Monday, May 3, 2010

Big Dan's Big News May 3, 2010

Special Commentary by Big Dan: "How long are Republicans going to get away with this tactic without anybody pointing it out: when they want to stop a bill by the Democrats like health care or financial reform, they say: 'SLOW IT DOWN'...'WHAT'S THE RUSH???'...'YOU'RE SHOVING IT DOWN OUR THROATS!!!'. When they have a bill like the Arizona Illegal Immigration Bill, they rush it in and then say, 'We had to do something!'...'No one was doing anything!'...'This is a crisis, we had to act fast!' care isn't a crisis??? And for Christ's sake, the financial crisis is called the financial CRISIS!!! Why didn't the Republicans 'SLOW...IT...DOWN!!!' so they could 'GET...IT...RIGHT!!!' they wouldn't 'SHOVE IT DOWN OUR THROATS!!!' as they say, using their own words that only apply to a bill they don't want! Maybe they wouldn't rush in an unconstitutional law like the Arizona Illegal Immigration Bill, if they took their own advice! I guess as long as the media and the Democrats let them get away with this easily detectable 2nd grade tactic, more power to them! Continue doing it!!!"

Maybe the Republicans wouldn't have made an unconstitutional bill, if they "slowed it down" and "got it right" and didn't "shove it down our throats":

4409 -- Arrested over Arizona's Real I.D. Paper's Please SB1070 bill

4409 -- Pearce grants Amnesty to Law Enforcement

Here's a montage of the Republicans saying to "SLOW IT DOWN"..."START OVER"..."GET IT RIGHT" on: health care, financial reform, the stimulus, and any bill they don't want:

How we became white people

Email exposes anti-immigration lawyer specifically targeted poor Latinos

Bill Maher: If You Are Racist You're Probably Are A Republican

Arizona's new flag:

Dick Cheney's Halliburton & BP

Halliburton & BP - Is it time for the Corporate Death Penalty?

BP: Oil rig leak 'wasn't our accident'

British Petroleum is warned to stop distributing oil spill settlement agreements

I have an idea: there should be some kind of safety "dome" around oil rigs, in case they have a disaster it would "contain" the idea would be to put this dome around oil rigs before the disaster, though...not after!!! Profits first/safety second!!!!!!!

BP contains oil spill with giant dome

Engineers build giant dome to contain US oil spill

Death to 'Corporate Comrade' Halliburton

THE MOST COMMON WORDS I hear spoken by any environmentalists anywhere are, We’re fucked.

Listen to FOX "news"s Bill Kristol and DRILL, BABY, DRILL!!!

This is funny, I just ran across it, wasn't looking for it...but watch it, it's funny!!! This is a RANT!

9/11 Roundtable:

7,000 Arrested in Capital War Protest; 150 Are Hurt as Clashes Disrupt Traffic

Our capital is a whore house.

Main Core, PROMIS and the New American Fascism

Police: Failed NYC car bomber may be white male in his 40s, allegedly caught on tape

COPS: Times Square Car Bomber Got the Wrong Fertilizer

Beatles singles: Rain/Paperback Writer


  1. An attempt to stop the oil flow into the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico. A dome is being fabricated to collect the oil before it leaks and pollutes the water. The oil will be pumped from the dome and taken to a refinery and made into commercial petrol products. This first time attempt has never been tried before - but this is the only hope to stop the 200,000 gallon per day flow of crude oil gushing into the waters.


    Coast guard: "This is the first time this has ever been done"

    'It's a dome that would be placed over the leak and instead of the oil leaking into the water column it would leak into this dome structure,' coast guard spokesman Prentice Danner told AFP at the time.'The dome would capture or gather the oil and allow it to be pumped out of that dome structure.'

    If robotic submarines fail to restart the giant blowout preventer valve on the sea floor, the dome is seen as the best short-term solution. Drilling relief wells to divert the flow of oil would take months. 'If you could picture a half dome on top of the leak and the oil collects inside of this dome and is pumped out from there, that is the idea behind it,' said Danner. He compared it to welded steel containment structures called cofferdams used in oil rig construction, but stressed this would be an original design. 'This is the first time this has ever been done. This idea didn't exist until now. It has never been fabricated before.'

    Perhaps they have done something similar on a much smaller scale but this is cleary breaking new ground and new technology and it does not sound too assuring.

  2. Info about British Petrol "Dome" to contain leaking crude spewing into the Gulf of Mexico.

    More info,..

  3. Sarah Palin?!?!

  4. Z - call me crazy, but wouldn't it have been a great idea to build this dome BEFORE the oil spill, and there wouldn't have been an oil spill???

    But that would've been $$$ spent up front for safety, and therefore less profits!!!

  5. Israel's Mossad @ work:

    By way of deception...

  6. Did you hear about the guy who had his whole left side amputated??? He's all right now...

  7. If girls with big boobs work at Hooters, where do girls with one leg work? I-HOP !!!!!!!

  8. Did you hear about the scarecrow that won the Nobel Peace Prize? He won it for outstanding work in his field !!!!!!!!!!

  9. I'll be here all ze veek...............

  10. Uh, at the risk of stating the apparently obvious, there may be no need to "collect" the oil in the dome and then take the secondary step of pumping it out - as any pipe at the top of the dome would seem to allow oil to flow under some considerable pressure up to the surface, where it could potentially flow into a tanker. I'm no expert, but would there be some considerable pressure forcing the oil up through the only escape route at the top of the dome all the way to the surface?

  11. Yes Dano you are correct - one of these "domes" to collect the spewing oil should be prefabricated long before the oil rig exploded and sunk. One on the east coast, a few on the west coast, one in Alaska, and a few in the Gulf of Mexico area seeing how many oil rigs are floating around out there.

    But don't forget the Rothschild clan gobbled up British Petrol and Royal Dutch Shell when they forced Maggie Thatcher to privatize gov owned Brit industry in to the hands of the Rothchilds. Then these capitalistic vultures forced Europe and the USA govs to deregulate industry and any gov oversight - so these vipers could rake in the profits hand over fist. Cheney/bushco was more than happy to accommodate these Fascist capitalists.

    Now this robber baron road to filthy filthy self enrichment rears its ugly head.

    We went through the robber baron Wall Street and international investment banker rape -- many of the silent owners of the petrol industry are the exact same players with connections back to Rockefeller and Rothschild Clans.

  12. Is that a threat ? It feels like one.

    Can't Karin drag him off to some far away place on the planet and keep him there for an extended stay ? Like New York is too close - he comes back in just a few days. Something like Singapore, Bangkok, Budapest, or Bangladesh would be better. Then he and his "humor" wouldn't return so quick.

  13. The oil rig sunk on Earth Day, April 22nd.



  15. Robber baron capitalists rejoice.

    (Limpdick) Limbaugh must have been squirting seminal fluids inside his underwear when he realized that fact. Earth Day,.. What a Hoot !!!

    Beside,.. God said the earth is here for man to use and exploit to his best advantage,.. with all the blessings from heaven to do so.

  16. Hey Anony, that is the funniest thing you've said yet! would take at least 5 full grown men with huge balls to actually beat the shit out of "Drumbo" as I am 300 lbs, with no neck, and built like a steam locomotive with legs...I have been in more fights in my life than most people and nobody has yet to knock me off my feet, although a gun or a taser might work, but that is if I don't stick the gun or taser up the person's ass before they shoot me down with it. My calves alone weigh about 35 lbs each! Maybe I can be outboxed by some hotshot boxing wannabe, but he'd better pray to God that I don't ever get him on the ground, for he would be sure to never get up again! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Similar domes have been used in shallow water from what I've been reading. This is the first time at 5,000 feet down.

    For lots of links etc. stop by my place:

  18. Oh shit,.. I thought he was a pimp squeak,.. I retract all those colorful remarks,.. meant in the best of humor.

    Nice to meet you,.. and God Bless you,..

    Is Big Dan okay,.. you didn't crush or break him - did ya ?.

  19. annoy - I mean anonyMay 3, 2010 at 7:10 PM

    Big Dan,.. Dano,.. you okay ???????????????????

  20. annoy - I mean anonyMay 3, 2010 at 7:24 PM

    This "dome" that they hope to assemble to stop the pollution of the Gulf of Mexico with the leaking oil from the remnants of the exploded/sunk oil rig is designed and built on the borrowed idea of the cofferdam.

  21. annoy - I mean anonyMay 3, 2010 at 7:31 PM

    God fearing Bible Thump-er Rethug of course,..

    Florida State Sen. Mike Bennett (R) was just trying to pass the time as his colleagues talked about what he apparently thought was some dull, dull abortion bill, when he got caught looking at a very NSFTSF image (Not Safe For The Senate Floor).

    Cameras caught Bennett looking at a picture of four scantily clad girls at the beach. Bennett didn't do himself any favors with his explanation:

    "I was just sitting there, bored, as they were debating the abortion bill," Bennett told the Sunshine State News. "I opened it up and said, 'Holy [expletive]! What's on my screen?' and clicked away from it right away."

    Whatever Bennett's reasons for opening the e-mail, he was later caught by the same camera watching a video of a dog shaking himself off after going for a swim. Adorable!

    This must be a joke, you say? Here's the video documentation (the Sunshine State News has added a black bar to the video, but said the girls' breasts were exposed underneath):

  22. Plunder - The crime of the century:

  23. annoy - I mean anonyMay 3, 2010 at 9:32 PM

    Visual perspective of the growing oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico,.. now they say Florida is going to get pounded too.

  24. annoy - I mean anonyMay 3, 2010 at 10:21 PM

    Your very own big gusher,.. enjoy,..

  25. annoy - I mean anonyMay 3, 2010 at 10:39 PM

    A good look at the domes they are racing to fabricate,..

  26. Len Hart
    My advice to 911 LIARS is: 1) stop lying 2) stop being evil; lying about a crime is, in certain circumstances, a crime itself (obstruction of justice) and, in any case, immoral and/or wicked, sick and destructive 3) STFU
    5 hours ago

    Len Hart
    I did not mention WTC 7 --NOT stuck by an airliner and, in fact, seen still standing behind the BBC correspondent who was at the time reporting, describing the collapse that HAD NOT YET OCCURRED. The burden of proof is upon those 911 liars who ASSERTED AN OFFICIAL THEORY to explain how it was the reporter was able to describe a collapse that had NOT YET OCCURRED. Was she PSYCHIC. Or did the evil perps fuck up! Clue: the evil perps fucked up!

    Len Hart
    PA? What about PA? Simply this: NO WRECKAGE! NONE. Anyone who thinks so: SHOW ME THE WRECKAGE. Early photos showed a tiny ditch and a BACKHOE. But NO WRECKAGE. I suspect that the best explanation for the phot9os is NOT THAT AN AIRLINER CRASHED THERE but that the BACKHOE created a freshly dug ditch around which there is not evidence whatsoever of a... See More crash, a fire, and airliner, a fuselage. NONE

    Now --as a hardbitten reporter, I covered crashes from jet fighters to airliners to prive aircraft. THERE IS ALWAYS WRECKAGE. There is in every instance BODIES.

    NONE at PA? Did Fl 93 pop into another dimension? I don't think so and that violate Occam's Razor as does every other aspect of Bush's official pack of lies.
    4 hours ago

    Len Hart
    And more recently, witnesses have come forward to report seeing Flt 93 fly above the area in which it was said it crashed and flew across a lake and DID NOT crash where we are supposed to believe it crashed. Additionally, the earliest media reports from the scene can be found on YouTube. The reporters clearly state that 'there is nothing that can ... See Morebe called airliner wreckage. Indeed, there is NO PROOF, no evidence whatsoever that Ft 93 crashed in the clearing in PA as has been stated by 911 liars.
    4 hours ago

    Len Hart
    My suggestion: go to You Tube VOTE THIS VIDEO DOWN! If we cannot yet indict Bush for mass murder and high treason, we must not concede to liars about this issue. At some point, those who are KNOWINGLY lying about 911 share the guilt.Jacob Bronowski said that in the pursuit of science was a moral imperative: "Behave in such a way that what is true ... See Moremay be verified to be so!" Ergo: lying is immoral. Lying about a mass murder is, therefore, a heinous crime in itself and in certain circumstance it is the crime of 'obstruction of justice' and, if done under oath, the crime of perjury.
    4 hours ago

  27. He's arguing with the guy who put up this youtube video:

  28. Len Hart: The Existentialist Cowboy:

  29. annoy - I mean anonyMay 4, 2010 at 4:10 AM

    BP may enjoy a $75 million dollar liability limit to fisherman and others who suffered monetarily loses caused by this catastrophic Gulf oil leak. Cheney inspired tort reform for the oil industry to open the floodgates to higher profits.


    Mr. Obama met with Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana upon the arrival of Air Force One in New Orleans. Then he went to Venice for two hours — by road, rather than helicopter, because of inclement weather — to look at the response.

    He stopped to speak to several fishermen, assuring them that BP would reimburse them for lost earnings. But reimbursement may be one of the largest battles to come, given that federal law sets a limit of $75 million on BP’s liability for damages, apart from the cleanup costs.

    “It’s going to be extremely tricky” to reimburse fishermen and others if economic damages tally above $75 million, said Stuart Smith, a New Orleans-based lawyer who is pushing for Congressional action to amend the law. “They may not be obligated to pay more than that unless they agree to do it.”

    There is a federal fund, generated from a tax on oil, that may cover as much as $1 billion in damages.

  30. Is a copy of your birth certificate OK, or can they confiscate your damn birth certificate, leaving you hopeless!

    This post is all over the place, but so is America! The greedy among us are responsible. I worry about making illegal immigrants more vulnerable!

    GREAT POST! Lots of important videos!

  31. A cartoon explains Palin best,..

  32. BP says stemming oil flow will take three months

    Source: Timesonline

    Drilling began on Sunday at 3pm local time, after days of delays caused by poor weather conditions. However, BP confirmed that the operation would take “some three months” to complete.

    The operation, which will cost an estimated $100 million, is being undertaken by a second rig called Development Driller III, which BP towed to the site last week.

    “This is another key step in our work to permanently stop the loss of oil from the well,” said BP group chief executive Tony Hayward.

    “At the same time we are continuing with our efforts to stop the leak and control the oil at the seabed, to tackle the oil offshore and to protect the shoreline.”


    The oil company moved to dampen speculation last night that it had managed to operate a device on the seabed designed to block the flow of oil. BP said the actions it had taken to date on the blowout preventer “have not resulted in any observed reduction in the rate of oil flow of oil from the MC252 well”.

  33. Legal battles add to BP's difficulties

    BP spent Monday readying possible solutions to stem oil leaks from an undersea well off the Louisiana coast, and fending off new accusations about its role in the widening environmental disaster.


    Meanwhile, lawyers representing environmental groups, rig workers and fisherman hurt by the explosion levied fresh accusations against BP, as well as Transocean and Halliburton. BP was operating the doomed Deepwater Horizon rig, which it leased from Transocean. Halliburton was providing several services on the rig, including cementing, a method of capping the well to control pressure from oil and gas.

    At least one worker who was on the rig when it exploded April 20 and who handled company records for BP said the rig was drilling deeper than 22,000 feet, even though the company's federal permit allowed it to go only to 18,000 to 20,000 feet, the lawyers said.


    A Halliburton spokeswoman, asked about suspicion that gas was allowed to build up in the well bore, said it is a matter that still needs to be investigated. A Transocean spokesman said the company still was investigating.

    More than a half-dozen workers who were on the rig at the time of the explosion told the lawyers that the rig operator seemed to be rushing to finish and detach from the well — a possible factor that could have contributed to the explosion.

  34. This explains the "dome plan" and the alternate plan to drill a new hole intercepting the leaking hole that remains from the sunken oil rig. Then plugging that old well with mud and cement to stop the uncontrolled oil flow into the gulf.

  35. An other view of the top section of the "dome" and triangular cap to direct the leak to the surface and pump the mess into a barge before it pollutes the shore and wild life/marine life.

  36. Detailed diagram of the oil well one mile below the ocean surface helps to understand the situation they are up against to stem the uncontrolled flow of oil.

  37. Halliburton Presentation May Explain Horizon Oil Rig Explosion and Fire


    And then there's Methane hydrate.....

    A publicly available Halliburton PowerPoint presentation from last November might tell us a lot about what could have caused the oil blowout, fire and massive oil gushing at the Horizon rig.

    Suppose you’re that division of Halliburton that has the dangerous job of "cementing" the drilling hole and the gaps between the hole and pipe. You’ve done this lots of times in shallow water wells, but you’ve learned through previous experience in deep water there’s a particularly difficult problem having to do with the presence of gas that has seeped to the ocean floor and been captured in essentially "frozen" crystallized formations.

    The problem is that when you drill into these formations, and then try to inject cement into the hole/gaps to prevent leakage, the curing process for that creates heat. That heat can, if not controlled, cause the gas to escape the frozen crystals. If a lot of gas is released all at once, as could happen during the cement/curing process, it can cause a blowout where the cementing is occurring, or force gas and/or oil up the pipeline to the drilling rig on the surface. And the heat created by the process may be just enough to ignite the gas , causing the explosion and fire.

    Did this happen at the Horizon rig? And if Halliburton already knew about this problem months (years) ago, and knew the risks it might create, why are we just now learning about this?
