Meanwhile, while police are beating/pepper spraying/arresting U.S. protesters simply for exercising their rights and the 1% are shitting all over the 99% here, Hillary Clinton and the U.S. government are "CONCERNED" for human rights in CHINA! But not us?
(nice NIKE jacket ya got on there!!! but then again, he can't see it)
Once again, a storyline like from a HOLLYWOOD writing the "news"? Check this out, here's Hillary Clinton:
ABCia "news": Chinese Dissident Chen Guangcheng's Daring Escape...right when Hillary is negotiating with China!!!
So, we're supposed to get all up in arms about "HUMAN RIGHTS" China??? When you can clearly see in the main top video in this post, how OUR human rights are being violated by the same people who want us to be "CONCERNED" about human rights violations claims by this blind Chinese activist? Don't you think his escape happened to be perfectly timed to coincide with Hillary Clinton's "negotiations" with China? Do you believe in all these lucky coincidences, one after another after another?
The U.S. OCCUPY protesters should help this Blind Chinese Dissident! They should say to the cops who are beating them and pepper spraying them and throwing them in jail: "LET US GO! WE'VE GOT TO HELP THAT BLIND CHINESE DISSIDENT!!! WE ARE CONCERNED FOR THE HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHINA THAT HE CLAIMS ARE BEING VIOLATED! I HOPE THAT FIGURES INTO HILLARY CLINTON'S NEGOTIATIONS WITH CHINA!"
But here's the biggest thing of all: our government DOESN'T care about "human rights" OR in China!
Here's Hillary Clinton DRONING on with a speech about "human rights" as if Ray McGovern is not being beaten, roughed up, and forcefully removed right before her eyes, here's Hillary "FREEDOM & HUMAN RIGHTS" Clinton:
In honor of the BLIND CHINESE DISSIDENT, here's "DISSIDENT" by Pearl Jam:
CiaNN: CNN is the primary carpet-bomber of propaganda - utterly bullshit - as Muslims once again rely on pornography to carry out terror (NOT!): Documents reveal al Qaeda's plans for seizing cruise ships, carnage in Europe Editor's note: This story is based on internal al Qaeda documents, details of which were obtained by CNN. German cryptologists discovered hundreds of documents embedded inside a pornographic movie on a memory disk belonging to a suspected al Qaeda operative arrested in Berlin last year. The German newspaper Die Zeit was the first to report on the documents.
CiaNN: Documents (found in PORN file - lol, right) reveal al Qaeda's plans for seizing cruise ships, carnage in Europe
Rick Santorum's new job - headline writer for the brainwashed:
Al-Qaeda Plots Embedded In Porn
Extensive al-Qaeda terror plots were discovered embedded in a very un-Islamic spot: a porn movie.
'Sexy Tanja' Porn Movie Hid al Qaida's Plot for Mumbai-style Attack on Europe
Do you like being LIED to? I don't. Is your TRUTH RADAR on, folks??? I hope it's working, because you have to be an IDIOT to be buying this 24x7 MASS HYPNOSIS MEDIA BULLSHIT!!! The mainstream "news" has lost all credibility...unless, like I said, you're an IDIOT. Is anyone even WATCHING ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX, PBS anymore? How do you know the CIA has something to do with a "news" story? They stick "porn" in an article about "al qaeda". We're supposed to believe "al qaeda" Muslims are a bunch of porn freaks.
The two biggest problems in this country are corrupt/compromised courts and law enforcement. Watch the following two videos and think about that while you're watching them. There are a small group of people who are above the law and literally get away with murder. If our courts and law enforcement weren't corrupted/compromised, these people would be in jail. This group of people is a fraction of the 1%. The basis of this country is for ALL of us to KNOW that were are all treated equal by the law and courts. If we DON'T think this, do we even have a country like we think we do? A small cabal of the 1% can pull off, among many other things, the JFK assassination and 9/11 and literally get away with murder and face no consequences. The first video is from the 1960's JFK assassination. The next video is present day BP oil spill whistleblowers being assassinated. If the courts and law enforcement weren't corrupt, there would be legitimate investigations and not COVER UPS. And the media is complicit in all of the cover ups. The same people I am talking about, control the mainstream media. We all know it, it's blatantly obvious. Please watch the first video, and you can interchange JFK with: 9/11, the BP oil spill, Fukushima, the financial crisis, and Iran Contra. Notice Garrison says "fairy tale" a lot, about the government/media JFK "official" story. I realized that, independently before ever seeing this video, I use the words "fairy tale" a lot when describing the official 9/11 story.
This is interesting, sent to me by Carl Romanelli:
On July 15, 1967, NBC allowed New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison to respond to an NBC program that was highly critical of Garrison's pursuit of alleged Kennedy assassination conspirators in New Orleans. This shows corrupt government and media back in 1967, just like today. Substitute 9/11 for JFK:
The Mysterious Deaths of Nine Gulf Oil Spill Whistleblowers
(note: watch this video below very carefully, they will mention JOHN WHEELER)
*** Contributions to this post were made by PLUNGER.
BP Whistleblowers, Over a Dozen of Them Assassinated, Missing Or Kidnapped in Last 2 Years...
ReplyDeleteBP Whistleblowers Blog
They forced an "upgrade" on bloggers, and the new blogger is way more unnecessarily complicated. Frankly, I can see a generous portion of the population that can't even DO a blog.
ReplyDeleteHere's ANOTHER great EINSTEN idea: the two most prominent buttons are "NEXT BLOG" and "NEW BLOG". REAL important things, you have to search for. As if every other day you're going to click, "NEW BLOG", I THINK I'LL MAKE MY 47TH BLOG TODAY!!! How the fuck often are you going to click "NEW BLOG"??? Never???
ReplyDeleteHow about "NEXT BLOG": when you click "NEXT BLOG", it simply goes to the NEXT ALPHABETICAL BLOG next to YOUR blog. wtf? Am I missing something? Did anyone EVER hit the "NEXT BLOG" button? They wanted to randomly see the "NEXT BLOG" in alphabetical order? WHAT THE......seriously!!!
John Wheeler would have known EVERYTHING about the Rockefeller/Crown plot to implement Agenda 21 - including HAARP (to induce Tsunamis, or kill entire flocks of birds in mid-flight) and other plans to kill off the majority of the population, including the BP spill - which in that context, could have been intentional. Real humans are suffering real consequences of morality (internal conflict about destroying the earth and killing off humanity on purpose). If he was pushing back and threatening to expose their Agenda (losing it) - they'd kill him.
ReplyDeleteThe Pacific and the Atlantic where poisoned on a massive scale for the first time in history - just months apart - coinciding with the final years of David Rockefeller's life and mission, and we're supposed to believe it's coincidental?
Want to confirm for yourself their total disdain for humanity?
ReplyDeleteGoogle this:
"useless eaters" + rockefeller
They're talking about you, and everyone you know and love.
lol i used to hit the next blog button just to see what would come up, the juxtaposition was often quite humorous.
ReplyDeleteactually the current "next blog" after yours is jewish peace news, not too bad!
ReplyDeletemaybe that button is for people who just go through every blog every day.
The "NEXT BLOG" is different a lot, because so many people make blogs. Which, btw, means I DID hit "next blog"! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI have to go through the last thread and put some of that in this post.
ReplyDeletehmm yeah it seems pretty random, every time i hit it something different comes up...
ReplyDeleteI'm going to start a blog: "I'M NEXT TO STUPID":
Read your own blog?
ReplyDeleteIn the last thread, plunger stated to think of the carpet bombing "terror" propaganda, leading up to a "surprise" Obama visit to Afghanistan, and only Israel could know this due to phone tapping.
ReplyDeleteREMEMBER: when 1/5 of congress went to Israel right after the "elections" in 2010 for "training" (by Israel), there were ALSO bombs going off in Israel, and Netanyahu said, "SEE? THIS IS WHY WE NEED YOUR MONEY, WHY WE NEED TO TRAIN YOU, AND WHY WE NEED TO MAKE GAZA INTO THE LARGEST CONCENTRATION CAMP EVER". (paraphrased)
I don't know about you, but when I hear the word porn, my mind goes right into the gutter, and all I think about is al queda.
ReplyDeleteOr is it Al Kaline?
ReplyDeleteMore FBI fake terrorism:
ReplyDeleteFBI nabs five mastermind geniuses after teaching them how to blow up a bridge in Cleveland
Learn more:
Jim Garrison Response - Kennedy Assassination
Water Guns Banned, Handguns Allowed at GOP Convention
New Study Predicts Frack Fluids Can Migrate to Aquifers Within Years
Hanford nuclear reservation tanks for radioactive waste failed requirements
American Taliban - Georgia, helping economy by signing into law another vagina bill:
I got a security check on FaceBook posting this, NEVER BEFORE have I gotten a security check for posting anything from Think Progress, so "SCANA" must have some agreement with FB:
ReplyDeleteSCANA Corporation, the committee revealed, had given the Graham $54,575 in bundled campaign contributions between January 1 and March 31 — raising money for him as he worked to secure their $10 billion project.
Remember the John Wheeler post?
John Wheeler is in this video which is in the BP Whistleblowers youtube video:
Well! Isn't this all coming together like a puzzle! The John Wheeler death makes an appearance to tie up some loose ends, putting the entire picture together.
ReplyDeleteJames Fallows: You're "nuts" if you don't believe the "real media"!!! I don't know why...but you're just "nuts".
(that's actually in my John Wheeler post)
I've said it before, I'm schizophrenic. There's some great advantages to it:
ReplyDelete- You can read your own blog and think someone else wrote it.
- Argue with yourself.
- Quote yourself.
Al Porno?
ReplyDeleteForgive the bizarre spacings on this post. They're due to the fantastic blogger "upgrade" which makes no sense.
ReplyDelete“Call me when you sit down across from someone who has more families
ReplyDeletewith dying little boys and girls who get a call to take them on their
last fishing trip in life!” an enraged Nugent screamed. “Call me when
you meet someone who does that more than I do because that’s really
moderate! In fact, you know what that is? That’s extreme! I’m an
extremely loving, passionate man! And people who investigate me honestly
— without the baggage of political correctness — ascertain the
conclusion that I’m a damn nice guy! And if you can find a screening
process more powerful than that, I’ll suck your fucking dick!”
“Or fuck you!” he said, turning to Glor’s female producer. “How’s that sound?”
For all the sheeple reluctant to admit there is a massive conspiracy...
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones On Internment Camps Document: "This Makes The NDAA Look Tame"
There is no other word for it. Say the word. Conspiracy. Get used to saying it.
"FBI nabs five mastermind geniuses"
ReplyDeleteAnd the informant was a fine upstanding citizen...
Fortunately, we've arrived at the point where commenters unanimously call bullshit on the FBI for CREATING FAKE TERROR
ReplyDeleteClearly we all need to be reeducated:
ReplyDeleteThe mainstream media will be all over this!
Was this document leaked on purpose to cause right wing malitias and Obama haters to rise up with their guns in the streets and cause the circumstance that leads to confiscation of guns? We assumed it was liberals activists that they were intending to come after, but the perception will be that this agenda is driven by Obama - though actually driven by GHW Bush and David Rockefeller in association with the Crown and Rothschilds.
ReplyDeleteIf you want an excuse to confiscate all the guns, you'd use the Ted Nugent nut jobs as the ones to instigate/activate/agitate gun owners. Liberals for the most part don't own guns, so agitating liberals to protest would not lead to gun confiscation - clearly their goal.
So it's Alex Jones who has the scoop and releases the most damning document, causing right wing tea party activists and gun owners to rise up...they believe against Obama - who is simply the puppet-in-apparent-power.
If the foregoing is on target, then Obama has already been (s)elected to remain in office to oversee the martial law crackdown and gun confiscation. The way the Republican campaign has imploded and the politically active left has been deactivated - resigned to complacency - this would be a logical game plan that would ensure Jeb as a shoe-in in 2016 as the forever dictator.
ReplyDeleteWho controls CBSia?
From Anthony Antonello:
ReplyDeleteWow.. watch this.. Especially the last couple minutes.
Video by ace cameraman Anthony Antonello from yesterday, that's WILK's Steve Corbett, Anthony and WBRE channel 28's Joe Holden were "confronted" by the former mayor of Old Forge:
ReplyDeleteFormer Mayor of Old Forge Seems Upset..
Anthony interviews former Fox "news" man, who says he was fired after talking about Israel:
ReplyDeleteMichael Scheuer speaks out about Fox “news”
This one KILLS me: Anthony corners Oliver North. He's a GENIUS at evading a question. He's the best I've ever seen. I've been analyzing this video, and here's the genius tactic I figured out he uses to not answer a question: when asked a question he doesn't want to answer, he says, "YOU KNOW WHAT'S WORSE THAN THAT???" And then says something else, and you realize he never answered the question. WHAT A GREAT TACTIC! That's the best tactic I've ever identified:
The headline should have read:
ReplyDelete"Enraged, old, white, scared, former insignificant rocker Ted Nugent threatens to ‘f*ck’ female CBS producer."
"Thanks for your contribution of Wango Tango to the music world, Ted, but the adult's will take it from here. And good luck with all that 'I eat what I kill crap'. Maybe your family will put it on your tombstone."
ReplyDeleteHe's a liar and a traitor. He's un-american and he's for terror. How's that sound?
ReplyDeleteNorth, not Anthony.
ReplyDeleteBTW, where's the "other" GENIUS G. Gordon Liddy these days??? Remember him??? Is he still doing right-wing-nut-job-hate-radio???
ReplyDeleteOdds that this thing ever made it on television?
AIPAC sends US Congress on vacation to Israel
Should've posted this earlier: Anthony Antonello 1 hour interview from 1pm to 2pm est:
Anthony Antonello I know the link is streaming right now, all you have to do is click the "ON THE AIR" box under bob live..
ReplyDelete"WANGO TANGO"
BUT PLUNGER...the big "news" isn't this "re-education document", it's:
ReplyDeleteTHEY JUST WON'T STOP THE MASSIVE BIN LADEN BULLSHIT...I MEAN THE KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED BULLSHIT:Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Trial: 9/11 Mastermind Back Before Guantanamo Bay Judge
Get this: I noticed this on FaceBook: When you post a link, it throws in the title automatically.
ReplyDeleteSo, the title should've been: "Enraged Ted Nugent threatens to ‘f*ck’ female CBS producer"
I don't know if it's FB or RS, but the title that appears is: "Nugent: Romney camp ‘expressed support’ after anti-Obama tirade | The Raw Story"
I've pointed this out before. I pointed out that "Israel" was in the title of something, and when I posted it on FB, it took the word "ISRAEL" out of the title. Remember when I pointed that out?
Don't worry about that, the title FB puts up when I put this on FB is:
ReplyDelete"Nugent: Romney camp ‘expressed support’ after anti-Obama tirade | The Raw Story"
Paul Craig Roberts
ReplyDeleteInstitute for Political Economy
» Disinformation On Every Front
"9/11 Mastermind Back Before Guantanamo Bay Judge"
Dov Zakheim is in Guantanamo? ABOUT TIME!
That wasn't you, it was Big Dan.
ReplyDeleteI know you get the two of you confused.
ReplyDeleteJanuary 18, 2012
ReplyDeleteKissinger vows to China: “Jeb Bush Will Be Next President”
I don't know if anyone saw this, it was about 2 weeks ago or so, but the Miami Marlins baseball manager Ozzie Guillen got SUSPENDED for simply saying that he liked Fidel Castro!
ReplyDeleteTHEN people wonder how an entire nation can be intimidated into ANYTHING, like not being vocal about 9/11, etc... Idiots say, "WELL THEN HOW COME MAINSTREAM PEOPLE DON'T SAY IT?". BECAUSE THEY LOSE THEIR FREAKING JOB! THAT'S HOW:
This is infringement of the Constitution, you can't even SAY that you like Fidel Castro??? wtf?
Ozzie Guillen Suspended By Marlins For Fidel Castro Comments
If he'd said he liked JFK in Miami he'd have lost his job too. It's a Cuban thing.
ReplyDeleteAn Epic Deception: America's Overthrow of The Shah And The Secret Quest For A One World Government
The road to World War III was paved with an epic act of deception by the
internationalist U.S. government against Iran and the world. That act
was not the false flag September 11 events, but the overthrow of the
Shah of Iran and the installment of an militant and totalitarian Islamic
regime in Iran headed by Ayatollah Khomeini.
Kissinger virtually epitomized the American establishment: before acting
as Secretary of State under Republicans Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford,
he had been chief foreign-affairs adviser to Nelson Rockefeller, whom he
called “the single most influential person in my life.” Jimmy Carter
defeated Ford in the 1976 presidential election, but the switch to a
Democratic administration did not change the new foreign policy tilt
against the Shah. Every presidential administration since Franklin D.
Roosevelt’s has been dominated by members of the Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR), the most visible manifestation of the establishment
that dictates U.S. foreign policy along internationalist lines. The
Carter administration was no exception.
Nahavandi writes:
The alternation of parties does not change the diplomatic orientation of
the United States that much. The process of toppling the Shah had been
envisaged and initiated in 1974, under a certain Republican
administration.... Numerous, published documents and studies bear
witness to the fact, even if it was not until the beginning of the
Carter administration that the decision was made to take concerted
action by evoking problems related to human rights.
The Shah’s destruction required assembling a team of diplomatic “hit men.” Du Berrier commented:
When the situation was deemed ripe, U.S. Ambassador William Sullivan —
the man reputed to have toppled the pro-American government of General
Phoumi Nosavan in Laos — was sent to urge the Shah to get out. In
December Mr. George Ball, an instant “authority on Iran,” was sent as a
follow-up with the same message.
Sullivan (CFR), a career diplomat with no Middle East experience, became our ambassador to Iran in 1977. The Shah recalled:
Whenever I met Sullivan and asked him to confirm these official
statements [of American support], he promised he would. But a day or two
later he would return, gravely shake his head, and say that he had
received “no instructions” and therefore could not comment.... His
answer was always the same: I have received no instructions.... This
rote answer had been given me since early September [1978] and I would
continue to hear it until the day I left the country.
The other key player du Berrier named, George Ball, was a quintessential
establishment man: CFR member, Bilderberger, and banker with Lehman
Brothers Kuhn Loeb. The Shah commented: “What was I to make, for
example, of the Administration’s sudden decision to call former Under
Secretary of State George Ball to the White House as an advisor on Iran?
I knew that Ball was no friend.”
Some say that the Shah's error was that he did not stand his ground and
ReplyDeleteput up a fight. But how can a King go to war against sections of his own
country, while a global empire is breathing down his neck? It would be
madness and folly. The tragedy is that the Shah avoided blood, while
Ayatollah Khomeini and his powerful Western backers desired it like
nothing else. Khomeini infamously stated to his brainwashed slaves:
"Destroy, destroy, destroy. There cannot be enough destruction."
III. The Creation of An Islamic Caliphate By The Luciferian Globalist Terrorists And Shadowy Bilderbergers
The Western-sponsored Arab Spring in countries like Egypt, Libya, and
Syria is in a lot of ways a continuation of the Islamic spring in Iran
that was engineered by the artful political manipulators of the
Anglo-American empire, who crave a clash of civilizations between the
Islamic world and the Western world.
As the historian F. William Engdahl said
in November 2011 on Russia Today, "The events, the so-called Arab
Spring, have been planned years back. And the instigators of those
so-called spontaneous protests, these twitter revolts in Cairo, and
Tunisia, and so forth, over the last months, have all been pre-organized
assiduously. Some of the leaders of the protests have been trained in
Belgrade in Serbia by Otpor activists financed by the State Department.
This thing has State Department and U.S. intelligence all over it."
As events unfolds in the Middle East, we will witness the rise of an
Islamic Caliphate stretching from Libya to Iran to Pakistan. The CIA and
Western intelligence agencies have already made Tripoli an Islamist
stronghold and Cairo and Damascus are tilting towards the same
All the evidence shows that the Luciferian globalist terrorists in Washington and elsewhere are
ReplyDeleteinitiating a third world war to radically shape the political fate of
the world, drastically reduce the global population, and transform the
psychic and spiritual life of humanity.
Their secret plan
is to reduce the West and the Middle East to ashes by a global war and a
global economic depression, and then roll out a one world government as
a solution to both invented crises. America, Israel, Iran, and every
nation involved in World War III are all being set up to be sacrificed.
grand acts of deception -- from the U.S.-backed Iranian Islamic
Revolution to the false flag 9/11 events and the recent Arab Spring movements -- all point to a time of grand destruction that is near at hand.
“Anarchists” Threaten to Blow Up a Little-Used Bridge Over Federal Property, Is It a Plot?
Per the affidavit, on April 1, 2012, when the actual conspiracy occurred
ReplyDelete(i.e. the deal for the explosives was made) the recording device
failed. It functioned every other day just failed on the most important
Jeff Kaye on May 2, 2012 at 1:16 am said:
ReplyDelete@P J Evans:
As I read on, it gets more and more murky. Unintelligible transcription
of key conversations, places where the tape recorder unaccountably
doesn’t function during the most important purchase of the C4
conversation. But even in the narrative of the latter, you see the CHS
pushing the agenda. Doug only wants to purchase two bricks C4 — he
doesn’t want anyone hurt, maybe blow up part of a bridge (he is, of
course, an asshole to be even thinking this way… an idiot) — but CHS
intervenes: will that be enough C4, and voila, they end up with 8
Of course after the “purchase” from the undercover agent, CHS is able to turn on the tape recorder (huh?).
I’d note in paragraph 47, contrary to my suppositions in earlier
comment, CHS is referred to as a “he”, vs. always he/she in other parts.
Could be sloppiness, or?
Then another consprirator, BAXTER, has 2nd thoughts about blowing up a
bridge. CHS: well what are we going to do with the C4? Dumb Doug: “we
have eight pounds of f–ing C4.”
What follows is an insane discussion of other ways to use the C4,
along with some thoughts of going after the Klan or Nazis, but also
derailing a train, blowing up some oil wells, or driving a car into the
Federal Reserve. Of course, they don’t know how to use C4, but CHS
assures them (after some proforma for an informant speech about not
pushing them to anything and they have to know what to do).
The discussion gets pretty wild, with talk about taking out a Fusion
Center. Sounds like a lot of bluster and trying to impress each other
with their supposed radicalism. CHS: so are you changing from the bridge
to the Fusion Center?
TWO FOX "news" "lawyers" ignore that KSM was waterboarded 183 times, and obtaining "evidence" via TORTURE is illegal:
If he said: "I HATE FIDEL CASTRO", he'd have gotten a raise. I KNOW that when he "apologized", he didn't mean it. This guy is the most outspoken manager in baseball, and always says exactly what he thinks. So they REALLY must've intimidated him.
ReplyDeleteHow about the scene in "EYES WIDE SHUT", Stanley Kulbrick had a "luciferian" scene that was so dead on to what these people do, as if he'd been to one, he finished the movie and - you got it - died immediately. Like Aaron Russo, etc...
Kulbrick: just one of those coincidences, he know, like the BP whistleblowers, etc...
Just a coincidence, like JFK did the "secret societies" speech, then died, etc...
And none of THEM ever die in bizarre accidents!!! "The terrorists" never kill U.S. politicians! Ever notice that? "The terrorists" never bomb a Bilderberg meeting! Wouldn't that be the #1 place for them to try?
ReplyDelete9/11 - GW giving MEDALS to George Tenet, etc...everyone involved in the 9/11 FAIL. Good job, he said.
Katrina: GW: heckuva job, Brownie! ANOTHER disaster with 'INEPT' response, no one fired, everyone given AWARDS.
BP oil spill: no one lost their job, although a HUGELY "inept" response.
Fukushima: another "inept" response.
Fracking: story after story of how "inept" they are, wells blowing up, flooding farms with poison, poisoning our drinking water. NO ONE ARRESTED, ever. Good job! Again!
"Growing food is one of the most dangerous occupations on the face of this earth. Because you are in danger of becoming free… In our society growing food yourself has become the most radical of acts. It is truly the only effective protest, one that can – and will – overturn the corporate powers that be." - Jules Dervaes
ReplyDeleteCBS News - FBI Foreknowledge of the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing
FAKE terrorism playlist:
ReplyDeleteI found the fake bin laden watching himself on TV/team 6 video:
Hot off the presses:
ReplyDeleteAnthony Antonello Speaks in New England
KBR can use their experience from building the Guatanamo indefinite detention torture facility for the British!!! Obviously, this is a WORLDWIDE SCHEME:
ReplyDeleteUS military-industrial giant KBR in bidding to privatize British police forces
LONDON -- Giant US military-industrial company Kellogg Brown & Root (KBR) is in the running to win a slice of a controversial £1.5 billion (US$2.43 billion) contract to transform the West Midlands and Surrey police forces in Britain, The (London) Times reported.
Hailed as the largest police privatization scheme in the UK, it has been suggested the private companies who win the contract will be tasked to perform several police functions -- including patrols, detention and criminal investigation.
KBR, a former subsidiary of the Halliburton group, has attracted its share of criticism over the large contracts it won with the US government during the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. The corporation also helped to build the Guantanamo Bay detention facility.
Vermont first state in nation to ban fracking for oil and gas
Mississippi twins arrested for videoing police from their balcony
ReplyDeleteHouse GOP Would Let Domestic Abusers Know Their Victims Called For Help
“We are Preparing for Massive Civil War,” Says DHS Informant
ReplyDeleteIn a riveting interview on TruNews Radio, Wednesday, private investigator Doug Hagmann said high-level, reliable sources told him the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for “massive civil war” in America.
“Folks, we’re getting ready for one massive economic collapse,” Hagmann told TruNews host Rick Wiles.
“We have problems . . . The federal government is preparing for civil uprising,” he added, “so every time you hear about troop movements, every time you hear about movements of military equipment, the militarization of the police, the buying of the ammunition, all of this is . . . they (DHS) are preparing for a massive uprising.”
Hagmann goes on to say that his sources tell him the concerns of the DHS stem from a collapse of the U.S. dollar and the hyperinflation a collapse in the value of the world’s primary reserve currency implies to a nation of 311 million Americans, who, for the significant portion of the population, is armed.
Read more:
RT asks people on the street if there's a secret cabal running the world, and if so, what are their thoughts about it:
Is J.E Austin & Associates just another CIA Front, as was Brewster Jennings?
Security agencies believe also that most of the local and foreign NGOs work for CIA
and MI6 and pass on their instructions to spy networks that created and
financed by funds of Kerry-Luger Bill, which is an American law and
financed by US taxpayers. In this regard the US citizen Warren
Weinstein, who was linked to USAID and run an NGO( J.E. Austin Associates) was under surveillance before he was kidnapped on August 13. The government of Punjab suspected him gathering information for CIA. There are many other US NGOs that the agencies suspect of being a cover for CIA activities. The ISI is trying to find a secret list of individuals that K-L Bill has sanctioned $100,000 per person. The ISI believes that CIA-linked NGOs chiefs and high-ranking officials are included in the list including parliamentarians, senators and politicians.
Have you noticed that their strategy ALWAYS seeks to create the highest body count? They are legislating the destruction of humans - on behalf of their boss, David Rockefeller.
ReplyDeletePre-wiring buildings for demolition and overcoming the defenses of NORAD is clearly far simpler than hitting the "Last Channel" button.
ReplyDeleteAll of his comments, like his recent interview with Max Keiser, indicate his knowledge of how systems work, but a failure to understand two things. What is "money," and what the true agenda of the globalists actually is. He makes these statements and then laughs at the apparent stupidity of the central bankers - believing as he does that their apparent efforts to "save" the economy can't work.
He's not equipped to put his mind in destroy-mode. He can't grasp that the actual goal of those in charge is to completely destroy the system. Therefore all of his commentary is useful only up to the point that it is relevant. He's incapable of thinking like a criminal with no soul, so cannot comprehend what is immediately before him and clearly obvious. He can't bring himself to say that this is all being done ON PURPOSE. Therefore every interview with PCR plays right into the destroyer's hands, as he serves to perpetuate the myth that every single reality is owed to incompetence and coincidence.
When the system creates for you a mortgage or a student loan, it is secured by a house, or your future labor. Those re-education camps are clearly debtors prisons. Free slave labor (or dead bodies) is the result. When you take out a mortgage, the bank doesn't give you cash - it simply opens an account into which you make payments until you can't, at which point they confiscate the real property, which cost them nothing. Banks and banksters are accumulating real property and had assets and free laborers, and PCR thinks it's coincidental, due to incompetence and lack of vision.
It could not be more intentional.
NBC "News" In The White House Fantasy Room
"Rock" stands for "Rockefeller" as in the address of the Rockefeller Family Offices in the same building with NBCia.
ReplyDeleteBrian Williams is merely an actor.
thanks for sharing..