How much are Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann being paid by Israel to constantly say these things (below under "Israel's 2012 Ticket: Palin/Bachmann") and throw Americans under the bus? Both are more concerned about Israel than America. And WHO exactly is paying them? I want to know! They're not saying these things for FREE, that's for sure! In fact, how much are ALL our politicians being paid by Israel to be constantly more concerned about Israel than us? Or are they being BLACKMAILED by Israel? Folks: our government HAS TO BE BEING BLACKMAILED AND/OR BRIBED BY ISRAEL! Just look at what they say and do! That's all you have to do is observe their actions! They act like they are representing Israelis instead of Americans! What else could it be? There is no other explanation as to why politicians from BOTH parties seem to be more concerned about Israel than us. It's INSANE!
UPDATE: these GEMS was brought to my attention -
Sarah Palin: Obama is 'our temporary leader' Israel is our lasting friend
Palin Tries to Join the Mishpachah
As you read this post, you will realize that every important part of our country the United States (government, media, entertainment, news, sports, the FED, banks, corporations, etc...) has out-of-proportion % of people in all the highest levels with bias towards a foreign country: ISRAEL. We need more DIVERSIFICATION and AFFIRMATIVE ACTION in all these parts of our country to stop this out-of-control bias toward a foreign country that has taken over a large part of what we see, talk about, what our politicians talk about, our money system, etc... This is the United States, not Israel, and yet politicians from both major parties act as if they're running for "president of Israel" when they're campaigning and they seem to care more about Israel than US! All the wars we are in are with enemies of Israel (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and now Libya), and this is not a coincidence because you can see if you read this post how entrenched in all key positions of this country (politics, news, media, etc...) there is an out-of-whack % of people with pro-Israel bias. Can someone who isn't Jewish ever head the FED? (Bernanke/Greenspan) Can someone who isn't Jewish reach the highest levels of Hollywood? Can someone who isn't Jewish reach the highest levels of the major news, television, and radio? Is this discrimination against non-Jews? Do we need AFFIRMATIVE ACTION to get more DIVERSITY atop all the most important things that make up America such as the news, radio, TV, Hollywood, big media, the FED, the Treasury, etc...?
"No government can serve two masters, and a government that serves Israel cannot serve the American people. A friend to Israel is no friend of America. America needs leaders who will put America first, second, and third." - Mike Rivero
The most dangerous of all to we Americans are the politicians with dual Israeli citizenship, because they are using OUR military for Israel and they shouldn't be allowed in our government:
Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?
Former Israeli officials in the U.S. government
WHO BENEFITS from the United States non-stop invasion of Arab countries one after another against the will of the American people during a financial crisis: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Yemen, Iran, etc...? Of course, these U.S. politicians with Israeli citizenship and Israel loyalties make sure our troops think they're "fighting for 'our' freedom"!
Why is the "news" always so pro-Israel? Why is the "news" always talking about "muslim terrorists" and which Arab country WE should attack next?
Who controls the News? Part I
Who controls the News? Part II
Who controls Big Media?
Who controls Radio?
Who controls Television?
Who controls Advertising?
Who controls Hollywood?
Israel's 2012 Ticket: Palin/Bachmann
The mainstream media RELENTLESSLY pushing Sarah Palin down our throats:
So, why is Sarah Palin always "hanging around Israeli's"? Remember her saying about Obama that he's always "hanging around terrorists"? So, why is Sarah Palin always "hanging around Israeli's"? Here she is with Israeli filmmaker Elan Frank: So, can a line be drawn from Sarah Palin to Israeli Hollywood? Is Sarah Palin an Israeli Media Creation? Is Hollywood truly "Israeli Media." Who would have us all believe that this Israeli filmmaker just happened to hangout with Palin for days, filming all aspects of her life, and that this was not somehow directly connected to McCain's selection of her as his running mate? The connection between Israeli filmmaker Elan Frank and FOX "news". Elan Frank Screenshots Check out Elan Frank, a filmmaker who produced the Palin Persona Creating documentary prior to her run for VP with McCain. Note the film he produced prior to Palins, and the one that followed it: “After 2000 years - The Birth of the Israeli Air force” - Women of the World: A Breed Apart (PALIN) - Side by Side: Jews and Muslims in Morocco Elan Productions Just "hangin' around Israelis".......with an Israeli flag on her desk: Does anyone think it's odd that the governor of Alaska has an Israeli flag hanging on her wall? "She had an Israeli flag, of all the things, mounted on her office wall, and I have that on film" he said. "I was very surprised to see that and when I asked her about it, she said that she loves Israel and the she had friends who visited the country and brought her the flag." What are the odds of this: this Israeli filmmaker happens to be filming a documentary about Sarah Palin...and while he's doing it, MCCAIN PICKS HER FOR VICE PRESIDENT: "I knew she was shortlisted but her name wasn’t the one that came popping up. all of a sudden, I turn on the TV and see her photo. I was elated, it's like my best friend was picked for the job." --->>> riiiiiight................... Sarah Palin mesmerizes Israeli filmmaker Governor Palin And The Israeli Fighter Pilot THE DOCUMENTARY BY ISRAELI FILMMAKER ELAN FRANK ABOUT MANY WOMEN OF THE WORLD WAS JUST THE COVER STORY TO ALLOW THIS FILMMAKER AND AGENT OF ISRAEL TO QUIETLY CREATE AND PRODUCE THE FOOTAGE THAT FOX AND OTHERS WOULD USE TO LAUNCH THE PALIN PERSONA. So does this guy look like he's trying to use Sarah Palin to get us into even MORE wars for Israel: Look - REMEMBER SARAH'S RECENT TRIP TO ISRAEL? THIS "FILMMAKER" ARRANGED IT? HERE'S THE ENTIRE TRUTH OF ISRAELI STAGE-MANAGEMENT OF SARAH PALIN - READ BETWEEN THE LINES - AND ASSUME THAT FOX WAS IN ON THE FUNDING OF THIS FROM THE OUTSET: "I am working to bring her to Israel." - Frank Elan God, Guts, & Sarah Palin: An article on the Israeli filmmaker whose footage made it into Fox News' Sarah Palin, an American Woman series, is in the news again Here's the Fox documentary with his footage in it: "A fine and informative article by my good friend David Suissa, an authentic advertising genius, and the man the Israeli Ministry of Tourism should have hired to create their new advertising campaign designed to “brand” Israel: - Israeli War Hero Meets Sarah Palin NOTICE GRETA VANSUSTEREN'S ROLE - VIA HER HUSBAND? John Coale: Coale, a well-known Washington lawyer and the husband of Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren, drew national media attention when he endorsed Sen. John McCain's presidential bid in protest of the way in which Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who he backed in the primary, was treated. Coale, in an interview with the Fix, described himself simply as a "friend" of the Alaska governor but acknowledged that he suggested she start a leadership PAC and helped her navigate through some of the questions surrounding her family that lingered after the campaign. Others familiar with Palin's political team insist that Coale has far more power than he is letting on -- essentially helping to run Sarah PAC. Coale demurred on that front, noting only that he talks to Palin regularly and that she is a "fascinating person" who is "definitely not what the right thinks or the left thinks."............ The Protecters of the Palin Brand From the October 26, 1998, issue of National Review: Greta Van Susteren defected yesterday to the Fox News Channel. Van Susteren marks Fox's second recent high-profile liberal addition, the first being Geraldo Rivera. In the October 26, 1998, issue of National Review, Jonah Goldberg wrote "Regrettable Van Susteren" about Miss Van Susteren and her ardent Clinton defending: Regrettable Van Susteren: The rise of Greta Van Susteren. Paying $arah Palin's legal fees Does anyone know when Sarah put up that flag of Israel in her Juneau office? It appears in the Juneau Hike video at 8:54, it is the little flag on the left side of the window: Juneau Hike with Sarah Palin In the CBC video, the Israeli flag is not there: Elan Frank films Sarah Palin on 8th and 9th April, 2008 - complete footage (Israeli): Palin wears "Israeli Star of David" necklace to NYC rally and rewrites Paul Revere's ride: PALIN'S FAME IS DIRECTLY ATTRIBUTABLE TO WHOSE AGENDA? WHO CONTROLS IT? WHO PROMOTES HER? ON WHOSE BEHALF? WHY? HER FAME IS THE DIRECT RESULT OF A CONSPIRACY. BUT FOR THIS CONSPIRACY, SHE IS UTTERLY IRRELEVANT AT BEST, AND PURE EVIL AT WORST... Want the clearest evidence that Sarah Palin was told directly to align with 9/11 co-conspirator Netanyahu rather than 9/11 co-conspirator GHW Bush? Can you imagine a GOP upstart intentionally pissing off the Bush family - not returning GHW's phone calls? Clearly she'd received word from the Rupert Murdoch wing that Bush was marginalized, and she needed to align with Netanyahu to succeed. Google this: "george hw bush" + palin Then Google this: netanyahu + palin Five Minutes with John Reiss, Executive Producer of Hardball Five Minutes with John Reiss, Executive Producer of Hardball from NY City Lens on Vimeo. “Hardball” EP Named MSNBC EP of Political Programming Too His boss, President of MSNBC, is Phil Griffin: MSNBC Phil Griffin (Jewish spouse: Kory Apton) – President Who Controls the News? (Part 1) His boss, President of NBC News is: Steve Capus (Ashkenazi Jew) – President His boss is Ted Harbert (Ashkenazi Jew) – Chairman, NBC Broadcasting And then we have: Bob Epstein (Ashkenazi Jew) – Executive Producer, “Nightly News with Brian Williams” Betsy Fischer (Ashkenazi Jew) – Executive Producer, “Meet the Press” Nancy Nathan (Ashkenazi Jew) – Executive Producer, “The Chris Matthews Show” David Corvo (Jewish spouse: Michele Willens) – Executive Producer, “Dateline NBC” Mark Lukasiewicz (Ashkenazi Jew) – Vice President, NBC News Specials and Digital Media Alexandra Wallace (Ashkenazi Jew) – Senior Vice President Cheryl Gould(Ashkenazi Jew) – Senior Vice President Summary: Of the sixty-seven(67) senior executives of the major television and radio news networks, forty-seven(47) are Jews or have Jewish spouses. This is a numerical representation of 70%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are over-represented among the senior executives of the major television and radio news networks by a factor of 35 times(3,500 percent). WHO ACQUIRED MSNBC AND CANNED KEITH OLBERMANN? Brian L. Roberts (Ashkenazi Jew) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Who Controls the television? Keith Olbermann In Hollywood Reporter: Talks MSNBC Exit, Says He Hasn't Spoken To Maddow "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981) Bachmann: America ‘cursed’ by God ‘if we reject Israel’ Comment posted February 8, 2010 @ 10:29 am in article: It’s no wonder Bachmann speaks so fondly of Israel. They’ve provided her and her family members free annual vacations to Israel every year she’s been in office–to the tune of $44,380. Most recently, in July-August 2009, Bachmann and her daughter traveled to Tel Aviv on the dime of the American Israel Education Foundation, living like royalty in $500-a-night hotels. Cost of the trip for Michele and Elisa Bachmann: $19,414.74, covered entirely by the Jewish group, which is affiliated with the powerful pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee). They each even got a nice photo album from their hosts as a momento of their junket. In 2008, Bachmann and her husband, Marcus, traveled to Jeruselum, this time courtesy of the Jewish Community Relations Council. Cost of trip: $7,170. In 2007, Michele and Marcus jaunted off to Tel Aviv with the American Israel Education Foundation picking up the tab again, including luxurious $436/night hotels. Cost: $17,796. It’s not like Minnesota’s 6th District is heavily Jewish or anything. That matters little to our bought-and-paid-for congresswoman. What really matters is that for their $44,380 investment in Bachmann, the Israeli/Jewish lobbyists, er, "educators," have gotten a loud mouthpiece to drum up support for Israel among the evangelical Christian base. At the 6 February 2010 Republican Jewish Coalition in Los Angeles meeting, she stated: I am convinced in my heart and in my mind that if the United States fails to stand with Israel, that is the end of the United States. Political Positions of Michele Bachmann Click on the links here and find out WHO CONTROLS AMERICA. Is this the new and improved version of "Israeli Art Students?" "Israeli Scouts": These look like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to you? GOT COVER STORY? IMAGINE ANY OTHER COUNTRY COMING TO THE UNITED STATES TO RECRUIT ENLISTEES IN THEIR MILITARY AND/OR BRAINWASH US CITIZENS... Pacifists assail Israel Scouts for recruiting army enlistees overseas Israeli scouts in South Florida sing, dance, answer political questions Israeli "Art Students" spy ring busted on 9/11: Jack Otto, famous for his 'Forbidden Knowledge', gives a compressed version of understanding on the hidden history of the Khazar empire, the Illuminati, the banking cartel and their links to the New World Order. UPDATED:U.S. Taxpayers Raked Over The Fake War Coals Again and Again Below: "terrorist" (wink wink) Adam "Pearlman" Gadahn: Does anyone believe this BULLSHIT anymore? Are they that arrogant with this FAKE TERRORISM that they think we can't and haven't ever looked this stuff up ourselves? This guy again??? Huffington Post writer Sam Stein writes an article saying "Al Qaeda terrorist" (wink wink) Adam Gadahn is going to exploit a loophole in America's gun laws to get his "terrorists" (wink wink) guns. Maybe HuffPo writer Sam Stein doesn't realize there's such thing as the INTERNET and people like me KNOW and have been posting for YEARS about how "terrorist" (wink wink) Adam Gadahn is JEWISH and has relatives in the ADL (Jewish anti-defamation league) and that WE ALL KNOW FOR YEARS THIS IS FAKE TERRORISM. Here's just one of many videos people like me have been posting for YEARS (Hey, Sam Stein of HuffPo, didn't you get the memo about this??? Or are you "in on it": all this FAKE TERRORISM on behalf of Israel?): Now here's HuffPo's Sam Stein, doesn't this look SILLY after seeing that video above? HuffPo's Sam Stein: White House Taking 'Seriously' Al Qaeda's Eying Of America's Gun Show Loophole Now take a look at WHO IS BEHIND GUN CONTROL, do you see a pattern here? Who is Behind Gun Control? Most U.S. Federal gun control legislation has been written, introduced, and sponsored by Jewish Congressmen and Jewish Senators. So let's recap, I suppose this is a coincidence: "terrorist" (wink wink) Adam "Pearlman" Gadahn is really Jewish and has relatives in the ADL, Sam Stein the writer for HuffPo pimping this fake terrorism is Jewish (?), and all the gun control laws proposed in the U.S. congress are by Jewish senators & congressmen. ONE BIG COINCIDENCE, RIGHT??????????? Facebook quietly switches on facial recognition tech by default: Tag, you're it. Zuckerberg amps up data-farming mission creep War by Deception 2011 (Full Movie) Dismantling the Hidden American Enemies Christopher Bollyn completes book "Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World", available FREE online. Christopher Bollyn MASSIVE BIN LADEN BULLSHIT Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there! (note: the above in this post contains enormous contributions from frequent BDBB commenter plunger) Here's a good one: family that had their home FALSELY foreclosed on (they didn't owe the bank anything)...FORECLOSES ON THE BANK FOR DOING THAT TO THEM: Bank of America Gets Pad Locked After Homeowner Forecloses On It fyi.........don't feed the homeless: Four arrested for feeding homeless Governor Abercrombie unveiled a 90-day plan to tackle the homeless problem, and it includes discouraging feeding people in parks or other public places. 10 Indications The United States Is A Dictatorship ...and here's more proof: fascism is corporations/government/police are all the same. So, if you don't pay a loan, the corporations/government/police handcuff you: SO WHERE'S MY $5000 ????????? If you're a billionaire or even a millionaire, please click on the $5000 PayPal donation bill below and donate $5000 to Big Dan's Big Blog. ANY millionaire or billionaire should do this, INCLUDING Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann...ANY rich person. If I don't get enough donations, I will continue this blog: ATTENTION ATTENTION - ORDER A GREAT JOHN NIEMS CD at and you get FREE 9/11 DVD and other TRUTH DVD'S! ORDER TODAY as the rapture may come again soon! YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN THE BIG CHEESE IS COMING!
Keith Olbermann In Hollywood Reporter: Talks MSNBC Exit, Says He Hasn't Spoken To Maddow
Gordon Duff on the wars:
Inside job: full movie:
CIA’s Bin Laden Hunter Ordered to Stand Down 10 Times
Will The Banksters And The Corpocracy Eventually Own It All? 29
ReplyDeleteStatistics About Extreme Income Inequality In America That Will Blow
Your Mind
The Truth About 'Fluoride'
ReplyDelete(or what every Mother should
The Boiling Frogs Presents Paul Craig Roberts
ReplyDeleteConnecticut Decriminalizes Real Pot, Criminalizes Fake Pot
SWAT team busts into house over student loan default
Notice the shocker: it's a black guy. ALWAYS a black guy!
ReplyDeleteThis is proof of fascism: corporations run the government, by default they run the police.......people don't pay loans, corporations arrest them, IE: corporations/govt/police (all the same thing under fascism) arrest them.
Hello debtors' prisons and robber baron era.! It's complete!
September 3, 2008 video posted of Palin shot by the CBC (at 2:09 mark) features NO ISRAELI FLAG on her office window.
ReplyDeleteSomebody needs to force her to answer the question...
"What is the name of the friend you claim went to Israel and gave you that flag?"
The video shot by the Israeli film maker was allegedly shot on April 8-9, 2008.
I GUARANTEE YOU he put that flag in her window for that shoot specifically. She took it down.
FYI - the comment system as acting hacked. Not surprisingly.
It took multiple attempts to get the above posted.
ReplyDeleteI have a question: if the Jewish population in the United States is 2%, but they are in close to 90% (anywhere from 70-90) of ALL the important things in America (FED, Hollywood, media, sports, etc...), is this not a concern nationwide to the other 98% that 2% of our population controls our news, entertainment, money, banking, etc...?
ReplyDeleteIsn't that DISCRIMINATION? Shouldn't there be some AFFIRMATIVE ACTION to get more DIVERSIFICATION in all of America's most important controlling systems? News, money, entertainment, etc...?
ReplyDeleteWell get this: I can't even update anything on blogger. I get an error.
ReplyDeleteService Unavailable
Error 503
Every Gentile in the media industry understands first-hand the actual discrimination at the highest levels of management. They simply cannot become the top guy in most cases, regardless of qualifications. I'm not guessing, I heard/saw it directly from a brilliant man who otherwise was on a path to become the top executive at ABC. He simply left - as he could not advance, and knew it.
ReplyDeleteWell, guess what? Half my post just disappeared, see for yourself.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how long more than half this post "disappeared"...but I recreated almost all of it.
So I recreated it from that.
"But that doesn't explain why the entire post from this sentence down "disappeared":
John Coale: Coale, a well-known Washington lawyer and the husband of Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren, drew national media "
The above is where the entire post got cut. That was MOST of the post "disappeared".
In fact, I recreated it from THIS THREAD WE ARE NOW IN...and like an idiot just now, I hit "refresh". Thank God I'm done recreating it from this post before I hit "refresh" like a dummy just now.
ReplyDeleteSave everything - as they will eventually make everything you ever posed disappear. Evidence of their conspiracy - by their own actions.
ReplyDeleteOK, I'm not touching this post anymore.
ReplyDeleteI touched it.
ReplyDelete(just kidding)
Follow the US taxpayer money through Rockefeller's IRS to Rothschild's IMF - who loan it to countries with the intent to enslave them
John Niems We
ReplyDeletehave a WEINER on the LEFT and a BONER on the RIGHT! Reminds me of an
old college football cheer: HIT THEM IN THE LEFT KNEE _ HIT THEM IN THE
9/11 Victims' Family Members Demand News Coverage Part 4/4
FBI Busts Man Duped In Facebook Ploy
ReplyDeleteFormer wife posed as 17-year-old in online scheme
REPORT: How The Kochs Built An Oil Speculation Empire
Holy crap, I just realized NAZI is in ashkenazi
ReplyDeleteRich, Famous and Powerful Converge at Bilderberg
I thought of this, yes didn't steal it: anyone who says the word "conspiracy" is actually "in on it" or the article is. Notice the word "conspiracy" is in that article above about Bilderberg.
ReplyDeleteIs that a good one? If someone says "conspiracy", they're "in on it"? It's true!
ReplyDeleteIs Jesse Ventura being paid or encouraged in some way to marginalize himself? What next? Is he going to load up on massive quantities of downer, blow and Jack?
Create a following behind a charismatic leader as a limited hangout strategy - then marginalize the leader and leave the followers wandering in the wilderness...
Tea Party
Who else?
The Pied Piper of Hamelin is the subject of a legend concerning the departure or death of a great many children from the town of Hamelin (Hameln), Germany, in the Middle Ages. The earliest references describe a piper, dressed in pied (multicolored) clothing, leading the children away from the town never to return.
That article says Bilderberg was formed to stamp out anti-Americanism. (lol)
ReplyDeleteAnd it's secrecy causes "conspiracy" theories.
How about this question: why are they "secret"? DUMB FUCKS WHO WROTE THE ARTICLE......
My friend on facebook asked "Guess how much my hospital bill was for one day with an irregular heartbeat?"
ReplyDeleteI posted this:
Here's his doctor who gave him the bill:
The zionists in the white house are suddenly leaving one by one.
ReplyDeleteDavid Axelrod went to Chicago too?
Why? What's going to hit DC?
I'm starting to think Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich are Pied Pipers.
ReplyDeleteAgree...they make a lot of noise, draw out those who agree with them, and then NOTHING HAPPENS...other than those self-identified followers being profiled and categorized by the NSA / Poindexter for abuse by the Shadow Government.
ReplyDelete"END THE FED" is nothing more than a ploy to see who their enemies are.
If they weren't all blackmailed tools, they'd already be dead or ousted.
Bottom line - if the media covers them and makes them household names...they are Pied Pipers....TOOLS.
ReplyDeleteThis is supposed to be a great site:
First Ventura leads his followers into the massive disinformation of Dr. Judy Wood, then converts himself into a cartoon character. What's next in the script?
ReplyDeleteThe part of Who Controls America? that says Who Controls Hollywood? explains why there's been no big 9/11 truth movies in the theaters, not even a fiction one. Not allowed in Hollywood.
ReplyDeleteMichael Leiter counter terrorism chief (jewish) resigns:
The Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, Michael Leiter,
ReplyDeletehad some qualified good news for the Senate Homeland Security Committee
on the terrorist threat from al-Qaida in Pakistan, where al-Qaida leader
Osama bin Laden is believed to be hiding.
During WW II Lockheed (unbelievable
ReplyDelete1940s pictures). This is a version of special effects
during the 1940's.
I have never seen these pictures or knew that we had
gone this far to protect ourselves.
During World War II the Army Corps of Engineers needed
to hide the Lockheed Burbank Aircraft Plant to protect
it from a possible Japanese air attack. They covered it
with camouflage netting to make it look like a rural
subdivision from the air.Read more:
Thursday, June 9, 2011
ReplyDeleteThe Handling of the Economic Crisis May Lead to Civil Unrest
Is this the new and improved version of "Israeli Art Students?"
ReplyDelete"Israeli Scouts"
These look like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts to you? GOT COVER STORY?
ReplyDeletePacifists assail Israel Scouts for recruiting army enlistees overseas
Clearly, there is literally nothing they won't do "by way of deception"
ReplyDeleteThe first link here goes to a Miami Heat interview, but if you look in the menus of other videos to the right, you'll see the "Israeli Scouts" video. Maybe you can post the correct link directly to it.
ReplyDelete9/11 CLEAR bomb going off in WTC BEFORE first plane EVER hit
I fixed the link.
ReplyDeleteOur system is failing and there is NO fixing it.
There is so much inequity built into the system, at every level, the
only answer is a complete collapse. This collapse will leave a
generational scar, so that humanity never again consider fractional
reserve banking and the war machine it enables. Until that collapse, the
Elite will do what they have always done, create more debts and wars.
In my opening blog post this year, Doom is Always 6 Months Away, I wrote that the Elite see their power paradigm collapsing on its own cancerous self. A
silver default, debt doom, dollar collapse, peak oil or whatever leads
to the end of the Anglo American Petro Dollar financial paradigm. I
hypothesized the our Anglo-America Elite might need to pull off 3 false
flags in order to fail forward. This might include the typical Military
false flag, an Economic false flag and an Internet false flag. These
dramatic measures will seem necessary to the Elite and the horrific toll
on humanity will be justified in their minds. This upheaval will be the
time for the Elite to settle all of the threats to their power
Truth about Fukushima
Leuren Moret: Scientists Declare Northern One-Third of Japan Uninhabitable and Should Be Evacuated
Note that there are now rumors about Hillary bailing on DC as well...
The financial system is on the brink of collapse
ReplyDeleteafter trillions in bad loans were issued by greedy bankers. If you were a
U.S. political figure, would you: A.) Tell everyone to suck a lemon, and (maybe) let the economy implode.B.)
Fire the bankers who made the bad loans, prosecute the guys who broke
the law and guarantee a portion of the loans in a grin-and-bear-it show
of good faith.C.) Reward the bankers who made the bad loans with
billions of dollars in bonuses and guarantee every loan with U.S.
taxpayer money (with interest, because we borrowed the money from
Hey Danno...
ReplyDeleteDid you know they are tracking you with face recognition on Facebook?
Turn it off:
ReplyDeletePalin rolled her eyes at President Obama's Israeli foreign policy, adding "America is on the wrong side of history."
There's a solution to Obama's "flirting with disaster," suggests
Palin, "We the people need to rise up, saying we'll take a stand for
Israel. We'll be on their side," no matter if our 'temporary leader'
sides with terrorists and demands Israel negotiate with terrorists.
Palin supported Prime Minister Netanyahu's outright and much
publicized rejection of President Obama's call for Israel to move its
borders back to pre-1967, pointing out the audacity of President Obama
lecturing Prime Minister Netanyahu on peace - at the same time he's
urging him to "negotiate with terrorists."
Continue reading on Sarah Palin: Obama is ’our temporary leader’ Israel is our lasting friend - National Political Transcripts |
So let's recap: instantly fired or jailed for saying something about Israel/Jews: Helen Thomas, Rick Sanchez, Octavia Nasr, Jim Traficant, etc...
ReplyDeleteSo what did Anthony Weiner REALLY do?
I never watch the mainstream media "news", but I left my TV on last night and was fading in and out of sleep and a major network channel was on. All I heard was ANTHONY WEINER ANTHONY WEINER ANTHONY WEINER
So, we have so many sex scandals going on, why Anthony Weiner? We're not lacking for sex scandals: Ensign, Schwarzenegger, Edwards, etc...
WHO ordered Big Media to cover Anthony Weiner 24x7???
ReplyDeleteNice one!
ReplyDeleteI posted this post (the one we're in, BDBB June 8) and got a security check on FaceBook when I went to post it.
ReplyDeleteMy guess...ARNOLD!
Talk radio overwhelmed with calls about Bilderberg meeting
Ron Paul "What Should The Role Of Govt Be? For Me It's To Promote Liberty & NOT Police The World!"
Is Ron Paul the Kucinich of the right?
ReplyDeleteMy friend said he'd vote for Ghadaffi over Ron Paul, I had to laugh at that one. He said Ghadaffi has done more good for his people than any of our leaders. He said he'd vote for Ahmadinijhad over Obama, too.
I was thinking, what did Weinergate wipe out of the "news"? Answer: Schwartzgate.
ReplyDeleteThe Rise of the Second-String Psychopaths
War On Drugs = Big $ For Private Contractors
ReplyDeleteI just used this link to shut of mine and my wife's, and passed it along. And yes, exactly as it says, it was "enabled" although we did not enable it.
ReplyDeleteAn "accident" by Zuckerberg. I suppose he's Jewish?
ReplyDeleteFinally - I've been trying for a while now to post a comment, disqus just had little dots running in this edit box and I couldn't type anything. Of course right after I emailed you it starts to work!
ReplyDeleteHey - Look who's at Bilderberg: Hughes, Chris R., Co-founder, FacebookFull List:
Well that was interesting - that captcha thing wanted me to type the words upside down. So I figured I better spin my keyboard around to do it - that worked!
ReplyDeleteDisqus - what a piece of crap - I had that "Full list..." on a separate line and it went and scrunched it all together!
ReplyDeleteThe little dots happened to me several times in the past. I shut the thread and reopen it, that usually works. Today, the entire comments wouldn't come up, I thought they were gone like my post.
ReplyDeleteI think that has to do with discus now copying over the tabbing marks, which I don't like that. That's why plunger's comments have so many spaces in them, mine too sometimes.
ReplyDeleteFrom BB2's link
Alexander, Keith B., Commander, USCYBERCOM; Director, National Security Agency
Altman, Roger C., Chairman, Evercore Partners Inc.
Bezos, Jeff, Founder and CEO,
Collins, Timothy C., CEO, Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
Feldstein, Martin S., George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University
Hoffman, Reid, Co-founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn
Hughes, Chris R., Co-founder, Facebook
Jacobs, Kenneth M., Chairman & CEO, Lazard
Johnson, James A., Vice Chairman, Perseus, LLC
Jordan, Jr., Vernon E., Senior Managing Director, Lazard Frères & Co. LLC
Keane, John M., Senior Partner, SCP Partners; General, US Army, Retired
Kissinger, Henry A., Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
Kleinfeld, Klaus, Chairman and CEO, Alcoa
Kravis, Henry R., Co-Chairman and co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis, Roberts & Co.
Kravis, Marie-Josée, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.
Li, Cheng, Senior Fellow and Director of Research, John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution
Mundie, Craig J., Chief Research and Strategy Officer, Microsoft Corporation
Orszag, Peter R., Vice Chairman, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc.
Perle, Richard N., Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
Rockefeller, David, Former Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank
Rose, Charlie, Executive Editor and Anchor, Charlie Rose
Rubin, Robert E., Co-Chairman, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury
Schmidt, Eric, Executive Chairman, Google Inc.
Steinberg, James B., Deputy Secretary of State
Thiel, Peter A., President, Clarium Capital Management, LLC
Varney, Christine A., Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust
Vaupel, James W., Founding Director, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Warsh, Kevin, Former Governor, Federal Reserve Board
Wolfensohn, James D., Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC
Notice Peter Orzag: look in here for Peter Orzag -
Rubin's on the attendee list as well. Clearly, they are above the law. Rubin will never serve a moment in prison. None of them will.
ReplyDeleteOrszag is an economist who served six years in the Clinton
administration (1993-98) under Robert E. Rubin, the former treasury
secretary who recently resigned from his senior position at the woefully
mismanaged and nearly bankrupt Citigroup. The fact that Orszag was a
protégé of the now disgraced Rubin certainly does not bode well for the
Obama administration. Rubin strongly opposed the regulation of
derivatives when such regulation was proposed in 1997. Credit
derivatives of mortgage-backed securities were the key reason for the
recent failure of a number of large financial institutions, including
AIG and Citigroup.
1999, Rubin joined Citigroup as a board member and a participant "in
strategic managerial and operational matters of the company." The Wall Street Journal
noted that Citigroup shareholders suffered losses of more than 70
percent since Rubin joined the firm and that he encouraged changes that
led the firm to the brink of collapse. In December 2008, investors filed
a lawsuit contending that Citigroup executives, including Rubin, sold
shares at inflated prices while concealing the firm's risks.
Alternative to facebook:
LOL!!! I just spotted this in the main posting:
ReplyDelete"(note: the above in this post contains enormous contributions from frequent BDBB commenter plunger)"
Apparently there is no smaller font size available for you to have used.
Well concealed! ;-)
It only took me 4 days to spot it.
ReplyDeleteNicely played!
I appreciate you running my blog for me. I'm OK with you naming it after yourself, and commenting from time to time.
Twisting the Israeli agenda so as to entrap Christians in it - via their religious indoctrination:
Who do you suppose invented "Christian Zionism?" When and how did they conceive of it? Who did they assign to script the message, and where/how do they promote it?
Palin is yet another tool in this grand conspiracy.
OK, it's time for me to finally admit the truth - Plunger is really Big Dan. By that, I mean I've been using the Plunger pseudonym for years as a way to talk to myself online when no one else is around for me to talk to - except for me.
ReplyDeleteThere, I said it - "Plunger" is really me.
No one is laughing?
ReplyDeleteThat's it, I've had it - I quit blogging!
I'm back
ReplyDeleteBelieve me now?
ReplyDeleteI crack myself up...
SO WHERE'S MY $5000 ?????????
ReplyDeleteI thought of the perfect comparison for politicians who put Israel before us:
How come no one's using that analogy? I just put that in this post.
It's GENIUS, I tellz ya!
I tried putting it in invisible ink, but that didn't work.
ReplyDeleteI laughed above.
ReplyDeleteLOL, I'll split it with you, if a millionaire or billionaire gives me $5000.
ReplyDeleteI thought I'd put up that $5000 donation thing for rich people and some rich guy would do that. It might happen. Hey, the odds are better than the lottery! Right?
We have to start throwing around words like "TREASON" and "BENEDICT ARNOLD" when our politicians speak like they do about Israel.
ReplyDeleteOnce the billionaires screw over the millionaires, and then the trillionaires fleece the billionaires, only then will the presumed rich come to realize they've been tools of the true masters of the universe. Even Warren Buffet is not safe. He's blackmailed for his 9/11 foreknowledge.
ReplyDeleteAll of these allegedly conservative (fascist) agendas have consequences which the billionaires will assume were unintended - but they're simply short-sighted.
Look at Walmart. What began as a Made In The USA concept bought into the globalist outsourcing agenda - at what cost? Their customers are now unemployed, and live far enough away from the nearest Walmart that the intentionally high cost of fuel is preventing them from driving to Walmart...the unintended consequence of which is Walmart's falling profits.
They thought they were the masters of the retail universe - but they didn't think it all the way through - and screwed the pooch. Now they are THE symbol of corporate greed - and its consequences.
Take away social security. Take aware Medicare. Watch what happens to business when you do. Who's going to the store? Who's going on a cruise?
Those affected will be real millionaires and billionaires who run these corporations, and allowed themselves to be used to destroy what America once was - to the detriment of all of us - themselves included.
Paper wealth is not true wealth. When the masters of the universe turn off the internet, close the banks, and change the forum of "currency," will the millionaires still be rich? Really?
OT, but I thought I'd throw this one out there:
ReplyDeleteJames Arness could pound the shit out of John Wayne.
Any thoughts?
You saw my rants about cable/satellite, how their $24.99 package is really $50, the $49.99 package is really $100. I told you I threatened to get an antenna and get FREE TV.
ReplyDeleteWell, I did. My friend made me a homemade antenna. I put it on my roof, hooked the DISH cables to it, and I get over 20 HDTV channels crystal clear FREE.
There's a channel called "ME TV", they play old TV shows, real old, like Perry Mason.
They play "Marshall Dillion", not Gunsmoke, but Marshall Dillon, the pre-cursor to Gunsmoke. It's in black and white. And let me tell you, James Arness kicks ass and he ain't "foolin' around", he's hardcore.
I also got Magic Jack phone. For $19.99 a year, you hook Magic Jack to your computer, just plug the USB into your computer. I now get unlimited local & long distance calls for $19.99 a year.
ReplyDeleteBasically, I told cable/DISH/DirecTV/Verizon to go fuck themselves with their high prices.
Those two things save me over $1500/year.
ReplyDeleteAnd I STILL get TV and make phone calls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
your computer has to be on for that to work, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteSo if all of these connections are so easy to discover in the public domain on the Internet, it's a simple matter to understand how Israel's Likud, with the resources of Mossad, is able to blackmail the entire lot of them - and control whether particular stories ever see the light of day in their controlled media. They have the audio tapes, bank records, emails - all of it.
ReplyDeleteDrug money is the funding source for all alleged terror. The drug masters (GHW & Likud - with the cover of Mossad, CIA & DEA) run the largest organized crime syndicate ever conceived.
They were either going to kill Spitzer, or ensnare him in a honey pot scheme, and blackmail him into working the tubes for them. The list of similarly inlisted tools reads like a who's who of what passes for television news.
They all know that GHW Bush is doing the bidding of David Rockefeller - and that Israel is blackmailing all of them. Everyone in the halls of alleged power in DC knows the entire truth about 9/11. They all live in fear - under constant threat - via blackmail.
from the last link above:
ReplyDeleteThe links with Texas politicians began in the 1970s, according to
Unger. He says a businessman, Jim Bath, acted as local partner both for
Mr Bin Mahfouz, and his close friend Salem bin Laden.
Both young
men were heirs to family fortunes. Mr Bin Laden was also the eldest
brother of Osama bin Laden, who was many years later to turn into the
world's most reviled terrorist.
In 1977 Mr Bin Mahfouz with Mr Bath and John Connally, [former treasury secretary] bought the Main Bank of Houston.
1982, according to the author, Mr Bin Mahfouz and his brothers, with
the Texas Commerce Bank, developed a Houston skyscraper. The bank was
the family firm of James Baker, the former White House chief of staff.
But the cool thing is it sends you an email with any voicemail. That's another thing: voicemail, call waiting, etc...EVERY feature possible is FREE with the $19.99 per year. So you can check voicemails in your email. If you check your email on your cell phone, you can check your voice mails on your cell phone. That's about a dollar a month for telephone, Bubs!
ReplyDeleteWhen are cable, DISH, DirecTV, Verizon, etc...going to lower their prices when there's Magic Jack for $1/month and FREE antenna TV with High Definition?
All of the foregoing was posted by me, Big Dan, under my "Plunger" nom de plume.
ReplyDeleteYou have to be INSANE not to get Magic Jack. You have to want to pay $50/$75 a month on phone rather than $1. You really have to evaluate what the fuck your doing, if you don't get Magic Jack.
ReplyDeleteHere's a deal: get Magic Jack and PRETEND you still have Verizon, and send me $75 a month and I'll forward $1 to Magic Jack for you! lol
Want the clearest evidence that Sarah Palin was told directly to align with 9/11 co-conspirator Netanyahu rather than 9/11 co-conspirator GHW Bush? Can you imagine a GOP upstart intentionally pissing off the Bush family - not returning GHW's phone calls? Clearly she'd received word from the Rupert Murdoch wing that Bush was marginalized, and she needed to align with Netanyahu to succeed.
ReplyDeleteGoogle this: "george hw bush" + palin
Then Google this: netanyahu + palin
The antenna: my friend made me a homemade antenna for $40. If you have DISH, if you go up on your roof or wherever the DISH is, you will see two double cables going into the DISH satellite. I put my antenna in a stand next to the DISH satellite.
ReplyDeleteNow get this, I thought of this and they said this wouldn't work: the DISH satellite has two boxes in your home to work 4 TV's. That's why there's two double cables going into the DISH satellite on your roof. Each double cable goes to ONE of the boxes in your home which in turn works TWO TV's.
So we know ONE double cable works TWO TV's. The double cables look like ONE cable except at the end they split into TWO.
So I hooked up ONE of the TWO splits of each double cable to the homemade antenna. So one of the two split ends of each cable is just hanging there not connected to anything. So now each ONE double cable is now working ONE TV in my house and not TWO anymore. the point where each ONE connects to a TV in the house, I put a splitter on it to go to the other TV.
Now the beauty of it is all the wiring was already there from DISH. Think about this: the actual DISH box USED TO BE THE SPLITTER. Because each double wire went to a box near ONE TV and then another wire came out the back and went to the other TV. Each box works TWO TV's, remember? So the wiring is already there!
My splitter in the house replaced the box which split to TWO TV's.
And this worked, even though I was told it would not work.
BASICALLY, to make a long story short, I used the already existing DISH wires for my antenna.
Now I could've hooked each double cable (which splits on each end = 4), all 4 to my antenna, but that would be redundant, since the DISH box (two of them in your house for 4 TV's) split them anyway. That's why I left ONE end of each double wire on my roof just hanging there and split them at the point where each DISH box was in my house. And keep in mind: all this wiring is already there because of the DISH hookup, and it's better wiring than your can buy, it's really thick and sturdy.
Does that make any sense? I hope so.
And btw...I was told to buy an antenna for each TV, but I hooked up all 4 TV's to ONE antenna, and it worked. I was told this would not work. I don't know why it works for me, but it works.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there's people who think I am plunger. lol
ReplyDeleteBuildingWhat? on Geraldo Nov 13 2010
Where is the link for the above?
ReplyDeleteAnd I am!
ReplyDeleteI should put out a post: "I AM PLUNGER", to freak people out.
ReplyDeleteSo, in the above, it says Bush Sr was in a CFR meeting with Bin Laden's brother. Did Bush Sr turn to him and say, "HEY! YOU'RE BROTHER JUST KNOCKED DOWN THE TWIN TOWERS!!!!!!!!!!"??????????????
Now people will think I'm crazy talking to myself like this. See, I've created this following and now I'm marginalizing myself. I'm not only Plunger, I'm Dennis Kucinich and Jessee Ventura too!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to disreality...I'm really Karl Rove:
The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based
community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions
emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and
murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut
me off. "That's not the way the world really works anymore." He
continued "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own
reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you
will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study
too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors ... and
you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
Suskind, Ron (2004-10-17). Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush. The New York Times Magazine.
The unidentified aide is widely said to be Karl Rove.
No, he likely turned to him and said:
ReplyDelete"Thanks for all your help and for coming to the viewing party - I'll make my jets and pilots available to transport your family out of the country immediately. Give my best regards to your father"
10 Things Mainstream Media Has Said About Bilderberg Group 2011
ReplyDeleteLook, the truth is that dozens of the most powerful people on the
planet are not meeting in utter secrecy just to play poker and smoke
They are having very real discussions that will have a very real influence on the direction of world events.
If that doesn’t fit in with how you prefer to view the world, that is
too bad. The ultra-elite are going to keep on doing what they are
doing whether you acknowledge them or not.
In fact, they would very much prefer for most people to keep on
ignoring them because that makes it so much easier for them to achieve
their goals.
Sadly, most Americans will completely ignore the Bilderberg Group in
2011 because the mainstream media is telling them that it is not an
important event.
So what do all of you think about the Bilderberg Group?
Please leave a comment below and lets get a good healthy discussion going!
A new initiative could deprive Israeli human rights organizations
ReplyDeletethat cooperated with the Goldstone Commission from benefiting from
National Service civilian volunteers.
Behind the initiative is MK Israel Hasson
(Kadima ), who recently asked Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz (Habayit
Hayehudi ), the minister responsible for the National Service
administration, to formulate new criteria for determining which
organizations in the country are eligible to receive National Service
volunteers, as part of new legislation that will govern the activities
of the National Service.
See, I can make you look batshit crazy, BD. Now if you were to provide me with the appropriate credit for the contributions I make here, in say, a SKYSCRAPER-SIZED FONT - I might be willing to re assume my own identity.
ReplyDeleteRaise your hand if you think the same people who staged the Bush 2000 election fake protesters who were bused in, did this too:
With full complicit media pushing the story.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone really think there's a big clamoring of people who will get up off their ass to protest Weiner? I don't.
I guess there's no protesters concerned about: Schwarzenegger, Ensign, Edwards, etc...just Weiner. No one cared about: Vitter, Sanford, Craig, Gingrich, Giuliani, etc......only Weiner.
ReplyDeleteThis question has been deleted:
ReplyDeleteBilderberg 2011: "I don't have to tell you, and you don't need to ...1 answer - 5 hours ago
So who's who at Bilderberg this year? Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of, Chris R. Hughes, Co-founder of Facebook, Eric Schmidt, ... › ... › News & Events › Current Events1 answer - 5 hours ago
So who's who at Bilderberg this year? Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of, Chris R. Hughes, Co-founder of Facebook, Eric Schmidt, ... › ... › News & Events › Current Events
Chris R. Hughes, co-founder of facebook, is on the Bilderberg attendees list:
Listen to this socio-political song "senator":
So the Founder of Facebook is at Bilderberg and the
link is busted.
Got it.
My friend John Niems has written THE song for the 9/11 anniversary, download it now for $.99 (99 cents):
It's called "Road to Ground Zero", download it NOW! for only 99 cents
If that's a facebook link, you may have to be a facebook member to see it. I probably shouldn't post things from facebook here. Somethings you can see, some you can't, which I don't know why. That Ken Doc is my friend on facebook, he's massive with 9/11. He crushed Dr. Judy Wood fans on facebook relentlessly. He said he'd "unfriend" anyone who posts anything about Dr. Judy Wood. lol
ReplyDeleteHere: Ken Doc's facebook link leads to this non-facebook link, which I think is the same thing.
This is interesting:
ReplyDeleteGo to Microsoft Word, Type (in CAPS ) "Q33 NYC" (The flight that hit the
twin towers)next change the font Size to 48 and Now the most
interesting part, Change Font to "Wingding"...and BOOM. Your evidence!
9/11 Truth ~ Hollywood Speaks Out - Full Movie
Did you ever notice EVERY Hollywood star who is a 9/11 truther is portrayed as "nuts" by the media?
ReplyDelete9/11 CNN No Plane at Pentagon Original Footage
Alex Breaks Down Video of Bilderberg Members Confronted by Protesters & Takes Your Calls 1/3
Rare footage: 2011 Bilderbergers mountain walk - can you name them all?
Yeah, she looks really "well" -
She's doing so "well", that she's "having trouble stringing together sentences"...according to the "TV guys".
ReplyDeleteHere's the before/after I found:
But there'll be idiots going around saying, "Hey! Didya see? Gabrielle Giffords looks great!"
ReplyDeleteGabrielle Giffords is doing HORRIFIC! - bd
ReplyDeleteMASSIVE POST by Washington's Blog, proving to me that he thinks 9/11 was an inside job:
ReplyDeleteHigh-Level American Officials Admit that the United States Uses False Flag Terror ... And Warn of Future Attacks
9/11: Enhanced WTC1 Video (NIST FOIA - CBS-Net Dub6 04)
Let's talk about the missing/stolen $12 billion in Iraq:
In that video, it's down to $6 billion, they forgot we can google up all the original $12 billion articles.
Now let's talk about this: I'm beginning to think it wasn't "stolen". I think it was on purpose, maybe a payment of some sort or someone in the Bush administration (or several in the Bush administration) "stole" it.
Whaddya tink?
Who sends $12 billion on forklifts to a war zone? They want us to think they were inept/incompetent...I think they want us to think that. Now I do, at least. I don't go for the "inept" crap anymore. Now I look back on this, and who would send $12 billion in cash to a war zone with no security if they didn't know it was going to be "stolen"?
Fake revolutions:
Former German Minister Of Finance, Peer Steinbrück, has likely had far more pleasurable hikes than that one.
ReplyDeleteTHE CYBER FALSE FLAG (the recent alleged Lockheed Martin hack surely was one - to lay the groundwork for the actual false flag plans)
ReplyDeleteGHW's CIA just telegraphed its next move - take down the internet:
CIA Chief Leon Panetta: Cyberattack Could Be 'Next Pearl Harbor'
“This is a real possibility in today’s world,” he said. “As a result,
I think we have to aggressively be able to counter that. It is going to
take both defensive measures as well as aggressive measures to deal
with it.”
The Obama administration recently unveiled its proposal for global cybersecurity.
Statements from the Pentagon have also indicated that the government
will consider cyberattacks originating from foreign countries to be
equivalent to acts of war meriting military response.
Incompetence is ALWAYS the excuse, and NEVER the truth.
ReplyDeleteBremer flew plenty of it back with him when he returned home - to deliver it to his actual employers. Now when Iraq sues the US to get even more money - "The Boys" will figure out he to steal that US taxpayer money too. How much did GHW get? Rockefeller? Israel?
I was talking about this with John Niems: we said the same thing - they actually told us what their next move is!
ReplyDeleteProblem, reaction, solution.
ReplyDeleteAll they really need to do is take the whole thing down, then bring it up on a prioritized basis - with their friends and business associates coming back online first. Banks, financial institutions and corporations will scarcely skip a beat, while their enemies - those marked for destruction - die on the vine.
Liberal blogs will be disappeared - as will all of the evidence of 9/11 truth
They can do it as many times as they want to - and blame it on incompetence and terrorism.
Priced In Gold, The Median Home Price Is Down 80% In The Past Decade
ReplyDeleteHere's the test-run for the future "dissident Internet" or "shadow Internet" that will be relied upon here in the US - all of which will serve as a pied-piper to lure the shadow government's enemies into a trap.
OK: now that we know one of the "kids" who started facebook is attending Bilderberg with David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, etc...
ReplyDelete...raise your hand if you think "two young kids" started facebook with no help at all.
Not on American TV: Cynthia McKinney says NATO bombs civilians and universities in Tripoli, Libya:
She has to go on Russian TV to tell us this.
Funny - I felt like all I needed to do was prove her to be a lunatic on her Hurricane Erin theory (which I clearly did) to avoid having to try to dissect and debunk all of her 9/11 claims. No one even mentioned her Hurricane Erin tripe.
ReplyDeleteYeah, you're the only one. Weird. They spent 100% more time and research than you did. All you did was use the hurricane angle.
ReplyDeleteThree Percenters
ReplyDeleteYou may already know what an Oath Keeper is. But what is a Three Percenter?
US data: 90% of captured 'Taliban' were civilians
ReplyDelete9/11 Truth from Director of US ARMY War College