Saturday, June 12, 2010

Big Dan's Big News June 12, 2010

WHO is Alvin Greene???

"Democrat" Alvin Greene suspected of being a Republican plant in South Carolina:

Nobody in the South Carolina Democratic Party had ever heard of Alvin Greene, the jobless candidate for the Democratic U.S. Senate nomination, before he reportedly defeated state legislator Vic Rawl last Tuesday. That, despite the jobless candidate's lack of actual campaigning, campaign website, or even spending any money on a campaign as far as anyone can tell. And there remain questions at this hour, as to where he even came up with the $10,400 filing fee to get on the ballot in the first place.

'Experts' Eye 100% Unverifiable E-Vote System in 'Win' of SC's Mystery U.S. Senate Nominee - 'Staggering' disparities seen between Alvin Greene's Election Day touch-screen results and paper-based absentee vote. Will corporate MSM have courage to 'go there'?...

UPDATE: More Statisticians Focus on 'Tampering, Malfunction' of E-Vote System in SC Primary - 'Something smells here,' finds, suggesting possibility of 'very devious manipulation' of voting machines or tabulators...

Politico: Experts review S.C. Senate ballots

Politico: Greene may be GOP plant

Clyburn's Dem Challenger Denies He's A 'Plant' -- But Hired GOP Rep.'s Aide

Something Fishy in South Carolina?

SC Democratic Primary Getting Weirder By The Hour

Clyburn Alleges Conspiracy To Plant Candidates In Three Dem Primaries In S.C.

Greene handily defeated opponent Vic Rawls in Tuesday's primary, winning with 59 percent of the vote to Rawls' 41 percent, despite not having run any sort of visible campaign, not having set up a campaign Web site, and being unemployed. And it quickly emerged that Greene is facing a felony obscenity charge over an incident in which he allegedly showed a college student obscene photos from the Internet.

The Alvin Greene interviews: even FOX "news" say they "smell a rat":

This is OFF THE CHARTS - Keith Olbermann interviews "Democrat" Alvin Greene:

Alvin Greene received more VOTES than VOTES CAST in 25 precincts:

Daniel Ellsberg fears a US hit on Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

Special Commentary by Big Dan: "The BP oil spill: I don't buy it, that in 2010 we cannot stop an oil spill. But let's says it's on the up and up and we cannot stop it. That means humans are engaged in uncontrollable things we cannot stop. What else are we engaged in like that? Marcellus Shale drilling? Nuclear energy? Nuclear weapons? Wars??? When people like ME always say we shouldn't be doing dangerous things like that, we are made fun of by the likes of propagandists like Rush Limbaugh and FOX 'news'. That's their job. They have the microphone for corporations, the military, and the richest people in the world...ALL ruining the world while we stand by and let them do it."

BP Official Admits to Damage BENEATH THE SEA FLOOR

Don't Believe ANY Promises The Oil Company Or Government Makes To You! Exxon Valdez Survivors...PLUS other BP videos...

Chamber Of Commerce Says Taxpayers Should Help Pay For BP Spill Cleanup; GOP Leader Agrees, Then Recants

RFK, Jr. Discusses Health Effects of Oil Spill

Rolling Stone’s Tim Dickinson on the Inside Story of How Obama Let the World’s Most Dangerous Oil Company Get Away with Murder

Sand art: An artist leaves a message on the beach sand on the south side of Long Island, New York. - Gotta be protectin' what we got left: It is the (sad faced) globe (world) cradling the wildlife (wales, dolphins, fish, and birds) in its arms to save and protect them from the likes of robber baron fascist hyper capitalists such as British Petroleum.

Mine Workers Union and Families Sue to Open Federal Probe into Deadly Massey Coal Mine Explosion

The relationship between the media and the military:

Pentagon Pundits

Pentagon Pundits in the "news" without your knowledge.

Body of Lies: The CIA's involvement with US film-making

Look what we caused: Dozens of Iraqi refugees currently living in the Netherlands, Britain, Norway and Sweden are being forced to return to Iraq. On this episode of Inside Story, we ask: Are those EU countries in breach of guidelines set by the United Nation's High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) and is there a possibility that Iraq's immediate neighbours could follow suit?

More proof that the U.S. media and government is Israeli-occupied territory - Jewish Dem Senator says Palestinians should be economically strangled by the Israelis...will Chuck Schumer get fired for saying what he says here like Helen Thomas did? No, because he said something pro-Israeli, you only get fired when you say something pro-Palestinian in USrael:

Oliver Stone begs to differ with Bill Maher on Israel:

U.S.A. turning into 3rd world country: debtors' prisons alive and well:

In jail for being in debt

Santana - Soul Sacrifice (Woodstock 1969) Incredible drum solo by 20 yr old boy! Michael Shrieve


  1. BB2 [Moderator] 12 hours ago in reply to BB2
    YES - They finally got it right

    I guess you must have rattled their cage Danno!

    Yeah, I can be a fucker!!!

  2. Ed Schultz Talks About Alvin Greene, Possible Republican Plant!

  3. UPDATE: More Statisticians Focus on 'Tampering, Malfunction' of E-Vote System in SC Primary
    'Something smells here,' finds, suggesting possibility of 'very devious manipulation' of voting machines or tabulators...

  4. 'Experts' Eye 100% Unverifiable E-Vote System in 'Win' of SC's Mystery U.S. Senate Nominee
    'Staggering' disparities seen between Alvin Greene's Election Day touch-screen results and paper-based absentee vote
    Will corporate MSM have courage to 'go there'?...

  5. The Alvin Greene Interviews

  6. Sand art on Long Beach Island - Gotta be protectin' what we got left: It is the (sad faced) globe (world) cradling the wildlife (wales, dolphins, fish, and birds) in its arms to save and protect them from the likes of robber baron fascist hyper capitalists such as British Petroleum.


  7. Bellofraud [Moderator] 13 hours ago
    An artist leaves a message on the beach sand on the south side of Long Island, New York.

    No words required - but the artist expressed himself well.

  8. Sorry, that was Long Island, not Long Beach Island.

  9. Daniel Ellsberg fears a US hit on Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

  10. Oliver Stone on Bill Maher:

  11. I'm sick of DUMB people holding high offices, backward people, and them getting a break and people like ME being chastised for telling the TRUTH about them, that they are DUMB. It's actually scary to me, that Bill Frist held such a high office. I really can't get over things like that. And George W. Bush.

  12. I mean, we have 350 MILLION people in this country, and the handful of people who have the highest offices are people like Bill Frist and George W. Bush? At least Obama is intelligent, too. And can speak. Let's start there and work from there.

  13. Frist was the Rethug Senate Majority leader GWB picked after they dumped the "racist" Trent Lott who was politely married - but was about to be - not so discretely outed as hiring male escorts to carry (fondle) his luggage - ("bags").


    The boy happens to be real, and his “stage name” is Benjamin Nicholas. One of the politicos Big Head DC has learned he’s alleged to have been involved with is the married Sen. Trent Lott, 66, who unexpectedly announced his retirement on Monday. Lott is well-known to have been against a plethora of gay rights issues throughout his terms in Congress. He was also good friends with Sen. Larry Craig throughout his time in Congress.

    Nicholas told Big Head DC today via e-mail that he didn’t want to go on the record to talk about his dealings with Lott, because, said Nicholas, “Trent is going through his fair share of scrutiny right now and I don’t want to add to it.” However, e-mail and other records confirm that the two have met on at least two occasions.

    “All I can say at this point is no comment,” Nicholas told us. “It’s the professional thing for me to do.”

    In a subsequent e-mail message, Nicholas confirmed that another publication is working on a story about a “possible relationship” between Lott and himself, but Nicholas also “politely declined” an interview for that story.

    “As I said before, Lott has quite a bit on his plate right now and I don’t really want to add fuel to the embers,” Nicholas told Big Head DC.

  14. Typo,.. wales = WHALES.

    That was my fault,.. not BigDan's. He quickly copied my comment and moved it up here from yesterday.

    If he had given attribution,.. he could have shared some of the blame.

    Karma - - - - Mawaaaa HaHaHaHa - ha !

  15. Snagged! By my OWN reluctance to give attribution!!!!!!!!!

  16. Slavery by Consent

    Someone told me to watch that, it's several parts. Anyone ever hear of it?

  17. An alternate look at WW1 & WW2 (p-1 of 4)

  18. Interactive Gulf of Mexico oil spill map loaded with info.

  19. Maddow: ‘Stupid’ Republicans filibustering ‘every single vote of consequence’

  20. A $600+ Billion Spending Cut

  21. Who gave BP permission to burn the oil in the gulf, and how much do they intend to burn ? The dark columns of acrid smoke from burning the oil seems to be mega toxic, why is BP permitted to foul the air to this extent ?


    The Kuwaiti oil well fires caused major pollution in the Middle East during the first Gulf War.

    (Thought to be the cause of Gulf War Syndrome that affected soldiers returning home.)

    The resulting fires burned out of control because of the dangers of sending in firefighting crews. Land mines had been placed in areas around the oil wells, and a military cleaning of the areas was necessary before the fires could be put out. Somewhere around 6 million barrels (950,000 m3) of oil were lost each day. Eventually, privately contracted crews extinguished the fires, at a total cost of US$1.5 billion to Kuwait.[1] By that time, however, the fires had burned for months, causing widespread pollution.

    The byproducts of the petroleum burn caused pollution to the soil and air, and the oil fires have been linked with what was later called Gulf War Syndrome. Whether this syndrome has been caused by the oil fires, by chemical attack, or other causes has not been determined, and the longterm environmental effects of the fires have yet to be fully understood.

  22. Below the sea floor level the well bore hole maybe fractured and compromised making it difficult if not impossible to seal with a cement plug even once the relief wells are drilled later this summer.


    On May 31st, the Washington Post noted:

    Sources at two companies involved with the well said that BP also discovered new damage inside the well below the seafloor and that, as a result, some of the drilling mud that was successfully forced into the well was going off to the side into rock formations.

    "We discovered things that were broken in the sub-surface," said a BP official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. He said that mud was making it "out to the side, into the formation."

    On June 2nd, Bloomberg pointed out:

    Plugging the well is another challenge even after BP successfully intersects it, Robert Bea, a University of California Berkeley engineering professor, said. BP has said it believes the well bore to be damaged, which could hamper efforts to fill it with mud and set a concrete plug, Bea said.

    Bea is an expert in offshore drilling and a high-level governmental adviser concerning disasters.

    On the same day, the Wall Street Journal noted that there might be a leak in BP's well casing 1,000 feet beneath the sea floor:

    BP PLC has concluded that its "top-kill" attempt last week to seal its broken well in the Gulf of Mexico may have failed due to a malfunctioning disk inside the well about 1,000 feet below the ocean floor.


  23. Dan - I agree completely. These people are engaged in engineering that is beyond the limits of human capabilities to correct. why does the world allow it? Because there are not enough who think like us: CAUTION BEFORE GREED!
    > "What else are we engaged in like that? Marcellus Shale drilling? Nuclear energy? Nuclear weapons? Wars??? When people like ME always say we shouldn't be doing dangerous things like that, we are made fun of by the likes of propagandists like Rush Limbaugh and FOX 'news'. That's their job. They have the microphone for corporations, the military, and the richest people in the world...ALL ruining the world while we stand by and let them do it."

  24. wow.
    "there might be a leak in BP's well casing 1,000 feet beneath the sea floor"
    I am starting to believe this gusher not only MIGHT last for years, but VERY LIKELY WILL last for years.
    (can we stop calling it a "leak"? A leak is a drippy faucet, this thing is not dripping, it is spewing like a volcano. Let's all start referring to it as "gusher", not "leak"!)
    Got that? Years. The gulf is fucked, get out while you can - and what's next? what geographic region will next be decimated by some corporate created catastrophe?

  25. Ah! Someone likes my "special commentary"!!!!!!!! Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. BREAKING NEWS,.......

    BREAKING! Chevron oil leak spilling into Salt Lake City creek! 50 G.P.M!!!

    Chevron oil leak spilling into Salt Lake City creek
    June 12th, 2010 @ 10:15am
    By Alex Cabrero
    SALT LAKE CITY -- A leak in an oil pipeline is spilling close to 50 gallons of crude oil per minute, according to the Salt Lake City Fire Department.

    The leak is located near Red Butte Garden near the University of Utah.

    The oil is spilling into Red Butte Creek.

    "We've set up containment ponds all down the creek," said the fire department's spokesperson Scott Freitag. "Our worry is that if this continues to leak, it could get into the Jordan River and the Great Salt Lake."

    The oil belongs to Chevron and comes from their Colorado pipeline.

    More at link,..

  27. Likes? My feeling for this special commentary goes way deeper than "likes"! Hahaha!!!! :)

  28. un freaking believable. or is this all part of some plan?

  29. Test 1,.. 2,... 3,... .................................

  30. You know, I still believe they could stop this spill, no matter how bad it is, by maybe blowing off a bomb (?), is that possible?

  31. How about the Marcellus Shale drilling? I hope you know, I am right in the middle of it. Northeast Pa. is right in the middle of it. You should see what's going on here. They said NEPA is the new Saudi Arabia. And BP and China are in the area.


  33. Well hopefully the major petro drilling companies won't figure out how much gas (methane) you got.

  34. Corporate Fascism the fuhrer would embrace,.. fuck the media we make the rules and laws.

  35. Extended interview from above.

  36. ha! where's the can of stop gusher?

  37. oops i meant to hit reply but i hit like. For the record, i do not like this. haha
    I think it would have to be a nuclear bomb to melt the rock and even that might not do it considering the pressure this stuff is coming out at.
    I think they could have contained it much better and much earlier. Considering it will probably flow for quite some time into the future, containing and collecting the oil coming out is the best strategy IMO

  38. More than half the members of the GOP’s ‘Young Guns’ program are eligible for AARP membership.
