Monday, August 15, 2011

Big Dan's Big News August 15, 2011 - our troops are fighting the wrong people!

TERROR TERROR TERROR!!!!!!!!!! BOO! SCARED YA! predicted, corrupt mainstream media pushing "terrorist attacks in Israel" to wipe out of the "news" the fact that 1/5 of the U.S. congress and their families are on an all expenses paid (by AIPAC, the Israel lobby) vacation in Israel AND to wipe out of the "news" the recent stories of media bias against Ron Paul, AND it's conveniently timed to occur WHILE congress is in Israel, so Netanyahu can show them how much they need U.S. aid and backing against the "terrorists". Question: if there's a reporter there, why hasn't he been covering 1/5 of congress & their families in Israel? and why is he STILL not mentioning it? You think he'd say, "Wow! There hasn't been any terrorist attacks here in such a long time, what are the odds they would occur while 1/5 of congress is here? Furthermore, you'd think there would be more security here than usual! GEE! Since there's attacks going on here, isn't it against U.S. national security to have 1/5 congress in Israel?":

More: SITE (Israeli shills) find "terrorist" threat on "jihadist website":

Iran shuts down cell phones on protesters protesting a cop shooting a civilian.

NOPE! It was the United States! I believe our Constitution says we have the right to freely assemble in protest. The slap in the face to our troops and the irony is this: the U.S. government is taking away its own citizens' freedoms and sending our troops to Arab countries to kill people who AREN'T taking away our freedoms. Our troops are fighting the wrong people!

San Francisco Cops Jam Cell Phones to Prevent Protest

BART: 1st Amendment issues mount over cell shutdown

Egypt did the same thing to THEIR protesters first, and our mainstream media and politicians were all over it: "OH! Look how OPPRESSIVE these Arab countries are on their protesters!"

BART Pulls a Mubarak in San Francisco; Shuts Cell Phone Service to Impede Protest:

Bay Area Rapid Transit Accused of Censorship for Blocking Wireless Services to Foil Protests

Disguised Member of Hacktivist Group "Anonymous" Defends Retaliatory Action Against BART:

Freedom?: Police Say They Can Detain Photographers If Their Photographs Have 'No Apparent Esthetic Value'

"The Global Plutocracy Is Terrified of Dissent. In Some Places, The War On Dissent Is Being Fought With Bullets. In Others, The War On Dissent Targets Social Media And Mobile Communications"

The next time you see the mainstream media or Hillary Clinton or some other politician telling us how some ARAB country is suppressing their protesters, think about this!


How do you know when politicians and their mainstream media stenographers are LYING? It's when they move their lips.

Our troops are just doing the bidding of corrupt civilian leaders:

Our Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom and We Should Stop Thanking Them for Doing So

3rd world country - look at these things going on HERE IN THE UNITED STATES (don't worry about IRAN!!!):

3rd world country: 1 in 5 U.S. children live in poverty

6 Million Gallons Of Tritium Leaked In Braidwood Illinois, Sickened Residents Not Warned

Another structure collapses probably due to the "free market" policing itself:

Don't worry, the "free market" will speak when too many people get killed by huge structures and stop attending things that have huge structures!!! Like Rand Paul said: shops should be allowed to be "white only", and the free market will put them out of business by not patronizing these shops! Take Rand Paul's advice and don't go to ANYTHING that has a huge structure - like a concert, football game, baseball game, a fair, an amusement park, etc...

3rd world country: our nuke plants are a disater waiting to happen -

Is the SEC Covering Up Wall Street Crimes?

Department Of Justice Investigating S&P Over Mortgage Securities Ratings

Marcy Kaptur Says "Wall Street Greed & Endless Wars!' Are To Blame For Our Budget Crisis

FAKE social security crisis:

More 3rd world country - Here's what our corrupt leaders are doing: one of their top most important agendas is to criminalize homelessness -

Criminalizing poverty: During economic crisis, new laws crack down on America's poor, homeless

Iceland went through what we are now going through, and they threw out their corrupt government and started all over:

25 Ordinary Citizens Write Iceland’s New Constitution With Help From Social Media

WAKE UP AMERICA! - The Real U.S. Budget Problem: Defense & War Spending Equal 94% Of All Federal Income Tax Revenues

Steven Pearlstein: Blame for financial mess starts with the corporate lobby

Note: not a WORD about this traitorous trip of 1/5 of our congress THIS MONTH, save for an isolated article here and there -

1/5 of Congress Benedict Arnold TRAITORS going on all expenses paid trip with their families THIS MONTH to Israel, paid for by AIPAC, a lobby for a foreign country. They're selling it as "It's OK, because no taxpayer money".

Check out this comment in this link on Rep Pat Meehan's (of Pennsylvania) site 'splainin' about his treasonous trip to Israel:

Mike Rivero comments:

There is a reason that members of Congress are not supposed to accept free trips from lobbyists and foreign governments, and the fact that Congress has voted thorough a specific exemption for Israel does not erase the questions from the public mind as to why members of Congress voted into office and paid from US taxpayer dollars, are using that taxpayer-funded time to act as the "Vichy Government" for a foreign power, let alone accepting trips to Israel for a week of obvious political indoctrination!

No government can serve two masters, and a government that serves Israel cannot serve the American people. A friend to Israel is no friend of America. America needs leaders who will put America first, second, and third.

Please remember who you are supposed to work for and represent. This election I am making it my one mission that every politician who screams about how much they love Israel will be voted out of office, so that they free to go live there for the rest of their lives.

Click on the below on Rep Pat Meehan's site, and pay special attention to the comments under Meehan's post that he's going to Israel, along with 1/5 of Congress. The shit's going to hit the fan on this one, as our congress is most likely being blackmailed by Israel via NSA phone tapping, which all calls go directly to Israeli companies. So will they do as they're told by Israel, or get outed via blackmail:

Pat Meehan: goin' to Israel!!!

CODEPINK files complaint with Congressional Ethics Committee against AIPAC-funded junkets to Israel

All expenses for the 81 members and any spouses and staff members who choose to travel, are covered by the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), better known as AIPAC’s education arm. We know all about AIPAC, but what is this AIEF?

Unconditional Support for Israel is Profoundly Damaging to Americans


Corrupt mainstream media obviously pushing Michele Bachmann over Ron Paul:

Michele Bachmann: I wish this was Netanyahu's COCK!

Ron Paul tied Michelle Bachmann in straw poll - and CNN and rest of corporate media intentionally censor that news

Did Israel bribe the presstitutes to ignore Ron Paul?

Corporate Media Admit They Censor Candidates Who Challenge the Status Quo

Media picks your candidates! Where's Cynthia McKinney in the media, too! Notice the candidates that are ignored aren't kissing Israel's ass!

Jon Stewart/Daily Show: Mainstream media & rightwing media pretending Ron Paul doesn't exist -

If you wish to donate to BDBB:


  1. I have to go back and read all the comments in the last thread. We went away for a bit AND I fell off a 5 foot cliff and hurt my elbow and hip. 5 foot isn't that high? Fall off a 5 foot high cliff onto your elbow and hip and then tell me it's not high! lol

  2. Fall off a 5 foot high cliff backwards onto your elbow and hip and then tell me YOU WEREN'T high! 

    FYI - You've got a typo in your headline.  A copy didn't shoot anyone.

  3. I hereby claim full credit for everything you are about to steal from the prior two threads to post here (including ample Rockefeller-related material)

  4. OMG - if ever there were ammo for a caption contest...

    I give you this image of Marcus Bachmann, who can “cure the gay” with
    just 140,000 dollars in government funding per year! One might say he’s
    bitten off more than he can chew. But shhhh! If you don’t ask, he won’t
    tell. If only every pray-away-the gay non-licensed clinical “therapist”
    with a dubious degree could be fed a corn dog by his wife, this country
    could be taken back but quick!

    The next time you’re wondering what Tea Party freedom means, just
    picture Marcus Bachmann being fed a foot long corn dog by his wife.

    Feel free to caption this in the comments section — just keep it
    cute, people. Wit should prevail in the face of such an obvious call for

    Driving away on a golf cart with her husband Marcus beside her, Mrs
    Bachmann stopped to buy a foot-long corn dog -- a chicken and beef
    sausage in deep-fried batter. After applying mustard and allowing Mr
    Bachmann to take the first bite, she chomped into it with gusto.


  5.  Time for Marcus to "Pray-Away-The-Corndog!"

  6. When it started out all you really wanted was to push back against a
    few meddlesome regulators or shave a point or two off your tax rate, but
    you were concerned it would look like special-interest rent-seeking. So
    when the Washington lobbyists came up with the clever idea of launching
    a campaign against over-regulation and over-taxation, you threw in some
    money, backed some candidates and financed a few lawsuits.

    more successful it was, however, the more you put in — hundreds of
    millions of the shareholders’ dollars, laundered through once-respected
    organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce and the National
    Association of Manufacturers, phoney front organizations with
    innocent-sounding names such as Americans for a Sound Economy, and a
    burgeoning network of Republican PACs and financing vehicles. And thanks
    to your clever lawyers and a Supreme Court majority that is intent on
    removing all checks to corporate power, it’s perfectly legal.

    along the way, however, this effort took on a life of its own. What
    started as a reasonable attempt at political rebalancing turned into a
    jihad against all regulation, all taxes and all government, waged by
    right-wing zealots who want to privatize the public schools that educate
    your workers, cut back on the basic research on which your products are
    based, shut down the regulatory agencies that protect you from
    unscrupulous competitors and privatize the public infrastructure that
    transports your supplies and your finished goods. For them, this isn’t
    just a tactic to brush back government. It’s a holy war to destroy it —
    and one that is now out of your control.

  7. CHARLES Today 08:19 AM

    This guy Bohrman is the epitome of the conservative controler of
    the narrative. Israel and rich people first, the American majority
    last. I am a long time Olbermann fan and had high hopes for the liberal
    cause as he left MSNBC for Al Gores TV network but all Ive seen since he
    got there is old warmed over news purchased straight off the wire
    services. Olbermanns special comments are good but he has the same old
    tired hacks on there, Crawford, Molitous, Garafalo, Dean, etc. Where are
    the insider accounts of the fraud and corruption inside the banks, the
    fed, treasury, pentagon, etc. ? Where are the true stories of the voter
    fraud? Where are the true stories of whats going on in the oil industry,
    the war, the white house, where are the stories of the bribes being
    given to congress? Current TV looks to me like the same old pretending
    to be liberal while controlling the narrative...Dont talk bad about war
    profiteers, dont talk bad about Israel, dont tell the truth about who
    benefited most from the trillions given to the rich in this country,
    dont tell the truth about all the conservative corporations who own the
    media and the narrative. Same crap different day. Ill believe these
    folks are real liberals when they step up and tell the whole truth about
    offshoring, wars for profit, Jewish theft of Palestinian lands, the
    christain crusades to kill muslims, our support for despots who have
    oil, the financial rape and plunder of America, the mineral rape and
    plunder of the globe, slavery and on and on.


  8.  From boycotting Israeli goods to divesting from joint Norwegian-Israeli enterprises; from resisting pro-Israeli propaganda merchants to barring investment by Israeli companies; from sponsoring education about Israel's crimes against the Palestinians to calling for Israeli leaders to be tried for their crimes; from offering to recognize a Palestinian state to threatening to attack Israel
    in the event of another attack on Gaza or the West Bank (using the same
    logic currently in play in Libya), Norway has been leading a growing
    worldwide campaign to stand up for the victims in the region, rather
    than the aggressors. The Labor Party has been prominent in that effort,
    and the youth of the party have been especially committed -- committed
    to supporting some of the most forsaken people on Earth.

    Let us review, shall we? Supposedly to atone for crimes committed by
    Germans, the people of Palestine have been forced off their land, penned
    up in open-air concentration camps, cut off from normal life by walls
    and checkpoints, and terrorized by armed Israeli madmen who shoot first
    and ask no questions.

    Their groves, to which they are almost always denied access, are being
    burnt and ripped up and converted into settlements in which the rightful
    owners are unwelcome at gunpoint. Their land and water have been
    stolen, their freedom of movement has been curtailed, and many thousands
    of them have been killed. But this is not enough for their oppressors,
    who now use deadly force against peaceful people who wish to bring them assistance.

    And nobody is supposed to read about any of this, and nobody is supposed
    to write about any of this, except for propaganda outlets who deny that
    the Palestinians are oppressed, or that they are people, or who claim
    it's their own fault. And anybody who dares to criticize Israeli policy
    is anti-Semitic.

    For that reason, members of the mainstream audience will never have
    access to the idea that the attack on Norway may have been a scripted
    event, a prefabricated act of terror in which Anders Breivik was a pawn
    of forces larger than he could ever imagine.

    To some people, it will always remain an inexplicable act of madness, a
    psycho-social kink in the human condition, horrible and insane and
    ultimately meaningless. There are even some writers arguing that any attempt to find meaning in the Norway massacre is a sign of an unhinged mind.

  9. Technically, a copy of a cop shot someone.

  10. My submission: "I WISH THIS WAS NETANYAHU"

  11.  In SKYSCRAPER font.

  12. Did you happen to see in that exact thread, my argument with this "AJNolley"? By coincidence, I am in that Raw thread.

  13. btw...I heard on the radio's ABC news briefs, the "new bin laden" is planning something for the 9/11 ten year anniversary, I'll see if I can find it.

  14.  The official story includes a helicopter crash.  The New Yorker article claims the tail rotor contacted a concrete wall.  He says: The pilot jammed the nose forward to drive it into the dirt and prevent his aircraft from rolling onto its side.  You don't jam a helicopter nose in the dirt, having just struck a concrete wall with your tail rotor, without also having the main rotor blades contact either the wall or the dirt or both - flying apart in all directions.  Not buying it.

    Here's what an actual tail rotor failure looks like:

  15. BART: 1st Amendment issues mount over cell shutdown

    Bob Egelko, Chronicle Staff Writer
    San Francisco Chronicle
    August 15, 2011 04:00 AM
    San Francisco Chronicle. All rights reserved. This material may not be
    published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

    Monday, August 15, 2011

    Read more:

  16. Looks to me like Krugman got a hold of the NWO script and decided to take it upon himself to stop the next false flag...

    Paul Krugman: Fake Alien Invasion Would End Economic Slump

    Paul Krugman is so frustrated by the lack of support for another
    round of stimulus spending that he's now calling for a fake alien
    invasion of the United States to spur a World War II-style defense

    Krugman was a guest on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" on Sunday. Speaking
    with Zakaria and Harvard economist Ken Rogoff, he made the same case he
    has been making for years--that deficits are not the top economic
    concern of the day. Krugman noted that the effort of World War II helped
    end the Great Depression, and joked that something similar was needed

    "If we discovered that, you know, space aliens were planning to
    attack and we needed a massive buildup to counter the space alien threat
    and really inflation and budget deficits took secondary place to that,
    this slump would be over in 18 months," he said. "And then if we
    discovered, oops, we made a mistake, there aren't any aliens, we'd be

    "We need Orson Welles, is what you're saying," Rogoff cut in.

    "There was a 'Twilight Zone' episode like this in which scientists
    fake an alien threat in order to achieve world peace," Krugman said.
    "Well, this time, we don't need it, we need it in order to get some
    fiscal stimulus."

    Of course, Krugman is just using a space invasion as an example. But that hasn't stopped some people
    from framing his comments as part of a giant conspiracy by a shadowy
    group of elites to enslave the world through a fake alien attack.

    The fact that Michio Kaku is on the corporate controlled media talking about it is enough to ring the alarm bells.

    People watching this video and
    reading this quick article may well laugh at the mere suggestion of such
    a thing but i can tell you one thing, the elites that would carry it
    out sure as hell take it seriously.

  17. Ron Paul tied Michelle Bachmann in straw poll - and CNN and rest of corporate media intentionally censor that news:

  18. Sources: Seal Team 6 Was Murdered

  19.  Like I said - the original raid was to target (kill or render) someone other than Bin Laden.  That raid was botched when the team's chopper crashed - killing all on-board - as witnessed by the other team members hovering overhead in two support choppers - all fed live via video back to the White House from the cameras on those two choppers.

    When those surviving team members subsequently observed the stream of total lies coming from their Commander In Chief at the  White House - including the claims that those in the chopper that crashed survived, that the rendered individual was Bin Laden and his alleged body was dumped at sea - ALL FOR POLITICAL GAIN -  you can bet your ass these Navy Seals were hopping mad - and began seeking revenge.  Word surely got back to the White House.

    If the alleged "Bin Laden Raid" story was either originally conceived as, or subsequently spun for PURELY POLITICAL ADVANTAGE - that's illegal.  If the National Guard Huey chopper containing all of the now totally pissed-off witnesses of the botched Pakistani raid was shot down FOR POLITICAL REASONS - specifically to protect the earlier political/propaganda story, that's murder, and treason.

  20.  Bush/Cheney clearly led a coup - implementing draconian laws to allow political propaganda (including fake terror scares and false flag attacks) to be protected under the guise of national security.  The President can play the national security card any time - he can pull any stunt he chooses - nothing is off limits - he is the supreme being on earth - able to perform operations including the one in Pakistan - with the subsequent silencing of witnesses - and claim that anyone who says anything about it can be arrested under the USA Patriot Act for revealing national security secrets at a time of war.

    You know a coup has occurred when one individual is solely responsible for defining a national security secret.  That defines dictatorship.  The key is never to declare a war - yet to say that you are in one forever.  In this way - reality is suspended indefinitely, and legal opinions are crafted by the coup leaders which provide unlimited powers to the office of the President.  The President can unilaterally declare ANYTHING to be a national security secret - and arrest anyone - for anything - anytime - or have them killed.  It's legal in a dictatorship.

  21.  Look how flummoxed Republican Pete King is about Obama employing the exact same political/propaganda stunts that Bush enabled under the guise on "national security."  Every time you hear the words "national security," the speaker is knowingly telling a lie - tied to politics - in the context of a new dictatorship brought into place on the heels of the false flag 9/11 attacks.  The strings are all pulled from Israel.

  22.  So how do you suppose this story got promoted to page one of a google news search for seal team 6?  Look at all of the typical hot rhetoric that is the hallmark of shooting the messenger.

  23. Dr.
    Sabrosky stresses the most critical point is that the gate to
    containing Zionism is in the US; the lock to the gate is in the
    heartland of the US and not Washington; and the key to that lock is
    the Israeli orchestration of 9/11 and its spin-off wars.

  24. Sabrosky is clearly fed up...

    And the Wages of Betrayal Are….

    I really believe in the US Marine Corps motto of Semper Fidelis
    (Always Faithful), and in Marine boot camp I was taught that meant
    fidelity to God, Country and Corps –the government was never mentioned
    then. Many in my generation felt the same way, and it goes without
    saying that few politicians anywhere, and virtually none in the
    Congress, have endeared themselves to uniformed Americans of any
    generation. Those in the government whose actions on behalf of Israel
    constitute treason ought to reflect on that fact, as should Israeli
    leaders – such as they are.

    And I
    have a final message here for those sworn elected and appointed
    officials of the US Government who have betrayed their oaths in order
    to serve Israel, for those around the government who have facilitated
    this effort, and for Israel itself. You all have been discovered. Your
    treason, treachery and crimes are known. You may not believe it yet, but
    your political and strategic Judgment Day is finally appearing on the
    horizon, as surely as it came for Nineveh and Tyre in ancient times,
    for the infamous Third Reich in 1945, and for the Soviet Union two
    decades ago.

    Beware. We are coming for you.



    Street Media has been respectfully silent and protective on the matter
    of the 81 who used their time away from Washington to visit sites holy
    to both Jews and Christians and to listen to lectures by Israeli
    leaders. Here is what Weir found in her survey:
    Associated Press, America’s number one news service, has decided not to
    report on a lobbying group taking 81 representatives to a foreign
    country in order to influence their votes.

    though the trips are being reported by news media in Britain, Iran,
    India, Israel, Lebanon, and elsewhere, AP has decided to give the story a
    pass. When contacted about this, an AP editor in Washington, D.C., said
    AP knew about the trips and was “looking into it.”

    Taking a similar tack, The New York Times, USA Today, Fox News, CNN, ABC, et al., failed to inform Americans about the trips.

    When the Chicago Tribune learned that Jesse Jackson, Jr., was on the Israeli trip, it treated the visit as a human interest, feel good, story.

    The Tribune used
    a short item from the Associated Press to inform its readers that
    Jackson was traveling abroad to evaluate how well Israel was handling US
    tax dollars which Jackson and his colleagues so generously send to Tel

    AP story is a case study for a Journalism 101 class on how not to write a
    story involving a major congressional figure. Here is the soft story
    the Tribune ran on August 7:

    Jesse Jackson Jr. is headed to Israel for an eight-day visit. Jackson’s
    office says he leaves Sunday and returns Aug. 15.

    Illinois Democrat is scheduled to meet with Israeli and Palestinian
    leaders as he discusses what he calls “the quest for a lasting peace in
    the region.” He has meetings set with Israeli President Shimon Peres,
    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, prime ministers and others.

    says he’s looking forward to learning about Israel’s business and
    commercial sectors as well as the latest tools and technology the
    country is using in its fight against terror.

    The trip is being arranged and paid for by the American Israel Educational Foundation, a privately funded charity.

    And that is all Tribune
    readers know about the journey of the 81. The AIEF is a “privately
    funded charity”? Nothing about the AIPAC parentage of the “charity”, and
    nothing at all about Jackson’s large number of traveling companions.


  26. In my recent article, “Creating Evidence Where There Is None,”
    about the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden by a commando team of US
    Seals in Abbottabad, Pakistan, I provided a link to a Pakistani National
    TV interview with Muhammad Bashir, who lives next door to the alleged
    “compound” of Osama bin Laden. I described the story that Bashir gave of
    the “attack” and its enormous difference from the one told by the US
    government. In Bashair’s account, every member of the landing party and
    anyone brought from the house died when the helicopter exploded on
    lift-off. I wrote that a qualified person could easily provide a
    translation of the interview, but that no American print or TV news
    organization had investigated Bashir’s account.

    An attorney with a British Master of Laws degree in international law
    and diplomacy, who was born in Pakistan, provided the translation
    below. He writes: “I have no problem with being identified as the
    translator, but would prefer to remain anonymous.”

  27. What you would expect to see in the aftermath of a helicopter crash - is what this witness saw:

    "When the helicopter exploded, it scattered everywhere, one piece fell over there, one fell here, one here, a lot of pieces fell in the gulley outside, they reached up to the
    gulley and our house and also some pieces managed to reach onto my
    roof. so, the area of the open space there (in front of the house) is
    about four Kanal in size. It is a very large compound. You cannot see all of it from one
    location. Four Kanal is a big area, only in a small area you could
    possibly see everything. There I saw some people, in broken pieces,
    someone’s leg, someone’s arm, someone’s torso, someone’s head."

  28. Check this out:

    Good article by Gordon Duff, or did he "jump the shark":

  29. Alex Talks to Colonel 6 About Navy SEAL Team Crash in Afghanistan

  30. Here's the problem I have with people like Colonel 6: his hiding his identity makes it easier to kill him and cover everything up. He's telegraphing things, they know who he is, WE don't know who he is!

    That's like someone saying, "I'm going to write a book exposing this whole thing!" then they die.


    Know what I mean? Like the DC Madam, these idiots should have dirt on everyone FIRST, some kind of plan to get it across to them that should something happen to them, the dirt on them will be released, etc...

    Not "I KNOW EVERYTHING AND I'M GONNA WRITE A BOOK", that's a ticket to a "suicide".

  31. Murdoch "news" empire tied to Big Pharma:


  33.  "I'm a black guy - calling the most heavily wire-tapped phone number in America - giving out the name of my own web site - and my rank in the Army, but I want to hide my identity...and oh, by the way, this is what I sound like when I speak."



  35.  Murdoch throwing his lawyers under the bus appears to have backfired, spectacularly.


  37. This is off the charts going viral:

  38. Did Israel bribe the presstitutes to ignore Ron Paul?

  39. I know there's so much in these last 3 threads to post, but there's so much real news (that isn't reported widespread), I just cannot get to it! I add a piece here and there when I get time!

  40.  You're just pissed you'd have to credit me for it, since I called you out in advance.  I know how you roll.  At least you admit it.

  41. So WAIT A SECOND THOUGH: did GD jump the shark, or is that a true, good article? Or is he participating in all this alien shit, or telling the truth?

  42.  He seemed to be hedging his bets.

  43.  I was told by someone who knows that there is absolutely an energy source being held back that makes oil, etc., obsolete.  That's the type  of technology that would enable surreal breakthroughs.  I don't know.

  44. 25 Ordinary Citizens Write Iceland’s New Constitution With Help From Social Media

  45. Confessions of a Cancer Industry Insider

  46. I said it a million times: a shill ALWAYS says the word "conspiracy" when covering up something. Sure as shit, that woman in that famous BBC video says "conspiracy":

    100% chance all the time. Bank on it: only people covering up something accuse others of "conspiracy".

    When was the last time you argued with someone and you said, "CONSPIRACY" about the other person? Never? You simply argue or debate your points.

  47. That's how I roll:

  48. Remember my theory? If the word "conspiracy" appears, the person is a shill.

    Isn't that a great theory?

    "So, are there any conspiracy lovers out there?"


    "It’s really easy to get sucked in to conspiracy theories these days, frankly."


    "That’s because conspiracy theories often make just enough sense to get you to believe."


    "As I said, some conspiracy theories really draw you in."


    "If outer space is not your cup of tea, there are also conspiracy
    theories about flying saucers and Area 51, the assassinations of John F.
    Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy, 9/11 and more."

  49. From your article above:


    "So, are there any conspiracy lovers out there?"


    "It’s really easy to get sucked in to conspiracy theories these days, frankly."


    "That’s because conspiracy theories often make just enough sense to get you to believe."


    "As I said, some conspiracy theories really draw you in."


    "If outer space is not your cup of tea, there are also conspiracy
    theories about flying saucers and Area 51, the assassinations of John F.
    Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy, 9/11 and more."

  50. Do you think he said "conspiracy" enough?

  51. Got anthrax?

    U.S. Senator seeks to cut aid to elite IDF units operating in West Bank and Gaza

    Senator Patrick Leahy claims Shayetet 13 unit,
    undercover Duvdevan unit, and the Israel Air Force Shaldag unit are
    involved in human rights violations in occupied territories.

    Leahy: Anthrax Suspect Did Not Act Alone

  52.  Alex was trying not to LOL at the guy or roll his eyes too much - as it actually diminished the veracity of the entire call the guy sounded so naive.

  53.  The Shill Superfecta!

  54. WAIT A SECOND...........................


    WHAT'S EVERYONE COMPLAINING ABOUT?????????????????????????

  55.  actually - it's the visible hand of the Israeli Market - which happens to own/control the MSM.

  56.  Go to Google news and enter this:

    paul + unelectable

    See below the initial results where it says "see 156 results" down below the initial ones?

     Click that link and see how many results you get.

  57.  The word "unelectable" is code for: "not Israel's choice"


  59. Is this suspicious?

    I got a "friend" request on FB(I) from

    Fati Abdalai

    Now get this: she has 22 TOTAL FRIEND on FB(I) (EXTREMELY SUSPICIOUSLY LOW) and NO MUTUAL FRIENDS with me!

    Now get this, too: I've previously had a friend request from someone else I didn't know, with no mutual friend, who had 16 total friends on FB(I).

    So, Fati Abdalai, whom I do not know, requests I be "friends" with her on FB(I), and has 22 total friends!

    The typical friends I have on FB(I) have up to 5,000 total friends, the max. Just to put it in perspective.

  60. The first thing I do when I get a "friend" request from someone on FB(I), is to check "mutual friends". USUALLY, someone who sends me a friend request has 10-100 mutual friends. BUT AT LEAST ONE!!!!!!!!! Or how would they even find out about me?

  61.  In the CIA's files no doubt.  You are a marked man.  I'm sure your name is widely circulated throughout the Hasbara community.  They are definitely operatives of some sort.

  62. I knew when James and Rupert blamed their attorneys for everything, the law firm's officers would crucify the Murdoch's for besmirching their name.

    Check out the second video here:

    Hell hath no fury like a rich law firm scorned - with free legal and a vendetta.

  63.  Assume Rupert is like The Godfather of the entire Mafia, and his consiglieres know where every body was buried over the years, because they helped to bury them.  So the Godfather basically tells the British equivalent of Congress and the FBI - "I didn't do that illegal thing - my attorneys did!"

    Strategically, this is as stupid as stripping naked, anchoring your feet in concrete, and repeatedly whacking a hornets nest above your head with a broom. 

    You ain't seen nothin' yet.  They will simply keep coming.  Will Rupert next order one of his former attorneys murdered?  This thing could go nuclear.

  64. Youtube/Xendrius 1-13August 16, 2011 at 7:35 PM

    You two seem to have a hankering for Ron Paul. At first he seemed legit to me, now I believe him to be an NWO asset. Same with Alex Jones.

  65.  My hankering is simply for the truth.  The MSM has chosen to become the enemy of the truth, so I pay close attention to whatever it is they try to prevent me from knowing - then dig deep to understand why - and on whose behalf.


    All politics, all day, every day, all year, every year, forever.

    It didn't used to be like this.

    Elections happened every two years, and people went on about their lives the day after the elections.

    This is new.

    This is social engineering...politics as theater, entertainment and sport.

    The people didn't request it.

    It is force fed to them 24/7.

    Much ado about nothing.

    Politicians are all powerless.

    They are paid actors.

    Bread & Circuses.

    Divide & Conquer.

  67. Youtube/Xendrius 1-13August 16, 2011 at 10:07 PM


  68. Bribery, extortion & blackmail are central to the normal operation of all western governments.  War and terror are simply too profitable for peace to stand a chance.

    Saudi Arabia's rulers threatened to make it easier for terrorists to
    attack London unless corruption investigations into their arms deals
    were halted, according to court documents revealed yesterday.

    secret files describe how investigators were told they faced "another
    7/7" and the loss of "British lives on British streets" if they pressed
    on with their inquiries and the Saudis carried out their threat to cut
    off intelligence.

    Prince Bandar, the head of the Saudi national
    security council, and son of the crown prince, was alleged in court to
    be the man behind the threats to hold back information about suicide
    bombers and terrorists. He faces accusations that he himself took more
    than £1bn in secret payments from the arms company BAE.

    He was
    accused in yesterday's high court hearings of flying to London in
    December 2006 and uttering threats which made the prime minister, Tony
    Blair, force an end to the Serious Fraud Office investigation into
    bribery allegations involving Bandar and his family.

    The threats
    halted the fraud inquiry, but triggered an international outcry, with
    allegations that Britain had broken international anti-bribery treaties.

    FYI -

    Before the 2000 U.S. presidential election was decided, he invited George H. W. Bush to go pheasant shooting in his England estate in a "Desert Storm reunion".

  69. Here comes the next step in the NEW WORLD ORDER

    Merkel, Sarkozy Propose Eurozone Government


    Look who's stealing part of the Ron Paul narrative - splitting off some would be supporters of Paul's to follow Perry until his inevitable implosion - followed by throwing his support behind Romney:

  71. Remember above, Colonel 6 (lol) "disguised" on Alex Jones? Here's "anonymous" on Democracy NOW!

  72. Is this your youtube page?

  73. I put this up on FB(I), I have a lot of Ron Paul friends there. Actually, most of the stuff I put up on FB(I) are from comments here.

  74. But this one seems more legit, it's not some undisguised guy with a website like Colonel 6. COME ON! With that Colonel 6 shit!!!

  75. Guess what? "Fati Abdalai"s friend request, which I did not accept, was not there today. I guess she doesn't want to be my "friend" anymore!

    Reading my blog comments, perhaps, Fati???????????????????????

  76.  And of course you give me credit each time.


  77. There's a person I'm friends with on FB(I), I won't say his name. He posts fantastic stuff and in fact I grab some of it to post on my blog or in the comments here. One day I checked out his FB(I) page and he has 16 total friends, and I do not know this guy btw...but I'm "friends" with him on FB(I) somehow, and I don't remember how. Now I may have somehow did it myself, but I'm just saying I don't remember. When I noticed he has 16 total friends, including ME (that means 14 people, don't count me & him), I said this to him (here's a cut/paste):

    noticed you only have 16 friends. You post such great stuff, how come
    you aren't or can't build up your friend? It seems a waste to post all
    this great stuff to only 16 people. Would you like me to suggest some
    friends to you?May 29
    Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx:I
    build up and cut back. I was great at finding people who might agree on
    one tiny point but then they would be firm Bush/Obama supporters or
    attack or join in attacks. There are those who just call you a liar
    without providing any proof while you're submitting links to back up
    what you say. I once gave an analogy that said saying all Muslims
    approve of terrorism because they don't prevent it is like saying all
    Catholics are pedofiles because they haven't stopped the priests. I was
    accused of saying all Catholics are pedofiles. I get tired of that crap.

  78. Actually, if I kept putting "my friend plunger said", they'd probably think I was nuts or something.

  79. Here's some ground zero events for the 10 year anniversary. I'm probably going in on the 10th. If you find anymore, please post them here:

  80. Check this out: GOOGLE WATCH -

  81.  They already think you're nuts.  ;-)

    Here's Mish on the Ron Paul Media blackout - which even TIME is compelled to report on.  The blackout has become the news.

  82.  You mean like if you said:  "My friend Plunger said: 'Marcus wants to Pray Away The Corndog' "


  84.  Ring Of Power:

  85. 911 Eyewitness - Evidence of controlled demolition 30 floors

  86. Youtube/Xendrius 1-13August 17, 2011 at 4:02 PM

    No, it isn't. He's just A user I tend to agree with. Trying to help spread the word. His stuff is very interesting so far. That being said, I'd like to make more time, be able to go full bore with my own research, and produce my own documentaries.

    Belated apologies guys, if I inadvertently pinched a nerve with my earlier comment, it was just an observation. Please forgive me if I was mistaken.

    P.S. About the user named Xendrius, it might be worth your while to find some of his older material. it was better ( in my opinion) than some of what he currently displays on his channel. Another user has the original version, his user account is:

    Hope this helps. Take care guys.

  87. Yeah, they'd probably say, "Who's plunger?" Why do you keep referencing "plunger"?

    Actually, I DID say on FB(I):


    Dan Spak: My friend plunger's submission: "Time for Marcus to "Pray-Away-The-Corndog!"

    Now if you said what I posted word-for-word, I'd have to ask you if you are actually on FB(I), but not as plunger. ;)

    But I said exactly "My friend plunger's submission:", and YOU above said that I said "My friend Plunger said:"...BUT THAT'S PRETTY DAMN CLOSE!!!!!!!!

    You aren't on FB(I), are you? You wouldn't tell me anyway.

    But as you can see I LIED ABOUT LYING! I actually DO give you credit! lol

  88. Actually, I do have a theory on all these "hat tips". Remember when I was posting a lot a while ago on how I'm against hat tips? I said there's a "running hat tip". I think, seriously, if everyone "hat tip"d everything they wrote, you'd see more "hat tips" than actual data. I was hat tipping everyone, and it got silly, and I thought it looked silly.

    Then I said I'd put some icon or something near something someone else thought of. The whole thing was silly. And I've stated before, I myself do not care if anyone steals anything from me. It's the passing of knowledge onto everyone at the quickest possible pace that's important. Let's not get bogged down hat tipping everyone.

    And I REALLY hate when someone ASKS to be referenced! Once on Dandelion Salad, I posted a comment that said something like "great post! I put it on my blog", and the JACKOFF replied, "make sure I get credit, make sure you redirect people to my site, blah blah blah" Hey: FUCK YOU, BUDDY!!!!!!!!!! Don't start telling me what to do! That turned me right off to that site, the guy was more concerned about getting credit and traffic (and maybe more $$$ ?) than anything else.

    Here's some things I found on BDBB when searching for "hat tip":

    Special Commentary II by Big Dan:
    "I gave TWO hat tips today to Agent99 and AgentBB2. Everyone knows I'm
    against 'hat tips', because I STEAL STUFF and DON'T 'give credit where
    credit is due'...I'm against that 'saying' enjoy it while it
    lasts!!!"Special Commentary by Big Dan:
    "Here's my 'hat tip' policy: if I steal something from you, I'm not
    going to 'hat tip' you unless you point out that you think I stole it
    from you and I did in fact steal it from you. Then I'll 'hat tip' you.
    If you point it out the next day, or if I don't acknowledge within one
    day, YOU LOSE!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!! But here's a hat tip to everyone I've
    stolen things off of: thank you, one and all!!!"Saturday, March 27, 2010

    Big Dan's Big News March 27, 2010

    (complete with VISUAL HAT TIP, that last one)

    Meet "Mike the Plumber" (or Harry from "Harry & Louise"
    from 1990's ads funded by a group of insurance companies who feared
    they would be cut out of the market), with hat tip to GOP media enabler
    FOX "news". Obama's trying to kill his disabled son:● 'Scab' driver burned in his lorry as European protests against high fuel prices turn violent (stolen from 99; no hat tip, just a burglary...she better get LifeLock!)

  89. WTF podcast with Marc Maron (he's very funny and smart, started out as a standup comedian, and a very good one, got very political, and now is "philosophical", very entertaining, he DEFINITELY took too may drugs! lol):

  90. US Revolution unleashes trillions of dollars for obvious economic solutions
    Continue reading on US Revolution unleashes trillions of dollars for obvious economic solutions - National Nonpartisan |

  91.  I saw it - but I'm not admitting it

  92. What really happened?

  93. Bachmann is a moran:

  94. New, latest, BEST video by AE911truth:

  95. He seems to get a lot into UFO's and demonic possession.

  96. Department Of Justice Investigating S&P Over Mortgage Securities Ratings

  97. Venezuela to Repatriate Up to $11 Billion Gold Reserves From U.S., Europe

  98. Next up, via "the playbook": Venezuelan suicide bombers with downs syndrome, civil unrest, Venezuelan spring protests, etc...

  99.  I predicted that there would be attacks on Israel of the false flag variety - coinciding with the visit of 1/5 of the US Congress - all designed so Netanyahu can say: "see why we need that $3 billion?"  Expect more of these over the coming two weeks.

    Ask yourself this question...who goes of vacation to Israel in August?

    Are you telling me that all of these family members and aids of these Congressmen actually wanted to spend their summer vacation in Israel?  Care to bet whether or not these alleged vacations were mandatory?  Who pressured these individuals to accept these junkets to one of the most inhospitable summertime destinations?  How were they pressured?

  100. Well, speaking of MANDATORY:

    'US lawmakers forced to support Israel' - Cynthia McKinney on PressTV

  101. Israel Under Attack:

    Now notice: those nasty Gaza rockets that Israel has Gaza COMPLETELY locked down...yet just can't seem to find those guys blowing off those missiles from Gaza! Anyone buy that?

    Here's another one:

  102. Did anyone notice you CANNOT find out the exact dates congress is in Israel? And there is no coverage of it?

  103. Wait'll you get a load of this LOL:

    SITE Intelligence Group Threatens To Cut Out Letterman's Tongue For Making Fun Of Bin Laden's Death

  104. Guy on TV brings up anthrax attacks....BEFORE THE ANTHRAX ATTACKS!!!!!!!

    "The first thing to recognize is the US government is not gonna do
    anything dishonest ....." setting the stage. Who did the Anthrax
    attacks? This guy would be a good source to start waterboarding for
    information about who would possibly attack America with a bioweapon
    made at a US military base. Bruce Ivans could not have possibly done,
    nor did the FBI have any evidence except association because he worked
    there and he was wierd. The case was closed and the evidence never
    presented to America ..... just like Bin Laden. Kill the boogie man or
    patsy to close the case on an inside job. The case is still unsolved,
    and the dead guy could be the wrong suspect if there is no evidence to
    prove he did it. The people that did 9/11 did the Anthrax Attacks to set
    US policy and create new investment and startup taxpayer fear funded
    rackets. At the heart of Anthrax, before, during, and after 9/11 is Rudy

  105. ...but then it was a "surprise", just like 9/11 was a complete "surprise"...yet they immediately had the hijackers pictures on TV!

  106. Go, USB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ...I mean "USA"...........

  107.  You're not a scientist at a government facility UNLESS YOUR WEIRD.  It's a requirement.  If being a weird government scientist was the basis for suspicion, Ivins would have been part of a long line of suspects.  But for Government Scientists, there'd be no market for pocket protectors.

  108.  "Jihadist Website" is a euphemism  for "site by SITE"

    They create all of them.


  109. How about this question: if the reporter is "live in Jerusalem", 1) what are they doing there? & 2) why aren't they covering 1/5 of congress there?

  110. You just said all govt scientists are weird, then think about this: the ONLY 2 points people have who believe the official 9/11 story are:

    1. "I saw it on TV"

    2. NIST -------->>>>>>>>>>> weird govt scientists!!!!!

  111. So they're ramping up "terrorist" stories, notice?

    - Israel "terrorist" attacks
    - SITE finds "terrorist" threat on website

    BOTH things haven't occurred in a long time (when was the last time you heard anything by SITE?), and BOTH occur while congress is in Israel.

  112.  It's all so obvious, you could make money betting on it.  More attacks coming in the next two weeks - even closer to vacationing Congressmen.  Shock & Awe = $3 billion in funding.  Guess who the REAL terrorists are!  It's easy enough to see who they're not - as it would be bad strategy to for actual enemies to target Israel during the visit of 1/5 of Congress - at a time when aid to fund Israel's OFFENSE budget is on the table.

  113. Rep. Issa busted:


    "It doesn't make sense that an agency responsible for investigations would want to get rid of potential evidence."




  115. Remember when there used to be a Soviet Union?

    Michelle Bachmoran:


    GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann said today that Americans
    "fear the rise of the Soviet Union" during an appearance on a
    conservative radio talk show.

    The Soviet Union broke up into 15
    separate republics 20 years ago. Boris Yeltsin was the first freely
    elected leader of Russia, the largest of those republics.
    people recognize is that there's a fear that the United States is in an
    unstoppable decline. They see the rise of China, the rise of India, the
    rise of the Soviet Union and our loss militarily going forward,"
    Bachmann said on Jay Sekulow's radio show.

    Bachmann, a Minnesota
    congresswoman, was trying to explain that Americans are concerned about
    issues beyond federal spending and the debt.

    comment about the Soviet Union is making the rounds in the blogosphere.
    It was first reported by People for the American Way's Right Wing Watch
    and picked up by websites such as ThinkProgress, a project of the left-leaning Center for American Progress.

    GOP presidential candidate has flubbed some facts in history before,
    such as when she mistakenly said that the Revolutionary War battles of
    Lexington and Concord occurred in New Hampshire. This week, she
    mistakenly wished Elvis Presley a "happy birthday" on the anniversary of
    his death.


  117.  American Pirate says

    Palin can see Russia, but Bachmann can see the Soviet Union - her vision not only travels far, it transcends time and space.

  118.  Anybody really think
    that Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley the ranking Republican on the Senate
    Judiciary Committee is going to start prosecuting and then imprisoning
    SEC executives or investment bankers, or various other sundry Wall
    Street slime as quickly as he can line them up? Anybody? 

    “Our form of democracy is bribery, on the highest scale.” 
    Gore Vidal 


    A New York City banker dies in
    poverty and so his local bar decides to raise funds for his funeral. One
    day a man walks into the bar and is asked to donate a dollar for the
    fund. “What’s it for?” he asks, and the bartender tells him. So he
    reaches into his pocket, hands him a Twenty and says, “Here, go and bury
    20 of them.”

  119. Youtube/Xendrius 1-13August 18, 2011 at 9:16 PM

    LOL! Isn't "reptilians" the most bogus idea ever!?

    If I may speak on his behalf, and hopefully I am able to him some justice in doing so, he ( Xendrius) makes the case that what some people truly believe as a "reptilian hybrid phenomena", is actually physical evidence of demonic possession. The "reptilian" jargin is merely a NWO concocted cover story. It was meant to help gloss over the meat and potatoes of the issue.

    He also make the case that there are no aliens, again a cover story for demonic manifestation and manipulation of people. On this point he does make it a point to note that there are 2 types of UFO phenomena:

    1) Physical UFO's, which are not actually piloted by "Aliens", yet are a black budget military/ government program likely used to aid in the "aliens" belief amongst Earth's population. This technology was initiated by Nazi German scientists during the world war era. There are photographs of these craft with swastikas emblazened on them. After WW2, the U.S. government conscripted hardcore Nazi scientists to work for U.S. interests (Verner Von Braun, among many others). This was given the codename "Operation Paperclip". They also were a major factor in the initiation of the CIA (Douchebags).

    2) Spiritual UFO's: bright orbs, and other activity ( some of which is sort of difficult for me to properly put into words.) One example off the top of my head, have you ever heard of accounts of WW2 pilots reporting orbs following their aircraft during missions? They gave them the nickname "Foo Fighters".

    Both of which I have personally witnessed on seperate occaisions. One physical encounter, and numerous spiritual.

    Ghosts, again a cover story for demonic activity.

    Albert Pike, renowned as the father of Freemasonry, and a Satan worshiper wrote in his book Morals and Dogma pg. 104-105: "Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explainations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be mislead." Morals and Dogma pg. 210: "LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls ? Doubt it not!"

    Ever heard of a man named Aleister Crowley? The Beatles, Ozzy Ozbourne and many others have paid tribute to him through various means. He was a Freemason and an occultist Satan worshipper. He was reportedly known as the most wicked man in the world. His illegitimate daughter is Barbara Bush. Her mother was a woman named Pauline Pierce, she ran out on her husband to have a lasting affair with Aleister Crowley in Europe. Barbara Bush was their "love" child. Look into that freakbag.

    Adam Weishaupt, professor at Ingolsadt University, founder of the Bavarian Illuminati. Look into this pawn.

    Are you aware of the Illuminati, not the Dan Brown Hollwoodyish B.S., but the historical illuminati? The modern day version of the Brotherhood of the snake?


    "And the great dragon was cast out, That Old Serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
    world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with
    Reptilian anyone???

    Lucifer= Luxe (light), fern (tree/bearer) = "Light Bearer". MEGA DOUCHE.

    Illuminati= "Elightened ones" Satan's human elite (The Rothschilds, the Bushes, Netanyahu, et all.) very slightly less mega douches.

    Sorry if I seem to be rambling, lots to say on the subject. Hope this helps.

    Thank you for your time Mr. Spak, Plunger.

  120. Youtube/Xendrius 1-13August 18, 2011 at 9:38 PM

    9/11 definetely was an inside job. It was a Satanic mega ritual and war profiteering rolled into one. These guys are all about sacrificing other people's souls to their god, one way is on the alter of war. Check this out:

  121. Youtube/Xendrius 1-13August 18, 2011 at 9:41 PM

    The NIST calibrated tools I use at work. They aren't overly accurate. Enough said. :)

  122.  Seems as though you comprehend the entirety of the truth.  Don't apologize - please continue...

  123. My friend just made this youtube:

  124. Let John know that the mics on those little video cams suck, and best results are achieved when the operator gets up very close to the person speaking.  Audio is frequently more critical than framing.  Fill the frame with the speaker's face - and you'll get better quality audio.

  125. The RAW link instantly caught fire on FB(I), taken off me and propagated by non other that THE Scott Horton.

  126. Notice in that video, the announcer says "these things happen in Israel on a daily basis". Oh, really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  127. "Dept Of Homeland Security Attempt To Induce A Permanent State Of Fear & Paranoia!"

  128. ALL

  129. You Are NOT Authorized to Watch This Video ... Do NOT LOOK

  130. 50 documentaries to see:

  131. George Bush's Iraq War Lies State Of The Union Address 2003

  132. Corbett report mentions MY kids for cash judges:

  133. AE911Truth 10th Anniversary Activities - RGage, AIA - 4 mins.;

  134. Alex Takes Calls From Pist Off Military Who Know The War on Terror is A Lie 1/2

  135. Disaster in one of Earth's last Cypress stands, 1000s dead fish float Louisiana

  136. CHART OF THE DAY: This Is For Everyone Who Thinks The US Can't Fund Its Own Debt
    Read more:

  137. Welfare Queen Michele Bachmann Exposed By Tax Returns

  138. Various 9/11 videos:

  139. Video by my OTHER friend:

  140.  This seems to imply you only have two friends.
