Friday, December 7, 2012

Tea Party Jim DeMint stepping down as Senator to work for The Heritage Foundation proves rightwing media whistleblower David Brock of Media Matters RIGHT once again

David Brock of Media Matters years ago said The Heritage Foundation is part of the "vast rightwing media conspiracy", and Tea Party Jim DeMint steps down as senator to work for - you guessed it - THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION:

(my famous rightwing media hollywood squares is appropriate for this post. i talk about michelle malkin upper left, sean hannity upper right rush limbaugh upper cente, - that gives me TIC TAC TOE across the top btw - laura ingraham center this post)

Former rightwing "news" figure David Brock, who turned whistleblower on rightwing media and started the rightwing media watchdog group, wrote a book years ago that greatly influenced me. In fact, I can point to a "perfect storm" of events around 2000 that caused me to pay attention to media and politics to the extent that I do now. Those events were: reading the book THE REPUBLICAN NOISE MACHINE by David Brock, reading the book LIES & THE LYING LIARS WHO TELL THEM by Al Franken, reading the book "DUDE, WHERE'S MY COUNTRY?" by Michael Moore, and...hmmm...what else was going on in 2000? Oh, yeah: the Bush/Gore extended election fight.

I'm not going to get into specifics of each of these events, but the overall theme of these events was that I woke up to the fact that the mainstream media is NOT "liberal" like I (and everyone else) was told my entire life.

In David Brock's book THE REPUBLICAN NOISE MACHINE, he puts forward the idea of the, for lack of a better term, VAST RIGHTWING MEDIA CONSPIRACY, and that the mainstream "liberal" media is NOT "liberal". An idea that I followed up on with Noam Chomsky's "MANUFACTURING CONSENT" and "MYTH OF THE LIBERAL MEDIA" (which I put later in this post). David Brock mentions that an entire "system" of alternate media was formed to push Republican ideas. Not the TRUTH or truth in news, just Republican ideas. Among those entities are: FOX news, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Washington Times, New York Post, Wall Street Journal (editorial page), Mike well as an effort to buy up practically all the radio talk show airwaves, which they have done. They pass off their REPUBLICAN MEDIA as "fair and balanced" (IE: NOT Republican) and then claim the mainstream media is "liberal" over and over and over again. They NEVER STOP doing it. And keep in mind, the mainstream media is NOT "liberal", that's what's REALLY ironic.

In David Brock's book, he says that this "rightwing media" is financed by Republican millionaires and billionaires such as the Scaife family, the Coors family (among others). But more importantly, they created so-called "THINK TANKS" such as The Heritage Foundation & Cato Institute. These think tanks are passed off as unbiased "experts" in research and as guests on news programs. Of course, when these "experts" are on some TV news program, they never introduce them as "REPUBLICAN PROMOTING FAKE EXPERTS". They say, "For an opinion on this, we have a fellow from The Heritage Foundation for his unbiased, intellectual opinion". Right.

Now remember I said THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION and remember I said how long ago David Brock wrote the book The Republican Noise Machine.


Tea Party senator JIM DEMINT quits his senatorial position to join - WAIT FOR IT...WAIT FOR IT...WAIT FOR IT... - THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION!!!!!!!!!

My point is that David Brock, the rightwing media whistleblower who says rightwing media MAKES UP SHIT (those are MY words, but that's what he's saying), has written a book exposing the entire rightwing media sham or bubble, the fact-free Republican zone, and it still holds true today (Jim DeMint joining The Heritage Foundation) and it did when it was written almost 10 years ago. Somethings have changed, of course. People get old, new people come in (Laura Ingraham), but the slick rightwing media REPUBLICAN NOISE MACHINE just replaces the cogs in the wheels, replaces old personalities with new ones, creates new "experts", takes over more radio stations, etc...etc... Kind of like RUST or CANCER.

This created what is known as a "BUBBLE". The BUBBLE is the alternate world of DITTOHEADS, FOX "news" viewers, rightwing radio listeners & callers, etc... They live in their own fact-free world, but once in a while are shocked by reality. This happens when they are FORCED to interact outside THE BUBBLE, like with the election. That is why DITTOHEADS were so shocked that Obama won, because in THE BUBBLE, Romney was predicted to win by a landslide. THE BUBBLE was forced to view ACTUAL ELECTION RESULTS OUTSIDE OF THE BUBBLE, that is where elections exist. Many other things exist outside THE BUBBLE. Benghazi exists outside the bubble. IN the bubble, Obama did Benghazi. OUTSIDE the bubble, it appears Benghazi was a CIA front for shipping weapons to "Syrian rebels" and possibly had nothing to do with "ambassadors" at all. In fact, there's evidence that Benghazi may have been a Republican "October Surprise". MORE evidence of THAT, than what's inside THE BUBBLE. And notice that AFTER the election, Benghazi, which was SOOO important in THE BUBBLE, seemed to have went away! How do you like that? Right after the election. What a coincidence! Just another one of those rightwing media coincidences!

Anyway, here's "Tea PartY" JIM DEMINT stepping down as senator of South Carolina to ENRICH himself by taking a position in none other that: THE HERITAGE FOUNDATION!!! What a shocker (sarcastic):

UPDATE: Here's exactly what I'm talking about, FAKE "grassroots" group which is really funded by billionaire Koch Brothers, AMERICANS FOR PROSPERITY, says in Michigan to TAKE OUT UNIONS AT THE KNEES, and also the FAKE non-partisan "think tank" which is really rightwing billionaire funded, THE MAKINAC this video, it's exactly what this post was about when I first put it up:

Here is a current example of THE BUBBLE: 49% of Republican voters think ACORN stole the election for Obama. Funny thing is that ACORN disbanded several years ago:

Almost Half of GOP Voters: ACORN Stole It Again! (Never mind they don't even exist anymore! They stole it anyway!) UPDATE: Even Glenn Beck's 'news' site calling out Repubs for ACORN fantasies...

Steven Colbert touches upon TWO subject here: ACORN & Republicans vote against DISABLED (later in this post):

Oh...and just an fyi: ACORN never did ANYTHING the rightwing media said they did, it was all a HOAX:

ACORN lawsuits now rolling in over O'Keefe hoax "pimp" video.

Republican opposition downs UN disability treaty

Why do rightwing media and their dittohead followers remind me of this Monty Python skit?

Another example of THE BUBBLE: rightwing freak-o Laura Ingraham of FOX "news" doesn't like that progressive media figures met with Obama in the White House. Funny thing is that when Bush was president, LAURA INGRAHAM (and other rightwing media figures) DID meet with Bush in the White House, here's the picture and guess who's in it: LAURA INGRAHAM!!! This is exactly what I mean by THE BUBBLE: middle left is LAURA INGRAHAM meeting with George W. Bush (along with Sean Hannity on the right and other rightwing media figures):

UPDATED: Laura Ingraham's Newsletter Doesn't Remember When Laura Ingraham Met With George W. Bush. Newsletter Hypocritically Lashes Out At Obama Progressive Media Meeting

The Republican Noise Machine

David Brock, the reformed conservative noise-maker, on how the Right has sabotaged journalism, democracy, and truth.

As a young journalist in the 1990s, David Brock was a key cog the Republican noise machine. Writing for the American Spectator, a conservative magazine funded by billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife, Brock gained fame for his attack pieces on Anita Hill and President Bill Clinton. Then, in 2002, Brock came clean. In his memoir, Blinded by the Right, Brock admitted that his work was based on lies and distortion, and part of a coordinated smear campaign funded by wealthy right wing groups to discredit Clinton and confuse the public.

Since then, Brock has continued to expose the conservative media onslaught. In his newest book, The Republican Noise Machine, Brock documents how right-wing groups pressure the media and spread misinformation to the public. It's easy to see how this is done.

Fringe conspiracies and stories will be kept alive by outlets like Rush Limbaugh, the Washington Times, and the Drudge Report, until they finally break into the mainstream media.

Media groups like Brent Bozell's Media Research Center have spent 30 years convincing the public that the media is, in fact, liberal. As Brock says, it's all a sham: "I have seen, and I know firsthand, indeed from my own pen, how the organized Right has sabotaged not only journalism but also democracy and truth."

The Republican Noise Machine

David Brock's

Noam Chomsky: "The Myth of the 'Liberal Media' - Manufacturing Consent" -

Republicans are getting WEIRDER & WEIRDER: Mitch "I'm Senile" McConnell objects to and filibusters HIS OWN BILL!!!


Mitch McConnell raises objections to bill he thinks is terrible...HIS OWN BILL!!! He must be SENILE. This is our "GOVERNMENT". Fucked up, senile, rich old white men who don't have their wits about them. Take your prune juice and go to bed, Mitch! Get the defibrillators out to give him a jump-start! Maybe he doesn't even know where he's at! Maybe he's schizophrenic and thinks there's a Democrat also named Mitch McConnell. I'VE GOT TO OBJECT TO THIS BILL. I'M FILIBUSTERING IT. THIS MITCH MCCONNELL GUY WHO PROPOSED IT IS OUT OF HIS MIND! OH, WAIT A SECOND...I'M MITCH MCCONNELL...I THINK.....SOMEONE THROW ME A BONE, AM I MITCH MCCONNELL???

Ed Asner's Anti 'Trickle Down' Video - Fox News Fury

FOX "news" OUTRAGED!!!!!!! As usual, another case of FAKE OUTRAGE of the right:

Ed Asner also narrarates "Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 -"

Ya gotta love Ed Asner for PISSING OFF FOX "news", Sean Hannity, & Michelle Malkin all in one fell swoop! Great job, Ed:

Blast from the Past: Michelle Malkin FUCKY SUCKY FIVE DOLLAH


A 16 year old freshman or sophomore in high school calls Rush Limbaugh during his lunch break. First of all, I'm not buyin' that a 16 year old listens to Rush Limbaugh SINCE HE'S ON DURING SCHOOL!!! Second, IF Rush Limbaugh actually has REAL callers, you'd be on hold for HOURS, if you got on at all. So I'm not buyin' that this kid just casually calls Rush Limbaugh during his half hour lunch at school AND GETS RIGHT ON! Third: Rush Limbaugh has FAKE CALLERS! Who say things like, "HI RUSH, I'M A BLACK GUY AND I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAY", and ridiculous things like that. Who says "HI I'M A BLACK GUY"??? Fourth: are kids allowed to use cell phones in school? COME ON!!!

HI RUSH, I'M A BLACK GUY AND I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAY, US BLACK FOLK BIN BAMBOOZLED BY OBAMA (funny they have a PICTURE of the "black guy" on a radio call in show):

Rush Limbaugh's audience is now down to single/divorced white male LOSERS who hate women and have no children

See my last post:

"FISCAL CLIFF" Is Another Hoax By The 1% To Dismantle Social Security, Medicare, & Medicaid, Pushed By the MAINSTREAM MEDIA TERRORISTS


  1. I'm going to put some past comments below:

  2. Doug • 5 days ago −

    Iceland Rocks.

    "Remember Iceland? It's the quiet country that defeated international banksters in its fight for economical sovereignty.

    After being put in a black hole by the Western Media for showing the world they can live rather easily and freely without the IMF, World Bank... they are in the news again!

    Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of passing secret materials to Wikileaks, has been nominated by Icelandic politicians for the Nobel Peace Prize."

    1 •Reply•Share ›

  3. Doug

    "Remember Iceland? It's the quiet country that defeated international banksters in its fight for economical sovereignty.

    After being put in a black hole by the Western Media for showing the world they can live rather easily and freely without the IMF, World Bank... they are in the news again!

    Bradley Manning, the US soldier accused of passing secret materials to Wikileaks, has been nominated by Icelandic politicians for the Nobel Peace Prize."

  4. BB2

    ...Investigators found that “the organisers of this suicide attack…

    skilfully placed the explosives in the underpants and around the

    genitals of the suicide attacker,” the spy agency said in a statement....

    Wait one friggin minute - the guy blew himself to pieces, how he hell do they know it was skillfully placed around his genitals?

    Good grief, they think we will believe anything,

    (Unfortunately the vast majority of the sheeple do indeed believe such rubbish.)

  5. (looks like that WASN'T Bev Harris, I am corrected. I HAVE interacted with her before, and assumed "Bev" with a post about electronic voting machines & Bev Harris herself, that someone named "Bev" was Bev Harris. so I have been corrected here:)


    Big Dan. I am so sorry to disappoint you. Bev Harris signs with her entire name and usually with her site link, so that there is no quessing when she makes an appearance.

    I just go by my first name which leads to this misunderstanding since I frequently quote all the great election integrity people as well as try to donate as I can.

    I did email Bev Harris about Cliff Arnebecks report posted at Mark Crispin Miller's site.

    I like Cliff Arnebeck's legal take of election night, and he should know as he had tried to get Rove in court in 2004 on election fraud, but an airplane accident took out his main IT witness--Michael Connell.

    Bev Harris emailed back that she would prefer that Cliff Arnebeck's letter were better documented and better written.

    So, perhaps more details to come?


    I have also quoted you, Big Dan. So thank you so much.

    0 •Reply•Share ›

    Bev Bev • 10 days ago

    More clearly written would have been the better choice of words for above.

    Another big thanks and big admiration goes to Richard Charnin, Big Dan, Cliff Arnebeck, Mark Crispin Miller and Bev Harris and all the election integrity people.

  6. This post has Michelle Malkin in it. I wrote this post about her a while back, there was a picture of her with troops and she looked like one of those Vietnam whores and I put "FUCKY SUCKY FIVE DOLLAH" under the picture. And someone actually wrote to me that it was OFFENSIVE and they were OUTRAGED:

  7. (another comment, found in my "approve" place...even though I have it set to approve anything by anybody)

    Mark Martin 4 days ago

    Hello! Keep it up! This is a good read. I will be looking forward to visit your page again and for your other posts as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about cheap heating oil in your area. I am glad to stop by your site and know more about cheap heating oil.

    Heating oil may be blended with biodiesel to create a product that burns similarly.

    Macarthur Oil services all of the following Massachusetts towns, and more!

  8. (another recent comment caught in my "approve" spot)

    Rupert Murdoch's (FOX "news") Worldwide Media Empire Scandal & the "NON-SUSPICIOUS" death of the main whistleblower

    Mahendran Jagannathan last week

    Thanks for sharing

    In reply to:

    plunger last year

    If the government were to offer a cash reward (or a chicken) for every alleged cocksucker you turn in, they could wipe out the entire population under false pretense.

  9. REAGAN: Social Security, let’s lay it to rest once in for all…Social Security has nothing to do with the deficit. Social Security is totally funded by the payroll tax levied on employer and employee. If you reduce the outgo of Social Security, that money would not go into the general fund to reduce the deficit. It would go into the Social Security trust fund. So Social Security has nothing to do with balancing the budget or erasing or lowering the deficit.

  10. [url=]SUaMFcAhZFlF[/url] - WvjMkLvzri ,

  11. Dan, please buy my book - and then do a blog about it. You will love it.

    Thanks, Dan. My biggest frustration is that we cannot get the proof out there. If my book takes off (a big if) it will go a long way to educating the 50% who have IQs above 100 - and accelerate the EI movement. There is so much disinformation out there. I do not care about those idiots who watch FOX. Michelle Malkin can suck my dick. And as for Hannity, he is probably too busy sucking someone else.

    Here are two messages I sent to Rachel Maddow....................... Rachel, In CA Obama had just 54% of 3.4 million votes cast on Election Day but he had 64% of the 5.8 million EARLY votes and 65% of 3.5 million LATE votes. The votes were surely rigged on Election Day to cause Prop 37 to "fail". It's simple. It's transparent. It's ELECTION FRAUD. It always is. EXCEPT THIS TIME PEOPLE'S HEALTH IS AT STAKE. And no one calls the media out on it! You always ask your fans what is on their mind. Well, I am NOT a fan, you lost me a long time ago, but THIS IS WHAT'S HAPPENING. It's all about the voting machines. Can you talk about it? Will you talk about it? It's only the biggest story of your lifetime.

    A Model for Estimating Presidential Election Day Fraud

    A Model for Estimating Presidential Election Day Fraud Richard Charnin Dec. 7, 2012 Given 1) early voting (mail-in or hand delivered paper ballots) and 2) late vote (absentees, provisional ballots)...

    By the way, I got Obama's RECORDED 365 EV exactly right in my 2008 Election Model. I also got his 332 RECORDED EV exactly in my 2012 model.It's all documented on my website/blog. Even Nate Silver didn't accomplish that. But Obama did much better than his recorded vote. My True Vote Model and the UNADJUSTED state exit polls indicate that he had 58-40% in 2008 with 420 EV. He had 61-37% in the UNADJUSTED National Exit Poll. I am sure you are aware that the pollsters always force a match to the recorded vote and Obama's 52.9%. But they had to use more returning Bush voters than were alive in 2008 in their crosstabs (46% Bush/37% Kerry). In 2012, my True Vote Model shows that Obama won by 56-44% (2-party) and had 380 EV. Now you have the numbers that prove what you have known intuitively. The fraud is systematic. It never ends. I am the only analyst who includes the Fraud Factor in my models You can see it all on my website You can also read the two books I have written. The media employs a "Matrix of Deceit" to silence those who have been involved in "Proving Election Fraud": .

    A Model for Estimating Presidential Election Day Fraud

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