Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Jan 20, 2010

The very idea that an administration run by Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel and staffed with centrists, Wall Street mavens, and former Bush officials -- and a Congress beholden to Blue Dogs and Lieberdems -- has been captive "to the Left" is so patently false that everyone should be too embarrassed to utter it.

Glenn Greenwald: In what universe must someone be living to believe that the Democratic Party is controlled by "the Left," let alone "the furthest left elements" of the Party? As Ezra Klein says, the Left "ha[s] gotten exactly nothing they wanted in recent months." The Left wanted a single-payer system, then settled for a public option, then an opt-out public option, then Medicare expansion -- only to get none of it, instead being handed a bill that forces every American to buy health insurance from the private insurance industry. Nor was it "the Left" -- but rather corporatist Democrats like Evan Bayh and Lanny Davis -- who cheered for the hated Wall Street bailout; blocked drug re-importation; are stopping genuine reform of the financial industry; prevented a larger stimulus package to lower unemployment; refuse to allow programs to help Americans with foreclosures; supported escalation in Afghanistan (twice); and favor the same Bush/Cheney terrorism policies of indefinite detention, military commissions, and state secrets.

Glenn Greenwald: Blame the all-powerful left!

Chris Floyd: Democrats and progressives are crying doom over the party's defeat in Massachusetts. The loss, we're told, is a blow to Barack Obama's political agenda, and so it is. They say it's a shame that yet another rightwing zealot who advocates torture is now in the Senate, and so it is. But it is precisely that agenda that led to the loss, and the shame. It is that agenda which has resurrected a rightwing party that was dead in the water, and empowered its most extreme elements.

And what is Barack Obama's agenda? What is his political program? It breaks down into three main elements: unwinnable wars, unconscionable bailouts, and unworkable, unwanted health care "reform" that forces people to further enrich some of the most despised conglomerates in the land. It is, in every way, a recipe for moral, economic and political disaster. It is a gigantic anchor tied around the neck of the Democratic Party, and it will drag the whole lumbering wreck back to the bottom in short order.

It also provides a fertile breeding ground for the willful, belligerent ignorance of the Right to thrive.

Chris Floyd - Critical Mass: Dem Agenda Opens Right-Wing Doors

CROAKLEY concedes Ted Kennedy's seat at the speed of light!

Dems call in "RAPID RESPONSE TEAM" to concede Ted Kennedy's seat of 46 honor of Kerry's speed of light concession in the 2004 election and now Croakley's, the New England Patriots are renaming their team to the New England Conceders!

Coakley Concedes MA Senate Race in Record Time! Ensuring that nobody's vote would actually be counted, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in MA injures several supporters in her race for the phone. Democracy bravely averted; Sen. Kerry applauds...



Rocket Science and Diebold Mysteries Rather Than Simple, Observable Democracy in MA Senate Race. Election experts file public records requests; Pre-marked ballots reported in 'at least' THREE towns...

It must be said that this is a defeat the Democratic Party made possible and richly deserved. Obama’s right-wing policies on the bank bailout, his cost-cutting healthcare overhaul and his continuation and expansion of the wars of the Bush administration have antagonized millions who supported him in 2008 and alienated Democratic Party base voters.

Republican wins Massachusetts Senate race

The "60 vote BULLSHIT": Grayson: Health Care Isn't Dead If Brown Wins; 'Nothing Has Changed'

HBO movie "Hacking Democracy"; check out Bev Harris'


  1. The other day I was searching for outdoor TV antennas on the internet. Now, all the advertizements on sites I'm on have TV antenna advertizements.


  2. Be happy you were not shopping for G-Strings or something naughty like that.

  3. #
    99 [Moderator] 17 hours ago
    Coming to Pennsylvania:

    Or is it already there?

    And, yes, we're getting "excellent" storms. Midnight, last night, it blew open the outside door to my utility room and I had to go out and tie it closed with a rope to a pipe from the doorknob. All my neighbors are out pounding nails in things today, even though it's still raining and windy.
    Like Reply Reply
    zz [Moderator] 7 hours ago in reply to 99
    Wow,.. I did not realize it was that bad. Drilling for natural gas and injecting stuff under pressure to force the gas out. But contaminating home well drinking/cooking/shower/laundry water in the process.

    Already here and it's a big deal. The Marcellus Shale. Everyone around here thought they struck gold when gas drilling companies gave them $$$ to drill on their land. usual/predicted, they're screaming about being taken advantage of, and that they're leaving behind toxic waste and pollution. It's bad. I should've been posting the local stories about it in our papers.

  4. I don't know why this story was cracking me up yesterday:

    Men steal empty beer kegs:

    But after I posted it in the comments yesterday, on the local radio talk shows they were poking fun at it, too. There's just something funny about it and that they got such clear pictures of these guys. This is not a big area, and I'm sure people saw these crystal clear pictures of these guys and know who they are. I think it's funny...and stupid.

  5. Because the Democratic Party leadership is full of corporatists who don't want to pass any bills to the benefit or advantageous or that offers relief to the common man so they make up bullshit excuses why they can't do their job - as a scapegoat to good legislation.

    Rep. Grayson addresses the super majority - 60 votes needed bullshit.

  6. That's really pissing me off! That everywhere I go on the internet, I see TV antenna ads...and I was looking for TV antennas.



    I HATE THOSE FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is that illegal?????????

  7. Yeah, I WOULD see G-strings everywhere.


  8. Contractor admits to bribing W-B school board member

    SCRANTON - A Luzerne County carpet dealer pleaded guilty in federal court Tuesday to providing a Wilkes-Barre Area School Board member with a free rug in exchange for his help in securing a lucrative school district contract.

    Richard Emanski, the owner of Swoyersville-based King Glass and Paint Co., installed carpeting in the home of the school board member - identified by The Citizens' Voice as former Wilkes-Barre Area President Jim Height - in late 2004, federal prosecutors said.

  9. Oh, here we go, this is a good one:

    FBI probes county's handling of delinquent taxes

    Federal agents have renewed their focus on the Luzerne County office that manages the sale of properties with delinquent real estate taxes, seizing lists of transactions during a visit last week, the office's director, Beth Ann Christian, said Tuesday.

    The agents focused on documents and transactions that coincided with former county Budget Director Sam Diaz's time as the director of the office, Christian said. Diaz ran the office, the county tax claim bureau, from 2006 until his resignation in March 2008.

  10. Another Luzerne County judge fucks up, unbelievable:

    Disciplinary action expected soon against arrested judge

    State court officials could take disciplinary action as early as today against a senior judge accused of attacking his wife in an alcohol-fueled rage Saturday night, Luzerne County President Judge Thomas F. Burke Jr. said Tuesday.

    C. Joseph Rehkamp, the former president judge of Perry and Juniata counties, turned himself in Sunday on charges he assaulted his wife Valerie at their Plymouth Township home - pushing her down, slamming her into a chair, placing both hands on her neck and choking her.

  11. Property back-tax sales eyed
    Feds probe questionable removals from ’06 sales, possibly other years. Owners on list included former, current county workers.

  12. What a shameful embarrassment to the legacy of Ted Kennedy's decades of hard work in Washington DC. - Senator Scott Brown the nude Nazi go-go boy who thinks he has twice the charisma of JFK - but he is just a fascist corporatist Rethug pig.

    Coakley's concession speech,..

  13. ~snip~
    In the 2008 election, Obama received 1,891,083 votes in Massachusetts compared to 1,104,284 for his Republican opponent, John McCain. Brown appears likely, when all votes are counted, to match or actually exceed McCain’s total, while Coakley’s vote represents a dropoff of about 50 percent from Obama’s total 14 months ago.

    It must be said that this is a defeat the Democratic Party made possible and richly deserved. Obama’s right-wing policies on the bank bailout, his cost-cutting healthcare overhaul and his continuation and expansion of the wars of the Bush administration have antagonized millions who supported him in 2008 and alienated Democratic Party base voters.

    Anecdotal reports indicated light turnout in African-American and other minority districts in Boston, Springfield and other cities, and a comparatively heavy turnout in more upscale middle-class suburbs, particularly around Boston, where Brown rolled up large margins. Brown was leading among union members in pre-election polls, in part because of the Obama administration’s support for a tax on higher-cost employer-sponsored healthcare plans.

    The Obama administration and the Democratic-controlled Congress have been indifferent to the economic distress of broad masses of workers and middle-class people, while doling out trillions in federal resources to prop up the banks and enable them to return to profitability and dispense gargantuan bonuses to executives and traders.

    More at link,..

  14. Rahm's message to liberals and progressives of the Democratic Party,..

  15. The good people of Massachusetts told pollster after pollster that they wanted to send a message to Washington. My! My! That message has been received loud and clear:


    Congratulations, Massachusetts!

    Tom Degan
    Goshen, NY

  16. That's really pissing me off! That everywhere I go on the internet, I see TV antenna ads...and I was looking for TV antennas.

    Time to run some good spyware remover and cookie cleaner.

    I suggest "Malwarebytes"

    The free version works great - run the full scan the first time - it may take about 2 hours, but it digs deep. Found some stuff on my computer my antivirus and other cleaners had missed. An occasional quick scan after that keeps you clean. The $25 version also keeps stuff from coming in, but then it is just something else running in the background eating up your resources.

  17. Oh - always update the program and database each time before you scan - they are always adding new items to the removal list.

  18. I think this makes the most sense if Brown legitimately won: Massachusetts covers everyone with health care, I think they're the most progressive state. I know, because my son lives there. MAYBE...Mass. residents thought Obama's health care plan stunk so bad, they didn't want to send the deciding vote to the Senate to pass it and override THEIR progressive health care plan.

    Make sense?

  19. Every time the political pendulum swings, it results in an equally divided country. Could it be any more obvious that “divide & conquer” is the goal of the power elite, and that they employ the strategies and tactics through their (s)elected officials and controlled media to guarantee this outcome in perpetuity? Are you still really willing to attribute these outcomes to incompetence and coincidence? You are being gamed. There is no “two party system.”

  20. greenwald:

  21. Expect prices at the grocery store to go up dramatically.


    Florida Freeze Kills Estimated 70% of Southwest Vegetable Crop

    By Elizabeth Campbell

    Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- At least 70 percent of southwest Florida’s winter crop of vegetables, including tomatoes and peppers, were destroyed by freezing weather, said Gene McAvoy, the director of the Hendry County extension office for the University of Florida.

    Losses will be more than $100 million, McAvoy said today in a telephone interview. Tomatoes, peppers, squash and cucumbers are the major crops in the estimate, he said. In the U.S. winter, Florida provides about 70 percent of the tomatoes sold in the nation, McAvoy said from LaBelle, Florida.


  23. Oops,.. I meant,..

  24. It’s the biggest bank robbery in American history, but the banks are doing the robbing. I mean, just go through the facts. What, overnight in 2008 they turned Goldman Sachs, that venerable investment bank - how about casinos that gambled and lost - into a bank holding company. Why? Well, so that they could borrow at ridiculously low rates and they could be given approximately $10 billion dollars to put them on the road to gambling.

    And then what happened? It’s not that they’re a bank. I mean, do you go to a Goldman Sachs ATM machine? Do you have Goldman Sachs checks? Do you go to your Goldman Sachs branch?

    It’s highway robbery right in front of us. They’re nothing more than a hedge fund and they’re making money off the sweat of the American people. So, when we’re looking at this time and time again, we’re just looking at all this printed money going absolutely nowhere other than into the pockets of a few.”

    The amazing thing about this scam is that it happened in broad daylight, the American people knew it was happening, both the Bush and Obama administrations enabled it, Congress supported it, and The Fed clicked the mouse to make the transfer.

  25. Satire/humor,..

    Another rough day for the dollar.

  26. More on the Christian Bible codes imprinted on American rifle scopes.

  27. Shit on your base of progressives and liberals and what do you think the result would be ? Thank you Rahm,.. govern from the right of center for a Demo winning formula. Didn't that work out nicely ?

    Black voters in Boston and outlying areas were none too enthusiastic to go out and vote for Coakley either.


    January 19, 2010

    * Democrats

    Dem GOTV picking up Brown supporters

    A Democratic operative familiar with the get-out-the-vote push by Martha Coakley's team and boosted late in the game by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, says that outreach workers in and around Boston have been stunned by the number of Democrats and Obama supporters who are waving them off, saying they'll vote for Scott Brown.

  28. Well,.. try this,..

  29. Major bobsled team wardrobe failure,.. what no undies ?

  30. Is that BB-2's new rocket/jet truck that burps and farts black smoke ?

  31. Sitting here in my office watching the rain go by the window horizontally. With every strong gust of wind the roof is creaking. The 30 foot redwood tree outside the window is dancing wildly. It's crazy out there today! The front door keeps getting sucked open by the wind.
    The worst part is due in the next hour or so as the back edge of the storm, with embedded thunderstorms, passes over.

  32. Try this link,..

    Is that BB-2's new rocket/jet truck that burps and farts black smoke ?

  33. Jeez,.. leave California alone,.. alright already,.. they got enough problems on their plate.

    Heavy California storms force hundreds to evacuate
    20 Jan 2010 18:49:24 GMT
    Source: Reuters
    * Region pounded by third in series of storms

    * Authorities fear mudslides in areas left barren by fires

    LOS ANGELES, Jan 20 (Reuters) - Authorities on Wednesday ordered the evacuation of 750 homes in the foothills around Los Angeles, fearing that the third in a series of powerful storms would trigger flash flooding and mudslides.

    More than 500 of the homes under evacuation orders were in communities north of Los Angeles, where hillsides are still barren from a massive wildfire that burned there last summer and saturated from heavy rain that fell on Monday and Tuesday.

    Wednesday's storm was expected to be the worst so far, with 80 mile-per-hour winds and up to several inches of rainfall.

    "With the first two storms (this week) we got lucky," Bill Patzert, a climatologist for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, told the Los Angeles Times.

    "Monday we got the right jab, Tuesday we got the left jab, Wednesday we could get the haymaker to the chin," Patzert said.

    Already, the storms pounding the region this week have flooded intersections in the cities of Long Beach and San Pedro, near Los Angeles, damaging some homes and apartments.

  34. ~snip~
    The President's steadfast refusal to acknowledge that we have a two-party system, his insistence on making destructive concessions to the same party voters he had sent packing twice in a row in the name of "bipartisanship," and his refusal ever to utter the words "I am a Democrat" and to articulate what that means, are not among his virtues. We have competing ideas in a democracy -- and hence competing parties -- for a reason. To paper them over and pretend they do not exist, particularly when the ideology of one of the parties has proven so devastating to the lives of everyday Americans, is not a virtue. It is an abdication of responsibility.

    What happens if you refuse to lay the blame for the destruction of our economy on anyone -- particularly the party, leaders, and ideology that were in power for the last 8 years and were responsible for it? What happens if you fail to "brand" what has happened as the Bush Depression or the Republican Depression or the natural result of the ideology of unregulated greed, the way FDR branded the Great Depression as Hoover's Depression and created a Democratic majority for 50 years and a new vision of what effective government can do? What happens when you fail to offer and continually reinforce a narrative about what has happened, who caused it, and how you're going to fix it that Americans understand, that makes them angry, that makes them hopeful, and that makes them committed to you and your policies during the tough times that will inevitably lie ahead?

    The answer was obvious a year ago, and it is even more obvious today: Voters will come to blame you for not having solved a problem you didn't create, and you will allow the other side to create an alternative narrative for what's happened (government spending, deficits, big government, socialism) that will stick. And it will particularly stick if you make no efforts to prevent it from starting or sticking.

  35. The mood in the Demo Caucus after the Scott Brown win of the old Ted Kennedy seat - RELIEF.

    Yee - Haaa,.. Demos have an excuse for failure.

    They lost their super-duper majority - the electorate took away our power to pass progressive legislation in Washington DC. The voters have spoken,.. Demos must govern extreme right of center.

    The worst is that I can't help but feel like the main emotion people in the caucus are feeling is relief at this turn of events. Now they have a ready excuse for not getting anything done. While I always thought we had the better ideas but the weaker messaging, it feels like somewhere along the line Members internalized a belief that we actually have weaker ideas. They're afraid to actually implement them and face the judgement of the voters. That's the scariest dynamic and what makes me think this will all come crashing down around us in November.


    This is my life and I simply can't answer the fundamental question: "what do Democrats stand for?" Voters don't know, and we can't make the case, so they're reacting exactly as you'd expect (just as they did in 1994, 2000, and 2004). We either find the voice to answer that question and exercise the strongest majority and voter mandate we've had since Watergate, or we suffer a bloodbath in November. History shows we're likely to choose the latter.

  36. Holy windstorm batman....

    Just heard a huge crash out back - went to check it out. We lease a portion of our building to a powder coating business. The crash was their 12' wide by 14' tall roll-up door being blown in by a gust of wind. This in turn pressurized their space and blew their other door, which was on the side of the building, out into the parking lot!


  37. Jeez,.. leave California alone,.. alright already,.. they got enough problems on their plate.

    I forget where it was, but yesterday I came across a list of all the various types of current weather watches and warnings. Of the 25 listed items California was listed under 18 of them.

    Big line of thunderstorms about to hit - just in time for my commute home!


  38. a list of all the various types of current weather watches

    That list was of all watches and warnings across the whole nation. CA had 18.



    I'm 20 miles east of Sacramento so it will hit here about the time I leave, then I get to drive through it towards Sacramento.

  40. I made it!

    10mph on the interstate for about 3 miles - wipers were useless it was raining so hard.

    More wind pruning of my trees - it took down an old dead branch I've been wanting to remove.

  41. Wow,.. there are a bunch of jobs going bye-bye.

    Morrell (Smithfield) will close Sioux City plant in April (1500 + jobs)

    By Dave Dreeszen, Journal business editor

    SIOUX CITY -- Smithfield Foods told meatpacking workers and local leaders late Tuesday that it plans to close its John Morrell & Co. pork plant in Sioux City later this spring

    The decision would deal a major blow to metro Sioux City's economy. Morrell's slaughter and processing plant at 1200 Bluff Road is one of the city's largest employers, with nearly 1,500 workers.

    Dozens of additional jobs, from trucking to cold storage to box making, also could be in jeopardy. In addition, Morrell is a major buyer of hogs from tri-state region pork producers.

    Late Tuesday afternoon, the Sioux City plant's general manager, Dan Pacquin, called Mayor Mike Hobart to notify the city that the slaughter and processing plant would close on April 20, city economic development director Marty Dougherty said.

  42. Ron Paul:

    There's been a coup, have you heard? It's the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military. They're the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs on countries. ... And of course the CIA is every bit as secretive as the Federal Reserve. ... And yet think of the harm they have done since they were established [after] World War II. They are a government unto themselves. They're in businesses, in drug businesses, they take out dictators ... We need to take out the CIA.

  43. Hey, I just thought of something: isn't Joe Lieberman useless now? He was the "swing vote" who got all the attention. If the Dems keep Lieberman, then they were lying about that, too.

  44. That's a better way of pruning your yard than hedgeclippers, remember what happened to me?

  45. I saw that. Isn't that proof beyond a doubt that they have no intention of ever helping us?

  46. Long overdue,.. JFK recognized this and the CIA used his head for target practice.

    The off the books drug trade to first world societies is their cash cow that finances their world adventures to steal natural resources so the elite who condone this Shadow Government activities can become filthy rich from the proceeds of these covert economically exploitative and extra-legal transactions.

  47. Rachel shows how many times Bush used 51-50 "reconciliation" to push things through...the Democrats must think no one remembers

    Also, at the beginning of this clip, Scott Brown offers is daughters up to get fucked by anyone available:

  48. Just look at the beginning of that Rachel clip. Scott Brown "jokes" that his daughters are "available" and they look absolutely horrified! Seriously, look at that clip.

    I know when to draw the line on a joke, that's not funny at all. Those girls are horrified and that's their FATHER saying that!!!

  49. I have Rachel Maddow on in the background. Usually I just watch a clip here and there on the internet, if that, but it's on TV in the background while I'm typing.

    She is fucking HAMMERING the Democrats! How can people say MSNBC is the "left's FOX"? I told you, that's BULLSHIT! Left shows like Rachel, Olbermann, and Schultz HAMMER the Dems all the time. Rightwingers are 100% loyal ALL THE TIME! There IS a difference, the difference I've been saying for years.

    Rachel Maddow's whole show, she's just hammering the Democrats and making fun of them. She's actually calling them out for not being liberal enough and selling us down the road.

  50. We came full circle - Obama has us where bu$$$$h dumped us in 2008.


    And what is Barack Obama's agenda? What is his political program? It breaks down into three main elements: unwinnable wars, unconscionable bailouts, and unworkable, unwanted health care "reform" that forces people to further enrich some of the most despised conglomerates in the land. It is, in every way, a recipe for moral, economic and political disaster. It is a gigantic anchor tied around the neck of the Democratic Party, and it will drag the whole lumbering wreck back to the bottom in short order.

    It also provides a fertile breeding ground for the willful, belligerent ignorance of the Right to thrive. With such an egregiously stupid and destructive agenda at work in the White House, opponents need only say that they are against it, and they are guaranteed a wide following. Who would not be against unwinnable war, unconscionable bailouts and unworkable boondoggles serving rapacious elites? The actual positions held by these opponents – the actual policies they will pursue once in power – are given little scrutiny in such circumstances. The opponent represents change from a hated status quo – and that's enough. Later, when their odious positions come to light, it is too late.

    Where have we seen this dynamic at work before? Oh yes, it was way back in November 2008. Barack Obama represented change from the hated status quo, from the agenda of the ruling Republican party. And what was that agenda? Why, unwinnable wars, unconscionable bailouts and the assiduous service of rapacious elites.

  51. Wave two of bad mortgages soon to be upon us,... look at this trash.

  52. THURSDAY 1/21/10

    Flight Diverted To Philly After Incident

    Updated: Thursday, 21 Jan 2010, 9:26 AM EST
    Published : Thursday, 21 Jan 2010, 9:05 AM EST


    MYFOXNY.COM - A plane was quarantined at Philadelphia International Airport. The plane was headed from LaGuardia Airport in New York to Louisville on Thursday morning when there was an in-flight incident.

    The plane was a USAir flight run by Chautequa Air.

    At least 12 police cars and fire vehicles were seen heading to the airport, according to Fox Philadelphia.

    One person was taken away from the plane in custody and the rest of the passengers were released.

    It's unsure exactly what happened. The airline called it a "security situation."

    The airplane is on a remote part of the tarmac at Philadelphia International. Other flights in and out of the airport are not being affected by the incident.

  53. But,.. but,.. there is a fairytale in the Bible that said all this land belongs to Is-Ra-Hell,.. and they wont accept anything less. Euphrates to the Nile Rivers and all the land in between. As far south and east to include the Arab oil wells by the Straits of Hormuz. Total and absolute hegemony over the entire Middle East.


    Jan 21, 2010 1:16 | Updated Jan 21, 2010 12:14
    'Hamas accepts Israel's right to exist'

    Hamas has accepted Israel's right to exist and would be prepared to nullify its charter, which calls for the destruction of Israel, Aziz Dwaik, Hamas's most senior representative in the West Bank, said on Wednesday.
    PLC Speaker Aziz Dwaik (right...

    PLC Speaker Aziz Dwaik (right) meets UK millionaire David Martin Abrahams in Hebron, Wednesday.
    Photo: Khaled Abu Toameh
    SLIDESHOW: Israel & Region | World

    Dwaik's remarks are seen in the context of Hamas's attempts to win recognition from the international community.

    Dwaik is the elected speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council. He was released a few months ago after spending nearly three years in an Israeli prison.

    Dwaik was among dozens of Hamas officials and members who were rounded up by Israel following the abduction of IDF soldier St.-Sgt. Gilad Schalit near the Gaza Strip in June 2006.

    His latest remarks were made during a meeting he held in Hebron with British millionaire David Martin Abrahams, who maintains close ties with senior Israeli and British government officials.

    Abrahams is scheduled to brief British Foreign Secretary David Milliband this weekend on the outcome of his meeting with Dwaik and other top Hamas officials in the West Bank.

  54. Court rolls back campaign spending limits

    Unfucking real!

  55. I hope Dan's dad is OK - last time he was missing was when his dad was having problems.

  56. Same thoughts BB-2,.. hope all is well.


    Will you guys start listening to me YET?

  58. New thread:

    I was really busy today, but decided to write about Scott Brown!
