Thursday, April 22, 2010

Big Dan's Big News April 22, 2010 - Stop Lou Barletta: NO PROBLEM-O!!!!!!!

Hazleton's Lou Barletta: Lou, here's an idea for you, watch the Steven Colbert video below...racial profiling brown-skinned people in Arizona. Just don't look in the mirror, Lou, because YOU have brown skin...

Above: Lou Barletta...possibly asking someone if their "papers are in order"...that nose looks kinda "Muslim"...we better check that out! Keep clear of the tanning booths...

Please do NOT embarrass NEPA and let Lou Barletta and his thinly disguised racism represent the people of this area. He gets a free ride on WILK FOX "news" Jr. as a forum where they never challenge him on how radical he is. Steve "FAKE liberal" Corbett, Barletta's stenographer, used to do this when he first came into the area and was trying to fake us out on how liberal he was. Those days are gone, and he's now "chums" with him. To fake you out, he says he voted for Paul Kanjorski, but devotes many hours to attacking Kanjorski and NOT attacking Lou Barletta. Like I always say: Steve, why don't you say you voted for Barletta...and devote hours to attacking Barletta? That's a better deal! I'll take up the slack. Don't embarrass the people of NEPA and have radical Lou Barletta on the national stage. Lou should move to the Confederacy down South, in particular to Arizona where he'd fit right in, where's they're dividing people to rise in power. This is the NORTH, Lou. Is your town of Hazleton a ghost town yet?

Penn. Mayor Lou Barletta, a Controversial Immigration Hardliner, Complains that College Course Portrays Him Unfairly

Righwing Watch: Lou Barletta

NEPA's Lou Barletta should watch this - legalizing racial profiling in Arizona: Immigrants account for $29 Billion of Arizona's economy, once there's no more people in Arizona...NO PROBLEM-O!!!!!

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - No Problemo
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

They ALL say "You got me all wrong!!!

Lou Barletta, the John McCain of NEPA. McCain: Immigrants cause accidents on purpose - unbelievable! How far has John McCain fallen? What if he was our president? Along with radical rightwinger Sarah Palin? Either John McCain is SENILE, or he wants to be reelected in Arizona so bad, that he'll just say anything. What a sad SAD old man:

Papers Please Nazi "SS" Gestapo Check Point inside the USA,

Your Papers, Please!!! Man gets chained for having brown skin and not having his birth certificate on him in Arizona!!!

Your Papers, Please!!!

Fiscal Conservatives: RNC Spent $340K On Hawaii Meeting

The best the GOP could do against Harry Reid in Nevada: chickens for health care!!! Hey Sue...I DON'T HAVE ANY CHICKENS!!!

Dems Fricassee Lowden For Chicken-Bartering Health Care Plan

Chickens for Checkups Website

This is no joke: the best the Republicans could offer up against Harry Reid is a woman who said we should pay for health care with chickens...I'm not kidding! Watch this:

The last black Republican: JC Watts 2002 -

CPAC brings JC Watts out of retirement to freestyle rap:

JC Watts, the last black Republican (2002), comes out of retirement to participate in the CPAC Freestyle Rap contest: "There's not much rapping going on"

(note: in case anyone hasn't noticed, I have a recurring funny on this blog about JC Watts being the last black Republican in congress...which is true. 2002 look it up. The GOP will be having a decade celebration soon on being "black-free". I take advantage of it every chance I get! LOL!!!!!!! For those of you with no sense of humor, NO, JC Watts didn't actually come out of retirement to freestyle rap at CPAC. I better say that, or some idiot will be saying: "Hey, did you hear? JC Watts came out of retirement to freestyle rap at CPAC - COOOOOL!!!!!! The Republicans are 'hip'!!!!!!!!!")

No rapping or blacks at the CPAC...but plenty of gay-bashing! Here's how Republicans act when they're with their own: Young Americans for Freedom...but not gay freedom:

Why I Will Vote Republican, by Seargent Freedom

Excerpt of "Why I Will Vote Republican":
I am a Republican because I am tired of immigrants coming to this country and taking our jobs. I know a lot of hardworking American lettuce pickers. It doesn't bother me that our Corporations are shipping our jobs to other countries for cheaper labor and to avoid labor regulations. I'm tired of paying taxes, which is the only reason I can sympathize with immigrant workers who must stay undocumented. They don't have to pay taxes! Hopefully, if a Republican is elected, they will finally let me have a post office box in the Cayman Islands so I don’t have to pay taxes either, the way the corporations do.

I am a Republican because I'm tired of minorities whining. They have the same opportunities as every one else but they shouldn’t be allowed to get perfect grades, be Constitutional Law Professors, and be President (especially if they’re black). I don’t like affirmative action for poor minorities. I don’t care if the rich and super rich can get into Ivy League Universities, even with failing grades, simply through large donations to endowments “legacy” status, which is affirmative action for the rich. They earned it. Being a fortunate son has its advantages. If you want them, go earn them and stop being a lazy ass.

I hate socialism. I love the military. It doesn't matter to me that the military is provided to me by the contributions of all taxpayers, and defends me as it defends all. I don't care if the Interstate Highway System was built in this manner as well. That was then. If bridges collapse now, people that live near the bridge should pay to fix it, not me.

I believe in a strong military. I believe in our right to preemptively defend ourselves, even if that is an oxymoron. I also believe that we should have the right to bomb any country we believe might be threatening us back into the Stone Age, and that the people of those countries we are invading have no right to defend themselves. I believe a sovereign and safe America also includes annexing the countries of Canada and Mexico.

Republicans believe in an all volunteer military, and I am against the draft – because in a society that runs properly there should be a large pool of poor people with no other options whom we can attack and disparage for being lazy and not joining the military. A military composed of large numbers of volunteer minorities and rural poor whites can only be a good thing.


  1. Close up video image of a solar flare.


    This ties to a yesterday link too,.. quite the sight.

  2. Graphics/map where do tea partiers come from ?

    The map above -- courtesy of the absolutely terrific "Patchwork Nation" project led by Dante Chinni -- gives us yet another piece of the still-incomplete picture of the Tea Party movement: where they live.

    The answer? All over but, not surprisingly, the largest concentrations of people who identify themselves as member of the Tea Party are in typically Republican strongholds -- north Florida, central Texas as well as the northern portions of the Mountain West.

    "The biggest number of these folks do tend to come from wealthier GOP areas, as some polls have shown," emailed Chinni. "What may be more interesting is there's not as much interest from the counties we call 'Evangelical Epicenters,' meaning less interest in places where the religious right dominates."

  3. Sorry Big Dan,.. forgot the link,.. this is going viral across the Internet.


    I believe that tax cuts – especially for the most wealthy -- will stimulate the economy and cut the debt and deficit even though they never have before. I believe that giving Federal assistance to multinational corporations and super-wealthy individuals is good for job growth, even though these corporations we help with our tax dollars shut down their American plants and moved all the jobs to Communist countries. I believe the reason that multinational corporations offshore American jobs is because of unions, and Americans shouldn’t be able to unionize anyway. American workers dared to offend the multinational corporations, and workers are now reaping what they have sewn. Since the Supreme Court decreed that corporations are citizens, people should do whatever the multinational corporations tell us to do.

    Much more at a Big Dan link,..


    Original source/link,..

  4. Local musician Lou Marino

    At first I thought it was refering to the sax player from the RCO allstars - studio backup players who worked with the Blues Brothers and Levon Helm among others, but then I found his name was actually Lou Marini.

    Here's the lineup behind Levon at his 1977 new years eave show:

    Tom “Bones” Malone – Trombone
    Donald “Duck” Dunn – Bass
    Fred Carter Jr. – Guitar
    Alan Rubin – Trumpet
    Lou Marini – Saxophone
    Steve Cropper – Guitar
    Mac Rebennack (Dr. John) – Keyboard, Vocals
    Howard Johnson – Tuba
    Paul Butterfield – Harmonica, Vocals

    Of that bunch, these guys were in the Blues Brothers along with a number of the Saturday Night Live band members:

    Tom “Bones” Malone – Trombone
    Donald “Duck” Dunn – Bass
    Lou Marini – Saxophone
    Steve Cropper – Guitar

  5. Of course Mac Rebennack and Paul Butterfield were also big name acts at the time.

  6. Do Blacks Have a Reason to Vote GOP?

  7. Flush human rights: Activist stocks campus bathrooms with torture toilet paper

  8. There's actually a Rebennack family around here, they own Rebennack's Appliances.

  9. How come no one ever interviews a black guy who voted Republican???

  10. Exclusive: WellPoint routinely targets breast cancer patients

    (Reuters) - One after another, shortly after a diagnosis of breast cancer, each of the women learned that her health insurance had been canceled. First there was Yenny Hsu, who lived and worked in Los Angeles. Later, Robin Beaton, a registered nurse from Texas. And then, most recently, there was Patricia Relling, a successful art gallery owner and interior designer from Louisville, Kentucky.

  11. Do Some Americans Pay No Taxes? The Contrived Claims That Everyone Must Help Pay for the Government

  12. Congratulations, GM! All TARP funds repaid 5 years early

  13. On my favorite subject of LOVE, I just read this hard hitting, beautifully honest quote....."We are each of us angels with only one wing, And we can only fly while embracing each other".......My comment on that wonderful quote is this: I have to say that this sums up the whole idea of why you NEED love in order to survive....without it your life becomes a maddening, confusing, hellish void. Every day spent without someone loving you physically, mentally and spiritually is precious, precious time being so foolishly thrown away...never to return. Enough said. drumbo

  14. Oh shit,.. plunger is pissed at me now,.. I retract all my snide remarks in one felled swoop.

  15. Big Dan a replacement video link to the Ryan Sorba rant at CPAC 2009,.. youtube took it down because of "Copyright Infringements"

    "BRING IT,.. I LOVE IT,.. I'M A FASCIST/NAZI PIG !!!!!!! "

  16. This jackass Lou Barletta is getting a free ride in the media around here, because it's all rightwing media.

  17. A big wet and juicy kiss on the forehead for you too,.. Drummer Boy.

    Good Lord,.. this boy must make more love - than John Lennon ever fathomed possible - in one life time.

    Does he gulp down fists full of Viagra ????? We know he ain't 18,.. or at least that vim, vigorous, and/or virile.

  18. The oil drilling rig that had an explosion the other day - it broke apart and sank in the gulf on Mexico. Eleven workers are still missing after that explosion.

    British Petroleum (The Rothschild Clan) own this environmental catastrophe.

    Video showing details of the nasty oil rig fire.

  19. Fuck em,.. right-wingers like to illegally spy with no consideration for privacy rights - let them pick up the tab for the damage awards against themselves and the cost to defend their perverted acts of spying on and taking advantage of children.


    A New York insurer that issued a $1 million liability policy to the Lower Merion School District is balking at the school board's request that it cover any legal costs and payments associated with the civil rights lawsuit challenging the district's secret laptop tracking program.

    In a suit filed in federal district court in Philadelphia, Graphic Arts Mutual Insurance Company contends that none of the seven claims made by Harriton High School sophomore Blake Robbins in his invasion of privacy lawsuit amount to "personal injury" as defined in the coverage that the district bought last year."

  20. Where is BB-2,.. he would love this.

  21. I'm now looking to switch from Firefox. It blows, like I said from the get-go. Yes, I have the latest version. It crashes double-digits times per day on me. It stinks. Big Time.
