Sunday, April 17, 2011

Big Dan's Big News April 17, 2011

On April 14th, Rep. Joe Crowley (D-NY) delivered a one-minute on the House floor.

Montana Gov. Schweitzer Fired Up His 'Veto' Branding Iron On The GOP's 'Frivolous' Legislation

Kucinich: Obama Admin Transferring Wealth to the Few

Left unsaid in Kucinich's eloquent statement is this:

The plan, from the outset, was for Obama to capture the hearts, minds and hopes of the majority of Americans - to once and for all destroy any possibility that the electoral process could ever possibly undermine the fascist agenda. It's classic bait & switch - for all the marbles. Destroying the dreams and aspirations of the majority was his assignment - on behalf of the Rockefeller/Rothschild oligarchy. Ensuring that self-defined liberals are left without choices is pure genius - by design. Just like Osama, Obama is merely an actor in the Big Play that the media would have us brainwashed into perceiving as real.

Note the 24/7 emphasis on politics over the past decade, with entire shows, and indeed, cable networks, dedicated to it. Politics is a divide and conquer ploy - bread & circuses - much ado about nothing. They have knotted-up the minds of Americans in the false flag of "politics," only to burn it all to the ground, leaving Americans unmotivated, bewildered, and rudderless - ON PURPOSE! This was planned years earlier.

That Kucinich is not willing to state these facts directly, leaves me wondering the extent to which he is part of the problem. Who among these allegedly "elected" officials will dare to speak the entire truth, and reveal the conspiracy, and the conspirators, by name? - plunger

Top 5 ways Obama has shifted to the right since the midterm elections
1) Cutting $39 Billion In Domestic Spending
2) Giving Up On Civilian Trials For Terror Suspects
3) Intervening In Libya Without Asking Congress
4) Extending The High-End Bush Tax Cuts
5) Appointing Corporate Executives To Key White House Positions

Railroad CEO laundered $$$ to Gov Walker

Remember when Wisconsin GOP governor Scott "Koch" Walker rejected $810 million to start a high speed train rail in Wisconsin, with him and Republicans calling it "Obama-Rail" (costing Wisconsin jobs, btw...):

“ObamaRail” is fast becoming the new “ObamaCare” for many Republicans.

Well, it turns out Walker actually DOES like Choo-Choo trains...but his buddy's Choo Choo trains. In particular, his buddy Bill Gardner, CEO of "Wisconsin & Southern" railroad and money launderer to Walker's campaign:

Railroad CEO charged with campaign law violations

Following an investigation that began last year—when a former female “friend” of Gardner contacted law-enforcement officials—the rail company president has agreed to plead guilty to two felony counts stemming from a money-laundering scheme Gardner initiated on Walker’s behalf, and Wisconsin & Southern has paid a civil forfeiture of $166,900. Under the plea deal, Gardner is expected to avoid jail time but serve two years probation.

Top Donor Pleads Guilty in Money-Laundering Scheme to Aid Governor Walker

Fallout between Gardner and former female 'friend' led to campaign finance investigation

Scott Walker Forced to Give Back Almost $45,000 in Illegal Campaign Contributions

Wisconsin residents can look at it this way: instead of losing $810 million (from Obama for a new high speed rail), they only lost $14 million (given to Gardner's railroad). But when you really think about it, the $810 million Walker rejected from "Obama-Rail" was a free federal money and would've created jobs in high speed rail as well as giving Wisonsin high speed rail, and the $14 million wasn't free and just went directly from the wallets and purses of cash strapped Wisconsin taxpayers who are told to cut spending because of their deficit to Walker's friend Gardner's railroad. WHOOPS!!! Nice one!

And, btw, now we have this:

Walker Seeks Rail Funds He Rejected

I don't like Obama, as I say here he's the best Republican since Bill Clinton, but let's get real FACTS ARE FACTS: the Republicans run up all the debt and it's never a crisis while they're in office, no one's trying to "cut the deficit". Then, when a Democrat gets in as president, the GOP and their minions, the mainstream media, says the debt is a "crisis" - ONLY WHEN THERE'S NOT A REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT. I read this strategy so long ago, that's how the GOP continually cuts social programs. They purposely run up debt while they're in there for things THEY WANT, which isn't what YOU WANT...then scream about "the deficit" when they're not in there and "we need to cut social security, medicare, education, health care". YOU'RE SEEING IT RIGHT NOW! Bush ran up the debt more than any president, by far, and there was no talk about "debt crisis" in the mainstream media, which proves they really OWN the mainstream media they call "liberal". But now...there's a DEBT CRISIS suddenly, when there's not a Republican president. And suddenly "we need to cut social security, medicare, education, health care"...but keep spending on the military industrial complex @ $2.5 BILLION a week. And Obama isn't continually "CAVING"...he's in on it with them. It's part of the overall strategy by the oligarchs to make it seem like we get a Democrat in there who "CAVES" but actually does the same thing and the net result is this: Republicans run up huge debts and Democrats cut social services due to the "debt crisis". I've seen this happen for many election cycles. The "cut" in the chart below is the Democrats "caving" and cutting social services. The Republicans run up the debt for the military industrial complex, then the Democrats cut social services because of the "debt crisis"...that only occurs when they are in office. Then the Democrats "CAVE"...Google "Democrats cave", "Obama caves"...they're not "CAVING", it's part of the plan. Did you ever see: "REPUBLICANS CAVE"? wtf: Oh, those "good Democrats", they really mean well, it's just that they "CAVE", they really don't want to do it (yes they do):

Our Phony Budget Battles Are All Smoke and Mirrors. Both parties in Washington have supported and sustained massive ongoing deficits propping up a crippled, state-dependent capitalism.

BUSTED: TARP-Loving, Wall Street Puppets - New GOP Leadership Caught On Tape

"Where Are The Wall Street Prosecutions!" - Gretchen Morgenson Agrees With Spitzer & Angry C-SPAN Callers

This is unbelievable: 300,000 CHILD sex slaves in U.S. - are we becoming a 3rd world country?

Radiation 20 TIMES higher in Air,water & 14 states drinking water while EPA raises "normal" levels?

Don't forget about the BP oil spill in the Gulf just because a different energy (nuclear) is in the news with the latest energy company trashing of the world:

Mystery illnesses plague Louisiana oil spill crews

Emails expose BP's attempts to control research into impact of Gulf oil spill

No, The Gulf Oil Spill Is NOT Old News

BP, coastal officials struggling over beach maintenance following oil spill

The energy companies are KILLING US!!!!!!!!!

Oil companies' new Gulf drilling plans called inadequate

Democratic report: carcinogens injected into wells

Gas prices climb…as oil prices fall ???

$5/gallon gas: Lyndsey Williams

This was banned...that's interesting, isn't it?

Jesse Venture: Police State/FEMA Camps -

John Wheeler pops up again in the (real) news:

Philip Lader’s fellow Council on Foreign Relations member John P Wheeler III was recently dumped into a land fill in Wilmington, Delaware. Wheeler III was a consultant to Mitre the non profit corporation with jurisdictional advice over the Federal Aviation Administration’s flight patterns. Was John P. Wheeler III to sentimental for the killing underway? And got murdered by the Company?

The murder of John Wheeler.

Releasing a doctored video to the public of John Wheeler and saying it's "raw footage from the security camera" is evidence of something...a cover up?

Can man cause earthquakes which in turn would cause a tsunami? Yes, it's called "HAARP". Would the psycopaths ruling the world use it for nefarious purposes? I think we all know the answer to that.

Jesse Ventura: HAARP -

AMAZING!!! Edgar Winter - Tobacco Road

Johnny Winter & Derek Trucks - Highway 61 at Crossroads

Derek Trucks/Allman Brothers: Ain't Wastin' Time No More

Derek Trucks, Steve Winwood, Eric Clapton: Crossroads


  1. Left unsaid in Kucinich's eloquent statement is this:

    The plan, from the outset, was for Obama to capture the hearts, minds and hopes of the majority of Americans - to once and for all destroy any possibility that the electoral process could ever possibly undermine the fascist agenda. It's classic bait & switch - for all the marbles. Destroying the dreams and aspirations of the majority was his assignment - on behalf of the Rockefeller/Rothschild oligarchy. Ensuring that self-defined liberals are left without choices is pure genius - by design. Just like Osama, Obama is merely an actor in the Big Play that the media would have us brainwashed into perceiving as real.

    Note the 24/7 emphasis on politics over the past decade, with entire shows, and indeed, cable networks, dedicated to it. Politics is a divide and conquer ploy - bread & circuses - much ado about nothing. They have knotted-up the minds of Americans in the false flag of "politics," only to burn it all to the ground, leaving Americans unmotivated, bewildered, and rudderless - ON PURPOSE! This was planned years earlier.

    That Kucinich is not willing to state these facts directly, leaves me wondering the extent to which he is part of the problem. Who among these allegedly "elected" officials will dare to speak the entire truth, and reveal the conspiracy, and the conspirators, by name?

  2. Lindsey Williams is unlistenable - and Alex Jones can't shut up. All Lindsey is doing is repeating the same old stuff over and over again. Lindsey, if you have new information, state it - up front. Stop filling up 2/3 of an interview with old information you've repeated a hundred times - you are driving listeners away from anything new you might have to offer.

  3. Loved the speechless minute

  4. Ironically, I put something similar in this post:

    I don't like Obama, as I say here he's the best Republican since Bill Clinton, but let's get real FACTS ARE FACTS: the Republicans run up all the debt and it's never a crisis while they're in office, no one's trying to "cut the deficit". Then, when a Democrat gets in as president, the GOP and their minions, the mainstream media, says the debt is a "crisis" - ONLY WHEN THERE'S NOT A REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT. I read this strategy so long ago, that's how the GOP continually cuts social programs. They purposely run up debt while they're in there for things THEY WANT, which isn't what YOU WANT...then scream about "the deficit" when they're not in there and "we need to cut social security, medicare, education, health care". YOU'RE SEEING IT RIGHT NOW! Bush ran up the debt more than any president, by far, and there was no talk about "debt crisis" in the mainstream media, which proves they really OWN the mainstream media they call "liberal". But now...there's a DEBT CRISIS suddenly, when there's not a Republican president. And suddenly "we need to cut social security, medicare, education, health care"...but keep spending on the military industrial complex @ $2.5 BILLION a week. And Obama isn't continually "CAVING"...he's in on it with them. It's part of the overall strategy by the oligarchs to make it seem like we get a Democrat in there who "CAVES" but actually does the same thing and the net result is this: Republicans run up huge debts and Democrats cut social services due to the "debt crisis". I've seen this happen for many election cycles. The "cut" in the chart below is the Democrats "caving" and cutting social services. The Republicans run up the debt for the military industrial complex, then the Democrats cut social services because of the "debt crisis"...that only occurs when they are in office. Then the Democrats "CAVE"...Google "Democrats cave", "Obama caves"...they're not "CAVING", it's part of the plan. Did you ever see: "REPUBLICANS CAVE"? wtf: Oh, those "good Democrats", they really mean well, it's just that they "CAVE", they really don't want to do it (yes they do):

  5. I agree. But there are those who never heard a single thing ever by him, so that's for the benefits of the lunkheads.

  6. How about the Dr. Judy Wood rift in 9/11 truth? Remember I posted in comments, "what's with this Dr. Judy Wood's 'where did the towers go?' thingy? It's getting bigger and causing a rift. There are truthers who say to read her book, even if you don't believe it.

    Richard Gage won't/hasn't commented on it. My friend spoke to William Rodriguez and he said he doesn't like her and clammed up. Things like that. Anyone who posts anything about Dr. Judy Wood gets immediately clamped on in any truth thread.

  7. I keep getting pestered to get her book.

  8. Excellent. This exact long term conspiracy needs to be proven, with the co-conspirators named.

  9. John Wheeler pops up again: look for Wheeler here -

  10. Splitting the truther movement is no coincidence. Ask Karl Rove how that has come to pass.

  11. How the Japanese nuclear industry treats its workers

  12. Now they're putting out bullshit not to buy geiger counters:

  13. Washington's DC K-Street Sex Trafficking Victims Jailed and No Help for them

  14. Here's what you get when former liberals sell out...

  15. So fracking must be a David Rockefeller program - part of his "Last Decade Of Life" initiatives - designed specifically to contaminate ground water and ultimately kill a certain percentage of people over time. Depopulation of the planet is Rockefeller's primary motivation. Contaminating water/food is part of the conspiracy (BP Gulf Spill, Fracking, Fukushima, etc.) and the energy play is simply the cover story.

    At the beginning of this decade-long conspiracy was 9/11 - used specifically to rid the US of its "National Guard" (intentionally destroyed/demoralized by their deployment to Iraq) in order to enable the implementation of Martial Law a decade later using Rockefeller's private troops.

    The actual goal of David Rockefeller has been and remains the destruction of America and the depopulation of the planet.

    Do you really believe that the Fukushima nuclear disaster was an accident, in light of the fact that Rockefeller controls HAARP?

    Who do you believe is behind the DEMAND that US taxpayers backstop the future development of nuclear power plants as the only insurer of last resort - as ruled by his puppet, Obama? Not only does Rockefeller not give a damn about nuclear safety, he is relying on future disasters to fulfill his vision, a planet with 90% less humans on it - with all of the power and control in the hands of the Rothschild/Crown/Rockefeller, etc. oligarchs.

  16. Rockefeller is just fulfilling the wishes of the Crown/Rothschilds...

    The evidence of the foregoing lies in the absence of charges or prosecutions for 9/11 - the banking crisis, and all that has followed.

    People directly involved these apparent debacles don't get imprisoned - or even lose their jobs. They all get promoted, or honored with medals - for doing an excellent job in the eyes of the real boss - Rockefeller/Rothschild

    Take one for the team, receive knighthood:


    OMG: Meet Richard Armitage, Knight Commander

    Richard Armitage, the number two man at Colin Powell’s state department, has been knighted “for services to US-UK relations.” Presumably this is a reference to his diplomatic exertions on behalf of the invasion of Iraq.

    Armitage, one of the innumerable Bush administration graduates of the Reagan era Iran-Contra school of murderous skullduggery, was made a Knight Commander of the Order of St. Michael and St. George (KCMG).

    He was joined on the honours list by several US military officers, including Captain John Peterson.

    Peterson’s claim to fame? “Peterson, chief of staff to the commander of the US navy in the Middle East, was awarded a CBE (Commander of the British Empire) for - according to the Pentagon - leading British and American forces “in the campaign to secure Iraqi oil assets” at the start of the 2003 invasion.”

    Absent his outstanding service, Iraq might be a shambles.

    The news comes to us courtesy of Chris Floyd, who notes Armitage’s efforts on behalf of US-drug dealing terrorist relations during the Iran-Contra affair, and wonders whether even higher honors might be in store for the future former president, assuming that happy designation ever applies.

    “ If Armitage gets this kind of gilded wheeze for mere minioning in some of the most murderous operations of the past half-century, then great googily-moogily, what’s George W. going to get, when he retires, for actually being the trigger-man for the world-convulsing killing spree in Iraq? Not to mention his relentless and ruthless gutting of the U.S. Constitution? What honor would suffice for this sterling service? No mere knighthood or baronage will do; Lizzie will have to adopt him into the royal family or something, name him heir to the throne.

    After all, his whole life’s work has been aimed at overthrowing the American Revolution and restoring feudal rule by aristocrats, warlords, religious cranks and simpering courtiers. Why not just bring the whole thing full circle back to Buckingham Palace?”

    Armitage — whose former boss, Powell, was made a Knight Commander of The Most Honourable Order of the Bath (KCB), one letter less but one notch above Armitage’s KCMG, for his services in the first Gulf War — was nominated for the honor by British foreign minister Jack Straw, who is no doubt in line for recognition of his own role in facilitating the Mother of All Train Wrecks in Iraq.

  17. Spitzer's role now is clearly not to reveal the entire truth behind the grand conspiracy, merely to appear sympathetic and concerned. If they have a part to play on TV, they are actors.

  18. More truth to be systematically ignored by the US media and POTUS:


  20. US Taxpayer to take it in the ass on sale of GM stock - as predicted:

    The rich get richer, while the taxpayers get the bill.

    Add this one to the growing list of lies.

  21. Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%

    Americans have been watching protests against oppressive regimes that concentrate massive wealth in the hands of an elite few. Yet in our own democracy, 1 percent of the people take nearly a quarter of the nation’s income—an inequality even the wealthy will come to regret.

  22. are we becoming a 3rd world country?

    Becoming? BECOMING YOU ASK?

    LMFAO! Shit, what do you think this is?!

  23. The liberal media - the oligarchy owns/controls the media - a bastardized and propagandized message is the best one can hope for as they cast the evening news.

  24. Media reform - quell the creeping propaganda, impression and perception management
    or continue the dismantling and destruction of Democracy.

  25. Jeez isn't this dude pessimistic,..
