Friday, August 13, 2010

Big Dan's Big News August 13, 2010

Yesterday, I told you about the drug companies rolling out the fall FAKE pandemic. Now here's the controlled media backing them up as usual, you will now be blitzed by the "news" about a new superbug which you must get a vaccine for or take a pill for...LET THE "SUPERBUG" MEDIA BLITZ BEGIN!!! OH MY GOD! WE JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT IT YESTERDAY, AND TODAY IT'S ALREADY SPREAD TO THE U.S.!!!

Cut/paste from yesterday:

Drug companies release this year's FAKE pandemic for the fall of 2010....

The Next Fake Pandemic PR Campaign Has Just Been Launched

We've only got ourselves to blame for the indestructible Indian superbug

The REAL news (why isn't this on TV???):

Story #1: Corporations Spending Millions Lobbying for 'Food Safety'

corporations spending millions lobbying for 'food safety'

The Fake Food Safety bills: Feeding America poison one law at a time

Story #2: The Google-Verizon Deal - The End of the Net As We Know It

google-verizon deal: the end of the net as we know it: verizoogle unveils private net neutrality deal

the internet is dead! long live internet2!

Story #3: The 'Take This Job & Shove It' Meme - Brought to You By Corporate Media

Above: Mr. & Mrs. "Joe the Plumber"

'take this job & shove it' meme - brought to you by corporate media

Labor Department said: Employment shrank more than expected in July. 131,000 Jobs Lost

Republicans’ Corporate Backscratching Earns Them Huge Boost In Wall Street Donations

New Normal? Obama failed to stop torture, worst Bush-era policies - report


  1. check this thread out:


  3. All related to this thread and “THE AGENDA" – Valuable insight From CliffHammond at Raw Story re: the Wikileaks leaks and what is really behind all of it:

    cliffhammond 22 minutes ago

    Assange is either an agent for the Defense Intelligence Agency (infected with neocons) or is a “useful idiot” to them. For god’s sake, look who he’s leaking to — three of the most U.S. and U.K. intelligence-friendly newspapers in the world, the New York Times, the Guardian and Spiegal.

    If Defense Intelligence really wanted him don’t you think they could kidnap him anywhere in the world? He’s been giving press conferences all over London.

    Now that the public “knows” about Iran and Pakistan supporting the Taliban don’t you feel angry? Don’t you feel so angry that you’re willing to snap at Obama for not attacking Iran and Pakistan sooner? For not being more stridently militant? Don’t you feel angry that “net neutrality” has facilitated this “treason”? Don’t you feel angry that Obama has not yet ordered a complete clamp down on the Internet and that he has so far only given the nod to Google and others to open their files to the NSA so they can keep an eye on peace activists and sell fast access to the big money boys who deserve it because they worked hard for their privileges all their lives?

    Cheney and his neocon minions, including Israel, are actively subverting the Obama Administration. Cheney brought the turf war inside CIA to a new level of crisis when, in a snub to CIA moderates, he moved the neocon/mossad hawks to the Pentagon and set them up in a completely neocon dominated Office of Special Plans from where they manufactured the intelligence against Saddam — all of it lies and forgeries, such as the Niger Yellowcake Forgery — and then, when Cheney was nailed for his lies, reframed the crisis as “bad intelligence” and blamed in on CIA by getting DCI George Tenet to take the fall. But not before neocon Larry Franklin of the Office of Special Planing was nailed by the FBI for espionage while transporting classified documents on U.S. plans for the Iraq invasion to and from the Israeli Embassy. He quickly pleaded guilty to avoid public spectacle after which his sentence was reduced to a finger shaking above his nose for getting caught.

    To wit: Cheney, Netanyahu, their Defense Intelligence cabal of neocons and Mossad agents have for months been pressuring Obama to be more aggressive in the Middle East and to relent from criticizing Israel for its Zionist program of settlement expansion into Palestinian territories (Mossad was an integral part of CIA since Dir. of Counter Intel James Angleton trained them.. They now infect CIA and the Pentagon after Cheney introduced their near official status in the latter within the Office of Special Plans. Israel can be compared to Constantinople in that it serves as the capital of the Eastern Empire with analogous growing power as the Western Empire collapses).

  4. Speakin of drugs...

  5. So my wife is on the computer today using word document and it suddenly started producing a gazillion pages on its own and then the thing froze up. She was able to get it to shut down but upon rebooting the screen was filled with Friday the 13th calenders and then it froze up to the point where the only way to shut it down was to unplug it. I rebooted it and it seems to work fine but the calenders are occupying the right sidebar now all stacked on each other...grrr. I did a little research and am thinking I may lose all my programs tomorrow. Anyone else having issues or have any suggestions???

  6. I can't sign on to Google Mail - and there are two fruit flies swimming backwards in my glass of wine.

  7. Hmm, I dont think thats a match, but thanks anyway. You could throw them a life preserver just in case they get to intoxicated..
