Friday, March 19, 2010

Big Dan's Big News March 19, 2010

True "Patriots" - protesters against the health care bill Mock And Scorn Apparent Parkinson's Victim

FULL VIDEO from the Columbus Dispatch

Man With Parkinson’s Called A Communist By Health Care Reform Protesters

State of health care debate: Pundits attack 11-year-old

Rightwing media is on the case! The majority can't rule or pass anything...unless the Republicans are the majority! Don't obey the government...until the Republicans are back in power, then it's unPatriotic not to obey the government - you're "with the terrorists"! The founding fathers, the constitution! Oh my GOD!!! Don't you miss the good ole days from 2000 to 2008 when the founding fathers and the constitution wanted us to pre-emptively attack and invade countries based on lies for 2.5 BILLION of our taxes a week for 9 years, tap our phones and email, never use the "noo-KEY-lore option", lower taxes on the richest few during a war so it couldn't be paid for, put unqualified cronies in charge of federal agencies so 1,500 Americans could drown in Katrina...remember when everyone in America knew every part of every bill passed like the Patriot Act and No Child Left Behind, when we were safe from massive terror attacks like 9/11, when Bush and Paulson did the first financial bailout of banksters, when we did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about health care...don't you miss those days??? I know the founding fathers would! Too bad if you live in RED STATE Texas, you won't be reading about founding father Thomas Jefferson anymore and all those founding fathers who created the CENSUS that's in the Constitution that rightwingers don't want you to fill out!!!

(local propagandists Sue Henry and Steve Corbett from WILK make "the picture"...)

What if Glenn Beck was a LEFT WING CONSPIRACY THEORIST? Jon Stewart shows you the parallel universe FOX "news" where Glenn Beck says we're heading to the right towards a Theocracy (this is a MUST SEE!!!):

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Conservative Libertarian
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Reform

More from FALSE NEWS (FOX "news") - the GOP operation that calls themselves "news":

Right-wing media have seized on a dubious, three-month old email "survey" that purports to show that physicians are concerned about health care reform and that 46 percent of the primary care doctors surveyed "indicated that they would leave medicine - or try to leave medicine - as a result of health reform." Many media figures have falsely attributed this survey to the New England Journal of Medicine. For example, on Fox & Friends, co-host Brian Kilmeade said: "The New England Journal of Medicine has published a report and did a survey, and they said the impact of reform on primary care physicians, 46 percent, they say, feel reform will force them out or make them want to leave medicine."

This is false.

Media falsely attribute doctor survey to New England Journal of Medicine

Hours after Fox corrected the record, Beck perpetuates falsehood about doctor "survey"

Quick Fact: Washington Times clings to doctor survey falsehood

FOX "news" - the only cut off Obama...again...this is actually getting funny, like an SNL skit! I was laughing when I saw this. If you don't LAUGH when the FOX "news" guy cuts off Obama @ around 26 seconds into the video, then you have no sense of humor. This is SERIOUSLY funny stuff:

Republicans also don’t care when their own rank hypocrisy is revealed in the “liberal media” — when there are balanced reports, for example, that they used the same arcane rules with wild abandon when they controlled Congress. The Republican base will never learn about their own pols’ hypocrisy because these voters have been trained to get their “news” exclusively from right-wing propaganda outlets like Fox News and hate radio, where untidy facts like these will never be mentioned.
GOP House Used Dreaded So-Called ‘Slaughter Rule’ 202 Times under Speakers Gingrich and Hastert

Glenn Greenwald: The American Right is now openly siding with a foreign government against their own, and bitterly Blaming America for these problems. They're protecting this foreign government's actions even though our top Generals say those actions undermine our war effort and directly endanger American troops. They're advocating policies -- such as the Israeli bombing of Iran -- which America's Joint Chiefs Chairman has gravely warned will seriously impede our wars and lead to the deaths of our soldiers. They're demeaning the top American General with command responsibility for two theaters of war. And, in a Time of War, they're attacking the President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief -- and relentlessly depicting him as weak and inept -- all because he's prioritizing American interests over those of a foreign country. All of that seems to severely breach the standards of Patriotism they have long advocated and which have long prevailed, to put that rather mildly.

Rampant patriotism breaches on America's right

The corporate owned mainstream media that wants us to believe they're "liberal":

WTF?!: NYTimes Fails to Report Fed Judge Finding on 'Unconstitutional' ACORN Defunding Legislation. From misreporting to no reporting at all, questions keep mounting for the 'paper of record' about their bizarre record of failure on the ACORN story...

The MYTH of "liberal media" -

Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky. Manufacture of consent = PROPAGANDA

Today is the 7th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of the Iraq war. We're in our 9th year in Afghanistan. 2.5 BILLION a week!!!

Iraq War Anniversary: Seven Years of Waste, Fraud and Abuse

Silicon Analysis of Anthrax Attack Spores: New Answers Leave More Questions Unanswered

Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

A federal appellate court said Thursday it wouldn't reconsider its ruling that former Attorney General John Ashcroft can be held personally responsible for misuse of the material witness statute after the Sept. 11 attacks.



Boy Scout leaders and Catholic church leaders getting together for "Pedophile Summit"

On tap (pun intended) at the summit: denying communion to Patrick Kennedy and Senator Casey...


  1. Older men in bad, tight shorts, hanging around in tents with young boys. In the middle of the woods. A priest's, I mean, pedophile's dream!

  2. You know how I'm always telling you about those ABC "news" briefs on the top of the hour on AM radio? Right now, they just said gas prices are going up...and it's a "good thing for the economy"!!!

  3. THE TEA PARTY & THE CIRCUS - Final Healthcare Reform Protest

  4. My take on these guys: disobey the government...until the Republicans get back in, and then obey the government again. I have now been alive long enough and been paying attention enough to see complete cycles of this (see: Monica Lewinsky)

  5. Mr. Ashcroft, meet personal liability:

  6. New questions of the source of the anthrax:

  7. Also, you might like to make your presence known here:

    add a few links.

  8. I put: "plunger's nuts - macqerman". LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before he got there!

  9. Nice preemptive strike!


  11. BD: Seen this site?

  12. Rampant patriotism breaches on America's right

  13. read this one:

  14. One of my direct encounters was with a "Former RAND Analyst." This is where the agenda is taught, the spooks are developed and the brainwashing to implement the agenda originates.


    Without a doubt, RAND is THE think tank most beholden to Tavistock Institute and certainly the RIIA's most prestigious vehicle for control of United States policies at every level. Specific RAND policies that became operative include our ICBM program, prime analyses for U.S. foreign policy making, instigator of space programs, U.S. nuclear policies, corporate analyses, hundreds of projects for the military, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in relation to the use of mind altering drugs like peyote, LSD (the covert MK-ULTRA operation which lasted for 20 years).

    [Editor, Tim Aho's note: The founder of the Rand Corporation, Herman Kahn, also founded the Hudson Institute in 1961. In Educating for the New World Order, B.K. Eakman tells of a training manual for "change agents" developed for the U.S. government by Rand Corporation: ". . . a how-to manual with a 1971 U.S. Office of Education contract number on it entitled 'Training for Change Agents'; seven volumes of 'change agent studies' commissioned by the U.S. Office of Education to the Rand Corporation in 1973-74; scores of other papers submitted by behaviorist researchers who had obtained grants from the U.S. Office of Education for the purpose of exploring ways to 'freeze' and 'unfreeze' values, 'to implement change,' and to turn potentially hostile groups and committees into acquiescent, rubber-stamp bodies by means of such strategies as the 'Delphi Technique.'" (p. 118)]

    Some of RAND's clients include:

    * American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T)
    * Chase Manhattan Bank
    * International Business Machines (IBM)
    * National Science Foundation
    * Republican Party
    * TRW
    * U.S. Air Force
    * U.S. Department of Health
    * U.S. Department of Energy

    There are literally THOUSANDS of highly important companies, government institutions and organizations that make use of RANDS's services. To list them all would be impossible. Among RAND's specialities is a study group that predicts the timing and the direction of a thermonuclear war, plus working out the many scenarios based upon its findings. RAND was once accused of being commissioned by the USSR to work out terms of surrender of the United States Government, an accusation that went all the way to the United States Senate, where it was taken up by Senator Symington and subsequently fell victim to scorn poured out by the establishment press. BRAINWASHING remains the primary function of RAND.

  15. BRAINWASHING remains the primary function of RAND.

    Do they use cream rinse?

  16. French documentarians conducted an experiment where they created a faux game show -- with all the typical studio trappings -- and then instructed participants (who believed it was a real TV program) to administer electric shock to unseen contestants each time they answered questions incorrectly, with increasing potency for each wrong answer. Even as the unseen contestants (who were actors) screamed in agony and pleaded for mercy -- and even once they went silent and were presumably dead -- 81% of the participants continued to obey the instructions of the authority-figure/host and kept administering higher and higher levels of electric shock. The experiment was a replica of the one conducted in 1961 by Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram, where 65% of participants obeyed instructions from a designated authority figure to administer electric shock to unseen individuals, and never stopped obeying even as they heard excruciating screams and then silence. This new French experiment was designed to measure the added power of television to place people into submission to authority and induce them to administer torture.

  17. What's going on here:

    F.B.I. Is Seeking to Search Papers of Dead Reporter

  18. Fox "news" cuts off Obama...again...only network to do so...again...

  19. Fed must reveal records re Tarp distributions:

  20. He worked for the CIA. Just retrieving their things.

  21. Fed must reveal records re Tarp distributions:


  22. Bernanke footnote: Fed wants end to ‘minimum reserve requirements’

  23. Don't you love stories like this?

    US military pushed for closure of CIA-Saudi website: report

  24. This is huge, if this is true...and I told everyone a while back about Hannity and his "charities", I bet he goes down with this one in flames, bye bye Hannity. Don't you love he has "Freedom" in it? "Freedom Alliance":

    Fox News commentator Sean Hannity is routinely mocked by the left for his conservative positions, but now he has become the target of far more serious accusations from a fellow-conservative.

    Columnist and blogger Debbie Schlussel claimed on Friday that Hannity is profiting from a charity that raises money for severely injured US soldiers and the children of troops killed in action, and she described the Freedom Alliance as "a huge scam."

    "Less than 20% -- and in two recent years, less than 7% and 4%, respectively -- of the money raised by Freedom Alliance went to these causes, while millions of dollars went to expenses, including consultants and apparently to ferret [sic] the Hannity posse of family and friends in high style," Schlussel writes.

    "And, despite Hannity’s statements to the contrary on his nationally syndicated radio show," she continues, "few of the children of fallen soldiers got more than $1,000-$2,000, with apparently none getting more than $6,000, while Freedom Alliance appears to have spent tens of thousands of dollars for private planes."

    Schlussel cites an anonymous source who she says told her that the promoter of Hannity's fundraising "Freedom Concerts" figured the cost of a Gulfstream jet, a "fleet" of luxury SUVs, and high-end hotel suites for Hannity's entourage as amounting to over $200,000 per event.

  25. I was watching Bill Maher, and he said there's a video out now (true?) of John Edwards performing fellatio on his then-6-month pregnant mistress. Everyone loves to see a politician kiss a baby!!!

  26. Palin Desperately Pitching Reality TV Show But Turned Down by Major Networks

  27. NOTHING'S GETTING BETTER! Sean Penn In Haiti

  28. Big Dan "on the case" in Oct '07 -

    Tuesday, October 16, 2007
    "Lookin' For Some Good Buddies"....on HanniDate!

  29. Today: HanniDate features a conservative who's "classically liberal", and enjoys masturbating to Ann Coulter -
