Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Big Dan's Big News March 2, 2011

This should be a national story: how our country has become un-American, un-Patriotic, unethical, and un-Christian - while the formerly liberal media which has been bought out by the wealthy who are destroying the middle class Americans say the opposite and lead the attacks for their wealthy handlers against the middle class and how we are becoming a 3rd world country of a few "haves" and 99% "have nots" and a Financial Dictatorship run by bought-out corporate stooges who do what they say:

The only civilized nation NOT to cover all of its citizens with health care...but always have enough money for wars: over 50% of our taxes go to wars. The ONLY civilized country becoming a 3rd world country of a few wealthy families and throwing poor people off of affordable low income health care to join the ranks of the other tens-of-millions of uninsured Americans.

While we're spending $2.5 BILLION a week on the "wars" in Iraq & Afghanistan and sending BILLIONS in aid to foreign countries so the U.S. government can "influence" them, THOUSANDS middle class and poor Americans in Pennsylvania are thrown off affordable Adult Basic Health Care program:

Wilkes-Barre Citizens Voice: Thousands of low income Pennsylvanians thrown off Adult Basic Health Care Plan.

...but today in the "news" today, I heard it on the "news" briefs (I believe they are ABC "news" briefs), we have as the top stories: Charlie Sheen, Charlie Sheen's dad, Christine Aguilera, & Mickey Rooney:

Above: top "news" stories from left to right - Charlie Sheen, Christina Aguilera, Mickey Rooney (he's still alive???), and Charlie Sheen's dad.

This was on the ABC "news briefs" on the top of the hour on our local "news" radio station:

Mickey Rooney tells Senate panel he was a victim of elder abuse

VIDEO: Martin Sheen Likens Charlie's Addiction To 'A Form Of Cancer'

Christina Aguilera Will Judge on ‘The Voice’

Don't wanna be an American Idiot:

...and all the while hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of Americans across the nation in pro-labor protests over the weekend were NOT covered by the "news" (the so-called "liberal media" owned by corporations who aren't liberal; when the Tea Party FARTS, it's on all the networks):

Charlie Sheen says:

Media Blackout: CNN Fox News and MSNBC Ignore 100,000 WI Protesters

Christina Aguilera says:

Corporate press doesn't cover hundreds of thousands of protesters over the weekend:

Mickey Rooney says:

Workers Defend Their Rights in Wisconsin & Ohio

Charlie Sheen's dad says:

Congressman Dennis Kucinich - Huge Labor Rally in Ohio

American Idol says:

Labor rallies extend to Ohio:

Peyton Manning says:

American Workers No Longer Needed – Bye Bye to Job and All Security!

Brittany Spears says:

Poll: Americans Support Unions In Wisconsin, Not Scott Walker

Hanna Montana says:

From the trenches: Billionaire rightwing $$$ coming in from out of state to fight Wisconsin union workers:

Alex Rodriguez says:

the WEALTHY have convinced the middle class and poor that they have their best interests -

Brett Favre says:

the WEALTHY have stolen our jobs and sent them overseas:

Shrek says:

Koch Brothers' Fascism On The Move

Lyndsay Lohan says:

Now when FOX "news" DOES cover it, they LIE about it:

Shocker: FOX "news" appears to have lied about their reporter being "punched" -

Fox News reporter appears to have lied about being ‘punched’ by protester

Space aliens say:

FOX Uses Out-of-Town Footage To Depict Out-of-Control Union Violence

Justin Bieber says:

Wisconsin Struggle Goes National

Kobe Bryant says:

1984 NewSpeak: GOP Boehner says "neutral isn't neutral" and net neutrality is against freedom.

Boehner: " to he dead???" Another senile, braindead old white guy taking orders from his wealthy handlers, screwing the middle class. Both of these guys, actually. It's just that McConnell looks like he died a while ago and no one told him yet, much like Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones. Yes, these are actually people running our country, these two BOZO's.


  1. I love the soup line picture!

    I'm stealing it for my collection!

  2. mitch mcconnell looks like a pedophile priest. how can anybody take this ghoul seriously?

  3. pa governor tom corbett on his knees blowing the oil and gas industry was too busy to notice adult basic insurance just expired in pa. when asked to comment, corbett rose from his knees, wiped his chin, and said: "I got mine, f**k you!!!"

  4. The way I see it is the working poor need to quit their jobs if they can't afford to pay for health care. If they continue to work, they are STOOOOOOOOOOOOOPID. Got that?

  5. Big Dan...see my comments under my name KingBenny.......That is me,

  6. Quit your jobs and let the government pay for your health care...what is so hard to grasp about that?

  7. former pa senator rick santorum said adult basic insurance could not continue to be funded because it promoted "man on dog" sex.

  8. If anyone wants to read an really interesting, long article, read this (16 parts):

    I've been reading it for several days. BB2/KingBennyDrumbo: it touches upon the "peace movement" rock groups and "hippies", it's really interesting.

    For instance: Jim Morrison's (of the Doors) Dad was involved in the false Gulf of Tonkin false flag. It also touches on the Manson family and their relationship to all these rock groups, among many other interesting things. I'm on part 5.

  9. Part V: the first "hippies":

  10. The sheriff and I have walked the Capitol several times in recent days and he has reflected again and again on the importance of respecting the Constitution and maintaining a free and open space for honest debate and dissent.

    "I smile everyday at what I am seeing take place in this building," the lawman told me as we walked amid throngs of protesters on Sunday, before Walker's administration ordered an aggressive crackdown on dissent.

  11. Thus far in our journey, we have encountered Masons, the FBI, the OSS, the CIA, the secret society known as Skull and Bones, the Rothschild family, military intelligence of every conceivable stripe, the OTO, the RAND corporation, the ‘neocon’ cabal, and just about every other nefarious group that regularly pops up in the ‘conspiracy’ literature – with one very obvious exception: we have not yet met up with any member of the legendary Rockefeller clan. Luckily though, we’re about to remedy that oversight.

  12. it's like groovy man,
    i hope you will go to the moon next, maybe you will find me there...
    (by the same author)

  13. Richard Dreyfuss "We live in a simmer of hysteria"

  14. Rightwing billionaire money (Americans For Prosperity) $$$ coming in to Wisconsin to fight unions:

  15. Michael Moore: the WEALTHY have convinced the middle class and poor that they have their best interests -

  16. Michael Moore: the WEALTHY have no interest in helping YOU:

  17. Hollywood's Secret Film Studio

  18. If you think the attack on the Wisconsin teacher unions is an isolated incident, then you need to think again. Republican governors and politicians across America are preparing for an all out war against unions and union workers in order to protect their corporate backers like the Koch Brothers. But as we've seen in Wisconsin, union workers will not go down without a fight, a message that President Obama could certainly learn a valuable lesson from. Mike Papantonio analyzes the war against unions with Larry Hanley, the president of the Amalgamated Transit Union.

  19. Rep. Cynthia McKinney Grills Rumsfeld Over DoD Sex Trade and Missing $2.3 Trillion

  20. The Fluoride Deception

  21. The PHONY Wisconsin budget crisis:

  22. Here's part II:

  23. Webster Tarpley's Middel East Report: "We're in an Unprecedented Imperialist Rampage" 1/2

  24. GOP Loves Bankers, Hates Teachers (Glenn Beck & Rush Limbaugh Examples)

  25. Fixing the U.S. trade problems Outsourcing - msnbc video-

  26. Dr. Reynolds exposes 9/11 TV fakery on FoxNews

  27. Man Who Shit Pants In Grade School Awarded Purple Heart

  28. Hey BD - check out the cool wikileaks interview widget here (scroll over it to hear audio):

  29. If the Rockefellers invented the entire women's lib movement (as Nick Rockefeller admits) "so WE could tax the other 50% of the population and indoctrinate their children while they worked", why not assume they also invented the entire hippie movement and related drug culture as well? They discredited the would-be social activist movement by filling it with drug-addicted stoners - after first having cornered the drug market via their CIA - profiting from it - while neutering their enemies.

  30. The "hippies" started with Vito and the Freaks. I didn't know that. They were the first "hippies". This article is great to learn things like that. I never saw an article examine things like that in fine detail.

  31. Hey, I steal the stuff around here!!!!!!!!

  32. Mickey Mouse Pleads with the Wisconsin Children: Don’t Revolt! Watch TV! Go Shopping!

  33. Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy"

  34. ZERO.Investigation.Into.911.avi

  35. Lawyer: Sirhan did not act alone

    A lawyer for Robert Kennedy's confessed assassin says he plans to present evidence Sirhan Sirhan did not act alone, ABC News reports.

    "There is no question he was hypno-programmed," Sirhan lawyer William F. Pepper told "He was set up. He was used. He was manipulated." Pepper is representing Sirhan for the first time.

  36. Biggest Fish Face Little Risk of Being Caught

  37. Obama defends Ashcroft in Supreme Court terror case

    Read more:

  38. Now here's the GAME Obama plays, in case no one is noticing: he picks a shill to run something, like 9/11 cover up artist Ken Feinberg for distributing BP oil spill claim money...then when Feinberg does what Obama wants, which is for Feinberg to go to bat for BP, then you get headLIES: "Feinberg UNDER FIRE from Obama administration".

    OH! You mean from the administration THAT FUCKING PICKED HIM?????????????? Do they think we're stupid? HELL, YEAH! THEY THINK WE'RE STUPID!!!
    BP fund lawyer to refuse 100,000 Gulf spill disaster claims

    Vast majority of 130,000 unsettled claims do not have adequate documentation, says Ken Feinberg

  39. This is unbelievable...I dont know what to say at this point, we have 19 senators that are bat shit crazy.

    "The Wisconsin Senate passed a resolution Thursday allowing for the arrest of 14 Democratic senators that left the state to prevent Republican Gov. Scott Walker's union-busting bill to pass."

    Republican senators approved the measure by a 19-0 vote.

  40. Live stream protestors ordered by court to leave, it appears some will be carried out.

  41. Court decision, the capitol doors must be open to the public at 8:00 tomorrow morning or Scott Walker will be held in contempt.

  42. Hate Comes to Orange County

  43. Hillary Clinton? Said THIS?

    Go figure...

  44. What the........???????????????????????

  45. I hope Wisconsin causes the demise of the GOP.

  46. Don't forget, though, she just gave a "freedom" speech...while Ray McGovern was beaten and forced she droned on as if it wasn't happening.

  47. This isn't the guy you said his impassioned speech went viral, is it?

    Shock video: Police gang-tackle Wisconsin Dem as he enters Capitol

  48. My favorite Foo Fighter's song: My Poor Brain


  49. If you don't like this, perhaps you've wandered onto the wrong blog:

    Foo Fighters - This is a Call (VH1 Storytellers)

  50. Rep Gordon Hintz was the guys name

  51. So someone please tell me what typing some cryptic code so I can make a post has to do with anything? Its goddamned annoying.

  52. Yup. This comes from some other Hillary Clinton in a parallel universe

  53. the most comprehensive movie about 9/11: ZERO - never shown in U.S. (I just watched it):
