental Protection and Chesapeake Energy to address methane seeping into water wells in Bradford County has left some affected residents wondering how and if the deal will help fix their tainted water.

The consent order issued May 16 accompanied a $700,000 fine and $200,000 voluntary payment by Chesapeake for allowing methane trapped in shallow rock formations to leak into drinking water aquifers as it drilled at least six sets of wells into the Marcellus Shale last year.

Sixteen families were identified in the order as having water wells directly impacted by the disturbed methane. Although the order outlines steps the driller must take to monitor and address the contamination, the residents said they have not been told what to expect.

"We don't know if it is fixable," said Michael Phillips, one of a cluster of affected residents on Paradise Road in Terry Township. Chesapeake tried unsuccessfully to drill the family a new well and then installed a temporary water-treatment system in a shed in the backyard. Private water tests showed contaminants remained despite the system, he said, so the family is relying on a large plastic water tank, or buffalo, for drinking and cooking.

Many worry about water

The state Public Utility Commission intends to declare natural gas pipeline company Laser Northeast Gathering a public utility, giving it the power to condemn private property by eminent domain.

By a 3-2 vote, the commission tossed back to Administrative Law Judge Susan D. Colwell her recommendation to deny Laser's application for a "certificate of public convenience," which would grant it utility status and the right to wield eminent domain.

The narrow majority of the commission disagreed with Judge Colwell's arguments that the commission lacked the authority to regulate the activity and that Laser didn't meet the definition of a public utility.

PUC gives nod to eminent domain power for pipeline company

The Department of Environmental Protection has fined natural gas driller Chesapeake Energy a record $1.1 million for a series of water contamination incidents and a well-site fire that injured three workers in the last year.

The company will pay $900,000 for allowing methane to migrate up faulty wells in Bradford County, contaminating 16 families' drinking water beginning in 2010. It also will pay $188,000 for a Feb. 23 tank fire at a well site in Avella, Washington County.

DEP fines Chesapeake $1.1 million for fire, contamination incidents

Gas well blowout spills frack fluids onto farm, streams in Bradford County

To Karl Rove, Pennsylvania is starting to look a lot like Texas.

Gov. Tom Corbett wants to cut funding for education, lay off teachers and staff, and freeze wages - and our property taxes will have to be drastically raised.

However, he refuses to tax the natural gas drilling companies that are making millions of dollars in our state, even though it would realize revenue to help reduce the deficit.

Why? Is it because they funded his campaign?

Janet Caldarelli


Gov Corbett suggests schools drill for gas

The Fight Over Fracking: Josh Fox vs. Big Gas - The Oscar-nominated filmmaker exposed the dirty secrets of gas drilling. Then the industry decided to play rough.

Did FOX "news" president Roger Ailes accidentally admit he works for GWH "Poppy" Bush?

Far be it for the "news" to pick up and expand about the statement that Roger Ailes "meets regularly" with GWH "Poppy" Bush!!!

(plunger with a little help from Big Dan)

"Ailes worked as a strategist for Republican presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush (whom he still talks to regularly)."

Think it through...Rove has been GHW's strategist for a very long time. That means that since Poppy effectively runs the show for David Rockefeller in the US, and Rove runs the strategy for Poppy, that Poppy's relationship with FOX/Ailes is orchestrated by Rove on Poppy's behalf, who in turn takes his orders from Rockefeller, who in turn takes his orders from the Rothschilds/Crown. Israel's blackmailing the entire lot of them, but that's that pecking order, and Ailes is doing GHW's bidding.

Here's how Poppy Bush passed a back-channel message advocating GW's use of torture - through Ailes, to Rove and on to GW, in the aftermath of 9/11:

Bonus Whopper: Fox News - Roger Ailes has been moonlighting.

Roger Ailes Strikes Back - He says he didn't give Rove advice.

When Ailes finds Palin "stupid" and Beck "annoying" - he is actually expressing the opinions of GHW and Barbara Bush.

Roger Ailes is the APPARENT head of the GOP.

Life of the Party - Roger Ailes is the real head of the GOP.

George HW Bush is the ACTUAL head

Fox News also had George W. Bush's cousin, John Ellis, head its decision team in the 2000 election. Ellis is the one who declared that Bush had won Florida, resulting in other networks following suit.

Internet Buzzing Over News That Fox News Chief Roger Ailes To Be Indicted: The Buzz Is Ailes Tried To Protect Rudolph Juliani

GHW always holds a grudge - and gets even. He used Rove to destroy Rather's career after this:

Exactly 20 years ago tonight, January 25, 1988, millions of Americans saw one newsman’s liberal agenda laid bare, as CBS anchor Dan Rather attempted to ambush then-Vice President George H.W. Bush, the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination, in a live TV interview on his CBS Evening News. But Bush held his own during the on-air confrontation, and the lasting effect was to reveal how Rather was driven by his personal biases, at one point lecturing the Vice
President: “You’ve made us hypocrites in the face of the world.”Read more:

20 Years Ago Tonight: Dan Rather’s Failed Ambush of George Bush

once Comcast was firmly in control of MSNBC, look what happened to Olbermann after this: Pulitzer Prize– winning jorunalist Ron Suskind appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show last night, saying that Bush 41 was really criticizing the behavior of Fox News, but instead chose to single-out Maddow and Olbermann. “George H. W. Bush understands that he has some responsibility for this … you know, Lee Atwater, George H. W. Bush, Roger Ailes — they were behind and away the start of modern day attack politics which has now spread 24/7.” Olbermann, who was also a guest on Maddow, agreed that Bush 41 was criticizing the very nastiness that he brought to politics and the Republican party, also calling out Roger Ailes by name. “It’s easy to miss the irony here,” Olbermann said. “He is the man who employed Roger Ailes.” And we all know what he’s been dealing with lately. Maddow framed her interview with Olbermann, asking if he thought Bush’s comments were “return fire” from the White House’s recent push against Fox News.

Elder Bush Calls Maddow and Olbermann “Sick Puppies,” MSNBC Notices Irony

runs both sides of the big game.Jon Stewart’s audience loudly booed news that FCC
Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker, daughter in law of James Baker III
(a former chief of staff for both President Reagan and President George H.W. Bush) is taking a cushy job at Comcast after voting for the company’s merger proposal. Baker managed to hit the Daily Double of DC Sleaze — Nepotism & Revolving Door
Self-Interest. Despite her weak defense that she avoided voting on
matters related to Comcast at the FCC after learning about the job offer, there isn’t much more Baker could do to benefit her future employer. The Obama Administration has the power to leave the Republican seat empty for the remainder of
his current term of office to send a message (and avoid giving a head
start to the next commissioner-waiting-to-cash-in). No word if he will.

Jon Stewart’s audience loudly booed news that FCC Commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker, daughter in law of James Baker III (a former chief of staff for both President Reagan and President George H.W. Bush) is taking a cushy job at Comcast after voting for the company’s merger proposal. Baker managed to hit the Daily Double of DC Sleaze — Nepotism & Revolving Door Self-Interest. Despite her weak defense that she avoided voting on matters related to Comcast at the FCC after learning about the job offer, there isn’t much more Baker could do to benefit her future employer. The Obama Administration has the power to leave the Republican seat empty for the remainder of his current term of office to send a message (and avoid giving a head start to the next commissioner-waiting-to-cash-in). No word if he will.

If you see this woman PLEASE HAVE HER ARRESTED!!!

She went right from voting as a member of the FCC for a Comcast takeover of NBC...and then stepped down from the FCC to work for - wait for it, grab onto your floatation device - Comcast!!! The ARROGANCE and CONTEMPT for the American people is ASTOUNDING!

National Media Calling Out FCC Commissioner’s Departure to Become Top Comcast Lobbyist

Meredith Attwell Baker, FCC Commissioner, Joins NBCUniversal 4 Months After Approving Comcast Merger

Meredith Attwell Baker, one of the two Republican Commissioners at the Federal Communications Commission, plans to step down—and right into a top lobbying job at Comcast-NBC.

The Elephant in the Green Room

The circus Roger Ailes created at Fox News made
his network $900 million last year. But it may have lost him something
more important: the next election.
The Elephant in the Green Room - The circus Roger Ailes created at Fox News made his network $900 million last year. But it may have lost him something more important: the next election.

So the question now becomes, what lengths are GHW Bush, Karl Rove and David Rockefeller willing to go to? What tactics will they employ? What forms of terror will they utilize?

Megalomania is defined as: A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence, an obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.

What could possibly be less fair and balanced, and more biased than this?

“Because of his political work”—Ailes was a media strategist for Nixon,
Reagan, and George H. W. Bush—“he understood there was an audience,” Ed
Rollins, the veteran GOP consultant, told me. “He knew there were a
couple million conservatives who were a potential audience, and he built
Fox to reach them.”

FOX News is built 100% atop a knowing lie by Roger Ailes. "Fair & Balanced" is precisely the opposite of what it is, or ever intended to be. He sought out the most hard core conservatives (who are in fact, RADICALS) - the smallest minority of total zealots in the country - ensnared them in a Zionist-Controlled Agenda (implying falsely that their interest and Israel's were in perfect alignment), painted them to look "mainstream," and shoved it all down America's throat as if it were CENTRIST.

2 million zealots. That's the foundation of this entire charade.

Surely it was Rove who came up with the concept of the "Tea Party" as a re-branding strategy for the GOP. He's the one who compelled Santelli to do the full blown rant on CNBS. All of this happened with the blessing of Poppy. Palin and Bachmann were selected as mirror images of one another. One of them is supposed to defeat America's first black President this next time around. Social Engineering by David Rockefeller as America gets sold down the river, by those who've already placed all their bets on China.

Ask Rockefeller about how Rockefeller Financial brought in a couple billion dollars from Chinese investors just last month alone. Follow the money.


"The truth is, for all the antics that often appear on his network,
there is a seriousness that underlies Ailes’s own politics. He still
speaks almost daily with George H. W. Bush, one of the GOP’s last great
moderates, and a war hero, which especially impresses Ailes."

I say "COKE", you say "Kotch"...but they're spelled exactly the same: how come the billionaire Koch brothers pronounce their name "COKE", but Ed Koch (former mayor of NY) pronounces his name "KOTCH"? Are they related and they don't want anyone to know? And how come the "news" hasn't picked up on this?

Ed Koch is going to swith parties from Democrat to Republican. Is it because America is going down the shitter? Is it because Americans were ripped off by the FED and the bankers? Is it because America is going in the wrong direction? NO! He doesn't like Obama's stance towards the foreign country of Israel!

Ed Koch (no relation to the billionaire Koch brothers?) is his usual "Israel before America" Zionist self, just like the Koch brothers.

All in the family: Dorothy Bush Koch

Meanwhile, the revolution has started in Spain:

Spanish protesters cheer for ‘world revolution’ as ban on demonstration takes effect

Apparently the revolution WILL be televised - Live stream of the "Spanish Revolution":

Live TV : Ustream

Nights in shining panorama: Stunning images of dark skies seen from Earth revealed in global photo competition



  1. Meanwhile - in Spain, they are  InDignado!

  2. "fill in your own description of yourself"


  3. Rapture deadline passes, world still here

  4.  Some rapture guy was on a talk show on Friday, and the host said, "Hey, if the rapture doesn't happen, will you come on the show on Monday?" And the guy wouldn't answer him!

  5. This is a good one:


  6.  How can these guys even go out in public? Like Rumsfeld, too? Christ! The ARROGANCE!

  7. "We'll Blame It On The Muslims, Naturally" - 1996

  8.  THE REVOLUTION HAS STARTED - SPAIN (hits counter interfered with by youtube on this vid)

  9. JFK = 9/11

  10.  Imploded vs. toppled over:

    In this context, imploded implies straight down into its own footprint - which buildings cannot do without placed demo charges.  If they could, it would have happened at least once prior to 9/11, rather than three times - for the first time, on the same day.

    The alternative is that building naturally would topple over - as he says.

  11. Sen. Lena Taylor on WI Voter Suppression Bill 5.19.11

  12. Bin Laden Death Script & the Needed Trigger for Next Step-Pakistan

  13. Ed Koch (same spelling as the Koch brothers, wtf? how come I never realized it?)

    Ed Koch is worried about Israel first...before America:

  14.  Ed Koch is Jewish. Does that mean the Koch brothers are Jewish? I never thought about that.

  15. The Zionist Billionaires Who Control Politics

  16. Apparently the revolution WILL be televised...

  17. Spain's unemployment rate of 21% matches the US precisely.  It's just that in the US, the government and the FED have altered reality, changing the way unemployment is counted.  In Spain, the people know the truth.  In the US, the people are brainwashed into an artificial reality via the total lies of a complicit media.

    CNN is lying about the true unemployment rate in the United States - and they all know it.

  18. Did Roger Ailes of FOX just admit that GHW Bush is his real boss?  You know it's true...

    Ailes, a television titan, has schooled past presidential candidates on
    how to handle the media. Before helping Rupert Murdoch launch Fox News
    in 1996, Ailes worked as a strategist for Republican presidents Richard
    Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush (whom he still talks to

  19.  Think it through...Rove has been GHW's strategist for a very long time.  That means that since Poppy effectively runs the show for David Rockefeller in the US, and Rove runs the strategy for Poppy, that Poppy's relationship with FOX/Ailes is orchestrated by Rove on Poppy's behalf, who in turn takes his orders from Rockefeller, who in turn takes his orders from the Rothschilds/Crown.  Israel's blackmailing the entire lot of them, but that's that pecking order, and Ailes is doing GHW's bidding.

  20. Bill Moyers: "Welcome to the Plutocracy!"

  21. 'Paul likes to think he's the only remaining Beatle': Ringo Starr on why the world's most famous band was lucky to have him

  22.  Anyone think it's weird that McCartney is "Sir" Paul McCartney, and it's not Sir Ringo, or Sir John, or Sir George?

  23. Rapture passes - believers downcast, pastor silent

  24. Chemtrails

  25.  The Elephant in the Green Room

    The circus Roger Ailes created at Fox News made
    his network $900 million last year. But it may have lost him something
    more important: the next election.

    So the question now becomes, what lengths are GHW Bush, Karl Rove and David Rockefeller willing to go to?  What tactics will they employ?  What forms of terror will they utilize?

  26.  What could possibly be less fair and balanced, and more biased than this?

    “Because of his political work”—Ailes was a media strategist for Nixon,
    Reagan, and George H. W. Bush—“he understood there was an audience,” Ed
    Rollins, the veteran GOP consultant, told me. “He knew there were a
    couple million conservatives who were a potential audience, and he built
    Fox to reach them.”

  27.  FOX News is built 100% atop a knowing lie by Roger Ailes.  "Fair & Balanced" is precisely the opposite of what it is, or ever intended to be.  He sought out the most hard core conservatives (who are in fact, RADICALS) - the smallest minority of total zealots in the country - ensnared them in a Zionist-Controlled Agenda (implying falsely that their interest and Israel's were in perfect alignment), painted them to look "mainstream," and shoved it all down America's throat as if it were CENTRIST.

    2 million zealots.  That's the foundation of this entire charade.

  28. Surely it was Rove who came up with the concept of the "Tea Party" as a re-branding strategy for the GOP.  He's the one who compelled Santelli to do the full blown rant on CNBS.  All of this happened with the blessing of Poppy.  Palin and Bachmann were selected as mirror images of one another.  One of them is supposed to defeat America's first black President this next time around.  Social Engineering by David Rockefeller as America gets sold down the river, by those who've already placed all their bets on China.

    Ask Rockefeller about how Rockefeller Financial brought in a couple billion dollars from Chinese investors just last month alone.  Follow the money.


    "The truth is, for all the antics that often appear on his network,
    there is a seriousness that underlies Ailes’s own politics. He still
    speaks almost daily with George H. W. Bush, one of the GOP’s last great
    moderates, and a war hero, which especially impresses Ailes."

  30.  MY COMMENT IS SIMPLY THIS: What brave NAVEY SEALS to break in to the COMPOUND and find a guy who allegedly was OSAMA BEEN FORGOTTEN after ten years of millions of innocent deaths in IRAQ and Afghanistan and TRILLIONS SPENT FOR THE PROFITEERS OF ILLEGAL INVASIONS  and they shoot whoever he was in the head and throw him out to sea! HOW ABOUT THEM COWBOYS err SEALS! Folks I don't know how to tell you but OBL was buried 10 years ago! WAG THE DOGGIE ANYONE????    

  31.  Buy a Navy Seals hat! They're for sale!

  32. Check this out: it's HILARIOUS! Stay with it until the phone call at the end:

  33. I got a "thumbs up" from THE Mike Gravel on FaceBook just now!

  34.  Remember I said I suspected my "traffic counter" is inaccurate? Well, I just realized Blogger upgraded to have an automatic traffic counter and I didn't realize this. I was just looking at the stats, and I have twice as many hits as I previously thought. My traffic counter is "statcounter". So I may as well get rid of it. Plus, it says all my hits are from google pictures (no websites), and Blogger's new stats counter says I am getting a lot of hits from this site:

    and you get FREE 9/11 DVD and other TRUTH DVD'S! ORDER TODAY as the
    rapture may come again soon! YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THE BIG CHEESE IS

  36. According to Blogger stats, my May 2 "massive bin laden bullshit" had 13,000 views. That's beyond my wildest expectations when I started this blog.

  37. As I've said many times before, when I first started this blog in Oct 2007, I used to consistently get TWO HITS everyday:

    ME, and this guy who kept wanting to meet me at night in a parking lot. WHO WAS THAT GUY ANYWAY???

  38. Hey Dan - Thanks for posting my friend! Now can you put it up at the TOP of your page so more people can see it? Need to get the TRUTH OUT NOW and MAKE SALES NOW WITH MY CD'S!!!! LOL OVER - 

  39. This is GREAT and goes along with what you posted above about Poppy & Ailes:

    George H.W. Bush Calls Maddow and Olbermann "Sick Puppies"

  40.  I also had over 38,000 hits in the month of April.

  41. Britain’s Largest Terror Attack Likely “Mossad/MI-5″ Operation

    Anthony John Hill, “Maud dib” Found Not Guilty for Exposing 7/7 “Inside Job”

  42. An agreement between the Department of Environmental Protection and
    Chesapeake Energy to address methane seeping into water wells in
    Bradford County has left some affected residents wondering how and if
    the deal will help fix their tainted water.

    The consent order issued May 16 accompanied a $700,000 fine and
    $200,000 voluntary payment by Chesapeake for allowing methane trapped in
    shallow rock formations to leak into drinking water aquifers as it
    drilled at least six sets of wells into the Marcellus Shale last year.

    Sixteen families were identified in the order as having water wells
    directly impacted by the disturbed methane. Although the order outlines
    steps the driller must take to monitor and address the contamination,
    the residents said they have not been told what to expect.

    "We don't know if it is fixable," said Michael Phillips, one of a
    cluster of affected residents on Paradise Road in Terry Township.
    Chesapeake tried unsuccessfully to drill the family a new well and then
    installed a temporary water-treatment system in a shed in the backyard.
    Private water tests showed contaminants remained despite the system, he
    said, so the family is relying on a large plastic water tank, or
    buffalo, for drinking and cooking.

    DEP Secretary Michael Krancer visited with the Paradise Road families
    on Tuesday to learn about the impacts of the contamination.

    "I asked him, can this problem be fixed?" Phillips said. "That's about the only thing he didn't have an answer for."
    Read more:

  43.  The Department of Environmental Protection has fined natural gas
    driller Chesapeake Energy a record $1.1 million for a series of water
    contamination incidents and a well-site fire that injured three workers
    in the last year.

    The company will pay $900,000 for allowing methane to migrate up
    faulty wells in Bradford County, contaminating 16 families' drinking
    water beginning in 2010. It also will pay $188,000 for a Feb. 23 tank
    fire at a well site in Avella, Washington County.
    Read more:

  44. The state Public Utility Commission intends to declare natural gas
    pipeline company Laser Northeast Gathering a public utility, giving it
    the power to condemn private property by eminent domain.

    By a 3-2 vote, the commission tossed back to Administrative Law Judge
    Susan D. Colwell her recommendation to deny Laser's application for a
    "certificate of public convenience," which would grant it utility status
    and the right to wield eminent domain.

    The narrow majority of the commission disagreed with Judge Colwell's
    arguments that the commission lacked the authority to regulate the
    activity and that Laser didn't meet the definition of a public utility.
    Read more:

  45.  Thousands of gallons of natural gas drilling waste fluids spilled
    onto a farm and streams for over 12 hours Wednesday after a driller in
    Bradford County lost control of a well late Tuesday.

    The Atgas 2H well operated by Chesapeake Energy Corp. in LeRoy
    Township blew out during the hydraulic fracturing process at around
    11:45 p.m., swamping the lined well pad and overflowing into a field, a
    small tributary and Towanda Creek, state environmental regulators said.

    Seven families were asked to evacuate the area until the well could
    be brought back under control, Chesapeake said in a statement, adding
    that no one was injured in the incident and no gas was emitted to the

    The identities of the seven families evacuated from the area were
    unknown late Wednesday. However, Canton Fire Chief Kim Jennings reported
    that the evacuees were placed in local motels.
    Read more:

  46.  FOUR DIFFERENT SCIENTISTS (out of thousands...NONE believe the "official" 9/11 story btw...) SPEAK OUT ABOUT "OFFICIAL" 9/11 STORY: FireFighter Erik Lawyer Slams NIST And The 9/11 "Investigation"

  47.  AS LONG AS YOU UNDERSTAND THAT GADAHN IS AN AGENT OF MOSSAD/ADL...ALL OF THIS MAKES SENSE.,news-comment,news-politics,adam-gadahn-americas-next-assassination-target

    The jarheads in the US military who are pursuing him have no idea that they are being duped - and that he actually is part of the Shadow Government/Mossad/MI-6 conspiracy to foment terror.

    Note the direct relationship between Gagahn and Orly Taitz' "SITE"

    He's been the one in charge of the propaganda effort to make it appear that Bin Laden was still alive...feeding fake videos to Orly.

    He was clearly arrested in Pakistan, and then a story was concocted to make it appear to be a case of mistaken identity.

    Sure, you bet, that happens all the time, right?

  48. Don't you feel safer now ?

    Guy in wheelchair taken down by "brave cops" - slammed to the sidewalk and handcuffed, left in a pool of blood.

  49.  I'm not intentionally formatting these postings in this way.  That's just the way they show up after a copy/paste from WORD.

  50. You know how this post says you're an IDIOT if you believe the official 9/11 story?

    Look what I found:


  51.  by 4:35 PM a plane carrying Grossi, Perez, Prince
    Sultan's son, the son of an unidentified Saudi military commander,
    and third unidentified Saudi, was in the air and en route to
    Kentucky. The private Lear jet flew from Ft. Lauderdale to Tampa,
    where it parked at Raytheon Airport Services, which owns a private
    hangar on the outskirts of the Tampa International airport.

    (Tampa, of course, is home to General Tommy Franks and the Pentagon's
    Central Command (CentCom)2, which now rules Afghanistan and Iraq
    directly, and indirectly rules the entire oil-rich Middle East and
    Central Asia through its growing network of Halliburton-supplied
    military bases. Raytheon, of course, is the massive arms manufacturer
    that supplied many of the high-tech weapons3 used in Afghanistan and
    Iraq. Tampa is also near Venice FL, where Mad Cow Morning News4 has
    exposed numerous secrets about the training of 9-11 pilots Mohamed
    Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi at shadowy local flight schools. And Tampa
    is in Florida, where Gov. Jeb Bush stole the 2000 election for his
    brother George, and where Jeb issued Executive Order 2001-261 to
    prepare the FL National Guard for a terrorist attack on 9-7-01.)

    Their destination, according to the two bodyguards, was the Blue
    Grass Airport in Lexington, Kentucky, where the three Saudis were to
    link up with relatives who were in Kentucky to purchase race horses.

    Grossi and Perez further stated that upon landing they saw several
    747's parked on the tarmac with Arabic writing. The article suggests
    that at least one of these 747's flew back to Saudi Arabia with the
    boys, although their Floridian chaperones appear to have left the
    airport before that occurred. If true, the flight of these 747's
    would validate at least part of the Michael Moore story about
    powerful Saudis being allowed to fly out of the U.S. on the second
    day of the prohibition of all civilian flights.

    Perez stated that he was unaware of who their charges were until they
    landed. Both men told of what a strange feeling it was to fly in an
    almost empty sky, and Perez recalls asking the pilot, "We're not
    going to get shot down are we?" - a legitimate fear, given the fact
    that fighter jets were urgently patrolling the skies looking for any
    more terrorists.

    Regarding the curious fact that the flight had taken place when all
    other air traffic was still grounded, Dan Grossi said "he was told
    that clearance for the flight had come from the White House after the
    Prince's family pulled a favor from former President Bush."

    If so, this was no ordinary ex-Presidential favor.



    Article continues...
    Now fast forward about a year and a half and imagine my surprise lastweek when I read a "Newsweek web exclusive"7 that reported thatPrince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz - THE VERY SAME defense minister ofSaudi Arabia - is being sued on the behalf of the victims of 9-11 forhis alleged role in the financing of groups suspected to have linksto the terrorist attacks of 9-11!"Wow," I thought, "wasn't this the SAME Prince Sultan bin Abdul Azizwho had the kid on the Phantom flight?"After further checking, I discovered that - yes, my friends - theyare one and the same!According to the Newsweek article, when three attorneys fromthe "prestigious Houston firm" that represents Sultan bin Abdul Azizfiled a motion in court in the Prince's defense, they alsoinadvertently provided evidence in the form of "stacks of affidavitsand canceled checks" that indicated that the Prince had personallyauthorized the funneling of millions of dollars on the behalf ofSaudi Arabian government to organizations that the US has identifiedand raided as terrorist front operations sympathetic to Osama BinLaden.

  52. Anyone find it funny - IE impossible - that when you search in youtube for "Ed Asner 9/11", THIS video does NOT come up?

  53.  Search in YouTube for "Ed Asner 9/11" and then search for the person who recently posted that video " howard377", you get nothing.

  54.  You don't think there's a conspiracy by the media & govt to suppress 9/11 truth? How come on YouTube when you search for "Ed Asner 9/11", this video doesn't come up? You need the direct link, YouTube states with this video: "This video is unlisted. Only those with the link can see it."

  55.  I think we should "possibly" be suspicious of the guy who posted that video, too. Because why isn't he making a stink about this?

  56.  Why would someone put up a video in YouTube that you purposely can't find in a search?

  57.  Hey, only I would notice something like that! lol!

  58.  Another tid bit about 7/7/2005 is that a few blocks away from where the bombings occurred in LONDON was the poster boy for 9/11/01 Mayor Rudy Giuliani as I remember vividly he was one of the first and maybe the first interviews that day! When asked what he thought of when he heard the bombs go off he responded: I thought of 9/11/01 of course and here we go again was a paraphrase of his statement! -  He was correct- BOTH FALSE FLAG attacks and BOTH set up for making people afraid! What are the chances of MAYOR RUDY being a few blocks away from the next big terrorist attack and being one of the first interviews if not the first interviews that day? It was also the week of the GREAT 8 Meeting in Brussels as this was obviously set up to time it with that meeting as well. Complicit Rudy who followed orders on 9/11/01 was there to be the POSTER BOY of 9/11/01 and to remind everyone that HERE WE GO AGAIN WITH THESE TERRORISTS!  


    Rudy reminds us where he was during the 7/7 London bombings.(3:00)

    FOX & BBC NEWS-suggest an MI6 inside job of the 7/7 bombings-

    7/7 Ludicrous Diversion

    "Verint Systems is the security firm that is responsible for the
    CCTV surveillance cameras, in the London Underground rail network, and
    it is an Israeli company, with approximately 1000 employees. No CCTV
    footage of the four Muslims boarding the tube-trains has been released
    by Verint; who claim that their cameras were not working. Why? Because
    the four Muslims were not on the tube-trains that blew up."

    9/11 Brainwashing

    Bush Admits That Explosives Were In Buildings

    Even Though The Official 9/11 Story Does Not Mention Secondary Explosives

  60. Look: the guy with the Ed Asner 9/11 video that has the Orwellian message "This video is unlisted. Only those with the link can see it." just joined FaceBook Feb 2011. So he joined 2 months ago, put up the Ed Asner 9/11 video, and tagged it "This video is unlisted. Only those with the link can see it."? That sounds fishy:

  61.  Also, when you go to his youtube site, it says (another Orwellian message): "howard377 has no videos available."

  62.  Dorothy Bush Koch (born 1959), daughter of the 41st president of the US, George Herbert Walker Bush*

  63. So you don't think they're all eating lobster together behind the scenes and drinking wine together after the fake WWF theatrics in public?

    Dorothy Bush Koch

    Dorothy Bush Koch was born August 18, 1959, and is the only surviving sister of President George Walker Bush and Florida Governor Jeb Bush and the daughter of former President George Herbert Walker Bush and Barbara Bush.

    In 2000, ABCNews reported that Dorothy's sister Robin died of
    leukemia at age three in 1953. "Dorothy raises money for local charities
    in Bethesda, Md. Has helped George W. raise money and helped her father
    organize the Maine caucuses in 1988. In 1992, married Democrat Robert Koch
    at Camp David, the president's retreat in Maryland. Koch, a California
    wine industry lobbyist, once headed up the congressional staff of Tony Coehlo -- who served briefly as Albert Gore, Jr.'s
    campaign chairman. But Koch says he is fully behind his
    brother-in-law's campaign. They have four children, two from Dorothy's
    first marriage: William, LeBlond, Sam and Ellie."[1]

  64. And then don't forget the Sperminator and Shriver, and that ugly Cajun dude and Mary Matlin. Those couples are PROOF of what's really going on. They were probably told not to get married or it would out the entire thing. Then they said, ah, people are so stupid, they'll never put 2+2 together, especially if hardly any of us do it.

  65.  Seems as though they (CIA) are using it like catnip to track who gets the link - by what method/path, and are drawn to view it.  They are tracking those who would view it - possibly to make some sort of future case about a "network" of some sort.  What else makes sense?

  66.  Clearly, if she and her husband were of such diametrically opposed political views - to be lobbying and/or raising funds to kick the ass of their spouses favored political party (think Mary Matlin and James Carville for this model), it's ludicrous on its face.

    These relationships provide evidence that the two parties are in fact a divide and conquer ruse.  It's all just an act - and they are paid actors playing their respective roles.

    Mary Matlin either had foreknowledge of 9/11, or knew it was an inside job instantly thereafter.  James knows Mary's role in the theater.  These two are not "sleeping with the enemy."  They ARE the enemy - of the truth.

  67. OK, you know my notorious stories of tangling with credit card companies, mortgages, etc...if you don't, why don't you?

    Anyway, this is one of a dozen times I've done this. The most recent with Capital One. You may remember this from about a year ago, Capital One credit card raised my rate from 12% to 30% for absolutely no reason. I had the card for years, paid timely for years. Perfect credit with them. When they raised my rate from 12% to 30%, the higher finance charge caused by them also cost me an additional "over the limit fee" (caused by them raising my rate, not me buying anything). I told them (you may remember), to put my rate back down to 12% and reverse the "over the limit" fee, or I wouldn't pay it. Of course, as the dozen other times I've done this, they didn't take me seriously and said in not the same words "go fuck yourself". I didn't pay it, like I said, it went to court, they didn't show up, I win, I owe ZERO legally. This is what always happens.

    It's a year later, and I get a letter from "Global Credit Collection Corp" (not Capital One, mind you, these credit card companies sell off the debt to a 3rd party collection agency and they're through with it).

    Now Global (eerie name, huh) says:

    You're account remains outstanding with our office. (oh, really? with YOU?) We understand that you may be going through some financial hardship (really? how do they know that?) and as such we have been able to pre-approve (oh wow! I'm pre-approved! to pay them money for getting nothing!) you for a monthly payment plan to help you resolve this matter (they're "helping" me! even though I've already won in court and owe nothing legally)

    Be advised we are not obligated to renew this offer (Oh! I better hurry up and take this offer!). Send us $210.30 for 24 months (that's $5,047.20, and I only owed $3000 when I stopped paying! So they added $2000!!!!!!!), with your first installment being made this month, and we will settle your outstanding account (what does that mean, they'll "settle" my outstanding account? I thought it was with Capital One. This is Global Credit Corp!)

    For your convenience (they're making it convenient for me to pay them $5000 on a $3000 debt I had legally wiped out in court...but it's "convenient"...for them! Of course!) payments may be processed electronically over the telephone at no additional cost (so, if I paid the payments they want, they entertained the idea of charging me an additional charge for making the payments over the phone!!! wtf?)

    If you cannot meet the above payment plan contact our office immediately to discuss any alternatives we may have for you. (So, let's have a vote: HOW MANY OF YOU THINK I'M GOING TO IMMEDIATELY CALL THEIR OFFICE???)

    Mr. Singh (from India???)

  68. I should call them myself and mess with them. It would go something like this:

    "Hello, Mr. Singh? What alternatives do you have to offer me? I have an alternative for YOU: take this 'debt', bend over...are you bending down? Now apply the vaseline to your ass that I mailed to you. Are you ready? Now SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS, MR. SINGH!!! That's one alternative I have for you. What's that you say? YOU give the alternatives, not me? How come I don't get to give YOU alternatives? Here's another alternative I have for you: you tell me why I should pay you ANYTHING when this matter has already been resolved in court? Is this ILLEGAL what you're doing?"

  69. Well, I have a plan: I'm downloading it, then uploading it NOT "unlisted".

  70. That's ridiculous to upload a video to YouTube that can't be found in a search. Who would do that? Especially a video by Ed Asner promoting a 9/11 truth movie coming out with many famous actors? Would you call that "promoting a movie", uploading a movie promo that's "unlisted"? wtf? Don't people think?

  71. Yeah, and idiots go around saying, "How can these people be married to each other?" Instead of saying, "There's proof it's the WWF".

  72. Hey, and btw, what's with guy's like Letterman having criminals like Rumsfeld on and being all "pally pally" with them, yucking it up with them, etc...what's up with that?

  73. And what's with that Bob Dylan extensive interview in which he doesn't mention John Lennon or 9/11 at all? What good is he?

  74. "if one your contacts then
    shares the unlisted video URL on a blog / public website or with their
    friends, the video will be available and accessible to those people (and
    their friends) as well. "

    And that's the point - to track how it spreads and to whom - for some as yet to be revealed nefarious purpose.

  75.  Could've done without the image of Carville being ridden like a rented-mule by Matlin...before my first cup of coffee.

    Carville was Clinton's version of Rove - a poor substitute to be sure.

    Karl Rove INVENTED the White House Iraq Group (WHIG) for one purpose. TOTAL MESSAGE CONTROL.

    The group's members included Rove, Bush advisor Karen
    Hughes, Senior Advisor to the Vice President Mary Matalin, Deputy
    Director of Communications James Wilkinson, Assistant to the President
    and Legislative Liaison Nicholas Calio, Secretary of State Condoleezza
    Rice, National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley and I. Lewis "Scooter"

    Every single one of these individuals is a co-conspirator
    in a concerted effort to defraud America into committing its troops and
    its treasure to invade a foreign country to the sole benefit of BIG OIL

    The pending invasion of Iran is the next phase of the
    very same conspiracy. Karen Kwiatkowski let us know that Larry Franklin
    had set up an IRAN desk in the midst of the Pentagon's IRAQ planners.
    Larry Franklin has pled guilty for passing Top Secret Iranian
    Intelligence to AIPAC (Israel). Israeli Generals were free to come and
    go from the Cheney/Rumsfeld Office Of Middle East Invasion whenever they
    pleased, without need to sign the guest register.


    9/11 - Afghanistan - Iraq - Iran - Syria (AND NOW PAKISTAN)


    A "New Pearl Harbor" was a REQUIREMENT for its implementation.

    Rove is running the entire PsyOps Machine to enable it.

  76. Speaking of the RAPTURE FAIL...

    This is the subtle root of why the "Rapturists" & the
    "Christian-Zionists," who have been brainwashed by decades of preaching
    emanating from this corrupt fountain, justify every dark deed that is
    done by the Israeli Defense Forces. By all means read the article, " Why
    Judeo-Christians Support War." There is deep information therein:



    Karl Rove, on behalf of GHW Bush, David Rockefeller, The Crown, The Rothschilds, The Families represented by the Bildergberg Group and Illuminati, and the entire Global Banking/Military/Energy Cartel


  79. When is the next Rapture due to roll around?

  80. Good catch, that's exactly why "howard377" uploaded that video with that definition to it. And keep in mind the other message that says "howard377 has no videos available."That means ALL his videos he has uploaded are like that! Right?


  82.  ignore that last link.  It's just some guy named Howard

  83. This is one of my friends on FaceBook:

    Iraq War Veteran Daniel Bland Speaks At Atlanta 9/11 Truth Conference

  84. Daniel Bland is a veteran who joined the military after 9/11 only to
    find out the truth behind both wars and the 9/11 terror attacks.

  85. According to the new blogger stats, in the last 2 years I've had almost a quarter of a million hits on this blog.

  86. I just made this playlist on youtube:

    REAL EXPERTS + others on 9/11 -

  87. Surprise find in Kepler planet hunt: lots of multi-planet systems

    NASA's Kepler spacecraft, which is searching for Earth-mass planets
    orbiting sun-like stars, is finding hundreds of candidate planets, and
    many more multi-planet systems than expected.

  88. Is Thomas Drake an enemy of the state?
    Read more

  89. Japan’s Fukushima Reactor May Have Leaked Radiation Before Tsunami Struck

  90. Are american children to be used in medical experiments to test anthrax vaccine?

    Learn more:

  91. In the last two years, this post has 10,000+ hits:

    This post has 5,000+ hits:

    This one isn't even that old, and it has 2,000 hits:

    Remember when I made that Peyton Manning post, I said on a lark that I could put up a Peyton Manning post and get thousands of  hits?

  92. Peyton Manning for United Way:

  93. Goldman IS the "market"

    Lather, rinse, repeat.

  94. Don't Taser me bro,.. unless your skin is brown,.. then zap away until dead.

    Extra judicial killings by use of the Taser. An incredibly long list of those killed with the Taser device.

  95. What a coincidence!  Look at the share offering that hit just one day after simultaneous release of two films depicting the banking crisis, one in the US (HBO) and one in Britain (BBC)


    According to Al Gore, Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. is punishing the former Vice President's Current TV network for its hire of Keith Olbermann by forcing Sky Italia to drop the channel.

    Gore says that three weeks ago he received the news that the Italian
    conglomerate would remove Current, which came as a "complete shock."

    Through back channels, Gore and his executive team learned the decision came from New York and was a result of Olbermann's hire.

    "News Corporation is an international conglomerate with an ideological agenda," Gore told the Guardian. "It seeks political power in every nation they operate. They wield that power to shut down voices that disagree with the agenda of Rupert Murdoch." 

    Read more:

  97.  WATCH THIS!

  98. Cynthia McKinney US lawmakers forced to sign support of Israel

  99. Protester disrupting Netanyahu in Congress arrested at hospital

  100. I'll have another post coming out shortly. It will be the usual: things stolen from my ever growing "friends" to steal from and take all the credit, as well as some things I actually think of myself, maybe a song or two, maybe something funny at the bottom. And the $5000 millionaire/billionaire donation, which I'm still waiting for.

  101. Did you ever have a moment like this? With music. I'm really into music, as everyone knows.

    I heard this song yesterday in the car, I never realized how good it was, it was a surrealistic moment as I BLASTED it, ever get into a song like that?

    Better than drugs, my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  102. I went and got pool chemicals today, and the guy who waited on me was a young man in his 20's and he was in the military at one time. I started talking about fake news, 9/11, etc...and it didn't seem like he was that interested or he knew that much about it. He asked to carry my stuff out to the car, and when we got outside, he said he wanted my website, email, facebook, and then I found he was on the exact same wavelength I am on. Pretty cool, huh? And he said the military is all bullshit, that's why he left. The Bin Laden thing was fake, etc...and he doesn't believe the official 9/11 story.

  103. Train in vain (lyrics)

  104. The "3 wives" statement is like "Team 6" -

    How about the "3 wives" Bin Laden statement no one's talking about. They casually mention that we caught Bin Laden and he was with 3 wives. They said it so passingly. For 10 years, there was never a mention of Bin Laden, as far as I know, being married and let alone having at least 3 wives. Now he was "with 3 wives". How many wives does he have: 27? And he was with 3? What's with the "3 wives" statement no one's talking about? And what happened to the 3 wives anyway? I thought they were going to come out with all kinds of statements. What ever happened to that? They sort of "disappeared", didn't they?

  105. I think you mean RITA KATZ (?), not Orly Taitz. Orly is the birther queen, who, btw...was in ISRAEL right after one of her birther tirades. Why was she in Israel?

    Watch this, notice the interviewer says he has Orly Taitz "FROM ISRAEL" in this interview:

    Why is Orly Taitz in Israel Two Days After Submitting a Forged Obama Birth Certificate to a US Federal Court?

    I wrote that FIRST on my blog, about that MSNBC clip saying "we have orly taitz from tel aviv"!!! I saw that MSNBC clip the day it aired and immediately put it on my blog: "WHY IS ORLY TAITZ IN ISRAEL???"

    Watch this, the first sentence:

  106. Rita Katz/Orly Taitz/Dr Judy Wood...


  107. He and the 3 wives were watching porn, for cryin' out loud, are you that far behind the news curve?

  108. He was with his 3 wives..........HOLD IT! When over the last 10 years was it said he had 3 or more wives?

    btw...the picture of the guy with the beard, from the back (can't see his face), watching TV...OF HIMSELF (yeah, right), that's supposed to be the "proof". lol

  109. Chris Bollyn has now finished
    his book on 9/11 The last two chapters, 15 and 16, are limked through
    this e-mail. I think I told you tyhat the site was It is in  fact PS I stll haven't found the e-mail with your medical questions. I'll keep on looking. THT

    "You can't awaken a person who is pretending to be asleep." Chinese Proverb

  110. Bollyn: "Putting the agents into the key positions
    was arranged by controlling the presidential appointments of judges and
    officials at the Department of Justice."And we've been saying on this blog for YEARS, the SAME judges get all the 9/11 cases! We noticed that ourselves!

  111. Bollyn's book solving 9/11:
