Friday, April 23, 2010

Big Dan's Big News April 23, 2010

Republicans start the same SHIT with financial reform as they did with Health Care: START OVER!!!

AP misreports their OWN poll (on purpose, I guarantee you) about marijuana to make you think most people don't want to legalize it! I keep telling you, the corporate owned media they want us to think is liberal, is a sham. It's OWNED by 90% conservatives and corporations. AP wanted to "manufacture consent" against legalizing pot. Don't believe every "poll" you see.

The AP's own report completely failed to mention the key data, which would appear to contradict their lead angle. Instead, the news wire handed the story's sole alcohol reference to the California Narcotics Officers Association, which suggested marijuana legalization is unpopular due to problems caused by alcohol and prescription drugs.

Media flipped key findings of legalization poll. Large majority in US want marijuana treated like alcohol

Poll: Majority Of Americans Say Pot Should Be Treated Like Booze

Watch and learn:

DRILL, BABY, DRILL!!! Wait until they off shore drill and it ruins beaches along the east coast!!! Which president or party wants to be responsible for that??? We're seeing how safe the drilling in Marcellus Shale is doing, right? Take a look at the original environmental disasters: oil spills -

Obama = Wall Street? Celente on corruption and gambling in finance

Can I see your papers, please??? Man gets pulled over and put in chains because he has brown skin and doesn't have his birth certificate on him in Arizona!!! See yesterday's post about this, too...

Hazleton's mayor Lou Barletta would be proud:

RNC blew $340,000 on posh three-day Hawaii bash — $56,000 a day

FBI, IRS investigating Florida GOP credit card use

Will we ever find out the full picture of 9/11??? Interview with Jesse Ventura - Midweek Politics with David Pakman


  1. Gotta love this,.. need health care,.. a Rethug says bring a chicken to your doctor's office,.. and trade the chicken for the health care you need.

    See the video of this idiot - oh my God,.. another Palin and Bachmann - hyper conservative fascist bitch.

  2. Now Rethugs want bipartisanship,.. but when they were in charge of the Senate and House they ruled the place with an iron fist. They didn't give a hoot about opinions from the opposition party.

  3. I'm now looking to switch from Firefox. It blows, like I said from the get-go. Yes, I have the latest version. It crashes double-digits times per day on me. It stinks. Big Time.

  4. Republicans:

    They find a Mexican...and it's Alberto Gonzales!!!

    They find a black woman...and it's Condoleeza Rice!!!

    They find white women...and they're Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, and Sue Lowden!!!

    They find a black guy...and it's Michael Steele!!!!!!!!

  5. Never a problem here,.. and trash clean up is was less than what Windows saves, accumulates, stores, and allows to enter your system like mega/mega cookies. Big Dan maybe,.. just maybe,.. you are an abacus sort of guy ? You think ???????

  6. Jeez,.. can we make a computer whiz out of this abacus guy ???????????

  7. Sad, sorry, pathetic reality,..

    The suicide rate among war veterans is extraordinary, new data reveals.

    Thirty try to commit suicide each day, on average, reports the Army Times. Eighteen succeed, roughly five of whom receive medical care from Veterans Affairs, rated one of the best health programs in the country.

    "Of the more than 30,000 suicides in this country each year, fully 20 percent of them are acts by veterans,'' said VA Secretary Eric Shinseki at a VA-sponsored suicide prevention conference in January, Inter Press Service reported.

  8. Statistics!

    Of the more than 30,000 suicides in this country each year, fully 20 percent of them are acts by veterans

    That is a totally useless statement without:

    Veterans comprise X % of the entire population.

    Don't get me wrong, it is horrible that these folks are killing themselves, but the figures are meaningless.

    If veterans comprise 25% of the population then their rate is actually lower than the rest of the people!

    We need meaningful numbers to judge the problem, or even if there is a problem!

  9. yes first the ap pretends people are against legalization ,then in nov in cali watch the votes being flipped..i hope the folks that got it on the ballot in cali are ready to hand count because that is the only way they will win...and they should start counting precincts now so it is easier to see when they "inflate" the no votes that will supposedly come from conservative areas

  10. Rethug says bring a chicken to your doctor's office,.. and trade the chicken for the health care you need.

  11. A comprehensive list of Government officials with ties to Goldman Sachs - formal or otherwise.

    (At web site link below - click name for mega details.)

    Name About

    Goldman Sachs Group Investment Firm
    Gary D Cohn President and COO of Goldman Sachs
    Pete Coneway Investment Banker, Goldman Sachs & Co
    Diana Farrell Deputy director of Obama's National Economic...
    Jose Fourquet Investor, Goldman Sachs & Co.
    Stephen Friedman Chairman of Stone Point Capital; director of...
    Gary Gensler ex-Goldman Sachs executive, Chairman of Commodity...
    Dick Gephardt US Representative from Missouri
    Bob Hormats Under Secretary of State for Economic, Energy,...
    Robert J Hurst
    Reuben Jeffery III Undersecretary of State for Economic, Energy, and...
    James A Johnson Vice Chair of Perseus and Goldman director;...
    Neel Kashkari Treasury official in charge of TARP; former...
    James C Langdon Jr Senior Executive Partner at Akin Gump and Bush...
    Philip D Murphy Ambassador to Germany-Designate
    Mark Patterson Chief of Staff to Tim Geithner
    Henry M Paulson Jr Secretary of Treasury under George W Bush; former...
    Karthik Ramanathan Domestic Finance: Acting Assistant Secretary for...
    Robert E Rubin Former Treasury Secretary and senior advisor at...
    Faryar Shirzad Global Head of Government Affairs at Goldman...
    Robert K Steel CEO of Wachovia; Under Secretary of Treasury...
    Adam Storch SEC Chief Operating Officer; former Goldman Sachs...
    Larry Summers Director of the National Economic Council ...
    John Whitehead Banker and public official (ex-Goldman Sachs)
    Robert Zoellick US Trade Representative and World Bank president...
