Thursday, March 18, 2010

Big Dan's Big News March 18, 2010

Special Commentary by Big Dan: "Our local NEPA radio station WILK which features almost a non-stop lineup of right-leaning shows like Rush Limbaugh is flooding us with commercials to call congressman Kanjorski and urge him to vote "NO" on the health care bill. Since I know the health care DENIERS are behind this propaganda, I used their commercial to get Kanjorski's number (825-2200) and did the OPPOSITE: I urged him to vote "YES". Thank you, health care industry propagandist, for conveniently giving me Kanjorski's phone number, as I otherwise wouldn't have called. And thank you for making me realize to do this, because if YOU are against it, it must be better than I thought!!!"

Iraq War Veteran Calls for Suspending the Pledge of Allegiance!

“There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.”-Howard Zinn

Why do we think THIS is "OK"??? -

NATO Airstrike Kills at Least 27 Afghan Civilians

You're not going to find most of what is on this blog in the corporate owned mainstream media we're supposed to think is liberal. - Big Dan

Senior Bush administration officials sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU.

Revealed: Ashcroft, Tenet, Rumsfeld warned 9/11 Commission about ‘line’ it ’should not cross’

ACLU obtained this document (pdf)

Can the 'Bush Lied' Deniers Handle the Truth?

Shortly after news broke that CIA destroyed the torture tapes, the 9/11 Commission issued a letter complaining that they had not been told of–much less been allowed to review–the torture tapes. They released a memo from Philip Zelikow describing how the Administration refused to allow the 9/11 Commission direct access to detainees in early 2004. OVP had the lead in refusing the 9/11 Commission’s request for more information from the detainees.

Did Addington Oppose 9/11 Commission Questions to Avoid Independent Evaluation of Torture Program?

Prior knowledge of 9/11.

The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11. Happy coincidenting!

This is telling: go to the link below and look at the videos there. You will realize the media is suppressing 9/11 family members, experts such as architects and engineers, actual eyewitnesses, etc... Keep in mind how the media will shove down your throats: birthers, Tea Party, etc...things like that.

911 Truth (Yuwie Club) - Description: This club is to inform the public of all the under reported events surrounding 9/11, because the more far and wide this information spreads the safer we all are. Any govt so-called investigation into the matter, like everything else it has always done for time immortal, will be a sham.

9-11 Cover Up Imploding

the LOCATION of WTC 7.

World Trade Center Building 7, a 47 story building a block away from the twin towers, fell demolition-style and NO PLANE HIT IT...the "smoking gun" of 9/11 being an inside job. I said this before: look at these videos below...if you think this 47 story building fell controlled demolition style "due to isolated fires" and wasn't hit by a plane and was a block away, YOU are an IDIOT. Has a building EVER fell demolition style strictly due to being on fire? Yes, one in history - this one. I guess this is the only building in history that ever caught on fire, or buildings would be falling like this all the time. Look at the videos, what do your own eyes tell you? -

They're not birthers or from the Tea they're dangerous to the government and blacklisted by the media. What does that tell you? They should say they're from the "Tea Party"...then they would be left alone, look:

Bunker Busters Shipped to Diego Garcia: Imminent Attack or Strategic Move?

Manufacturing Consent: the mass corporate owned mainstream media they want us to think is liberal:

The propaganda model

Using the propaganda model, Manufacturing Consent posits that corporate-owned news mass communication media — print, radio, television — are businesses subject to commercial competition for advertising revenue and profit. As such, their distortion (editorial bias) of news reportage — i.e. what types of news, which items, and how they are reported — is consequence of the profit motive that requires establishing a stable, profitable business; therefore, news businesses favoring profit over the public interest succeed, whilst those favoring reportorial accuracy over profits fail, and are relegated to the margins of their markets (low sales and ratings).

Government and news media

Editorial distortion is aggravated by the news media’s dependence upon private and governmental news sources. If a given newspaper, television station, magazine, et cetera, incurs governmental disfavor, it usually is subtly excluded from access to information (news); as a result, its competitors receive biased, preferential access. Consequently, the excluded news medium loses readers, viewers, and subscribers, hence its market-place business-leadership when it loses advertisers — the primary income sources. To minimize such financial danger, news media businesses editorially distort their reportage to favor government and corporate policies in order to maintain revenues and increase profits.

The MUST SEE movie: Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky:


  1. So Ron Avery says that a foreign military has infiltrated America with the support of rogue elements of the US Government - Alex confirms that the government in question is Israel, states "we can get into that," and then the topic is never discussed again?


  2. The original bond between GHW Bush and Israeli intelligence was formed around the Iran Hostage Crisis. Begin had been furious that he was effectively forced into a bad deal for Israel (giving up territory) by Jimmy Carter, and wanted to ensure that Carter would not be re-elected. It was at that point that Israel aligned itself with the Republican party, and GHW Bush brokered the relationship that would ensure a Reagan victory. This set the stage for the co-conspirators to form their own Shadow Government within the United States Government - which remains in place despite an apparent change of party control. The Lewinsky affair with Clinton was arranged by these co-conspirators to take down Clinton at the behest of GHW Bush, who was pissed that Clinton had denied him a second term.

    This Shadow Government, with Mossad as its co-conspirator, planned and executed 9/11, the Anthrax attacks, and all that followed. What the Christian Zionists never expected was that Israel would use these same events to blackmail their co-conspirators, which serves to explain why the US Government is so actively engaged in the cover-up of 9/11, while allowing Israel do do as it pleases in Gaza, Lebanon, and coming soon - Iran. All of the Shadow Government operatives, all the way up to David Rockefeller, are being held hostage by Israeli blackmail. Israel has ALL the evidence hanging over their heads, and effectively controls America (and its nuclear arsenal) as a result:

    “A meeting between Miles Copeland and Israeli intelligence officers was held at a Georgetown house in Washington, D.C.,” Ben-Menashe wrote. “The Israelis were happy to deal with any initiative [regarding the hostages] but Carter’s.

    " David Kimche, chief of Tevel, the foreign relations unit of Mossad, was the senior Israeli at the meeting. …The Israelis and the Copeland group came up with a two-pronged plan to use quiet diplomacy with the Iranians and to draw up a scheme for military action against Iran that would not jeopardize the lives of the hostages.”

    In late February 1980, Seyeed Mehdi Kashani, an Iranian emissary, arrived in Israel to discuss Iran’s growing desperation for aircraft spare parts, Ben-Menashe wrote. Kashani, whom Ben-Menashe had known from their school days in Tehran, also revealed that overtures from Republican emissaries regarding the hostages already had been received, Ben-Menashe wrote.

    “Kashani said that the secret ex-CIA-Miles-Copeland group was aware that any deal cut with the Iranians would have to include the Israelis because they would have to be used as a third party to sell military equipment to Iran,” according to Ben-Menashe.

    In his book and sworn testimony, Ben-Menashe asserted that GOP vice presidential candidate Bush personally participated in a key meeting in October 1980 in Paris. In 1992, at two press conferences, then-President Bush denied that claim but never agreed to be questioned under oath in a formal government inquiry.

    After Reagan won the election -- and the U.S. hostages were released immediately after Reagan was sworn in on Jan. 20, 1981 -- Israeli-brokered weapons shipments flowed to Iran with the secret blessing of the new Republican administration.

    Extensive evidence also exists to support the allegations of a Republican-Israeli-Iranian collaboration – including statements from senior Iranian officials, international arms dealers, intelligence operatives, and Middle East political figures (including a cryptic confirmation from Begin’s successor Yitzhak Shamir). But the truth about the October Surprise case remains in dispute. [For details, see Robert Parry’s Secrecy & Privilege.]



  4. Yep, I noticed that. But isn't the video a "good thing" anyway?

  5. Did anyone else notice, this "Jihad Jane"? Did you notice, that she's NOT Arabic looking, she looks like a blond American...and they have to stick "Jihad" in there so you don't lose site of Muslims, though. Right? They had to put "Jihad" in there. What if absolutely NO ONE EVER CALLED HER "JIHAD JANE"...except the media?

  6. The "lesser of two evils" argument vs. "evil is evil". The "shades of grey" vs. black and white. The perfect vs. the good.

    9/11 truth, in my opinion, can be broken down into two distinct things: the science/physics/architecture/engineering part where the story is impossible and can be scientifically proven false, and then the "arrest who did it" part. I'm glad if they scientifically prove (they have actually) the buildings were controlled demolition. The Israelis were definitely in on the whole thing, as well as many others.

    I believe that the scientific part of it is so overwhelming and so many are signing onto it, that those who did it are worried. I then believe, that those who know the truth but don't want it out, will actually participate in exposing the scientific exposing of it BUT try to redirect the blame AWAY from the Israelis at all costs.

    So, look for shills to actually tell the truth, but direct the blame away from anything Israeli. THAT is the stage I think we will soon enter.

    This Ron Avery guy, is that the case with him?

  7. The same lesser/evil argument is going on with health care: I am not going to chastise Kucinich changing his vote on health care. I believe that this bill is far from perfect, but does it save lives? The answer is "YES". Can we keep trying to improve it? "YES". We WILL keep fighting to improve even more, it doesn't stop with this bill. But it's a step in the right direction, and that's what I think Kucinich realized.

  8. If the scientific part of 9/11 truth comes out in the mainstream and we get an investigation reopened, do I think it will stop there? "NO"

    If this health care bill passes, do I think people will stop fighting to improve it? "NO"

  9. I think things start small with baby steps, and I'll take the baby steps any day rather than waiting for perfection at the sake of trashing any other positive steps.

  10. Look at this site: Blandy Land -

  11. Yup - the script called for blond haired blue eyed Americans to be portrayed as "home grown terrorist" so that every American has an incentive to be even more fearful. Next will come rewards for tips about neighbors who might be terrorist sympathizers, to go along with the newly announced rewards for turning in likely tax cheats.

    Jihad THIS!

  12. Avery was willing to come right out and say Israel - but Alex redirected him away from it.

  13. Note that no one even dares comment on my Seminal thread except for the Zionist shill, Macquerman - who can always be counted on to be "at work" dogging my posts.

  14. Absolutely. Not only does it lay our the truth about the physics and architecture, it reveals the redirect by Alex plain as day.

  15. BigDan...that was funny about a team called The NEPA Corruption. How about the NEPA CRIME. The Miami Heat vs. The PA Crime............................hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Man sues over permanent damages from Taser.

  17. someone posted this yesterday: Yuwie 9/11 Truth Club, is this good?

  18. Good! I hope the TASER company has to pay, and not the taxpayers.

  19. It's about time someone thought that was funny, I was about to quit blogging!!!

  20. Note that Tea Partiers get on TV, birthers get on TV, etc...but 9/11 truthers will never get on TV. Anything that gets on TV throws up an immediate flag to me. Anything that's blacklisted from TV, I think there is something to it. Looking at TV analytically, is actually a help. They're actually telling us what's important and what isn't, by doing the opposite. Whatever is the opposite of TV, is likely the truth. Except for Free Speech TV. FSTV is only on DISH channel 9415. DirecTV and cable won't carry them. FSTV will not take money from corporations, DISH, or the government. Strictly viewer donations:

  21. Stirrin' it up:


    I've been struggling for about a week now trying to migrate my bookmarks and mail settings to a new computer. I tried many ways of copying my profiles to the new computer without much luck. At best I was only getting part of the puzzle. It took forever digging through the help menus without much success until I found one important clue - the name of the profile you are migrating MUST match the name of the new profile created on the new computer. Copy your old profile and paste it on the desktop of your new computer. Copy the name of the new profile to your old profile you just moved. Remove the new profile and insert the old one and you are all done. All of your bookmarks, passwords and settings will be there. Do the same with Thunderbird and all of your mail and address book will be in Thunderbird plus all of the mail servers etc. will be set up and ready to use.

    To find your profiles go to the Help menu in Firefox and click on "Troubleshooting" then "Open containing folder" it will open the folder containing your profile. Go up one level in the folder tree and you will see your profile folder. It will have a name such as irxhdo3o.default. If you then go up another level or two on the folder tree you will see a Thunderbird folder - go into that folder to find your Thunderbird profile. If you save your old mail this profile folder can be quit large. I have mail since 2007 saved on my work computer. Over 9 gigs - took about an hour to move it from one computer to the other.

  23. Look at this title:

    Middle Class Losing Health Insurance Faster Than The Rich Or Poor

    My obvious question: HOW CAN THE RICH "LOSE" THEIR HEALTH INSURANCE? Anyone know? They can't afford it? Then they're not "rich", right? wtf?

    And I have "news" for you: THE POOR CAN'T LOSE THEIR HEALTH INSURANCE! For several reasons, among them: when you're poor they give you FREE health insurance. I know this for a fact. When had the best insurance we ever had when we had zero income in 2004, the last time I was unemployed and my wife had health problems.


  24. Thanks BD - went back in and laid down the facts.

  25. Robert Schopmeyer appears to be the insider we've been waiting for to come forth with what he knows. Hopefully more will follow. This on the Raw Story Thread:

    rschop [Moderator] 1 hour ago
    While the al Qaeda terrorists carried out the attacks on 9/11, the CIA and FBI HQ knowingly, intentionally and deliberately allowed these attack to take place, and the proof for this comes directly from US official accounts of 9/11.

    The CIA and units at FBI HQ who were under orders from the CIA shut down all FBI criminal investigations of al Qaeda terrorists known to be inside of the US in late August, 2001, when al Qaeda terrorists were found inside of the US.

    The CIA knew in July 2001 that the people at the Kuala Lumpur al Qaeda planning meeting in January 2000, were connected to the warnings the CIA had been receiving since April 2001, about a huge al Qaeda attack about to take place inside of the US and had specially focused on Khalid al-Mihdhar as a terrorist who would be found at the location of the next big al Qaeda “operation”, CIA speak for al Qaeda attack.

    When Mihdhar and Hazmi were found to be inside of the US on August 22, 2001 and this information given to the CIA and FBI HQ these agencies knew immediately that Mihdhar and Hazmi were inside of the US only in order to take part in horrific terrorists attacks, the attacks on 9/11.

    So what did the FBI HQ and CIA do with this information.

    First they kept it as a complete secret from the FBI criminal investigators on the Cole bombing, even though both the CIA and FBI HQ knew that Mihdhar and Hazmi had taken part in the planning of the Cole bombing with Walid bin Attash at the Kuala Lumpur meeting.

    When the FBI Cole bombing investigators accidentally found out on August 28, 2001 that Mihdhar and Hazmi were inside of the US, the FBI HQ and CIA shut down their investigation of Mihdhar and Hazmi, even while knowing by doing so thousands of Americans were going to perish in these attacks as a direct result of their actions to shut down these investigations.

    Let me repeat, when the CIA and FBI HQ knew Mihdhar and Hazmi were inside of the US in order to take part in massive al Qaeda attacks that would murder thousands of Americans they shut down investigations that could have prevented these attacks. All of this information, taken from official US government documents, can be found in a book “Prior Knowledge of 9/11”.

  26. Who'd want to?

    Even the alcohol wouldn't help!
