Sunday, October 3, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Oct 3, 2010

Pentagon Pundits on TV

Did you notice that almost daily I provide proof that the mainstream media is corrupted/usurped, and in actuality works for: the military industrial complex war profiteers, corporations, and the wealthy? And it's a SHAM that it's "liberal"? Here's another one:

"Two CBS affiliates have been helping train US Army psychological operations soldiers"

Local news stations training psychological ops soldiers: report

Army embeds active-duty PSYOPS soldiers at local TV stations

America's #1 enemy: the mainstream media -

Noam Chomsky proves the mainstream media isn't "liberal"; it in fact works for: the military industrial complex war profiteers, corporations, and the wealthy:

FLASHBACK: Pentagon Pundits - Blinded By The Right

Weeks after the New York Times (4/20/08) broke the story that the Pentagon had been feeding talking points to TV military analysts, the broadcast TV networks have remained conspicuously silent about the issue.


  1. Question from friend about the campus shooting:

    But what would their goal be ? Are they thinking long term ? Maybe have all kinds of problems w/ guns so they can later ban them.. Setting the stage for a civil war. I still can't figure this one out. Trust me, I know problem, reaction, solution.. but what does giving guns to college kids have to do w/ their idea for their "new world" ?


  2. 'Innocent' Wall Street? Banks & companies 'clever in dishonesty'

  3. What Should Progressives Do Now?

  4. But I have a question about the Rick Sanchez thing: could the whole thing have been staged? We've seen that before.

  5. Also, and I've posted this since the start: it's really weird the way this Rick Sanchez thing isn't getting the attention ANYWHERE that it deserves. In fact, it's getting so little attention, I keep forgetting about it. Weird. Anyone else think that's weird?


  7. Yes, causing the entire population to take up arms is the PROBLEM. The Reaction is to deputize citizens into the government's "spy on your neighbors" program, and "armed civilian patrols" program. This leads to civilian on-civilian shoot-out - and yes, a different form of civil war (the truthers vs. the propagandized kool-aid drinkers). The Solution is to make private gun ownership illegal - while blaming the civilians for their own misbehavior.

  8. Glenn Beck "restoring america" tour starts out by selling 700 seats in an 8,000 seat arena:

  9. Britain held secret war talks with U.S. general 11 months before Iraq invasion

    Read more:

  10. Guatemala sex study linked to Alabama syphilis experiment on black men

  11. This guy is nuts:

    Rand Paul: Retirement age may need to be raised

  12. Just like the FAKE Bin Laden videos, there is an entire production department of CIA/Mossad/MI, etc. that literally stages and manufactures events to sway public opinion. 9/11 was just their largest "event." Clearly, it was scripted and stage-managed. They wanted to do it in broad daylight for maximum visual impact. They delayed the second strike long enough to ensure that all networks would be broadcasting the second tower-impact, live.

    Any actual enemy would have ensured simultaneous impacts on both towers, right? I mean there is no way in the world you would wait and allow defenses to take positions prior to the second impact. No way.

    Terror Productions Incorporated!

  13. These are the subversive actions of a SHADOW government - set on creating a police state, through propaganda and subversion of groups whose only agenda is defending the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights:

    Read what Rhodes says his organization is about before forming your opinion about the Oath Keepers. Rhodes:

    "We received very reliable info from a federal law enforcement officer that the political powers that be in Washington DC are not at all happy with our mission of outreaching to the current serving military and police about their oath (wow, what a surprise), so the marching orders have come down for at least one federal agency to “make Oath Keepers look like a militia – like the Hutaree.” Of course Oath Keepers is not a militia – we are not organizing an armed body of men “to take on the government” as has been alleged by corporate media talking heads. Instead, we are an association of police, military, firefighters, and first responders who are using our First Amendment protected right to free speech to reach out to other active duty police, military and first responders, reminding them of their oath and teaching them more about the Constitution they swore to defend. We encourage them to consider the constitutionality of any orders they receive while serving here on American soil, and we encourage them to refuse to follow orders that would violate the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights. And that’s all we do."

    After you read that, ask yourself: Do you consider an organization that dedicates itself to preserving the freedoms of the American people as more harmful to your society, and a greater insult to the dignity of mankind, than a government that denies children of a particular nation the basics of human life, and arrogantly attacks the sovereignty of other countries? What is more prominent on your moral radar - what do you look out for as a threat to your security and liberty and your humanity- criminal acts by your government, or the opinions of your fellow citizens that run counter to the current leaders in your society?

    I know where I stand, and it is not with the tyrants and state criminals of this world. The only authority that I recognize is moral authority, which Washington D.C. abandoned long ago.

    Here is a quick reminder from the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics about why force alone is not enough to make a government legitimate, and credible, and why a government must always maintain its word with its citizens if it wants to be obeyed, and respected:

    "The authority of a state can neither be measured nor justified by the material force which it has at its command to enforce obedience. Force is no remedy, nor can it win the loyalty of the governed. Without loyalty the exercise of authority is hindered, confined, rendered ineffective. It makes no difference in the final issue whether power is exercised by a king or by the citizens themselves; for, if it is exercised unworthily, it casts a blight on the flower of loyalty, which is essential to the full exercise of authority. Briefly, it may be said that the State is an ethical institution, and while material force is needed, yet the exercise of that force is conditioned by the fact that it must always be exercised for the good of the community, and in the interests of the higher values. Authority and loyalty must go hand in hand in every State which is worthy of the name." (From Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, Part 3, written by James Hastings, and edited John A. Selbie: pp. 251-252).

    Loyalty in the U.S. government to the constitution, and to the American people is non-existent. U.S. leaders are not loyal to the citizens they claim to represent, not even to those in the military who have sacrificed so much. Instead of nurturing, and taking care of the soldiers that fight its wars, the criminal powers in Washington abandons them, and lets them rot.

  14. Protectionism, disguised as protection from terrorism.

    Keeping would-be US travelers from traveling to Europe (using fear tactics) results in more travelers visiting US resorts, cruises, etc.

    Terror is ALL state sponsored - and now the US is deploying the threat of it as an economic weapon against the Euro

  15. Positions of the judgeships,.. legal/attorney,.. and legislative branches of our society are heavily occupied by people of Jewish ethnic extraction. Control of the media propaganda machines and political machines permits one to "lord" over a society - with favorable results enjoyed by their specific causes and agendas.
