Thursday, January 21, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Jan 21, 2010

Scott Brown as Cosmopolitan Centerfold 1982, leads the GOP "SUPER MINORITY" of 41 Senators!

FOX Fair & Balanced "news" has huge ORGASM over Republican Scott Brown's victory:

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Fox News Covers Scott Brown's Victory

Daily Show
Full Episodes

Political Humor
Health Care Crisis

...remind you of someone else???

Here's your guy, TeaBaggers/Rightwingers/FOX "news"/Massachusetts residents! He's going to lead you to the CONSERVATIVE PROMISED LAND!!! He only voted FOR Massachusetts' health care plan, the MOST PROGRESSIVE in the nation which COVERS ALL MASSACHUSETTS RESIDENTS! Have fun!!!

Below: Scott Brown publicly offers up his daughters for sex:

...and Teabaggers: how's that REPUBLICAN SUPREME COURT (7 of 9 "justices" are Republican) doing? Teabaggers are strangely silent on this!

Activist CONSERVATIVE U.S. Supreme Court Makes It Official, We're Now 'The Corporate States of America'. We the People' lose, 'You the Corporations' Win...

Haiti earthquake Nursing Home tragedy:

Elderly Haitians Beg for Help Before It's Too Late

Update: Help finally starts to get to Haiti nursing home

1/15/2010 Excerpt from the Campaign for Liberty Regional Conference in Atlanta, GA.As the crowd begins to cheer, Ron Paul states, "We need to take out the CIA". "They are a government unto themselves. Their in businesses, their in drug businesses..and..they take out dictators. We need to take out the CIA."

Ron Paul and a Timeline of CIA Crimes and Atrocities

CIA using journalists as agents! I told you! If you think they're not doing it HERE...THINK AGAIN!!!!!


  1. New thread:

    I was really busy today, but decided to write about Scott Brown!

  2. Yeah, running around all day. My father's in the hospital still. For the first time since Saturday, he is talking coherently. They really don't know yet what's wrong, or they won't commit themselves to say what they think is wrong.

  3. plunger [Moderator] 1 day ago
    Every time the political pendulum swings, it results in an equally divided country. Could it be any more obvious that “divide & conquer” is the goal of the power elite, and that they employ the strategies and tactics through their (s)elected officials and controlled media to guarantee this outcome in perpetuity? Are you still really willing to attribute these outcomes to incompetence and coincidence? You are being gamed. There is no “two party system.”

    And the electronic voting machines and the media took care of any possibility of a 3rd party. Both parties willing accomplices to electronic voting machines, neither party trying to get rid of them.

    Hats off to Al Franken for challenging his loss and then winning a HAND RECOUNT!

    I think Coakley and the Dems threw the election.

  4. Not only that, I think they KNOW the vote on the electronic voting machines was off. Bev Harris has an article that Coakley won the hand counted ballots, Scott Brown won the electronic voting machines:

    Back to Massachusetts, I think you have a right to know that Coakley won the hand counts there.

    That's right.

    According to preliminary media results by municipality, Democrat Martha Coakley won Massachusetts overall in its hand counted locations,* with 51.12% of the vote (32,247 hand counted votes) to Brown's 30,136, which garnered him 47.77% of hand counted votes. Margin: 3.35% lead for Coakley.

    Massachusetts has 71 hand count locations, 91 ES&S locations, and 187 Diebold locations, with two I call the mystery municipalities (Northbridge and Milton) apparently using optical scanners, not sure what kind.

    Not that it matters anyway. I don't think Coakley and the Dems wanted to win. Especially the way Coakley conceded at the speed of light. What a slap in the face to Ted Kennedy. Democracy died.

  5. Everything's in broad daylight anymore: the banksters stealing money off us in broad daylight; wars of lies in broad daylight, stolen/thrown elections in broad daylight.

    That Coakley/Brown election was the biggest sham I think I ever saw, with BOTH parties participating in the sham!

    The Dems put up a SURE LOSER on purpose, then didn't ask for a recount, then conceded WAY before all the votes were counted. It was so obvious!

  6. What you all just witnessed: can you honestly say that looked anywhere near "normal", that election?

    There was NO coverage of the election leading up to it, too. Anyone notice that?

    After the election, "news" organizations went out of their way to say that Brown won, with NO SPECIFICS! I don't think I even saw an article mentioning what the numbers were! (in the mainstream media). Headlines simply said "Brown Wins"! Is that how elections are covered now? No stats? What the fuck is going on? No one thinks this is extremely odd?

    Did you see any headlines in the mainstream media saying: Brown 51%, Coakley 48% (or whatever it was?)?

    Just headlines: "Brown Wins" Unbelievable!

    Why even vote? The media picked Brown beforehand, the only attention on Coakley when there was any was negative, just like Al Gore.

    The media gave us the story beforehand, who won. And they gave us all the excuses beforehand WHY he was going to win: Coakley didn't know who Curt Schilling was (Al Gore invented the internet).

    We saw the same exact thing in Bush v Gore, the SAME EXACT THING!

    The same thing in Bush v Kerry.

    Again: not like it makes any difference anyway if Kerry (or Coakley) won.

    The Dems have their excuse not to pass health care legislation, the edict was sent down by the people really running this country.

  7. This election WAS important...because it shows exactly what is wrong with our country, right before our eyes. No one cares.

  8. Put up two candidates and it doesn't matter who wins, no one knows anything about them, to take Ted Kennedy's seat. Make sure Brown wins. Media is compliant with the stories ahead of time.

    You could tell Brown was going to "win" just by the way the media was covering it beforehand. He already "won" before anyone voted.

  9. And the joke is on the poor, sucker teabaggers, too, who think Scott Brown is their "savior".

  10. CIA using journalists as agents!

  11. Teabaggers:

    Here's what we know about them:

    - they're FOR war
    - they're FOR torture
    - they HATE Muslims
    - they HATE blacks
    - they're all WHITE
    - they're FOR bailouts if a Republican does it
    - they're FOR domestic spying
    - they're FOR anything Israeli
    - they're against health care reform
    - they're against single payer

    Other things in my opinion:

    - they're being covered on TV, but no other protesters are...this tells me they're pawns
    - there's not as many of them as everyone thinks, the media makes it seem that way
    - they're stupid because a) they can be easily co-opted, we all agree on this b) they have signs such as "keep govt out of my medicare", etc...

    SO...why are some progressive people making excuses for them? They admire their "energy" of getting out and protesting. But what are they protesting?

    WHO wants stupid, easily co-opted people on their side? WHO wants to "redirect" them the right way? Why? Because they can just as easily be redirected again away from YOU!

    I don't WANT people like that on my side! They are NOT on my side, even if they briefly "appear" to be on my side!

    I'm not going to join teabaggers and get a sign saying "More War; Less Health Care".

    How on earth could you possibly join them? You'd be LYNCHED by them, if you yelled "health care for all" in the middle of them!

    They were silent during the Bush years: 9/11, domestic spying, wars of lies, shipping jobs overseas, and on and on and on.

    They are STUPID REPUBLICANS! Who will NEVER be on our side! And you're wasting your time trying to get them on our side. And I don't want them on my side, I would never trust them!

    Why aren't WE co-opted? Why aren't WE teabaggers? Because we're not STUPID!

    The teabaggers are FOLLOWERS, not leaders and independent thinkers. They are following the wrong people. They are dangerous.

    Go to a Tea Party...PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAASE....if you're making excuses for them, and then let me know how it turns out.

    I went to one, and it reinforced what I'm saying here.

    There were people quoting the Bible saying to get down on your knees and pray, people saying Bush never did a bailout, and things like that.

    Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann are speaking at the February Tea Party. PLEASE GO TO IT!!!!!

    The Teabaggers ONLY ENDORSE REPUBLICANS!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!


    It's a sham, a scam, etc...and every other word you can use like that.

    There ARE legit protesters...YOU DON'T SEE THEM ON TV!!!!!!!!!




    IF THEY WERE LEGIT, THE LAST PLACE YOU'D SEE THEM IS ON TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I have to tell you this weird story:

    Today I was in a Bank of America, I took some money out of my credit union account and was putting it in my BOA account. I noticed the BOA manager in line behind me. There was a person, then the BOA manager then a guy and another guy. So I joked, "Don't think you can skip me because you're the manager". Then she said: "Oh, I'm like one of the people. I like to see what the people say in line. I'm not skipping anybody." So I said to her: "Hey, did you get any more bailouts lately?" And the guy behind her said, "The government FORCED BOA to take a bailout." I said, "You're telling me the govt just walked up to BOA for no reason and said 'We have to bail you out'? Do you work for BOA, too? Or are you an agent provocateur in line here, too?" Then the manager said: "The govt forced us to buy Merril Lynch". Then I said, "I saw a video on youtube where she said BOA fired her for forgiving a $15 charge for paying their bill over the phone to people who had no money, what kind of a bank does that?" And the guys said: "They have to make money." And I said, "You can't make money off people who don't have any money. And they made tens of billions of dollars in penalties they keep dreaming up to screw their customers." People in line started watching us.

    What do you think of that? When I was leaving, I said to the guy: "C'ya!" And he said: "Look that up: the govt forced BOA to do all that." And I said, "Yeah, that's because they were 'too big to fail, and they were failing', I look up everything."

    What the hell is a BOA apologist and a manager doing in line with me at a bank? wtf?

  13. They guy was an apologist who was making excuses for BOA gouging their customers with penalties. I also mentioned the millions of dollars in bonuses they managers were getting, while the rest of the country was becoming starved and unemployed.

  14. Glad to hear your dad is doing better.

    You're being shadowed by banksters and antennae salesmen!

  15. Did you get off the bank property without getting beat up or mugged in the parking lot ?

    Lucky/lucky boy !!!!!

  16. Check this out,.. an astounding crystal cave in Mexico.

  17. Meteor crashes through a roof in Virginia.

    Videos at link,..

  18. Crystal cave - I saw a special on it on one of the cable science channels - National Geo? Discover? - can't remember which.

    Stunning - you can only stay in there about 15 minutes before it becomes deadly.

  19. It's about time...

    International arrest warrants requested at the Hague for Bush & Co.
