Sarah Palin: Winner Of The 2010 Glenn Beck Misinformer Of The Year Award
Off The Rails: The Year In Fox News Misinformation
Leaked Memos Show Fox News Bias Is Different?
FOX "news" Rightwing noise machine attacks black Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick (that's "news"):
But everyone forgets, Rush Limbaugh attacked Philadelphia Eagles black quarterback Dononvan McNabb a few years ago during ESPN's short-lived experiment of having Limbaugh as a "sports analyst"...or should I say "color analyst". They immediately gave him the "Bum's Rush" and shit-canned him right after this:
And here's more: FUCKER CARLSON of FOX "news": Michael Vick should've been EXECUTED -
FOX "news" Tucker Carlson: Michael Vick should have been executed
Uncle Ruckus with Ronald Reagan in 'WHITE HEAVEN' -
Here's all you need to know about the so-called (falsely) "liberal media": NYTimes Judith Miller, who LIED us into the Iraq War as a Bush/Pentagon plant, lands a job at rightwing "news" site:
Judith Miller lands at rightwing news site NewsMax.
Jailbird serial liar Judith Miller will now be LYING for NewsMax, you rightwingers must LOVE your "news" reporters, like Judith Miller, Rush Limbaugh, Fucker Carlson, bunch of DOPES!!!!!!!!
SOURCEWATCH: Miller played a key role in promoting both U.S. wars against Iraq, while at the "liberal" (lol) NYTimes.
Get Your War On: Dominating the News Cycle
Study: Conservatives have larger ‘fear center’ in brain
Rightwing Radio: BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH -
Ruling Kleptocracy: $1 earned = $10 debt
Keiser Report: Bank of America Sucks & Blows
Traitorous, Treasonous, Un-American U.S. companies creating MILLIONS OF JOBS...OVERSEAS! NOT HERE!
U.S. Can’t Account for Billions Spent in Afghanistan
America in Decline: Why Germans Think We're Insane. A look at our empire in decline through the eyes of the European media.
Why Is It So Cold? Should the Big Freeze Alter Our Approach to Climate Change?
From Snowstorms to Heat Waves, How Global Warming Causes Extreme Weather and Climate Instability
Gallery Patrons Ejected Over Gaza Flotilla T-Shirts
US declined to investigate suspected Mossad assassination, cable shows
Counter-terror ‘expert’ tells cops: Kill militant Muslims, ‘including children’
Israel's Mossad Chief To Apologize For Use Of UK Passports In Dubai Assassination
Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish tells the story of the death of his daughters during the Israeli attack on Gaza
Victim Of Israeli Military Fights Back
Finkelstein: recent rash of books with the subject "The New Anti-Semitism" aren't "new" and usually preceed Israel about to commit a War Crime and portraying themselves as "the victim" -
Get Your War On: The Surge
Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?
Former Israeli officials in the U.S. government
Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11, "our purpose was to document the event"
Falwell Confirms Lewinsky Affair Linked To Israeli Lobby Intrigue
Mossad: RSA Security & Ptech Run US Govt Computers
Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?
Jane's Addiction
Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know
Israeli Mossad Involvement in 9/11
The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?
FOX news 4 part investigative series into Israeli spy rings in the U.S., scrubbed from their site, but available on youtube
The following scientific news on the 9/11 inside job, which is ignored by the controlled mainstream media who participated in pushing the knowingly FALSE story, is the reason why they have to keep FAKE "terror" stories constantly in the "news", like the "woman in a burqa" story, to keep the MYTH alive that "muslims did 9/11". They have to do this, or their participation will be discovered. The truth of 9/11 also goes hand in hand with the truth of the mainstream media's role in it.
DEUTSCH-Niels Harrit-Chemiker - 9/11 "official" story isn't scientifically possible; scientific evidence of controlled demolition expolosives: ALL scientists (thousands & growing) say the "official" 9/11 story shoved down our throats by TV & politicians is NOT TRUE -
Architect Richard Gage: it was controlled demolition -
WTC7 47 story skyscraper on 9/11 NOT hit by a plane, experienced controlled demolition:
Big Dan's Big 9/11 LINKS: Do your OWN research, because the mainstream media was in on it, you won't find help there!
Hey, it's more believable than if they'd used seven bombers to kill one guy. You need to consider it from the perspective of Relative Reality.
ReplyDeleteNotice how THEY keep moving the bar up into the stratosphere of ridiculous, in order to ensure that claims that are only mildly ridiculous seem plausible by comparison.
This is social engineering. RAND does not want any of us to have an anchor in actual reality. I suspect they've written down somewhere what was all REAL before they started moving society into this altered state, in a parallel universe of their creation.
Remember the quote about "discernible reality?" That came directly from someone who read it in a RAND document - to be sure. The extent to which this degree of brainwashing and propaganda is illegal is OFF THE CHARTS.