Friday, February 18, 2011

Big Dan's Big News Feb 18, 2011

Kids for Cash judge Ciavarella guilty on racketeering and several other charges; confronted by angry mom outside courthouse whose son committed suicide:

Furious mother confronts Ciavarella following verdict

Ciavarella guilty of racketeering

Watch angry mom confront Kids for Cash judge Ciavarella:

Newswatch 16: parents react to judge's incarceration:

The distraught mother of a man who was jailed as a juvenile by former Judge Mark Ciavarella angrily confronted him outside a federal courthouse Friday, accusing him of being responsible for her son’s suicide.

Ciavarella trial coverage

Kids for Cash scheme:

Here's what the U.S. "government" does to truthtellering PATRIOTS like former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, who are outspoken about telling the truth and especially telling the truth about 9/11 and the shadow U.S. government...then you wonder why whistleblowers won't come forward!!!

Former CIA analyst accosted during Clinton speech about tolerating free expression

Ray McGovern Bloodied and Arrested at Clinton Speech

Ray McGovern: FOX LIED, there was NO HECKLER. I was roughed up and taken out forcefully while Hillary spoke of "freedom":

Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Beaten, Arrested for Silent Protest at Clinton Speech

NEW 911 Data On Building 6 ~ Damaged BEFORE the South Tower fell

Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!


WeAreChangeOklahoma - Newt Gingrich and Dick Cheney (CPAC 2011)

In dramatic turnaround, US to censure Israel in Security Council

Does Helen Thomas regret comments on Israel? ‘Hell no’

Israel did 9/11 and "blamed the Muslims" - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD

9/11 ANTHRAX exposed.

Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'I've Got a Lot of Problems With President's Budget'

Ron Paul "Believe Me Desire For A Warfare State & The Military Industrial Complex Is Bipartisan"

5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography! (Why Is This Not A Bigger Story?)

Vets Sue Pentagon Over Sexual Abuse Cases

79.9% rate on credit card:

9/11 Case Reopened New Evidence and Unanswered Questions

Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!

FOUR DIFFERENT SCIENTISTS (out of thousands...NONE believe the "official" 9/11 story btw...) SPEAK OUT ABOUT "OFFICIAL" 9/11 STORY:

FireFighter Erik Lawyer Slams NIST And The 9/11 "Investigation"


  1. "FOX LIES"

    Says it all.

    It is the government's propaganda arm.

  2. meaning the "Shadow Government" - the ones actually running the show.

  3. Check this out: upset parent screaming at Kids for Cash judge Ciavarella (I think this woman's son committed suicide after sentenced by Ciavarella):

    Furious mother confronts Ciavarella following verdict

    Ciavarella guilty of racketeering

  4. Oops: Fox News Airs Chants Of "Fox Lies" From Protesters In Wisconsin

  5. Fox Falsely Blames Public Unions For WI Budget Shortfall*

    Ohio’s turn to revolt: Thousands flood statehouse over anti-union bill

  6. Great video of mom of kids for cash son committed suicide:

    This judge Ciavarella is a psychopath/sociopath, he has no remorse, he said he did not wrong, he sent something like over 6,000 juveniles away in a short period of time, a huge spike compared to the rest of Pa. counties, into HIS for profit prison, him and his buddies.

  7. Exposed Media Censorship and Bias Against Ron Paul

  8. Massive Rally in Madison Too Much for the Tea Party
    Posted on February 20th, 2011

    Andy Kroll, covering the Madison rally for Mother Jones, on the weak effort by Americans for Prosperity to support Walker and his attack on the freedom to organize:

    In fact, none of the speakers at the counter-protest had any kind of substantive response to the labor folks’ position other than to call them greedy or lazy or irresponsible. And even those accusations didn’t last long. By late afternoon, the counter-protest was over, the Americans for Prosperity signs nowhere to be found. The other side of the capital, by contrast, was as loud as ever, and the biggest rally of the week would last until sundown. As I walked to a nearby hotel to write this, there were thousands of them inside and outside the capital.

    Americans for Prosperity is “a Tea Party group that is a Koch Brothers front“. Looks like the Koch’s know how to organize money better than they know how to organize people.

  9. Soooooooo............what say all you Tea Party apologists now????????????????

  10. he Republican strategy is to split the vast middle and working class - pitting unionized workers against non-unionized, public-sector workers against non-public, older workers within sight of Medicare and Social Security against younger workers who don't believe these programs will be there for them, and the poor against the working middle class.

    By splitting working America along these lines, Republicans want Americans to believe that we can no longer afford to do what we need to do as a nation. They hope to deflect attention from the increasing share of total income and wealth going to the richest 1 percent while the jobs and wages of everyone else languish.

  11. 9 11 Case Reopened New Evidence and Unanswered Questions

  12. Republicans attack unions to hurt Democrats: analysts

  13. Wherever you see the word "Strategy" in the political realm tied to "divide and conquer" - there you will find Karl Rove.

    Don't think for a moment that he ever left his overlord's payroll. The Rockefeller/Bush/Koch cabal is relying on him to destroy America as we knew it - laying the blame at the feet of their enemies.

    You can ALWAYS count on Rove inventing strategies to lay the blame for his misdeeds on others. The best way to know exactly what he's up to is to listen to the news, and assume that the opposite is true. Wherever Glen Beck places the blame, look to the polar opposite of his claims, and that's the truth. He tells you exactly what the NWO is doing, he just assigns the blame to others. When the banks and Wall Street looted the Treasury via the FED, they blamed the Unions and government employees. Got it?

    Limited Hangout and Social Engineering.

    On Giant Psyop.

  14. Im heading down there today, to bring food etc. Some of the younger folk have been at the Madison Capital day and night for 5 days now.

  15. Someone had a sign there that read "Vince Lombardi was a Democrat". They need bodies there tonight, Walker is saying he can close the building at anytime for any reason and they feel it will be harder to do that with more people there. Lots of bed rolls, cots, etc. I have some phone calls I need to make, a lot of my local is laid-off right now and I didn't see any of them, I could see not going if they had to be somewhere but they are just sitting at home. Its appears to be mostly students and younger folk although people were walking in with sleeping bags as we were leaving.

  16. I'm just saying:

    - don't put a picture of a spaceship on a 9/11 site
    - don't talk about the moon when you're talking about 9/11
    - don't quote guys telling the truth who also tell lies, quote the guys ONLY TELLING THE TRUTH


    I cannot understand this. I have no answer for this. And there's lots of them.


    I am at a COMPLETE LOSS FOR WORDS on why average people on the right are anti-union. Can someone please seriously explain this to me?

    REALLY: EXPLAIN IT TO ME, I REALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND! I'm not kidding. I need to get a grasp on this phenomenon.

  18. The only reason I can think of, of how an average worker on the "right" is anti-union, is they think the company will move overseas if they workers get paid too much.

    So, they're saying they themselves want to get paid slave wages because slave wages are better than no wages.

    That is the only thing I can think of.

    But there's several flaws in this thinking:

    - the company will move overseas or to mexico ANYWAY, because even the minimum wage here is higher than paying someone in Mexico or China 25 cents an hour

    - they are fighting for a wage that would make them in the poor income bracket, unable to sustain a family

    This is why they're anti-union?????

  19. New thread about the unions:
