Saturday, November 10, 2012

93% = 47% On Electronic Voting Machines (PROP 37 IN CALIFORNIA LABELING GMO FOODS); ALSO: Is Petraeus' Resignation Connected To Behghazi?


Do you want the sun to come up tomorrow? YES

Do you want clean drinking water? YES

Do you want your food labeled? YES

Some things are no-brainers, you don't even need a "poll" to tell you that.

In June, ABC did a poll and 93% of Americans want GMO (Genetically Modified) Foods labeled:

ABC: Nearly everyone, moreover — 93 percent — says the federal government should require labels on food saying whether it's been genetically modified, or "bio-engineered" (this poll used both phrases). Such near-unanimity in public opinion is rare.

Did you get that? "SUCH NEAR-UNANIMITY IN PUBLIC OPINION IS RARE". Let me interpret that for you: ONE OF THE MOST LOPSIDED POLLS IN HISTORY, EXTREMELY RARE OVERWHELMING AGREEMENT. And that makes total sense. Who wouldn't want their food labeled? 93% TO 7%, you never see that. Who are those 7% btw? Just wonderin'...the same usual suspects who give Beatles videos "thumbs down" on youtube and really don't want the sun to come up tomorrow?

So EVERYONE wants their food labeled!

Prop 37 in California was the first law voted on to do just that: label GMO foods. EVERYONE - left, right, center, black, white, oriental, hispanic, men, women, DITTOHEADS - EVERYONE wants their food labeled. Right?

LET'S RUN THAT THROUGH THE ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES, you know, unverifiable, unrecountable, hackable black boxes where you touch a screen and then there's no trace, record, etc...of who you voted for:


Well, there you have it folks: SUBTRACT EXACTLY 46% IN FAVOR OF BIG CORPORATIONS LIKE MONSANTO!!! And you have your typical 51%-49% "victory" on electronic voting machines. It's never a mistake AGAINST big corporations, did you ever notice that? Anomalies ALWAYS favor them. That's not possible:

This one goes out to all you vote riggers, the REAL 7% who don't want their food labeled and don't want the sun to come up tomorrow, the FAKE RIGGED Monsanto NON-EXISTENT 53% who don't want their food labeled, the rigged media that pretends all of this isn't happening, and the handful of insane people who give Beatles videos "thumbs down" on youtube: YOU REALLY SUCK!!!

All Stories Of Rigged Electronic Voting Machines, Voter Registration Fraud, Voter Fraud, & Voter Suppression Are Being Done By The Republican Party; WORSE Than That Is The Democrats And Leftwing Media's SILENCE AND/OR DENIAL About It or say it's a "CONSPIRACY THEORY", their most powerful ridicule tactic

See WHO doesn't want you to know what's in your food: OVER $40 MILLION for ads that LIED and were purposely CONFUSING THE PUBLIC (click here).

Could Prop. 37 Kill Monsanto's GM Seeds? Big Ag is spending millions to keep labels off genetically modified foods in California—and with good reason.

Prop 37 has exposed the dark side of Big Ag and Big Food, and their desperation to keep U.S. consumers in the dark about whether or not our food has been genetically engineered. .

People are getting around RIGGED ELECTIONS with the LABEL IT YOURSELF program.

OH,LOOK! One of those FAKE CO-OPTED NON-RON PAUL "TEA PARTY" candidates who voted for NDAA and every other fascist unconstitutional piece of legislation is LOSING AND WON'T CONCEDE:

Rep. Allen West Refuses to Concede, Seeks Hand-Count, Impounding of Ballots and Voting Systems in FL-18 U.S. House Race. Tea Party-backed Repub reportedly trails challenger Murphy by less than 2,500 votes as tallied by FL's flawed, failed voting systems. UPDATE: Court denies West's motion to impound, though he still may file for contest, hand-count, after election is certified by state...

FLASHBACK: The War is as big as a SUBWAY $5 FOOTLONG. The war is thiiiiiiis big...General Petraeus replaces General McChrystal in the endless wars.........

It's looking more and more like Benghazi "ambassadors" was a CIA front supplying arms to Al Qaeda in Syria to overthrow the Syrian government. Doesn't that mean Obama technically, under the NDAA, could have LEGALLY ASSASSINATED those "ambassadors" because they were dealing with Al Qaeda terrorists? That is EXACTLY legal under NDAA. And it's looking more and more like General CIA Director Petraeus' resignation due to an "affair" (lol, sure, right) is connected to this whole mess. And btw, am I the only one who realizes the proof of how corrupt our government is, is the fact that these SAME GUYS (UNELECTED of course) keep getting passed around from the CIA to the military? Petraeus WAS the head of the military, now he's the head of the CIA. OOPS! Now he's gone. Panetta WAS the head of the CIA, now he's the head of the military! I suppose they'll replace Petraeus with another inside/rigged/1% passed around retread who will do whatever the oligarchs really running this country say. You watch!

Why Did CIA Director Petraeus Suddenly Resign … And Why Was the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Murdered?

Watch this guy Michael Hastings DESTROY the 2 generals on the left/right of him, DESTROY Piers Morgan/CNN, DESTROY General Petraeus, and DESTROY CNN'S reporting in general, unbelievable they let this guy on:

FBI's abuse of the surveillance state is the real scandal needing investigation. That the stars of America's national security establishment are being devoured by out-of-control surveillance is a form of sweet justice




  1. Living in California and having helped gather signatures to get 37 on the ballot, we saw there was a TON of money spent on advertisements (somewhere I read over $1m per day starting Oct1) that had some fake doctor saying the law was ridiculous because it was "written by lawyers" and will cost every family $400 more for their groceries. I know people that voted against it and others who were so unaware of it they don't even know how they voted on it when I asked.

  2. Although I would not be shocked one bit to learn that 37 should have passed by 55 - 45% and somehow those votes got flipped...

  3. I got HUGE hits on this post, NJT!

  4. What happened to your site counter?

  5. So what are your thoughts on this article.

  6. I didn't even know I had a site counter!

  7. I think every election, more and more "cyber sleuths" and simply an ever growing army of watchful people are looking out for election anomalies and Karl Rove. And if there were extremely disturbing numbers that were impossible, I think this time it would've been immediately pointed out and it's going to get better and better every election. I also think something is going to be done about electronic voting machines sooner or later.

  8. Richard Charnin says, in a facebook message to me:

    I saw your post about Nate Silver.Let me tell you about Nate.

    Nate Silver DID NOT GET IT RIGHT. He predicted 313 EV for Obama.

    My final prediction had 332 EV for Obama. That was exactly right.

    Getting it right is not that big a deal. There were 10 states that were "competitive" if you believe the Likely Voter Polls. I got them all. I WAS JUST LUCKY. I used the LV polls just like everyone else. Obama's expected EV was 321:the sum of the expected values (state win probability * electoral vote). The snapshot was 332 (the actual summation of the winning electoral votes, not the expected value). The LV polls understate Obama's true vote, which I calculated to be 371 expected and 380 snapshot.

    In 2008, I also had Obama's bogus 365 EV exactly right in 2008 (the expected value, not the snapshot).

    I produce several measures for calculating EV: theoretical, snapshot, and simulation mean value. Obama had 420 True EV.

    My model is an open book. Can't say the same about Nate's. But I can understand why. His model is junk.

    The purpose of a Monte Carlo Electoral Vote Simulation is to calculate the PROBABILITY OF winning the electoral vote. The probability is the number of winning election trials divided by the total number of trials. I used 500 election trials. That is all that is necessary. The Law of Large Numbers takes effect quickly in the rapid convergence to the mean. Nate does 100,000 trials - overkill. Prof. Sam Wang does nearly a million combinations - laughable.

    Nate Silver is not a pollster. He is an aggregator of polls. A lot of sheeple think he is. I also aggregate, using the pollster's numbers. Oh, this will tell you ll you need to knowabout Nate: He ranked Zogby dead last among 100 pollsters a few years ago. So I had to set him straight with this:

    He also wrote about "10 reasons to Ignore Exit Polls". I had to set him straight with this:

    Nate Silver’s Final Prediction - Truthdig

    Now Dan, why don't you write this about me. After all, you did call me the ULTIMATE NUMBER CRUNCHER. Here is the proof that you are right. Nate Silver is a an overrated corporate NY Times shill - who never says squat abut election fraud and who libels John Zogby ( a great pollster). Silver had the nerve to say that if Romney won, it would mean that the polls were BIASED against him The ASSHOLE never considered that if Romney won, maybe it was becuase he STOLE it. Nate believes Bush won in 2004. What more do you need to know. Take it from this lifetine Quant, Nate doesn't know shit about building mathematical models. His simulations are bullshit. But only I have the knowledge to see through his models and his character .Maybe you will now. too. LIKE YOU, DAN, I AM ALL ABOUT TRUTH. I AM ALL ABOUT FACTS. TRUTH IS ALL. NO BS. So when I saw that post you did on Silver I had to respond. It's 440am. I have to get some sleep.

  9. I will have to put that on my blog.

  10. Great article, Doug, with lots of documented links. Well written article. Reminds me of a Washington's Blog article.

  11. I'm inclined to believe the article since its what I and many others felt watching the reaction of Rove and Romney himself. One of disbelief. But what makes me skeptical is the warning, the don't do it again or we'll turn the "evidence" over to Julian. Why would anyone not turn over the evidence of they had any? Especially evidence against one of the biggest fuck wads on the planet. This guy is a murderer ten times over.

  12. more:

    I cannot say. It's possible. I don't know the facts. Check out Bob Fitrakis and Cliff Arnebeck. I speak via phone at the 29 minute mark: The DC press conference video is up:

    The description text below (on the youtube page) contains several key links and explanations, so the main youtube link above is "primary". However, if you embed the video into some other site you'll want to provide links to the same material, either via links to files you host or to the copies I have on google docs. Those files are attached to this message.

    This press release covers issues related to election fraud and the political misuse of our so-called "justice" system. The issues are intertwined! In the Don Siegelman case, he was subjected to election fraud by Rove's operation and when that wasn't enough to make him quit politics they falsely jailed him.

    This presentation includes a complete guide to the internetworked companies, people and organizations that make up Karl Rove's empire of election fraud.

    The "road map" to Rove's empire is a PDF file available here:

    The press release for this event is a one-page technical introduction to the core issues:

    The link to the petition to free Don Seigelman via a pardon by Obama is located at:

    There is also a selection of exit-poll related statistics at:

    NOTE: the main camera had issues. This was recorded with a head-mounted Looxie2 camera from the audience that we used as backup. There are brief audio glitches caused by unknown interference at the press club, probably a sat uplink somewhere.

    National Press Club main press conference

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