Gallop's attorney even paid to put out a press release, yet no news organization has touched it:
Bush cousin presides over 9/11 suit against Cheney, Rumsfeld, Myers
Extraordinary Conflict of Interest: Bush Cousin Presides Over Federal Court Case Against Former Bush Administration Officials
Kevin Barrett speaks with attorney William Veale immediately after Veale’s appearance in court with April Gallop
April Gallop, Military Officer, Pentagon 911 Victim, Sued Cheney, Was In Court Today~News BLACKOUT; the judge is George W. Bush's cousin!
Wikipedia: Bush's cousin is the judge.
Tuesday, April 05, 2011 - 911 Appeal case, 2nd Circuit Court in New Haven
This is what REAL AMERICAN HERO'S look like:
I have to cover this, because the mainstream "liberal" (lol) media isn't!!! Actually, neither is independent media! And why isn't Democracy NOW! covering this, btw??? Or "judge" Napolitano? That means this is HUGE!!!!!!!
Our government and courts are so taken over, just forget about any justice anywhere. It's all a big joke. The mainstream media is taken over, it's a joke, too. How can they not cover this? I know how: because they're in bed with our corrupt government. There are no fair trials, it's all rigged. And idiots wonder how 9/11 can be covered up? THIS IS HOW!!!!!! RIG THE COURTS! RIG THE MEDIA! The mainstream media "happens to" parade the FALSE perpetrator of 9/11 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed THE SAME DAY AS THIS to distract from their non-coverage of this! It's no accident! This is soooooooo easy to see what's going on here! And btw, why isn't "DEMOCRACY NOW!" covering this? Is "judge" Napolitano covering this? Is ANBCBSNNX covering this? Rush Limbaugh? NOBODY except in other countries like France....because they want to keep you DUMB & STUPID! And not question 9/11. The SAME people who did 9/11 (and it ain't "the muslims") took over our government years ago and also took over the mainstream media. The mainstream media "news" speaks for them.
Here's how "news psy-ops" works: don't cover a story, so those who mention the FACT that this court case is going on, are appear "nuts"! Now you know one of the elements to covering up the 9/11 inside job: the mainstream media is in on it (they were from the very beginning and still are) and they won't cover any stories like this, so then people who talk about it are "nuts". And create some SHILL websites like "Screw Loose Change" and put some stories out there on the internet that April Gallop is "nuts" simply for telling the truth about what she saw firsthand. But don't DARE discredit her in the mainstream media, because that would draw attention to the FACT that this court case is even going on! Step one is to TOTALLY IGNORE THIS! That's STEP 2, to discredit her in the mainstream media. It hasn't advanced that far yet. Step 2 will occur if this gets enough attention. That's how it works. Ghandi said: First they ignore you, then they make fun of you, then they fight you, and then they lose (or something like! I do a lot of this stuff by memory, I'm not looking up the exact quote!). But I know this: Step 1, the most powerful step, is to totally ignore something is happening, so it appears "nuts" to talk about it. And that's the step we're in. NO ONE is covering this! This is how it works! I'm wondering myself if this is actually going on! But I posted Kevin Barrett's interview about the court case. Yes, it's really going on! April 5, there was a court case about April Gallop suing the Bush administration about 9/11 at the Pentagon!
The mainstream "news": STILL doing their job covering up 9/11: they parade THIS story around with this picture they have ingrained in our minds of a guy they waterboarded 180+ times to get a "confession" - the "mastermind of 9/11" (I thought it was Bin Laden!):
9/11 Mastermind, 4 Alleged Henchmen to Face Military Tribunal cover up THIS story (the timing couldn't be any better):
Amidst Growing World Doubts About 9/11, Career Army Officer Takes Bush Administration Officials to Court April 5th Represented by the Center for 9/11 Justice
You can see the mainstream media at work today...there will be NO COVERAGE of April Gallop today. She was IN the Pentagon on 9/11 and says there WAS NO PLANE and the story was FABRICATED. The most powerful thing they can do to discredit her (the people who did 9/11) is to have their mainstream media not cover her and put out stories like the "screw loose change" story calling her "nuts", same playbook for almost everything. Look at this video, does she look "nuts" to YOU? She looks like a very intelligent EYEWITNESS telling the TRUTH to me! Yeah, I did something they don't want us to do: I ACTUALLY WATCHED HER SPEAK FOR MYSELF!
NO MAJOR "NEWS" OUTLETS when you do this, and notice an article from "screw loose change" discrediting her happens to come up first:
Google ""april gallop" april 2011"
Now this, you see major "news" outlets:
Google "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed april 2011"
911 Appeal case, 2nd Circuit Court in New Haven
Thursday, July 13, 2006 - Interview with April Gallop
plunger [Moderator] 3 hours ago
Man, it sure is easy to spot the govt. psyop operatives in that GW thread. When you get "stupid, idiotic and UFO" in the same sentence, attacking the messenger, that's pretty much the "tell" that the Air Force CyberSecurity hit squad is In-The-House!
All other arguments aside re: how it came to pass that Rumsfeld left his office (without a pager or a cell phone) for 40 minutes - serving to guarantee that the ONLY person authorized to respond to an attack from the air was incommunicado - the most compelling evidence of a government coverup is this:
No satellite imagery of the Pentagon on 9/11 depicting the aircraft striking the building. It's not like they don't have the images from their satellites on that day. They clearly do. Clear skies, no obstruction by clouds, a bright and sunny day.
The overhead view of a perfectly-lit bright silver aircraft contrasted against the dark green lawn just prior to impact would be the compelling visual proof of their story.
That's the dog that didn't bark. The images not released.
It didn't happen. - plunger
It's not a REAL court case - it's a rigged fake "hearing."
Will there even be a record that it existed? Will there be a record of a ruling on a motion during this fiasco?
The attorney should have walked out on the lot of them when they denied his motion to have Judge Walker recuse himself - and then went on to deny the attorney a continuance for an opinion on said denial.
It's over. This will never be heard in a court. The three judge panel attacked the attorney - and that's it.
You know exactly how they're going to rule. - plunger
9/11 Pentagon: Hunt the Boeing! And test your perceptions!
People connected to the U.S. and Israeli governments did 9/11 and blamed Muslims, then we tortured them to get "confessions":
torturing Democracy
Jesse Ventura says on mainstream TV that 9/11 was an inside job; watch the SHILL George Stephanopoulus who works for the unelected people really running this country:
Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!
FBI spied on little kids for days at a time, documents reveal
All the people we're supposed to think are "NUTS" are actually telling the truth. Louis Farrakhan tells the TRUTH; WHO is telling us that Louis Farrakhan is "nuts"? Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, the mainstream media, politicians...HEY! They're the SAME ONES telling us the evidence-free official 9/11 story is true, THE SAME GUYS:
New World Order Ball: From 9/11 To Egypt
If you frequent this blog, over the years you've no doubt noticed I always say the biggest media propaganda in this country are the AM radio "news briefs" at the top of the hour, they're just a minute or so long. You can't find archives of them anywhere or look them up on the internet. So, yesterday, I'm listening to the radio and on the AM radio "news briefs", I heard the biggest bullshit story of all time, designed to cause fear in people who are unemployed. This was on the AM radio propaganda "news briefs" yesterday:
Unemployment Increases Premature Death Risk
Here's all you need to know about gas drilling in Pennsylvania (fracking): laundromats are banning people from washing their clothes there because of CHEMICALS in their clothes! The politicians and the gas companies are lying to us...but the free market doesn't lie! NO WASHING CONTAMINATED CLOTHES IN OUR LAUNDROMATS BECAUSE IT WRECKS OUR MACHINES! What does this say about the health of the people whose clothes these are?
Laundry owners: Leave dirty gas drilling clothes in hamper
How about THIS one: Pa. legislators propose "ROYALTIES" if gas drillers drill on state owned college campuses! First of all, isn't that really a TAX? And Gov Corbett won't tax the gas drillers? How about we call the taxes ROYALTIES, then, and charge them ROYALTIES? Second: we know how dangerous gas drilling is...and we're going to let them drill on college campuses where are kids are? How do Republicans get away with proposing a TAX on gas drilling so as not upset their base? CALL IT "ROYALTIES"!!!
Bill eyes campus gas lease royalties
Japan: Risking generations of radiation
Fukushima worker refuses to reveal own radiation exposure level
Interesting how the oligarchs want you to fear EVERYTHING, when it serves their purposes, yet go so far out of their way to tell you to be brave, when it does not. Meanwhile, in the No Reason To Trust The HappyTalk file:
Radioactive iodine was found in milk on the West Coast, proving for the first time that Japan's nuclear crisis is affecting U.S. food.
It's not radiation that kills, it's the Fear Of Radiation that kills - so says CBS. - plunger
Food radiation fears move to forefront: In the U.S., the fear of radiation from Japan is so great that even figures meant to reassure can instead cause alarm
Radioactive Iodine-131 in Pennsylvania rainwater sample is 3300% above federal drinking water standard
'No safe levels' of radiation in Japan; Experts warn that any detectable level of radiation is "too much".
Why is Japan dumping radioactive water into the ocean?
...and while WE are fucking around with dinosaur fuels and Japan is in a nuclear meltdown with nuclear energy, Spain jumps ahead of us in FREE RENEWABLE wind energy! You know why? Because we have BAD LEADERS WHO ARE IN THE POCKETS OF BIG OIL:
Wind Becomes Spain's Biggest Energy Source
We Are One - The Fight is Just Starting (Labor Rally in PA.) Wow! - pics - z
Passionate speech of farmers solidarity in WI - Doug
GOP Mistress Gets the Mine While WI Public Workers Get the Shaft. Sex scandal adds steam to powerful WI recall locomotive...
Gov. Walker's Wisconsin 'Union Busting' Exposes 'Tea Party' Scam, Duped Americans: Time for those formerly hoaxed by duplicitous corporate schemes to wake-up and smell what billionaire sociopaths are shoveling...
Dr. Cornel West:"Obama becoming puppet of Wall St Oligarchs"
Hey Mitch, how can we Republicans DESTROY things we always wanted to like Medicare & Social Security...but make it seem like we're "fixing" it? Mitch? Mitch? You OK? You seem like you need Medicare!
They just won't quit until we're a 3rd world country: Republicans want to TAKE DOWN MEDICARE! Do you still think the mainstream media is "liberal"? Google "Republicans Medicare", and you'll see the Republicans want to "REVAMP", "CHANGE", "TRANSFORM", "PREMIUM ASSISTANCE" etc...Medicare...not DESTROY IT:
House Republicans propose deep cuts to Medicare; essentially privatizes it.
Why is Japan dumping radioactive water into the ocean?
ReplyDeleteJapanese officials allowed owners of the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant to empty tanks holding 10,000 tons of slightly radioactive water into the ocean – in order to make room to pump highly contaminated water out of reactor No. 2.
Wind Becomes Spain's Biggest Energy Source
ReplyDeleteWind power energy was the main source of electricity in March.
'No safe levels' of radiation in Japan
ReplyDeleteExperts warn that any detectable level of radiation is "too much".
Operation "Recipe Retrieve" from the movie "BEERFEST"
Israeli-Arab actor shot dead in West Bank
ReplyDeleteJuliano Mer-Khamis, prominent director and political activist, gunned down in Jenin where he ran a community theatre.
Because this man made machine was never designed to withstand all that nature can throw at it. There is no such thing as perpetually pouring sea water on it as a "solution" to prevent environmental catastrophe. It's a total joke. It is a catastrophic failure of humanity, by definition, and nothing man can do now can stop it from taking its course now. Use of the words "regain control" are pure fantasy. They might just as well stop trying. They broke it, and there's no "fixing it." It was always going to fail some day, by design. The day is here. Look at the aerial photos of the entire site - including the height of the structures. Bury it? With what? How? By whom?
ReplyDeleteApril Gallop - French coverage:
And this:
You know how this post is mainly about April Gallop?
ReplyDeleteWell the fix is in: one of the judges is George W. (Walker) Bush's uncle: John Mercer Walker, Jr,_Jr.
Hey: why is my Burger King "time to die" icon on that French site, or am I imagining that?
ReplyDeleteI always come up with these good questions... this one good?
If DN! isn't covering April Gallop, what does that say about DN! ???
ReplyDelete...correct me if I'm wrong, but DN! appears NOT to be covering April Gallop!
ReplyDeleteThat should be a story in itself:
ReplyDeleteAsk: Amy Goodman
ReplyDeleteTuesday, April 05, 2011
ReplyDelete911 Appeal case, 2nd Circuit Court in New Haven
Thursday, July 13, 2006
ReplyDeleteInterview with April Gallop
April Gallop worked inside the Pentagon on 9/11, as an administrative specialist (with a Top Secret with SCI clearance) with the U.S. Army. It was her first day back from maternity leave, after delivering her son Elisha, then two and a half months old.
April is a very brave woman. She and her son suffered tremendous injuries and trauma on 9/11, but they both made it out alive to tell their story.
Me: April, did you hear any warning alarms go off before the Pentagon was hit on 9/11?
THIS IS A KILLER! I just remembered this:
ReplyDeleteEarlier in the day, I had the AM radio on and the "news briefs" said, I kid you not:
And you know what? I'd LOOOOOOOOVE to get copies of these on the hour AM radio "news" briefs, I've been writing about them for YEARS.
ReplyDeleteTHEY are the pulse of the shadow government, and you can't find archives of them anywhere! Try it! I'm going to start maybe recording them and posting them on youtube.
ReplyDeleteBreaking "news": WORKING leads to an early death!
ReplyDeleteDid you notice the "news" says how many Japanese died from "the tsunami"? But doesn't break down how many actually died from the RADIATION vs the tsunami? I thought I saw 10,000 Japanese died because of "the tsunami". What if 500 died directly from getting hit by the water and 9,500 died from radiation?
ReplyDeleteIsn't that a good way to cover up exactly how many Japanese died from radiation? Couple it in with the general stat of how many died from "the tsunami"?
ReplyDeleteHere's how psy-ops in the media works: I MYSELF even question if this April Gallop thing is happening! When the mainstream media doesn't cover something, people tend not to even talk about it, lest they appear "nuts" to others. The general population isn't hearing about the April Gallop thing, so those who mention it are "nuts" because no one's talking about it. That's how it works.
ReplyDeleteAnd btw...why isn't Raw Story covering it, as well as Democracy NOW!
WHO exactly is covering it? wtf? A couple of blogs? Not even any big independent media?
ME??? I'm covering it?
It's an actual court case going on...but if you even MENTION the FACT that this court case is going're "nuts"!
Man, it sure is easy to spot the govt. psyop operatives in that GW thread. When you get "stupid, idiotic and UFO" in the same sentence, attacking the messenger, that's pretty much the "tell" that the Air Force CyberSecurity hit squad is In-The-House!
ReplyDeleteAll other arguments aside re: how it came to pass that Rumsfeld left his office (without a pager or a cell phone) for 40 minutes - serving to guarantee that the ONLY person authorized to respond to an attack from the air was incommunicado - the most compelling evidence of a government coverup is this:
No satellite imagery of the Pentagon on 9/11 depicting the aircraft striking the building. It's not like they don't have the images from their satellites on that day. They clearly do. Clear skies, no obstruction by clouds, a bright and sunny day.
The overhead view of a perfectly-lit bright silver aircraft contrasted against the dark green lawn just prior to impact would be the compelling visual proof of their story.
That's the dog that didn't bark. The images not released.
It didn't happen.
Listen: I don't see ANYONE covering this! I just went on What Really Happened, and see no mention of it!
ReplyDeletewtf? it's like it isn't happening!
ReplyDeleteWe're in DEEP SHIT if What Really Happened isn't covering it!
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones is the only one covering it.
ReplyDeleteThe ONLY one!
ReplyDeleteIt's a goddam court case, for christ's sake! Not even independent media is covering it?
ReplyDeleteYou see it's actually going on, there's an interview with Kevin Barrett about it I posted.
ReplyDeleteSee? This is how it works: I'm wondering MYSELF if it's even going on!
ReplyDeleteNo one DARE report on this!
ReplyDelete(except ME...tee hee)
ReplyDeleteUnemployment Increases Premature Death Risk (brought to you by the elites that want you to have 3 low paying jobs, like Bush said to that woman, "Ain't that uniquely American?" When this old bag who should be retired said she had 3 jobs:
ReplyDeleteIt's not a REAL court case - it's a rigged fake "hearing."
Will there even be a record that it existed? Will there be a record of a ruling on a motion during this fiasco?
The attorney should have walked out on the lot of them when they denied his motion to have Judge Walker recuse himself - and then went on to deny the attorney a continuance for an opinion on said denial.
It's over. This will never be heard in a court. The three judge panel attacked the attorney - and that's it.
You know exactly how they're going to rule.
Radiation takes longer to die from...and they will call those deaths something other than that so as to hide the cause and effect - just like they are with the Ground Zero workers. You've never heard one of those deaths referred to as resulting from Asbestos Exposure.
ReplyDeleteBesides BD, here's the ONLY coverage of yesterday's April Gallop hearing:
BTW, I think David Icke must me onto something when he speaks of these oligarchs and their sub-agents as lizards. Mitch McConnell? Look at that guy!
ReplyDeleteNancy Brickman wrote this:
ReplyDeleteI have to breath before I write this...
We have been trained so well to not see what is blatant and in our face.
Our skies have been stolen and we are being poisoned.
We waste our wealth on the war, on everything, as our planes bring in the drugs to steal our youth and put them in prison.
I reach for strands to show me how to go forward with so much before us.
We as a people stand with our hands hiding our eyes.
Our votes are stolen before us.
We are trained to ask the ridiculous question about the tree that falls in a forest.
We are trained that some things are unthinkable (or else).
How will we stand, when we fall?
ReplyDeleteThey changed the Wikipedia entry for Bush's uncle the judge in the April Gallop trial SINCE YESTERDAY:,_Jr
No it didn't change: FaceBook just doesn't want to go to it! I noticed that happens in FB a lot!
ReplyDeleteHere's the John M. Walker Jr entry in Wikipedia:
I started noticing, "Hey! wtf? I just posted a bunch of comments there!" Then I began investigating.
ReplyDeleteI had one guy in FB in a chat room, I would post a comment, then say, "Did it show up for YOU?" Keep in mind, it shows up for ME...but not someone else. Then we worked it out, I figured out how to post comments that are being deleted in FB.
ReplyDeleteSo when is blogger going to start messing with links like FaceBook does?
ReplyDeleteYou'll have to test whatever you post after you post it!
ReplyDeleteDoes it appear to you like the oligarch's intent is to shut down the government - at least the visible part? They've set it up perfectly for each side to blame the other. Why not assume that Rockefeller wants to see the thing totally shut down?
ReplyDeleteIf you were David Rockefeller, and your goal were to destroy the US and foment global chaos to usher in your new world order, would this be part of your plan - leaving US troops stuck in far-flung places with no budget and no way home? Do you really believe they sent the National Guard overseas by accident, or was that the precursor to Martial Law using private contractors here at home?
ReplyDeleteU.S. military troops at war in Iraq and Afghanistan would receive one-week’s pay instead of two in their next paycheck if the government shuts down this weekend due to the federal budget impasse, according to a senior defense official.
The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss personnel issues, said the military can’t be paid during a funding lapse until a new appropriations bill or continuing resolution is passed by Congress.
If the funding bill expires on April 8, it will be in the middle of the military’s two-week pay period, so Pentagon would send out paychecks for just the first week of the pay period, said the official.
Check this book out:
ReplyDeleteWhere Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-energy Technology on 9/11
ReplyDeleteHe seriously looks like he might be dead.
ReplyDeleteWhistleblowers, the unsung heroes of American society, are routinely persecuted, prosecuted and terrorized by the government, in an effort to discredit their reports, deny their constitutional rights, destroy their lives and careers. We will bring their shocking stories to the public. The truth is no longer a secret.
Is this the truth or misinformation:
ReplyDeleteWhere Did the Towers Go?
Without even looking - which I have yet to do, I can tell you by observation that NYC was under exceptional high pressure on 9/11 just by looking at the video from that pristine day. That very high pressure is what steered the hurricane away from the US Mainland. There could not have been a hurricane anywhere within 500 miles - and there wasn't. Whoever is saying that a hurricane was "just outside Manhattan" is tied to massive disinformation, and you should assume that everything else they are saying is suspect. Note - Bermuda is not Ground Zero - not even close...
ReplyDeleteNY to Bermuda is 769 miles (1238 km) (669 nautical miles)
At its closest approach, Erin passed 105 miles (170 km) east-northeast of Bermuda near peak intensity, and subsequently weakened as it turned to the east.
So, to review, if you perceive Chicago to be "just outside Manhattan" - then so was Hurricane Erin. Chicago is 790 miles from Manhattan, and Erin never got closer than 750 miles from Manhattan.
Is Dr. Judy Wood steering people away from the EVIDENCE of nanothermite as the proximate cause for the towers collapse?
Weekend At Bernies...Mitch "Bernie" McConnell
ReplyDeleteDead Senator Roams Halls Of Congress
ReplyDelete"I've heard that the radiation accumulation is not linear but exponential ... too many uncertainties to gamble with one's life if you don't have to ... if all turns out okay, let's say in six months, one can always return."
Conflicting reports
Just as there are studies saying that even Chernobyl was not so bad, there is also no shortage of papers and articles showing the reverse - that Chernobyl's effects were dire and far-reaching.
the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the World Health Organisation estimated that 9,000 would eventually die from being exposed to radiation and that 50 deaths were directly connected to the explosion.
Compare that to what the National Commission for Radiation Protection in Ukraine told The Guardian newspaper in 2006 - that in that country alone, "500,000 people - perhaps more - have already died out of the 2 million people who were officially classed as victims of Chernobyl".
The point here is that once contaminants such as Iodine 131 and Caesium 137 (I-131 and Cs-137) get into the air, water and soil, there is a certain element of the unknown in determining the damage - current and future - they do to the exposed population.
For example, in 2004, a group of Swedish scientists blamed 849 cancer cases in their country on radiation from Chernobyl. While their findings were questioned by the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority, there is no real way of calculating how many cancer deaths are linked to Chernobyl.
Picture how much contamination these individuals are experiencing taking off their "protective" suits each day - and putting them on the next
dead men walking
Good, thanks for the opinion.
ReplyDeletesee it on Wikipedia...that's where I got the official coordinates. there was NO CHANCE it could possibly hit manhattan. None.
ReplyDeleteThat you tube video of the track of Erin only looks suspicious of you're looking for a conspiracy including HAARP. Compare it to the prior hundred or so hurricane tracks and you'll see how common it looks. Hurricanes do get turned by massive steering currents, and chart a course for Bermuda most of the time. Do a search to see how many Hurricanes have ever hit Manhattan FROM THE EAST - in history.
ReplyDeleteGo back and review the actual hurricane forecast from prior to 9/11 and listen the forecasts. NOBODY predicted it could make landfall in the US.
Convincing you co conflate HAARP, directed energy weapons and 9/11 is a ploy. The more muddy they make it, the less likely they are to have a consensus aligned against them on one given narrative.
ReplyDeleteThe narrative and actual facts are irrelevant. All that matters is WHO DUNNIT
Did they have to invent the word "distification" to promote this concept?
Whether they used anything beyond thermite is IRRELEVANT. Stick with the evidence.
Madison Avenue going minimalist - in the hopes they can maximize the returns on Wall Street,
Reevaluate literally everything about you truther friend - the timing of your meeting, how it came to pass, how you were drawn to believe him, etc.
ReplyDeleteWhat you are linking to here is very clever limited hangout...late in the game, where they are letting someone claim the government did it, but that space aliens with laser beams, is association with HAARP and weather control - were all in on a grand conspiracy.
Do you see building 7 and are you content with your prior theory and observations?
Stick with the known , obvious and provable.
Invisible weapons from space is exactly what they would love to have BD hang his credibility on.
Reveal the truth of their effort to pull you into that orbit - and how the game of limited hangout and psyop is really played.
Hurricane my ass.
ooops "dustification"
ReplyDeleteGallop's attorney even paid to put out a press release, yet no news organization has touched it:
thumbs up
ReplyDeleteI can't believe ANYTHING instantly, until I deeply evaluate it. So, true or not, I wouldn't believe it until time passed by and I digested it and thought about it from many different angles and researched it thoroughly. Part of my research, btw, is what I did here: post about it and ask others opinions. So thanks for the opinion. Appreciate it.
I'm kind of using this comment thread getting things from Facebook, putting them here, getting your responses, putting them on Facebook, etc...
ReplyDeleteAlso, I pointed out plunger speaks and your diary eerily deleted from firedoglake.
More Black Men Now in Prison System than Were Enslaved
ReplyDeleteLaw Professor Michelle Alexander says the shocking incarceration rate is due to the War on Drugs, a war waged almost exclusively in poor communities of color.
Nuclear power: it's safe until it isn't!
ReplyDeleteHey, btw: I forgot to mention for days now, they're starting with the patented "human shields" shit with Ghadaffi.
ReplyDeleteEVERY TIME we attack someone, we say they're using civilians as "human shields", how many times over the years have I said that?
ReplyDelete"Here we go again: whenever we go into a country, that country happens to suddenly have "women suicide bombers"...that they never had before we got there.......once again........... -
Google "women suicide bombers Pakistan"
In the above Google search, do you see any "woman suicide bombers" before we got there? It's the same fucking story time after time! I hope you're not that stupid. Next up, we'll see "children as human shields" in the country. It's the same shit over and over! Maybe you just don't see it, and now that I pointed it out you will see the pattern. Do you think when we occupy, bomb, or invade a country, a bunch of guys go, "OK, the infidels have come here, bring out the women suicide bombers and let's start killing ourselves."?"
Here's a search on "human shields" on my blog:
Monday, May 31, 2010
ReplyDeleteIsraeli SPOKESLIAR says the activists had sharp metal objects!!!!! Now, are you going to believe Israel's "human shields" bullshit next time they kill civilians, now that you know they are LYING here??? Here's how you know this is a LIE: they couldn't have know the activists had "sharp metal objects" BEFORE they attacked them!!! So they attacked them...and THEN checked that they had "sharp metal objects"? And so what if they did? "Sharp metal objects" against the Israeli army? Maybe they were their kitchen knives or nothing even existed. I'm SURE (sarcastic) that a boat full of activists who told the world ahead of time what they were doing, had "evil plans" to attack the Israeli army with "sharp metal objects". I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH BULLSHIT IN MY LIFE!!!!! TO HAVE THE BALLS TO EVEN SAY THIS IS BREATHTAKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here's one where I called it AHEAD OF TIME!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWednesday, July 8, 2009
Big Dan's Big News July 8, 2009
You wanna see bullshit propaganda? Take a look at this video below: Taliban training children suicide bombers. "U.S. officials say..." and a highly regarded Pakistan general reading off a teleprompter to the side like an infomercial. And a "Taliban spokesman" is interviewed with a towel on his head! Really? Why didn't you just grab him and throw him in jail, instead of interview him? You can see the tire on the motorbike the suicide bomber was riding. The tire is still basically intact, some bomb, huh? Shouldn't it be in a million pieces? Is this anything like the DEBUNKED "Iraqi women suicide bombers with Down's Syndrome" or the FAKE Bin Laden videos??? Did you ever notice that there's no suicide bombers in a country until WE get there? And they kill each other instead of US??? So, there's no suicide bombers in, say, Iraq, and then WE get there, and they decide to start killing their own with suicide bombs, but they didn't before? Then we can blame THEM when WE kill them! Wake up!!! And many CHILDREN have we killed in Iraq? About a MILLION??? Check this out (Feb. 4, 2008)...and then this (Feb. 20, 2008). the only problem with the 2nd retraction, is that not only weren't there any Iraqi women suicide bombers with Down's Syndrome...THERE WEREN'T ANY SUICIDE BOMBERS! WE DID IT! We do it all the time, and blame suicide bombers! Here's another one. The tipoff is "children" or "women" suicide bombers, to shock you! You'll also see "officials say" or some whacko general in the puppet government saying something, "our guy" out there in the foreign country. When Iran claims that WE are doing things like that, we call them "nuts", right? Maybe they're telling the truth! The "military media" can't even make a believable propaganda video anymore. This video is like a Saturday Night Live video! "We're in Pakistan now...START RUNNING THE 'WOMEN & CHILDREN SUICIDE BOMBERS' stories! Dust them off!" Next up: the "HUMAN SHIELDS" propaganda stories!
May 11, 2009
ReplyDeleteWhen the U.S. or Israel kills civilians, you can count on their PR to trot out the "human shields" propaganda! Remember, first the U.S. denied killing Afghan civilians. Then they backtracked. Now, they're saying "human shields". The ever-changing story in the "news".
I can go on and on with the "human shields" bullshit, but you get the picture. Just search my blog for "human shields".
ReplyDeleteSunday, November 18, 2007
ReplyDeleteMichelle Malkin Employs The Nazi Media "Human Shields" Strategy In Her Latest Propaganda Article Of Lies
2007 right when I first started this blog! I knew of this "human shields" bullshit!
ReplyDeleteYouTube: "Libya Human Shields":
Google: "Libya Human Shields" -
This is interesting, just found it:
ReplyDeleteCNN Correspondent Goes Ballistic Over Fox News Libya/Human Shield Report (VIDEO)
Fox News' Jennifer Griffin Admits Error In Libya Human Shield Story (VIDEO)
Here's the full results of a search for the header on google:
Clearly someone wanted that whole thing buried, real bad.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how threatening the truth is, in context.
You may have some luck poking around in here:*/
Here's the archived list of everything I posted there - by header name
Scroll to the bottom of this page and you'll see the multiple tags for one of my postings from Nov 15, 2009 - seriously scrubbed for your protection by you know who:
Here's the one you really want to find:
Connect All The Dots – Solve The Entire Global Crime
By: plunger Sunday February 22, 2009 5:53 am
Whereas every blog insists that conversations remain “on topic,” the entire global banking conspiracy is never fully revealed in one place. The intent of this thread is to allow participation by all on all topics, to connect as many dots as possible the what should be viewed as a globalist agenda by a handful of international bankers who control the entire world. Pick any topic, event, “coincidence,” or apparent instance of incompetence that has served to further their conspiracy to destroy the entire financial system, to their own personal benefit.
Tags: Geithner, new world order, bankers, rockefeller, conspiracy, rothschild
All scrubbed for your protection.
Rese over on the Nation was prolific and posted plenty of my stuff - as well as her own - scroll down to find highlighted colors:
First they ridicule you and call you a loon, then they shout you down and call you names, then they ban you, then the erase the truth, then you win.
ReplyDeleteWant to see how popular that link had become and why they took it down? Check out #5 of 535,000 results
A thinking man would conclude that Jane Hamsher's got some explaining to do. Don't think for a minute that the rebranding of the former Oxdown and Seminal into MyFDL and simultaneous banishment of myself - and deletion of my entire archive with the Orwellian message that it was my choice - wasn't somehow tied to new investment capital coming in, with related demands attached.
ReplyDeleteFollow the list of sellouts and site redesigns that just happened to coincide with the recent world upheaval.
Follow the money.
Bumper Sticker!
ReplyDeleteDoes this make any sense?
ReplyDeleteA missile, said to have been fired from Gaza, hits a "school bus" in the rear.
How many children are dead? None? Two adults were said to have been injured (likely at the front of the bus). I think it's safe to say there were no children on the bus, and the entire thing could have been a set up to achieve the desired result.
Justification for retaliation.
The "missiles from Gaza" stories NEVER made sense to me. I don't believe them. It's like "Iraqi Women with Downs Syndrome Suicide Bombers".
ReplyDelete"Missles from Gaza" my ass! And the school bus is like the "human shields" bullshit. It's getting predictable.
How about the AIM they have: they hit a school bus with a missile. It's amazing they hit ANYTHING...and they hit a school bus??? Of all things?
ReplyDeleteThe big yellow school bus makes for a nice picture, though, for sympathy.
the Hurricane Erin thread on facebook is gone, after I posted plunger's comments on it.
ReplyDeleteWell, remember I wrote to Jane Hamscher about that "editor" that kept deleting or attacking our comments on firedoglake, but in particular YOURS? And she wrote back to me and said she'd do something...then never did? And then in fact your posts were deleted?
ReplyDeleteYeah, when you park a bus alongside the road - then wait until no witnesses are around, you can just go ahead and light-up the back of it at close range, and claim it was fired from Gaza - then take some pictures and totally invent some bullshit story - with no witnesses, and cause an international incident.
ReplyDeleteWorks every time, for the false flag EXPERTS.
Whenever you hear the words "rocket fired from Gaza" - picture Israeli operatives doing it. You'll be correct more often than not I suspect.
And that tells you what?