Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Big Dan's Big News May 26, 2010...the RECKLESS LANDOWNERS

President Bush addresses the Marcellus Shale "RECKLESS LANDOWNERS"............

If your land is polluted due to the predatory Marcellus Drilling companies, you were "taken advantage of" by the big, bad corporations. If you lost your home to a predatory lender, you are a "RECKLESS HOMEOWNER" taking advantage of the poor lenders!!!

Remember when millions of Americans started losing their homes to foreclosure and Bush called the homeowners "Reckless Homeowners" taking advantage of lenders? When in reality it was lenders selling mortgages to people they knew couldn't pay them, and then the lenders packaged these loans into AAA rated investment funds and then bet against them to fail and made even MORE money??? Well, now there are cries of the Marcellus Shale drilling companies taking advantage of landowners and polluting their land and everyone's calling for a moratorium on Marcellus Shale drilling. Should we call these people 'RECKLESS LANDOWNERS' who took advantage of Marcellus Shale drilling companies??? I don't recall the SAME people calling for a moratorium on millions of Americans losing their homes to foreclosure due to predatory corporations. Funny, huh? I bet the "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS" had a MUCH greater % of minorities (subprime mortgages) than the "RECKLESS LANDOWNERS". Is that the reason for the difference that the "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS" were demonized, and the "RECKLESS LANDOWNERS" are "VICTIMS"? Another coincidence! I'm "playing the race card"!

The media treated the "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS" and the "RECKLESS LANDOWNERS" as different as black and white, night and day. On the LEFT: "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS" protesting. On the RIGHT: "RECKLESS LANDOWNERS" protesting:


BDBB FLASHBACK: Friday, December 7, 2007 - Bush Lays Into "Reckless Homeowners" Who Took Advantage of Lenders & Investors

BDBB FLASHBACK: Monday, December 31, 2007 - Bush Addresses "Reckless Homeowners"...again...

BDBB FLASHBACK: Monday, December 31, 2007 - Wait A Minute! I Thought Bush Said Americans Losing Their Homes To Foreclosure Were "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS"!!!!!!!

BDBB FLASHBACK: Low Road to High Finance: McClatchy Expose Reveals How Goldman Sachs Sold Off Billions in Mortgage Securities After Anticipating Housing Collapse

A five-month investigation by McClatchy Newspapers has revealed that Goldman Sachs made secret bets against the housing market while simultaneously selling off billions in soon-to-be worthless securities. In 2006 and 2007, the bank reportedly peddled more than $40 billion in securities backed by at least 200,000 risky home mortgages, but never told the buyers it was secretly betting that a sharp drop in US housing prices would send the value of those securities plummeting. We speak to McClatchy reporter Greg Gordon.

Bush called the homeowners who are losing their homes: "Reckless Homeowners", remember? Well read this: whistleblowers at the lenders said they were appealing to their superiors to reject the shaky loans! So it wasn't the "reckless homeowners OR the government, it was the LENDERS!!! Then, the lenders knowingly packaged the risky mortgages they never should have given to people who shouldn't have qualified, into AAA rated bonds (they HID them) and sold them throughout the world...THEN BET that they would tank and made even MORE money THAT way, too!!! Why aren't these people in jail??? They caused the financial crisis!!!

AMY GOODMAN: Let’s turn to the issue of how Goldman Sachs stopped scrutinizing the loans it bought. This is a clip of a video report by Greg Gordon featuring two risk analysts contracted by Goldman.

GREG GORDON: Goldman and other Wall Street firms contracted with risk analysts, including Californians Irma Aninger and Melissa Toy, to review thousands of subprime mortgage files. Aninger said she was stunned as she saw from loan applications how much credit standards had deteriorated from 2004 through 2006.

IRMA ANINGER: A gardener making $10,000 a month, a checker at Wal-Mart making $5,000 a month. What else was there? Oh, they were ridiculous.

GREG GORDON: Aninger and Toy said they appealed to their superiors to reject shaky loans in which lenders had required no verification. (BD: I thought Bush, Republicans, and rightwingers said the lenders had their arms twisted by the government and the "reckless homeowners"!!!!!!)

MELISSA TOY: At times, I didn’t understand why we were even working, because they were overriding our decisions. Or if we question anything, if we tried to decline a loan, they were going beyond us and approving them.

IRMA ANINGER: The whole thing didn’t make any sense to me. That’s why I said earlier I didn’t even know why I was there, because the stuff was going to get pushed through anyway.

GREG GORDON: Yet, of all the Wall Street firms, Goldman was the only one that seemed to anticipate trouble ahead and safely exited the subprime market.

Goldman Sachs now taking away peoples' homes. The Beckers fight Wall St. bailed-out giant Goldman Sachs. They were fighting Goldman CEO Hank Paulson, who ironically became Bush's Treasury Secretary and started the taxpayer bailouts, of which Goldman Sachs made out like bandits.

RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS: THE BECKERS!!! Bush, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh and rightwinger media called people like the Beckers, "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS".

Goldman spent years buying hundreds of thousands of subprime mortgages, many of them from some of the more unsavory lenders in the business, and packaging them into high-yield bonds. Now that the bottom has fallen out of that market, Goldman finds itself in a different role: as the big banker that takes homes away from folks such as the Beckers.

McClatchy: Goldman takes on new role: taking away people's homes

McClatchy: How Goldman secretly bet on the U.S. housing crash


  1. Good post Big Dan. Too bad the DOJ recently gave players like AIG a free pass for their involvement in this mortgage fiasco which tanked the world economies and financially devastated many Americans into ruin.

    These issues can not be forgotten or misunderstood - or we risk repetition of these very same events by the very same Fascist vulture capitalists. The robber baron class who gleefully enrich themselves at the cost and detriment of the many who just struggle to get by and make ends meet.

  2. Fugly:

  3. Don't you agree? Remember when Bush and the "media" demonized the foreclosed homeowners as the "RECKLESS HOMEOWNERS"???

    And now it's swung the other way and the Marcellus Shale victims are NOT the "RECKLESS LANDOWNERS"???

    Why is that? Any opinions on that???

  4. How about THIS reason: the people who got their homes foreclosed on, tended to be poor minorities who go to subprime lenders, right? Rich or well off people didn't use the subprime lenders with outrageous rates.

    And the people signing contracts with drillers, think about it: if you OWN a lot of land, you're PROBABLY NOT BLACK!!!!!


    In fact, you're probably "OK" or "well off"...if you OWN a lot of land and signed a drilling deal. When your land got polluted, then you were NOT a "RECKLESS LANDOWNER" who took advantage of drillers, right??????????

    You were a VICTIM of PREDATORS!!!!! ................and most likely WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and OK to well-off......or you wouldn't OWN a lot of land, correct??????????

    Did you ever hear of any blacks or minorities who OWN a shitload of land somewhere out in the country???????? Just askin'................

  5. Hey, am I the ONLY person who EVER keyed on the RECKLESS HOMEOWNER bullshit????????????

    I remember when Bush was on TV saying "Reckless Homeowners" and I went BALLISTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. The Marcellus Shale is a double edged sword. When push comes to shove, this brings jobs to our county and helps the economy. The other side of the coin is that not all drilling companies are created equal. There is one in particular that has been garnering alot of negative headlines lately and rightly so. They are all about drilling and getting their gas. They've made a freaking mess of things up in Dimock Twp.

    For those of us who have the acreage to contract with, this allows us to pay off our mortgage, fix up the house and put the rest away for a rainy day. (i.e. - we get to keep our home instead of having to sell it at a loss in a bad economy) We have to pick and choose who we deal with and hold them to their end of the deal. Keep them honest. If you don't want to take the time to keep the drilling companies feet to the fire, then don't contract with them. Do your homework and make sure you have a good home group behind you with good legal representation.

    To Mr. Bush... your foot is so far in your mouth and down your gullet that you have to put your hands under your seat to change your socks and polish your shoes. So stay in Texas, where they don't believe in Thomas Jefferson and want to glorify McCarthyism. We can border you off and you can secede from the USA and hang out with your oil baron cronies in Venazuela and Brazil.

  7. I updated this post: when you google foreclosure protest pix, you usually get blacks protesting. When you google Marcellus Shale protests, you usually get whites protesting. Interesting?????????????????? Interesting how the foreclosure protesters were demonized as "reckless homeowners", and the Marcellus Shale protesters are "victims"? The pictures don't LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Animation of where the spill is going,..

  9. Well maybe he saw this video,.. kind farm hands who love and care for animals.

    These folks are sick fucks.

  10. Source of above link.

  11. If they were brown skinned they would had hung them by their testicles in the town square. Rich white guys get off with a love slap on the fanny.


    Four Conservative Activists Guilty In Phone Caper At Senator's Office


    NEW ORLEANS -- Four conservative activists accused of trying to tamper with the phones in Sen. Mary Landrieu's office pleaded guilty Wednesday to misdemeanor charges of entering federal property under false pretenses.

    James O'Keefe, 25, famous for wearing a pimp costume in a video that embarrassed the ACORN, was sentenced to three years probation, 100 hours of community service and a $1,500 fine.

    The FBI has said O'Keefe used his cell phone to try to capture video of two others who posed as telephone repairmen and asked to see the phones at Landrieu's office. The fourth allegedly waited outside in a car with a listening device.

    O'Keefe has said the group was trying to investigate complaints that constituents calling Landrieu's office couldn't get through to criticize the Democrat's support of a health care reform bill.

    Magistrate Daniel Knowles III sentenced the three other suspects to two years probation, 75 hours of community service and $1,500 fines.

    O'Keefe, Stan Dai, Joseph Basel and Robert Flanagan were arrested Jan. 25 on felony charges, but federal prosecutors later reduced the charges.

  12. BP begins 'top kill' attempt in Gulf of Mexico

    Source: MarketWatch

    BP begins 'top kill' attempt in Gulf of Mexico

    NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- BP Plc /quotes/comstock/13*!bp/quotes/nls/bp (BP 42.82, +0.26, +0.61%) said Wednesday it started the "top kill" operations to attempt to stop the flow of oil from the Maconda well that's been leaking oil for more than a month. "The procedure is intended to stem the flow of oil and gas and ultimately kill the well by injecting heavy drilling fluids through the blow out preventer on the seabed, down into the well," BP said. BP said it began the procedure at 1 p.m. Central time.

  13. I said this about the oil spill: if ONE rig is spilling 95,000 barrels a day...ONE rig, and god knows how many rigs there are, I don't believe there's a shortage of oil, nor was there ever.

  14. You're right, though, if O'Keefe and his gang of rich white GOP boys were a bunch of blacks, they'd get life in prison. One of these guys' DADDY is a federal district attorney, isn't he???

  15. Kentuckians ‘embarrassed’ by Rand Paul’s remarks: Opponent

  16. Yup,.. the Flanagan dude,..

  17. Acting U.S. Attorney.

  18. Say What ?


    Family Research Council: End Of DADT Means More Gay Rape In The Military
    Evan McMorris-Santoro | May 26, 2010, 5:07PM

    Here's how the Family Research Council envisions things going if Don't Ask, Don't Tell is repealed: first, more straight soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines will be fellated in their sleep against their will. Then, commanders afraid of being labeled homophobes will refuse to do anything about it. Eventually, the straight service members will quit out of fear.

    More at link,..


  20. Muslim Americans Under Attack As Far Right Fights To Deny Them From Building Their Own Places Of Worship

  21. Reminiscent of the 9/11 workers???????

    Fishermen hired by BP for oil clean up weren’t provided protective equipment, have now fallen ill.

  22. McConnell disagrees with Paul’s claim that Obama’s BP criticism is ‘un-American.’

  23. Underwater nightmare: ‘What BP does not want you to see.’

  24. thief!

  25. Always knew you were dualistic!

  26. Other oil experts are skeptical that the "Top Kill" will work.

  27. For you BD...

  28. This thing is being all wacky!

    It says there was an error when I post the comment and it returns to the editing block. Then when I try again it goes through and now I have two of the same comments!

  29. See what I mean - That time I got three...

    Trying for Four!

  30. You have picked up a stutter,.. you just don't know it yet, but we do.

    HA !

  31. Raging Grannies sing - BP You Suck,..

  32. A photo gallery of oil soaked wildlife in Louisiana.

  33. We got our land the old fashioned way... we inherited it. We're not "well off" and have been looking forward to the day when we would have to take over the bills with fear and trepidation because one of us isn't working. However, most of the folks up in the Marcellus Shale area are farmers. They are far from well off. The milk checks barely pay the bills and keep the farms going. So drillers come along and offer you big's found money, it's money you don't presently have, and it would take care of a lot of things that need to be done... like setting up a retirement account, maybe a new tractor, maybe putting a 200-amp electrical service in a 100+ year old house that has a combination of romex, knob & tube, and several other types of old style wiring and screw in fuses with pennies behind them.

    I can't vouch for what the city folk are doing. Indeed, they are more likely to be "well off" than those of us up here in the hinter lands. They already have houses that are up to code and retirement plans from where they work. And Jobs that don't necessarily depend upon the health of the cows other than what they choose to eat for lunch.

    If you want to get along in this game, you have to do your homework or you will get hurt in the end. And people who "live in the sticks" and own working farms, are very smart about what they do with their land. The ones who get hurt are the people who probably have never been to or lived on a farm. They are the citified tree-huggers that give true environmentalists a bad name.
