What you're seeing now in the "news" and hear from our psychopath government leaders and our psychopath mainstream media about Syria, is PROPAGANDA to get us into another war with another Arab Middle East country (for Israel). All of these non-stop wars since WWII (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc...and the attempts at NEW wars with Syria and Iran) are destroying the United States, bleeding us dry. Our leaders are psychopathic MURDERERS, killing MILLIONS of innocent people non-stop around the globe. HALF our domestic spending is BOMBING OTHER COUNTRIES. HALF of the WORLD's BOMBING SPENDING is the United States. Yet, while continuing to spend this unsustainable amount of money, our government implements AUSTERITY on us, which is CUTTING DOMESTIC SPENDING ON PUBLIC/SOCIAL PROGRAMS...claiming as the reason: we're going broke. It is against our national interest to attack Syria & Iran, as all these non-stop wars are against our national interests. Whose interests are they in??? Not ours! Israel? War profiteers? The 1%? What is this PLEDGE TO JERUSALEM/ISRAEL that our politicians must take in order to run for office? Look it up. Is this why they change once they get in office? Cynthia McKinney mentions this "PLEDGE" in THIS VIDEO, and it comes up again in the USS Liberty video below.
Commentary by plunger:
Since the CIA has BECOME THE GOVERNMENT, and the Government spends billions of dollars advertising on the mainstream media (from political advertising to military recruitment), it goes without saying that the salary of each alleged "journalist" is paid in part by the CIA. Ask these journalists what would happen in the US Government changed the campaign finance laws to ban political advertising and abolished military advertising and paid propaganda spending. Since the CIA is also in the drug business, ask these journalists what the status of their networks would look like if the US Government reverted to the former law of the land, and abolished prescription drug advertising on television. Ask them what would happen if the FCC were to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine on the airwaves. Ask them why the American people no longer own the airwaves of the United States, and who the Traitors are that stole them.
In point of fact, every mainstream media talking head works directly for the CIA. We all do. Ask George HW Bush and David Rockefeller how this circumstance has come to pass, and how many were/are involved in this conspiracy to destroy the United States.
Remember what reality used to look like - before it was altered using your money?
First, you must understand and know about the techniques these psychopath 1% used to take over our U.S. government, AND keep us distracted and give us the "illusion" that we have a democracy, our votes count, etc... Do you really think this 1% would allow us to vote in anyone we want? And jeopardize what they have taken over? The money making machine that's in place to keep us in endless wars and funnel our tax money to it? The mass mainstream media they own and control, that RIDICULES you, if you question what's going on? Why do you think, once again, it's down to two people like Obama and Romney? Last time: Obama/McCain/Palin? Time before that: Kerry/Bush? Before that, Bush/Gore? etc...etc... The 1% won already, because it's Obama vs Romney.
Operation MOCKINGBIRD (wikipedia) was a secret Central Intelligence Agency campaign to influence media beginning in the 1950s.
As you watch the next video about the CIA ADMITTING in front of a congressional hearing that they infiltrated the U.S. media, think about how in the 1970's, congress actually brought them before commissions, exposed it, and reprimanded them...and then take a look at how corrupt our congress is NOW. They actually wrote legislation to LEGALIZE U.S. GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA AGAINST US:
PRESENT DAY 2012: Bi-partisan amendment is sponsored by Rep. Mac Thornberry from Texas and Rep. Adam Smith from Washington State seeks To legalize U.S. government propaganda against its own U.S. citizens
TESTIMONY: CIA Admits Using News To Manipulate the USA (1975)
Elite internationalist/globalist David Rockefeller THANKS THE MEDIA for ATTENDING, but NOT REPORTING on his secret globalist meetings like CFR (Council of Foreign Relations), Bilderberg, Tri-Lateral Commission, etc...I mean, COME ON PEOPLE: THIS IS IN THEIR OWN WORDS:
Below video Iran/Contra scandal by the Reagan administration hearings:
[Congressman Jack] Brooks: Colonel North, in your work at the N.S.C. were you not assigned, at one time, to work on plans for the continuity of government in the event of a major disaster?
Both North’s attorney and Sen. Daniel Inouye, the Democratic Chair of the Committee, responded in a way that showed they were aware of the issue:
Brendan Sullivan [North's counsel, agitatedly]: Mr. Chairman?
[Senator Daniel] Inouye: I believe that question touches upon a highly sensitive and classified area so may I request that you not touch upon that?
Project MKULTRA (wikipedia), or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a covert, illegal CIA human experimentation program, run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence. This official U.S. government program began in the early 1950s, continued at least through the late 1960s, and used U.S. and Canadian citizens as its test subjects.
Project ARTICHOKE (wikipedia) (also referred to as Operation ARTICHOKE) was a CIA project that researched interrogation methods and arose from Project BLUEBIRD on August 20, 1951, run by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence.[1] A memorandum by Richard Helms to CIA director Allen Welsh Dulles indicated Artichoke became Project MKULTRA on April 13, 1953. The project studied hypnosis, forced morphine addiction (and subsequent forced withdrawal), and the use of other chemicals, among other methods, to produce amnesia and other vulnerable states in subjects.
Operation PAPERCLIP (wikipedia) was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) program used to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany for employment by the United States in the aftermath of World War II (1939–45).
TESTIMONY: CIA secret weapon of assassination Heart Attack Gun, Declassified 1975 New World Order Report
June 8 was the anniversary of the attempted sinking of the USS Liberty by the Israelis, and there was no mention of it in the corrupt mainstream media (of course not, more history they want us to forget).
Operation CYANIDE 1967: Israel, with the U.S. "OK", attempted to sink the USS Liberty as a FALSE FLAG and blame Egypt, and then nuke Egypt to help create "Greater Israel":
TESTIMONY and DECLASSIFIED: Gulf of Tonkin incident was a FALSE FLAG to get us into the Vietnam War:
Insatiable Bloodthirty 1% Psychopathic Murderers - The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order
Report: Obama Prepares Air Strikes On Syria
The Magnitude of Washington's War on Christians Becomes Clear In Syria. Washington and Tel Aviv are arming Salafist terrorists to wage war on Syria's Christian communities.
ASIA/SYRIA - Ultimatum to Christians: "Leave Qusayr"
U.S.-Israeli War Against Syria Moves To The Next Stage: A Media Coup. Patriotic Syrians demonstrate in the streets in support of their country, which is under attack from the U.S. and Israel.
Everyone Is On Satan's Kill List: The Rise of The Antichrist And The Death of Mankind. The shadow government has used the cult-like appeal of Barack Obama to sell previously secret policies to the American people.
Chris Floyd: Obama's Kill List
Arthur Sibler: Obama's Kill List
NYTimes: Obama's Kill List
StuxNet: Covert Op-Exposing Code In, Covert Op-Exposing Code Out
Just like I said in THIS PREVIOUS POST, they "Syria Massacre" was a FALSE FLAG to get us into a war with Syria:
154 U.S. military suicides so far, in only half the year of 2012:
U.S. military suicides at record emergency levels (GEE! I WONDER WHY??? SEE: THIS POST!!! Maybe it's because they figured out they're NOT "fighting for our freedom", and they're MURDERING INNOCENT CIVILIANS AROUND THE GLOBE FOR 1% PSYCHOPATHS who are "telling" them it's for our freedom???)
Commentary by plunger: The US Military's INTENTIONAL TORTURE OF ITS OWN is clearly a huge success! If your intent is to destroy the US Military and degrade its potential, you'd prolong and instigate wars in a never-ending cycle, forcing troops to fight multiple and insane tours of duty. You'd put into place a system whereby suicides outpace combat deaths and fully 1/3 of female troops are forcibly raped. You'd send the force formerly known as the "National Guard" to foreign lands, totally unprepared, with all of their equipment - never to return. If your goal is to ensure that American citizens are left defenseless against the hired mercenaries and brainwashed cops that will be cracking heads here under martial law - while those who would defend us are rendered incapacitated and ill-equipped to help us here at home at our greatest time of need, you would order precisely what the US Congress has allowed, and the leadership of Israel has forced upon us - via our puppet Presidency and blackmailed CIA, Congressional and Military leaders. Congress no longer exists. Be sure to send David Rockefeller a Thank You card for all of this.
More U.S. soldiers have died this year by taking their own lives than on the battlefield. The Pentagon says there have been at least 154 suicides among active-duty troops in 2012, a rate of nearly one each day. We’re joined by three guests: Kevin Hines, who survived a jump off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and now counsels suicidal soldiers; Bonnie Carroll, co-chair of the Pentagon’s Task Force on the Prevention of Suicide in the Armed Forces and president of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors; and journalist Aaron Glantz, author of the book "The War Comes Home: Washington’s Battle Against America’s Veterans."
U.S. government's undeclared DRONE WAR on its own citizens:
Want to see BRAINWASHING??? Look at this video: SWEATSHOPS ARE GOOD, the "liberty" of sweatshops, brought to you by learnliberty, the koch brothers, david rockefeller, NIKE, slave owners, ........ try and think of all the propaganda, false choices, etc...while you're watching it, such as the cliches to keep wages down: "YOU'RE LUCKY YOU HAVE A JOB", "69CENTS AN HOUR IS BETTER THAN NOTHING", "THE COMPANY WOULD GO OUT OF BUSINESS IF THEY PAID THEIR EMPLOYEES MORE", etc... and please refrain from punching this cocky pseudo-intellectual infomercial artist in the head while you're watching it and FORCING him to work in a sweatshop in Africa or China. Who made this video, the Koch Brothers? David Rockefeller? What GLOBALIST made this video, and called it "learning liberty", so "liberty" is U.S. companies sending U.S. jobs overseas to sweatshops so they make a little more profit and destroy America? Where is the PATRIOTISM:
Mitt Romney's father George Romney SCREWED US in this area (NEPA/Northeast Pa./Wyoming Valley) during the 1972 Agnes Flood, check out this account:
I was watching a special on our local PBS channel 44 about the Agnes Flood, and the commentary host mentioned what is known as "THE ROMNEY INCIDENT", in which Mitt Romney's father, as President Nixon's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, had no empathy or compassion for the people of this area during the 1972 Agnes Flood when he was assigned to assess the situation as President Richard M. Nixon's HUD (Housing and Urban Development) secretary. I was 10 years old during the 1972 Agnes Flood, but I remember it like it happened yesterday. I looked up "THE ROMNEY INCIDENT", and what is amazing to me is the lack of local media coverage of "THE ROMNEY INCIDENT". Did the local NEPA media forget "THE ROMNEY INCIDENT"? Would they like us to forget "THE ROMNEY INCIDENT"? It never happened? If Obama's father SCREWED US during the 1972 Agnes Flood, do you think our local FOX News Jr WILK would be having a 24x7 JIHAD from now until the election about "THE OBAMA INCIDENT"? I think the answer to that is "YES".
(above: Mitt Romney's dad George Romney and President Richard M. Nixon. George Romney was in the Nixon administration, along with Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the whole neo-con gang)
"In August 1972, Nixon announced Romney would inspect Hurricane Agnes flood damage in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, but neglected to tell Romney first.[180] Much of the area lacked shelter six weeks after the storm, residents were angry, and Romney got into a three-way shouting match with Governor Milton J. Shapp and a local citizens' representative.[218] Romney denounced Shapp's proposal that the federal government pay off the mortgages of victims as "unrealistic and demagogic", and the representative angrily responded to Romney, "You don't give a damn whether we live or die."[180][218] The confrontation received wide media attention, damaging Romney's public reputation.[180] Totally frustrated, Romney wanted to resign immediately, but Nixon, worried about the fallout to his 1972 re-election campaign, insisted that Romney stay on.[180] Romney agreed, although he indicated to the press that he would leave eventually.[180][219] Romney finally did hand in his resignation on November 9, 1972, following Nixon's re-election."As I always point out, the media's plausible deniability when being called out on the lack of coverage of something that is newsworthy, is for them to say or link to something about that particular topic, and say, "See? We covered it!" But I point out, there is a huge difference between mentioning something and spending enormous amounts of time on something. It is intellectually dishonest for media to say they covered something by casually mentioning it and spending virtually no time on it. And it is plausible deniability to link to something and say, "We covered it", when although it was "covered", virtually no time was spent on it. It boils down to: TIME SPENT ON A SUBJECT. That is how you measure "covering" something. Not a one-time blurb that no one noticed.
Romney’s father’s visit in ’72 didn’t go so well
Mitt Romney: 'I'm not concerned about the very poor'
A couple typos - then you can delete this if you choose:
ReplyDelete...killing MILLIONS of innocent people non-stop around the glove (you meant globe)
Operation Sinai mentioned above in connection to USS Liberty was more sinister - Operation Cyanide
Since the CIA has BECOME THE GOVERNMENT, and the Government spends billions of dollars advertising on the mainstream media (from political advertising to military recruitment), it goes without saying that the salary of each alleged "journalist" is paid in part by the CIA. Ask these journalists what would happen in the US Government changed the campaign finance laws to ban political advertising and abolished military advertising and paid propaganda spending. Since the CIA is also in the drug business, ask these journalists what the status of their networks would look like if the US Government reverted to the former law of the land, and abolished prescription drug advertising on television. Ask them what would happen if the FCC were to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine on the airwaves. Ask them why the American people no longer own the airwaves of the United States, and who the Traitors are that stole them.
ReplyDeleteIn point of fact, every mainstream media talking head works directly for the CIA. We all do. Ask George HW Bush and David Rockefeller how this circumstance has come to pass, and how many were/are involved in this conspiracy to destroy the United States.
Remember what reality used to look like - before it was altered using your money?
This is what the opposite of reality looks like - when it's paid for, and the media is complicit, along with Congress:
ReplyDeleteTea party senator wants JPMorgan CEO to ‘guide’ Congress on banking regulation
No, I meant around the GLOVE. (just kidding)
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Tea Party, I heard "the tea party" is going to start going full tilt backing Mitt Romney.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of OPPOSITELAND, again, by popular demand...
ReplyDelete...brought to you by learnLIBERTY, LIBERTY = SWEATSHOPS, here it is:
(check out the comments under the video)
Military suicides at record level, gee, I wonder why?? (see: THIS FUCKING POST!!!!!!!!!!!)
JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM), the biggest
ReplyDeleteU.S. lender, held $168 million in collateral for seven months
before returning it to MF Global Inc. because the bank needed
court guidance, Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon said.
You are referring to the Karl Rove rebranding strategy, with the full knowledge that the 'republicans" were too reviled to be elected - thus the rebranding.
ReplyDeleteI assumed it was Sinai too but then googled both. Cyanide is far more clever and evil.
ReplyDeleteThe US Military's INTENTIONAL TORTURE OF ITS OWN is clearly a huge success! If your intent is to destroy the US Military and degrade its potential, you'd prolong and instigate wars in a never-ending cycle, forcing troops to fight multiple and insane tours of duty. You'd put into place a system whereby suicides outpace combat deaths and fully 1/3 of female troops are forcibly raped. You'd send the force formerly known as the "National Guard" to foreign lands, totally unprepared, with all of their equipment - never to return. If your goal is to ensure that American citizens are left defenseless against the hired mercenaries and brainwashed cops that will be cracking heads here under martial law - while those who would defend us are rendered incapacitated and ill-equipped to help us here at home at our greatest time of need, you would order precisely what the US Congress has allowed, and the leadership of Israel has forced upon us - via our puppet Presidency and blackmailed CIA, Congressional and Military leaders. Congress no longer exists.
ReplyDeleteBe sure to send David Rockefeller a Thank You card for all of this.
ReplyDeleteMitt Romney's father George Romney's visit to the Wyoming Valley during the 1972 Agnes Flood, he was President Nixon's Secretary of Housing and Urban Development:
ReplyDeleteThe account is detailed in the book "Appointment with Disaster," by Anthony J. Mussari, retired King's College professor.
Chapter 5 of the book is titled, "The Romney Incident."
Romney was late for a meeting with Salwoski, he was curt with residents and media representatives and dismissed the idea of the federal government making the flood victims whole again. Romney accused Shapp, a Democrat, of playing politics.
People pelted Romney with shouts of "Why don't you talk to the people?" "I have a HUDache." "The people come first." "Agnes took everything but our mortgages."
Romney responded with statements like, "My family and I were forced out of Mexico some time ago. I came out of that with only a wristwatch. We had no equity, and if you think I'm going to recommend equity in this situation, you have another thought coming."
The confrontations continued and Romney appeared annoyed, the account reads. It got the attention of national media such as The New York Times, The New York Daily News, The Washington Post, The Miami Herald and The International Herald Tribune in Paris.
"His hurried tour of the area and his reluctance to spend time with the people themselves made many believe that he, like the president, was not interested in the human side of the tragedy," Mussari wrote.
I was 10 years old, lived through that flood. I was stuck on the wrong side of the Susquehanna River from where I lived, and couldn't get back. My 11 year old sister was stuck with me, too. Both my grandmothers lived on the other side of the river, and we were stuck at their houses for days and couldn't get home. The bridges were either washed away or shut down.
ReplyDeleteThe flood from last year, if anyone remembers my comments from last year, was HIGHER than the 1972 flood. I think it hit 41 feet last year, and the Agnes flood I think was 38 feet above the river banks. But the nasty democrats & Clinton & Kanjorski funded building dikes around the river, which held and the river went right to the top of them. And the rightwing media, "conservatives", etc...all bellyached about the waste of taxpayer money, etc...all the same shit as now.
ReplyDeleteThe reason I just posted that about the Agnes flood and Romney's father, is we were watching our local PBS channel 44 and they had a special on the Agnes Flood, and some guy was RIPPING Romney's father, some guy who was actually THERE at the time. So I looked it up.
ReplyDeleteCalifornia govt is saying they need "austerity", because they have a $16 billion deficit This is a lie. They have HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS AND POSSIBLY TRILLIONS of surplus, and are being systematically lied to by the Ca. govt. This is an astounding story, being covered only by, as far as I know, Washington's Blog:
Read ALL the related CAFR stories. This is HUGE!
Very good chance this is a FAKE story WE made up:
ReplyDelete"terrorists" put bounty on Obama & Hillary:
Here's a now blackmailed good guy, Eliot Spitzer, who will now tow the line on fake stories, like Michael Moore, etc...
PBS TV - KBDI, Denver - AE911Truth & Richard Gage
Corrupt UN says "civil war" going on in Syria:
Awesome approach! When Rockefeller's goal is the destruction of the United States, you start with California. GHW and Ken Lay didn't cook up the scheme to artificially create (via Enron) the alleged energy shortage there for nothin. That was the first shot in the war to destroy/control California. Step one, remove sitting Governor and install beloved, charismatic and reliable (subject to blackmail for love child) Nazi as Governor. Follow the decision trail all the way to the top.
ReplyDeleteGHW to Arnold: "Listen Arnold, we like you but we know about the maid's kid... Here's what you're going to do."
Assume that EVERY (s)elected official is blackmailed. Were they not subject to it, they would never be allowed into the arena. This is a feature, not a bug.
ReplyDeleteThink about the western sensibilities and slang tied to that comment. No Middle Eastern Muslim is going to use those words. The offer of ten cocks in the rest of the world refers to roosters, as a goodwill gesture.
ReplyDelete"Al Qaeda In Iraq"
ReplyDeleteExact same thing. Rovian tripe for US consumption.
Assume that Spitzer was Rockefeller's #1 target, and that they had him subject to blackmail on multiple fronts. When they nailed him with the prostitute story, that was likely just a shot across the bow. They showed him how much more they had, and offered him the opportunity to represent them on TV, or else.
ReplyDeleteRunning this as a PBS fundraiser in the Colorado market is a major accomplishment.
ReplyDeleteLack of Congressional oversight
On July 18, 2007, Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), a member of the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security,
requested the classified and more detailed version of the government's
continuity of government plan in a letter signed by him and the
chairperson of the House Homeland Committee, which is supposed to have
access to confidential government information. The president refused to
provide the information, to the surprise of the congressional committee.[14][15] As of August 2007[update], efforts by the committee to secure a copy of the plan continue
ReplyDeleteWell, that's if our courts are 100% for justice:
America's English-Style Legal System Evolved to Conceal Truth, Not Reveal It
The civil adversarial system that developed over centuries in England, and later spread to the U.S. and other colonies, might not work as well as a truth-seeking system.
Is Wisconsin "governor" Scott Walker related to the Bush's? How come no one ever asked that? The "Walkers" are related to the Bush's. George WALKER Bush, and remember April Gallop's 9/11 trial, one of the judges who wouldn't recuse himself for being related to Bush, his last name was Judge Walker???
ReplyDeleteGeorge H. W. Bush (SN) connected to JFK assassination Part 1
J Edgar Hoover: "Bush CIA killed JFK"
Bush Sr. smiles when recalling JFK assassination!
ReplyDeleteGuess what I heard on our local talk radio show?
Romney & Obama are "NECK AND NECK"!!!
Nothing new around here - they've been saying that for weeks.
ReplyDeleteFriggin Disqus can't remember my sorting order nor in fact can it seem to remember me!
ReplyDeleteSo, from Pa. to Ca.: "NECK AND NECK", "50/50", "TOSS UP". The new Orwellian election polls. ALWAYS a "toss up". Easier for stolen elections. If someone is up 70/30 in the "polls", they can't steal it. There would be widespread questions.
ReplyDeleteU.S. expands secret intelligence operations in Africa
LUKE confronts RAND PAUL
In DISCUS (hung up) under the USED CAR SALESMEN post:
Thank You The given information is very effective i will keep updated with the same seo services in india
last week by: Indrajeet Prajapati
Well I hate to burst your bubble, but did you go to his website?
Many company
depend upon different advertising models like Pay per Click (P.P.C)
to gain upper search engine rankings. However, SEO utilize various
complex methods and technique to gain higher rankings
Oh ,crap, I fell for it So, now they're using Indian names. Actually, that was pretty stupid. lol So the SPAM detector actually WORKED.
ReplyDeleteI go into the discus spam detector and check for hung up comments every so often. Didn't look close enough at that one. Noted for the future, look closer. Thanks.
I'm telling you, though, they're everchanging genius's with this stuff. You get lulled into easily detecting one way, then they come up with another way. They're genius's.
Sheesh, it's SOOOO clear that globalists have hijacked and our running our government, all you have to do is look at the legislation being or attempting to be passed:
ReplyDeleteAn international treaty being negotiated in secret which would not only crack down on Internet privacy much more than SOPA or ACTA, but would actually destroy the sovereignty of the U.S. and all other signatories.
It is called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
These laws seem designed for people who do not live in this country......but are running this country.
ReplyDeleteObviously, all you have to do is look at the legislation one after another after another: none of it designed for US. All of it designed AGAINST us. Therefore, it is likely rigged elections are rigged for foreign countries and/or U.S. "citizens" that are really globalists that have no interest in the U.S. In fact, they have interest in destroying it. To enrich themselves.
ReplyDeleteAll started by the false flag 9/11 and the "war on terror": patriot act, hr 347 law against protesting, ndaa, sopa, cispa...one after another after another. One is done, the next one on the list comes up. NONE in OUR interests. ALL in the interests of globalists, foreigners (RICH foreigners), multinational corporations, globalist banksters. It's very clear.
Furthermore, I think they're RUSHING it in at breakneck speed, because we're onto them, and there's more and more activists everyday. That's why it's one after another, with no pauses. And the media is in on covering it all up and keeping us distracted.
ReplyDeleteThink about the distraction of the presidential election itself: it's all Obama/Romney 24x7, radio news briefs, TV, newspapers, and they know the winner already. So it's a distraction.
Did Ron Paul sell his followers email addresses?
Revealed: 64 Drone Bases on American Soil
US Military Wants Drones in South America, But Why?
Obama's drone wars and the normalisation of extrajudicial murder
Executive privilege has seduced the president into a reckless 'kill first, ask questions later' policy that explodes the US constitution
A Dying Empire
By Jim Miles
‘Scare the hell out of the American people.’ -- Senator Arthur Vandenburg, 1947.
‘It is part of the general pattern of misguided policy that our country is now geared to an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and nurtured upon an incessant propaganda of fear. While such an economy may produce a sense of seeming prosperity for the moment, it rests on an illusionary foundation of complete unreliability and renders among our political leaders almost a greater fear of peace than is their fear of war.’ -- General Douglas MacArthur, May 15, 1952.
What Ancient Greeks Can Teach Us about Drones and Cyber-War
How Big Banks Run the World - at Your Expense
Charting the Cozy Connections between JP Morgan and the Senate Banking Committee
The worm that turned on the US STUXNET
ReplyDeleteThere's a reason it's called the Defense Department and not the War Office. Listen to Washington and you'd think the United States was simply a healthy body under attack by a legion of foreign microbes in league with traitorous parasites within. But several major news stories over the past week paint a very different picture of the US government approach to cyber-war. It turns out that our hands are not clean at all.
Say Israel, for example? Assume they are behind everything and you'll be correct more often than not.
ReplyDeleteLook how this video is spot on...except it pushes hardly noticeably that "al qaeda" did 9/11:
Republicans are willing to write laws to PHYSICALLY INVADE your vagina...but you get banned for SAYING THE WORD "VAGINA":
"The New Normal"
ReplyDeleteIt changes every few months now, as the accelerate everything about the End Game.
Operation Endgame is a 2003–2012 plan under implementation by the Office of Detention and Removal Operations of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to detain and deport all removable aliens and "suspected terrorists" currently living in the United States by 2012
Unbelievable: Laura Ingraham interviews Donald Rumsfeld on FOX:
ReplyDeleteDonald Rumsfeld: Russia Has 'Muslim Problems'
(Rumsfeld mentions Chavez/Venezuela)
The Soon to Be Announced War in Yemen
Do you think this is true? Or it's like the "10 cocks/al qaeda" story:
ReplyDeleteSeveral sources have now reported that the prominent cufflinks Dimon wore during the hearing bore the seal of the President of the United States, with John Carney reporting them to be "a gift from a resident of the White House," though just who specifically remains unknown. Dimon has been known to sport government seals, including the FBI’s, on his cuffs as part of his “best-dressed CEO” ensembles.
Reports that Dimon wore the cufflinks because they are his most “patriotic” may be the simplest explanation, but other theories abound. Is Dimon insinuating that he himself is the boss, CNBC’s John Carney asks?
ain't that the truth!
ReplyDeleteRight in the "news" report, the BBC says none of it can be verified. Then why is it a top story??? Watch it again, if you didn't catch that, the actual BBC reporter says it can't be verified!
ReplyDeleteStudy finds fracking can cause earthquakes
Shocker: Tea Party speaker says racist joke during speech, resigns:
Lost in the story, the 21 year old Tea Party leader says about the racist joketeller: "It dawned on me that this little old lady got on stage and said a two-bit, retarded joke that she should not have said and it was all over," Caster said. "It's funny how a little old lady can cause a huge stir, and people with real power and nothing happens."
Nice way to describe the politically incorrect joketeller, by using the politically incorrect word "RETARDED"! I bet no one points that out.
"there is potential to produce significant seismic events that can be felt and cause damage and public concern."
Fake event that never really happened, just happened to have video cameras rolling.
ReplyDeleteGot it!
Campbell diaries: Murdoch 'called Blair over Iraq'
ReplyDeleteThe claims are made in the latest instalment of the serialisation of Alastair Campbell's diaries
Continue reading the main story
Related Stories
Cameron is tainted PM - Miliband
Major reveals Murdoch's EU demand
Blair defends Murdoch friendship
Rupert Murdoch called Tony Blair urging him not to delay the invasion of Iraq, former Number 10 communications chief Alastair Campbell has said.
This goes with my above comments, that the actions of our "congress" are the actions of foreigners and/or globalists, this looks like a law that would come out of our congress:
#3. No human can verify the alleged story
ReplyDeleteAlso, see 9/11, team 6, election results all "terrorist" stories, etc...
Vatican, Israel to sign economic agreement
Let's be honest: we've been "at war" for 209 years
war on terror vs war on drugs
Nothing will end wars, until people themselves refuse to go to war
"The older dictators fell because they could never supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles and mysteries. Nor did they possess a really effective system of mind-manipulation. In the past, free-thinkers and revolutionaries were often the products of the most piously orthodox education. This is not surprising. The methods employed by orthodox educators were and still are extremely inefficient. Under a scientific dictator education will really work -- with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.".
ReplyDeleteAldous Huxley
Republicans thinking of ALL sorts of ways to disenfranchize voters: purge voters' voting history, then it speeds up purging the actual voter, because purging a voter is based on their voting history: if they haven't voted lately, you're deleted from the voter rolls.
AGAIN! It's really hitting me how all of these things are like FOREIGNERS are running this country:
ReplyDeleteCFR & U.S. Army Chief of Staff: Use Army for Domestic Enforcement
anthony antonello confronts ed rendell about israeli company in pa. and ndaa
Our country is being run by people, foreign and domestic, that do not have the interests of the U.S., using "the terrorists", real or imagined, as their excuse to destroy this country.
ReplyDeleteNEW Urgent Warning to All Cell Phone Users
ReplyDeleteBy Dr. Mercola
If you think the jury's still out on whether cell phones can be dangerous to your health, then you might want to take the time to listen to this video. Dr. Devra Davis, author of the book, "The Secret History of the War on Cancer," has been researching the safety hazards of radiation emanating from your cell phone.
Like many people, Dr. Davis just didn't believe the possibility of cell phones being dangerous―until she studied it. And now, with the toxicological and epidemiological evidence to back up her claims, she's trying to get the word out that cell phone radiation is not only dangerous, but can be downright lethal.
In her lecture, Dr. Davis explains how the biological impact of your cell phone is not related to its power, which is quite weak, but rather to the erratic nature of its signal and its ability to disrupt resonance and interfere with DNA repair. This is now believed to be the most plausible theory for understanding the wide array of health impacts discovered, which includes cancer...
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio Arrests 6-Year-Old Undocumented Immigrant
ReplyDeleteThe sheriff said his deputies arresting child suspected of being an illegal immigrant the same day Obama implemented the policy is a coincidence.
Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/news/articles/2012/06/16/20120616mcso-illegal-immigration-arrest-girl.html#ixzz1yBLr2o00
Montana GOP convention features bullet-riddled 'Obama outhouse'
Israel begins deportation of South Sudanese migrants; Interior Minister says move protects national interests
ReplyDeleteAt airport, Eli Yishai says expulsion of citizens of North Sudan and Eritrea from Israel will 'inevitably happen.'
At this point, it is interesting to ask whether Hitler's attempts to deport Jews to other parts of the world were genuine -- or did he know that the world would close its doors. Was emigration a ruse designed to further dehumanize European Jews and provide a rationale for the invasion of Poland? Whatever the answer to this question, the fact remains that the vast majority of Jews could not leave Germany, or the expanding Reich, because there was no place for them to go.
Your most recent comments from today are invisible to me - not posting in the main thread
ReplyDelete9/11 Woman With Victim Advocate Role Dies In A Plane Crash Days After Meeting Obama
I notice there's weird things going on like that. Sometimes the "recent comments" in the main post say nothing, then when I go in these comments, there's new comments. And vice versa.
ReplyDeleteIronically, you may not see this, either.
See them now.
McCain urges U.S.-led air war in Syria
Where's Joe Lieberman in this article & picture? Why isn't he with McCain?
The same M.O. all the time: we secretly back "rebels", the country we want to change regime does "atrocities" against civilians/women/children that WE do or are connected to and we blame the regime, we say we need to go in to the country for "humanitarian aid", you see pictures of children in our "news" asking for U.S. help. Same thing in Libya just recently. Exact same thing. "Suicide bombers" suddenly start killing their own fellow brothers/sisters/friends.
Who Will Lead After Ron Paul?
The US Demolishing Secularism in the Middle East
Medal of Dishonour: US veterans dump awards outraged by endless wars
IsraeliLieberman has been at the forefront of a
ReplyDeletepush to purge the Internet of all dissent by empowering Obama with a
figurative Internet kill switch that he would use to shut down parts of
the Internet or terminate websites under the guise of national security.
Lieberman spilled the beans on the true reason for the move during a
CNN interview when he stated “Right now China, the government, can
disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that
here too.”
Except that China doesn’t disconnect the
Internet “in case of war,” it only ever does so to censor and intimidate
people who express dissent against government atrocities or corruption,
as we have documented. This is precisely the kind of online
environment the British and American governments are trying to replicate
as they attempt to put a stranglehold on the last bastion of true free
speech – the world wide web.
Treasonous Joe Lieberman want's stricter crackdown on whistleblowers:
he must be speaking on behalf of enemies both foreign and domestic)
ReplyDeleteNo other explanation makes sense. Why else would we have had a history that includes whistleblower protections prior to the 9/11 coup?
The independent media needs to force these two issues to be addressed by every politician all the way up to Obama...
ReplyDeleteDefine: "National Security" - in detail.
Define: "Terrorist" - in detail.
Ask every politician to provide a legal definition! Whose interest are THEY protecting? Who are THEY? What happened to WE?
I assure you that "national security" as intended by those criminals in the Shadow Government, Federal Reserve/Wall Street, Israeli/Zionist Cabal and Military/Intelligence Complex is defined as "whatever the fuck we do or say in our own best interest - because we are THE NATION, motherfuckers!"
Their definition of the term "terrorist" applies to whoever they fucking want it to apply to, whenever they fucking say so.
Israel is totally in charge.