Thursday, January 28, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Jan 28, 2010


Jon Stewart nails it again: there's nothing "liberal" about the Democrats, they're a big joke and either have no spine or are purposely in on some scheme to pretend they're liberal. Furthermore, the Republicans and rightwing media and the media in general have no right whatsoever to call them liberal, so why are they calling them liberal? I've been saying that FOREVER here, and also it's the same thing with calling the media liberal. There's nothing liberal about the media. It's all a scheme to label people who aren't liberal..."liberal", so you don't know what liberal is, and completely ignore the real liberals like Ralph Nader, Howard Zinn (who just died), Noam Chomsky, Cynthia McKinney, Dennis Kucinich, and the rest of the real liberals. It's called "liberal cop": the right is defining what "liberal" is and then attacks them and ignores the real liberals to move all conversation to the right, and also claims that the "extreme left" (the real liberals?) are pulling the fake liberals to the left. All of this makes no sense when you really think about it. The extreme left are pulling the liberals left? The media is liberal, yet corporations OWN media and corporations aren't liberal? It's all a show for stupid people. There are basically NO liberals in government, the Democrats are the New Republicans, and the Republicans are batshit crazy rightwing religious war freaks. It's a great plan: call people who aren't liberal "liberal" so there's no real liberals in government. I can tell you one thing for sure, if you use your brain: liberal media is independent non-corporate owned, so therefore ANBCBSNNX is NOT liberal media. Think about it: the Democrats control EVERYTHING and yet: the wars are still going strong and we added the Pakistan War (undeclared), there's no health care reform, we're still voting on electronic voting machines, we're still torturing people, and I can go on and on and on. And we're supposed to believe, according to the mainstream media and the Republicans and the Democrats themselves, that the Democrats are liberal. Are you really that stupid??? Let me be clear: if you think the Democrats are liberal...YOU ARE STUPID!!! If you think the mainstream media is liberal...YOU ARE STUPID!!! Even Rush Limbaugh and rightwing media and the mainstream media themselves know they're not liberal, they just want IDIOTS to think it is. So you TOTALLY IGNORE the REAL liberals and they aren't in any conversation at all.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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The Myth of the Liberal Media: The Propaganda Model of News by Noam Chomsky...REAL liberal - the mainstream media serves the ELITES (who are NOT liberal), and an essential part of the SHAM is for them to get you to think it's liberal. The media "asserts the opposite" saying "the media is liberal" and then framing the argument as being "is the media too liberal", instead of the correct question: "IS THE MEDIA LIBERAL?". Aren't the Democrats the same thing as the mainstream media? We should be asking: "ARE THE DEMOCRATS LIBERAL?"...NOT "ARE THE DEMOCRATS TOO LIBERAL?":

HOWARD ZINN - REAL LIBERAL August 24, 1922 – January 27, 2010

“His writings have changed the consciousness of a generation, and helped open new paths to understanding and its crucial meaning for our lives,” Noam Chomsky, the left-wing activist and MIT professor, once wrote of Dr. Zinn. “When action has been called for, one could always be confident that he would be on the front lines, an example and trustworthy guide.”

REAL liberal Howard Zinn died yesterday at the age of 87. I haven't heard the words "Howard Zinn" uttered my entire life by the mainstream media, the so-called "liberal media". Do you understand what's going on? I hope I've made you smarter today.

Democracy NOW! - We pay tribute to the late historian, writer and activist Howard Zinn, who died suddenly on Wednesday of a heart attack at the age of eighty-seven. Howard Zinn’s classic work A People’s History of the United States changed the way we look at history in America. It has sold over a million copies and was recently made into a television special called The People Speak. We remember Howard Zinn in his own words, and we speak with those who knew him best: Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker, Naomi Klein and Anthony Arnove.

Howard Zinn (1922-2010): A Tribute to the Legendary Historian with Noam Chomsky, Alice Walker, Naomi Klein and Anthony Arnove

Listen to all 53 clips of "A People's History of America" by clicking here, below is just clip 1.

People's Historian and Progressive Hero Howard Zinn Dies. National treasure, and acclaimed author of "People's History of the United States" passed away at age 87.

Flashback: Howard Zinn warned Americans of rationalizing torture; ‘The truth comes out’

Keith Olbermann Quick Comment to Obama: Follow FDR, Welcome Their Hatred - government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob:


  1. Mr. Zinn will be missed. His words of wisdom, and compassion will live for ever.

    I am sick and tired of hearing about how Obama is pandering to the right. ---Obama is THE RIGHT. This is all a dog and pony show. He was the Neocon's Manchurian Candidate. Plain and simple. He was the chosen one by the powers that be[TPTB]. Our financial race into the abyss continues. The International banksters will have it no other way. SCOTUS has pushed the pedal to the metal toward FASCISM. Endless wars without borders will keep moving from one target to the next. Now the Neocons and the" Realists " have regime change in Iran on their minds again. These war drums, led by the majorette Israel will have dire consequences to our planet.

  2. Corporation files to run for Congress: important marketing strategy questions remain unanswered

  3. The Israelis probably want to get in on this action:

    Traffickers targeting Haiti's children, human organs, PM says

  4. My wife and I just bought Howard Zinn's "People's History of America" for our son for Christmas.

  5. Will someone please explain why they WANT us to think Democrats are liberal and the mainstream media is liberal? I think no one is clearly explaining this or they're ignoring this "part" of the Democrats and the mainstream media not being liberal. Sure, we know it, we can point it out...but WHY do they want us to THINK they're liberal? I always try and explain it. Like I said in this post, I think it's so they can define a false "liberal" so the real liberals are totally ignored. Then we can all play the game "attack the false liberals". Also, this trick moves everything to the right. It "frames" things, so that the middle is liberal, so then then if they define the middle as being liberal, the entire frame is from the middle to the right, and the entire left is ignored.

    Does that make sense to anyone?

    "Box off" the entire conversation from middle to right, and call the middle "liberal".

    This about says it all. They should have listened.
    J.D. Salinger joined Zinn in the Cosmos. Man what I wouldn't give to be up there and listen to those conversations. LOL.
    A friend of mine once told me " The day will come where the living will envy the dead."

  7. People like Jon Stewart, Olbermann, Maddow, Schultz are dead-on, except for one little thing, and it really irritates the hell out of the people who really know what's going on to the point where they dismiss them (throw the baby out with the bathwater) - they think it's not on purpose. Or at least they're saying it's not on purpose. They say the Democrats are "caving", "cow tow"ing to the right, moving to the right to appease. Just forgive them for that one little transgression, and listen to them and they are really dead-on and calling them out on everything. It's just that they're saying it's not on purpose, and I think a lot of us think it's on purpose.

  8. Watch the Jon Stewart clip, and he's dead on with what he's saying about the Democrats. Except the one little (big?) thing is that he says they're doing what they're doing because they're "spineless", etc...

    On the other hand, the only thing that's keeping Stewart, Olbermann, Maddow, Schultz from getting thrown off the air, is that little part where they're not saying the Dems are doing it on purpose. Think about it. That's where the small aircraft accidents would start, if they got over that little last part of thinking it's not on purpose.

  9. Ya, but Maddow Schultz, and especially Olbermann's tone has changed a lot. I agree most can not, and will not say what they really feel. Olbermann has hinted around to it at times, very code speak like.
    Ron Paul, Sanders, Kucinich, Grayson, are not enough to lead us out of this.
    I do believe that if we see more of the same ol same oil mind set. there just might be a new party to come about. Perhaps even two, a teabagger party, and a super duper ultra lib party.


  11. THX to KKKarl rove/bu$$$hCo/MSM corporatist whores,.. the more they demonize the liberal/progressive viewpoint,.. the more they push the political center to the far / extremist / Nazi / Fascist right. The game plan is that people will be ashamed and embarrassed to think progressively and/or liberally again,.. until we (the real liberals) are dead and gone. The left-wing tinkers will die off with us,.. then Fascism will reign supreme.

  12. How to be invisible on paper,.. no finger prints,.. no foot prints,.. minimal trace back to you.

  13. The link above,..

    Copy it,.. it may not last long.

  14. sad as it is, i had the exact same thought when i saw that headline.

    Here's something related /vaguely interesting / slightly disturbing:

  15. thanks for the link - interesting stuff, but damn what a way to get paranoid reading all that!

  16. Just a horny Rethug taking care of business,.. no big deal.


    Family evacuated due to naked man on roof
    Published: Jan. 28, 2010 at 12:52 PM

    SANTA ANA, Calif., Jan. 28 (UPI) -- A Santa Ana, Calif., family was evacuated from their home after a naked man with a tattoo on his face was spotted on their roof, police said.

    Cprl. Anthony Bertagna of the Santa Ana Police Department told the Orange County (Calif.) Register a man, his wife and a child were evacuated from their home Wednesday afternoon after freeway drivers contacted authorities regarding a naked man allegedly performing a sex act on a rooftop.

    Police say they found Charles Edward Meaux Jr., hiding in a closet inside the home. Officers say they used a stun gun in their effort to restrain the suspect, the report said.

    Bertanga said Meaux, 36, was arrested last week in a similar incident. The tattoo on his face references the white supremacists group, Fight For Freedom, Bertanga said.

    The Register said Meaux previously served prison and jail sentences on burglary and theft charges, as well as possession of a deadly weapon and driving under the influence.

  17. Slavery in the US prison industrial complex. Why we imprison more than any other country in the world.

  18. It makes a wonderful coffee table,..

  19. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) chews up Tim Geithner during a congressional hearing.

  20. How Israeli Occupying Forces box the Palestinians in.

  21. Pennsylvania Capital Should Weigh Bankruptcy, Controller Says

    - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the capital of the sixth-largest U.S. state by population, should skip a $2.2 million debt service payment due Feb. 1 and consider bankruptcy, City Controller Dan Miller said.

    Harrisburg faces $68 million in payments this year in connection with a waste-to-energy incinerator and should weigh Chapter 9 protection from creditors or state oversight through a program known as Act 47, Miller said today. Chapter 9 bankruptcy allows municipalities to reorganize rather than liquidate.

  22. Papantonio: The Supreme Court's Five Circus Midgets

  23. Russia and India design and test flight a new stealth fighter jet.

    Video at link,..

    A new stealth fighter has made its maiden flight in Russia's far east.

    The Sukhoi T-50 jet spent 47 minutes in the air over Komsomolsk-on-Amur and test pilot Sergei Bogdan said "it is easy and comfortable to pilot".

    The jet - also known by the Russian designation PAK FA - is seen as a potential rival to the US F-22 Raptor, which first flew in 1997.

    The "fifth generation" jet is designed to be invisible to radar. Russia's air force hopes to acquire it in 2015.

    The new jet has been developed in partnership with India. It is seen as a significant milestone in Russia's efforts to modernise its Soviet-era military hardware.

  24. Pictured: Three cheetahs spare tiny antelope's life... and play with him instead

    By Daily Mail Reporter
    Last updated at 9:16 AM on 29th January 2010

    Hello little antelope, would you like to play with us?

    Coming from three deadly cheetahs, it's the kind of invitation that's best refused - but amazingly, this impala escaped unscathed from its encounter.

    Luckily for the youngster, it seems these three male cheetahs simply weren't hungry.

    Read more:
