Thursday, February 11, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Feb 11, 2010

More simplistic false talking points for MORANS: it's snowing so there's no such thing as Global Warming! It's dark, so there's no such thing as sunshine! It's 90 degrees in Australia, so the world is going to boil! Are you finished having your intelligence insulted by rightwing media? Where's Al Gore???

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Unusually Large Snowstorm
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Crisis

There's only ONE corporate owned channel pointing out the GOP and rightwing media LIES and PROPAGANDA: it's MSNBC's lineup of Maddow/Olbermann/Schultz:

Well, GloryHole be!!! Where are the teabaggers on this one?

2 ex-employees say Blackwater billed government for prostitute

What's going on in Yemen and Afghanistan and Haiti?

Study: Charter Schools Increasing Racial Segregation in Classrooms

Roundtable: Do Charter Schools Worsen Inequality of Two-Tiered Education System, or Help Address It?

Charter School debate:

Max Keiser: financial scandals are piling up: Every week Max Keiser looks at all the scandal behind the financial news headlines. This time Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert report from outside the Kremlin. As history - which was meant to have ended in 1991 resumes, as the US empire of debt collapses across the world, while show trials and government control of the markets fail to stop the rot. Keiser also speaks to Morgan Stanley professor of economics of the New Economic School in Moscow, Sergey Guriev, about Russia's Eurobonds and its economy, and about European and American debt crises.

Rep. Alan Grayson: $12 Trillion Gone and No One Punished

Former Reagan administration official Paul Craig Roberts: the U.S. is a police state:

ZZ Top - Just Got Paid / Tube Snake Boogie (Live)


  1. Girl attacked as security guards watch

  2. What do you think of this?

    New Images Of World Trade Center On September 11TH

  3. Is US a police state?

  4. The Best Ass In The World

  5. From realityzone:

  6. ZZ TOP another one of my favorites. Great pick.

    Hariri of Lebannon has now said that he will back Hezbollah if Lebannon is attacked by Israel.

    So my question is. If Israel is not happy about the actions against Iran. Would Israel attack Lebannon, and or Syria, in order to draw Iran into the fight, there by justifying an all out attack on Iran? I believe it is very likely by the spring or early summer at the latest.

    BTW. They never did solve the case of who killed Rafik Harriri. This can only mean one thing. MOSAD

  7. Fancy foot work of artistic expressions:

  8. More visual arts:

  9. Yep, the "liberal media" that isn't liberal would never report that or "dig".

  10. Put a blanket over that!

  11. This is really funny, yesterday I said this exact thing in the comments so they copied off me!!! Damn it!!!

    Here's where I said it FIRST:

    So, I AM GREAT! I AM THE MAN! I should write for the Daily Show. WAIT! I already AM! They're copying off me!!!

  12. Regarding that ZZ TOP video...when ZZ Top started wearing those fake, ridiculous beards in the early 80s, as far as I was concerned they officially became a sell-out, parody, MTV shit band. Yes they made a lot of money, but their best work ended after the Fandango album (about 1975/76). Then they started to get into the MTV, half naked girls, synthesizer garbage....FINISHED. They stink.

  13. How bout little JOJO BOZ? This is a great band with the BOZ.

  14. Now, see, I'm the opposite. I liked Deguello and El Loco. That's where I started liking them. I actually think that after those two albums I stopped liking them as much. Probably a lot to do with it, is there was a great local band at the time called The Great Rock Scare, Drumbo knows how good they were, and they played a lot of songs off Deguello and El Loco, such as: Cheap Sunglasses, I'm Bad I'm Nationwide, Tube Snake Boogie, I Thank You, Fool For Your Stockings. I liked the production better than the earlier albums.

    A lot of people feel the way Drumbo does, though, that the real ZZ Top are their earlier albums.

    I thought that album Eliminator with Gimme All Your Lovin', Sharp Dressed Man, and Legs started a whole new sound by them, even more slick than Deguello and El Loco, and I didn't like them as much. But I always love Billy Gibbons' guitar work no matter what.

  15. Boz Scaggs of Steve Miller Band fame:

  16. Amazing, another one of my all time favorites. Steve Miller.

  17. Tea Bag Movement: Harbinger of Fascism?

    Anybody inclined to laugh off the current Tea Bag Movement as just a passing fancy involving a few isolated kooks had better guess again.

    Analyze what was said at the group’s recent convention where Sarah Palin regaled her audience along with the series of preceding rallies cheer led by Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and others and a disturbing trend surfaces.

    These Teabaggers hold some discomforting points in common with the Brownshirts of Germany’s pre-Third Reich period. Many from the progressive movement in Germany during that period laughed off the appearance of “a funny looking little man with a mustache” along with those “kooky guys in the Brownshirts” as one conclusion was clear to them.

  18. YouTube weird tonight...

    All the videos linked in your front page load and play, but they take forever to first load. When I am at a video, when I click any link in the list of related videos on the right side I get a pop-up box telling me I am trying to open an application/octet-stream and asks what program I want to use to view it.

    Then if I click cancel on that pop-up and then again click the same video icon the video will play after 3-4 minutes of loading time.

  19. Taliban freaks out at Muslim cartoon...


    I mean: teabaggers freak out at Marvel comics cartoon:

  20. First Time I Heard 9/11 Family Member Bob McIlvaine Speak

  21. Cindy Sheehan said this on facebook, I'm "friends" with her: So many people believe that the Bush crime family lied about reasons to go to war and now over 5000 Americans are dead. Why can't people believe that they are lying about 911 that killed 3000 Americans--WE ARE ALL EXPENDABLE TO THE ROBBER CLASS--not just our troops--AND our troops are Americans, too.

  22. Corporate media go through all manner of contortions of logic and historical gymnastics to sanitize the Tea Party phenomenon – anything to avoid calling the people grouped under the Tea Party umbrella by their proper name: White nationalists.

    “The GOP is, at its core, a Rich Man's Party that relies for its mass support on people who want to vote for a White Man's Party.”

  23. Steve Miller Band Live From Chicago Jet Airliner

  24. Great sound quality in those SMB in Chicago videos, especially the bass & drums. Awesome!

  25. Steve Miller Band Live From Chicago Living In The USA

  26. Steve Miller Live From Chicago Mercury Blues

  27. could I miss this one? Sheesh!!!!!!!!!!!

    Steve Miller Band The Joker Live From Chicago

  28. Steve Miller Band Rock N Me Live
