Monday, January 4, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Jan 4, 2010

If you want another war (Yemen), expect the corporate TV news to start putting Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney on TV pushing for it as an "expert".

‘Experts’ justify profiling, body scanners with familiar paranoid rhetoric

They're doing it again with Yemen like they did with Iraq! The corporate owned media is shilling for a war with paid military industrial complex infomercial stars:

NYTimes: Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand

Pentagon Pundits - Blinded By The Right

June 2008 - Network News Blackout on Pentagon Pundits

Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about the Military-Industrial Complex with his departure in 1961

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Pentagon pursuing new investigation into Bush propaganda program

Part I - Senior official in Bush domestic propaganda program remains Obama’s Pentagon spokesman

Part II - Pentagon used psychological operation on US public, documents show

Part III - Pentagon officials won’t confirm Bush propaganda program ended

Patrick Cockburn: Threats to Yemen Prove America Hasn't Learned the Lesson of History

"It's a trick we use........"

Weapons of Mass Deception: how the military industrial complex works with the corporate owned media to keep us in perpetual war:

Move Your Money: Project Urges People to Transfer Money Out of Nation's Largest Banks

Democracy NOW! 2009 Year in Review

I posted this before, it makes me laugh. It's so racist, it's off the charts funny.

"This is an ad from 1992. I don't believe something this stereotypical ever got on television! They make the guy on the right look like bloody Jar Jar Binks... and his friend on the left acts like he's in control of the situation."


RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It's a trick:

  2. This is so racist, it's funny: "cheese to please"

  3. Hello Bluebear2, and welcome to the blog! My name is Big Dan. Thanks for stopping by! This isn't a guy impersonating Big Dan!

  4. 99 thinks that English guy in this commercial is a hunk:

    Does anyone else think that commercial is funny? I can't stop laughing when I see it. It's the greatest commercial of all time!


  6. Check this one out...

  7. keeping after it...


  9. I noticed the "new more powerful bin laden" in this post:

    I wrote:

    Look how the controlled corporate owned military/government media pushes the NEW BIN LADEN on U.S. citizens. He's "more dangerous" than Bin Laden! And...wait for it...HE'S IN YEMEN!!! Which is where we happen to want to attack!!! He didn't exist until we needed to attack Yemen! Now he's the NEW BIN LADEN! Hmmm....maybe the OLD Bin Laden was fabricated in the same way? I really REALLY hope everyone out there can see through this bullshit. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, & FOX are infomercials for continuous war. Brigitte Gabriel will be the news infomercial shill to push the NEW Bin Laden. Naturally, she was born near the Israeli border and lectures to "Christians United for Israel" and other Jewish groups. But that's just a coincidence, just like former Israeli Rita Katz runs SITE, the group that happened to always get the OLD Bin Laden videos (look it up) The anchor can't pronounce the name the military shoved in front of his face:

    Brijette Gabriel = Rita Katz/SITE = infomercial shill

  10. How can people not see (or do they?) the coordinated media push: the bomber has Yemen ties, the "new more powerful bin laden" is in Yemen, etc...YEMEN YEMEN YEMEN all over the media all at once.

    It's the same shit over and over again. I hope people aren't this stupid.

  11. BBC: Al Qaeda NEVER Existed!

    The BBC had revealed that Al Qaeda is a creation of US propaganda, in fact, a term never used by Bin Laden until after 911. The implications of the BBC documentary are enormous.

  12. Drop the cowboy link above on Spencer. I'm starting to get the impression he is CIA - just like Kos. I hope not, but he is completely trying to shut me down. I'm still totally blocked from accessing Seminal. Somebody doesn't want me posting there. I doubt it's because I'm wrong.

  13. Hi,.. what kind of a comment is that ? Does that actually rate as a comment ?


    Bluebear2 [Moderator] 14 hours ago

    Hi <======= <========= <========================


  14. BD - this is as close as Spencer will get to engaging (effectively an invitation to stop posting there - while refusing to provide evidence of the existence of Bin Laden or al Qaeda:

    Plunger, I appreciate your persistence, but I’d appreciate you not posting this unsupportable theory in my comments. I’m not going to prove to you that al-Qaeda exists, because information about it is overwhelming. If you’re dissatisfied with the MSM, I would recommend you read the Norwegian scholar Brynjar Lia’s excellent biography of al-Qaeda theoretician Abu Musab al-Suri, aka Mustafa Setmariam Nasr.
