Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Why wasn't Michelle Malkin dispatched to Tennessee yet???

"webster" makes the cut on Big Dan's rightwing media character picture!!!

(NOTE: in my famous rightwing media character picture, the "hall of shame", in the lower right, I replaced WILK's Steve Corbett with the much MUCH worse new WILK character, ex-classic rock jock and forehead-challenged "webster"...he joins the other rightwing propaganda lunatics...I'm thinking of expanding this picture by 3...candidates are Charles Krauthammer...there's plenty to choose from..."webster" should be flattered to make the cut...he made the local bottom row...maybe someday he'll get a promotion to FOX "news"...right now he's content on FOX "news" Jr WILK...I'm sure the rightwing GOON squad will dispatch Michelle Malkin to the scene to spy on this poor guy and accuse him of burning his house down on purpose...)

Here's what "conservatism" is all about: VOTE REPUBLICAN:

"Right-wing writers at the conservative movement’s bulkhead magazine, The National Review, defended the county and argued that firefighting should not be a public service available to all, regardless of ability to pay. Now, yet another major conservative has joined the defense. On his radio show this afternoon, leading right-wing talker Glenn Beck and his producer Pat Gray openly mocked the Cranick family."

Rightwing media/pundits FOR guy's house burning down because he didn't pay $75!!!

What's going on? Why didn't the FOX "news" emergency helicopter immediately fly rightwing media GOON SQUAD member Michelle Malkin down to the Cranick family's burnt down house in Tennessee to harass and spy on them and accuse them of purposely setting their house on fire?

Graeme Frost: What Would You Do If This Was Snooping Around Your House? (Updated)

Fallout from the activist conservative Supreme Court's Citizen's United decision:

Undisclosed Campaign Spending Up Five-Fold From 2006; Dems Outgunned 7 to 1 With Secret Money

Interest-group spending for midterm up fivefold from 2006; Republicans outspend Democrats 7-to-1

Calif. anti-climate campaign got virtually all its money from three oil companies asks DOJ to investigate Chamber’s funding

Erosion of Freedom: EU and CCTV threat to UK privacy?


  1. A few years back something similar happened here. The house was on the border between tow fire districts. Both fire departments showed up and the argued over whose jurisdiction it was in as the house burned to the ground.

    Fuck, save the house then decide!

  2. Re Facebook - my concern is about one's computer being taken over to launch spam attacks, spread trojans and viruses, and turn your computer into a bot. Sure, you're protected from ID theft if you don't have any sensitive information on your computer, but how many people use their computers to access bank accounts etc. One online purchase can leave info in there some hacker can find.

    Just last night we received a phone call from Wells Fargo fraud division. It turns out someone had hacked my wife's ATM card - the credit portion but not here PIN number fortunately. It alerted the bank when she made a purchase here and then 10 minutes later someone in the LA area, over 400 miles away, bought $230 worth of stuff at Fredricks of Hollywood. The bank people said it got hacked during an on-line purchase and that they are seeing a lot of it.

    The bank put a hold her card as soon as they saw it. She had tried to use the card after that and it was declined, we figured it was wore out or something until we got the phone call.

    We've now opened an account specifically for online payments so they can't access our main account. We pay utility bills on-line as well as flea medicine for the dogs and occasional concert tickets.

  3. See? Your wife got hacked NOT on FaceBook. FaceBook is perfectly safe. (I'm just kidding!)

    And I think YOUR WIFE was actually buying the Fredricks of Hollywood stuff, and YOU are in for a REAL TREAT tonight!!!!!!,r:2,s:0

  4. "judge" Judge Talmadge Littlejohn of Mississippi........ know this is gonna be good!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Miss. judge jails attorney for not reciting pledge

  5. Where do you think a sentence that begins with: "Judge Telmadge Littlejohn of Mississippi" is going????????????????

  6. Kurt_O [Moderator] Yesterday 09:53 PM

    I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the transnational Zionist mafia shadow government of Merika

    And to the unconscionably ruthless, perpetual criminal imperial expansionism, for which it stands

    One fascist nation, under transnational Zionist mafia tyranny, divided by class

    With liberty and privilege, exclusively for the connected wealthy corporate power elite.
