Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Big Dan's Big News Jan 11, 2011

(all I'm doing is telling you exactly what the media/police/government are telling us about 3 stories: the Giffords shooting, someone connected with the White House found in a burning car due to a "crash in her garage" (???), and the Wheeler case. Do these things sound crazy? Well, it's not ME saying it!!!)

Jared Loughner, one of the gunmen who shot Rep Giffords, stands in the background during the Tucson Festival of Books. Sunday March 14, 2010 (Arizona Daily Star)

Maybe you think that I think everything is a conspiracy, but I don't. I simply point out facts and things that don't make any sense about what the mainstream media and government tells us.

Let's take the most recent story about Rep Giffords and 18 people getting shot. I have a question:

"What happened to the first reports of the police seeking a 2nd shooter?"

Now is that a "conspiracy" that I'm asking that question?

I have another question:

"How can some goofy 22 year old kid shoot 18 people in the short amount of time he did?"

Those are just QUESTIONS. Aren't they GOOD questions? I just want to know! I don't just regurgitate what the mainstream media and government says, I point out things all the time that don't make sense and I ask questions.

In the first hours after the shooting in Tucson, the question of additional shooters and or accomplices was floated by the local media. With that, the question also asked was "can you confirm she (Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords) was shot from the back or from the front" ? Why did this question go unanswered (at first) Dr. ?

Link below has the clip of Dr Richard "I dont want to get in to conjecture" Carmona. He is a former US Surgeon General apointed by GW Bush , whom presumably speaks on behalf the hospital, for some unknown reason. Possible reason - He is a SWAT training officer at the Pima County Sheriff's Department??

Dr Richard "I dont want to get into conjecture" Carmona

Rush Transcript

Unknown reporter:

A second shooter in Arizona ?

Police suspect a second gunman due to the spread of the firing on the ground and the number of victims.

Just in case you think I'm imagining it, from a few days ago here's the POLICE saying they're "actively seeking" a 2nd gunman, watch @ 3:50 in this video -

...and this video:

So, I'm just going to watch if the story of police pursuing a 2nd gunman(s) disappears. Keep in mind, Loughner is still alive, but maybe Jack Ruby will rise from his grave and shoot him.

Other STRANGE things going on:

Former chief of staff to Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.)

Body of Wife of Senior White House Official Found in Burning Car

"Turton was found dead in her car Monday morning, which was discovered ablaze in a row house garage, presumably the Turton home, in the 800 block of A Street Southeast near Eastern Market."

So let's get this straight: she crashed her car an...d it went ablaze....IN HER GARAGE??????????????

Turton Car Fire Caused by Low-Speed Crash, Police Say

Even MORE strange things going on:

We're supposed to believe according to mainstream media reports that a former Vietnam vet who started the Vietnam memorial and worked for a biochemical weapons company, at the exact time of the mass dying of birds, was robbed and then let go and then turned up dead in a dumpster while last seen at a chemical company headquarters and btw left his cell phone and his neighbor's house he was "smoke bombing" and walked around without his cell phone for 4 days leading up to his death and their were footprints in his house and the three separate events of him being robbed, killed, and his house broken into are 3 unrelated events. Oh, and the police/AP released a video purported to be "raw footage" of Wheeler on a security camera was actually someone obviously filming the security camera (this post looks like a hodgepodge, it's because I cut/paste everything about Wheeler's death in one post):

The suspicious death of John Wheeler.

Getting back to the Giffords shooting and rightwing HATESPEECH media:

‘Humor writer’ names Olbermann a ‘target’ after Giffords shooting





From Panameric in the above Raw Story thread re: targeting of Olbermann:

Like many when I was a kid the times were desperate. I was born in nineteen fifty six so if you do the math and know history then you know the era.

I remember a glaring fact from that time. Everyone the people loved or everyone who wanted to help people were shot. The shooting stopped when Nixon became president. I do not include the half baked, no chance of succeeding attempt by the Charles Manson freak, because it was stupid and outside the style of all the other execution.

The shooting style of the sixty’s returned to either eliminate Ronald Reagan or get him in line and it worked. Like G W Bush after he was worked over...I mean choked on a pretzel Reagan became a flaming prick from that moment on.

Now here we stand with the body count adding up with all of those fueling the fire of hate and division claiming there is no connection between the execution and assassination attempts sweeping the country.

Quite recently Haley Barbour gave us a lesson on how this new speak/revisionist history sounds to the ear, and how well it works on those who never give words spoken a second thought. Please don't mistake what I'm about to say as any support on any level for what this latest assassin has done and the undeserved misery that he gave to so many in Arizona, but I think it’s demands an honest look.

This person made mention to the “controlling of grammar." I think in his damaged mind what he might have been referring to is this chronic use of the Orwellian way of speaking that those in power whether government or press insist on using these days. We are told all day long war is peace, we had to destroy the village to save it, god loves you; now go die in poverty. Feel free to add your example to the list Reader, because it is in fact an endless list at this point of contradictions.

What this kid did Is the fallout from this kind of "reality creation by history's actors" and people are getting unraveled as they "judiciously study” what these “history's actors” do and are unable to make any sense of it. I know without a doubt that under the right circumstances someone can hold up two fingers and eventually get someone to believe they see five as they have been taught to believe through intense torture or as they use to call it Gas lighting. However, the failing in trying to get an entire population to believe such a thing with such a weak drug as television is impossible. You will have those who can see through it who are perfectly normal people and worse you will have people like this assassin who see, but don’t understand what it is they are seeing.

As Leonard Cohen wrote “There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in”. When that light gets in to the mind of a mentally ill person or fanatic who hears his god’s voice; the system breaks down. People die. Worse as you know this speech (grammar) technique is being pumped into and through a purposely created echo chamber to multiply it’s negative effect on the public at large thus causing these tragic event to grow exponentially and I fear we have not seen the peak yet. As long as those who are profiting from these devices continue to do so they will fight, lie and cheat to the bitter end to maintain the advantage it has given them politically and or monetarily.

With all of that said I have a possible way of cutting this blight down by at least a factor of two thirds. It’s very simple. In nineteen eighty I had to take my third class radio telephone license given by the FCC. It was no cake walk and I had to take ten weeks of broadcasting school to prepare to be on the air. Long story short I had to take an oath after I passed the test were I swore to never put any information on the air that was erroneous or superfluous ever, because the peoples air wave were sacred. If I did, my license that would be affixed to the radio station’s transmitter where I worked would be torn from that transmitter and I would never work on the air again. So, if you want to clean up this sewer we call broadcasting TV or radio, then reinstate this license requirement and that oath and of course strictly enforce the law/rule. If we do, it’s back to shortwave radio and dark, dingy meeting halls for those who are incapable of making a living as a honest broadcaster on the peoples air waves.

Special shout out to Marilyn from Tamaqua from Big Dan: "GO FUCK YOURSELF"



    (did you notice no "Muslim terror attacks" since the shootings?)

  2. I always heard people say to watch what happens when someone dies, certain family members will show their true colors.

    My father died a few months ago and he left me a 2nd house he had. It's nothing special, a very small 2 bedroom tiny home. Right after he died, two of my aunts (his sisters) and on of my dead aunt's daughters (my cousin) immediately got a lawyer and said that house was really theirs because when ever another aunt died (who originally owned) there was a will (I guess a "secret" will) giving it to them and my father stole it. And somehow "coerced" the house from her before she died about 10 years ago.

    To make a long story short, Pennsylvania law states that you have 1 year to contest a will, and when my aunt died 10 years ago and my father originally got the house, they had 1 year to contest that (10 years ago). It's "water over the dam", it should've been resolved between my aunts and father years ago. BUT...they waited until my father died to pull off this "plot" against ME, who had nothing to do with it.

    Then, after they find out there is nothing legally they can do, even IF their bizarre story was true, my one aunt just called me and said, "Let's forget about the past. I'm old, etc....". I told her basically that SHE brought up the past with this "secret will" crap and to go pound sand.

    And as I commented the other day, one of my life long best friend's mother just died last week, and now he is going through a similar thing with his brothers and sisters.

    I guess it's true: watch out for relatives true colors when someone dies in the family. A bunch of greedy sharks. I NEVER said anything, asked for anything, etc...when my father died. There were things I didn't like about who got what, etc...and I never said a word, because I'm not like that.

  3. And speaking of DISREALITY (blaming the alleged opposition for that which you are doing yourself), here's one of the oligarch's primary TOOLS:

    Rush Limbaugh: Jared Loughner Has 'Full Support' Of Democratic Party

    "What Mr. Loughner knows is that he has the full support of a major political party in this country. He's sitting there in jail. He knows what's going on, he knows that...the Democrat party is attempting to find anybody but him to blame. He knows if he plays his cards right, he's just a victim. He's the latest in a never-ending parade of victims brought about by the unfairness of America...this guy clearly understands he's getting all the attention and he understands he's got a political party doing everything it can, plus a local sheriff doing everything that they can to make sure he's not convicted of murder - but something lesser."


  4. I told my aunt that her actions were "greedy and hurtful" to get a lawyer and come after me the second my father died.

  5. With the John Wheeler thing, here is what we are expected to believe by "news" reports:

    Robber(s) robbed Wheeler, he was seen saying he was robbed, then murderer(s) murdered him (are they the guys who robbed him?), then burglars broke in his house (are they the robbers and/or the murderers?), he planted "smoke bombs" in his neighbors house 4 days before being murdered and dropped his cell phone at the scene, but traveled around for 4 days without his cell phone (what was he calling people with in those 4 days? and btw he didn't notice his cell phone was missing and go back to the "smoke bomb" scene and retrieve incriminating evidence?).

  6. That woman connected to the White House: body found in flaming car in her garage, she "crashed" in her garage and the car blew up, a garage she pulled in and out of how many times: hundreds if not thousands?

  7. Ever hear of someone in your ENTIRE LIFE "crashing in their garage" and their car exploding into a flaming ball and dying?

    Ever hear of someone putting "smoke bombs" in their neighbors house to drive them out of town? In your entire life?

    I didn't.

    Ever hear of robber(s) robbing someone, letting them go, then murderer(s) murdering him? Then burglars breaking in his house? All at the same time?

    I didn't.

  8. How about THIS one: don't forget to bring your CELL PHONE while you're sneaking around quietly "planting smoke bombs" in your neighbors' house. You don't want to miss any LOUD CALLS while you're there.

  9. Let's see, start the car, I've pulled out of my garage a thousand times, and put it in reverse, and............

    ........MY CAR BLEW UP! I DIED!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. How about he gets back after "planting smoke bombs".

    I can't find my phone. Let's see, where was I recently?

  11. Reality: IF he "planted smoke bombs", the SECOND he realizes his cell phone is missing, HE GOES RUNNING OUT OF HIS MIND BACK TO THE HOUSE TO RETRIEVE IT...like ANY NORMAL HUMAN BEING!!!!!! wtf?

  12. Listen: that's ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE that he left his cell phone at his neighbors' house. That's one of the BIGGEST BULLSHIT STORIES I ever heard in my life.

  13. "Let's forget about me helping you in the future while we forget we used to be relatives - in the past."

  14. My friend got a job at the White House and also got a job as a lobbyist for an energy company, after leaving the staff of a Democratic rep. In an unrelated event, just yesterday his car blew up in his garage in a "low speed crash".

  15. What if I told you that? You'd never believe another word I said the rest of my life.

  16. Re: the cell phone - here's one intelligent spook who knows full-well his cell phone IS a GPS tracking device - and that the government has perfect knowledge and access to the phone user's every move. Not only does he know it - he's part of the machinery that enabled it.

    Sure, he took his cell phone to a crime scene of his own creation. You bet.

    And oh, by the way, he left it there too.

    The government reveals their direct role in his assassination with every new and more far-fetched STORY they float.

  17. And then guys like that James Fallows fellow say the non-"real media" reports are "far fetched"!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. The Vice Agent of the Oligarchs reveals the disreality doublespeak:

    WASHINGTON -- Vice President Biden told reporters at a press conference in Kabul on Tuesday that the United States is willing to stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014 if the Afghans want the assistance, seeming to depart from comments he made last month that U.S. forces would be out by that time "come hell or high water."

    Speaking after meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Biden said that the United States was there to help the Afghan people build their nation -- not be an occupying force. "[W]e stand ready to help you in that effort," said Biden. "And we will continue to stand ready to help you in that effort after 2014."

  19. Actually the media will invent a new category for that new form of "accident" -

    The "No-Speed Crash"

  20. Elisebeth Hasselbeck and Bill O'Reilly denounce REALITY:




    If we're being honest with ourselves, we in the media understand that our job descriptions do not entirely overlap with the requirements of good citizenship. If you're in a marriage, or are a parent or living with parents, or have brothers or sisters or close friends, when you argue over a difficult issue, you don't just take out all the weaponry in your arsenal and blast away. In the interests of preserving the relationship, and because you respect and love the other person as a human being, you argue as politely and respectfully as possible. And your goal in arguing is always to fix the actual problem -- there's no other, ulterior motive.

    That's just not the case in either journalism (and I should know-- more on that momentarily) or politics. In politics, you don't need to treat everyone with decency and humanity, just 51% of the crowd. Actually, given that half or less than half of all people don't vote, the percentage of people who require basic decency and indulgence is probably even lower than that, maybe 20-25% of the population. There's plenty of power and money to be won by skillfully stimulating public anger against some or all of the rest, and there are few rewards for restraint.

    This idea of "skillfully stimulating public anger" has been a long-held prong of the right-wing strategy. Call it "stochastic terrorism" or media manipulation. Whatever it is, Eric Heubeck spelled it out in a Free Congress Foundation essay in 2001.

    "We will maintain a constant barrage of criticism against the Left. We will attack the very legitimacy of the Left. We will not give them a moment's rest. We will endeavor to prove that the Left does not deserve to hold sway over the heart and mind of a single American. We will offer constant reminders that there is an alternative, there is a better way. When people have had enough of the sickness and decay of today’s American culture, they will be embraced by and welcomed into the New Traditionalist movement. The rejection of the existing society by the people will thus be accomplished by pushing them and pulling them simultaneously."

    The principles in this essay are foundational to the teachings of Morton Blackwell's Leadership Institute which churns out young conservative soldiers at an alarming rate, and it is clearly framed in violent, warlike terms, even summarizing their "movement" as one which "serve[s] as a force of social intimidation in its intermediate stage..

    We will use guerrilla tactics to undermine the legitimacy of the dominant regime. We will take advantage of every available opportunity to spread the idea that there is something fundamentally wrong with the existing state of affairs.

  22. The institutionalized radicalization of people against society is legal why? This is no different from these Madrassa examples which were said to be the cause of the fomentation of anger against the United States under the banner of "They hate us for our freedoms." Does it really matter what flavor of hate and division we are describing? Why is it legal in the United States to teach hatred of the majority of US Citizens, and to subsequently deploy the media tactically for the purpose of dividing the nation against itself under false pretense?

    Where did the FCC go? Where did the ATF go? Who leads these institutions? What are their names? Note: There has been no head of the ATF since 2006, and thanks to the lobbying and legislation bought and paid for by the NRA - never will be.

    Who are the individuals responsible for neutering the institutional checks and balances that once existed within the government structure? The Kochs, Rockefellers et. al. are behind this treasonous betrayal of our society's desire to live in peace and harmony. They foment hate and war for profit and control. Follow the money that passes through the media machine, and there you will find evidence of Treason.


    School for Scoundrels:more on the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, Va.
    July 17, 2008 — stopthemadrassa

    School for Scoundrels
    Cal Thomas
    Thursday, July 17, 2008

    Despite a report by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom that the Islamic Saudi Academy in Alexandria, Va., has continued to use textbooks that teach hatred of everyone not of their specific brand of faith, the U.S. State Department has yet to act to close down the school. Officials of the academy, which has about 1,000 students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12, promised to excise passages in the textbooks that disparage Jews and Christians, but according to an examination by The Washington Post for the 2006-2007 school year, though “much of the controversial material had been removed, at least one book still contained passages that extolled jihad and martyrdom, called for victory over one’s enemies and said the killing of adulterers and apostates was ‘justified.’”


    A madrassa is an Islamic religious school. Many of the Taliban were educated in Saudi-financed madrassas in Pakistan that teach Wahhabism, a particularly austere and rigid form of Islam which is rooted in Saudi Arabia. Around the world, Saudi wealth and charities contributed to an explosive growth of madrassas during the Afghan jihad against the Soviets. During that war (1979-1989), a new kind of madrassa emerged in the Pakistan-Afghanistan region -- not so much concerned about scholarship as making war on infidels. The enemy then was the Soviet Union, today it's America. Here are analyses of the madrassas from interviews with Vali Nasr, an authority on Islamic fundamentalism, and Richard Holbrooke, former U.S.




    So when you the pundit start admitting to being wrong, and forgiving your enemies, and questioning yourself, and making your message that even people with views different from your own are thinking, feeling human beings who deserve your respect -- well, none of those things tend to help you keep your market share. What does win market share is bashing the living fuck out of people your audiences love to hate (and most of the time, it's you who've trained them to hate those people). That's just a fact, and anyone in this business who's honest with himself knows that. That's why Rush Limbaugh can't come on the air today and start telling his Dittoheads that his whole career isn't serious at all but rather a schtick, a thing he does to make money, and that while he maybe does believe some of the things he says, most of the venom is a wholly fictional additive, that the liberals he spends all day implying to you are not really human and don't love their country are citizens just like you, who in reality want all the same things for themselves and their children that you do. He can't do that, because it would be professional suicide for him to say so.

    Is it ever right to just wind up and let someone have it with all you've got? That's a question that I think has to be asked. It's certainly possible that we've all become too used to unrestrained rhetoric as a form of entertainment, and people like me live right in the middle of the guilt parabola there. Most all of us are grownups and can handle extreme argument, but clearly some people are not, and obviously I'm not just talking about Jared Loughner.

    To see that, all you have to do is attend almost any family gathering, where once-loving relationships have been completely lost because of the overheated right-left culture war. If real family relationships are being lost to this kind of political debate, if someone on TV can reach into your living room and break up your family without knowing anything about you or even knowing that you exist, that tells us that this mechanized mass-media rhetoric has been almost unimaginably successful at dehumanizing whole classes of people.


    But identifying and proving the truth about those unspoken messages is difficult to impossible, and it's going to be denied in the usual quarters, which shouldn't surprise anyone. Moreover, even asserting that that hidden agenda exists will inevitably elicit a paranoid response that might exacerbate the situation. So I'm not sure what needs to be done. A good start, though, might be for all of us in the media business to admit that this might be on us, that the built-in professional incentives in our field are often wrong for society, and that we should at least start talking about what we need to do to change that.

  24. From new report on Delawareonline, the first mention I've seen of a witness seeing someone flee the smokebomb scene:

    Alan Brown, the state's chief deputy fire marshal, said this week that around 11:30 p.m. on Dec. 28, a neighbor saw smoke coming from the partially constructed home owned by Frank and Regina Marini that is directly across the street from Wheeler's home.

    "The neighbor saw an unknown person running away after they turned their light on, and then called 911," Brown said.

    Two teenagers were picked up by police around that time in nearby Battery Park with unlit Roman candles, but they were later released and not charged, according to attorney Mike Modica, who is representing one of the minors.

    Modica said the boys did not know Wheeler and had no connection to the incident.

    Damage was estimated at about $1,000 and Brown said there were identifying numbers on the devices and investigators were tracing who may have purchased them. The office declined to comment further Wednesday.

    Continue reading on Examiner.com: John Wheeler case: Wheeler search warrants sealed - What does it mean? - National Criminal Profiles | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/criminal-profiles-in-national/john-wheeler-case-wheeler-search-warrants-sealed-what-does-it-mean#ixzz1AudwpT21

  25. "hunting down progressives" (Glenn Beck),

    "We need to execute people like John Walker in order to physically intimidate liberals, by making them realize that they can be killed, too. Otherwise, they will turn out to be outright traitors." (Ann Coulter)

    "I tell people don't kill all the liberals. Leave enough so we can have two on every campus - living fossils - so we will never forget what these people stood for" (Rush Limbaugh)

  26. In the Coulter quote above, she actually condones the premeditated killing of those who might someday become traitors.

    Speaking of Coulter, why has she disappeared from TV? Where is Michele Bachmann? When was the last five-day stretch when she was completely out of the news?

    Who makes the decisions to put these women on TV, or not? Who makes the decision to run them as Presidential Candidates, or not?
