Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Big Dan's Big News April 27, 2010

Arizona's Great Hispanic Voter Brown-Out: the REAL reason behind the Arizona racial profiling law!

THE STORY THE CORPORATE-OWNED MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS MISSING (on purpose) - The Republican Arizona governor Jan Brewer's REAL agenda is to INTIMIDATE, BLOCK, & HARASS LEGAL HISPANIC VOTERS...What moved GOP Governor Jan Brewer to sign the Soviet-style show-me-your-papers law is the exploding number of legal Hispanics, US citizens all, who are daring to vote -- and daring to vote Democratic by more than two-to-one. Unless this demographic locomotive is halted, Arizona Republicans know their party will soon be electoral toast. In 2004, Arizona governor Jan Brewer, then Secretary of State, had organized a racially loaded purge of the voter rolls that would have made Katherine Harris blush. Beginning after the 2004 election, under Brewer's command, no less than 100,000 voters, overwhelmingly Hispanics, were blocked from registering to vote. In 2005, the first year of the Great Brown-Out, one in three Phoenix residents found their registration applications rejected.

Behind the Arizona Immigration Law: GOP Game to Swipe the November Election

The timing of the Arizona racial profiling bill is impeccable! Just in time for 2010 elections, as usual! Here's some GOP voter purge flashbacks before the 2008 elections:

2007: History of Republican Voter Purging - A Legal Way for Republicans to Swing Elections?

2008: Top court blocks Republican attempt to purge voter registrations

2008: Judge: GOP's voter purge a 'violation of federal law'

2008: Don’t worry about Mickey Mouse or ACORN stealing the election. According to an investigative report out today in Rolling Stone magazine, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Greg Palast, after a year-long investigation, reveal a systematic program of "GOP vote tampering" on a massive scale.

GRITtv: Rinku Sen: Arizona's Immigration Debacle

A Colorado Democrat says Arizona is on its way to becoming a “police state” and its new immigration law is “reminiscent” of Nazi Germany.

The Daily Show's Illegal Immigration Correspondent shows you how Arizona cops will spot illegal aliens:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Law & Border
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Refried Bean-related terrorism, or is this the way Taco Bell delivers their "Bean Swastika" special???

Arizona vandals smear swastika made of refried beans into Capitol doors

The greatest video of all time, I'm posting this again - TEABAGGER MELTDOWN:

IGNORED - Corporate owned media owned by 90% conservatives they want us to think is liberal, downplays or doesn't cover huge Earth Day protest:

Yes, the biggest single climate rally in U.S. history is dismissed by comparison with the hypothetical cumulative turnout of dozens of future rallies on immigration. Who says the media isn’t fair? Apparently preserving the health and well-being of countless future generations isn’t “hot-button” enough for the media to be interested [kind of an ironic phrase, considering the rally was for action of global warming].

Over 100,000 rally for climate and clean energy action. Washington Post downplays this amazing show of support

Rendell calls out the media for their out of balance coverage of the TeaBaggers (see above non-coverage of the huge Earth Day protest):

President of the Confederacy:

The Revolution Will Be Commercialized - Sarah Palin is already president of right-wing America—and it’s a position with a very big salary.

Todd Rundgren - Can We Still Be Friends (LIVE, 1982 - OGWT)

This is why I LOVE Todd Rundgren, what a great guy, no one would do this at a concert -


  1. Now this is one plunger would've thought of:

    Arizona's Great Hispanic Voter Brown-Out: the REAL reason behind the Arizona racial profiling law!

    THE STORY THE CORPORATE-OWNED MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS MISSING (on purpose) - The Republican Arizona governor Jan Brewer's REAL agenda is to INTIMIDATE, BLOCK, & HARASS LEGAL HISPANIC VOTERS...What moved GOP Governor Jan Brewer to sign the Soviet-style show-me-your-papers law is the exploding number of legal Hispanics, US citizens all, who are daring to vote -- and daring to vote Democratic by more than two-to-one. Unless this demographic locomotive is halted, Arizona Republicans know their party will soon be electoral toast. In 2004, Arizona governor Jan Brewer, then Secretary of State, had organized a racially loaded purge of the voter rolls that would have made Katherine Harris blush. Beginning after the 2004 election, under Brewer's command, no less than 100,000 voters, overwhelmingly Hispanics, were blocked from registering to vote. In 2005, the first year of the Great Brown-Out, one in three Phoenix residents found their registration applications rejected.

    Behind the Arizona Immigration Law: GOP Game to Swipe the November Election


  2. Second cousin twice removed to that dude Draino,.. or was it,.. could it have been,.. what was his name,.. let me think for a second,.. the dreadful one,.. what the hell was his damn name,.. ya,.. that guy plunger was directly related to that dredd guy,.. like twins - not identical but more like fraternal - the hyper anti-anti-Zionist dude who always had something nice to say about everyone. Deep down don't you truly miss him and yearn for his return countenance upon this political/social blog.

    Does any one have a Kimberly-Clark tissue handy ? Snots are dripping from my nose and tears gushing from my tear ducts,.. now that I reminisce.


  3. What is with Pennsylvania,.. is it the water ?


    Concertgoers show the Reich stuff, are beaten by crowd

    Philadelphia Daily News

    farrs@phillynews.com 215-854-4225

    How did they Nazi this coming?

    Three men who showed up in full Nazi regalia to a hardcore punk show at an Old City bar Friday night were attacked by as many as 50 people on the streets after leaving the venue, according to witnesses and club management.

    The headlining band at the Khyber that night was Murphy's Law, led by front man Jimmy G, who formerly went by the moniker Jimmy Gestapo.

    In an e-mail to the Daily News, Jimmy G confirmed that some guys had showed up to the concert in "full Nazi field dress."

    "And they did get their asses kicked," he wrote. "Again."

    Khyber owner Stephen Simons, who was not at the show, said he had been told that the crowd inside "largely ignored and mocked" the three men.

    But after they exited the club, on 2nd Street near Chestnut, they were attacked by a group of up to 50 people, he said.

    "I guess being on 2nd Street in SS uniforms on a Friday night is a way to incite a semi-riot," Simons said.

    An attendee of the show who asked not to be named posted a blog entry about the event Saturday and removed it Sunday after receiving "really negative feedback," he said.

    In the posting, he had described the men as tattooed with "Nazi-inspired symbols" and as wearing "camouflaged combat pants; woolen, WWII-era coats adorned with SS emblems and authentic Third Reich hats with Nazi insignias emblazoned atop them."

    He said the crowd kicked and punched the Nazi-wannabes and used weapons that included beer bottles and cue balls, although postings on other online- message boards describe the attack as more tame.

    The only information police have on the incident is that they responded to a report of a disturbance on 2nd Street at 11:33 p.m. No arrests, hospitalizations or assaults were reported, a police spokeswoman said.

    Simons said it was the first time anyone had shown up at the Khyber in Nazi gear.

    "As a Jew, I am totally offended by them wearing the uniforms," he said. "But, as an American citizen, I totally uphold their right to dress however they want to dress."

    He said that although men dressed as Nazis were at the downstairs show, at the same time a largely gay dance party was going on upstairs.

    "There was a man on the second floor wearing a wedding dress," he said. "I don't think he had any problems going out on 2nd Street."

  4. Since then, officials at German manufacturer BASF have said that they will seek approval from the EU to manufacture two other kinds of genetically modified potatoes. One of those, Fortuna, would be produced for human consumption in chips and french fries.

    Consumers Aren't Ready

    Eight of the 10 food companies polled by Greenpeace, however, indicated that they don't plan to use GM potatoes in the future, and half of the companies said that they were against the cultivation of GM potatoes for human consumption.

    Adding to the case against Fortuna, the German Association of the Fruit, Vegetable and Potato Processing Industry (BOGK) sees no necessity to authorize the GM potato because consumers aren't ready to "accept genetically modified products in either food or (animal) feed."


