Thursday, March 29, 2012

Republicans Lou Barletta And Tom Marino Consistently Vote AGAINST: the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, Liberty, Freedom and FOR Big Government

When they took office in 2010, Lou Barletta and Tom Marino "appear" to be taking an oath to the Constitution:

Don't look at what they say, look at how they vote! Why are they not being held accountable at all by the media and voters for doing the opposite? LYING doesn't matter, if it's "your guys" doing the lying and the media ignores it. Don't count on local GOP operation WILK to point any of this out. They ignore any and all Republican corruption, like Orie and the 7 state Republicans arrested (covered below in this post), among other things. WILK is on a JIHAD against Democrats, including FAKE LIBERAL STEVE CORBETT. "Mentioning" Republican corruption in passing is different than dedicating entire shows and entire weeks to a subject and having all your callers talk about it. No JIHAD by FEMINIST FRAUDSTER STEVE CORBETT against Republican Karen Boback (or Republican Tarah Toohil, former co-sponsor but dropped out) for being a sponsor on bill 1077 which includes government mandated invasive trans vaginal ultrasound. They strictly talk about Democratic corruption on WILK - the local GOP radio operation. I am convinced beyond a doubt that Steve Corbett's "job" on WILK is to pretend he's a "liberal Democrat" in order to get Democratic voters to vote Republican. He can say, "I'm a liberal, and even I am voting for McCain/Palin. Be like ME! I'm a liberal!" (for example). Kind of like the "part" Alan Colmes played on FOX "news". You would have to be a fool to think none of the WILK hosts, and "liberal" Steve Corbett in particular, aren't aware of the Rick Santorum/NIGGER video below in this post. How much time did they spend talking about it? Zero? A subject handed to "liberal" Steve Corbett on a silver platter, as well as all the other GOP corruption subjects in this post. WILK isn't just biased, they're a GOP operation that ignores Republican corruption 24x7.

Remember when our local Northeast Pa. Republicans ran for congress in 2010? They mentioned the "FOUNDING FATHERS" and "THE CONSTITUTION" and "LIBERTY" and "FREEDOM" a lot, and said they were against "BIG GOVERNMENT". Remember? Well, every chance they got to prove their campaign promises, they BLEW IT. And believe me, it was on purpose. You can't "accidentally" vote against the FOUNDING FATHERS, THE CONSTITUTION, LIBERTY, FREEDOM, and FOR BIG GOVERNMENT every single time. The so-called liberal media is giving them a pass on this, on purpose, because they are NOT "liberal". Otherwise, they could be having a field day pointing out how Barletta and Marino are voting against their campaign promises. It would be like picking ripe plums from a tree, simply pointing out how they are voting against everything they said in their campaigns.

I've been pointing this out for two years. I keep saying, if the "news" did their job, blogs wouldn't exist. There would be no need to point out what's not being pointed out by the "news". So, in a way, I thank the "news" for that. Thanks for the traffic you provide me! This would be a sports and comedy and music blog, or I wouldn't even have any interest in having a blog.

So, although I have reported Barletta's and Marino's betrayals here for almost 2 years, let's take a look at their recent betrayals. I can count on them to never disappoint me as far as supplying me ammunition and I can count on the "news" to never disappoint me in not covering it. You know, the "liberal media" (lol).

A friend of mine who knows Lou Barletta told me he wonders what happens to congressmen when they get in there. He can't believe the way he has voted. He wondered if, when they get "voted" in there, are they read the riot act? Are they blackmailed? Do they take some kind of oath to betray us?

Also, the fact that REPUBLICAN VOTERS are not up in arms with the way Barletta and Marino betrayed them, points out the mindset of PARTY LOYAL HYPOCRITES who think: "IT'S OK...IF 'OUR' GUYS ARE DOING IT!" Nothing is ever going to change, if Democratic voters and Republican voters don't hold their OWN party responsible for betraying them. That's more powerful than opposites sides attacking each other. So the topic isn't just, "Why are Barletta and Marino doing the opposite of what they said they would?", it's also, "Why don't Republican voters CARE about this???"

Establishment GOP rhetoric about "THE FOUNDING FATHERS", THE CONSTITUTION, LIBERTY, FREEDOM, a lot of empty talk, except for Ron Paul. Just look at the way they vote vs what they say.

Did Barletta and Marino "save us from the Democrats"? Answer: a resounding "NO"!!! They saved us from the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, Liberty, and Freedom. And they're getting away with it with no scrutiny whatsoever from REPUBLICAN VOTERS & THE MEDIA!

Recent Barletta and Marino votes against the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, Liberty, and Freedom and FOR Big Government:

Barletta and Marino voted FOR letting employers continue to be able to ask for employees FaceBook userids/passwords:

House Republicans vote 234-1, including Barletta and Marino, to allow employers to keep being able to to ask for employees' FaceBook USERID's and PASSWORDS.

Facebook Protection Amendment Voted Down In House

Barletta and Marino voted AGAINST revealing the names of secret super-rich campaign donors (what happened to NO SECRETS and OPEN GOVERNMENT?):

House Republicans vote 230-5, including Barletta and Marino, to allow allow donors who make enormous campaign contributions to remain a secret.

House Rejects Disclosure For Secret Campaign Money

HR 347 - banning protests (this goes against the first amendment of the Constitution) - Barletta and Marino go along with Obama and the Democrats on HR 347:

House votes 399-3, including Barletta and Marino, to ban protesting.

The government says the anti-protest bill was just a small tweak of the existing law. Don’t believe it.

Goodbye, First Amendment: ‘Trespass Bill’ will make protest illegal

NDAA - giving the ability for the president to lock up American citizens without due process - Barletta and Marino go along with Obama and the Democrats:

House Republicans go along with Obama and vote 190-43, including Barletta and Marino, for NDAA which includes a provision to lock up American citizens indefinitely without due process.

You Can't Legalize Tyranny: Systematic Silence About NDAA Proves Long Plot To Destroy America Is Real, Vindicating Conspiracy Theorists

The Patriot Act - too many un-Constitutional points in it to even mention - Barletta and Marino vote FOR it:

House Republicans go along with Obama and vote 210-26, including Barletta and Marino, to renew un-Constitutional Patriot Act.

The passage of H.R. 514, a renewal of the Patriot Act’s most abusive spying powers for the federal government, was like a valentine for Big Brother, given how it came at about dinner time on February 14 this year. The extension was rather insulting to everyone else, though, given how it came on the heels of new information about how often the Patriot Act is being abused – at the cost of Americans’ privacy.

Did Barletta and Marino go to Israel for "training"? We'll never know.......

350,000 Israelis Protest Their Goverment while 1/5 of OUR Congress (traitors) takes "ALL EXPENSES PAID BRIBE BY A LOBBY FOR A FOREIGN COUNTRY (AIPAC/ISRAEL) TAKEN BY HOUSE REPS & THEIR FAMILIES FOR POLITICAL INFLUENCE BY A FOREIGN COUNTRY" (are BARLETTA & MARINO going, to get "trained" by Israel?).


“Well, if they’re 45 years old, and they show up, and they say, I want insurance, because I’ve got a heart disease, it’s like, `Hey guys, we can’t play the game like that. You’ve got to get insurance when you’re well, and if you get ill, then you’re going to be covered,’” Romney replied.
Romney: Uninsured with preexisting conditions should be denied coverage

The GOP FALSE health care "talking point" in the media: People who don't have health insurance, don't want it. WHO THE HELL DOESN'T WANT HEALTH INSURANCE??? As if there are MILLIONS of people who "don't want health insurance"! It has nothing to do with THEY CAN'T AFFORD IT! They want to go bankrupt! Then want to die! Right!

Michele Bachmann on FOX: people "choose" not to have health care; nothing to do with that they can't afford it!

Industry Whistleblower Wendell Potter: However Court Rules on Healthcare, Solution is Single Payer

Whistleblower: Insurance Industry Doesn't Want Affordable Care Act Repealed, It Wants Democrats Defeated- By Doug Cunningham

Wendell Potter spent 20 years as top executive with CIGNA. He wrote “Deadly Spin: An Insurance Company Insider Speaks Out on How Corporate PR Is Killing Health Care and Deceiving Americans”. Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has the Patient Protection And Affordable Care Act - with a decision expected in June - the insurance industry whistleblower says the industry’s real goal is not to repeal the law, but to defeat Democrats in November.

[Wendell Potter]: “They don’t want the bill - quite honestly - to be overturned or repealed. They want the bill to go forward with the individual mandate intact. But what they want to do is to get people to vote out the Democrats who voted for the bill so that they’ll have more friends in Congress to strip out the consumer protections.”

Potter says for-profit health insurers are killing health health care and their unsustainable system will implode within a few years. That’s the view he got from the CIGNA corporate ladder.

[Potter 2]: “The higher up that ladder I climbed the more I could see what these companies do to meet Wall Street’s profit expectations. And most of the big insurance companies are now for-profit companies. They cancel people’s health insurance when they get sick. They refuse to sell coverage to people who need coverage. They price policies so high that small businesses can no longer afford care. They are spending less and less of our premium dollars on our health care and more and more to reward shareholders and senior executives.”

Raw Story: Pennsylvania GOP Sen. Jane Orie (below) convicted of several corruption charges

Sen. Orie convicted on 14 counts: Republican will likely have to give up her seat in the state Senate and lose her pension.

HARRISBURG - The sentencing of seven House Republican defendants last week for using taxpayer-paid computer technology for political campaigns threw the spotlight again on one of Pennsylvania's longest-running political mysteries.

Pennsylvania Used as Example of Massive Public Job Losses Under Republican Control

This guy NAILS why people are leaving ANBCBSNNX network TV "news" in droves: they aren't telling us anything important and the internet IS:

Why is the media covering the Travon Martin shooting 24x7, and ignoring the Iraqi woman that was beaten to death and a note left saying, "Terrorist go home"???

I take issue with FOX, for informing us only what "THE BLACKS" think of the Trayvon Martin shooting. I also want to know what "THE COLOREDS" in general are thinking, not just "THE BLACKS". And what about "THE MOOZLUMS"? What is THEIR reaction to the shooting?

FOX: ‘THE BLACKS’ Are Making Too Big Of A Deal About Trayvon Martin

IN MEMORIAM: Rick Santorum's campaign will not come back from THE PINK BOWLING BALL INCIDENT, as well as his "MACACA MOMENT"

Santorum: Obama the "anti-war government NIG........."

But what about "THE GAYS"??? Republicans retreat on gay marriage

Why is the media ignoring all other party's presidential candidates except the Republicans & Democrats? Here's the GREEN PARTY's presidential candidate:

The establishment GOP has a "WAR ON WOMEN", a "WAR ON VOTERS", "WAR ON WORKERS", & "WAR ON THE ENVIRONMENT".......may as well have a "WAR ON THE BLIND":


Next up by the GOP: the "WAR ON PUPPIES":

The Establishment GOP's "WAR ON VOTERS" Is Enabled By The (NOT) "liberal" Mainstream Media Covering Up The Fact That VOTER FRAUD Is NON-EXISTENT, and the Mainstream Media's Coverage Of The Establishment GOP's "WAR ON RON PAUL SUPPORTERS" Is As Non-existent As VOTER FRAUD

Pennsylvania Women: Got REPUBLICANS In Your Vagina??? GOP "WAR ON WOMEN" Comes To Pennslyvania

I always like to end my posts with a music and/or comedy video. This may count as BOTH: Arrested Drunk Guy Sings Bohemian Rhapsody


  1. The Bush-Rockefeller-Dulles-Harriman Nazi scandal by John Loftus Federal Prosecutor

  2. ROMNEY:

    “Well, if they’re 45 years old, and they show up, and they say, I want insurance, because I’ve got a heart disease, it’s like, `Hey guys, we can’t play the game like that. You’ve got to get insurance when you’re well, and if you get ill, then you’re going to be covered,’” Romney replied.

  3. Romney says story about Michigan layoffs is ‘humorous’


  4. Unbelievable:

    House Republicans mock immigration detention as ‘holiday’


    Zimmerman’s father says ‘so much hate’ coming from Obama (Obama shot Trayvon Martin??? I didn't know that!)

  6. We should make up the next bizarre Republican thing. We jammed here and came up with: "THE GOP WAR ON PUPPIES". 

  7. The REAL reason nothing happened to Zimmerman?

    Zimmerman is a son - of - a - ?Judge? Detective was told Not to Arrest George

  8. Someone here brought up an interesting point.

    If the mandate to buy health insurance is unconstitutional then what about the mandate to buy automobile insurance and other such mandates?

  9. No, people on the right have an answer for everything: they say "you don't have to have a car". No matter how insane that sounds, that's what they say.

    Here's the BIG thing, media fail again: there is never a follow up question: "ARE YOU FOR EVERYONE BEING COVERED BY HEALTHCARE?" Because they would NOT say "YES". They'd say "NO". They'd look bad saying "NO", so they're never asked. 


    Host: Are you for covering all Americans with health care?

    Rightwing Nut: NO

    Host: So, it's NOT about it being "Constitutional"!!! You pick and choose when you point out whether something is "Constitutional" or not. Are you against the wars, NSA spying, the Patriot Act, HR 347 stopping protesting, and things like that?

    Rightwing Nut: How DARE you ask me that! We're talking about how HEALTHCARE is un-Constitutional!!!

  10. (from the last thread from plunger)

    No more credible source than this wise man is required, to know that the official story is all a lie:

  11. Willie Nelson & Jesse Ventura Compare 9/11 and the JFK Assasination

  12. Why is the Green Party's Jill Stein Running to be President?

  13. If you get a chance, watch this entire interview, it's really long though:

    Hostile BBC interview with Dr Niels Harrit for 9/11 truth

  14. Is Jack Abramoff for real?

    Check this out:

    ...and this:

  15. originally titled “Thousands of female Ninjas train as Iran’s
    assassins.” The report itself did not make the same assertion as the
    headline, Stephen J. Adler, the editor in chief of Reuters News, said in
    an interview.

  16.  The CIA knows that as long as their psyop agents get to write the deadlines, it doesn't matter who writes the story - or what it says.

  17. GHW Bush's "bizarre" endorsement of Mitt Romney:

  18. Merry Fucking Christmas!!! You'll believe anything!

    Here we go again: whenever we go into a country, that country happens to suddenly have "women suicide bombers"...that they never had before we got there.......once again........... -

  19. Canadian Idol!

  20.  "Karl In Washington" invented the "Al Qaeda In Iraq" brand name - selling it to you like laundry detergent.

  21.  "Momma, Just killed a man...."

    I'll advised RCMP cop-car-confession

  22. Wow, check this out. It looks like Santorum was going to say about Obama, "the government war nigger" and caught himself, what do you think:

  23.  Shockingly abnormal = guaranteed headlines.

  24.  Need to paint the women and children as terrorists too - in order to justify killing entire population.  See Israeli Hasbara playbook for details.

  25.  As real as a pimp or a hooker...

    The guy needs to rehabilitate his image and earn a paycheck.  He knows the populist position - as he helped to create it by his own bad deeds.  He's selling a book and attracting money to himself tied to a cause he spent most of his life on the other side of.  He's a prostitute.

  26. It's MINDBOGGLING, how stupid, arrogant, etc...these guys are. THAT is how they TALK when they're amongst themselves, and sometimes they don't catch it. You can rest assured, Rick Santorum says "NIGGER" a lot when he's in his element.

  27. THE SHERRIFF IS A NIG..................

  28. BD - Note that virtually every time I try to post anything, it gets "stopped" as indicated at the bottom left of the browser window.  When you see a comment by me, it takes two attempts to get it to post.

    Commenter Lyris said:

    Oh yeah he said it! I played it back over and over to make sure maybe frothy didn't just stumble after "government nigg.."

    Didn't frothy also claim he said blah  when he really said black people?

    Here's that speech:


  29. That reminds me of Adelman (or one of those Zionists, I'll try and find the video later), when he was speaking safely to his fellow Zionists, he said, sadly, he had on an American uniform instead of an Israeli military uniform when he served. (not sure if it was Adelman, one of those rich Zionists donating to one of the not-Ron Paul GOP candidates).

  30. And Macaca Allen, the GOP senate candidate.

  31.  The problem arises when they're in their comfort zone - a sea of white faces - and one damn camera to catch the truth of their actual character

  32.  How many times have you heard the GOP Crackers use the term Affirmative Action to describe how it came to pass that a black man became President.  That's's the translation for non-racists to understand what Santorum knows perfectly well.

    Commenter Lmaris Lmaris said:

    N****r" was a racist term to describe any black employee, because
    racists assumed they were all forced hires under the federal
    government's Affirmative Action program.    May not be in common use
    now, but it fits into exactly how Santorum was trying to paint President

    Of course he'll try to deny it. That's how the GOP does it:  throw
    out the code or even begin to say the word to prove to the hard core
    that they're one of them, then deny it and pretend it never happened to
    try to win back moderates.

    Only the blindest of the blind or the true believing racists are still with this guy.

  33.  The reason the shooting of Trayvon became such a divisive racial issue is because the GOP Crackers are such devout racists, they are using their own controlled media to justify stalking of a black boy and blatant murder - akin to lynching.

    What Cracker doesn't look back fondly on the days of lynching?


  35.  So a foreign country is selling TVs in the US that can easily spy on US citizens?  What is the compelling US interest that has convinced Congress and the FCC to allow for this?  What is the CIA's relationship with Samsung?  Who got paid off to enable this?

    Samsung Group (Korean: 삼성그룹 / Samseong Geurup / [sam'sʌŋ gɯ'ɾup], informally Samsung) is a South Korean multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul. It comprises numerous subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand, and is the largest South Korean chaebol.


  37. Do you mean HERE? In THESE comments, it takes you twice to post? 

  38. And don't forget how "religious" Santorum is, when you're thinking about how easily "NIGGER" rolls off the tongue for him.

  39. And don't forget the MEDIA ASSAULT to apologize for him and/or simply ignoring it. On our local WILK station, I heard not one word of this. I posted the link on the one host's FB fanpage (twice) and it immediately disappeared as fast as I could hit the refresh button (twice). Not a word of this on WILK.

  40. I didnt know Rick was in that movie, check it out at 1:16.

  41.  yup.  Either the memo at bottom left of browser says "done" or "Stopped"

    When I refresh the page and click reply (where I'd previously posted), the content I typed comes back up, and I can usually post in on the second attempt.

    Your CIA @ Work?

  42. FB'd.

    The other day, I said to my wife: "I think the refrigerator just said something to me." The refrigerator said, "NO I DIDN'T!!!"

  43. Let me ask you this: how long is this going to go on? It's 2012, how can there be a final candidate in the race in the (supposedly) most modern, richest country in history? How can this happen? There are ENDLESS stories like this. But it's making a FOOL out of the ENTIRE COUNTRY to the ENTIRE WORLD!

    Search: Rick Santorum warns against pink bowling balls

  44. I think Rick Santorum is SLIGHTLY RETARDED. There. I said it.

  45. Fox News Viewers are the Most Misinformed: A Seventh Study Arrives to Prove It — and Vindicate Jon Stewart!

  46. There is also a fascinating finding that those Republicans who do watch CNN/MSNBC are more persuaded than Democratic viewers are to accept global warming. In other words, Republicans in the study seem much more easily swayed by media framing than Democrats. Put them in the Fox information stream, just add water, and watch denialism sprout. Put them in another information stream, though, and something very different might happen.

  47. Check this out: Olbermann OUT at Current, replaced by Spitzer:

  48. FOX: "THE BLACK" are making to big a deal out of the Trayvon Martin shooting -
    So, we know what "THE BLACKS" are up to. I wonder what "THE MOOZLUMS" are doing right now?

  49. Current pulls the plug on Keith Olbermann's contract


  50. You can go with this stuff all day long:

    Michele Bachmann on FOX: people "choose" not to have health care, it's got nothing to do with affordability -

    (bd: who wouldn't want health care??? wtf? I DON'T WANT HEALTH CARE!!! I WANT TO GO BANKRUPT THE NEXT TIME I GET SICK!)

  51. IN MEMORIAM: RICK SANTORUM's presidential campaign. He said "nigger" and had a pink bowling ball. Where are you going to go from there?

  52.  It's $600/month more than I have.  Shall I eat, pay rent, or buy insurance - when what I really need is occasional care?  None of us need insurance.  It never saved a life - though it has paid for many CEO perks, jets and yachts.  All each of us need is access to care.

