Friday, May 14, 2010

Big Dan's Big News May 14, 2010

The Republican Party: the party of "BOSS TUBE"...not the party of Lincoln anymore -

The GOP chickens out from having their RNC convention in Arizona, even though the party backs Arizona's illegal immigration law. California cities boycott millions of dollars worth of deals with Arizona, other events in Arizona cancelled...could cost Arizona 90 million dollars and "near economic crisis" for Arizona:

This went viral on the internet after I posted it yesterday, it deserves another post:

6 moves to Kevin Bacon...Glenn Beck has Nazi Tourette's!!!!!!!!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Back in Black - Glenn Beck's Nazi Tourette's
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

The Stooges are trying another DOME to block the BP oil rig "spill": "Hey, Moe! The first DOME didn't woik (work), let's try a smaller DOME!!!!!"

There Will Be Blame - As BP comes up with new solutions for the oil spill by scrambling letters, the government tries to figure out how it happened.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
There Will Be Blame
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

BP And Goldman Sachs: Gambling With Your Money from their Ivory Towers

Special Commentary by Big Dan: "I'm not even paying attention to the Kagan nomination for the Supreme Court and all the false attacks on her and all the actual legitimate attacks NOT being brought up. Been there, done that. Seen it before: Sotomayor. Same exact attacks. Ridiculous!!! Obama nominated Kagan, she's going to get in, and that's it. Waste of time. If Kagan doesn't get in, then the Kansas City Royals are going to win the World Series...not that there's anything wrong with the Kansas City Royals, mind you...btw...I put this picture in my special commentary instead of the 'wigger' picture, because my crack reporter who's on crack, Agent99, ...really is on crack!!! She said I look 'downright handsome' in this picture, so she must be on crack!!! And the Red Sox hat? That's not something recent just because they finally won the World Series after 100 years. I liked the Red Sox since I was 4 years old, I was brainwashed! A lot of my relatives live in New England, they took me to a Red Sox doubleheader  against the Cleveland Indians in at Fenway in 1972 when I was 10 years old. I saw Luis Tiant pitch! I had to live through the Curse of the Babe, the ball going through Buckner's legs, Bucky Dent, Fisk's home run which ended up not meaning anything, blowing a 14 game lead in '78 to the I deserve to wear that Red Sox hat! Especially after they cameback from a 3-0 series deficit, and a bottom of the 9th deficit in game 4 of the 2004 AL championship series against the Yankees to win 4 straight...the biggest collapse in baseball history!!!"

And from AgentBB2's blog:

The War Game is an Academy Award-winning documentary on nuclear warfare that was made by Peter Watkins in 1965 and was subsequently suppressed by the BBC until 1985. It remains largely unknown despite its historical importance, its high quality, and the looming gravity of its subject.

War Game 1965:

Special Commentary II by Big Dan: "I gave TWO hat tips today to Agent99 and AgentBB2. Everyone knows I'm against 'hat tips', because I STEAL STUFF and DON'T 'give credit where credit is due'...I'm against that 'saying' enjoy it while it lasts!!!"

Another clip from Beerfest:

Corbett's Coroner:

''s like Pete Hamill and Hunter S. Thompson had a love child. A giant, hairy, love child.'

"Our" Steve Corbett leaning against his Jeep in California...when he was "their" Steve Corbett...when he FORSOOKED "hard coal country" and "our community" for "their community"...and then came back to "our community" and started up his schtick here.......again.......................I wonder if Ruppert Murdoch has anything to do with Entercom???

Check out "our" FAKE liberal Steve Corbett when he was "their" FAKE liberal Steve Corbett out in California, being "hounded' by Triumph the insult comic dog @ 5:00 in this video, while he was covering the Michael Jackson trial for Rupert Murdoch's Sky News...YES, THAT Rupert Murdoch who owns both FOX "news" AND Sky News:

When he wasn't inciting people over here, he was inciting people over there...

Santa Maria Times letters to the editor: "The First Amendment gives Corbett the right to say what he wants. It gives him the right to be a racist and a bigot. It does not give him the right to a public platform to espouse his hateful views. Corbett must now go. I know these are very strong words; his words were equally strong. Mr. Corbett played his racist card. Now it/s time for him to fold.

Rupert Murdoch/Sky News:

Don't eat Potassium Chlorate with Gummy Bears:



  2. High Treason: 'Pentagon Lied to the 911 Commission' ; Bush's Theory Falls Apart

  3. NTSB data: Flight deck door remained closed on AA77: hijacking "impossible"

  4. The Tea got cold:

  5. Everyone must see this: Lewis Black hit "perfection" with this one:

    One move to Kevin Bacon: Glenn Beck has Nazi Tourette's!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. You know that local radio guy Steve Corbett I'm always busting? He was working in California for the Santa Maria Times covering the Michael Jackson trial, in between being in NEPA, and look at this video at the 5 minute's HIM with the ponytail being hounded by Triumph the Insult Dog:

  7. This was a good one BB2 posted yesterday:

    $200 Billion Broadband Scandal

  8. Pig man - Rush LimpDick Limbaugh looks a little skinny in your headline MSNBC photo.

    Should we all pool our money together and buy two dozen jelly filled donuts and FedEx them to his doorstep ?

  9. BP/Haliburton spill 10 times worse than reported:

    Equal to one Exxon Valdez every four days. About 8 Exxon Valdez already.

  10. Time to start work - boooooo!

    At least it's Friday...

  11. Would you like a Gummy Bear ?

    Holy Shit,.. this is a violent chem reaction.

  12. McCain political ad - flip flop - flip flop - he would sell his soul to the Devil if he thought it might help him gain a vote.

  13. Yeah, he ain't lookin' "skinny", that's for sure!!!!! Probably, he eats lobster for breakfast, lunch, and dinner...along with the donuts...

  14. Yeah...........GODDAMMIT!!!!!!!!!! I'm going back to being the "other" Dan!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. This is going up up up...I posted something days ago: "BP spill 5x bigger than reported"...

  16. I put that video up...but NO ATTRIBUTION!!!!!!! Because Z won't sign his name anymore!!!!!!!!!

  17. ALSO...did you see? That was the wrong sheriff. There was a story about that.

  18. BP And Goldman Sachs: Gambling With Your Money
    May 05, 2010 2:21 pm ET

    Just like Goldman Sachs, BP acted irresponsibly by recklessly pursuing profits at the expense of the American people. Both companies gambled, both companies lost, and both companies expect the taxpayer to clean up their mess. It's time both companies are held accountable.

  19. Well Jeez,.. new blog rule,.. you gotta leave fingerprints and footprints everywhere you go to get a hat tip around here now.

    Soon he will be asking capriciously and cavalierly for a DNA sample,.. or you won't be allowed to post a comment.

  20. Oh Oh - cat's out of the bag - anony is z...

    (But then we all knew that O.T.)

  21. Okay this is war !!!!! Fuck Big Dan and his botanical garden,...

    I've got some pictures and I'm taking over his blog............

    This is Big Dan as he had lunch at the botanical garden's patio,.. he was dressed in drag so maybe he didn't intend to release this photo.
    Oh Well,..

    One more time, here is his mug beside that pinko plant flower thing,..

  22. yes,.. you are correct.

  23. Well ain't this fucking convenient ?

    This is a Rothschild profit making machine. When we fuck up we decide what information gets shared and disseminated with the government, academia, the media and the shit shoveling common people. The less information people of all walks of life know the better we can manage damage control,.. the more profits we can retain for ourselves so we can continue to live in opulence, gluttony, and ostentatiously consume.


    TransOcean Missing Tapes and Logs

    In the fateful hours before the Deepwater Horizon exploded about 50 miles off the Louisiana shore, a safety test was supposedly performed to detect if explosive gas was leaking from the mile-deep well.

    While some data were being transmitted to shore for safekeeping right up until the blast, officials from Transocean, the rig owner, told Congress that the last seven hours of its information are missing and that all written logs were lost in the explosion. Earlier tests that suggested explosive gas was leaking were preserved.

    The gap poses a mystery for investigators: What decisions were made -- and what warnings might have been ignored?

    "There is some delay in the replication of our data, so our operational data, our sequence of events ends at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on the 20th," Steven Newman, president and CEO of Transocean Ltd, told a Senate panel. The rig blew up at 10 p.m., killing 11 workers and unleashing the gusher.

    Houston attorney Tony Buzbee, who represents several rig workers involved in the accident, questioned whether what he called "the phantom test" was even performed.

  24. A reality based blog, expert opinion from intelligent people, scientific methods, logic, news that is ignored or under reported, and my own opinions and humor...and other fun stuff! If you want to talk about OUTER SPACE ALIENS, you probably shouldn't be here.

    So, yer, like, sayin' you think all these media, government, law enforcement and military/industrial/intelligence types are from earth?

  25. There is also the fact that BP was cleaning the drill mud out of the pipe BEFORE the concrete plug was poured into the pipe. This is opposite from the standard procedure. It is the drill mud in the pipe that contains the oil and gas until the concrete plug is poured. Normally the concrete is poured and it sinks through the mud, down to the well head where it hardens creating a plug.
    By replacing the mud with water before pouring the plug, the weight of the water in the column was insufficient to contain the oil and gas. Once the the gas began rising in the pipe it expanded as it rose causing the blowout and destruction of the drilling platform.

  26. This should be a case of criminal liability!

  27. This does seem to indicate gross negligence and criminality on BPs behalf.


    " BP contracted Schlumberger (SLB) to run the Cement Bond Log (CBL) test that was the final test on the plug that was skipped. The people testifying have been very coy about mentioning this, and you'll see why.

    SLB is an extremely highly regarded (and incredibly expensive) service company. They place a high standard on safety and train their workers to shut down unsafe operations.

    SLB gets out to the Deepwater Horizon to run the CBL, and they find the well still
    kicking heavily, which it should not be that late in the operation. SLB orders the"company man" (BP's man on the scene that runs the operation) to dump kill fluid down the well and shut-in the well. The company man refuses. SLB in the very next sentence asks for a helo to take all SLB personel back to shore. The company man says there are no more helo's scheduled for the rest of the week (translation: you're here to do a job, now do it). SLB gets on the horn to shore, calls SLB's corporate HQ, and gets a helo flown out there at SLB's expense and takes all SLB personel to shore.

    6 hours later, the platform explodes.

    Pick your jaw up off the floor now. No CBL was run after the pressure tests because the
    contractor high-tailed it out of there. If this story is true, the company man (who
    survived) should go to jail for 11 counts of negligent homicide."

    It does seem that news of a Schlumberger evacuation of their personnel would have leaked before now, but on the other hand it seems bizarre that someone would put together and circulate a false story like this.

    "In any case, as you said, if it is more or less true the stuff is really going to hit the fan.

    I emailed a reporter I know who is covering the oil spill story and I asked him he knows anything that would confirm or refute the Schlumberger evacuation story.

    Update: The reporter I contacted said he is definitely going to investigate (this was the first time he had heard rumors of a pre-explosion Schlumberger evacuation).

    Given the PR lies, lack of effort, and lack of transparency by BP (all known) I chose not to hide this story.

    And one cannot defame BP. Their reputation is now worthless.

  28. How to Opt Out of Facebook’s Instant Personalization
    Deeplink by Kurt Opsahl
    Update: Friday morning Facebook changed its privacy settings layout, making it a bit more challenging to opt out completely. As before, unchecking the "Allow" box is not sufficient because you need to block each Instant Personalization website to fully opt out. However, the previous path (via "Learn More") to the necessary Block Application buttons was removed, with Facebook suggesting instead you first go to the sites (at which point your information is disclosed), and then click "'No Thanks' on the blue Facebook notification on the top of partner sites." To fully opt out, you need to:

    More at link,..

  29. Watch and learn,..

  30. Oh God he is using that photo as an avatar now,.. can you believe it ?

    He thinks he is a move star now.

