Gulf Oil Gusher: Danger of Tsunamis From Methane?
What is the outcome when American people are afraid to be called "socialists" by the elites'/corporations'/war profiteers' megaphone network of mainstream media we're supposed to think is "liberal" and fascist media pigs like Rush Limbaugh and the Republicans whose goal is pure capitalist profits at the top at the expense of everything else...including safety and the American people? Your kids get soaked in oil on the beaches. Don't be afraid to speak up and say this, for fear of being labeled a "socialist" by the propaganda network:
Oil Soaks Child Swimming in Gulf
Noam Chomsky - the MYTH of the "liberal media" is the media themselves and their network of shills like Rush Limbaugh saying they're "liberal" so you think they're one else thinks they are:
BP CEO Says Oil Spill Isn't Their Fault (yeah, it ISN''s the fault of CAPITALISM!!! Which puts profits above all else, including safety and the 99% of people at the bottom who are swimming in oil!!! We do NOT have a system of governing in place in the United States that puts the American citizens before corporate profits.)
The SAME SHIT from Obama as we had with Bush. This Daily Show clip from 2007 could have been played YESTERDAY or in 2001 and you'd think it was current. Still "turning the corner", still spending $2.5 BILLION tax dollars a week on the wars, still "we've got Al Qaeda on the run", still killing civilians and our own soldiers for no reason:
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Iraq Me Dave Petraeus | ||||
People elected Obama, because they were tired of Bush’s wars based on lies. So Obama gave us a new war in Pakistan and reignited the Afghan war. No one knows what these wars are about or why the bankrupt US government is wasting vast sums of money, which it has to borrow from foreigners, in order to murder the citizenry in two countries that have never done anything to us.
Somehow, this isn't funny anymore...
No change with the Bankster Bill, just "window dressing". Corporations OWN the U.S. government and BOTH parties. We are getting NO CHANGE from the Democrats. You want to go back to the Republicans? Think again, they're even worse. BOTH parties are bought out and corrupted:
Celente-The Game Is Over
WeAreChange and InfoWars Reporters Banned from Canada
Welcome ot KKKanada
Watch the REAL news, the ENTIRE Democracy NOW! from yesterday - not ANBCBSNNX - about the G20 summit in Canada:
New Harry Potter IV movie: "Harry Potter and the Fat Fucks"
More percussive finger style acoustic guitar...
Thomas Leeb - Desert Pirate
Now here is my daughter's boyfriend doing that same style, I hope he gets discovered. He just put these up on YouTube:
Jason Vo- Rival
Jason Vo- Farewell & Goodbye
New Harry Potter IV:
ReplyDeleteHarry Potter and the Fat Fucks -
Look at this email I got:
ReplyDelete[ No Subject ]
Magdalena N. [Chat now]
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p\\HeyC\thereBbaby?\,PI~sawpyou?5 daysmago\and,you are just stuck in my head.Q SobIsfinallyaasked%aLfriendkofsminezwhobknows,youafor!your*email.aI!just?want;toWknow: ifwyoudwantutoRhook*up.BIndon't)know#ifFyourememberIme%but:i|was~theeone!staringd atzyouqwhile|you"wereRtalkingytoDmyufriend.L I#just+gotWout;of#a?2cyear/relationshipsand}IOfeelIlikeNi've`justTwastednaylotNof%time,D I_justnwannahplayGand'have|abfunetimeQwith(you.@I work monday thru friday mornings,*sommaybe'we_canfgetUtogetherS atJnight.$Icdo not{need]toTknowoifyou're]singleMormnot."AllQIwwantUisZyou.KI[will_ notLdisappointEyou.:Ivamfgorgeous.I?wantQto/sendlyou{a\pictureQbut,I>don'tthavez onewonkthisbcomputerr.]ButAIOdokhave$aUprofilenwithpmy,sexyUpictures:atTVi LookbforFtakemeaway?andJI'm_theHblondMonGthenright.AIPjust^gotUthatDpicturen takeniwith,axfriendhoflmine.y JustzmakeKsurewthat{your%profile,ish25oyearstandNolderkbecauseMyouewon'tqbeqableAto*search^ meVifdyouqdon't.aIcaccidentally\madeXaDmistake'whenbI^was&creatingRmy>profile.\IttriedDitj myselfktoDmakefsure'anddits:freeVbecause*Isdidn'tBwantnyou#toRgetQcharged'justJtoBmeet+me,B likebthey+do]onLsomeAotherusites.FIKmade:surefandvyesPit@is`definitelycfree.`Once*youI verifyysendVme?ajmessageOthroughEthere.VIxshould:be@onlineqrightdnow.
How one paper tried, and failed, to confirm Al Gore sex allegations
ReplyDeleteA Portland paper did everything possible -- even posting Craigslist ads -- to verify the charges. And it couldn't
My daughter's boyfriend's YouTube page with his original percussive finger style acoustic guitar:
Sacramento Fox40 news - banter between reporter and camera crew after Sarah Palin's speech last night...
ReplyDeleteDamn - I missed it - never watch the propaganda on Fox...
This is great!
ReplyDeleteMethane and Martial Law in the Gulf of Mexico
Methane gas bubble triggered Gulf oil rig blast that killed 11
ReplyDeleteRead more:
Concerned Groups Meet to Discuss Impacts, Options, and FracTracker
Report: Israel seizes oxygen machines donated to PA
ReplyDeleteSeven machines donated by Norwegian agency confiscated en route to PA over chance generators attached could be used for purposes other than medical treatment, Ma'an reports.
Infrastructure Minister warns Hezbollah: Israel will fight for its gas fields
ReplyDeleteLandau responds to Lebanon MPs' accusations that Israel's off-shore drilling violated naval territorial lines.
4409 -- Possibly the Dumbest Caller in England
9/11 Myth Huggers: 8 Years of Ignoring the Evidence
Israel has launched its latest military spy satellite, reportedly increasing its capacity to intelligence-gather on enemies such as Iran.
NASA Flight Director Confirms 9/11 Aircraft Speed As The "Elephant In The Room"
And to keep watch over us!
ReplyDeleteMan, she really should try to get her RNC stylist back... or maybe they're trying to save money until she makes her run again next year....