Friday, January 8, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Jan 8, 2010

Perino & Giuliani: NO TERRORIST ATTACKS UNDER BUSH (9/11 never happened!!!)

First Dana Perino, and now Rudy Giuliani, say on TV that 9/11 didn't happen while Bush was president. Each has said that there were no terrorist attacks in America under Bush & Cheney. Therefore, they're saying that 9/11 either: 1) didn't happen, or 2) wasn't a terrorist attack.  Maybe they can put that bit of history in ConservaPedia. Of course, the media doesn't stop them from saying this on TV! SPECIAL HISTORICAL NOTE TO DITTOHEADS AND FOX "NEWS" VIEWERS AND REPUBLICANS: 9/11 WAS A DOMESTIC TERRORIST ATTACK THAT HAPPENED IN THE UNITED STATES WHILE BUSH & CHENEY WERE PRESIDENT - 3,000 DIED, NOT ZERO LIKE THE UNDERPANTS BOMBER. The media is afraid to say 3,000 AMERICANS DIED ON 9/11 AND BUSH WAS PRESIDENT! How was this accomplished, that it's "off limits" for the media to say Bush was president on 9/11 and 3,000 Americans died? Why is it that the media has been conditioned ONLY to say "after 9/11" or "post 9/11" when speaking of Bush?

Dana Perino: no terrorist attacks under Bush

Rudy Giuliani: no terrorist attacks under Bush

Below: picture of Giuliani & Bush at non-existent terror attack.

2 Democratic senators and 11 Democratic house members are stepping down.
6 Republican senators and 14 Republican house members are stepping down.


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Health Care Crisis

Geithner caught red-handed!

Geithner’s New York Fed Ordered AIG to Violate Securities Law in 2008

Geithner’s Fed tried to keep sweet deal for banks a secret: Issa

Eliot Spitzer: Tip of the ICEBERG - Under Timothy Geithner's leadership, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York told AIG to withhold details from the public about its payments to banks during the crisis.

WSJ: N.Y. Fed Told AIG to Shield Payouts

Bloomberg: Geithner’s Fed Told AIG to Limit Swaps Disclosure (Update3)

Geithner's New York Fed Pushed AIG To Keep Sweetheart Deals Secret (READ THE AIG EMAILS)

McClatchey: Emails between the Fed and AIG made public Thursday reveal a months-long disagreement over how much the public should be told about what ultimately became a back-door bailout of AIG by taxpayers.

NYTimes: Fed Advice to A.I.G. Scrutinized

The exact scenario of AIG had been played out six months earlier, in March – when Bear Stearns was about to go under.

Lawsuit: Goldman Sachs bonuses bigger than its earnings

Could Your Home Get Sold Without Your Knowledge?

TIME: The decimated housing market may get considerably worse before it gets better, according to housing-industry professionals, who expect foreclosures and home-price declines to continue pressuring the sector through at least the first half of 2010.

NYTimes: people walking away from their homes because their mortgage is higher than the value of their house; corporations do this all the time.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Maine has proposed a 22.9 percent rate increase for two health insurance plans targeting individuals.

Further PROOF the wars are causing more terrorism:

TIME - Abu Ghraib torture BLOWBACK: The Turkish wife of a Jordanian doctor who killed seven CIA employees in a suicide attack in Afghanistan says her husband was outraged over the treatment of Iraqis at Abu Ghraib prison and the U.S.-led invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

The reactions of the other passengers seems normal. The reactions of Schuringa are reminiscent of someone who has been trained in anti-in-flight-terror tactics.

According to reports Schuringa was on his way to visit an 'Israeli friend', Shai Ben-Ami who owns a restaurant in Miami. The flight landed at around noon on Christmas day, and by that afternoon Ben-Ami had become Schuringa's impromptu PR manager, aggressively negotiating fees for interviews and the couple of cell phone pictures that Schuringa had taken of Mutallab as he was being taken off the plane.

Eyewitnesses on the flight also reported that after Mutallab was taken off the plane the FBI arrested another Indian-looking man in Detroit airport. The FBI has since denied that anyone else was involved.

"The Underwear Bomber": Crushing Freedom With Phony Arab Terrorism

Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell: 'I was visited by the FBI'

The Airport Scanner Scam

Full Body Scanning

Republican response to Obama's announcement on terrorism: "God did it"; "Obama doesn't want to stop terrorism"; "when Bush did what Obama's doing I was OK with it"; something inexplicable about "lawyering up"; and "CAN WE STOP HEALTH REFORM NOW???"

Are Progressives Depressed or Too Privileged to Produce Social Change? Or Are We Just Failing to Organize Effectively?

'Green News Report' w/ Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen
January 7, 2010

Click to listen (or download)
More info on today's report here...


  1. zz [Moderator] 10 hours ago
    Published: January 7, 2010
    John Courson, president and C.E.O. of the Mortgage Bankers Association, recently told The Wall Street Journal that homeowners who default on their mortgages should think about the “message” they will send to “their family and their kids and their friends.

    ”Brent White, a University of Arizona law surprised that more people haven’t walked. He thinks the desire to avoid shame is a factor, as are overblown fears of harm to credit ratings. Probably, homeowners also labor under a delusion that their homes will quickly return to value. White has argued that the government should stop perpetuating default “scare stories” and, indeed, should encourage borrowers to default when it’s in their economic interest. This would correct a prevailing imbalance: homeowners operate under a “powerful moral constraint” while lenders are busily trying to maximize profits. More important, it might get the system unstuck. If lenders feared an avalanche of strategic defaults, they would have an incentive to renegotiate loan terms. In theory, this could produce a wave of loan modifications — the very goal the Treasury has been pursuing to end the crisis.

    I did this in 2004. Our house was worth $80,000 and we owed $130,000 on it. I stopped paying my mortgage, someone bought the our home in foreclosure for $33,000 and then I bought it off them for $60,000 and we never set foot out of our house.

    But I didn't do it on purpose. In 2004, my wife lost her job and she got cancer and I lost my job. We had zero income and stopped paying the mortgage. It was one of those subprime mortgages, too. With Household Finance. The rate was around 20% when everyone else was paying 5%.

    I called Household Finance and asked them to lower my rate to 5% and I would keep paying the mortgage. They said basically "go fuck yourself". I explained to them that the house was worth $80,000 and I owe them $130,000 and they would lose $50,000 and got the same answer from them. My mortgage would've been cut way more than half the amount if they lowered it to 5%

    So, they lost MORE than $50,000 because it went for $33,000 in the foreclosure auction: $130,000 - $33,000 = $97,000 loss.

    I called them and told them: "Ha! Now you lost $97,000 - don't you wish you took my offer of lowering it to 5%? I would've continued paying you!"

  2. Yesterday I said this in the comments:

    Big Dan [Moderator] 20 hours ago
    Worst GOP cash flow in decade blamed on tea baggers and waste

    This crossed my mind: Michael Steele is so bad and now he's publicly stating the GOP will NOT take over in the 2010's almost like he's an inside plant for the Democrats. I know that's far-fetched...

    Today, look at this:

    GOP Furious At Steele; RNC Admits Little Control

  3. Welcome to the relentless conspiracy of disreality...

  4. I thought torture works??? Yeah, it works to cause terrorism!!!!!!!


    Here's a good one for those who think torture works:

    The Turkish wife of a Jordanian doctor who killed seven CIA employees in a suicide attack in Afghanistan says her husband was outraged over the treatment of Iraqis at Abu Ghraib prison and the U.S.-led invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Defne Bayrak, the wife of bomber Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, said in an interview with The Associated Press that his hatred of the United States had motivated her husband to sacrifice his life on Dec. 30 in what he regarded as a holy war against the U.S.,8599,1952509,00.html

  5. Healthcare overhaul could save money and boost jobs, researchers say

    In a report to be released today, Harvard and USC economists say legislation being considered would slow cost increases and free up money for companies to raise wages and hire more workers.,0,1333736.story

  6. Disreality originates in the headquarters of false flag tactics:

  7. 2 Democratic senators and 11 Democratic house members are stepping down.
    6 Republican senators and 14 Republican house members are stepping down.

    The "liberal media" that only a Dittohead would think is liberal says: "Democrats are dropping like flies"

    If congress made it rain cookies, the "liberal media" would say the Democrats left America milkless!

  8. Plunger: Dana Perino just said there were no terror attacks under Bush, either:

  9. ConservaPedia was just updated: "No terrorist attacks under Bush"...& Jesus wasn't a liberal...TWO updates, sorry...

  10. You THIEF! If yer such an honest burglar, why don't you ever put in a post how grateful you are to The Sterling Agent 99 for the million times she's put you onto a particularly good link? Typical male chauvinist thief so-and-so! Why, I oughta... I oughta... I oughta challenge you to a duel.... I don't get no respect!

  11. This is funny:

    Christmas terror suspect pleads not guilty

    That would be funny if he spills the beans on the CIA!

  12. Why Bank Of America Fired Me

  13. The Airport Scanner Scam

    Full Body Scanning

  14. US-Led Forces Accused of Executing Schoolchildren in Afghanistan

    In Afghanistan, hundreds have taken to the streets of Kabul and elsewhere to protest the US killing of civilians. The incident that has sparked the most outrage took place in eastern Kunar on December 27th, when ten Afghans, eight of them schoolchildren, were killed. According to the Times of London, US-led troops dragged innocent children from their beds and shot them during a nighttime raid. Afghan government investigators said the eight students were aged from eleven to seventeen, all but one of them from the same family.


  16. see this?

  17. Stephanopolous said on his blog, he should've challenged Giuliani when he said there were no terrorist attacks under Bush. That, after people slammed him. So, on TV he's a coward. On his blog that no one reads, he says he "goofed". Yeah, right.

  18. Look, why is this fucker all over TV???

    Giuliani Falsely Claims That Calls To Close Guantanamo Are ‘Pure Partisan Political Criticism’

    Ever notice, it's always a Republican, they take turns on TV? First Gingrich, then the Cheney's, now suddenly Giuliani is all over TV. Always a Republican!

  19. MIT health economist Jonathan Gruber has been the go-to source that all the health care bill apologists point to to defend otherwise dubious arguments. But he has consistently failed to disclose that he has had a sole-source contract with the Department of Health and Human Services since June 19, 2009 to consult on the “President’s health reform proposal.”

    Does Consulting Contract Explain Gruber’s Exaggerated Claims About Senate Health Bill?

    Gruber Doesn’t Reveal that 21% of MA Residents Can’t Afford Health Care

    Gruber Didn’t Disclose His HHS Contract to the NEJM Back in July

    Gruber Did Not Disclose Conflict to Washington Post

    Gruber-Gate: A Paid Insider Can’t Be an Objective Outsider

  20. Huge NYC apartment complex misses loan payment

    Source: Reuters

    NEW YORK, Jan 8 (Reuters) - The joint venture led by Tishman Speyer and BlackRock Inc that owns New York City's vast Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village apartment complex on Friday said it missed making its full loan payment, moving the deal one step closer toward possible foreclosure.

    Credit agencies had warned that the joint venture, has seen the complex's value collapse by more than half since buying it for $5.4 billion in 2006, would likely default as it burned through reserves during a court battle over whether it could deregulate rents and raise them to market prices as swiftly as planned.

    . . . .

    The joint venture, which bought the 1940s-era complex near the peak of the real estate market, struggled to keep the deal afloat as property values declined during its lengthy court fight with tenants over whether it could raise rents.

    In October, New York's top court ruled that the joint venture had wrongly tried to raise apartment rents rates to higher market levels. .

  21. Same media ploy, different names:

  22. I was at the hardware store the other day and saw a large display rack of plungers, couldn't help but laugh.

    Wanted to buy them all and mail them to our blogging buddy. He must have the best collection in the entire world.

  23. Watch this!

  24. watch this.....

  25. Hal Turner admitted to be a National Security Agent
