Sunday, June 20, 2010

Big Dan's Big News June 20, 2010

Be nice to America. Or we'll bring democracy to your country!

Obama Administration Keeping Blackwater Armed and Dangerous in Afghanistan

Blackwater-connected firm gets $100m+ Afghan security contract

Is Blackwater's Erik Prince Moving to the United Arab Emirates?

Will the Late June Gaza Flotilla Result in Another Israeli Invasion of Lebanon?

McChrystal faces 'Iraq' moment - McChrystal confronts the specter of a collapse of United States political support for the war

American Crusaders: Christian Nationalism after 9/11

BP ‘burning sea turtles alive’

BP Payout Is Less Than 12% of Claims Filed, Government Report Says

Black History Month:

Subliminal Sex Messages - Disney Cartoons & Advertisements

Dante Bucci - Evolution (on "hang drum")

Jane's Addiction - Jane Says (Hammerstein Ballroom)


  1. Morgan freeman solves the race problem.

  2. Why does Joe Lieberman always surface in the "news", with anything like this, as if they only go to him for opinions on things like this:

    Lieberman tells Web users to ‘relax’ about ‘kill switch’

    You never see: "Bernie Sanders on the kill switch"...ever notice that? ALWAYS Joe Lieberman!!!!!!!!! And everyone hates him!!!!!!

  3. Well done, Lord Vader:

    Newlywed couple: Officer blocked us from ER during bride's stroke

  4. Lieberdouche = Droopy dog.
