Penfield well blowout under control. The gas never caught fire and no injuries were reported at well site.
Gas Well Blowout Under Control In Clearfield County
Let's start prosecuting BP:
US attendees at ‘world government’ meeting may be breaking law: activists
What are the Bilderberg Group really doing in Spain? Security is so tight at the annual cabal of the world's elite that conspiracy theories about what is discussed – and who's invited – are rife
Conspiracy of Silence: Who are the Bilderberg Group?
The War Lovers: why our "leaders" get us into war -
AIPAC: We’ll take over Cal’s student government... That's how we operate in our nation’s capitol
Here’s the money quote from Jonathan Kessler, made to student leaders drawn fom 370 campuses, including representatives from all 50 states:
How are we going to beat back the anti-Israel divestment resolution at Berkeley? We’re going to make certain that pro-Israel students take over the student government and reverse the vote. That is how AIPAC operates in our nation’s capitol. This is how AIPAC must operate on our nation’s campuses.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee cultivates the next generation of pro-Israel student leaders.
Max Blumenthal’s Excellent Analysis of Israeli Attack
The Flotilla Raid Was Not “Bungled.” The IDF Detailed Its Violent Strategy In Advance.
How Israel planned Flotilla attack
Autopsy shows Gaza activists were shot a total of 30 times
Kucinich calls for independent probe of Israeli raid
A chief lesson to learn from President Barack Obama’s recent unwillingness to stand up to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud Lobby is that such timidity can get people killed.
Flotilla Passengers Huwaida Arraf of Free Gaza Movement and Retired Army Col. Ann Wright Respond to Israeli Claims on Deadly Assault
Norman Finkelstein & Huwaida Arraf: Israel’s Attack
Israelis board another humanitarian aid boat bound for Gaza - The Rachel Corrie:
Do you know why the name of the boat is "The Rachel Corrie"??? Never forget Rachel Corrie:
George Galloway: Was Jesus a Palestinian???
Helen Thomas To Israelis "GET THE HELL OUT OF PALESTINE!"
Notice how the SHILLS on FOX "news" cut her down, for being correct and speaking the truth...they say that she wants the Jews to go home, but don't mention that the land in question is the Palestinians' land she wants them to get out of...FOX "news" plays the "Jew card" to trash Helen Thomas...this is like the "Hitler card", the "Nazi card", the "Holocaust card", and all the rest of the cards used to smear people for speaking the truth:
AIPAC on campus!
Max Blumenthal:
ReplyDeleteThe Flotilla Raid Was Not “Bungled.” The IDF Detailed Its Violent Strategy In Advance.
How Israel planned Flotilla attack
A chief lesson to learn from President Barack Obama’s recent unwillingness to stand up to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Likud Lobby is that such timidity can get people killed.
I thought these folks viewed the free market concept to be the answer for all ills. Why don't they step the fuck out of the way, not intercede, and let the magic hand of the free market take its course and magically remedy all economic difficulties, problems, and concerns. ?
Do these blue highlights make me look fat ?
Check this out,.. these are not photographs,.. they are pencil drawings.
What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
ReplyDeleteLife does not get more ironic than this.
Thousands and thousands of dead fish wash up by a marina in Alabama.
Meant to attach this to the above,..
CNN producer note: Cari7 says she was surprised to see three men fishing on Wednesday when there were so many dead fish in the water. She said the smell was horrible. CNN producers told us that we can't tell if it was directly related to the oil spill with out conducting tests.
iReport — On Wednesday, June 2nd, I heard a report of thousands of dead fish washing up at the Dog River Marina. I took my camera to take a look myself. The smell was horrendous!!!
When I first arrived I saw a boat docked that read CBI Cliff Berry Inc. Environmental Services. Three guys were boarding and I asked them if they knew anything about all the dead fish. They immediately walked away with their head down and said they could not tell me anything. They then drove the boat up and down the dock I was on until I was done shooting. I saw what looked like a dead animal floating in the river and several birds swooping down eating the dead fish. I cannot confirm if this has anything with the oil spill but being located only 25 miles north of Dauphin Island, it seems like a huge possibility.
Same link as above.
You Goofball!
ReplyDeleteBack in 1967, in Lake Michigan, a non-native fish - the alewife - had a huge population explosion. Dense schools could be spotted from the air stretching for 60 miles or more. One year the winds died for a long period of time and the weather was hot. The water temperature soared and the alewife population, estimated at 175 billion, died off. When the winds returned they began washing up on the beaches, piling up 3-4 feet deep in places. Subsequently the fly population exploded as well. If you were anywhere near the beach not only did you have the stench, but also the sound of millions of buzzing flies.
ReplyDeleteOh yum.
ReplyDeleteThat must have been a dandy summer.
Israel caught fudging the evidence again to enhance their agenda. Audio tapes from the flotilla attack are doctored up.
A former US Marine in the flotilla is severely assaulted by the IDF. Photos after his release back in to Turkey.
ReplyDeleteRush ties the knot for the fourth time. How's that for a family values guy - he had to bribe the bride - so air headed bimbo would fall madly in love with limpDick. The countdown to the divorce begins now.
ReplyDeleteHow the hell could they be capturing twice as much as they said was leaking ? Because they have been lying through their teeth when they told us only 5,000 barrels of oil was leaking per day. Now they say they are capturing 10,000 barrels per day,.. twice as much as they told us was leaking.
BP cap captures '10,000 barrels' a day in US Gulf
Source: BBC News
A containment cap on a ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico is now funnelling off 10,000 barrels of oil a day, BP's chief executive Tony Hayward says.
The amount has risen since Saturday, and implies more than half the estimated 12,000 to 19,000 barrels leaking each day is now being captured.
Fully lubricated - whether you want them to be or not, that is not you choice to make but ours.