Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Big Dan's Big News June 9, 2010

Colbert shows Obama how to rough up the head of BP:

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Oil's Well That Never Ends
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

Witness Overhears Deepwater Manager: 'The Rig's On Fire! I Told You This Was Gonna Happen!'

How George Bush, Joe Barton, Dick Cheney and Tom DeLay Caused the Gulf Oil Spill and Made Sure BP Will Never Be Held Accountable

Unabashedly pro-oil policies and permissive regulatory environment created during the Bush administration set the stage for Cheney’s Katrina—the BP oil catastrophe.

Flashback: Cheney's secret energy meetings.

FLASHBACK: Bush administration's subversion of the EPA (Interactive): See an exclusive video interview with Stephen L. Johnson, interactive graphics, and background materials.

FLASHBACK: MMS - Probe Uncovers Oil Industry-Linked Bribery, Sex, Drug Abuse at Interior Dept.

The ties that bind. Remember Rahm Emanuel's rent-free D.C. apartment? The owner: A BP adviser

In apparent lie, BP continues to deny existence of huge oil plumes

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - P.R.-mageddon
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorFox News

EXCELLENT SLIDESHOW: Gulf disaster in pictures.

BP knows the flow rate of the oil

To determine the flow rate of the oil, you need to know three things:

(1) The velocity of the material coming out of the BOP

(2) The ratio of gas to oil

(3) The diameter of the exit orifice

BP very likely measured (1) when the riser was removed, creating a single leak atop the BOP, where a flow sensor could have been positioned. The gas/oil ratio (2) has been determined on the surface by the flaring and oil capture processing operation. The BOP pipe diameter (3) has been known from the start.

Thus one can conclude that BP is suppressing accurate information about the magnitude of oil leakage into the GOM in order to protect its profitability and institutional survival. This behavior is contrary to the public interest, and the refusal of the Obama administration to demand this information confirms that corporations dominate our society, both on Wall Street and in the energy sector.

The most important information has been suppressed

Massey mine protest:

Most Freedom Flotilla survivors describe how Israeli Defense Force treated the activists aboard the Freedom Flotilla as an appalling act of piracy, but if one gets their news from the mass media, like many Americans, they would think otherwise. The Israeli PR machine has done everything possible to portray themselves as the victims of an attack by activists armed with ?clubs? and ?knives;? however, secret video chips have circulated images of activists using their Gaza-bound humanitarian aid to administer medical assistance to Israeli commandos wounded by their own aggressive assault. Despite what may seem obvious about a battle on the high seas pitting Israeli commandos against weaponless activists, the Israeli PR machine is destroying activsts? cameras and recording equipment in order to manipulate the events in their favor. Retired U.S Military Colonel and U.S. State Department Official, now anti-war activist and Freedom Flotilla survivor Ann Wright joins us in studio to give us a first hand account of what really happened during the Freedom Flotilla raid.

Kidnapped by Israel and Abandoned by Britain

How come this entire time, no one told us Orly Taitz was from Israel???

Funny it comes out now, that birther queen Orly Taitz is from Israel and backed by Israeli groups!!!

In Defense of Helen Thomas

Convoy Guards in Afghanistan Face an Inquiry

Mexico asks for probe into teen's shooting death by U.S. border agent. The teen's death was the second at the hands of U.S. border authorities in less than two weeks.

She was looking to marry a fat, lying, bald drug addict with a HUGE head...who happens to be filthy rich.

Rage Against The Machine "Testify"


  1. Local auto parts dealer swears by the 'water cure'

  2. Think tank: Neocons’ influence remains strong under Obama

  3. Move here,..

    Mystery Crop Damage Threatens Hundreds Of Acres

  4. Speaks volumes,..

  5. The "News"


  7. Those readings suggest that a large plume, probably consisting of hydrocarbons from the leak, stretches through the deep ocean for at least 15 miles west of the gushing oil well, Dr. Joye said. The top of the plume is about 3,600 feet below the sea surface; the plume is three miles wide and as thick as 1,500 feet in spots, she said.

    The University of South Florida researchers found an even larger plume stretching northeast of the oil well, with the hydrocarbons separated into two distinct layers in the ocean. One layer is about 1,200 feet below the surface, and the other is 3,000 feet deep, the scientists said.

    The government’s confirmation of subsea oil plumes is significant in part because BP has denied that such plumes existed, and NOAA itself had previously been cautious in interpreting the preliminary results from Dr. Joye’s group.

    “The oil is on the surface,” Tony Hayward, BP’s chief executive, said last week. “There aren’t any plumes.”

  8. Ya,

    Now Nestle and Coca Cola will trademark it and sell it for $2.95 per 16 ounce portions in plastic bottles which leach Antimony into it.

  9. And then the damn thing won't post the name I give in it, instead it posts the first part of my email address!

  10. well that was supposed to be above

  11. What exactly is wrong with the comments?

  12. Let me go into Discus and see if I see anything.

  13. I'M GOIN' IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. See if you have trouble now. Did you change your email recently BB2?

    Actually, I believe I wrote you an email and it was returned recently.

  15. Eat was me - raging against this friggin comment system!

  16. Bb2sayathisisapieceoshitJune 9, 2010 at 9:48 PM

    It is still doing it - I was at work before, home now.

    Up until today it has always remembered me. Now each time I have to comment it makes me fill out my email address and automatically assigns my name based on the part of my email address before the @ sign.

    It allows me to change the name in a box before I post my comment, but when I post it it still uses the name it assigned.

    This truly sucks!

  17. IguessthatonewastoolongJune 9, 2010 at 9:50 PM

    see what I mean - I can write whatever i want in the "Insert a valid email address" box and it gives my name based on that

  18. WhyhavetheydonethistomeJune 9, 2010 at 9:51 PM

    wrote a paragraph as an address - that one didn't work

  19. BB2hopestheyfixitJune 9, 2010 at 9:53 PM

    Hope they fix this tomorrow!

  20. BB2canthackthisnowbyebyeJune 9, 2010 at 9:54 PM

    See you tomorrow - BB2

  21. Check which address you are using - if you had the sbcglobal one - that one is no good anymore. Just change the sbcglobal part to - the rest is still the same.

  22. I was emailing 99:

    99 and Bluebear should join facebook. You two are tailor made for facebook. Fuck who knows your personal information. The govt knows it already.

    Facebook needs 99 and bluebear to put what's on their blogs on facebook and SPREAD!!!!!! And link your facebook to your blogs. You'd get huge followings, I see lots of people doing that. It's not just bimbos on facebook. Len Hart is on facebook going WILD spreading information. You two should. I do the same thing on facebook I do here, spread information.

  23. COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JOIN FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's fun, too!!!

    And Z, too, join facebook. We could have a nucleus on facebook.

    YOU GUYS FORSOOKED ME BY NOT JOINING FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. You're leaving me alone out there on facebook with all the sharks.

  26. I wonder why it's not doing it to anyone else???

  27. OK, this is Big Dan, I logged out and made a comment to see what happens.

  28. It took the part to the left of the @ sign as my name, from my email.

    And when I hit "post as", it makes me fill out the whole thing again every time I comment.

  29. So you see now what I am talking about!

  30. You can use a throwaway email and just put in whatever bogus name & info you want to make up about yourself - if you're worried about privacy, don't give them a thing!
    but there was myspace, now there is facebook, i can envision something better coming along before too long...
